On the new release of laravel 5.7, what additional important features are advantageous?
We all are aware of the benefits of Laravel web framework which is created before 7 years from now in June 2011. Since then and till now, it is the most popular PHP web framework on which people love to work enhance their technical skills. It is based on the MVC architecture that works on the model, view and controller strategy. Because of this framework, developers and clients are more attracted towards the Laravel framework. The first version of the 1.0 was released in the June 2011 and the latest version of Laravel development came in this year February. And now, in this August the latest version of Laravel 5.7 came which is very useful for the developers as well as it helps to meet the client’s requirement as per their needs. As said, the bug fixes of the framework will be done by February next year and the security base will be fixed by August 2019.
Laravel maintain a scheme for the release of the project. The major launching of the framework always done biannually that means every six months and the minor releases made at almost every week that doesn’t impact any background breaking changes. As we know that every latest development comes up with few advancements than the previous one. That proves that 5.7 has something in it different from another framework.
Let’s have a look at some advanced features of Laravel 5.7
Verifying an Email: In Laravel 5.7, we will be able to access new features that are known as email verification. If you will add email_verified_at timestamp column on the user’s table migration which is associated with the framework itself then you can count the email as well. It has mustvarifiyEmail interface which suggests the new user go for email verification. All of these features are newly established.
Guest User Gates: In the previous version of Laravel the application don’t allow any unauthorized person to access it. But in the 5.7, it allows users an optional type hint to allow them to go through authentication checks.
Pagination Links: Now with the Laravel 5.7, you can be having three pagination links on each side which will allow you to control the number of pagination links on each side of the page. You can handle this event with a new feature on Laravel 5.7 on each side().
URL Generator with callable Syntax: The main purpose of adding this new features is that you can control each event by adding the URLs. In the earlier version, we had
$url = action ( ‘BlogController@index’ ) ; $url = action ( ‘BlogController@view’ , [ ‘id’ => 1] ) ;
And presently it is, Use App\Http\Controller\HomeController ; $url = action { [ BlogController :: class, ‘index’] ); $url = action { [ BlogController :: class , ‘view’ ] , [ ‘id’ => 1 ] } ; Error message improvement: Latest Laravel 5.7 allow us to detect errors with better scope in the application.
Notification Localization: Laravel 5.7 allows you to available the functionality to send the notification to a local rather than the current language. When you format the locale method into the desired language, it will convert in the locale method and then after it will automatically come into the previous locale.
Symfony dump server: The symfony dump server is very useful in debugging an error in the app. Whenever any error hinders you in performing any task, the symfony dump server command supported by Laravel 5.7 is very useful.
Laravel Nova: Laravel Nova is the main and most important feature introduced by the development team. Nova has the very beautiful dashboard for the laravel development. You can run it on the existing project as well.
Wrapping up We have seen the features comparison in between Laravel version 5.6 and 5.7 that has shown us the importance of the latest version of Laravel via its advanced features and functionality. Thus, we can see that how it makes our task much easier in comparison with previous versions.