Need To Know About Payment Gateway Integration in Flutter
In Today’s era, we live online shopping, online stores all become integral and competition becomes more tough day by day hence the e-commerce business owners are moving to opt for other methods to succeed.
Payment Gateway Integration: By the word Payment Gateway Integration which means applying these to the application makes buying/selling things easier for sellers and users both and here consumer can avail services like booking tickets online, do payments online by just one click, and buying items. For the users who want to sell their products online internationally for these kinds of businesses, mobile app payment is fundamental. Hence every mobile application has integrated with some or other payment gateway.
Payment Gateway Software: For any merchants mobile application or e-commerce website integrate electronic transactions for that is known as Payment Gateway Software as without this payment processing software any online transaction is not possible. These payment gateway software supports many popular and common financial systems which include American Express, MasterCard and Visa and also able to verify user’s data accurately and quickly. So by reading this, you must be aware that what a payment gateway integration is for, now let’s discuss how to integrate payment gateway with any mobile application for a better understanding we will take an example of Flutter App.
How To Integrate Payment Gateway In Flutter App? To do integration of payment gateway the knowledge of basic Java and to write platform-specific code require knowledge of swift and user have to do the same task twice as once for iOS and once for Android. If we take Flutter than to build an application using flutter is easy so to integrate payment gateway will be also easy hence we will take another approach for instamojo integration. The question is what is Instamojo? A free payment gateway in India that is 100% secure, does not require maintenance cost and setup cost and trusted by 600000+ Indian businesses. But instamojo do not provide a plugin for flutter hence to integrate instamojo in flutter app need to use any alternative method or platform channel.
To integrate payment gateway in flutter app all you need is instamojo API doc. Using the doc you can get answers to the following questions:
● Once payment request gets done by creating an HTTP request that includes details of user like Username, Email address, Phone number, Amount and Purpose of payment, etc. ● As the request get successful that means Email address and Phone number valid than after it redirects to the URL for taking payment. ● Once it takes to URL need to open it in webview and just select payment method and rest of the things get managed by the payment gateway server. As we are now aware that to integrate payment gateway some or other plugins are required to complete the integration. Here, I want you all to know about one of the most amazing plugins of flutter known as Flutter webview plugin.
If you need an application that has a secure payment flow in your website and you don’t want to reimplement the same payment functionality for mobile view or an app that can display a web page without opening a device’s browser than all you need is a cool plugin by flutter that allows to incorporate with webviews into flutter app that makes all the functionalities possible. As flutter webview plugin is just like any other widget that can easily incorporate the webview plugin into the app and makes it extremely simple. WebView(initialUrl: ‘‘)
With a javascriptMode parameter, you can enable or disable Javascript in your webview. By default, JavaScript in your WebView is disabled hence to enable the same you need to construct a webview like: WebView( initialUrl: ‘’, javascriptMode: JavascriptMode.unrestricted, ) To integrate payment gateway into flutter app all you need is a bit of coding and that’s it as after successful payment it redirects to Thank You screen or anything that is set as per user’s request.