Sotheby's Concierge Auctions | Buyer Onesheet Chinese

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Sotheby’s Concierge Auctions是全球最大的豪华房产交易市场,拥有90%以上的市场份额和全球最全面的高净值房产 赏家数据库。


我们深知传统房产模式存在局限性。我们将竭诚为您提供帮助。我们通过先进的数字营销、房产预览和竞拍平台, 匹配世 界各地的优质买家与卓越房产。每时每刻。

从外行到内行, 再到创新者与领导者。

我们的故事可追溯到2004年首席执行官Laura Brady与总裁Chad Roffers的相遇。凭借Chad在硅谷的经验和Laura在 Neiman Marcus从事企业零售, 担任顶级豪华房产代理和经纪人的经验, 他们走到了一起, 创造出更有效的方法来买卖全 球精品房产。

此后, 我们被世界领先的艺术品和奢侈品目的地苏富比和美国最大的全方位服务住宅房地产服务公司 Anywhere Real Estate, Inc 纽约证券交易所代码:HOUS)收购, 共同持有 80 % 兴趣。Sotheby’s Concierge Auctions 继续独立运 营, 与许多顶级经纪公司附属的房地产经纪人合作, 为其客户举办奢侈品拍卖会。

浏览和竞拍:24/7全天候 我们了解每一幢豪宅, 并且, 我们只选择最好的。确切地说, 我们的挑选比例是 20:1。结果是什么呢?买家将可以通过绝妙 的交易, 直接购买到全球最精选的房产。


• 直接获得卓越的交易体验

• 最先进的数字营销、房产预览和竞拍平台


“拍卖过程非常顺畅。我们能够提前好几次查看房产,从而在拍卖日准备好我们的开价。在那天,我们来到了一个举办鸡 尾酒会的房屋,气氛非常热烈,这让我们非常兴奋,因为我们也有可能在这里举办自己的酒会!看着竞拍价不断变化真 是让人振奋,当我们成功拿下后,每个人都在说恭喜,真心为我们感到高兴。感觉就像我们自己开了酒会。”

licensed and/or bonded in the U.S. state where the property to be auctioned is located. Concierge Auctions (in certain jurisdictions) and certain Concierge Auctions subsidiaries, employees, and representatives may possess real estate broker or salesperson licenses in various jurisdictions and may, in some circumstances, perform functions that may be deemed brokerage services, however, neither Concierge Auctions nor its agents, employees, and affiliates are acting as a broker in any capacity for any party in connection with this auction. Bidders must seek brokerage services or advice from their own real estate agents or professional advisers. Our brokerage licenses are held solely for compliance purposes to further our auctioneering services. Concierge Auctions, the Listing Agent, the seller of the property and their respective agents, employees, and affiliates do not represent, warrant, or guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information and shall have no liability for errors or omissions under any circumstances in this or any other property listings or advertising, promotional or publicity statements, and materials. This is not meant as a solicitation for listings or an offer to sell real property. Cooperating brokers are encouraged to participate as set forth in Concierge Auctions bidder terms and conditions.

开放参观人259 |参与人18 |竞拍人7 Concierge Auctions, LLC, (“Concierge Auctions”) is an auctioneer. Concierge Auctions’ principal address is 228 Park Avenue South, Suite 70835, New York, NY 10003, and its phone number is (212) 202-2940. If required, Concierge Auctions (or its representative) is registered,
— Charlyn Threadgill,买家

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