Sotheby's Concierge Auctions | Introductory Commission Onesheet

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Clients can now auction their premier real estate in the same way they auction other fine assets with Sotheby’s Introductory Commissions offered for seller referrals.

Overview: Best Suited Properties for Auction:

+ Global Presence: 46 US States & 36 Countries

+ Timeline: 60-Days from Engagement to Closing

+ Introductory Commission: 1% of Gavel Price

+ Ex 1: $5M Gavel Price = $50K Commission

+ Ex 2: $10M Gavel Price = $100K Commission

+ Value: $2.5M–$100M+

+ Type: Premier, one-of-a-kind properties

+ Market: Strong, multiple offers expected

+ Listing Period: Never listed or DOM=6+ months

+ Familiarity: Seller familiar with auctions


SELLERS: Sell your property in 60 days with unmatched reach, speed, and certainty.

+ Accelerated sale on defined timeline

+ Global marketing/reach

+ Dedicated auction team

+ State-of-the-art digital marketing, property preview, and bidding platform

+ Access to the most comprehensive database of HNW property connoisseurs


Use our platform as an additional tool for your high-end listings.

+ Protected commissions

+ Accelerated sale

+ Co-branded, award-winning marketing

+ Direct exposure to HNW global database

+ Dedicated support

+ Expanded pipeline

+ Referral opportunities

BUYERS: Use our platform as an additional tool for your high-end listings.

+ Curated inventory (1 in 20 selected)

+ Market value

+ Real-time offer transparency

+ Easy bidding and transaction


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