Concierge Auctions June/July Catalogue Issue 32

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OUR AGENT MARKETING STUDIO. O U R O N L I N E S T U D I O A L LOW S AG E N T S T H E A B I L I T Y TO CO B R A N D AWA R D - W I N N I N G P RO P E RT Y A N D AU C T I O N CO L L AT E R A L O N - D E M A N D AT C A M A R K E T I N G S T U D I O.CO M . Never lose a listing or miss bringing a buyer again. Premiere opportunities for your clients—and commissions for you, even for deals or transactions outside of your market. Our agent marketing studio includes property postcards and emails, and auction collateral—all of which can be cobranded, printed, or downloaded in a few easy steps. Property postcards can also be direct mailed, and your client mailing lists are kept private.

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