Concierge Auctions March/April Catalogue: Issue 29

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2 6 | LU X U RY H O M E S I N D E X

THE BIG QUESTION. H AV E Y O U A S K E D Y O U R S E L F, “ I F T H E M A R K E T I S S O H O T, W H Y I S N ’ T M Y P R O P E R T Y SELLING?” Findings from our luxury homes report analyzing the top sales in 56 of the hottest markets in the U.S. show luxury properties either sell quickly or linger on the market, ultimately selling at a significant discount. • How long did the most expensive properties take to sell? • Which markets are up and which markets are down? • Where does your market rank?

How does your property rank? Our fifth-annual Luxury Homes Index is out now. TO S I G N U P A N D R EC E I V E A CO M P L E T E CO PY O F O U R 2 0 2 1 LU X U RY H O M E S INDEX , CALL 212.984.3896 OR VISIT LUXURYHOMESINDEX.COM.

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