Discover the power of affirmations and the law of attraction

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Introduction Keeping positive thoughts is an essential skill needed when setting a goal. Having negative thoughts causes your brain to release chemicals that are directly connected with those thoughts. There is a consequent difference in chemical release between positive and negative thinking. A positive mind automatically brings happiness, good health, willpower, clear thinking, and so on. On the other end, a negative one will only bring self-doubt, depression, etc. Each time you see someone with an adamant, unbreakable confidence, walking into a room and you where can clearly see the confidence in this person’s posture and way of talking. Where do you think is the source of that confidence? Is it a pre-determined biological gift they received at birth? Is it the result of their parent constantly applauding each of their action? Did they receive daily compliment from other people or from being the most popular kid at school? Maybe, or maybe not. The real question is what came first: the confidence or the reality which gave this person the confidence?

Self-affirmations You too can develop confidence, eliminate self-doubt and over thinking to pave the way towards a happy and successful life. According to the law of attraction, what you think and feel, shape your reality. The power of self-affirmation is a skill that foster the ability to modify your eternal reality by first transforming your internal one. They can be in the form of encouraging sentences that you meditatively repeat to yourself. Saying these phrases at first may sound false or even silly, but constant repetition over time will only reward yourself. Hearing yourself telling daily positive affirmation contribute in reshaping your belief and opinion about yourself and the world around you. This reconditioning (or more sophistically called: conscious programming) give you a more positive perception of how you are and where you stand as an individual.

Remove your negativity in just 15 minutes a day


Here are some powerful affirmation that will change your life: 

You can do this, you can master anything you want in life.

You are the most confident person in any room you walk into.

You are the architect of your life; you are building the foundation and choose its contents

You have the confidence to instantly grasp any situation so that you remain the one in charge.

You can accomplish anything you set your mind into because your vision is always clear and focused.

You deserve the love you are given.

You are your own person and you do not have to change your beliefs or your values for anyone.

Every day you are becoming more self-confident.

Fear is only a feeling and it cannot hold you back.

You deserve to have the life you want to lead and you have the power to create any reality in which you desire to live in.

You are growing and changing for the better.

You love the person you are becoming.

You are worthy of all the good things that happen in your life.

You radiate love and respect and in return you get love and respect.

You are a unique and a very special person and worthy of respect from others.

Remove your negativity in just 15 minutes a day


Take control of your life You can get the best of these affirmation by saying these phrases in the mirror every morning. Instead of saying “I”, it is important to repeat these affirmation in the second person. By saying “You” each time while looking at yourself in the mirror, your brain will be more receptive to this form of conscious programming. Alongside these affirmations, you can create your own combination according to your personal needs and goals. The most important thing is to establish a deep communication with your inner self. This is why you need to say it with conviction, in your own unique voice, while seeing your own reflection, then go and reproduce these sayings into the real world.

Remove your negativity in just 15 minutes a day


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