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Concord Night with the Princeton Rays


Concord Night with the Princeton Rays washeldAugust 22, 2019 for the finalgameofthe 2019MercerCup. Highlights of the evening included Concord student Cassidy Hicks performing the national anthem and PresidentKendra Boggess throwing outthefirstpitch.

CUAA Pine Trees Chapter Scholarship Recipient

Each year, the Pine Trees Chapter oftheCUAAawardsa$2,000 scholarship to an education major who plans to attend Concord University. Thisyear'srecipient isAndreaButler,a2019graduate fromMontcalmHighSchool. Sheis thedaughterofJeffreyandMelissa Butler. Andreawasanactive memberoftheKeyClubandserved as vice-president of the National Honor Society. She participated in the community clean-up campaign and was a member of the volleyball team. She will pursue a degree in secondary education with a teaching fieldinHistory.

Pine Trees Summer Social

ThePineTreesChapteroftheCUAAheldtheir annual picnic on July 19th at the home of Ott and JoAnnaFredeking. Membersbroughtdonations for the Concord food pantry.

Alpha Sigma Alpha Reunion CU After Hours – Morgantown

TylerCompston'15andKelseyLeadman'15 attheCUAfterHoursattheMountainState BrewingCompanyinMorgantown,WVon September 19, 2019.

Everyyear,theConcordalumniofAlphaSigmaAlphagettogetherforafunfilledweekendinMyrtle Beach, SC. This year sisters from the Should be ’60s, ’70s, ’80s, and ’90s shared memories of their years at Concord.

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