1 minute read

Dear Ministry Leader,

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”

-James 1:17


As we draw close to the end of another year, we are so incredibly thankful for the many opportunities we have had to walk alongside your churches and ministries as you do such amazing work in your communities, throughout the nation, and often times across borders around the world.

In this special season of Christmas and Advent, we encourage you to reflect on God’s goodness and faithfulness, on the love He has lavished on all of our lives, and on all the gifts He has given in various forms. We live in a world of seemingly increasing darkness and shadows, but we praise the Father of heavenly lights, who sent His Son, Jesus, to be the Light of the World to us. Our prayer is that your churches would be beacons of hope, peace, joy, and love in your communities this Christmas, and our mission is to provide you with tools, resources, and creative ideas along the way to help you shine as brightly as possible so that you are able to make a positive, lasting impact on everyone you are able to reach.

We pray that the families in your congregation will be brought closer together as they learn about the Christmas story in depth, and we hope that the lost and unchurched find their way to the beautiful light of Christ you shine.

Above all, we pray that Jesus is celebrated and glorifed in every part of your ministry—your sermons, your events, your decorations, and your hearts—and we are ever grateful to serve you along the way.

Serving The Church Together, The Belko Family and Concordia Supply Team

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