Concrete alabama07

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6-7 ............................... Zilla 8 ........................ Preach’a Boi 10-11 ............................ Trick 12 14 17 18 19 22 23 25 27 29

............................... Satch ............................ Katybug ..... Visual Artist: Chandler Hayes ........Alabama the Beautiful: Leaza ........ Alabama the Beautiful: Kiara .................... Coley’s Corner .........................Whipgame .........................Whipgame ........................ Hater Proof ..................... Spanky Hayes

Editors: Angela Dalton, Rick Bradshaw Ad Executive: Rick Bradshaw Art Director: Rex2-tm Photography- Isaac Ward Staff: Coley Roberts, Chandler Hayes, Durell, Bennie, Don Publishing Consultant: Bryan Deese

CONCRETE Magazine PO Box 3542, Huntsville, AL 35810 256.542.1150 © CONCRETE Magazine 2013

CONCRETE: What is your name? Zilla: Alphonso McGuire II. CONCRETE: How long have you been rapping? Zilla: Since I was fifteen. I started at Lee High School. I was with Rolex Records and J Rock. He was the one that really started me with rapping. CONCRETE: Who were your early musical influences? Zilla: Back then I had transitioned from No Limit to Cash Money and a lot of Texas music. Locally, I listened to Po Boi, Micheal White, Lapone and Mellow Drama. CONCRETE: What was you first experience in a booth? Zilla: A studio on the south side of Huntsville. I was kind of scared cause the guys we had around us. They could do it and I was really just new. CONCRETE: What is your creative process like? Zilla: I start with the beat. I don’t do hooks or anything, I can worry about the hook later. I like to get out what I need to get out. A lot of times I don’t even put a hook on a song because I’ve told you what you needed to hear. CONCRETE: Why the name change from Swagzilla to Zilla? Zilla: It was around the “swag” era when the word first came out, so Swagzilla sounded good. I changed it one day when I was in the studio with Codie G. He told me I should consider changing it because “swag” is just an era and it will be played out soon. So, I cut it down to just Zilla. Zilla is just big, I do everything big. CONCRETE: What is your relationship with O’Third Ent? Zilla: I was recording at Slow Motion Studios. I really wasn’t focused on music. I was in the streets and would go there like once a week and record songs. O’Third (Bossman and Cunta) they were up under CP and Mali Boi’s wings, learning stuff. From my understanding, Bossman and Cunta asked CP one day, “what’s up with dude (Zilla), we like him, can we get him?” They asked me, and CP was like “yeah, ya’ll can get him, cause he will do better with ya’ll.” They are some good young dudes, very business minded,


I like them. It’s mainly me, Bossman, and Cunta. We just pulled in Bama Starz. CONCRETE: What is Zilla Shit Shit? Zilla: It’s basically a mixtape series, I had Zilla Shit 1 and 2. It’s me. You gonna get me and Huntsville, cause that’s all I know. CONCRETE: What is your lyrical content about? Zilla: I can’t rap about anything I haven’t seen or done. I just can’t do it. That’s why I don’t do a lot of trap rap songs. Yes, I’ve done that, but it’s nothing to glorify and I didn’t do it that much to be talking about it all the time anyways. CONCRETE: How was the Spin Magazine feature? Zilla: At the time I really didn’t know. I had to research Spin to realize, ‘OK this is big.’ It was a good feeling. CONCRETE: What is the Paid in Full project? Zilla: Lil Pooh is from Dallas and Dow Jones is from New Orleans, but I think he stays in Dallas now. What was so crazy about the project is, that I never met either one of these guys in person, it was an internet relationship. They sent me the songs, I would do my verse and send them back. I wasn’t really use to that. I won’t say I didn’t like the project, but I think it could have been better if we were all I the studio working together. CONCRETE: What was Rumble in the Bayou? Zilla: Produced by Q Red who is Lil Boosie cousin. CONCRETE: What separates you from others? Zilla: I try to talk to the youth more than these other guys. Someone has to break the chain. They always call me OG, because every time I see them, I encourage them to stay out of trouble. CONCRETE: Have you had any setbacks? Zilla: I had a bad car wreck in June of 2011. I couldn’t walk for about a year. We hit someone head on. CONCRETE: Any thoughts on the Alabama music scene? Zilla: You have some good and some bad. I hear a lot of people complain about support. Some stuff is just whack,

but you can’t tell people anything now a days, so I try to stay away from it. Some people just want to be local celebrities. I can’t support that either cause I’m trying to get out of here. I currently have a strong internet buzz. CONCRETE: What do you want for your musical career in the future? Zilla: I just want a good distribution deal that makes sense, no 360s or none of that. CONCRETE: What’s the latest on your new album in the works? Zilla: I haven’t titled it yet. I’m recording a lot of songs and when we get to about 30 I’ll pick 11 of them and based on how they sound come up with a title. I’m not going to rush it, but it’s going to be Zilla so it’ll be nice.



CONCRETE: Where you from? Preach’a: Originally from Gadsden, AL. Shout out to Yelawolf. I currently reside in Birmingham. CONCRETE: What is Black Flock Gang? Preach’a: Aka the BFG. It’s a six man group and a couple female singers and rap artist. The actual six man group was two groups built in one. Powerful. Five rappers and a producer. CONCRETE: What was Alabama Power all about? Preach’a: That’s the last mixtape we did and I feel great about it. We really branched out to a lot of people to get on it. We have people from Huntsville all the way down to Mobile on it and that’s why we call it Alabama Power because there is power in numbers. CONCRETE: Can you tell us about your solo project? Preach’a: Young Man Old Soul Soul. Looking to release it mid summer. I’ve been working with a lot of top line producers, M16, PT Primetime, 100 Percent Entertainment , and I just reached out to Zaytoven. It’s going to be different because I am coming at people from a different angle. I want to bridge the gap. We created a monster. I’m going to keep the same equation but kinda pick up from some of those weaknesses. I’m starting this promotional campaign early.I have my own style as to what I want to hear and what I feel my peers want to hear. CONCRETE: Five words to describe you as an artist? Preach’a: Charismatic, spontaneous, unpredictable, showmanship, leadership. CONCRETE: How is the Birmingham music scene? Preach’a: The music scene in Birmingham is kind of watered down. That’s why we have kinda slowed down on shows and we go elsewhere to get it. Gucci left and made it out. Rich Boy left and made it out. CONCRETE: What is your lyrical content? Preach’a: Certain songs come off in different ways. I’m inspired by my environment, things I go through, and see. All my music isn’t just shoot ‘em up and kill kill. In having a regular conversation with my uncle I may write down a phrase and put it in my phone and that becomes one of my bars. CONCRETE: What’s your creative process? Preach’a: When I use to drive trucks I created a habit. I would be on a ten hour trip and drive and just put my ideas in my phone. Even to this day I ride and create because the streets talk.That’s where I get my ideas from, riding. CONCRETE: Anything else? Preach’a: I’m a man of God and a hard worker,that’s the main thing. I was born and brought up in the church. Very family oriented, I have a seven year old daughter Char’Dae (Lady Bug) that’s my heart and soul. Shout out to my brother D.O. “Mr. Nine to Five.”


CONCRETE: Where are you from? Trick: Montgomery, AL. CONCRETE: What’s your role with Bama Gator Records? Trick: I’m the President and CEO and Boy Wonda is the Vice President of the label. Seems like the world thinks Alabama is just cows and pastures and dirt roads. I had to let them know it’s gators in Alabama too. We are predators not just prey. You can’t come to AL and just fast talk and get over on us. We’re hip, on game and up to par just like everyone else. CONCRETE: What was your first performance? Trick: We actually performed twice in one night. It was at Tabu back when they were doing the talent shows. I was nervous. CONCRETE: What is you creative process? Trick: The first thing I do is listen to the beat and write. Then I go into the studio. I want to be prepared and know exactly how I’m going to say it, because when you first start out you waste a lot of money on one song. I remember Tupac saying it shouldn’t take all day to do a song. You lay it down and move on on the next track. It’s never going to be perfect to you. I like to have other people around that I know will give me an honest opinion. CONCRETE: What is Beast Mode? Trick: This is my first solo album. I’m bringing back that old school Master P get you crunk in the club music. You can

ride and smoke to it. CONCRETE: Have you had any industry mishaps? Trick: People always trying to get over. We had something going on where Slip and Slide was trying to give us a deal but they wanted all the publishing rights. The main thing is to watch out for people. CONCRETE: What projects do you have coming? Trick: Low Key is dropping Codeine Dreams. Then we are working on another mixtape. Boy Wonda will come with something then more from me and that’s how we will keep it going. CONCRETE: What’s the upcoming award show about? Trick: It’s called The Knoc Down Awards presented by the Southern Coalition Movement. This is the fifth year. The video “All On Me Hater Check” was noticed and nominated outside of Alabama, so we’re going to bring it back. CONCRETE: What is success for you? Trick: When they say Tupac, Lil Wayne, and Jay-Z I want them to say Trick. I want to be one of the best ever make history and go diamond. I still have that dream. I believe with the right people pushing me and believing in the vision I can do that.



CONCRETE: What’s your name? Satch: Clarence Ali Satchell Jr. CONCRETE:E: Where are you from? Satch: Dayton, Ohio. CONCRETE: What was it like growing up in Dayton? Satch: It was hard because I didn’t have a father. My mom had to raise me and my three sisters. I had to go and get my own and become the man of the house so I didn’t really have a childhood, but a great childhood at the same time. Words can’t describe how I feel about my mom. She raised me to be the man I am. They say a woman can’t raise a man, but I’m here as living proof. She was there with me every step. CONCRETE: What’s your musical background? Satch: I was about sixteen rapping with my friend C Money in Dayton. My father was one of the original Ohio Players, Clarence Satchell, that’s where I get my name from. At sixteen I started playing with the music and I fell in love instantly. It was just in me. CONCRETE: What’s your lyrical content? Satch: True. When I was younger I fabricated a lot because it was things I dreamed for. I had to stop doing that and look at myself in the mirror and see where I wanted to go and to be real with other people you have to be real with yourself. CONCRETE: Can you tell us about Who Got Bars? Satch: Last season I dived into it head first. As a rapper I wanted to find a level to place myself on. So I figured why not do Who Got Bars plus it will be a way to get known around campus (Alabama A&M). I made it to the semi finals and got cut. I kept telling myself and Juelz and Finch, ‘I gotta do it.’ The first round I messed up in two raps, second just one and then the third round I cleaned it all up. I just won the final four for this season and I am ecstatic. CONCRETE: What’s next? Satch: I’m working on dropping my first mixtape. I haven’t figured out the name for it yet. The buzz from Who Got Bars should hopefully take me to a larger fan base. CONCRETE: What can we expect from the mixtape? Satch: A little bit of everything because I’m not one minded, at least not anymore. CONCRETE: Anything else? Satch: Everyone mistakes me for something that I’m not just because of the way that I look. I’m light skin and have curly hair, so they instantly think I’m a pretty boy and push over. I’m really trying to leave everything that I already did alone and they don’t see that because they don’t know me. Everything I do is for my mother and my father RIP Clarence Satchell, Sr.

ST 2 Lettaz - Prelude 2 A G

This mixtape jaaammmin like a muphukka!! Prelude 2 A G comes out the gate Bangin! “The G” is solid (Plus he did mention the great Chad Butler aka Pimp C) so they already know where they motivation comes from. “The Crown” is the same thing straight fire! It’s tight beats, super straight lyrics. The song with Mic Strange & Jackie Chain “S.H.E.” is some off the wall freaky shit, so they are touching all bases. And “Smoking Mirrors” is probably the most lyrical & deepest cut on the CD. Overall the only thing that I didn’t like was that it was too short!

Mic Strange - Attack The Block

Attack The Block is another banging ass record. Attack The Block comes out wit hella energy! I Love the flow of the CD. This lets me know that Mic Strange has a great team behind him. I will say that Mic Strange sounds like early Haystak. (If you don’t know who that is, Google him, he is dope) All The songs sound really good. I will say that the industry beat freestyles were just OK. They sound a lot like the original versions. I like the original music he does better. In Closing this Mix CD is really good and I’m sure whatever direction Mic Strange wants to go (I would recommend the Independent route) he will have the city behind him.

Jay Dot Rain - CooleyFly Chronicles

This CD is not your typical Southern mix CD. It’s very lyrical and the beats are hella cool, but as soon as I listened to it I felt like I was listening to some early Drake. That’s not a bad thing, I just wanted something different. Having said that, songs like “Young Nigga Anthem” and “You Already Know” are bumpin. “Red Cup Kickback” was jammin as well. I feel that Jay has a future, he just needs to make some adjustments in his sound.

100 Percent Entertainment - Majorly Independent

This Mix CD is Bumpin! South Shit at its finest!! This is more of a compilation than a mixtape. Songs like “I’m Out Here” and “Aww Man” set the tone for this CD. “Rare Occasion” is hard as hell! All the songs were good. Memphis, Tenn. legend Project Pat goes hard on “Sippin’ On”. Overall I think this CD is a great listen.



CONCRETE: What’s your name? Katybug: Akayshia Estee Barbee. CONCRETE: Where are you from? Katybug: Decatur, AL. CONCRETE: What is your dance group Imyounique? Katybug: Imyounique started in September of 2012 and we have been going strong ever since. I wanted a group because people always ask for groups. When it comes to performances I don’t play. If it’s just a hobby for you, don’t be in my group because this is the real deal for me and I’m trying to go somewhere with this.I’m about to have another audition to add two more people. CONCRETE: How did you get involved in performances at Bronner Brothers Hair Show in Atlanta? Katybug: That was a blessing. Ms. Bo Talley asked me to be a back up dancer for one of her artist in Atlanta. The same saturday I was headed to Atlanta, she called me and said Collision Crew from America’s Best Dance Crew, Season 7 needed a female dancer, and she suggested me. I was nervous but I decided to do it. When I got there they were the coolest laid back people ever. They gave me a solo part and the lady that was over it asked me to come back to the next one. CONCRETE: What is your management situation? Katybug: My Dad is my manager. Sometimes it’s irritating but he gets it done. At first I felt like he was pushing me too hard, so I had quit for like a year. I was really young at the time and just wanted to hang out with friends. At the end of the day he will do whatever it takes to get me to the next level because I am his daughter. CONCRETE: What separates you from other female artists? Katybug: I’m not about to be half dressed for anyone. I like to step out in tutus. (laughs) I’m not just up there in heels standing in one spot. I’m worried about if I have enough room to dance on the stage. CONCRETE: What is success for you? Katybug: I want my shows sold out. I don’t want to be at the same club every weekend. CONCRETE: What was your inspiration for Trendsetter? Katybug: Everybody always told me I was weird and different. It’s just how I express myself. People always compliment me on how I dress or wear different hairstyles, a lot of young people look up to me so I am a trendsetter. I called KP on the Beat, a producer and told him I had a song I wanted to lay down in the studio. I performed it for the first time at the Greenroom for the Breast Cancer event and ever since then I’ve been pushing it hard.




2000 Cadillac Deville Anniversary Edition, Triple Black Offset, 22� Giovanni Gionelles


Someone once asked me what or who inspires me and why? I pondered over this question and realized that a number of people and things, on different levels all play factors in my inspiration. First and always is God. Growing up I lived reckless and my behavior and actions landed me in prison at a young age. With serious time to myself (something very new to me) I looked back over my life and decided to make a change. I seeked God and established a relationship with Him. He revealed His love for me which made me realize everyone and everything I took for granted. In short, He has enabled me to understand, appreciate, accept and love life’s outcomes. God is good! My family is definitely an inspiration as well, They have been there for me through thick and thin. My “Mama”, who I admire as a mother and person, is one of the strongest women I know. She is the back-bone, how she continues to be strong is beyond me. I owe it to her to carry on and utilize all the things she has taught me in life, to be a “man with a purpose.” Brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, and cousins love and care inspires me to not give up when hard times arise. I am thankful for them all. The youth give me inspiration because they are the future. It’s our job as men and women to educate and guide our youth through life so that they will have a better chance of becoming successful individuals. Just knowing their “potential to be” is inspiration to want to help. I’m inspired by the future itself because of job opportunities becoming available as well as growth and development in communities. Last, is the inspiration that I draw from myself. I’m fortunate to know people and have the opportunities that I do. I’m blessed with intellect and ability, to waste either would be a shame and disappointment. Everyone possess a talent, ability, or knowledge that can be used to improve circumstances and people. Having gone through all that I have and learned from it, is motivation to learn even more.


Sky Blue Impala SS, 24” Z Tucked Wheels



CONCRETE: Can you tell us about your new releases? Haterproof: I’ve got a new single on a Zaytoven beat, “Can’t Stop My Shine”. I also have “Flexin on ‘Em” and “Picture Perfect” featuring King South both produced by Lil Ced. CONCRETE: Any advice to those entering the industry? Haterproof: Don’t try to sound like anyone else and don’t be scared to talk to people. You are going to have to rub some elbows and shake some hands. It’s not all just about how you rap. It’s all about who you know too. A lot of you guys need to wake up, because at the end of the day you say you are a rapper but where is your music. Don’t talk down on another rapper and then no one knows who you are. Sometimes you may have to ride a coat tail or two to get on. I’m not knocking that but see what you can do for yourself. See if you can make your own connections and stop trying to use people. It’s hard work, dedication, and you have to believe in yourself before anyone else can believe in you. CONCRETE: Any shout outs? Haterproof: M.H.P., H.O.G. Hustlers on the Grind, R.E.D. I. Entertainment “Raking Every Dollar Independently” and K Digga. CONCRETE: Anything else you want to speak on? Haterproof: I’m easy going, but over time these guys have made me bitter. You try to reach out to them and do a song and they don’t call you back. Then later on when you don’t want to deal with them they say, “oh he think he all that.” I get tired of it. I’m working and if you were working and knew that I was working we could work together, because it makes sense. You wasting verses with people who don’t even put their work out.



CONCRETE: What’s your name? Spanky: Carlito Pierre Hayes CONCRETE: Where are you from? Spanky: Detroit, MI CONCRETE: How was it growing up in Detroit? Spanky: I became a great runner and athlete because people were shooting a lot (laughs). CONCRETE: What were your entertainment beginnings? Spanky: I always knew I was going to be a comedian. I use to watch Richard Pryor, Eddie Murphy, and Martin Lawrence everything. In school I was definitely a class clown. I would pick a different person a day and talk about them all day. CONCRETE: How did you get involvemed with Wild’n Out Out? Spanky: Nick Cannon is a very good friend of mine and had several deals but never would put me in anything. He would keep encouraging me to write something. I sat down and wrote what I thought was Wild’n Out but we changed it a lot. CONCRETE: Recent movie appearance? Spanky: I just did the movie School Dance, it has Mike Epps, Kat Williams, George Lopez, myself. It was Nick Cannon’s directing debut. Kevin Hart is in it. The “who’s who” of comedy right now is in the movie. It’s about some high school kids that decide to kinda get high, skip school, and everything that happens in one day. The one day messes up the whole week, it’s real funny. CONCRETE: What’s up with you on the Forbez DVD? Spanky: That’s my man right there. Shout out to The Luva Boy TJ, that’s part of my comedy album. I decided to do a booty shake song and see how people would take it. It was a good choice I got like a million hits on that. CONCRETE: How do you keep your material fresh? Spanky: I’m an improv comic so I like to do new stuff. Whatever I’m looking at on the news or the hot topic, big twitter and instagram guy, so anything I see going on around me I talk about it. CONCRETE: What’s next? Spanky: I’m retouching scripts to get ready for my movie career. I have a new CD and DVD coming out. Krank III is coming soon. I have a one liner in the new Spider Man movie. CONCRETE: What advice do you have for others entering the entertainment industry? Spanky: Don’t do it. Get a job, you don’t want this! CONCRETE: Anything else? Spanky: I’m the number one baby daddy and any light skin woman with no children that wants a baby, fill out an application and I got her. (laughs)

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