Concrete Connections February 2013 A (belated) Happy New Year to all of our Members. With the new year brings a lot of exciting activities and changes within the association. A number of these are mentioned throughout this Newsletter. One of the main objectives the board has been trying to achieve over the last few years is to extend our reach to all corners of the country and have an active presence in all states and territories. The development and growth of our one day course has certainly helped, however, it is the willingness of corporate members to get involved and support ACRA activities that will make the most difference. It is therefore great to see that we have just had our first corporate member join us from South Australia, Portolesi Structural. Welcome aboard. We also have another asset owner member join up, Sydney Ports Corporation which continues to show the growing interest and involvement of major asset owners in the association. There are other significant changes happening so please read on for further details and I hope to see as many of our Sydney members at the ACRA awards seminar in a couple of weeks’ time.
-Andrew Dickinson, President.
A AC CR RA A IIS SR RE EA AD DY Y TTO OB BE E IIN NTTR RO OD DU UC CE ED D TTO ON NE EW W ZZE EA ALLA AN ND D… …… ….. We are excited to announce that the Association will be having a Special Meeting for members only on the 19th of February 2013 at 2.30pm at the Harbourview Hotel North Sydney (prior to our Awards Seminar). At this Special Meeting we will be voting on a change in the Association name from Australian Concrete Repair Association to the Australasian Concrete Repair Association and if the move is voted in we will continue to keep the acronym ACRA and our members will not be impacted by this name change. The name change will open the Association to a much interested group of companies and individuals living in New Zealand to join in on ACRA developments and sharing knowledge of new techniques and technology. We are looking forward to welcoming our Kiwi neighbours. As part of this name change, we will be launching our new website which will not only have a more modern and refreshing look but it will be easier for all members and visitors to navigate around. The Association will be adding more documents and information with regards to seminars we hold as well as our newsletters, 1 day technical training course, as weel as our new
Concrete Connections 2 day more advanced technical training course which will be introduced later in 2013 in conjunction with the ACA. Our branding will remain the same so our corporate members will not need to change a thing on their websites and email closures. The board of ACRA and Nicole the Executive Officer will continue our commitment to deliver the best possible membership experience and updates regarding concrete repair methods and technology.
ACRA Awards Seminar – A Review Of Some Of The Award Winning Projects Tuesday 19 February 2013 at 3.30pm – 6.30pm followed by a one hour networking session with drink and canapés Harbourview Hotel, 17 Blue Street, North Sydney The biennial ACRA Awards are seen as the premier awards within the concrete repair industry which highlight some of the more prestigious, complex and outstanding projects to be undertaken over the 2 year period. The 2012 awards, held in Sydney last October, was an outstanding event with some of the best projects we have seen to yet. The number of entries and high turn out on the night really reflected the growth of our Association’s membership base and maturity of our industry. The size and type of projects highlighted the process and developments which have been made within the concrete repair industry in Australia. Overall, 8 excellence awards and 2 merit awards were handed out and we have selected a few of these to be presented, in more detail, in this seminar. Our program of award winning projects to be discussed include: Project: West Gate Bridge – FRP Strengthening Upgrade BASF Australia Pty Ltd Mr Andrew Sarkady Award: Industrial / Water / Wastewater – Mega Projects Award: Repair Industry Excellence Award for 2012 Project: Taxiway A1 Trail Slab Replacement, Sydney Airport Volumetric Concrete Australia Pty Ltd Mr Robert Piva Award: Small Projects
Project: Nathan Towers RM Watson Pty Ltd Mr Tony Watson Award: Residential – Large Projects Project: Swansea Bridge Rehabilitation GHD Pty Ltd Mr Greg Zambesi Award: Merit award in Marine/Industrial up to $3M-Large Project
Project: Rehabilitation of 6MHs. Three MHs on Northern Main Sewer (NMS), & Three MHs on Southern Main Sewer (SMS). Water Infrastructure Group Pty Ltd Mr Hugh McGinley Award: Industrial / water / Wastewater – Large Projects
For registration details please check the ACRA website or call Nicole for more details 02 9645 3692 REGISTRATION IS FROM 3PM, SEMINAR TO START AT 3.30PM
Concrete Connections Railcorp NSW invited Volumetric Concrete Australia to utilise the new CTS Rapid Set Concrete technology to perform concrete repairs on an existing fractured bridge abutment on the main western line, Liberty Street Newtown. The works were to be performed during a possession of the line for other maintenance works and was to be completed to enable the track to be handed back to Railcorp by 8.30pm on the Sunday evening to enable rolling stock to be re-engaged. The CTS Rapid Set Concrete was to reach stringent performance criteria before the re-opening of the tracks to avoid any disruption to rolling stock and commuter trains which were to resume operation at 8.30pm. A section of the inner west line was to be closed for maintenance and trackwork providing an opportunity for Railcorp Engineers to seize the opportunity and repair the fractured abutment on the 6 line rail bridge across Liberty Street Newtown. Railcorp Engineers said the cracked abutment presented no immediate danger but that its replacement would prevent further deterioration and hence the need for more extensive repairs. The rail line was raised and held in position by hydraulic jacks enabling the fractured section to be removed and replaced with CTS Rapid Set Concrete. The location of the abutment area was directly below the main bridge beam which meant that concrete had to be pumped in position. VCA utilized a specially designed CTS Rapid Set Concrete Pump Mix for the project which would meet the stringent requirements of the Railcorp Engineers - a compressive strength of 25MPa and a Flexural Strength of 3.0MPa for the line to be re-opened to rail traffic. Work began on the removal of the damaged area on the Saturday and continued well into the Sunday of the possession period. CTS Rapid Set Concrete was eventually poured at 3.15pm on the Sunday afternoon during a heavy downpour of rain. The CTS Rapid Set Concrete was produced via Volumetric Mobile Mixers and pumped approximately 10m via a line concrete pump to the area for repair to allow for placement into the abutment. The placement and finishing was completed by 4.00pm. Concrete testing was performed during the production of the Rapid Set Concrete achieving results of: Compressive strength 2 hrs – 26MPa at 5.15pm 4 hrs – 32.5MPa at 7.15pm
Flexural Strength 2 hrs – 4.2MPa at 5.15pm 4 hrs – 4.9 MPa at 7.15pm
All Concrete test results exceeded the Railcorp Engineers design requirements allowing the track to be reopened on schedule and able to take the loads of the ensuing rail traffic. Completed abutment works If you require any further information on this project, contact Volumetric Concrete Australia – 02 9632 1900
Peter Johnsson is a Principal Engineer in Hyder’s Diagnostic and Remedial Engineering Group. His major areas of experience are the investigation, repair and protection of reinforced concrete structures and the conservation of heritage listed building facades. Peter’s understanding of the deterioration, repair and protection of concrete was developed by undertaking condition assessments of major port facilities, building facades and residential buildings, along with the development of remedial options and supervision of the repair processes. Peter worked for Taywood Engineering from 1997 to 2001 before joining GHD’s Materials Technology Group and then Hyder’s Facade Group in 2004. Peter has been a board member of the Australian Concrete Repair Association since 2003 and has held the position of President of the association on two separate occasions, 2005-2007 and 20092011. He has presented seminars and papers on the subject of concrete repair on around the country for ACRA, the Australian Corrosion Association (ACA) and the Concrete Institute of Australia (CIA).
Michael Moore is currently
the manager of the Policy, Specifications and Durability Section within Bridge and Structural Engineering, RMS. Michael has been working with RMS for the past nine years. Michael's primary role is to coordinate the investigation and durability repair of RMS' concrete bridges. Prior to joining RMS, Michael spent 13 years in the consulting sector specialising in concrete durability investigation and the repair of reinforced concrete structures. His two years at GHD was preceded by eleven years at Taywood Engineering, a specialist materials group that pioneered the use of cathodic protection in Australia.
Grahame Vile is the Director at BAAM Consulting and has been a concrete remedial consultant since 1996, completing a Master of Engineering Studies at Sydney University in 2001 focused on causes, diagnosis, and repair of concrete structures. Projects include reinforced and stressed structures, affected by carbonation, pool-, marine- and magnesite-related chlorides. Heritage and defect appraisal predominantly in residential but also commercial and industrial structures.
Concrete Connections G GU UIID DE ET TO OC CO ON NC CR RE ET TE ER RE EP PA AIIR RC CO ON NC CR RE ET TE EP PR RO OP PE ER RT TIIE ES S A AN ND DP PR RO OT TE EC CT TIIO ON NT TE EC CH HN NIIC CA AL LT TR RA AIIN NIIN NG GD DA AY Y Registration is now open nationally and Newcastle is filling up fast. Each course is only open to 20 people ONLY so get on the list NOW! ACRA’s One Day Course in Concrete Repair offers the most comprehensive training yet available in a single day. The new course is the best independent information available to date for engineers starting out in the specialist area of concrete repair, contractors’ supervisors and foremen, as well as those who just want some basic but detailed knowledge. Asset managers, port and road authorities, councils and ACRA members should consider training their key staff by sending them to a session run around the country. Group bookings can be negotiated by request. The course covers the following key topics: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Concrete Properties Causes of Concrete Deterioration Site Investigations Remedial and Protective Systems Repair Specification How to Do a Repair Properly
The course stresses the importance of thorough diagnosis, covering the basics of concrete and its deterioration, followed by site investigation techniques and how to select an appropriate remedial or protective system. A practical understanding of how repairs should be undertaken is discussed in the last two topics of the day – “Repair Specification”, which covers materials and workmanship; and “How to Do a Repair Properly” which presents a step-by-step guide to undertaking a repair and some common problems with workmanship.
Concrete Connections EACH COURSE IS LIMITED TO 20 PEOPLE ONLY – COPY AND SEND THIS PAGE TO The registration fee will be $495 (GST inclusive) for members of ACRA and $595 (GST inclusive) for non-members. Tick the suburb/area you would be interested in attending and we will make sure you are the first to hear about these technical training days.
□Sydney 15/3/2013 □Wollongong 26/04/2013 □Canberra TBA □Newcastle 14/02/2013 2 PLACES LEFT □Melbourne 17/05/2013 □Adelaide TBA □Perth 15/04/2013 □Gold Coast 19/07/2013 □Brisbane 1/03/2013 □Townsville TBA To pay via credit card, please complete the section below: □Other_______________ Charge $_______ to
Name:________________________________________________ Card Number: _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ Company:_____________________________________________ Expire Date: _ _ / _ _ Address:______________________________________________ Phone:_______________________________________________ Fax:__________________________________________________ Email:________________________________________________
Name on Card:______________________________________ Contact number of card holder: (__)________________ Email address for receipt: _________________________________
Please Email/Post this expression of interest for 2013 to: Nicole Raymond Australian Concrete Repair Association Ltd PO Box 452 CHESTER HILL NSW 2162 Phone/Fax: 02 9645 3692 Email:
Everyone who attends receives a copy of the ACRA Guide to Concrete Repair and Protection as well as the course notes. Our speakers are happy to do an in-house course if you have a decent amount of staff members who would attend, please contact Nicole for more information
Concrete Connections WELCOME NEW ACRA MEMBERS New Corporate Members
Portolesi Structural Portolesi Structural have been at the forefront of specialist concrete repair and remedial services to the construction industry in South Australia for over thirty years. A family business which began as Construction Caulking Services and founded by Sam Portolesi in 1982, David and Stephen Portolesi have since built on years of this knowledge to become industry experts. Portolesi Structural are specialists in large scale concrete repair work, and are also highly skilled in large scale epoxy injection work. They work closely with structural engineers and designers to develop structural systems and procedures, and can work with you at the commencement of your project to determine best practice for the structure of your development including post-design grouting. With expertise in large scale civil, commercial and government work, they work in partnership with all clients to deliver high standard of work across a broad range of services. They welcome any opportunity to talk with you to discuss your job requirements, and how Portolesi Structural can assist in delivering you an efficient solution. David Portolesi 0418 821 526 Email:
Concrete Connections WELCOME NEW ACRA MEMBERS Continued New Corporate Members continued
Sydney Ports Corporation Sydney Ports Corporation is a leader of world class, efficient, sustainable ports and logistics networks. Sydney Ports Corporation aims to add value to all aspects of Sydney's port operations. We work with stakeholders to achieve outcomes that benefit all parties. The main functions of the Sydney Ports Corporation are to:
Manage and develop port facilities and services to cater for existing and future trade needs Facilitate trade by providing a competitive advantage to importers, exporters and the port related supply chain
Manage the navigational, security and operational safety needs of commercial shipping
Protect the environment and have regard to the interests of the community
Deliver profitable business growth
The Corporation plays a significant role in managing two of NSW's most valuable resources Sydney Harbour and Port Botany Bay. We protect these assets diligently and are committed to minimising impacts on the environment and on local communities in everything we do. Sydney Ports Corporation is also fully committed to sustainable development. It does this through the implementation of measures to oversee improvements in the key areas influenced by port operations, such as environmental amenity, air quality, noise, water consumption, energy usage, materials selection and waste management. Peter Reed 02 9296 4593 Email:
Port Botany Expansion
New Individual Member:
Joe Pavia 040 994 5879 7 International Square, TULLAMARINE, VIC 3043. For the list of all our Individual members click link
If you want to feature a story in our newsletter email Nicole now at