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Solar Technology to Arrest Corrosion in Concrete Structures
New Innovation — Solar Technology to Arrest Corrosion in Concrete Structures- Remedial Technology
The repair of concrete structures can be challenging when the cause of concrete deterioration is chloride-induced corrosion of the steel reinforcement. The use of electrochemical technology such as cathodic protection (CP) is often the solution for the corrosion protection of chloride-affected structures. While impressed current cathodic protection is a proven technology which can provide long-term corrosion prevention solutions, it has been viewed by many asset owners as overly complex and expensive. The primary reasons include the need of 240 VAC power supply and complexities associated with the maintenance and monitoring of the CP control equipment, especially when a proprietary system is installed.

MicroNex – Solar PS
In the past year, Remedial Technology’s R&D division has developed a simple, reliable and heavy-duty solar powered unit which can provide cathodic protection current to reinforced concrete structures. The primary advantage of this new innovation is its ability to be installed in remote locations, its minimal monitoring and maintenance requirements and its capacity to achieve optimum corrosion protection based on the current Australian Standard for steel in concrete (AS 2832.5 – 2008). The commercialisation of this technology is expected late 2019.