2 minute read

Celebrating LGBTQ+ History Month at UEA

Louise Collins

Home of the Wonderful Writer


February marks LGBTQ+ History Month, and here at UEA, there’s a true feeling of celebration in the air. From club nights, to workshops, UEA is hosting a number of events to mark the occasion. ‘What is LGBTQ+ History Month?’ you might ask. Well, I’ll tell you!

LGBTQ+ History month celebrates the abolition of Section 28, a ruling which prohibited the ‘promotion’ of homosexuality. To fight back against years of suppression, this month dedicates itself to increasing LGBTQ+ visibility, detailing the vast histories of LGBTQ+ fights and joy. It’s all about celebration and education – and what better place for it than a university, especially a one as beautiful and queer as UEA!

There’s already been a colourful collection of events, from a UV Zumba night to a talk all about sexual health and finding local support networks. Don’t fear, though, because there’s still some events you can go to!

On the 15th of February, a Keith Haring Inspired Art Workshop is taking place in Bookable Room One. Haring was a pop-art social activist whose work emerged in the 1980s in New York. His work was dedicated to advocating for safe sex and AIDs awareness before he died in 1990. The workshop will help you celebrate this incredible artist, whilst allowing you to try something new. Tickets are free but must be booked via the SU. If you’re anxious about living with unaccepting housemates next year, the SU has your back!

On the 16th of February, head to Bookable Rom Six at 3pm for welfare(su)’s LGBTQ+ Housing Social. It’s a relaxed atmosphere where you can find your very own safe space and a friendly group of queer folks – a true opportunity for an LGBTQ+ household.

A second Spectrum event is happening on the 24th for any of you who missed the first. In collaboration with Jodie Harsh, the legendary music producer and Drag Queen DJ, this club night won’t be one to miss. It’ll be a true celebration of queer joy, and everyone is invited to the LCR. Tickets are only £8!

The last event of LGBTQ+ History Month is a screening of Pride –a film based on a true story of LGBTQ+ heroes who helped save a miner’s village during the strikes. Sink into some comfy bean bags and bring along as many snacks as you want. The secretary of the LGSMiners will also be there for a quick Q&A and the chance for you to buy some merch. Tickets are free but must be ‘bought’ in advance, and the event is in Bookable Room One at 1pm, on the 27th of February.

Outside of UEA, Queer Fest are hosting several events to celebrate all things queer. Whether you want to view queer art, experience queer cabaret, or take part in the community day, there truly is something for everyone.

So, have fun this LGBTQ+ history month, and take the time to celebrate the roads which led us here. There’s still a long way to go, but for now, breathe, and find joy in the rainbow.

More from the 2023 sex survey!

“sexual attraction normally occurs towards many different people whereas romantic, for me, only happens toward one person at a time.”

“they are intertwined, sex without romance is horrible, but romance without sex is also lesser.”

How does romantic and sexual attraction differ for you?

Did you ever feel pressure to have sexual and/or romantic experience before coming to uni?

Yes- 53% No- 40%

I don’t know- 7% shoulders tattoos hair eyes boobs! bum!! everything :)

Self Love <3 legs

Which part of your body do you like the most? these were the most common responses

Have you ever felt pressure to lie about your sexual and/or romantic experience or lack thereof?

Yes- 52% No- 44% I don’t know- 4%

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