Concrete housing guide 1999 issue 97 03 03 1999

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Concrete's guide to the ins and outs of having a ou may well be itching to get away from the joys of campus living - the overflowing fridges, false fire alarms and over noisy cleaners. You might also want to escape from the nocturnal SAS army-type wannabies and the hard of hearing Spice Girls fan who lives next door. But the freedom of city living does not come without its own hassles. There are a few things you need to sort out before you move into your dream home like finding it for starters! But.even this is skipping the first hurdle - finding some housemates. Now, short of a detailed survey into your potential house mates personal history and habits, you'll just have to trust your own judgement to know you are not moving in with a psychotic, bunny-boiling axe murderer. If you're moving in with a group of people from your corridor then you'll probably have a pretty good


idea of what you're getting yourself into. But, if your corridor rem inds you more of the Munsters than magnificent housemates there are lots of other options. Plenty of people still haven't finalised their housing plans yet and are still looking for housemates, while some others who have found houses will have empty rooms which need filling . If you are still in need of somewhere to live, try putting up leaflets in the Student Advice Centre and ask around on your course - persistence pays off! Once you've got your housemates sorted you only need one thing - the house itself. There are lots of ways of going about finding one, check out the notice boards in the Advice Centre, and try asking friends from the second or third year who are moving. Have a look at the Evening News on Thursdays, and Friday's Eastern Daily Press - but make sure you ring up on the day the paper


comes out, otherwise there'll be little chance of getting a house. And make sure you try the accommodation agencies in Norwich, as well as the estate agents. The Golden Triangle, an area just outside the City centre with a huge amount of rented housing, is where most students end up living. lt's very well set up for students, with plenty of pubs and takeaways, and unsurprisingly, it's the area most students will recommend you live. There are also houses in the City, as well as a few in Bowthorpe and near the train station. But, while there are regular buses running through the Golden Triangle and on to UEA, other areas of Norwich are less well served with University-bound buses. Unless you want to be totally reliant on your feet or a bike, have a look and make sure that there is a bus route nearby. The majority of houses that are available for

of your own

students are four bedroomed, but there are a fair few for anything from three to eight people. These are harder to track down though, so you'll have to get sorted early. Prices per week range from less than £30 to more than £50 - find out if any bills are included, as this could hike the price up quite considerably. Make sure you ask the people who live there at the moment what the house is like, and roughly how much they pay in bills (some houses can cost a lot more to heat than you might think). Also, check whether the house is furnished or not - you don't want to move in and then have to fork out money for beds and sofas. lt can be quite a scramble to find a house that is affordable and inhabitable, but there are plenty around - so the best thing you can do is keep looking, and not give up. lt's worth it though , living off campus is a great experience, if only because you can have the best parties ever.

Get a free drink at








' ' •





2 • HOUSING GUIDE Think you're time off. c ampus will be all sweetness and light? H mm, you m ight think twice after reading this ... pprehend any student on ca mpus an d ask them if they have a probl em with their house and you wi ll probably get a barrage of complaints. From damp to demented debt collectors, most students know al l about the standard probl ems of off-campus living . But let' s face it - we all know we won't be getting perfect accommodation when we sign the contract, and it co uld be a lot worse - just check out some of these housin g horror stories. Take for example the stu dents wh ose front door expanded so much in wet weather that they practi cally became prisoners in their own homes. Not unreasonably, th ey complained. Their landlord, who considered himself something of a whizz with a plaller, ca me round in an attempt to remedy the situation . And low and behold, an inch and a half later, the lucky household had gained their freedom - along with a river through their hallway whenever it rained! But, this is by no means the worst example of student water trauma. Consider the ingredients a kitchen sink blocked with a term's worth of food and a leaky tap. Not a wonderful concoction at


any time, but combined with a long Christmas holiday it was disastrous - and very costly. The students return ed after the festive season to find their house underwater an d had to shell out £1000 - all for the pl easure of not washing up. Anoth er water-related common com plaint is damp and rot. Mould will inevitably pop up in some place in you r new home, but it's not normally too much of a problem. However, keep in mind what can happen when a landlord doesn't quite fi x up you r house properly. One young man , who's room was below the bathroom , was woken to th e sounds of water cascading down his wa ll. The room's next occupant returned to his room to find th e ceiling had collapsed and had little choice but to move out. However, the room is now occupied once more - only thi s time it is a huge one it sq uare red and white fung us that has moved in . So, while your house will probably come with a few problems they are nothing compared to what some people go through. Your house may in fact turn out to be an idyll of peace and damp-l ess harmony. But remember , if it doesn't, you have been warned ...


~ prolet property services tudent houses seem imprinted on the collective consciousness as unpleasant stinking holes, full of unpleasant stinking students . But where does this stereotype come from? Why not blame Ben Elton? The very act of writing the Young Ones set in motion student-life stereotypes that still exist. Rick - naive poet; Vivian - violent deranged med student; Mike the sorted one and Neil - eternal vegetarian tree hugging hippy. Not only did they live in a ramshackle house, with Alexi Sayle for a landlord , but they also had to deal with 'typical ' student problems like avoiding unwanted attention from TV licence inspectors , the police - and of course the problem of living in a country run by Margaret Thatcher (hey, it was the early 80s) . Then , more recently there was The Living Soap. Cast your mind back to the mid 90s when the BBC placed a group of stud en ts into a house and fi lmed the resu lts. There was supposed to be a bit of 'real life' drama, but unfort unately th ey all got on pretty we ll - even when an argumentative bloke was put there by the BBC to 'stir thi ngs up' . In fact the only amu sing thing about the whole series was that the became a target of



Tel: 763363 Housing Guide, Wednesday, March 3 , 1999

Manchester's criminal element, who could work out exactly what to steal after seeing it on telly. They didn't get too many chances though - the BBC soon pulled the show due to poor ratings . The Living Soap might have created less student stereotypes than the. Young Ones, but it did help reinforce other, different stereotypes - that students have far too much money . So what's the stereotypes score after 90 minutes? Young Ones 10 - Living Soap 1. No contest really. Stephen Quirke



Make sure that you're not signing your life away when you sign that contract · get it properly checked out ... ou may have found your perfect student palace, but have you got the perfect contract to go with it? it may seem an unimportant necessity which will just bore you to death, but it could also make the difference between a fantastic stress-free student life, or a living nightmare. Of course, not every student is going to know the ins and outs of every legal bond, so luckily for all of us there's expert help on hand from the Union Advice Centre. This is the first place you should go once you've got a copy of that all important contract - they'll be able to make sense of the lingo and give you some useful tips. lt is essential that you have a written contract since a verbal agreement is a lot more difficult to prove in court, if it should come to that. So, before you sign away your life for one year get it checked out. There are basically two types of tenancy - the joint and the individual. A joint tenancy simply means that if one misses out a few months rent then all will be responsible, so it's a real team effort. This is what your landlord will push for, because it means that if somebody moves out the rest of the house will have to cover their rent, so you had better be sure that you are all going to at least get on - it could cost a fortune if you don't. In an ideal world you'll get a single tenancy agreement (this can happen!) and then you'll simply be responsible for yourself and nobody else. One of the first things you should check on your contract is the deposit that you should have paid, whether its the right amount and whether it's going to be returned to you at the end of your stay. There could be very little you can do about your contract once you've signed it, which is why it is so imperative that you get it checked out first. Most contracts are for a fixed period of time and almost impossible to get out of, but some contracts may include a break clause which gives the tenant an



opportunity to get out of the contract. Once you have finished your fixed pericx;l you may well have to give notice that you are leaving or otherwise you could be paying rent on the same house after you have left. So, the contract is signed you're ready to move in and get that first house party organised. But don't forget that once you have signed the contract you are bound to its terms and conditions, and the landlord can evict you if you breach any of these. The landlord's got responsibilities too though, if there's any problems with the structural and exterior parts of the property or with the sanitary and heating installations they've got to sort it out. Bear in mind though that while most landlords are relatively efficient it can be a very long and drawn out process if you're landlord is less than enthusiastic. Any other repairs will depend on the contract that you have agreed, and fixing any damage or misuse will usually be up to you. Some landlords may also try and impress upon you that they can come and inspect the house at any time, but this is actually against law. They must give at least 24 hours notice before entering the property. If things should ever get so bad that your landlord tries to evict you, they can only do this by possession of a court order, and if this happens your best hope is to contact the Advice Centre straight away. Once you've got your contract sorted and are all set for studies there are a few more menial tasks which have to be put straight before harmony

sets in. Firstly get your Council Tax certificate, but bear in mind that if you're planning on living with a non-student you're house will no longer be exempt. Expect a big fat bill through the door relatively quickly these can cost up to £800 in a big property. So, be prepared! Secondly don't forget to get a TV licence, you might have got away without one on campus but you'll find it a lot more difficult out in the big bad city. You can buy them in the Post Office on campus- the charges are currently £97.50 for a colour telly, while those who don't like snooker can get a black and white one for £37.50.



Essentials to keep in mind when house-hunting... 0 Fire safety: Make sure the house is fitted with a fire extinguisher and a smoke alarm. ~Carbon monoxide emissions from faulty appliances kill too many people each year. Ensure that your appliances have been recently checked. H in doubt, Transco have a number you can ring in case of queries. Call 0800 111 999.

€)Don't visit a house alone: Two people are more likely to notice faults than one,and also, it's safer, if the house turns out to be occupied by a murderous Norman Bates-alike, two will emerge unscathed. Hopefully. 0 Landlords: They' ll be all sweetness and light when showing you around, but what are they really like? The best way to find out is to ask students currently living in the house. Why not try arriving at the appointment before the landlord does to get a few questions in? @Rent: Although it looks off-puttingly high, rent that includes bills usually ,;_,orks out cheaper than paying bills separately. Also, ask whether you'll be allowed to live there over the summer, and if so, whether summer rent is payable and how much it is. @Transport: Buses 26 and 27 go between Earlham and UEA, the 4 and 35 do likewise from Unthank. Dereham dwellers, however, will have to walk to Earlham if they want to bus it. Failing that, consider investing in a bike to avoid those brisk early morning walks. O lnventory: The inventory is your friend. Fill one out before moving in, and your landlord cannot hassle you over damage you never caused.

~~~ 82 Unthank Road, Norwich, Norfolk, NR2 2RW All rooms have colour TV and Tea & Coffee making facilities and Direct Dial Telephones Single Rooms............................................................................ £24 Single ~ooms En-suite .......................................................... £31 Double or Twin Rooms ...................................................... £43 Double or Twin Rooms En-suite .................................... £52

Prices include a foil English Breakfa~t Ample parking for guests

Tel I Fax 01603 621105 1st Oct - 31st March: 10% discount 1st Apr- 30th Sept: 5% discount To students and parents of students

H ousing Guide, Wednesday, March 3 , 1999






Find ou·t what it's like to live in different parts of Norwich ...


Unthank Road, so nice they, er, named it once. However, as one of the roads that make up the Golden Triangle it's certainly a desirable place to call home. Or is it? Does it live up to the hype, or are you better off reserving a room in Waveney Terrace right now? The basic Unthank accommodation is a Victorian terraced house, which is certainly more interesting than the anodyne sterility of University residences. However, after a while (or a few housewarming parties at friends houses) you realise that most of the houses are exactly the same, more or less, so it's all about location - and getting the biggest room! Unthank's the place to be if you like eating fast food, drinking beer and not having to walk very far to accomplish these things. There are takeaways galore, useful if you're unable or unwilling to cook. In the golden triangle a pub can be less than a stones throw away (depending of course on athletic ability, and the size of the stone) .- but remember, nearest isn't always best. A little research on your part can find you . the ultimate local - even if it is further to stagger home. The University is about a 25 to 35 minute walk away from the Unthank road area, which could prove the perfect way to work off any beer and takeaway calories. But if you're terminally lazy (and what student isn't?) there are buses to the University and the town centre (get the right one!) &~ery 10 -15 minutes. Stephen Quirke

If you want to be at the centre of things then living in and around Earlham Road is always a safe bet in the hunt for your prospective home. You'll be at the centre of the golden triangle, and only a few minutes away from any friends living on Unthank or Dereham Road. lt also means that after a drunken night at the LCR you will only have to stagger down one main road to get home. The area has its own shopping centre witb the indispensable Somerfield, laundrette, Indian/Chinese takeaway, Victoria Wine, newsagents etc. For liquid refreshment there are plenty of pubs to help you quench your thirst after a day on campus. The Mitre is one of the main student/hockey club haunts and holds regular beer promotions as well as quizzes to keep you entertained. If you are after food to go along with your pint then the Black Horse, Bell Vue and Pickwick all offer a good atmosphere and nosh if you can't be bothered to cook. Where you live around Earlham will largely depend on how many of you their are trying to find a house, on Earlham Road itself the majority of accommodation houses 5/6 or more people, with the roads off it generally housing 3 people or more. And although it takes more than a couple of minutes to get to a lecture, the 20 minute stroll onto campus is always a good hangover cure. However, if a bracing walk doesn't quite appeal first thing in the morning then the 26/27 bus can be caught every 10/20 minutes onto campus or into the City.

BOWTHORPE BOWTHORPE BOWTHORPE Situated 2 miles west of University Village, Bowthorpe is a suburbian mixture of council flats and semis. You haven't heard of it? That's not surprising. it's hardly the place you'd head off to for a mad night out. In fact it's very unlikely you'd ever go there unless you're unlucky enough to be at the bottom of the University accomodation waiting list and end up with a room in Campion House, a block of council owned flats in the centre of Bowthorpe Village. When I say 'centre' I mean the bustling hjve of activity that is the bus stop, the shop and the one pub - Wardy's, which has gained a reputation as one of the pubs in Norwich you just don't go into, unless armed. Living in Bowthorpe you may become aware of a high police presence, a few smashed bottles and denied Sainsbury's trolleys strewn across the paths and the odd burnt out car littering the patches of wasteland that surround the area. But don't let that put you off too much - it does have its good points. For a start, it's cheap. Campion House costs up to £20 less a week than some other University residences, and the accommodation is reasonable. Nso, for those exercise freaks among you the lack of a bus route to campus means a daily bike ride or walk of around 30 minutes. While there are a few student houses in Bowthorpe you may find it difficult being so far away from your friends in the Golden Triangle, and the bus routes don't go anywhere near. Also, weekly shopping will become more difficult from this April when the local Sainsbury's store closes down. But if you do end up living in Bowthorpe don't despair! At least it means you won't have friends crashing on your sofa and eating all your food.


lt might not house as many students as the Unthank and Earlham areas, but Dereham Road and its surrounding areas can still lay claim to being one of the best places in Norwich for student living. There's some great pubs in the.area - The Fat Cat, recently voted the best pub in Britain, is just off Dereham and has the kind of atmosphere that most landlords would give their right arm for. The Ten Bells is just at the end of Dereham, down SI Benedict's Street, and has some of the most surreal decor in a pub in Norwich: A · red telephone box stands next to chinese decorations, and you're practically always guaranteed a seat. This area also offers possibly the tastiest greasy cafe in the Triangle; Joe's Cafe opposite the Texaco garage, serves an astounding fried breakfast. And Kentucky Fried Chicken, the Golden Triangle's only chain fast food restaurant, has chosen to make Dereham Road it's home - all adding up to some decent studenc services. • The housing round here. is fairly standard for The Triangle with most accommodation having four bedrooms. However, there are no bus routes running from here to UEA - so even if you can't be bothered with exercise and want to take the bus you still have to walk for some time to reach the bus stops on Earlham Road. At least there is one benefit - you'll get fitter, whether you like it or not.





hat nightmares are made of ... Your time living off campus D ~ ~" should be great fun, but bear in oc mind you could, if you're ~:..::=::!~~-../.) unlucky, meet some of ~ -~ these characters

t t- "' .

The Landlord from Hell

Nelson Court Guest Suite

~~ UEA Conference Services The Guest Suite in Nelson Court provides comfortable, purpose built bed and breakfast accommodation all year round!! Competitive rates. There is a 10% discount for all UEA students and their families as well as alumni Located centrally on campus 62 rooms with en-suite shower and wc Double and single rooms available TV, tea and coffee making facilities Rooms serviced daily Helpful reception staff

Ul A

To find out more, or to make areservation contact Conference Services on (01603) 593297 NORWICH If you are calling from within the University dial 3297 Housing Guide, Wednesday, March 3, 1999

What all students must remember is that in a society based on a free market economic system, you, the tenant are in a unique and privileged position. You have the chance to live somewhere, while the nightmare landlord has the job of raking in vast amounts of cash whilst never bothering to repair or improve anything at all whatsoever. If there are say, five of you in a house paying £45 a week that means that they are making £900 per month - ever so slightly more than they'll be putting out on any mortgage. Then you are also obliged to pay a large amount of cash merely for a 'damage deposit'. Now, this seems fair enough on first consideration

- if you manage to demolish a light fitting during a particular1y enthusiastic bout of light sabre duelling it seems only fair that you should pay for it. But some dodgy landlords definition of damage can be rather dubious - imagine you and all your eoresidents losing all your deposit because of a small mark on the carpet or a slightly bent spoon. Be warned - it does happen, and students fare the worse when making official complaints. But be grateful. Just think how that landlord will suffer when he's shuffles off this mortal coil and takes the elevator down to the fiery depths of hell. Now, the Devil is truly a landlord not to be argued with.

Neighbours from Hell The problem with living in a house in the Golden Triangle is that you are very likely to be in a terrace. This means that the slightest noise; be it of the musical, argumentative or fornicatory bent will be picked up by the neighbours. Now if they are students this is not a big problem; in fact you could probably have a lot of fun with noise competition, trying to drown out the opposition in a frenzy of saucepan bashing and stereo abuse. However, you may be unlucky enough to be a mere walls width away from a delightful old couple. This pair are probably lovely at heart, regular1y sending fivers to grateful grandchildren, but the moment they find that you

are slightly noisy students, prepare for the worst. They might both be stone deaf, but they will still claim that any noise, even the sound of a pin drop, . is enough to ruin their enjoyment of Songs Of Praise or Highway with Harry Seacombe. And if you protest they will probably bring in the War factor, with the old codger coming round brandishing medals yelling about 'Your duty to the older generation' and trying to re-enact 0-Day as he charges into your living room. My only advice is to take up his war analogy and set up a defensive cordon replete with machine gun nests and stereo blasting out the theme from Dambusters.

Flatmates from Hell You'd think that having escaped the horrors of the outside world your own 'family', so to speak, would be a source of comfort, solace and hours of endless mutual entertainment. But beware - even the mildest mannered of people can sometimes become very unbalanced the second they get under the roof of a student house. That quiet, nice person could become the most intolerant so and so in the world, so fed up with the tinyest blast on the stereo or musical instrument that you could probably be justified in expecting a new alliance with the moaning old couple next door. Even the slightest thing will annoy them: they go to bed at 9pm, they'll bash ominously on the roof or wall at the slightest whisper and try and make you feel guilty the next day as they look at you all

pouty and tired over their cornflakes. But, while this might be bad, there is an equally worse scenario - dwelling with the 24-hour party animal. Whilst you'll undoubtedly have a lot more of a laugh and won't have to worry about making noise, their habit of getting in at 6am can be a bit of a bind, as can the fact that their stereo is generally a lot more powerful than yours and will constantly drown it out. But even worse, the ultimate nightmare, the true visitation of hell in the home is to ·have both the quiet and the party animal living in the same house. Civil war will almost certainly ensue, and you'll begin to think that moving in with the crotchety old pensioners next door might not be such a bad idea after all ...



it's not too expensive to get a selection of lamps or candles, and you'd be surprised a._ the effect they have. Decent lighting can make everything feel more homely. You can get pretty cheap angle poise standing lamps anywhere in town for about £20'- see your Argos catalogue! Candles are a cheaper alternative, though be careful not to look as if you're trying to seduce everybody who walks through the door. A couple of church candles on the corner of your desk can make the room seem less empty (QD in Anglia Square has a massive selection of good value candles).

Bedding: We all love our cartoon hero bedspread from our childhoods - but quite frankly it's not even kitsch and you'll be impressing nobody. If you can afford it, a new bedspread will really make the room your own - but go for a simple pattern, avoid flowers and 80's geometries if possible. Try and pick out accessories that match your cover colours, which will mean you won't have to completely redecorate to get the atmosphere you 'r€ after.


Do I need to say this? Whether you end up cutting pictures of Jenny McCarthy out of magazines or buy that seal-on-ice poster from the sale in the LCR, think about putting it in a clip frame or even using cardboard back to smarten it up.

Carpet: Yes, it will be brown or yellow, or even worse, yellow on brown, but do not despair. The combination of denial and a rag rug will solve all. These rugs may be a student cliche, but

Places to shop SecOnd Hand Land ·113-121 Magdalan street (611922) for eleCtroniCSu..-..len Street.

FurnitUre warehOUse· - . .........JUt\ tor a..1c behind second Hand Land __....,, tumltunt. .....__ ..._ Tbere ere quu. a tew eecond --- ...-clott*l clOWn llagdaWI Slleet BtrMt. Angllan falhlOn 40 llllgClalen (8241 0 .... 'CoUntry and Ealtill'ft (623107) haS a

bedepl'8eCIS and prtcea - - - and .. _ ... Square tell all

g--. . .. at~~~~ ueetul

they are so useful that they really can be justified. Just try and cover the grimmest parts of the carp€t and don't think about the rest of it.


on you

Curtains: cup lftOVed-:; :=-_;':.,~find""::: hoarders - - F hounda and Some student homes which are supposed·to be fully furnished do not have curtains. lt might be wise to check this out before you move in, you don't want to be waking up at 6am every



8otUe of Jack Danlel8 .. a corner

acceaory, 1t says

8tyle 'flair' and 8 8Uggestfon that you have , . _ out of the adolescent drink - - where .. - ..... ,.._ any _,._.,,_ alCOhol muat be conaumect mmect~ate~y -·Also

Painting: Some landlords are happy -for you to paint your rooms, as long as you don't want outrageous colours. Make sure you get their permission, preferably in writing, since you don't want to get stung for the cost of re-decorating again when you move out. If that's all sorted, head down to B&Q, get yourself some paint and brushes, and slap it on the W(llls.

Communal Areas: The name of the game here is compromise you may think that pink fluffy cushions are the ultimate fashion accessory, but your housemates may not agree. Don't contribute anything to a communal space unless you don't mind it getting destroyed or damaged. The best course of action is the obligatory rag rug, a plant or two and a cover for the sofa. If you are all willing, chip in and buy these things together, but make sure you decide who will get what at the end of the year.


If your storage space is lacking or your home is only partly furnished , then check out the list sorts of things for of second-hand furniture places for wardrobes _ .. ...__ as Kitchen fleleCtiSpOh and cupboards etc. Cheap alternatives are ~ 8uch .. ,.... ..IU . .- · using plastic boxes (available everywhere) for wellaaldtchen lmp&emen'S· storing clothes, books, and junk. You can ArgOS ln Mal everything and also use them upturned as bed side tables. are a good bet for plan\8 pelnta Emma Alnger

QD on St





morninguntilyousort something out. You can try sewing your own, but this is not recommended unless you have a parent/grandparent or GCSE textiles to show you the way. A simpler, and cheaper option is to tack fabric to the top of the wi(ldow frame , and then tie it to one side - the main problem here is that if the fabric is light enough to stay up, it will probably also be so thin it lets the light in. A lot of DIY places, department stores and Argos sell roller blinds for a fair price, which you can paint if you are feeling artistic. Remember to measure your window properly before you buy - it's really not worth guessing the size.


Licensed Restaurant • Take Away Menu Free local home delivery (minimum order £6)

EVEN THOUGH EARLHAM ROAD IS SHUT YOU CAN STILL GET TO US You can create your own PIZZA from our wide selection of toppings:- Bacon, Spicy Sausage, Pepperonl, Ham, Mushroom, Onion, Mixed Pepper, Spicy Beef, Olives. Sweetcom, Crushed Chillies, Capers,. Egg, Tomato, Pineapple, Anchovies, Sardines, Tuna, Prawns, extra Cheese, Tandoorl Chicken. Or you can choose one of our set PIZZA'S as described below Small Med. Lge. £5.95 CHEESE & TOMATO ..................................................................................... £2.SO £3.SO SOp Each Additional Topplng.............................................................................. 40p SOp £8.95 THE TRAD Spicy Beef, Pepperonl, Mushrooms, Onlons ........................ £3.95 £4.95 £8.95 THE FlSHERMAN Tuna, Prawns, Sardines, Fresh Tomatoes ................. £3.95 £4.95 PICCANTE Spicy Sausage, Pepperonl, Crushed Chillies, Onions, ...... £3.95 £4.95 Fresh Tomatoes £4.95 VEGETARIAN Fresh Tomatoes, Mushrooms, Peppers, Sweetcom~ ..... £3.95 Onions MIXED SIDE SALAD with a choice of Blue Cheese, Thousand ............ £1.SO Island or French Dressings.

:::~ ~-

JOa~ta Ol~htl~ Freshly prepared

£4.95 each



BEEF LASAGNE VEGETABLE LASAGNE SPAGHETTI BOLOGNAISE SPAGHETTICARBONARA A creamy Cheese Sauce with Ham & Mushrooms CANNELLONI RICOTTA Spinach Pasta filled with Rlcotta Cheese SERVED WITH A CHOICE OF:Napoletana Sauce A tomato Sauce with vegetables, Herbs or Formagglo Sauce A rich Cheese Sauce, with Cream

GARUC BREAD with Cheese £1.75£1.25 GARUC BREAD 85p COLESLAW SOp SOFT DRINKS CAN £1.75 BAKED POTATO with grated Cheese or Coleslaw or choice of dresslngs:Biue Cheese or 1000 Island GATEAUX or CHEESECAKE £1.SO PLEASE ASK FOR TODAY'S CHOICE


53 Earlham Road, Norwich, NR2 3AD (01603) 615853 OPEN MONDAY· SATURDAY FROM SPM CLOSED SUNDAYS

Housing Guide, Wednesday, March 3, 1999

Concrete have teamed up with Liquid to offer every Liquid-goer a free_drink and the chance to get their accomodation cleaned from top to bottom by the manager and the DJ • with a crate of booze thrown in! r

Every student who fills in this voucher and hands it in on the door before 11 pm next Tuesday will recieve a free drink and entry into a prize draw. The voucher will get you a drinks token, entitling you to a product of your choice when you get to the bar (excluding champagne!) Your name will then be entered into a prize draw - to take place at midnight on the DJ console. If you win, your house will be cleaned by DJ Darran Swingler and the Manager, Pablo Dimoglou. They say they will clean kitchens, wash pots, vacuum clean, take the rubbish out, clean walls, bathrooms, showers and even do the toilets (for security reasons, they can't do bedrooms). The Cleaning will take place.on either the next Monday, Monday night or Tuesday - whichever is convenient. The winner will also receive an #"\'-'\ ... assorted case of beer/metz/bacardi breezer - 24 bottles in total. One voucher is valid per person, so there's no point in taking 20 copies of the paper along in the hope of getting a night's free booze.

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