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\Vedensdav. Febmarv 26. 2
Who do you think you are? Wouldn't it be great if you could pick your corridor mates? The good news is, you can definitely pick your housemates off-campus. But to prevent you from living with the 'wrong' sort, follow our quiz and find out your perfect flatmates.
Doesn't it sometimes seem like you and your housemates speak a different language? Try our translation guide to ensure understanding all round ... You've had a number of different bed fell ows recently after a few drunken nights out You 're thinking : Wow, it's like the old saying , you wait ages for a bus then five turn up Th ey're thinking : Our housemate is like a bus- anyone gets a ride You've noticed that the kitchen is always clean despite never having done the wash ing-u p yourself You're th inki ng : This is a modern miracle! Unless my mum has been letting herself in secretly .. . Th ey're thinking : If I have to wash up a curry-stained pan again , they'll have more than a dodgy stomach to worry about. You've met a new partner and think they are wonderful. Your housemates, however, seem to vacate the room whenever your beloved arrives. You're thinking : Ah, isn't that nice. Giving up the sofa so Derek/Mavis and I can spend some quality time together. They're th inking : We really must call pest control about th at thing sitting in the lounge. You 've been on a mega shop at Sainsburys and have literally packed the freezer with yo ur own food You're thinking : Yes! No more baked beans on toast They're thinking : Looks like baked beans on toast for the remainder of term . You've bought the new Justin album and you are enjoying it greatly Yo u're th inking: Woah, I've just discovered th at my bass goes up to +20. Wicked! They're thinking : (They can't actually think because your bass is too loud) You were sick on the carpet in the way in last night and when you awake, the offending item has been removed . You're thinking: How nice is that? I must remember to return the favour some time.. . They're thinking: I can 't believe I stepped in that on the way to the shower. If only our carpet wasn't a browny/yellowy/orange colour I might have missed it.
The music I mainly listen to is: a) The latest boy band/g irl band, and various 'Now' compilations b) Angry guitar music, usually full blast at twilight c) Anything by Nigel Kennedy · Vanessa Mae at a push. d) Ethnic chordal fo lk tunes that I picked up on my way round Outer Mongolia
My ideal evening in consists of: a) A couple of vodka concoctions in front of the TV, then it's off to the LCR b) Playing my Playstation whilst smoking illegal substances c) A dinner party at mine with scintillating conversation for afters d) Swapping travelling stories with fellows in tie dye and beads
The food I consume: a) Cheesy Pancakes, Birdseye Potato Waffles, anything remote ly processed b) Cheese on toast, when I get the munchies c) Smoked Salmon in a la-di-dah sauce with a side salad of Asparagus d) Lentils, cous co us, tofu and chick peas. In that order
I study: a) Football boys/cheerleaders ·delete as appropriate b) Slipknot riffs c) Networking d) Saving the world
My favourite tipple: a) Bacardi Breezer (Pineapple please) b) Real Ale c) The finest Chardonnay Budgens can offer d) Green Tea The room I spend most time in is : a) Probably the lounge- so that I can watch and participate in Jade's workout video b) My bedroom. With the cu rtain s shut and the smell of unwashed socks filtering through the air c) The living area- decked out with Habitat furniture mummy shipped in from our country house d) The garden. The overgrown weeds only add to th e vibe, man
lt really annoys me when my housemates: a) Don't want to go out b) Complain about the smell c) An swer the house phone in the incorrect manner d) Drink Nescafe I don't understand why my housemates don 't like: a) Me singing S club on my way in from the LCR b) My bedroom c) My friend Tara Malara-Fox Herbert d) Listening to my trekking tales My ideal student house would be: a) As close to the bus stop as possible b) One I would never have to leave c) A penthou se with a maid service d) A solar powered mud hut
Mostly A's:
Mostly C's :
You 're definitely a source of amusement to your fellow housemates, although often they will be laughing at you, not with you. Oh well , that just comes hand in hand with being an A, I'm afraid. As does your obsession with following fash ion and the desire to try out every trend going . All at once. You might dismiss B initia ll y but once you have a conversation with them you might discover that they are actually incredibly witty and intelligent. And your relationship with those in group C could be rather interesting. You r love of drinking pints of snakebite at the LC R wo uld probably clash with th eir passion for sipping wine at a dinner party. Bu t you aspire to be like them, so if you are extremely tolerant and you put on a rah rah accent, you could become chums.
UEA was clearly not your first choice university. If you 'd had your way, you would probably be sipping champers with Prince William St. Andrews. So we're not going to lie to you , the student accommo dation that Norwich has to offer is not likely to be up to your standards, unless you can persuade Mummy and Daddy to buy up one of those plush flats on th e Riverside, that is. That said, a few accessories from The Pier and a 16-piece dinner set cou ld work wonders for . You are a generous housemate, especially when it comes to offering lifts in your snazzy beamer to Waitrose . Beware o those who fit into the D category, as arguments about Capitalism could get a little tedious - and they'll probably periodically lecture you on the sins of eating veal .
Mostly B's:
Mostly D's:
Having identified yourself as a habitual drug user, it might be wise to find housemates of a similar ilk who will be willi ng to endure drawnout conversations and th e odd fit of giggles over a remarkably unfunny comment. I'm not sure you could cope with A, but their copies of Heat/FHM could come in handy on an afternoon of solace. You are a chilled out housemate who would rather go with th e flow than complain about something as irrelevant as cleaning the kitchen . So steer clear of C's as they wouldn't appreciate having your week-old fag butts split on the new cream sofa which th ey owe Daddy for.
You would be an asset to any student household since you own a large collection of throws, woven rugs and painted si lk sheets whic can cove r up a va ri ety of unpleasan t stains and floral sofas. And if you refrain from tell ing your travelling tales in ord inary conver sation, I don't see why you couldn't watch neighbours with the oth ers in the lou nge. You might not get on too well with A, who is most likely to drink Nesquik milkshake powder and th en offer you a glass. Having probably lived through the joys of comm unal living before however, yo u are a mature housemate who is most likely to be peace maker should any fights occur.
(&;•d}~il]i~ HOUSING GUIDE 2003 Executive Editor: Katie Hind
Photos: Concrete, front cover courtesy of Eveni ng News
Editor: Liz Hutchinson
20% 1603 767854
Contributors: Polly Barker Matthew Colver Kate Gerber Joe Minihane Marc Peachey Concrete is published by UUEAS Concrete Society ©2003 Concrete. ISSN 1351-2773. Opin ions expressed are not necessarily those of the
Cartoon s: Claire Burwell
Publisher or Editor.
Cotattt Wednesday, February 26, 2003
Housing Guide
Page 3
ize matters •••
lt's that time of year when you need to decide exactly who you like and who you pretend to like. Harsh, but definitely true. You may find you like all of them, or just a c~uple. But which is best? Big house or small house? We present the case for and against... · "If you ever have a quandary, there are five opinions to mull over."
"Why take two friends with you when you can take five."
"' ::» 0 :c
© Claire Burwell n the 1st year, the chances are there'll be someone on your corridor whom you really don't want to have to share a kitchen or a · civil word with. lt seems inevitable that you are going to have to live with someone unbearable at some point I suppose we were lucky. We all became firm friends from the outset and there really wasn't
live in a house off Dereham road with two others blokes and a sheep footstool, Boris. it has a reasonably big living room considering the small capacity, but the scummy carpets, empty pizza boxes, and curtains that look like the ones my Nan threw out in '89 reveal it as a student abode. Our landlord recently informed us of a new addition to the house, Roberto, from Portugal, who has earned himself much contempt already because the vortex twister electric race track has had to be removed to make room for whatever he can squeeze into the smallest room (until previous conversions, presumably the smallest room in the other sense of the phrase as well). His heralded arrival was bad news in other respects. He has upset our carefully crafted residential atmosphere and will mean the re-allocation of telly sitting positions, cupboard space, and free bathroom time. With the loss of the smallest room, the bathroom is the only place to relieve yourself, and even as it is, the drain out back has had to be utilised, not the most pleasant of prospects on a cold January morning. When the smell of cheap curry wafts through the house after a ood thirty seconds trying to jimmy open my front door, I know JR is home. When the idle strummings of an acoustic guitar make our thin walls wobble, I know X* is waiting for the toastie machine to provide him with a heated savoury treat What uncaring person would want to break up this happy home? I like living in a small household. In a larger one there are always rifts, two or three people get very friendly, then the other two start displaying bottom lips and form a "We hate all this social politics" tag team. Eventually someone feels sorry for the duo, and moves over, creating yet more discomfort. Before very long people are forever miming removing sharp objects from their backs and shouting "I believe this knife is yours!" No, far better to have a small house. You can all assemble in the living room for a group viewing of The Simpsons and all have foot space. A snowball fight will not escalate into a budget horror flick. Being in a smaller group encourages group harmony, peace love and other Hippy stuff, after all, fall out with your housemates and a lonely pot noodle scenario looks imminent In short, small households are good, big households bad. The ideal situation has to be a few of you living in a bloody big mansion. Can you picture it? I bet it has a hot-tub and a mini bar. (*X has asked not to be named to protect the guilty)
them were in. Though we would never admit it to our parents, their teaching us to be wary of distinct (but unidentifiable) smells a·n d faulty appliances, does suddenly kick in on a house-hunt But one thing rang true ...the houses for more than three people were not as horrifying for those suffering from claustrophobia or malcoordination. More often than not, small terraced houses are cramped and have absolutely lethal staircases. The stairs are practically vertical and if you sway in after a heavy night and are faced with this veritable assault course, your chances of survival are slim. We must admit that an all female situation can sometimes turn ridiculously nasty. But surprisingly six women do not equal a bitchlest We have our problems, as does any other house, but we are generally less selfish when it comes to necessary compromise. Wlien there are more people about, you are constantly reminded of each other's needs. But if it has to be handbags-at-dawn or a
any question of our living together in the 2nd year. Why split up a great group? Why take two friends with you when you can take five? There aren't many six-person houses though ... We were all secretly terrified that all the houses would be snapped up, and we'd be left begging the Village to take us back. The thrill of finding a house for ourselves somewhat numbed us to the appalling condition some of
Mexican stand-off, I'd prefer to have space enough to run my life, without aggravating an already tense situation. But agro aside, the communal spaces in our house are big enough to comfortably sustain huge house parties. We once had a Heroes and Villains party and three teenage ninja turtles happily navigated their way to and from the drinks without a single spillage. There were 30 or so people there. A six-person house is economic. Keeping a house in heating and water is no small cost, but divided by six the odd surprise bill won't financially cripple you. The cost of a 21st birthday gift split six ways is also not a biggy. The weekly shop is cheaper if there are more of you to split the cost of a taxi and you can always make meals together. If you are missing anything from mascara to a frying pan, there's more chance of someone being able to lend it to you. I've found that with six people under one roof, there is usually someone in and available for consultation. If you ever have a quandary, there are five opinions to mull over. If you get torturously bored, there are five stores of videos to tap into. There is an ever expandingchoice of music for every mood. There is usually someone at home to tape the version of Sex and the City you have sacrificed in order to pursue Mr Probably Wrong For Me Again. I believe that larger groups are better. They relinquish their 'playground' mentality. We are less possessive of friends and less destructive within our friendships. You can't prevent people from pairing off and cooking dinner together, but you can always find someone else to talk to.
Page 4 Housing Guide
CoiKntt Wedensday, February 26, 2003
CoiCfttt Wednesday, February 26, 2003
Housing Guide
Page 5
Choosing where exactly to reside in spendid squalor is one of those allimportant life decisions. But fear not, oh campus resident, simply look at our neat and concise summaries and decide which is the best place for you ...
2. Dereham
by Matthew colver
So, w hat is it like? Dereham could be described as 'downmarket', the use of glass in bus stops and phone booths mean constant sharp fragments underfoot. How about food? Takeaway joints, range from cardboard tasting pizzas of O'Yes to tasty foil encased Chinese. The new Aldi has everything you ever wanted; provided everything you ever wanted is 19p super noodles and imitation Lucozade. What about that great British institution? What, Borstal? No, the public house! Oh, right. Well, there is only one local pub, the Gatehouse, with live music on a Friday night supplied by the proprietors' mates. There is a real fire, jukebox and a pool table, but don't think about using it unless you have befriended the barman, and shared a joke over the obligatory drunk in the corner.
University of East Anglia
Bus routes, Times, Location? How demanding you are ... there are reasonably regular buses into town, but getting to Uni is more taxing. Investing in a bike would be a good idea; otherwise it's a half hour walk in, and twenty minutes into town-depending on where you live. Would I want to live there? I don't see why not. lt has reasonable facilities and a supermarket nearby, but it is a little far from the university. If you like take out food, a nice pint and a pie, ifs perfect. If you like your Marks and Spencer quality range and a rum and blackcurrant, steer clear.
3. The Avenues
byJoe Minihane
What, no Top Shop? Alas no, but it only takes about 15 minutes to walk to town (depending on which end of Unthank you live), which is perfect for avoiding taxi fares when you stumble home from Liquid on a Monday night. I' m a bit bored of town... Fear not, as Unthank Road falls into the infamous Golden Triangle, which means you are never far from a pub. I joke not. The pubs include The York Tavern, The Garden House and The Mad Moose to name but a few. There is a even a little wine shop known by the name of Le Chateau for telly nights.
1. Unthank Road by Polly Barker
There must be an end 10 this drinking madness-1 need nourishIng as well as watering. .. Unthank facilitates for this matter too. The Unthank Kitchen serves
the best morning-after-the-night-before breakfasts and is popular with many an Unthank resident. There are also numerous takeaways (of the Fish n' Chips and Chinese variety) and two Budgens to buy your cuisine from.
Bowthorpe? Isn't t hat miles away? Contrary to reports, Bowthorpe is actually closer to UEA than the Golden Triangle. lt's only around a 20 minute walk from campus, but if you're not inclined to brace the cold at this time of year, there is a highly reliable bus service that calls in at the University Village.
Isn't it a bit of a pain not being close to Unthank? To be honest it does grate, especially as the buses stop early, meaning expensive taxi journeys back from town after a night on the lash, or a very long walk. Mind you the walking will keep you fit, and make you smile in summer.
Well, it seems okay for uni, but how about the city? Nights out in town, or anywhere else in the city for that matter, may well prove a problem. The last bus back from town is 11 o'clock all week, getting a cab can prove a rather costly affair, and the walk home is well over an hour.
So access isn't top notch? No, but the shops are excellent on Colman Road, with two newsagents, a chippie(the best in town), a chinese, a charity shop, and a rather 'local' pub named The Romany.
But there are some okay local pubs to go to, yeah? I'm afraid not. Local watering-holes are few and far between, and those there are, shall we say, don't really welcome students with open arms.
Ah, pubbage. So what's the score on the a lcohol front? If you enjoy the odd quiet drink, get walking. i t's The Garden House or the Mad Moose for you, which are both wonderful yet miles away. That said, getting to the Union for drinks is really easy and when walking back after a night at the LCR you can point and laugh at those stumbling on whilst you roll into your pad for overcooked toast and a cup of tea.
So it's a local place for local people? Despite an increasing UEA presence in the area, Bowthorpe is still far from being a well-established student centre, and as a result, a certain degree of anti-student feeling does exist. That is not to say that everyone is hostile, there are some very friendly people, but be prepared for the occasional menacing stare.
So on balance, it's not bad? lt has its plus points, but then there are negatives. When most of your mates are down near Unthank, you might want to think twice before signing that lease. But access to campus is a definite plus point, especially if you are in the third year and need to do some work (yeah right).
Um, aren't you supposed to be selling this to me? I am-with a nicer neighbourhood comes a nicer choice of watering holes. The Belle Vue serves up a great Sunday lunch and the Garden House is one of the best pubs in the Golden Triangle, attracting the best of the beautiful people. The Earl ham Road laundrette is quite a hotbed of social activity too.
5_•Earlham R08d Byliz Hutchinson
But man cannot exist on takeaway alone... Don't worry, you will be pleased to hear that all houses in the Unthank Road area are fully equipped with working kitchens.
So, there Is plenty to 'thank' this area for•. Well ...it's quite a way from campus. You can expect to either freeze your pants off waiting for a bus, or you might want to walk or cycle (or befriend a car owner). The number 25 bus is supposed to turn up every 10 minutes for the majority of the day, but the arrival of a bus tends to become a bit random. And if you're running late for a lesson it really is potluck whether a bus will turn up in time to get you there.
And very handy for, well, everything... Shops, bars, restaurants, cinemas ...because going places is not a hassle, you get to explore the city and its wonders much more.
6. The city
by Elizabeth
Are there any redeeming features? As a relatively new estate, the quality of the accommodation itself is pretty good; most houses are semi-detached and you won't have to suffer having the front door in your bedroom. All basic amenities are catered for: The Village Centre houses a small supermarket, bank, chemist, and take-aways, and is within 10 minutes walk from most parts of the estate.
But Unthank road also has a laundrette•.. Pah, it pales in comparison with this meeting place, where you can expect to discuss anything from the evenings television viewing to Bacchtian theory. Quite a cultural area then ••. lt certainly is, and I haven't even mentioned that most wondrous of human inventions yet. M and M's convenience store stocks anything from a Checkov Vodka to Blu-tak. And if, heaven forbid, it doesn't have what you're looking for, there is also a handy Somerfield just down the road in the Earlham shopping precinct comprising several takeaways, Victoria Wine and a gift shop. Okay, so Earlham is far superior to Unthank. A ny final words? Yes. My road is bigger than your road, ner ner na ner ner.
Excuse me? You heard.
Please tell me that the average city accommodation Is nothing like Mary Chapman Court•.. Nope, you'll find that the majority of city pads are generally nicer than the average student housing in the golden triangle. Most are above shops which makes a refreshing change from boring terraced housing.
So the houses have a kitchen. Good s tart. Anything else? The houses in Unthank are all of the terraced niche. So you can expect steep stairways, creaky floorboards and a distinctly 'classic' style of home. You may also have a lovely bay window and other period features.
by Marc Peachey
The Avenues, sounds rather Gallic? Well, not quite, but situated between Earlham and Unthank Roads, it is perfect for Campus and Town. The 27 bus route goes from the junction with Colman Road, but those of you who are money conscious can always walk.
Earlham Road? I thought Unthank was the place to be? Admittedly, Earlham has been known in the past as the place where the Unthank road wannabies reside. The houses are definitely not as deep down and dirrrty as some of those in Unthank and sandwiched in between the student abodes are likely to be young families or lavender smelling old folk.
I hear the Unthank Road Is quite a shopping experience.•• Unthank offers endless acilities that are all very pleasing and more to the point very useful. There is a launderette, a bank, a chemist, a hardware store, green grocers, a video store, a newsagent, a post office, a drycleaners, a J:etrol station and a florist. So basically, you need never leave the area again. But visiting the outside world would be advisable...
4. Bowthorpe
But with all those bars, surely there is loads of rowdy drunken people right outside.•. Well, you do get the odd scag head, but the tact that a lot of the housing is near the art school means that you also get to see pretty people on a day to day basis.
So probably best not to live on St Stephens Street if you want good looking neighbours right? Yeah, and always avoid Anglia Square. 1t is the worst place in Norwich by far and about as ugly and concrete as the UEA campus. Talking about the campus, it's quite far away isn't it...? Yes I'm afraid so, but most people in the Golden Triangle get the bus anyway. lt might be slightly more expensive transport wise but you save that back at night time when you can literally stumble back to your bed in a matter of minutes. But what about the Union bar? Who wants to go to the Union Bar, when you live in the city? Me? Well, get back to your smelly semi on the Avenues if that's the case. You don't belong.
----------------- - - -
Page 6 Housing Guide
Celcntt Wedensday. February 26, 2003
(We hope..)
Once you've decided on a house, you might want to make sure that your most prized possessions are not snapped up by an opportunist thief. Liz Hutchinson talks to PC Bell about the options. . . . !'
aving lived in either the prison-like Waveney, been nailed into one's bedroom with offensive black bars in the ziggaruts, or even been segregated in a little community known as The Village, the last thing you off-campus-virgins are likely to be considering when house hunting is securing your property. But, take note. Campus is certainly not a hotbed of criminal activity (except the odd bike theft and teenage terrors) so this might have dulled your senses to the facts of real life. Once off campus, you might not want to trust everyone you meet as you would an old friend. That sort of behaviour is best left to the confines of the LCR as I'm sure good old burglar Bill would far rather get his hands on your property than give you a hearty slap on the back or a friendly cuddle. But fear not, living off campus does not mean rubbing shoulders with hardened criminals- this is the Golden Triangle, Norwich, not
"If you are thinking about safety then you are three quarters of the way there"- PC Richard Bell Moss Side, Manchester. But it does pay to be safety conscious, as University Liaison Officer Richard Bell is well aware. 'Student accommodation is more likely to be targeted than if you were a private owner/resident and that is due to a number of factors. First of all, you probably won't have as many security measures as your neighbours, such as window locks, security locks, burglar alarms and double glazing. Also, in a shared house four for example, there is likely to be four times the amount of electrical equipment and other valuable
Celebrity flat-share:
possessions.' Which is strangely true. On one hand, we barely have enough money to pay our library fines. On the other, we all seem to own a rather large amount of electrical equipment be it a mini-disc, lap top or stereo- all are rather delicious to your.average thief. According to Richard however, there are effective methods for securing your belongings. 'lt is crucial that you mark your property with a UV pen, detailing your postcode and house number. If you are going home in vacations I would suggest that you take with you as much valuable belongings as you can and organise with your landlords to have a secure lock on one of the rooms.' So what else attracts thieves to our humble student abodes? Surely it can't be the smell? 'Another attraction is that students are away for certain months of the year and periodically throughout the day.' explains Richard. Though the student stereotype would have us think other-Wise, most of us do manage to make it onto campus some time during the day, and then we are often drawn back here on a night to consume a few beverages in the infamous LCR. Luckily, they are less drastic measures we can take to secure our house than simply staying in. For the whole year. 'Don't leave any tools out lying around because they can be used to break in. A spade or other such implement lying around can be used by an opportunist thief to prise open a window, which is likely to be unglazed. lt is vital to use your common sense. The vast majority of house crimes are walk-ins or insecure windows. Thinking of safety therefore is crucial, such as keeping the door locked when we are in, and leaving the key somewhere safe in case of emergencies. If you are thinking about crime prevention then you are three quarters of the way there.' claims PC Bell. Once you have decided on a house and want to get more information on securing your new pad, there are plenty of information points available to you. Every Wednesday there is a police surgery in the Hive, where you can get advice on crime prevention issues and get hold of a free UV pen for marking property. Richard also recommends a new home office website- www.good2bsecure.co.uk- which offers advice on all crime prevention issues.
Who would be your ideal housemate? We asked four students who and why... Jlm Bodlan- EAS 1
My Ideal Ho use would be... Fonz- Because he is a fountain of coolness Jiml Hendrlx- he would have a good supply of hallucinogenics Beth Orton-she could strum away on her guitar in times of boredom and a jam between her and jimi would be immense. . Rude Dog and the dweebs-the coolest pet
Mark Walla路 CHE 1
My Ideal Ho use wou ld be... Che Guevara- to promote equality in the house Keith Moon- He would be an outrageous party animal and would have a good supply of substances Co lumbo- He could investigate any milk stealing incidents. J esus Christ- he'd never let me go hungry
Claire Wilson LAW 1 and Kam Bedwal MGT 2
Our Ideal Ho use wou ld be... Carrle from Sex and the City-so we could borrow her clothes. Graham Norton- for sheer comedy value Rosemary Conne ly- so we wouldn't get fat like Jade from Big Brother J amle Ollver- For food supply and eye candy- as long as he didn't bring Jules.
CoiKrltt Wednesday, Febmary 26, 2003
Housing Guide
Page 7
Finding a house and securing a lease can be a daunting task. But don't panic, Polly Barker is here to guide you through the housing maze... k, so it's week seven and you haven't found yourself a house for next year. Now, as much as it is not my job to make matters any worse, some of you may not have realised that your fellow students have already snapped up a lot of houses available. So here are your tips to getting that house you want, and fast! The key to finding a suitable house is knowing your criteria and, of course getting in there early. If you haven't started looking already then get out that door into the freezing cold this minute, and go house hunting . First and foremost you must know how many people you are going to need to accommodate for in your house, so make sure you have patched any broken friendships and that you know exactly who you want to live with. lt is better to sort out numbers this way than to get a house with a spare room and advertise for an extra housemate - only do this as a last resort. Know which area you want to live in, do yo u want to live near campus or near the city centre? Do you want a more modern house or a more old fashioned one? Use our area guide to help you work out which location is most suitable for your needs.
"Talk to the current tenantsthey can tell you things about the house and the landlord which may put you off." When you start looking around houses don't be afraid to ask questions and find out about all the features of the house. For instance, it is really useful to know what furniture is included in the contract and whether there are any problem areas in the house, such as damp and so on. Ask the current tenants exactly what appliances are included in the house (refrigerators, freeze rs, vacuum
Words of wisdom ...
cleaners, microwaves etc) . Look around a range of houses so you can determine which is most attractive to you . Before you choose a house, make sure that everyone is happy with the bedrooms in the house otherwise someone will end up living unhappily in the box room , sometimes known as the cupboard under the stairs. And speaking of cupboards - try to find out what kind of storage space is available (inside and outside the house), then you will know your limitations concerning your junk. If you think you have finally discovered the house of your dreams (well maybe not quite) then there are a few final pointers that might be beneficial in the long run . Make a meeting with the current tenants - they have lived in the house for at least a year and can probably tell you things about the house and the landlord which may put you off. They can also tell you who will give you the cheapest bills, where they rent certain items like the television from , and gossip about the neighbours . There are also some crucial matters to consider, such as the damage deposit that you will have to pay on the house. Make sure you ask the current tenants if there have been any previous trouble with the landlord and getting returns on deposits or overpaid rent. These kinds of issues may be really stressful if they occur whilst you are living there and so you want to avoid them at all costs. If the tenants inform you of any problems, make sure you get them formally dealt with by your landlord. You may want to get a signed document agreeing to fix any problems such as damp, not to mention getting the carpets cleaned and new furniture or appliances instead of old, worn ones. Finally, if you have started looking but can't find anything suitable then there is always Accommodation Week coming up in at the beginning of March : this is when the Accommodation Office dispatches a list of available housing and offers their services to UEA students to help them find a house. In addition to this make sure you have visited all the housing agencies and keep visiting them - you never know when a newly leased house might pop up.
Taking advice from those older and wiser than yourself is not always easy but in the quest of housing, knowledge is everything. We ask familiar face around campus for their tips ...
No fond memories whatsoever, but here's some practical advice: 1. never rent from a lawyer; you can 't argue with them when they keep your deposit. 2. do not live in the garret of a heavydrinking poet unless you're prepared to listen constructively late at night. 3. check that when the woman next door has an orgasm it doesn't sound like Norwich FC just scored.
In my worst student flat the furnitu re had to be moved when it rained as it came through the roof and ceil ing. Tip: If on the top floor the ce iling paint is fresh or if there are a pile of buckets in the corner of the room visit the flat when it is raining before signing the lease! In my favourite student flat we had a large balcony (somewhat wider than the UEA Walkways) a few hundred feet from the Clition Suspension Bridge. Tip: Get a flat with a unique party site and a stunning view and watch your popularity soar! And yes, it is where I met my wife.
Joad Raymond, EAS lecturer
Here are some tips: 1) If possible visit you r potential home/party palace/shag pad on a crappy day. Damp isn't so apparent during spring. 2) Live with someone who has a car, who can cook, is good at your degree subject or preferably all of the above. 3) Get your house through home run , it's where I found my current landlord.
My advice is: Don't live with a couple, or single men Move in with someone who can afford a cleaner Don't leave the gas on if you are going out Live with someone with a car Don't live with students .. .
Toby Cunnlgham, Entertainments Assistant
Whilst at uni, I knew some twins whose dad was a noble prize winner and he went away for a year and let me live in his house. lt was really nice and really close to the UEA.
Nick Rayns, Bars and Entertainments Manager
Andy Pott, Union General Manager
Mlchelle Pratt, Finance Officer You should live with a smaller amount of people4 if possible because then there are less toilets to clean. Also, the bigger the house, the more dishes there are to wash up.
Raymond Ng, International Officer
Selection of Furnished Houses Available For the Next Academic Year Including: Armes Street, 3 Bed House Bury Street, 4 Bed House Dover Street, 3 Bed House York Street, 4 Bed House College Road, 4 Bed House Cambridge Street, 4 Bed House York Street, 5 Bed House
£38.07 £47.30 £42.69 £48.46 £50.76 £57 .69 £49.61
All properties have gas central heating and prices are per person, per week. For full availability of properties telephone
01603 611145
62 Livingstone St., Nor\lvich NR2 4HE Email: oflice@norwich-accommodation.co.uk Website: www.norwich-accommodation.co.uk
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0'1603 767'100 '125 UNTHANK ROAC, NORWlCH, NR2 2PE