Plans to build phase two of Nelson Court are shelved, but officials reveal another student housing option
mE STUDENT Union Ei:erutive are claiming a major triumph over the Univenity, having fought fQr and won a real-terms ~nt freeze, writes Sanjay
o rise a by Alex Reeve
and Peter Hart graphical location is obviously attractive. Also, Fifer's leasehold status means that we are obliged to continually pay out money for a property which is ultimately not our own." In 1987(thelastyearforwhich figures were available to Concrete) Fifers was costing £96,000 in rent to the City Council and made a loss of £250,000 through other costs such as catering and cleaning. But although the Wilberforce Road site is still only under
Turn to Page 2, Col. 1
The site of the old University Village ojJWilberforce Road
Happy birthday to us! TODAY marks the first a.nniversary of when Concrete first hit the news stands. One year later, we are on our 15th issue, we've printed nearly 2 million pages of newsprint, covering stories from births to tragic deaths, openings to closures, events to non-events. We've interviewed over 40 celebrities ranging from Terry Christian to Patrick Swayze
and Bridget Fonda to Josie Lawrence. We'vebrokenexclusivestories, followed series' of events, including the Sit-in and the Rent Strike. We also printed the exclusive photographs including the inside of the new residences. Looking to the future, we hope to continue to produce a first-class media (or as close as we can get!), bringing you more interviews,
5,000 copies every fortnight
news, features and keeping you up to date with what is going on in the City and the University. Our new pull-out Happenings section is exclusively Arts news, features, reviews and previews. The ocntrespread has been laid out posterstyle, so that you can be in touch with cinema, theatre and gig dates. Our merger with lnsite, will change nothing about Concrete, we are still
The University has agreed to increase rents for University accommodation by the S8JI1e levels as which students' Uu:omes have risen - an increase will still be made but by 2.75% rather than the undisclosed figure that the University originally intended. m next year the University agreed with the Union that accommodation is to be pted on 34 week licences, rents are to go up (by 2. 75% ), tbe new en-suite accommodation is to have a weekly charge of approximately £43 and Fifers Lane is to be kept open for tbetime being. Richard Hewi5Qn, Union Communications. Qfficer, thinks that after the rent strike and the strength of ~e discussions by both Union IU,\d University, a real-terms rent freeze is a good deal, although he stressed that he was not in favour of a mandatory 34 week licence. The offer by tl1e University of a freeze has provisionally accepted by Union and after a Union F rum Meeting it is likely to earn the full support of the Student Union. Richard said, " ... I think that it is due to the rent strike ·eh demonstrated the de. tionofthestudentsand e accommodation rent figes drawn up by the Union, ·eh represented the logic of a ent freeze. It was a success1 two-pronged campaign Which illustrated the need for ~e students to have an active Union which can fight for any j cause!" Mike Benson, ·versity Press Officer comented, "... Rents are ineased every year in conjuncti n with talks with the Uni n, this year has been no extion - we have listened to ~d .~egotiated with the Un-
LAND owned by UEA until 1987 may be redeveloped to provide student accomodation, University officials have revealed. Exclusive report They are looking at the feasibility of housing students in a new four and a half acre cornplex, which fonns part of the old University Village, sold to developers for around £3 million five years ago. The site is only a few yards l.fom UEA Plain, opposite the entrance. The move follows the indefinite shelving of plans to proceed with phase two of Nelson Court because ofrising costs, and would be an alternative to keeping Fifers Lane open. Dr C Matheson, Dean of Students, explained: "Wilberforce Road [the University Village site] has two significant advantages over Fifers Lane. Firstlythegeo-
Union claim rent triumph
as independent as ever, relying totally on advertising. The Happenings section is NOT an Insite within Concrete, it is part and parcel of Concrete; the pull-out poster is designed for your wal~ and is easier to read than our old listings layout, it is the City's only detailed guide of what is going on where. See out centre spread for a lookback on the year.
Tel. (0603) 250558
Concrete, UEA, Nor
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Concrete, Wednesday, January 20, 1993
University Village to rise again? Cont. from page one preliminary investigation by the University'sPlanningand Resources Committee, Dr Matheson said the University would certainly not be buying the site - for which offers in the region of £450,000 are being invited - but instead would come to some sort of commercial arrangement with the developers. RichardHewison, Communications Officer for the Student Union, responded: " I am sceptical as to the workability of the proposals - the Union will be keeping a very .close eye on the developments and if the proposals seem to imply any increase in student rents, then we will be asking the University to think again." Explaining the fate of Fifers Lane, Dr Matheson said : "The University intends to maintain Fifers for the rest of 1993, whilst the pros and cons of developing University Village are assessed." If the University Village plans were then rejected, the Dean said Fifers would be refurbished at a cost of around £3 million .
RAG plea for spare books If you have any spare or unwanted books lying around, RAG knows exactly what you can do with them. The new full-time RAG/Student Community Action Officer, Beverly Price-Fox, explains that a book fair will be held at UEA this term in aid of the Jenny Lind Chi ldren 's Department at the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital. Posters are being distributed and residence drops organised, urging students to donate books for the sale. MsPrice-Foxelaborates, "We have written letters to all the bookshops in the city - a few have come through, but we are expecting more as the term progresses.
By Amir Muhammad The Student Union bookshop, too, has generously donated a box of books." RAG hopes to book either the LCR or the Bill Wilson Room for the planned day-long sale. Schools in the vicinity will also be informed of the event to increase participation. Price-Fox will hold her post until July 2. "It has been a tremendous experience so far," she says, "because there is a sense of satisfaction in knowing that your working life is geared towards a good cause. It beats just slaving away for some giant corporation. " RAG Vice-President Juliette Annal,
meanwhile, disclosed that the other major events planned for this term include RAG week at the end of February, a "Blind Date" at Peppermint Park on Valentine' s Day, and Red Nose Day on March 12. Among the biggest moneyearners from the last term were the infamous Rocky Horror Party (which raised about £600 for RAG's five main charities) and the Children In Need pub race (which raised £1300). So get those unwanted Christmas gift books to the RAG office. The emphasis is on fiction and course books are discouraged since all unsold books will be donated to the hospital along with the money raised.
Expensive travel in Europe INTERAIL tickets have gone up in price from£ 180 to £249 from 3rd January. The ticket offers unlimited travel throughout Europe excluding great Britain, Syria, Albania and the C.I.S . for I month and is available to all under 26 year olds. Although interailers can now enter more countries this is only true because of the split which has divided Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia into the Czech Republic and the Slavak Republic. Since Yugoslavia and Czecho-
By Marina Johnston slovakia were previously included in the 23 participating countries the price rise is not, in effect, justified by a wider geographical area. Although the interail ticket is still good value and works out at £9 a country if you visit every country involved it's not such a great bargain as before and the offer to over 26's for a similar monthly ticket at £260 has been stopped altogether. An explanation for the rise in ticket prices is, as the British
Rail press office explained, that "certain countries objected to large numbers of interailers crowding the trains' and that this prompted them to demand a higher cut". There was even pressure from France and Italy to stop interailing in their countries altogether. France particularly objected to being used mere! y as a route to other destinations. Hopefully the spirit oflnterail , the ' freedom .. to create your own adventure', won't be lost with the higher cost.
This week we take a look at a new schedule for a new term on Livewire 945.•• Livewire is the station where the hits happen first and this term there are lots of new programmes where you can catch the best before the rest! Every Saturday at 5pm, Chris Barson counts down the HMV Chart and on Mondays, Ian Tavell presents the "Top 7 At
Seven". Livewire is also your First for news, views and infOimation as a new news magazine, "Evening Extra'' begins, keeping you up to date with the latest local, national and international news every weekday at 6pm. Award winning ''Pulse" continues too, (Thurs, ?pm) bringing you news, reviews, features and the hottest interviews. Alternative is provided once again by Mr. Stick's Electric Therapy (Weds, 7pm) and The Mick And Pat E>..'{>Crience (Thurs, 1Opm) whilst Karl Chapman has two hours of dance every Wednesday at lOpm. "Insanity" is a new rave show on Sundays at 7pm presented by Martyn Pearson and Darren Hemming who also joins Anthony Veal and James Grigg on the Breakfast crew - easing you into the day every morning from 8pm. Comedy, as ever, comes from "The House Of Fear" (Thurs, 8pm) and a new daily soap set in UEA, "Freshers" will be starting soon. Back to the music, and with indie!metal from Ian Hayllar (Fri. 7pm), rock with Mike Richardson on Tuesdays at ?pm and classic hits from 60s to the 80s on "Flashback" (Thurs, 2pm) there's something for everyone on Livewire 945 ...
Shamen sell-out This term's visit by top band, The Sharnen, is already sold out, with the Union's Finance Office reporting a number of students buying as many as eight tickets at a time.
The band, currently in the charts with Ph orever People( and previously at number 1 with EbeneezerGoode), will play to a capacity crowd ( 1500) in the LCR on Sunday March 7.
p I an e
£1 50 with the freedom of i n d d a n c e
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Concrete, Wednesday, January 20, 1993
Top student n1usic venue could still close unless financial help is given
Waterfront bobbing afloat? TOP MUSIC venue, The Waterfront still have debts of £55,000 after its financial problems last year. Unless financial help is given the nightspot could be wound up. This will partly depend on the outcome of a pending cowt hearing. The Waterfront building is presently owned by the Council. Deputy City Council leader, Barbara Simpson said, "They need an injection of money, but there is no question of us putting money into it". Talks are under way which
could see a brewery offering financial help to the value of £1/4 million. Simon Delf, Assistant DirectorofThe Waterfront, said information regarding their financial situation would be published later in the month, but that at the moment, ''we're quite happy''. Delf continued that The Waterfront's aims now are to "get to grips with our financial situation" and to "establish our longterm security. All music venues have problems but we've had a record
breaking Christmas period". The Waterfront can now boast that they are one of the twelve most happening venues in Britain, according to 'Music Week'. NME readers poll named Norwich's own Waterfront as 8th alongside internationally famous venues such as Wembley Stadium. The Waterfront's January dates include 'Back to the Planet' on the 18th and the 'NewFastAutomaticDaffodils' on the 25th. They also promise a special offer, £2 entry before 11 pm on Fridays and Saturdays.
NUS membership
threatened Report by Niall Hampton GOVERNMENT plans to introduce voluntary membership of student unions are being vehemently attacked by the National Union of Students(NUS), who represent Student Unions on a national level. Although no legislation has been .smed at present, the Education Secretary, John Patten, has instiGovemment research into Student Unions and in particular the automatic membership system which currently exists. Patten made no secret of his intentions to end automatic membership at last October's Conservative Party Conference and it is rumoured that a £20 incentive will be offered by the Government to entice students not to join their campus unIOn.
Lorna Fitzsimoos, president of the NUS, opposes the Government's intentions, "We are calling all parents to write a letter to their local MP to highlight the issue and to defend the Student Union structure as it currently exists. Students need "-eir unions for welfare advice, for orts clubs and societies and other vocational facilities and they have a right to representation. We are asking parents to join us in defence of student's rights." Under the present system of membership all students in higher education automatically become members of their institution's Student Union in the same way that they are members ofthe library and other services. The Government are firmly against such membership en masse. A spokeswoman for the NUS, dismisses rumours of the alleged £20 incentive as "pure speculation", although media reports last October indicated otherwise. The Government are due to publicise their proposals for Student Unions soon so that this issue will finally be resolved. Richard Hewison, Communications Officer of the Student Union, views any Government proposal concerning an alternative to automatic membership as being "unworkable". He said that "Student Unions provide things that no one else can. The Government's proposals are coming from the wrong angle, and are a clear indication that they misunderstand the nature of Student Unions completely."
Hewison attends academic review meeting RICHARD HEWISON, Union of UEA Students Communications Officer, was one of six representatives chosen from the National Union of Students (NUS) to attend a meeting with a Government committee on Higher Education. Chaired by Lord Flowers, former vice-chancellor of
London University, the committee is examining possible reforms in the existing structure of the academic year. They are faced with three options: preserving the existing system as it stands, the creation of four 10 week terms, or the introduction of three 15 week semesters. lfthethird,andmostlikely, proposal is introduced, students will be able to take only
two semesters from a possible three in the academic year and will therefore be able to work when they are not studying. Yet such a change in the existing system will only fuel the already ample speculation that the Government intend students to pay for the whole oftheir education themselves, especially for those students who take only two semesters in one year.
Alternatively, degree courses may be compressed so that a three-year degree may be taken in two years, something which would undoubtedly be attractive to mature students. However, Richard said "one of the biggest worries was that people would be pressured into 3 year degrees," if a review of student funding was not undertaken.
Richard Hewison
Lecturers to be assessed TIIEGOVERNMENT'Smarket approach to Higher Education took an upbeat direction with an initiative recently launched by the Education Secretary, John PattenMP. From February, assessment tests will be carried out on University departments in an attempt to "give parents and students more detailed information about the quality of courses." The performance of university lecturers will also be assessed and will be used to determine whether their departments will be judged as being 'excellent', 'satisfactory' or 'unsatisfactory'. Departments found to be 'unsatisfactory' will be given a 12 month deadline to make improvements; if they fail to do so, they will be threatened with the familiar withdrawal of Government funds. A source close to the Government said, "The basic premise is that we shoud not put taxpayer's money into unsatisfactory Higher Education." This move comes at a time when universities and colleges are being starved of Government funding. Departments already severely overstretched through a lack of resources may inevitably end up being assessed as 'unsatisfactory' according to the terms ofthe scheme. Ironically, those graded as 'excellent' will most likely receive extra funds to allow them to admit more students - a sure affumation of the gov-
ernment'sattemptto enable 1 in 3 youngpeopletoreceiveHigher Education by the year 2000. The established universities, such as UEA, have traditionally been free to guarantee their own academic standards. Newer ~ tablishments, such as the former polytechnics, have been subject to checks by government inspectors. Under the new initiative, conducted by the new Higher Education funding council, lecturers will have to prepare a critical precis of their performances, including such data as their students' degree results, course completion rates and destinations after graduation. It is understood that the government intends "incompetent university academics to be sacked", especially as lecturers are now employed on ftxed-term contracts and have no protection from academic tenure. Higher Education will therefore receive its own equivalent of the GCSE and A-level examinations 'league table' as practised currently in schools. Nicola Sainsbury, Academic Officer on UEA's Student Un. ion, has little faith in the Government's proposals. She said, ''I find them ill thought out; the proposals entail a haphazard banding-around of jargon." She added, "Little consideration has gone into these proposals; ifproperly conceived, they would benefit students, although in the meantime this is unlikely."
or 619289 or 619280
No extra charge after midnight I
UEA to anywhere within the inner ring road : £3 I
UEA to Thorpe rail station£ 3.50
Concrete, Wednesday: January 20, 1993
Sunday trading No Brits in Europe under threat? BRITAIN' S MOST intelligent student is a 22 year old German, according to the fmals ofthe Third Millenium Games, held in Strasbourg on the 19th December. The competition, organised for European Community (EC) students by graduates of the Sorbonne in Paris, is an EC wide challenge to fmd Europe's brightest young people. Yet there were no British students in the winning team, and only two among the 60 fmalists. Britain' s sole representative was Frederick Paul , educated at Baden-Wurttemberg, who is now at Oxford reading PPE. Each EC nation entered 12 teams of 5 in the games, which
NORWICH COUNCIL continued its opposition to Sunday trading with a series of raids on the Sunday before Christmas. The raids formed part of the covert operation against the flouting of the Shops Act 1950, writes Niall Hampton. Under the terms of the Act, Sunday trading remains illegal , something which the B&Q store on the Inner Ring Road recently found to its cost. Following an injunction made against them for trading on Sundays, the store's case will appear before the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg, in what many legal observers regard as a test case. The council's stance on Sunday trading is not unique in England and Wales but many councils are lenient when enforcing the law and others merely turn a blind eye to the practice of Sunday trading. David Brooks, Norwich Council's Chief Environmental Health Officer, who organised the raids, explains, " We are enforcing the legislation as we are required to do under the law. This [action] is a continuation of the City Council
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were re grouped into 5 teams of 12. The winning team (from a total ofl 0 EC nations) had to run an imaginary European company from 1993 to 2000, achieving maximum market share and job creation whilst forging pan-European business alliances. A British student in the secand-placed team was keen to emphasise that the Games involved students competing amongst themselves and not against each other, "The fact that there was no British winner doesn 't mean a thing. We are all Europeans, not nationals", he said.
Union's buzz word bingo! policy and is not directly affected by the European ruling [which recently clarified restrictions on Sunday trading as legal under EC law]. " The Council ' s raids caught 16 retailers both open and unaware, including department stores such as Debenhams and smaller outlets such as Olympus
questioned, appreciated Sunday trading, although more of these were young than old. Judging by the popularity of Sunday trading both in Norwich and around the country, a change in the law could well be necessary.
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(tr aditional soup of chicken. leeks & prunes )
BINGO WAS introduced at Week 2' s Union General Meeting (UGM) in an attempt by the Union to bring a " new look" to proceedings. As reported in Concrete last term, Week 7's UGM degenerated into pure farce before ending prematurely. According to the Union, the extremely popular Happy Hour was ditched as i.t was a "promotional gimmick", being replaced by " Buzz-word Bingo" instead. Anxious to encourage more representative participation, Richard Hewison explained the obj ectives behind the changes, " What this plan aims to do is to attract students with points to
Sports and Top Shop. A recent nationwide survey indicates that 54% of people
'J}iF\J~~ :2 ~ ,J.A1 ~
1. Cha liu hsiao chi
(st1r fn ed c h• c ken w i th bamboo shoots)
(the wee beastie served w i th ,..ttde & mashe d potatoes)
2. Lu tou ya ch'ao jou ssu £1.50 (sti r fr1ed pork with beansprouts)
3. Wei niu jou
(f r agrant bra ised beef rla•oured with alar an1U1 )
Shi jin doufu {a ut ve gelanan d•sh)
(t o fu c ook ed with mixed 'legetables)
5. Dim Sum
(selection o f 4 m t eres:tmg deep tned puc els )
Available from 6pm-10pm. Fri ed rice included with items 1,2,3,&
lFlll''i!W:Jil .~~®~ 12~ ~pll' 1 1i'l~ ?§lij0 4~
Anilable from 6p.m.-10p.m.
.. /
make who don' t do it by shouting other groups down, and to aim at those students whose voices are rarely heard - particularly overseas students and women students." He added , " I was very pleased with the attendance levels we had early last term, but it was becoming clear that UGMs we re getting dominated by white men with loud voices." ln addition to the Union' s own "Buzz-word Bingo", conventional bingo was also played in Week 2's UGM; other plans for UGMs this term include the introduction of cultural food stalls. Clearly, the Union are hoping for a full house in both senses.
The streets with no names By Polly Graham THE UNI VERS ITY have yet again excelled themselves in dispelling confusion and anarchy by giving much needed identities to as yet unnamed parts of our beloved concrete nightmare. It has taken them a good few years ofSite Development board meetings, but at last the great debate is over. No longer when you are walking towards the Sainsbury Centre, with Norfolk Terrace on your left will you think, "where am I and what am I doing here?" You are in fact walking down ...wait forit. .. Norfolk Road . The road parallel to Suffolk Terrace now goes under the name of Suffolk Road. Waveney Terrace's drive is called, well there's no prizes for guessing. Other gems include Union Place fo r the approach to the bus turn around and Chancellor's Dri ve for the mai n road from the Porters ' Lodge towards the playing fields . The university claimthatthese spanking new names wiUmake campus a less daunti ng place fo r visitors and wi Ube easily remembered. They obviously don't have much faith in the power of the long term memory.
Interviewed after the finals, Frederick Paul said that his suecess was proof of a shared European identity amongst the young, although he added, "I think that British students are lagging behind when it comes to appreciating the ideal of a united Europe." His view was perhaps confirmed by another British fmalist, who is reported to have said: "I'll start makingjokesaboutthewarlater." Some 30,000 students at more than 400 universities, polytechnics and colleges throughout Europe took part in the games, although UEA's contribution was limited to the participation of 3 teams in the debating forum, none of which reached the fmals.
Theatre Royal panto- a success! Since opening in Novembe. the Theatre Royal has sprung to life. Much of the success is due to the Christmas pantomime, Cinderella, directed by and starring Lionel Blair. The Theatre has aiready housed the Royal Shakespeare Company, Jack Dee, The Comedy Store and An Evening with Gary Lineker. They have taken over£ 1 million since the Box Office opened in August and more than half the 81 ,700 tickets for the Pantomime had been sold even before the show had begun its run. Pat Holtom , Marketinb Manager, said that they have • had a record success with the • Pantomime, " We ' re absolutely delighted by the response we 've had" . The new decor of the Theatre also seems to be popular, " Everyone seems to like it", said Ms Holtom. An Art Gallery has also opened upstairs, where the public can exhibit their work, fora fee . Although the Pantomime is running until January 30, the Theatre already has a packed programme for the forthcoming months. Mai n attractions include The Office Party, The Chippendales and the Thunderbirds. In March, variety comedy acts can be seen such as John Hegley, Ben Keaton, Lee Evans and Billy Savage. Pat Holtom is very enthusiastic about the future of Theatre Royal , " We ' re looking fonvard to an exciting ti me ahead".
Concrete, Wednesday, January 20, 1993
Drink a day keeps the Colds away SEARCH has shown that a oderate daily intake of alcool can help ward off colds. ·s latest discovery comes from the defunct Common old Unit- which is no longer · gfundedtoinvestigatethis ual misery. Sir Richard Doll, a Britishepierniologist has also declared t booze can be good for you. t seems that teetotallers are
more prone to heart attacks and thrombosis than drinkers. However, 'moderate' is the key word, since more that 3 units a day are likely to undo the good. Smoking also renders even modest drinking as useless. FrenchHomeopath, Dr EMaury has published 'In your good health: The medicinal benefits of wine drinking', which describes in detail the benefits of
Noverre Cinema ······· ····· ·· RIP ····· ···· ····
booze. Bordeaux is seen t contribute to arterial health, while white wines can cur heartburn and champagne re lieves flatulence, and so it goe on.. Research at a British Colum bia University has also foun that alcohol "can boost creativity". A pity hangovers do not hav the same effect!
Mall Mural planned A ONE HUNDRED foot long mural depicting Norwich Castle's history is planned for Castle Mall's new 350-seat food court. Talks about what the Bayeux Tapestry-like mural will feature are under way with history experts, although it is certain that it would be impractical to use a real tapestry on site. The food court will include everything from a patisserie to fish and chips, plus two fast food outlets and two cafes. Developer, Friends Provident's Alex Maclachlan said, "The demand exists for more 1laces to eat in Norwich ... we are very, very confident we will be able to find good operators". Major retailers, such as Boots,
New Singles Magazine
A •
GET IN Touch is a new magazine for the single and unattached in Europe, published by Paragon Press. It will introduce articles and advertisements from Englishspeaking people all over Europe. It also hopes to go international; to USA, Canada, Thailand and the Phillipines. Get in Touch promises to "provide the advertiser with a cost effectivealternativeforreach-
Argos, Dillons and Virgin are known to be involved in detailed talks, and other retailers who will be taking space in the Mall are expected to be announced very soon. However controversy remains between locals about the usefulness and popularity of Castle Mall. Mr Burgess, Labour City Councillor said, "The more I see, the more optimistic I am". Other people find the exterior too
By staff reporter
FORTYAFTER WO years, the Noverre inema, based at the Asembly House, closed on ednesday December 3.
ing a national audience, whilst providing an enjoyable magazine full of interesting articles and information relative to their present situation". A large editorial/advertising mix will cover a broad spectrum of subjects, including weekend breaks, horoscopes and features on 'Howtomakea relationship work' or ' What dating agencies really offer'. The Editor ofthe magazine said "with the recent news that 50% of marriages are failing each year, Get In Touch will provide an important meeting point to
Recycle ENVIRONMENTALLY friendly students will soon be able to recycle more rubbish than ever before, following Norwich City Council' s announcement that they hope to increase recycling by more than eight times within the next eight years.
modern and ugly, but architect Michael lnnes describes the mall as "the realisation of a dream". Small retailers are also worried that the attractionoftheMall will empty the City's streets. The Mall is still expected to open in the late summer of 1993. It will have 1000 parking spaces and a creche, but the 75 shop units still need to be filled.
widen their horizons and try again". He added, "only 15% of second marriages fail, so there is hope!" The magazine recently completed a survey of East European women living in Prague and Russia. It discovered that East European women find their countrymen scruffy, lazy boozers, in contrast to the British male, who they believe to be kind, considerate and reliable! The magazine is priced £1 .75 and its first issue should be out now.
The cinema first opened in November 1950. The fust SQ"eening was a French film, ' Tati 's jour de Fete'. ' Fried
Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe' was the movie chosen as the last screening on Wednesday night. Ben Russell Fish, manager of the 272-seat cinema explained it was closing because audience figures have been falling for five years. Geotfrey Barrett, a member of the Assembly House Trustees said of the closure '1t' s very sad but it was inevitable once the big cinemas turned into multiplexes".
Hollywood Cinemas in Lowestoft and Dereham, tried to persuade the cinema' sowners that he could keep it going but his offer was turned down. The Noverre will now be available for conferences and meetings until redecoration and improvement work begins this year. However, plans for that part of the Assembly House have not yet been finalised by the trustees.
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Cllr PhilHarris, Environmen-
tal Health Committee Chair, said: "The City Council has already been extremely active in promoting recycling initiatives with local recycling centres, and even a scheme to recycle Christmas trees. However, we rely on the
A Lowestoft Businessman, Trevor Wicks, who runs the
public playing their part to make these as successful as they can be". Plans for a greener City include introducing neighbourhood recycling centres, creating greater publicity for existing sites, and conducting an experimental
composting scheme in part of the city. Boots Chemists is also going green, they have launched their first Christmas Card recycling Scheme. The scheme will be open until March in all its branches.
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Concrete, Wednesday, January 20, 1993
featuring steel band, limbo dancer, and the US mechanical surf board simulator. Red Stripe £1.50 a can, Cock&pur Rum cocktais £1.50
The Dream boys co01e to town! Gill Fenwick went to talk to five guys who take their clothes off for a living ... and to see them in action A dream come true for the girls of Norwich? It seemed to be on Thursday November 26, since that was the night that The Dreamboys came to town . The Dreamboys were created fi ve years ago by S ari Bacco, their manager, when he realised that the male sex symbol had an ope n market. The first Dreamboys answered an advertisement in the Sunday People, 'Strip for Britain, Your Country needs you nowt' As Sari describes, " I had to do something with it, there were so many people who wanted to take their clothes off'. So many people wrote in for their fathers, the man next door, husbands and boyfriends, Sari " realised what a perverted sick society we actually live in in this country and I was about to take hold of that being the leader of perversion". The five who performed in Norwich were Jason, Trevor, Chris, David and John , they are part of a larger team of the Dream boys who tour separately, but they sometimes come together to do bigger shows. TI1is tour, taking in Nom~ch , Ipswich and Nottingham, is sponsored by Strongbow. The ' boys ' doing this show- I was told- had got the job Urrough recommendations or knowing someone and doing an audition. Each of them have their own identity, they choose U1eir own characters and clothes so that they can put over their interpretations of what U1ey feel sexually and dance accordingly. " We create a fantasy Urrough the costumes and U1e music, and then 1t goes mto more of a freestyle action so that the boys can bring out
their own magic of sexual quality", according to S ari. John dance s to Madonna, writhing on the sofa, and other themes include, Jazz players, In the Navy, and Punk rockers. The dances are all choreographed, but of course all the clothes eventually come off as the guys tease the screaming female audience. However, according to their manager, tile performance comes down to "What you don' t see, not what you do see, so a lot is Jell to the imagination, people come out believing that they have seen so much". They described their act as an erotic dance or a male drama show. It is a job, like being an actor, U1ey play certain parts and have totally different characters on and off stage. When I asked what their family thought of their occupation, I was surprised at their answers; Trevor said that his dad loves it, "he came to see the show and he thought that we were all very talented". Chris' mwn " thinks itsfun", andJason'smum " loves it, she raves about it. She came to one ofU1e shows and she was the worst girl U1ere- she was great! " TI1ey seemed surprised when I asked whether they took steroids or did body building to build up their muscles, I was soon put right : " If we took steroids, we 'd look ridiculous, wejustdoweight training to keep our bodies in shape ". Jason explained , "Women don ' t really like huge muscles, we ' re more athletic". TI1ey all deny being ' the English version ofU1e Chippendales', "the Chippcndales are not comparable to us, and we are not comparable to U1em. TI1ey are
doing the same type of act, but we' re certainly not emulating them". TI1e guys are all very proud of what they do, as Sari cuts in again, "They are all very talented and put on an entertaining show. It is not to be confused with a pub act of any kind, it's very acceptable". As well as continuous tours, The Dream boys have appeared on Jim' ll fix it, the Ruby Wax show, Telethon and Sky Television. They have also j ust done a I 3-week series television show in Germany called ' Ladies Club', which makes men take their clothes off and The Dreamboys are the resident dancers. They did a tour of Germany at the same time to publicise it. And they toured Canada and Los Angeles in the New Year. However, they seemed fairly bemused when I asked them when they were coming to the LCR!
- Urban Warrior. Top grade comedy. Also appearing Boothby Graffoe, and music from Shirtey Novae of Greenbeft Festival fame.
MIRANDA SEX GARDEN Music from a band with a growing reputation. With India disco
MAGIC )OHNSON Local musicians + support
THE PRESSGANG FoAowing their success at Undergraduation The Hive features a bam dance/ Celicl1. M ax Cry Cider £1 a bottle
INDIE NIGHT from Ultimate rcords. Featuring Wer efrogs, Sidi Bou Said and Submarine
THE ROYAL FAMIL The Gueen tribute band
END OF TERM DOUBLE DISCO Loads of free T Shirts and special drinks prizes
PHOTO: Rob Hardy
Concrete, Wednesday, January 20, 1993
Warning: Third World Debt Kills Jacqui Mackay investigates the p.roblem of third world debt and the high street banks involvement debt repaymentS for every £1 reSociety for Environmental Ac- ceived in aid. The financial facts are shocktionheldademonstrationagainst Lloyds and Midland bank on ing enough, but the· calculated human cost has been even more Campus. devastating. UNICEF estimate It was part ofa nationwide day of action highlighting the in- that 500,000 children die each volvementofthetwoHighStreet · year in the Third World as counbanks in the d~bt crisis facing tries struggle to pay offtheir debts. There are also disastrous envithe Third World. Mark Gordon, Secretary of ronmental consequences, as the schemes to raise quick export SEA, believes that"Studentscan have a direct influence upon earnings to repay loans often inbanking policy, as was shown volved the loss of land and when they pressurized Barclays ecostructures through, for example, mining and the logging of about their role in South Africa. We want students, as baz!k cus- rainforests. "The debt has already been tomers, to know about the situation and express their concern paid. In 1989, the Third world about the disastrous effects of paid $20 billion more to the Western banks than it received in aid debt repayments~'. The SEA held a stall in UH in and new loans. "Wearenowrobbing the Third the week prior to the demonstration to raise awareness of the World of health care, education 'ebt crisis which first hit head- and its natural resources", says ~es in 1982. Across the world JimHurst, Third World First Cobanks had taken advantage of ordinator. To communicate this issue to the boom in oil to lend excess ...... students, over 50 demonstrators joined a coffm-led procession from Union Houre to the Lloyds and Midland bt:anches. Gravestones and lit candles kept vigil outside and the lobbies of both banks soon filled with protesters, all donned in black, who laid down and "died" to represent the victims of the debt crisis. The two hour protest passed peacefullyas customers were told ofthe reasons for the Lloyds And Midland Banks' Boycott, and money to developing countries, asked to lend their support to the who have ever since been strug- cause. ,~ J}ing to repay these loans. Managers of both the banks ' - These countries now shoulwere addressed, and their head offices told of the action. der a collective debt of $1.45 SEA were promiseda visitfrom million - that is $1,000 for every man, woman and child in some the MidlandBankRegionalManof the poorest affected areas of ager so that concerned students could debate the debt issue with the world. Even the interest repayments him. BobGaynor, whowasinvolved are beyond the capacity ofmany in the direct action. felt the day economies in the South, which on average, pay the UK £3 in had been a success, "Student reOn Wednesday December 2, the
"We want express their concern about the disastrous effects of debt repayments."
sponse has been really positive. "Several people have promised to close their accounts and on the whole a lot more people now know what is going on and what they can do to stop it. "Weweren'theretocausetrouble but to let the banks know' students aren't going to accept this situation". TheLAMB. boycottisacampaign launched at Manchester University two years ago, supported by Friends of the Earth and the NUS. The Union ofUEA students reaffirmed its policy last term to sever links with Lloyds and Midiand banks and to encourage students to follow suit. LloydsandMidlandhavebeen chosen as the'two banks to specifically target because they are responsible for the largest loans to developing nations. The aim ofthe boycott is to pressurize the two institutions to change their debt policy, and it is hoped that Barclays and Natwestwill then follow suit. DaveAllen,amemberofSEA, said, "There is more to relationship between students and the banks than ov~drafts. "If you bank with any of the big High Street banks, tlten you are supporting banks' insisting on the repayment of huge debts from the Third World, where people are suffering as a re-
PHOTO:· Rob Hardy
The LAM.B. boycott is an ongoing campaign that will continue until the targeted banks take action to reduce or cancel their Third World debt. Ifyour bank is involved, so are you. Recommended banks with better ethnic policies and little ornoinvolvementin Third World debt include TSB, the Bank of Scotland and the Co-Op, should you wish to transfer your account.
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Concrete, Wednesday, January 20, 1993
Concrete, Wednesday, January 20, 1993
Centre Spread
Centre Spread
• •
Happy Birthday to us! On Concrete's first birthday., ex-Editor., Polly Graham., and Managing Editor., Peter Hart., look back at the year the purple paper first hit the ne\VS stands An annus brilliantus... well, maybe not quite, but 1992 was certainly an annus miraculous for Concrete. It is exactly a year ago that we first hit the news-stands, with the aim of providing students with an informative, accurate (well, most of the time) newspaper - the fust independent student paper at UEA for 22 years. Butwe can't say it hasn't been a struggle. We began in the cor·ner of the Livewire office, and after a brief period where we shared desks and arguments, soon moved to an office provided by the School of English and American Studies. It was there that the real work. began. Here we take a look. back at the stories
and events of the last year.
Issue 1
From the office in EAS, our first issue was produced. "Modular Mess Up?" asked the front-page headline, as we informed you of the switch to the semester system. A year later, many people are still asking the same question. The centre spread for issue one told the exciting news how One FM had announced a brand new music festival would be held in the musical backwaters of Norwich. Meanwhile we revealed that students are more likely to put condoms on their heads than where it counts, and Arts Editor, Peter Hart, interviewed Paul from Neighbours while he was only wearing his undies (Paul, that is, not Peter).
Arthur Miller suddenly became author John Fowles when we mis-captioned a picture.
For a fleeting moment later1hat January, the radical sixties returned to the campus as students demonstrating against hardship piled into the council house after failing to get in to the Registry. They lasted for 28 hours, leaving after being warned about being in contempt ofcourt. Also in issue two, Formula One racing driver, Martin Donnely, talked about his road to recovery.
l '. Issue 3
... ,
Students gathered in London, united against student hardship, andUEA student, FabianAdamsSandiford, was awarded second placeinChannel4' s ' TheWord' Mr University competition. A Concrete opinion poll of howUEA students would vote in the April General Election revealed that it could be a closecompetition between the Labour and Conservative earues.
Tragedy Struck when a minibus carrying UEA Hockey players overturned on the way to a game. Union Finance officer, Chris Hall, was rushed to intensive care and described to be in a
"serious condition" at the City's hospital. He is now well oo the way to recovery. Our fust major "cock-up" came when the words "Gambling Feature Headline" was splashed across the page where an actual headline should have appeared. At least we we didn't print "Subheadline Goes Here."
Norwich became a mecca for music during Sound City '92 in April, and Editor, Polly Graham, got to meet her idol, Billy Bragg. We also interviewed N01wich singer Cathy Dennis, DJ>s Mark Goodier, Bruno Brookes and John Peel. Rag took the opportunity to chainthemselvestoCarter(well, ' someone had to do it) and Polly fulfilled a further ambition she swung her pants with Trevor and Simon. Our centre spread was arguably the best yet, when we spent the day behind the scenes at The Word. Teny Christian revealed how he only did the job for the money and Barry from Brookside pinched Folly's bottom.
Our controversial cover story told ofthe tragic death ofa UEA student. The University' sradio station, Livewire 945, snapped up three
Eclip~e 10 Oft0
bending a cycle thief. Concrete tested the condom's· big sister, The Femidom, and suggested 10 alternative uses for The rent-strike became a reality, those who can't get lucky. and Freshers were housed in the Newly-appointed Arts Editor, city because of the lack of cam- Darren Fisher, interviewed Josie pus accommodation. Lawrence, who was to appear at Major cock-up number two - the refurbished Theatre· Royal, two pairs of flares appeared on . which re-opened after being the page where ow- printers closed for more than two years. should have reproduced a table There was a huge response to from The Guardian. We the introduction of free-classiinterviewdPuntandDennisfrom fied adverts in the paper.
' The Mary Whitehouse Experience' and Patrick Swayze told us about the making of his new film.
News and Features Editor, Gill Fenwick, revealed how crime is on the increase in the City, with students falling victim to a number of attacks. Plus we lifted the lid in an allphoto rentre spread of the Rocky Horror orgy. . More celebrity interviews included film-star Bridget Fonda, andindie-darlings, ShonenKnife.
Now, at the beginning of a new year, everything looks reasonably rosy for Concrete. Webavemovedoffices(again) to room l.32ofUnionHouse, but continue to maintain our fully independent status. And a survey ofthe opinions of 257 students completed just before Christmas shows that we are overwhelmingly the most popular campus media. To within a few percent accuracy, it shows that 95% read Concrete, 54.% listen to Livewire in the Hive, 39% read lnsite, and 33% read News '92. What' s more, only one in 50 of the students questioned said they thought Concrete was 'less than okay.' Finally, our merger with Jnsite at the end oflast term coincides with a brand new-look arts sec-
tion, which will be more informative than ever before, and provides the City's only detailed guid,: to what's on. We would like to thank everyone who made our last year so successful. We guaranteethat we will continue to bringahighqualityproduct to you this year too. Here' s to our next annus brilliantusl
Your opinions of
concrete Question: Did you expect it to last? The rent-strike seemed doomed to failure when "only four-percent" of students joined. Meanwhile, UEA had its fifteen minutes of fame when it a~ •ared on a collage of postc.......:> published for a Levis ad in T\ational magazines. ~rontline FM, a temporary radio station for Norwich proved to be a great success, as did male cooks when they proved they werej ust as competent as women in the kitchen!
ent awards at a student radio conference, confirming them as the number one student radio station. We looked back at past UEA publications, and saw how nothing has really changed since 1966. Ruby.Wax took time-out from her UK tour to talk to Concrete, meanwhile frustration was growing that UEA was still without an Astro-Turf pitch.
4 Royal ·Arcade, Norwich Clothing and jewellery and bags with an Eastern flavour
A rent-strike was proposed when the University announced a possible increase of5 .5 percent, and Astro-frustration subsided when plans were revealed for a new sports centre. Our centre spread proved that University lecturers are corn-
pletely out of touch when it comes to student life when Dr Clayton, Dean on Env, says he talk to does undergraduates...occasiooally.
Issue 8 Fears grew for MA student, Tadella Demeke, who was kidnapped during a trip to Africa. A London newspaper followed up on our story. We also published exclusive photos ofhowthe new residence rooms will look and confirmed that the rent strike would go ahead after the summer vacation.
This was another first for the University and Concrete, as con-
ference visitors were welcomed by our specially-produced summer issue.
A new academic-year saw Con-
crete in a new office, in Union House, although we still maintain our independent status. This 28-page Fresher' s issue, produced in a frantic two weeks before the start of term, gave the low-down on how to survive without Mummy and Daddy. Some of the more adventurous Freshers (some two hundred of them) joined the team and helped to make allow- lives that little bit easier. We revealed that the University authorities had sent a letter to Freshers "demanding" advance payment.
One FM' s Simon Mayo got political when he chaired adebate on campus and a porter was viciously attacked whilst appre-
Answers: " It was pretty professional to start with - I expected it to last this long." "It's quite informative - I didn't expect it to last." "I didn't think it would last - but it's one in the eye for the Union."
Question: What 4o you think of the paper? .Answers: "I like it because I like to read the news, to find out what is going on aroundthe University. It's the only way you really find anything out." "It's a waste of time." "I wouldn't read it for the music or the sj>orts- it's either all too outdated or way out." "Vibrant, informative, ente~g. " "Good layout." "It has some good features - they're not always balanced, but I read them for the entertainment level."
.... and a hoard more!!
Concrete, Wednesday, January 20, 1993
Norwich - A Bohemian Province? David Berridge searched the city for some sort of Bohemia. Or is Prof Brad bury the last of a dying breed? In the Fifties it was all so easy. Malcolm Bradbury sat inN ottingham' s coffee bars writing 'Eating People Is Wrong', one of a flood of novels set, not at Oxford or Cambridge, but at small red brick universities. Add to this some Angry YoungMenandthenewlyemergent Alan Sillitoe and the provinces were suddenly the place to be. All of which is a stark contrast to how many see the situation some fortiyears on. , "The reason that fifties Nottingham was such a formative influence forme" saysBradbwy now, "was that it offered the opportunity for contact and for a communitytodevelop. When I first came to Norwich, there was not a lot going on. The problem as I saw it was that there were lots of writers but no focus. It's not enough to have talent. It needs togettogether." So, is there a Bohemia in Norwich, and if so, where is it? "Take 5" says Mick, a hairdresser at The Cutting Room, "It' s all arty types in there". Much vaunted as the hotbed
ofEastAnglian Bohemi~sm, here, under the watchful eye of theJean Vigofilmpostershanging from the ceiling, you can sip your lapsoung souchong tea, cast an eye over the for sale prints adorning the walls and discuss whatever film it is you have just seen at the adjoining .cinema -an enlightened artistic policy allows of Red Shoes alongside Ferngully: The Last Rainforest. All to the soothing accompaniment of low level Classic FM or mellow jazz. It attracts a loyal following ever
ready to explain the attraction of it all. "The people who serve here are really intelligent" says Tom, a first year English Literature student. "You can just sit and talk and talk and talk" is the verdict of Claudia from Germany, who is visiting friends at the University". "BOhemia?" she says "Definitely". She may have a point; if, that is, Bohemia consists ofearnest looking conversations and reading The Guardian. We walk through Pottergate.
Resident Tutorships for 1993-94 Applic.ations for Resident Tutorships for the academic year 1993-94 are now invited from suitably experienced students and members of staff. Students who will be abroad during 1993-94 may also apply now for appointment in September. 1994. Resident Tutors form the vital base of a pyramid providing for the w.elfare and good order of students in University residences. The system demands that students take a good deal of responsibility for their lives on a d_oy to day basis, but provides an extensive network of welfare and support services to protect the rights and interests of both individuals and of the community of which they are a part. Further particulars are available from the Dean of Students' Office (Room 0.108, Ext 2890).
Closing date for applications is Monday 8 February 1993
Maybe any attempt to recreate the Left Bank - or even Fifties Nottingham, which seems slightly less ambitious - is doomed to fail amongst this two hundred metre strip of Estate Agents, a Christian scientist bookshop and an Italian hairdressers called Rouellas. Thankfully, in Norwich as a whole, the situation is nowhere near as bleak, and things look to be getting better. Later this year sees the opening of the Playhouse, a new theatre given overentirely to the performance of new writing, whilst the King's Head and the Red Lion both hold regular poetry readings. Bradoury himselfsuggests Waterstones' wine andsigngettogethers after the autumn literature festival lectures as "a place for writers from all over the region to come together'. Claudia suggests my search take me into the hippy splendour of Head in the Clouds. Here, ifyou can'tfind that famed senseofcommunitythenatleast you can reconcile yourself with a touch of the alternative lifestyle. Posters pinned to the wall offer you the chance ofa herbal
and seaweed bodywrap, some Clare seems to think that we 路 meditation in your lunch hour have found it. "Trus is it" she and an answer to that most burn- says, pointing at the couple in ing ofquestions: Enlightenment. the window with their Waterstones' carrier bags. Can you"get there" byyourselfl Inside, if bamboo flutes and Af- "This is it". rican incense are your thing then Inside one gets the sense this is clearly the place to be. that this is bow the beat gen"The people who come here eration would have ended up are looking for that little some- 路 if they had taken to getting thing different" says Clare, who their clothes from Hugo Boss I find seemingly overwhelmed and reading GQ magazine. by the vast array ofjoss sticks on Too designer and too chic the offer. problem is that whilst the lifestyle is there - the jazz music But is it Bohemia? "Yes" she says, "At any rate, it beats shopand stylish interior could have ping in Miss Selfridge". Somecome straight out offifties anyhow, I don't think Bradbury. where - that is all there is, and would agree. He returns again this is the pR>blem with Norand again to this idea of talent wich as a whole. Bradbwy admits he is "not getting together-and not to meditate, play the bamboo flute and in touch with contemporary bum some insence together- and Norwich. I'm too busy" but it suggests that is this is.lacking in is hard to see, on this eviNorwich then at least it can be dence, where he would touch found amongst the writers on his down if he did have the time. The provinces, it seems, are MA course! The problem is that ifyou add far removed from their he._) this to the almost total ignorance days as the hot bed of innovaof town events amongst the Uni- tion. The only consolation f1 versity's literary society - confessed anti-Londonites, like Bradbwy, is that neither "What's that then?" was the response of one member when I hasitallshiftedbackthathunmentioned the Red Lion -then dred or so miles along the A 11. you have a situation whereby "There is no clear focus in Norwich Bohemia, for at least fiction writinganymore" says five thousand of its inhabitants, Auberon Waugh, editor ofthe isn't getting much beyond the Literary review. "Most peoUniversity Plain. It is a danger ple want to go back in time Bradbwy is evidently aware and take refuge from the modof. "Itwasverybadwhenlcame em age. They are even less here" he says "as far as towninterestedin the provinces than gown relationships were con路 they are in the metropolis, and cerned. But it is all about making theydon'tcaremuchforthat". connections and it is getting bet' Leaving Hector's House, . ter''. Clare heads back to the Clare and I reach Hector's prolification of joss sticks ~路 House. The posters pronounce Head in the Clouds and I ~ Dave Brubeck Quartet and Ska- cide to have one last go. I try ayGoGo. Top Shop. There are the same darkwood "What?" asks a bemused tablesandchairsas at Take Five, shop assistant, "Bohemia? but with the added atmosphere What are you talking about?" enhancer of a burning coal fire.
Concrete, Wednesday, January 20, 1993
Features~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HE day has just begun at the Norwich based Eating Disorders Association and already, MandyFoyster, the helpline group leader, has had an anxious mother of an anorexic daughter on the line. She is worried about how the family will cope during the Christmas festivities. " The implications for anyone suffering from an eating disorder at Christmas is horrendous. So much of the emphasis is on food . All the magazines are full of diets. Lose five pounds by Christmas and get into that party dress." It was only a few years ago that Mandy walked into the EDA office in dire need of help after five
T Facing up to. food
in the New Year Mandy Foyster, after recovering from years of a serious eating disorder, now devotes her time to helping others. Interview by Polly Graham
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years ofan eating disorder that had controlled her life. "I got to the point where I was desperate. I thought I was going to die. It was the crunch point, I said, I do it this time or never do it." Mandy' sillness began when she started to diet because she was unhappy with the weight she had recently put on . She became obsessed with this diet and soon was eating practically nothing. "I think everyone needs to know that a diet is not going to change their life. I thought mine would, but it didn ' t. I became more and more unhappy the thinner I got. You need to look at what is making you unhappy in your life. Dieting isn' t going to be a magical answer to life." After two years of individual counselling and attending the self-help group the nightmare was over. "I didn ' t get better instantly, it took about eighteen months before I actually became well. I found by coming to the self-help group I was with people who were in a similar situation to me and with people who could understand and cope with me and my problems. "Before my family had never been able to cope with it. They liked me while I was better, but while I was doing all these dreadful things to myself they rejected me." She now devotes much of her time helping the hundreds ofother women who suffer from the obsessive eating disease. Mandy's work at the EDA is very important to her, she runs the help-line that is the all important link for both suffers and their families. "The first contact may be through the help-line, a women may say that she can't stop eating and throwing up. It's been going on for six years and she doesn't know what to do. She thinks she's the only person with this problem. She' ll phone up and find that she' s not alone. That there's actually hundreds of people, women and men, and that there is help available." The Eating Disorders Association deals with people suffering
from the two forms ofeating disorders. Anorexia is the controlled denial of food , the sufferer becomes so good at not eating they exist on a single food , such as apples. They often get down to a wetght of four or five stone which is when it becomes life threatening. The second, bulimia, revolves around a complete lack of control, the sufferer will often eat massive amounts in a moment ofweakness and then hate themselves for this recklessness. They then try to rid themselves oft he calories by vomiting, extreme exercise or taking hundreds ofla.xatives. Mandy still grimaces at the thought of the extremes she went to with her eating disorder. "When I was at my worst I would not eat anything fora periodof2-3 months except grapes and tinned tomatoes." This pattern of eating would be broken by extreme hinging. Mandy admits that she used to eat icecream, chocolate and bread and then vomit it all up again, finishing off with 200 laxatives which would leave her in bed for days. " The laxatives would make me so ill that I'd often be in bed for days, because laxatives dehydrate the body, they upset the whole balance ofthe system and I would get terrible cramps. Sometimes I seriously thought I would die. "Even now, if I'm going to have a big meal with people, then it's going to be a slightly stressful siruation. I'm always a little nervous about it. It is important to recognise that an eating disorder is an on going struggle for life." Whilst everyone else is packing away the Christmas decorations, Mandy at the EDA will be facing the serious aftermath ofChristmas and encouraging people t~ make a clean start in 1993 . "The new year is the time of fresh starts and often a time when people can start to tackle their probl&s if they have an eating disorder. I imagine then we'll be very busy."
The Eating Disorders Helpline nrunber is Norwich 767062
A U EA student tells of the problems she faced trying to cope with Anorexia Nervosa Anorexia Nen>osa can be nothing but destructive; it takes control of its 'victims' and turns them into obsessed paranoid skeletons. You fmd yourself isolated from everyone. It is anti-social because eating and drinking are social pursuits, with a chronic food-phobia you are cut off from others . University life is difficult for sufferers. Communal cooking and eating in halls of residences, pizza binges, alcohol drunk in extremes are aU part of what being a student entails, and for an anorexic are terrifying. I was lucky when I came to UEA, my illness was by then largely 'under control'. Having suffered from it for many years, pychotherapy had finaLly begun to pay off. I still remember the intense panic which I felt when friends organised going out for a meal or a drinking session. All I could think about was the calories. Yet I wanted to be part of the group, to be accepted and to be 'normal'. But most of the time I couldn't- my anorexia (what was left of it) wouldn't let me. 1 would make excuses, 1 would lie - anything that I thought would let me off the hook in the least damaging way. But I was miserable as hell. I felt left out and the self-hatred then just built up.
Concrete, Wednesday, January 20, 1993
concrete classifieds To place a !tee classified ad In Conctele HI/In thelotm billow, and post HIn any ofthe Conctele classified boxes atound UEA. They ate s/luated at the Slewatds Cabin In Union HouSfl, In the Conctele Office, at the Unlvets/ly Post /loom, and at the Potlets Lodge at FHets Lane. Yout ad will nonnal/y appeat In the next Issue aHhough we teSfltYethe tight to amt~nd of!eluSII any ad. You temaln petsonallytespons/blelot any ad you place.
Ordlista (Swedish dictionary), brand new and unused , 700 pages, worth £18 . No reasonable offers refused . Contact Alan SmithDEV3 Norwich 663 314 Doe Martens for sale. Size nine almost new. Only £25 Damian Corbet BIO Ill
Helen of Troy - your sharking reply sounded very promising. Contact E . Goode EAS 1 Wanted : Hot Lovers.
Most models considered, good bodywork and reliable battery essential. Reasonable offer accepted . Contact Box 151
Scotfrod SOC 2 or A. Garrett EAS 2. Mark. Two and two do not equal five, even if you are a SYS student. Rabbit - fancy making some bunnies . A Friend.
Tall dark sexy male needed for friendship and possible relationship. If you need excitement come and find me. - I'm waiting. Lots of love Sarah.
Liz - Hope the fleas are gone by now. Guess who????
Desperately seeking a goal keeper to play in wo mens seco nd hockey team. No talent required, just determination. Must be available Saturday. Kit provided . Contact L.
To martians everywhere. You have been targetted for CLEF AM treatment. Your heat rays are no more you murdering fien ds . Lurve from Mary and Rita.
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Concrete, Wednesday, January 20, 1993
( Week 2, Spring Term, 1992 )
The official line on what's happening in your Union
Relaunch of the Disability
Alternative Prospectus Awareness Events
Union Academic Officer, Nicola Sainsbury is attempting to re-launch the Union's Alternative Prospectus. However, in order to providestudents thinking ofcoming to UEA with a view of courses from a student per-
spective, Nicola is appealing to anyone who is interested in getting involved in the production to contact her as soon as possible. The Alternative Prospectus is a valuable way to ensure students thinking of coming
to UEA really know what they're letting themselves in for. "If we can get just a couple of people of each course to provide a view of how its run, a lot of potential new students will benefit," said Nicola.
Anyone interested should see Nicola on Monday Week 3 at 12 p.m. in her office, where a planning session will take place. If you can't make this, then pop along anytime!
Thoughts on the future of orsham - the student view The Horsham Halls Committee will have its first meeting on Monday evening ofWeelc 3 when the entire future oflife at Fifer's will be discussed. Following on from University'srefurbishment proposals, and the HHC's comments thereon, it
is vital to get a view of what all residents at Horsham feel about what is being proposed, in order to ensure we get a result that student's want. "Fifer's Lane could be made into an ideal student residence if a little time and attention is spent
on it," Kara Penn commented, " butthisdoesn'tmeanlavishplans to turn it into luxury accomodation at a high cost to students." Whatever view does come out of Monday's meeting will be directly conveyed to the University
on Tuesday Morning. On a lighter note, the HHC will be organising its spring term extravaganza for Saturday Week 4 at K-Block. Expect many hundred interlopers from the Plain!
Pornography: Just good ·un or blatant exploitation? The issue of Pornography launches another term of debate for the Union at 12pm on Tuesday Week 2 in the Bill Wilson Room.
Many women's groups have argued for many years that pornography degrades women, and in many circumstances can be linked· to incidents of rape.
Attack Alarms
Culminating from this have been organisations such as the 'Off the shelf' campaign. Alternatively, others claim its all just good fun, and that censor-
ship is a far more dangerous precedent to set. Whatever you views, come and air them in the intimidation free environment of Union debates.
Available now from the Stewards office in Union House at a subsidised cost of one pound each
Tuesday and Wednesday Week 3 will see the Union putting on events designed to heighten awareness of the barriers disabled students have to face in getting through higher education. Amongst the events will be a wheelchair race, where various notable members of the University have been challenged to attempt to get around parts of the campus in a wheelchair, whilst others will attempt to perform tasks wearing glasses which simulate the problems of visually impaired students.
"Often the problems disabled students face in just being at University are ignored by everyone else, simply because they don't see it as a problem," said Union Community Liaison Officer, Lizzi Watson, "what are just flights of stairs and printed handouts to able-bodied students, are barriers to education to many." The events are being jointly organised by Lizzi and the Union's Internal Affairs officer, Rachael Maskell. look out for posters will full details soon.
pRoBLe.MC WitH youR CoURCe.<• Then make an appointment to see Nicola Sainsbury, the Union's Academic Officer. Nicola will be available every Thursday afternoon without appointment to deal with your queries.
Pravda is written and compiled entirely by the Students Union. It appears here by commercial arrangement with Concrete
Concrete, Wednesday, January 20, 1993
!concrete I 0603 250558 University of East Anglia, Norwich, NR4 7TJ
Publisher: Stephen Howard Chief Editor: Peter Hart Editors: Gill Fenwick & Suzanne Turner Happenings E ditor: Darren Fisher Sports Edit or : Katharine Mahoney Chief R eporter: Polly Graham Pictu re Editor: Craig Eason Staff Photographer: Rob Hardy Advertising: Simon Mann Distribution: John Barton Layout Assistants: Paul Coslett & Caroline Kiepels Proof Readers: David Hatton, Alistair Cushion, Rebecca Keys, Sandra Lilley Typists: Harry Stockdale, Niall Hampton, Georgina King, Amr Muhammed Photographers: Malcolrn Forbes-Cable, Mark Turner
Contributors: Jacqui Mackay, Niall Hampton. J amie Putnam, Paul Grainge, Alex Reeve, Amr Muhammed, Sue McManus, Matt Broersma, Mark Smith, Simon Litton, Heather, Julie Wtlton, Warren Smart, David Mahoney, David Berridge, Georgina King, Marina Johnston, Sanjay Magecha, Amir Thilagadurai, Harry Stockdale, Nigel Harding Many Thanks to Technical Advisors: Neil Barnden, Mike Salmon, Peter Roberts, Dave Cartwright Thanks to: Union House stewards, ThuyLa
Concrete (including "Happenings") is published independently at UEA. Opinions expressed are those of the contributor and not necessarily those of the Publisher or Management.
(C) 1993
Printed by Eastern C ounties Newspapers, Prospect House, Rouen Road, Norwich
Concrete is printed on recycled paper, using biodegradable inks
On bad terms with semester system Copy of a letter sent to the Academic Registrar Dear Sir, May I congratulate you on your logical dates for 1993 . After receiving the "common course structure information for staff and students," I fmd that the periods of attendance are now 12 and I 0 weeks. Just what I need, a bit of variety. It's going to be far more ' interestmg' to budget for 40% ofthe h:rm or 35% of the grant Glanung furth.:r dom1 th.: pag.: I
find the new term dates. What a great idea, starting and finishing midweek. Great, campus students next year will now either be forced to ask a parent to take a day' s holiday to get them and their belongings home, or be privileged enough to pay fo r a further 3 days accommodation expenses at the beginning of the next. The effective reduction to a 3 week break should also provid.: a good excuse not to get a ChristmasJob, although the lat.: .:nd to
term will remove most employment opportunities. I could go on, but I think you will have got the message by now. Thanks a lot for next year. I'm really looking forward to an extra 17 days accommodation expenses (£ 86.70 if it doesn' t go up) and 2 weeks lost employment. The university could of course change the dates so that we start on a Monda)' and fimsh on a Frida\ It would.t1 't even a!Tect the se-
mesters, as these change over whilst we are in attendance(!?!). But I expect such a radical idea would involve far too much paper work, and be rather costly in terms oflost revenues (at least£ 100 000). Try a bit of consultation next time, it would make everyone's life easier, not to mention cheaper. Yours faithfully,
James Smith.
EC ruling sinks British beer? As you knm\ , no\\ that \VC arc fulh a part of Europe. people arc free to bnng unlimitcdamountsofbccr, wines and spirits from the Continent for their own use - (the Customs Officers suggested "guidelines'' for amounts but which are not actually enforceable .) The effect of this on the U.K.'s Brewing Industry is potentially disastrous. How can British brewers paying 32p per pint tax on the average pint compete with the French and Belgians for example who pay only l.2p?
CAMRA - Campaign for Real Ale - are orgamsing a National Petition requesting the Government (who naturally couldn't see this potential problem in the build up to 1993) to do something about it P.D.Q. We have copies of this petitwn behind the Union bars and I would be very grateful if you could make your readership aware of this so that they can add their names to it if they wish. Many thanks,
Tom B alls (Union Bars Manager)
Concrete welcomesyour letters on any issues. Write to: The ChiefEditor, Concrete, UEA, Norwich, or bring your letter to the Concrete offzce, upstairs in Union House. If there is anything you think we should be writing about, drop us a note, or call us on Norwich 250558. We do not publish anonymous letters.
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Write about religion In a future issue of Concrete, we hope to print a feature about Religion, people's views, beliefs and the variety of religions at UEA. I would like to hear your views on this issue so that we can incorporate a number of opinions in the article. Please bnng letters up to the new Concrete Ollice in UH , room 1.32 , or send them by internal mail to our pigeon hole m the Student Union Ollices. Letters can be anon)mous or not but I would li ke to know people's opimon on the importance of a rehgion in our lives. Thank you
Gill Fenwick (Co-Editor)
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Concrete, Wednesday, January 20, 1993
Sport CANARIES WIN CUP TIE Norwich 1 Coventry 0
Julie Wilson reports from Carrow Road
David Mahoney reflects on an evening spent in the company of two of cricket's most famous men Two of the greatest cricketers the world has ever seen, men who are legends in their own time, both together in Norwich. It was a real treat for the many enthusiasts that packed the LCR last term to see Ian Botham and Vivian Richards in their two man show- "The King and I." Entering the LCR expecting an informed discussion, I was struck immediately by a seating plan which spread from corner to corner, breaking only to leave a route to the everirn portant bars. This was certainly not the informed chat which I had bargained upon. I was impressed also by the wide array of people who were attending, they ranged from stu~ to OAP's and all seemed to h. come to enjoy an evening of during the months when enthusiasts talk ofthe game. The evening began, first with a video; singing the two master's praises and then, onto the vastly more interesting stories and anec-
dotes. You could not help but feel slightly baffled, at how two men, so different, could be such great pals. Richards sat saying little, as aloof and arrogant as once his batting was. Botham loud and dare I say it, yobbish and yet enjoyably amusing. The two contrasting characters strangely complementing each other and thus their performance. However, after one of the most enjoyable evenings I can remember, I left, undeniably disappointed. Call me a cynic, but I departed from the LCR feeling that the evening had been staged, rehearsed and perfectly organised by Tony English. With a marginally more personal touch, for example more than just the ten minutes allotted for spoken questions from the floor, we the audience might have gained a fascinating and unforgettable insight into two of the men I admire most in the world of sport. Memorable perhaps, but finally and unfortunately not unforgettable.
Darren Beckford returned to the Norwich City Football Team, scoring the winning goal which took them through to the next round of the F.A. Cup. Norwich's first goal in six matches was rewarded with a televised home tie against Tottenham Hotspur in the 4th round to be played next Sunday. Coventry had the betterfJISthalf, with Mickey Quinn, recently signed from Newcastle Utd., missing two chances in the opening tc:n minutes. After the break, however, it was Norwich who dominated with a goal in the 47th minute. The winning goal was scored after a pass from Jeremy Goss was deflected and converted into a goal by Beckford past Coventry goalkeeper Steve Ogrizovic. Bobby Gould, the Coventry City manager, was ordered out of the dugout by referee Keith Hackett after twice arguing with one of the linesman. He and the 2,500 "Sky Blue Army" of Coventry supporters who made the journey to Carrow Road went home disappointed after the rearranged 3rd round CupTte.
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Your Union gerv1ng you I
• 16
Concrete, Wednesday, January 20, 1993
An alternative night out
• I Katharine Mahoney looks at a more energetic way of spending your time! I If the time comes when "Live in the Hive" and the LCR just do not appeal (well you never know!), then why not try an alternative night out. I must admit, roller-skating would not spring immediately to everyone's mind, but it can be surprisingly good fun. "Superskate" is the new roller rink in Norwich. The building was originally an old freight depot, but in October it was transformed into an up to date roller rink. The inside is simply laid out, with a good size rink, (constructed out of Canadian maple wood, I was proudly told!) and a rest area which leads up to a seating area, where soft drinks can be bought. A small beginners rink is available for those who have never skated before to get their confidence on. Prices are fairly good ranging from £1 .80 - £3. SO depending on the night. No bar is available (unfortunately) but at least that means the cost of the evening is kept down! My memories of rollerskating are of endless games, the worst being trains and the dread of being the one on the end and getting whipped round, out of control. However, Superskate are very strict on safety. They have 4-S stewards on the rink at any one time and another 3-4 ofT-rink supervising. All are trained in first aid and have had to cope with a few broken wrists. However they are not strict to the extreme of boredom, as Mike
PHOTO: Malcolm Forbes-Cable they are not too expensive. Wright says they want people to Superskate also give out wrist have a "fun night out." Every guards free if you ask, so if you night they organise "sessions". do fall they will help minimise These are slots where games can the risk of broken bones. If you be played and supervised prophave never skated before, then erly. Among others they include on Tuesdays 3-Spm and Thursspeed skating, inexperienced days 4-6pm there are learn-toskaters and separate men's and skate sessions and at £2 includwomen's competitions. ing skate hire they are quite good On a Saturday night there may value for money. also be an entertainment slot such Although at the moment, the as roller hockey. Once a session rink is primarily used for leisure has finished then everyone piles skating, they are hoping to widen back onto the rink. its appeal. It has facilities for There is something obsessive artistic skating and Superskate about roller skating - whether it is the competitive spirit to get · are hoping to train a hockey team to enter a league. good at it or just not to look a Although the hockey is at the complete idiot I'm not sure, but moment for juniors, in the future you fmd yourself skating round they are looking to develop an and round. adult side. It is also a great leveller, as The D.J's play an important soon as you feel you've got the hang of it, you inevitably end up role, selecting a wide range of music. Most of the D.J's are on the floor. students and they are currently The boots to hire are the modlooking for a female D.J if anyern plastic type and surprisingly one is interested. comfortable and at SOp a time
Pirates Round-Up The UEA Pirates American football team continues to roller coaster its way through the season with a strong 20-6 win over Warwick and a disappointing loss to Leicester 0-6. Sunday week eight, saw the Pirates hosting Warwick. The fust quarter opened with blistering offensive plays led by quarter back Warren Smart. Three drives, combining strong running from fullback,
Report by Warren Smart Nick Durrant and halfback, Jess Scarborough and capped offwith spectacular passes for touchdown to Neil Sullivan 36 yards, Gareth Billington 26 yards and Mike Bucher 18 yards, meant that the Pirates were up 20-0 going into the second quarter. The Pirate defence led by Martin Doust, Gareth Billington and Doug Pearson, shut down Warwick until late in the fourth quarter when they gained a consolation touchdown. The Pirates travelled to
Leicester on Sunday week nine. The 6-0 loss does not reflect the dominance that the Pirates defence had on the game. Leicester only once had the ball in the Pirate half of the field and took advantage to score defensive standouts were Andrew Starling, Julian Weldon, DougPearson, Toby Leaver and Greg Smart. The offence had difficulty moving the ball in driving rain under very poor floodlit lightm g. Next game week 2, Spring Term.
Superskate is as Mike Wright explains trying to generate a "safe, family atmosphere," this may mean that the overall age group can be very young. However, don't let this put you ofT, as Monday nights are "Alternative" nights especially designed to attract students and Wednesday nights are for over 16' s only. Getting there is fairly easy, Superskate is in the Burton Road Business Park, just off Vulcan Road and only a few minutes walk from Fifers Lane. The number four, fifteen and thirtytluee bus routes all go past and run to and from the city/universitY. So if you are looking for a different night out, which is fairly inexpensive and gives you the feeling that you have actually done some constructive exercise, then roller-skating is defmitely an option!
PHOTO: Malco/m Forbes-Cable
Sorrv! No houses available at the moment! CICI D