Concrete issue 023 29 09 1993

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A hard year for Student Unions accross the UK.

A Fresher's guide to the fine city of Norwich!

CANARIES Special offer to Freshers from Norwich City FC.




Welfare victory sets national precedent

ID e


100 -


Report by Niall Hampton PLANS carried out to 'improve' UEA during the summer have been attacked by a Student Union Officer, just one year after the University was rapped for "unnecessary expense." Last September, the then Communications Officer, Richard Hewison, attacked the University Authorities' "very sad set of priorities" for spending money on improvements "at a time of unprecedented student hardship." And now Jacqui Mackay, who took over Richard's post, has pointed out that whilst the more recentenhacements may improve the look of the University, funding is still lacking in other areas. 'The Union •s main concern is not the views people have from their seminar rooms or residences but the actual standard of teaching and academic provision they are recieving", she said. "At a time of increasing studentnumbers, residences do have to expand. "It is vital that library services are expanded, that seminar groups don't increase further and that the teaching students receive is first class."

UEA has carried out extensive building works in the old Bus Turnaround, invol~ing the installation of what appears to be a central flowerbed .. ln addition, benches have been added around the sunken garden in Registry Square. When asked about the work on the Bus Turnaround [soon to be re-named Union Place], John Wood, a spokesman for the University, claimed the Turnaround was an "eyesore." "We believe it was run down, despite its lovely views, and the University was seriously concerned as to its appearance". he said. "UEA's policy has always been to keep the campus respectable, but not all universities have adopted this policy." He claimed that improvements made to the appearance of the campus encourages an "institutional self respect." But when Jacqui was asked if she thought the enhancements were for the benefit of the conference business, she· replied, ''Due to the increase in student numbers, the University is corn-







After enquiries, Concrete has been told that the latest addittion to the Plain is a sculpture named 'Extrapolation', and not an abstract aluminium toast-rack as previously thought. mitted to providing more residences on site. One might be cynical and think that improving the looks of the University is to attract conference trade rather than to benefit students." John Wood admitted that con-

UEA's Independent Student Newspaper

ference business is important to the University's revenue, but added, "Conference proceeds are very much applied to residences and successful conferences mean lower rents. "Most students like to have an

attractive campus." "Improvements are for the benefit of all users". he said. •Last year, the controversy was caused by the construction of a sunken garden at the end of the Arts Building.

6000 copies every fortnight

THE UNION has scored a major victory in a decision that sets a national precedent for intercalating students attempting to claim state benefits. Social Security A Commisioner has judged that a UEA student who took time out from study from July 1991 to October 1992 was entitled to Income Support for that period, a decision which overrules the previous ruling of a local Social Security Tribunal. Janet Peck, Union Welfare Co-ordinator, raised the case two years ago, and the NUS eventually arranged for an experienced barrister to represent them. She was delighted at the Commisioner's ruling. "I'm ab olutely over the moon. It's been bard work and we tried every route possible, including lobbying MPs and writing to ministers", she said. The Commisioner rejected the local tribunal's approach that to qualify for income support on the basis ofhaving abandoned a course of full-time study, a student has given it up "unilaterally and completely". He said that that was too inflexible and erroneous in Jaw. taking the view that ordinary usage of the word 'abandon' could include giving up a course temporarily. Before last week's ruling, any intercalating student would stiU be classified as a student for the duration of their time away from university and would not be entitled to the state benefits that were denied to students in 1990, when the Loans scheme was introduced. With the new decision, it is possible for them to claim income support and housing benefit. SaysJanetPeck, "It's a very iniquious system and has caused some students to withdraw from their courses."

Tel: 0603 250558


2 Concrete, Wednesday, September 29, 1993



~u~,~~E:;:~,:~:::: immortal quiz show ' University Challenge'. The 'Starter for 10 Campaign' claim that they will sabotage other TV quiz shows in an attempt to bring back the programme chaired by Bamber Gascoigne, which ran for over 25 years. TEESIDE UNIVERSITY is making stringent efforts to get rid of its pollution problems , smog and dirty image.Their efforts were a ll in vain, however, when one of their buildings ca ught fire and went up in smoke! Unfortunately, it was full of old tyres ... STUDENTS at the University of Sussex had a surprise when they turned up for a seminar last term. The note left for them by their tutor read, "To my feminist group. I shall not be in my room today. Please come if you can to my office tomorrow for a make-up class at 4pm." Sooper. .. ABERDEEN UN IVERSITY will soon be celebrating its 500th anniversary and is due to receive its own registered tartan to mark the occasion. When the university 's principal took to the catwalk to model it, staff and students began to indulge in frenzied betting as to whether he was a ' true Scotsman' or not. A PRIZE WINNING researcher has recently been appointed to a prestigious post at the University of Sunderland . Hi s specialist chosen subject and field of research? Seaweed. HERRIOT WATT studen t Geoff Palmer has brewed a Nineties version of an ancient beer. The only person who knew the recipe of the antiquated ale was killed by the Romans rather than reveal the sec ret. Let' s hope the same doesn't happen to him if the new 'Heather Ale' is undrinkable ... A LECTURER at Kent University once complained of sex ism when she was denied a professo rship and kicked up rather a large fuss about it. However, she has recently been awarded the first Briti sh Chair in women's studies.

News Source: Universal Post

Students could clean in w a V ene y Story by Niall Hampton STUDENTS could become cleaners on Waveney Terrace this year, as a result of changes made after the service was put out to tender over the summer. UEA themselves won the cleaning contract after their decision to recruit cleaners to work on a casual basis, the sav ings made from this enabling them to offer a competitive bid in the face of competition from the private sec tor. As a result, Waveney Terrace 's new cleaners, who start this week, will be paid the same as the Uni versity's existing cleaners, but will not be entitled to holiday or sickness pay. In a move intended to provide cover for the casual staff, students will be offered the chance to work as cleaners on Waveney . The Terrace's former cleaners have been transferred to the new residences,

Cons table Terrace and Nelson Court, and the newcasual cleaners will be free to apply for any permanent posts on the other residences, should they arise. UEA have managed to avoid conflict with trade union NUPE by offering to review the arrangements for employing casual staff at some point in the future, although a NUPE representative told Concrete in May that they were being "railroaded" by the University. Janice Bone, Superintendent of Cleaning Services, was keen to emphasise that the use of casual staff would not have a detrimental effec t on the traditional relationship between student and cleaner. "The new cleaners will be designated to 2 floors, which is exactly the same routine, nothing different. We will avoid moving

PHOTO: Phi! Vickers them",shesaid. When asked about the new arrangements, Shelley Wright, Union Welfare Officer, acknowledged the importance that cleaners have to students. "Cleaners are an important part

Little surprise at NUS survey FIGURES taken from the 1993 NUS Student Debt Survey reveal unsurprisingly that mean levels of student debt rose agai n this year. The survey, compiled yearly by NUS Services Ltd, reveals that the average student is in debt by £1,672. This compares with last year's figure of £1,370 and shows a 22% increase. Last year, the survey concluded that the average student grad uated with debts of £1,765. NUS Services used a different methodology this year.lnstead of ci rcul ating questionnaires from National Student magazine , twelve Hi gher Education institutions were used to recruit respondents, among them UEA. Figures applicable to the 239

students questioned at UEA reveal that 19% expected to repay their debts in 5 years, in contrast to the 26% who expected to clear theirs over the summer vacation. 69% wou Id turn to their own bank for financial advice, whilst 59% would ask their parents or relatives. When questioned as to how they felt about their debt, 33% were resigned to the fact, compared to 31% who were angry about it. Curiously, 23% were pleased abou t owing money. The main sources of student debt among the respondents were student loans, followed by mortgages and bank accounts. Most of the respondents were first year full-time undergraduates aged between 19 and 21. Jacqui Mackay, Union Corn-




Jacqui: 'Aware of pressures' munications Officer, gave her reaction to the increase in the real levels of student debt. " As a Union providing welfare support and advice for students, we are aware of the terrible pressu res debt is forcing on students", she said, adding that debt levels were "unacceptably high".


DRIVING LESSONS £9 per hour Eaton Driving School Tel: 259984 Alilip Coclqill ~.T. AD. I 2c Mle End Road NoN.1ch (Offer entds 3 l/72/)3)

of welfare support - you build up a rapport with them. That's a part of their brief, and the welfare of students is currently a part of their brief." She added that, "Cleaners can also be friends to students

and are often aware of their wellbeing." The Union is understood to be disappointed as to the privatisation of the service, but welcome the possibility that students may be offered employment.

Minority 'ice-breakers' THE UNION has organised an extensive series of events designed· to welcome minority groups to UEA, writes Vicky Thompson.

Not satisfied with the traditional ice-breaker where all first years are invited to meet the Executive (and each other}, the Union feels the need to hold special events for certain groups, in this case foreign and mature students, who otherwise would have been less likely to become involved in Union activities. Jacqui Mackay, Union Communications Officer, pointed out that such students may well come up against "specific problems", so these receptions have been designed to inform students how the Union can represent them, and "to ensu re th at they will get the most ou t of what their union can offer them." In particular, some foreign students may have cultural differences, making them unaware of what a student union is, or does. When asked whether those meetings may result in these groups not mixing with other students,

Jacqui argued that by getting them involved in Union activities, they would naturally integrate in the future. This would help the foreign students who have already been grouped together at UEA. She stressed that none of the undergraduation events will be paid for out of the Union budget, but from sponsorship from National Westminster Bank, whose logo is emblazoned on the Union's shirts and obligatory wallplanner. •RAG are looking for more new members this year, hoping that the successesoftheirrecentcampaigns can be built on. A recent statement encourages students to join. "Membership is only £2.50 and for that we guarantee a year of cheap fun and entertainment. It continues, "Many thanks to everyone who helped us last year, especially to Nexus and Live in the Hive. We raised a total of £5,000; without you all it would never have been possible." RAG 's chosen charities for this year are Macmillan Nurses and Homeless in Norwich.

Charged to park By Staff Reporter A NEW computerised system has been installed to monitor car parking on campus, with the result that it will cost up to £20 for the privilege of parking on University Plain. The new charges, made to staff and students alike, are incurred by paying a refundable £10 for a barrier card and a further £10 to register the vehicle with the Registry. Under the old system, barrier cards were not being returned, and the amount of cars on campus was increasing.

In a further move to limit congestion, campus residents are no longer able to bring their cars onto the Plain, the claim being made that public transport is sufficient; more than 100 buses per day pass through UFA. The Student Union consider the new charges to be irresponsible given the rising levels of student debt, claiming that the environmental benefits offered byhavingfewercarsoncampus are "a sweetener".




- ·- - - .

-------- ---- ----- -------- - ---- - - - Concrete, Wednesday, September 29, 1993 3

Labour students called to Unity LABOURSTUDENTSareboping for a large turnout at next month's Unity Demonstration against the British National Party (BNP). The BNP recently won a council seat in the Millwall ward of Tower Hamlets, East London, just after a young Asian was badly beaten by a gang of white youths believed to have been BNP supporters. The National Secretary of Labour Students, Razi Rabman, cla~ that the BNP's victory in the elections was due to fear, "I personally witnessed . the intimidation of local voters by the BNP. At one point nine BNP members stood at the gates of the polling station taunting and harassing Asian voters", be said. Over 1,000 Labour Students are expected to attend the Unity Demo, to be held in London on October 16. Said Razi Rabman, "We be· lieve that it is important that all those opposed to racism make their views clear to those who peddle the politics of racial hatred. "Labour Students are calling for a massive turnout at the Unity Demo."

£700k gift left to ENV


Report by Angela Davies LORD ZUCKERMAN, a "valued friend of UEA" throughout its establishment and development has left a legacy worth £700,000 to the University. The life peer left an estate valuedatover£1 million and according to his wishes, the University will receive£100,000 now and the remaining £600,000 on the death of his widow, Lady Joan Zuckerman. The money is bequeathed to UEA' s School of Environmental Science (ENV) in order to fund two research posts for students from Eastern Europe and Israel. An additional fund will continue research on the archive of papers collected by Lord Zuckerman during his time as a Government adviser. Zuckerman was closely involved in Haro1d Wilson's administration in the 1960s, first as scientific adviser on defence then chief scientific adviser from 1964 to 1971. He thereby oversaw the 'white heat' era of technology which spanned the 1960s. His links with UEA were therefore most valued. Whilst holding an academic

Lord Zuckerman post he was closely involved with the University's planning committee. He was made a life peer in 1971, and settled in Burnham Thorpe, Norfolk, with his wife, who has expressed that "Environmental Science was very close to his heart." The University's Vice Chancellor, Professor Derek Burke, is reported to be most appreciative of Lord Zuckerman's generous gesture. "We welcome these most generous gifts which will help both to further research into a unique archive and to sustain graduate students in environmental sciences in the future", he said.

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Auntie soaps up with 6 students THE BBC has launched a fly-onthe-wall series following the lives of six students during one year at university. Presented under the umbrella of BBC-2' s 'Def II', the Manchester University students will be recorded in their shared house for the whole of this academic year, and the BBC are confident that 'a million stories' will unfold as the series progresses. The applicants were chosen by the BBC following a national press campaign during the summer. In return for free accommoda-

By Staff Reporter tion, they will be filmed by BBC crews (partnered by film students from University College Salford) with the resultant programme being broadcast the following week. The 'stars' of the series come from fairly diverse backgrounds and are of different ages; one is a singleparent 23 year old studying Advertising, whilst another is a 21 year old History of Art student who spotted an advert for the series on TV. Two students are yet to be picked,

Come and join us •


Wed 29th

STUDENTS WELCOME BACK PARTY (Phone for admission prices)



30th Featuring:

Eleventh Hour (recent chart hit)

F r i 1S t



(Admission £3 before 11 pm, £5 after)

(Admission £3 before 11 pm, £5 after) I


PHONE FOR DETAILS- Open to all 5 t h forms of talent. £500 first prize

PRIVATE PARTIES: The top deck room is available FREE phone for details


· · ) mission

Members night club and guests The management reserve the right to refuse admission at all times. FREE MEMBERSHIP on presentation of NUS cards

• Telephone 629060

• All sessions 9pm - 2am


UPFRONT DANCE MUSIC: Funk, hip hop 1

(Phone for admission price and into)


GOING LIVE LIVE BAND NIGHT (Phone for details)


F r i CLUB DRINKS PROMOTION (Admission £3 before 8 t h HOLSTEN PILS: £1.50 a pint 11 pm, £5 after)





(Admission £1 before 11 pm, £2 after)


BUDWEISER: £1.50 a pint

Wed 6th




but it is intended that one of them will be a fresher. Series producer SpencerCampbell (who has previously worked on 'Coronation Street') is confident that the real life soap will be a success. "We want to be as flexible as possible to let the contents of the programme be dictated by events in the student's lives", he said, adding, "Looked at like that it's pretty exciting-just about anything could happen ..." Judge for yourselves; 'The Living Soap' will be broadcast from October 15th on BBC 2.

CLUB NIGHT (Admission £3 before 11 pm, £5 after)






(Phone for admission price and information)


12th PHONE FOR DETAILS- Open to all forms of talent. £500 first prize

(FREE Admission)

~------.---------~------- ~---------------------------------- ·-----


4 Concrete, Wednesday, September 29, 1993

UEA celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. There are no plans as such to honour the event, but the UEA Society is organising a reunion of the Class of '63 in Earlham Hall. It is expected that some of the original academic staff present in the University's founding year will attend the dinner, due to be held on October 7. THE AUTUMNLiterary Festival, organised by the Arthur Miller Centre, returns to UEA from October 9. The list of celebrated authors coming to UEA includes Margaret Atwood, Elmore Leonard, Martin Arnis, Ian McEwan, Rose Tremain and Alan Bennett. Arthur Miller himself makes an appearance on Jan 26, completing a line up which features winners of the Booker Prize, Whitbread Award and Pulitzer Prize. THE REGISTRY has recently merged two of its departments to form the Extemal Relations Office. Headed by NinaAnstee, it combines the Development Office and the Public Relations Office, whose director, Mike Benson, left UEA for a post at the London Institute. The new office will cater for press relations, publications, design, development and alumni relations.




en want sexier 00 ••• su pose A SURVEY just published claims that Britain's men long to be sexier , better looking, and more stylish. It also reveals that they are under-performing in the so-called Nineties dating game because of the first impressions that they By Staff Reporter give to women. The survey, conducted by TaunIn contrast, atmosphere was said ton Cider for their self-appointeJ to make the biggest impression on 'premium cider brand' Brodyquesboth men (48%) and women (55%). Men are understood to tioned 400 single people aged befirstly 'check out the clientele' tween 18 and 30 throughout the when entering a pub (22% ), whilst UK, and made some startling discoveries. women listen for what's been Researchers found that 28% of played on the jukebox. men yearn for better looks, 26% Psychologist Dr David Lewis, want to appear more intelligent, who analysed the survey, has whilst 23% wish they were sexier. coined three 'top' moves for male In contrast, 33% of the women success in the dating game: interviewed just wanted to be more I. If you're not as sexy as you'd like, make up for it with attentionattractive. grabbing body language. Friendliness, thoughtfulness and 2. Dare to be different; vary aloofness - the images most often what you wear or what you drink. given off by men in their search for a dream partner- are precisely the 3. If you weren't born to chat ones that don't help their quest, people up, then compensate by according to the survey. being an attentive listener- these

c?n be more successful. The most popular blind dates chosen by the respondents included Demi Moore, Catherine ZetaJones,AndreAgassiandGary Lineker. Current or past partners held up the bottom of the list. The survey also suggests the 'tricks of the dating game', for those men who feel that they need a re-appraisal: •Pick your drink carefully: some women are as likely to notice a man for what he's drinking as for what he's wearing •stay solo: friends are often a turn-off to women so if you're trying to win attention, leave them behind • Don't be sad: chat up lines do NOT work and they will only get you a date on a ratio of I in 50 • Be seen in the right places: know which pubs and bars are in and which are out.

Walk for AIDS relief STUDENTS up and down the UK are being urged to participate in this year's Walk for Life, which last year raised over £130,000 for Aids relief. The organisers of the event, CRUSAID (the natio nal fundraiser for HIV and AIDS ) are appe.aling for students to turn out in even bigger numbers for the walk which takes place on October 10.


Hot & Sour Soup

The sponsored walk takes place simultaneously in Aberdeen, Brighton, Glasgow, London and Manchester and all money raised goes via CRUS AID and local charities to help individuals affected by HIV and AIDS . CRUS AID are particularly keen for students to participate, hoping that teams from universities could be arranged to attract local publicity and media attention.

Those wishing to take part in the walk, which is 10 km (6 miles) long, should call (071) 233 6666; participants will then be issued sponsorship forms and route maps etc. Further information on CRUSAID'S Walk for Life may be obtained from Frank Toshack at 1 Walcott Street, London SWIP 2NG, or on the above telephone number.



, (M][E[N]Cl..!J




(a dtillcl ous woup or portt.tatu & ~tab~ . . )


(a hearty mai n eaune MMJp of veget..b' . . & b.con )



Demi: Moore popular for a blind date

of d'tickan coot&•d with MUt.-vut:.}


3. Stir - Fried Beef with Oyster sauce ( a nch ell.,.. of e..r dices In o~tef'" ......eel


BRITISH GAS recently issued a warning to students living in city accommodation this coming academic year. A leaflet entitled 'Look Out for Danger Signals' attempts to draw attention to gas appliances which may not have not been installed properly or are not working correctly. If gas appliances do not get enough air through proper ventilation, then they may produce the poisonous chemical carbon monoxide. The gas board's leaflet outlines the possible danger signs (you may lack energy and suffer from flu-like symptoms, or areas around boilers and fires may be discoloured), before adding that the responsibility for a tenant's safety rests both with the landlord and his or hertenants. "Everyyear,thousands of students go into rented

accommodation containing gas equipment with which they may be unfamiliar. "Unfortunately, some [landlords] ignore our advice to have gas appliances installed and serviced regularly by qualified people, with tragic consequences", the leaflet says. It continues," Ask your landlord when the gas appliances were last checked by a qualified gas person. Ifthey have not been checked for more than 12 months ask for a check to be made. If your request is refused, contact the environmental services department at your local authority and tell them of your concerns." Service calls or enquiries to British Gas's Norwich branch may be made on (0603) 424133; if you think you have a gas escape, call (0603) 787022 (24 hours).

Card watch ur ged FRESHERS arriving at university this week are being warned about the dangers of plastic card fraud. in a statement by APACS (The Association for Payment Clearing Services), new students are encouraged to safeguard the plastic cash cards that they will be issued with their bank accounts. "We are urging those students who are using plastic for the first time to take care of


their cards", said Martyn Gould from APACS's Fraud Prevention Unit. ''These represent rich pickings to a thief and victims of bag theft are likely to lose much more than plastic cards." Account holders are liable for at least some of the losses from card fraud if the missing or stolen card is not reported promptly enough, so the advice offered by AP ACS makes sound sense .

Concrete, Wednesday, September 29, 1993 5

A NEW HEART FOR NORWICH Pholo spe~i11/ by Sieve How11rd

From this ...

Se tember23, 199 , 'n but Mall day, ThursdaY p ts store- were ope ' ChristeGran~ o~~;ding the brand ne::: more will be ope:!~kerboX路 shoP uDlts David Farquhar' says res and Atbena, (which spokesman, ral fashion sto ' Mall include .. .,U's including seve t to open in the . store, cromwe ? mas. b open or aboU d discount clotbmg bite elephant, other s op~ in May), Argos, an . h or its biggest w opened bac beart for NorWlc ' d House. A new Ma . will ten..... OnlY tune




Restaurant Open: Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm Inexpensive good quality meals Vegetarian food - Big value baps Licenced- No Smoking Take Away Service All Day !PRIVATE DINNERS ARRANGED I 19 Bedford Street, Norwich 622641

6 Concrete, Wednesday, September 29, 1993

1n ih'e Best deal for student insurance? City ...



BUSI NESS is booming at Norwich's new shopping centre, Castle Mall. Press reports have suggested that thi s initial success confirms Norwi ch as being the shopping capital of East Anglia. Despite the fact th at onl y 5 shops are open at prese nt , 4 0 ,000 shop pers poured into the Mall on its opening day last Thursday. Up to 80 shops can be situated in the development, which cost £ 145 million. LEGENDARY Norfolk ca r maker Lotu s has a new owner for the second time in the last few years. The Hethel based co mpany has bee n sold by American conglomerate Gene ral Mo to rs to th e Ita I ian marque Bugatt i, whi ch was relaunched in · 1990. Plans are afoot to remake the famous Lotu s Elan, whi ch was axed last year. NORW ICH City Council have recently launched a new guide to rec ycling, and aim to increase the amount of recycled waste from I ,000 tonn es to more than 8,000 per year by the year 2000. The guide suggests ways of improv ing recycl ing in Norwich, including setting up co mposting sc hemes and encouraging commercial sec tor recycl ing.

'' • •

who claim to be offer students the best value policies availab le, have la unched their 1993-4 stude nt insu r an ce policy. They have decided to co ntinue to offer the 'best value policies' to students despite 'the continu ing problems with theft from stu dent premises'. Endsleigh maintain th at premiums for 1993 wi ll show onl y

a very smal l increase and that many students ' will be paying less' fo r their insurance. The ma in terms of their 1993 student ' s policy are as follows: • Students in ha lls of residence will only pay £27 per yea r for an insured possession s va lue of £2,000, irrespective of age. Replacement cover is new-forold. • Premiums for students in shared accommodation will start at onl y

£35 per year irrespective of age. Again, replacement cover is new for old. Addi tiona ll y, a new policy fo r students has been introduced this year - £5,000 per academic year payable upon death of parent or guard ian who provides fina ncial support. In recent years, the insurance business has been plunged into diffi culties with many companies pay ing out for more claims than

ever before; competition fo r business is therefore competiti ve, with many fi rms claiming to offer the best deals for students. The NUS has a substantial shareholding in Endsleigh Insurance, so it would appear that the latter should surely offer students th e be t deal. However, it is best to shop around fo r insurance, and several companies will have stalls set up at Soc Mart (Weds Week 0).

Student cookbooks on the menu THE GUR U of student cui sine, Cas Clarke, has recentl y released a cookbook for today's ' health conscious li fes tyle'. Entitled ' Mean Bea ns', her third book prom ises 'Cheap and Easy Vegetari an Cookin g' from recipes that ca n easily be made through ingredients readily avail able at supem\arkets. Featuring hu ndreds o f aptl ynamed di shes such as ' Beefl ess Cobbler', ' Nutty Bean Crumble' and the curi ously titled ' Muddy Pie', ' Mean Beans' o ffers a nononsense introducti on to cheap but wholesome vegetari an food . However, the publi shers of ' Mean Beans' are keen to em-

By Staff Reporter phasis that the book is not just for vegetari ans, but also for those keen to eat a healthy range of food , especiall y ' for those who are daunted not so much by calori es as cost when it comes to cooki ng.' ' Mean Beans' by Cas C larke is published by Headline, and is available from all good book shops for £5.99 • Another student cookbook is due to hit the bookstands on October 7 . 'The Student Pasta Cookbook' caters for the beginner as well as the more experienced cook, and

is especiall y helpful for those with little time and limited equipment. It refl ects the growing interest in Mediterranean food , especial ly the student fondness for pasta, and is a simple introduction to the luxuries of tagliatelle with mushroom and porcini sauce or spaghetti with anchovy, olive and tomato sauce. Students actually tested the recipes in the book, and rej ected those which they th ought to be too time-consuming or ex pensive. Some even suggested recipes to the author, Sarah Freeman, who incorporated them into the book. Featuring the well-known pasta di shes such as egg pasta, stuffed

Cas Clarke's new bible ? pasta and baked pasta to be cooked for large and small groups, the fin al two chapters are 'emergency secti ons', designed for the extrahurri ed or the povert y stri cken stud ent.

~B'ritislf ~~t ~ students

il n~I•ta t•1on T


~' .¥








are being encouraged to join the Norwich International Club in an attempt to dispel the popular misconception that it only caters forforeigner s. The club's secretary, M rs Bridget Lely, is keen to attract more UK students to its meetings, stating that several joined towards the end oflast term a nd wished that they had discovered it before they had. The Norwich International Club was fo r med last October and offers an opportunity fo r people from different nationalities to meet each other, as well as local people and students. It ha s a mem be r s hip of around 420 from some 80 countries. Events planned fo r this term include an introductory talk on Norwich (Sun Week 1) and the club's fi rst anniversary celebrations (Sun Week 2). Other forthcoming events include Balkan dancing (full instruction available), and a Ceilidh with ninepins, both later in October. They take place at Fraser Hall in Bethel Street, the venue fo r the club's weekly meetings, which start at 8pm.

NEW SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN • • £5 50 I special offer: £2.00 off any 2pizzas during 19931 £1 95




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Pizzas and Delivery Service only vailable on Thurs, Fri, Sat 5.30 10.30pm. Sorry - we only deliver to UEA campus and South city area. FREE DELIVERY on orders over £5. 00, othervvise 50p.

Side Orders Onion Rings SOp Garlic Mushrooms SOp Coleslaw 60p Garlic Bread £1.10 Canned Drinks 40p






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12 "




















Select any two pizzas of your choice and Example: 12" regular pizza 1f2 Cheesy Bacon = £2.75 we will split them, making one 12" 1/2 Mexicana = £3.00 mouthwatering pizza. 12" pizzas only



Concrete, Wednesday, September 29, 1993 7 DA SPATE of recent 'Student Survival Guides' have all had much to say about the subject of student sex. Rather than recommend a close reading of the Kama Sutra or an intense viewing of 'The Lovers Guide', they propose celibacy on the grounds that the whole thing just isn't worth it. The bluntest message is put forward by the 'Independent on Sunday' guide. "There are positive things about student sex, but my advice is to make sure that it isn't with another student." Hmmm. The mood of caution is carried over to the NME' s guide, "All told, sex at college is a sordid, painful, messy and traumatic business." It also points out that, "Frankly, you would shag a lamp-post if you were pissed enough and it seemed to have the right parts at the right time." How profound.

DTHE SURVEY by Brody Cider which concluded that Britain' s men long for a sexier image could have some far reaching implications for the male population of UEA. A psychologist analysing the findings of the survey recommended ' three top moves' for male success in the dating game, amongst which was a suggestion that men could use ' attentiongrabbing body language'. Female freshers enjoying the immensedelightsoftheLCRdisco should accordingly be wary of any such behaviour and stay well (continued top right)

•A new series of reports from Concrete's own correspondent at the University of Colorado in Boulder.

DATING VIOLENCE IN SCHOOLS The number of cases of dating violence amongst High School students is increasing, according to a survey out this month. Over 1 , 500 studen t s took part in the study, which revealed that 41% of female High School students said they had been subjected to emotional or verbal abuse in a dating relationship. A further 14% admitted they had been sexually abused and 15% reported physical abuse . Education authorities are currently discuss ing plans to implement a half-day program in High Schools, in the hope that it will reduce the risk of dating violence.

away, especially from inebriated members of the rugby club 'dancing' topless on the LCR stage. However, far more worrying in the survey was the section recommending men to pick their drinks, stay solo, not to use chat up lines, and to know the in places to conduct their quest for Venus. Applied to UEA, this could well mean the followi ng: I. Don't drink beers with lemons shoved down the bottle neck 2. Use the 'attention-grabbing body language' as you lurk in dark corner but leave your matey behind 3. Don't use the crap A leveV home tow n/what course routine and 4. Do patronise the LCR disco on a regul ar bas is.


OWELCOME to all freshers and to students returning to the University. You will doubtless have seen the extensive building work taking place in the old Bus Turnaround. Work started in

SUPERMODELS ENCOURAGE EATING DISORDERS Stateside critics have lashed out against supermodel Kate Moss , saying that her figure encourages eating disorders in teenage girls . Nude photographs of the waif-like 19 year old, used in Calvin Klein's advertising campaign, have outraged mothers across the States, who are returning their daughter's Calvin Klein jeans in protest . The controversy comes at a time when the National Institute for Compulsive Eaters has revealed that eighty percent of ten year old girls claim they are on a diet.Although health experts at the Institute estimate that only about five out ·o f one thousand young women suffer from anorexia nervosa, they also assert that many of the

early August and since then, contractors have been busy attempting to complete it for the start of term. Unfortunately, this has not been achieved,and the area looks like a motorway construction

site. What is puzzling us here at Happenings is what the thing in the middle actually is. Is it, or could it be: 1. An abstract map of the United Kingdom?

other 995 of t en fee l fat and inadequate . Critics claim that KateMoss, andtheother ultrathin models of the waif wave, are having negative effects on teenagers, particularly those who already suffer from low esteem and who buckle under peer pressure. There have even been reports of some girls, already diagnosed as being anorexic, taking pictures of Moss (who is 5' 7 • and only weighs an esti mated 100 pounds)to their doctors, and saying that she is who they aspire to look like . The majority of doctors do agree that a picture of Kate Moss is not enough to induce eating disorders in most teenagers, but many have condemned 'waifdom' as being another example of a media-hyped role-model exerting an incalcula ble influence on already weight-wary teenagers.

.. '

2. A large concrete saw? or 3. A tribute to Norfolk and Suffolk Terraces? What do you think? Send your answers to the Concrete office, upstairs in Union House.

CJTHE BEEB's new soap set in student lodgings promises to be a bundle of laughs. The arrival of the studes at the house prompted an outburst from one of the five, Karen, who threw a tantrum to ensure that she got the most glamourous room. She threatened her hou emate who had won it in a draw, and said that she would never talk to him again. Faced by such a daunting prospect he duly backed down. The best quote from the programme so far comes from politics student Simon who claims that students are misunderstood and are not "loud mouthed ruggerbuggers or druggies" but are people with real interests who like "going out to the pub and getting beered up." As if this isn' t enough, the token fresher in the venture is a 19 year old male from Essex who goes clay-pigeon shooting and votes Tory . Sparks should fly ...










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lt is hard enough for most students who find that they are Lesbian , Gay or Bisexual (LGB) to admit it to themselves, let alone others. However, university is one of the most open environments in life to - come 'out'. Just some of the many important reasons for having an LGB society at UEA are to provide advice, support ,information, education and entertainment. This is a particularly important time to be active and organise to cha ll enge and change the opppresion facing LGB's in everyday life -like discrimination

in employment, housing and the armed forces, criminilisation and violence , and the denial of custody, fostering and adoption . LGB's are still denied civil and legal rights. The basic human right for all to be treated equally does not exsist for LGBs in this country. Britain, for example, is one of the few european democrasies to deny gay men the right to have sex at the same age as their heterosexual counterparts. The British gay age of consent is the highest in Europe. The majorityof european countries have a common age of consent regardless of sexuality.

At twenty one Britain has the ·highest of discriminationary age of consent. In 1991 there were 244 prosecutions for gay age of consent offences; 199 of those men were aged over 21 . The obscene publication and other vice squads continue to raid the homes of gays and prosecute them for - victimless crimes - . Ann ually this wastes over £30 million of tax payers' money, as well as valuable police time and resources.lfthis money were distributed to support the maintenance of students in higher education , you could all be £67 better off each year. Two gay men can be pro secuted for holding each oth er's hands or for simply exchanging telephone numbers in public!ln Britain, it is virtually

Student Representation Higher Education has been undergoing dramatic changes in recent years and there are plenty more in the pipeline . In addition the Government have issued plans for the reforms of student

unions. lt is an important year to ensure that you and your successors retai n a voice at all levels. Currently at UEA, students have representation on School Boards and in University

School Board Representation The School Board is the highest decision making body within each school. lt comprises members of faculty and student representatives. With Higher Education undergoing major expansion and refo rmation, student representation has never been more important. This year the more flex ible modular degrees are being introduced into a new semester style academic year, which also brings with it major changes in course assessment. You can have a voice about the quality of your education and ensure that any changes introduced satisfy the needs of students by being or electing a student representative . The School Board Representatives will be elected at the start of this semester, from all years (exceptthose already elected), and then will receive full train ing. School Board meetings only take place around five times a year. This is an opportu nity for you to gain new skills, while also helping fellow students on your course.

government via the Union. Students also have a national voice through the National Union of Students, this is under threat in the reform proposals.

Student's Forum Meanwhile, Student's Forum is the most active body within the Union , dealing with Union policy and campaigns for the academic year and beyond , in a democratic way. No doubt by now you will have heard that the Governme nt intends tio restructure student unions, dividing them into core and non-core sectors. Core areas, for example welfare and academic units , will be eligible to rece ive public funds as these functions are considered essential whereas noncore sections, for example many clubs and societies, will not be eligible for public financial support. These radical changes are potentially highly damaging to your Union . As an elected member of Student's Foru m, you will represent the interests of members of your school in debate, voting and in proposing new items. Training for being a representative will take place before the first meeting on Tuesday October 12 1993.


impossible for LGBs who open about their sexuality to get life insurance, health insurance , or a mortgage let alone the job of their choice. lt is time for a change. The first step is to acheive equality and then eventually a change of attitudes in society is required wher the labels : Lesbian, Gay or Bisexual could be dropped altogether. This year will see the LGB Soc continuing to build on the successes it achieved last year by raising awareness and being a progressive, varied and fun society. The society will continue will cotinue weekly as usual with campaigns throughout the year. The most week for the society falls in the second semester , an annual LGB awareness week -

February 28th- March 4th 1994. Planning is already underway guest with well -known speakers being invited. Phil Clegg , the Union's LGB Officer, confirms that Peter Tatchell, Gay activist and writer, has accepted an invitation to participate during the week. Sir Ian McKellan,Paul Gambacc ini and Mich ael Cashman are also hoping to attend.(Stephen Fry and Julian Clary have expressed their regrets at not being able to attend and send their best wishes to you all.) Finally a reminder that Tuesday 28th September sees the LGB reception party upstairs in Union House. Wednesday 29th is Soc Mart - see you at LGB stall (there may be a queue to joi n so please exercise restra int and patience) .

Thursday 30th sees the LGB Sac's first meeting of the semester upstairs in UH. As an alternative you can confidentially get in touch with the society through the pig eo nholes upstairs in UH . Remember, homophobia is not tolerated at UEA. Have fun and be safe.

YOUR UNION UNDER THREAT On the July 1st t he Government announced plans for the reform of Student Unions . Their propoasa ls concern the expenditure of public money on Student Union activity. Every year the Union Of UEA Students is allocated a block grant from public funds by the University . The Government in their draft, have made a d iv ision between those services we provide that can be funded from the block grant ( core ) and those that can't (n on -co re) . Core services are Welfare , Internal Representatio n , Spo rt and Catering . Non-core is every1hing else - this includes Student media, non-sporting clubs and societi es , bars, e nte rtainments , oth e r co mme rcia l s erv ic es, affiliation to the National Union of Students and all of the campaigns that we run for the benefit of YOU as Students . NUS are negot iating with the Department For

Education to try to get as many activities into the core area of funding as possible. The Union of UEA Students (UUEAS) will be consulting with YOU - the membership - to ensure that YOU have a say in these negotiations. The future of YOUR Union is in YOUR hands. From your first day you will be receiving information about the a ctivities Y O UR Union pro vides and ho w th e Officers elected to represent YOU work. Our campaign around th is issue will be launched with an open meeti ng at which Lorna Fitzsimmons President of NUS - will be t a lking a bout the Governments plans and how we c a n d efend YOUR UNION . We will be raising aw areness t hrough a publicity campaign and your Executiv e Officers will be c a nvassing yo ur o pin io n t hro ug h qu e sti o nn a ires , visiting your residences and


seek in yo u r opm 1on o n campus. Our aim is to the Government how impotant this Union is to YOUR quality of life at UEA. This is a time of important ch a nge in Education . This summer Students applying to University were denied places that they had been prom ised. Facilities are overstretched at Universities across the country. Seminar groups are growing in size every year, decreasing your cha nce of ind iv id ual attention . Stu den t De bt inc re ases ev ery year causin g stress and major problems . There is ta lk having to contribute to the cost of their t ut ion fe es . Consequ e ntly it is mo re important than ever th at YOU have a say in the direction that Hi gher Ed ucation is taking. lt is YOUR future and YOUR Union are here to represent YOU .


L A IE"R ,,., ..

HOW TO BE ELECTED the Union is run by students for students and needs your help and support. If you want something changed, it is in your power to change it. Nominations Open: Wednesday 29 September at 9.00 am Nominations Close: Wednesday 6 October at 12.00 noon Elections: Friday 8 October 11am - 3pm by ballot in Union House

Nomination Forms are available from the Information Office upstairs in Union House. Simply fill them in and hand them in (with up to 50 words about yourself why you wish to stand and a passport photograph. Further details from Annie Hillyer (Academic Officer) or Rachael Maskell

VOTE FOR A VOICE: FRI 8th OCT. 'Cement• is written and compiled entirely by the Student Union, and appears here by commercial arrangement with Concrete

- --



Concrete Wednesday September 291 1993 9 I





magineyou'vejustarrivedat a strange, totally faceless es tablishment You know absolutely no-one. you enter your room: bare walls, a tiny rack of a bed and inevitable dingy brown carpet A strange sensation flows through your body. You cross over to the mirror and stare at your reflection, sweatingprofusely. You convince yourself that you are dreaming, hallucinating. Your forehead is obscured by a blurredscrawl. Youmustbeimaginingthis. Itcan'tbehappening. Real fear develops as you squint at your image, disbelieving.

Serves you right for feeling sorry for them and using them for conversation in the first place. What do you expect, throwing your sacred A level results around, you brazen hussy, you. Experience the Campus Ents. Programme. With a thousand more students on campus, getting to the bar should be easy enough for all of us under the required six foot. If you want quick service, go elsewhere and wave yourtenner. And buy rounds!! Your experience of the LCR will be pivotal moment in your life. Love it or Loathe it, the beers are cheap(ish) and ....well, it's a

You must be imagining this. lt can•t be happening. Real fear develops as you squint at your image, disbelieving. Suddenly it dawns on you. •fRESHER• is stamped on your forehead Suddenly it dawns on you. 'FRESHER' is stamped on your forehead. Frantically you scrub at your skinuntilitisredraw. Youpanic asDUMBadjoinsit. You stagger back in amazement. Realisation comes that it is too late. Youareoowofficially a member of the Dumb Freshers. You realise the futility of your actions. Nothing can be done. Yourinitiation to UEA has begun. There's no turning back... you have entered the twilight zone of freshers week... Okay, Okay, back to reality. The point is, there really is an aura about you that screams thatyoujustdon'thave a clue what is going on. It's difficult to define; is it the way you walk? Talk? Smell? (Obviously too clean, and is that an ironed pair ofjeans you're wearing??) Maybe it's the way you fall over after a mere two pints ... Difficult. Anyhow, stranded by your parents in this alien world where everything is abbreviated into nonsensical jargon ("I' m in SYS/ MAP/ EAS, How about you?) Just what the hell are you supposed to do? And more importantly, don't do? Well, youcouldrealise the potential of swapping 'A'-level results. Hours of fun. Better still, tattoo them on your forehead and sidestep the most original conversation ever to be heard between freshers. This, in turn, will endear you to many fellow freshers who will no doubtenvyyouyourstyle, witan wisdom. It's guaranteed that in this one week,you'll'meetthatgeek' and fail to shake him/her off all term.

mere stagger from your room. It certainly livens up a dull Thursday night at any rate. A victimoff**kafresherweek? Don't even think about attempting to live that one down. Remember, you're here for three years, and your so-called friends will no doubt remind you of this (drunken?) misdemeanour in years to come. (NB, if this advice has come too late: A) What's your secret to success?

Welcome to UEA, the twilight zone cessfully stung. Moneywise, you might feel rich now and the banks will fall over themselves to be most helpful. Enjoy it while it lasts. You'll soon be badmouthing them, and staging sit-ins, outraged at the way in which, despite the similarities between Third World Debt and your personal overdraft, you'll remain a permanent fixture at the bottom of the priority lists. Your frrst taxi ride to town, sorry the City(?), should be quite an experience. Your ignorance can be exploited to the full- ever visited Cromer in Autumn? Alternatively, pick up a bus timetable, they're always good for a laugh, except when you're waiting for that elusive last bus home in the pouring rain after the pubs have shut. For those brave(?) enough to venture into the city pubs, don' t expect them all to be the most receptive to 'Students'. Ah, yes, the pleasure and the pain of Freshers week. Despite the fact that the pain always seems to be at the expense of the said fresher, you' ll soon appreciate the pleasure ...... when you hit that 'magical' second year and watch the new influx of tattooed foreheads stumble their way through UEA. Check your mirror, you have been warned.

Get used to writing letters. The probability of finding a phone free when you need one is pretty damn miniscule to say the least. B) Enjoythemomentarynotoriety and suffer the longer lasting cringeability factor. Corridor mates - love them or loathe them, you've got to share the facilities. Get used to writing letters. The probability of fmding a 'phone free when you need one is pretty damn rniniscule to say the least. Deny all knowledge of the stolen milk/ cheese/ expensive yoghurt -just remember that what goes around often comes around. Usually when you have a severe munchie attack at 4 a.m. you discover this fact. You're also prime fodder for rip off artists. Even two years down the line admiration still goes out to the cleverpeoplewhorecognisedthis potential goldrnine of Fresher's Week gullibility. The infamous 'Freshers Rave' that never was still brings embarrassment to those who were sue-

. .... .. .................... . .


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10 Concrete, Wednesday, September 29, 1993





R Steinberg, Profes sor of History at Trin ity Hall, Cambridge, wrote an article in a July edition of The Dai ly Telegraph in which he reflects over the apathy and attitudes of the students he taught last year. If any freshers coming to UEA this week have read the article, they may have been slightly worried over his view that, "Students are here to secure that 2: I, and no nonsense from me wi ll deflect them. They take no intellectual risks, just as they take no personal ones." As most students already at UEA will know. there are many here who aim fora2 : I degree. And why not? Isn' t that why we're here? Despite this, I don't know anyone who doesn't have a damn good time trying to achieve it. I asked Steven Mallhieson, editor of the Cambridge student newspaper, Varsity, whether it was different there. He had the answer I expected. "Of the history students I know, some work hard, others about 50 or 60%, and there are others who don ' t give a hoot and enjoy themselves" , he said, adding, " I think you ' 11 find this true of most stu dents, after all different students come to University for different reasons and to achieve different outcomes." Having talked to Dr Steinberg, he did admit that some of the comments in his articl e were slightly exaggerated to cause maximum effect, and pointed out that he has never had so many letters and telephone calls in response to




any other article. As a historian and a fema le I was very surprised at some of his observations and even more shocked when I spoke to him and he confirmed what he said as being true. A di scussion with five of his second-year fe male stu dents about politics and why the number of women achieving firsts in history has dropped evoked an embarrassing response (for me anyway) of, "Well, did it all nearly matter? They wou ld probably marry anyway." So why are there girls even bothering with their further education? lt was precisely this reaction to his statement (as well as a lack of political fee ling and lack of newspaper reading) that Dr Steinberg finds hard to cope with: a passivity that wou ld not have been found in the 1960s or the 1970s. In his artic le, I found Dr Steinberg reminiscing somewhat about the past, but in his defence, I suppose what he finds in the present time is depressing, not only for him but for students as well. The economic recession is hitting hard and most of my 'any' fri ends who graduated last year have not found jobs. Surely that is why thi s is the best time to be at University: to forget about a career for 3 years until it is forced upon you. Dr Steinberg believes that the lack of en thusiasm, political activeness and real interest in current affairs and history is knocked out of Cambridge students because of the high entrance levels to

Gill Fenwick questions Cambridge don, Dr Steinberg, about his view of the 'gloom and fatalism' of students ...

the university. He admits they may have fun socialising but they don ' t have the same kind of intellectual fun. " People are quite happy or unhapp y in their own little worlds", he says about his stu -

Concrete'sphotoprocessing andprintingby










i~l . ''<



dent's apparent lack of interest in the newspapers or for the world around them. He does admit, however, that some are very dedicated and caring in their attitude towards the third world. As far as politics goes, just who is there to admire? Our politicians are so bu sy compromising in order to win votes that there are few role models whom we can look up to and decide that we will also change the world - an atti tude that does not often surface. According to Dr Steinberg, Cambridge students - the best in the country according to ' A' level grades - do not read newspapers, are politically apathetic, and don' t see the point in doing so because they are going to get married anyway and take no intellectual or personal risks. My response to that? I'm glad I did n' t go to Cambridge.

Right: This just goes to show that despite the abo ve, . it 's not all wo.rk, work. work

Concrete, Wednesday, September 29, 1993 11

in association with The Event, Norwich•s leading Entertainment & Leisure Guide

T wich """""""'which'"'geofNO< has been seen globaUy - one pie ture of this City which has been flashed around the world andbeencommentedonfromGermany to Canada, writes Caroline Jenkinson.. Is it perhaps an image of the Cathedral spire, drenched in a golden sunset? The Olde Worlde splendour of Elm Hill? Or even a view of our favourite 1960s concrete nightmare, UEA itself? No, it's none of these. It is, in fact, a photo of a bus down a hole. Yes, one crack in the Earlham Road at an unfortunate moment gained Norwich two minutes on the national news and a short spell of worldwide recognition. Fortunately, however, Norwich has got more to offer the pleasure-

seeking student than simply the chance of seeing large vehicles slide gracefully into gaping holes, even if it is one of the few things that the City is famous for. All the guide books will tell you that Norwich is steeped in history, which is true. There's the Castle for a start; built by the Normans, turned into a prison, and now a museum. It's home to local archeology, some very beautiful paintings, and a lot of stuffed animals. The Normans also found time to build the Cathedral, which is well worth going to see. And then there's Stranger's HaU, Elm Hill, Colman' s Mustard Shop.... Norwich Tourist Information will be pleased to tell you even more about places of historical intcrest inNorwicb, and they can be

contacted on 666071. If soccer means more to you than history, then Norwich certainly is the best place in thecoun-

chance in Europe brings them great rewards. It's not very likely, but I hope it does.

try to catch a game of football. Forgive my local bias, but the Canaries are second to none in giving great entertainment at Carrow Road. Despite what Alan Hansen may say about Norwich City on "Match of the Day," they are capable of winning majorchampionships and . l hope that their long. overdue

Well,ifthehistorybuffandfooty fanatic can be happy here, what about the shopaholic? I think you' re going to love CastleMall. By the time you read this, Norwich' s new underground shopping centre should be up and running, offering a wide ran,&e of retail out1e&S.trom the planet-stz.ed deiwt-

ment store to the small specialist, as weU as numerous catering outlets. The Virgin Megastore is atready open, and wehavethepromise of an Argos Superstore and Norwich's 3 millionth branch of Boots (only a slight exaggeration) to come. Of course, it's bound to be packed in its first few weeks, so if you can bear to miss the Mall, try St. Stepheo's Street or Gentleman's Walk for a darn good shop. Jarrold'sandthemarketareparticularly worth trying. There's also Magdalen Street and Anglia Square, but unfortunately they both look a little sorry for themselves nowadays, what with the recession and the oneway system. But there's a branch of Boots... Norwicn's'oigbUife. entertain-

ment, eating out and the best record shops are all described inside this pull-out guide, so 1won't mention them here. It' senough to say that you won't be bored living in Norwich, what with everything that is going on within its boundaries, and the world outside it. Great Yarmouth, resplendent in its glorious tackiness, the stalely homes, the wildlife centres and of course, the Broads, now a National Park, is still just clinging on to a certain amount of unspoiltness. Make use of the many pubs. don't ridicule the locals and/or their accent, and remember, enjoy it while you're here, even if you do end up stuck in a bus down a hole.

The Raked C1ty pull out contmues overleaf..

.... I


nless you 're the sort of person who likes to stay in the one room for several years, you' re going to want to go out for an evening at some point. Norwich may not appear to be the most dynamic of cities at flfSt glance, but there are plenty of places that can offer you a good night out, whatever you want to do. This guide doesn't cover every nightclub and theatre, but it does will suit you (and many more belist themajorones which all tend to sides). lie roughly in the centre ofthe City. This small, one-screen cinema, It's well worth remembering to opposite St Andrews Hall, offers get an NUS card at the beginning of foreign ftlms, 'art-house' pictures, the semester. andthebestofthemainstream(usuMost of the places listed offer a ally some time after their original discount for students if you can release). show the appropriate ID - so ownOnaFridaynightthereisashowingthecardisadefiniteadvantage. ing at 11 pm, perfect for those who CINEMAS like to be out late, and there are The movie-goer has three cinoccasional film seasons and semiemas to choose from in Norwich. nars throughout the year. 'I'MCannon,onPrinceofWales The student discounts are subRoad, has the largest number of stantial - with your NUS card you screens, with four. can see a main feature for £2.50 or, These range in size from the ifit'samainfeaturematinee, £1.10. fairly-large to the shoe-box, with The Friday late showing is £3. access for wheelchairs in screens Like the Cannon and Odeon,Cintwo and three. ema City has access for wheelchairs, as well as a loop system for the hard of hearing, and a unisex disabled toilet. And if all that isn't enough, there's also 'Take Five', the cinema's adjoining cafe/bar, offering a wide selection of dishes, including vegetarian and vegan options·. Those who prefer to see live performances are even more spoilt for choice. Norwich's main theatre is the The one disadvantage with the Theatre Royal, which re-opened Cannon is that it doesn't offer any just before last Christmas after a sort ofstudent discount, so you will two-and-a-halfyear refurbishment have tp pay over £3 to see a ftlm programme. there. It puts on a variety of shows, ranging from West End hits to balThe Othon, situated just off Anglia Square, used to be a single let, opera and comedy. screen cinema, until its conversion There are no student concessions to three screens a few years ago. for the main theatre (contrary to 'Cinema' 3 has access for wheelwhat is written in the Student Unchairs. ion's handbook) but there are some Any blockbuster which the Candiscounts for performances put on non isn't showing tends to be in the Studio Theatre, varying from screened here. play to play. (The Theatre Royal The Odeon does have concesalso offers some exceptionsionsforstudents,butasthesedon't ally cheap seats at the back of apply after 7pm, you will have to the Circle, pay full-price for an evening visit. sometimes starting at prices as Still, if you're looking for an low as £2.50). excuse to get out of that boring Wheelchair access and a loop afternoon lecture... systemare available, and there are lf you are a person of more 'obbars open not only during the scure' tastes, then Cinema City evening, but also providing food


lt's well worth remembering to get an NUS card at the beginning of the semester

during the day, with live music on Saturday lunchtimes. The smallerMaddei'J7UJrlcet Theatre, which is based in St John's Alley, is home to the Norwich players, a group of amateur actors who put on a number of play; every year. They operate a 'Student Standby System' for performances, whereby af.er7pm students can have any available seat .n the house for £2,50. Season tickets are a:so reduced for students. Again, there is the loop system and wheelchair access, though you do have to inform the theatre if you need to use this facility.


The Norwich Playhouse, the city's newest theatre, won't actually be open until the Spring. It promises to be well worth the wait though, offering "things you don't normally see in Norwich," according to the Playhouse's Toni Rhodes. This will include 20th Century works, both European and American. The dramatist Amold Wesker has apparently written something especially for the theatre, which should be performed in its Gala Night With the theatre still be- L.-----------....::o.....;:::::!~~~==~~~ ing prepared for opening, details about student concessions are sketchy, but there will definitely be some, as well as access for six wheelchairs, and a loop system "if', in the words of Toni, "we can afford it"

Norwich Arts Centre can be ex-

Above: Odeon Right: Cannon Left: Ritzy

Below: Theatre Royal Photos by Marlc Turner, Phil Vickers and KateBailey

Norwich isn•t Manchester, but there•s still plenty to do .•.

treme!y difficult to find;its entrance being down a back alley (Reeve's Yard) off St Benedict's Street If you manage to find it tt.ough, you are amply rewarded with a little bit of everything - tl:eatre, photography exhibitions, craft showcases, and a diverse llix of music, from acid jazz to incie and cajun. All performances carry conces-

c Ipse 4 Royal Arcade, Norwich Clothing and jewellery and bags with an Eastern flavour

10 o/t0

Confessions of a ailed cook ... and hat to do about it




CURRENT UEA REGISTRATION CARD (excluding sale items)


sions, and there is wheelchair access. Another bonus is that ifyou buy an advance ticket, you can get 10 percent off food at the cafe/bar. The Waterfront was probably Norfolk's premier concert venue after UEA's LCR, with bands like Nirvana, Suede and The Prodigy gracing its stages. Various plays were performed there, from both touring companies and the UEA Drama Department. And it also hosted, along with Radio One FM, the flfSt Sound City music festival in 1992. (Industry magazine, Music Week, even voted it one of Britain's ten most 'happening' venues of 1992). Then it closed in January of this year, due to financial troubles-and remains closed at the time of writing. Plans are now afoot for UEA's Student Union to take control. Norwichnigbtclubsarevery keen in getting students into their darklylit inner sanctums, for they realise the potential spending power of students. Thus some of the clubs offer 'Student Nights' where eve-

rything is temptingly priced (or free!)

ManluJJUmNighklub(onDove Street) is one such club, currently with Mondays and Wednesdays as its Student Nights. Admission is£1 (you'llneed your NUS card) and all drinks are £1.50. Two of the City's biggest clubs have recently undergone refits. One of them is Ritzy's, which is trying to shed its 1980s feel. Peter McKay, a spokesman for the club, promises "new sound and light" and with it will come the new student nights on Monday (called th.e ' NthDegree')andWednesday. Entry on a Monday will be free with an NUS card before 11 pm, and all pints will be £1. Wednesday nights are slightly more expensive-admission will be £I before 11pm, and pints will cost £1.50. Runningaloogsidethis,inRitzy's next-<loorneighbourand bedfellow, CenJral Park, has the Wednesday night "Happy Hour" where all drinks are £1 between 8pm and 9pm, and the "University Challenge", where up to £50 in prizes

can be won. The idea of this, according to Pete, is that "people can meet in Central Park, and then go on to Ritzy's." Ritzy's is also open on a Thursday,FridayandSaturday,anddrinks andadrnissionwiUcostalittlemore on these nights. However, if you want a pass to get in on a Friday wd/or Saturday, ringtheclubon621541 and they'll send you one. Peppermint Park is the other club having had a :refit, with new decor, new furnishings and a "radically different" front bar, according to the club's eo-director, Mark Brenner. Peppermint Park also has student nights on (surprise, surprise) Monday and Wednesday. EntryonaMonday, with an NUS card, is £1, pints are£1.50, and the "drink of the week.. is £1. Withtwodancefloorsandabar, Mark says the club can offer "a diversity of musical tastes in one building" with each level playing a different type of music. PepperrnintParkis also trying to get students involved at all levels. This semester, they're hoping to get students to design some of their promotional material, with a cash prize for the best They also have the 'cash dash' where students can get a number of tickets and distribute them among their friends: the student who then has the most tickets taken back to

If you want to, it's possible to out part of the club - fees are negotiable. With all this going on in Norwich, you might never want to return to campus, but don't forget there are lots of things happening back here! (See elsewhere in this edition of 'Concrete~

Whetheryouwanttobeonoroff campus, there's plenty to do. All you need is an NUS card,lots of stamina, and the ability to enjoy yourself. Party on, dudes!

I cannot cook. It took a lot to admit that. There is a surprising amount of snobbery associated with what you can 'create' in a kitchen (especially from men excuse the gender bias). I dislike cooking. Even worse, I am a social misfit I enjoy eating what others have cooked. Nightmare. I am now a greedy social misfit. I'm lazy and ignorant of food and exist on crap. The copy of 'A Beginner's Cookbook' which informs you how to 'create' beans on toast (it's true - a farewell present from my concerned mother) has long since gone. My diet is considered as a site of scientific interest (ie a nuclear waste dump). However, I can appreciate good foodandadecentmealiscalledfor once in a while to boost my flagging bodily systems. I have discovered two approaches that satisfy this basic need for nourishment. Firstly, find a friend who belongs to the elite bunch of Culinary Kings who want to experiment or show off new recipes to an eager, malnourished but very impressed individual. The advantages of this method is that it is very cheap(!) and sociable, but it is not advisable to replace your mother with your new found friend. Far too Oedipal for my liking, and being taken advantage of does tend to annoy. An alternative to sponging off friends is to eat out in to Norwich, where there is a surprisingly wide variety of restaurants, both reasonably priced and laughably expensive. Look out for the discount vouchers in the local papers, and don't forget that many restaurants provide student discounts with an NUS card. Despite its isolation in geographic terms, the variety offoods available in Norwich ranges from Italian through to Mexican, Chinese, Indian and Greek. The increase in US style diners within Norwich remains a puzzling development. Zak's Diner, the waterside restaurant on Barrack Street, provides an example of US style pig outs in a heavily OTT stylised fashion. Wear a loose have been warned. The infamous Pedros Mexican Restaurant in Chapelfield Gardenshowever,remainsastheplace to stuff yourself silly. Its overtly Mexican interior and the opportunity to drink yourself into a

lurid sombrero provides a great place for Christmas and birthday bashes. The portions are huge and delicious and if you make it to the dessert stage you are a definite pig. Highly recommended due to the buzzing atmosphere and very reasonable prices. An alternative Mexican to try is Lobos in Pottergate. Smaller, yet more manageable portions are available and the desserts are definitely worth a try. Having experienced a birthday celebration here (the memory remains slightly hazy due to Harry's infamous birthday cocktail), this restaurant also comes highly recommended. Norwich is awash with Pizza restaurants. The major chains regularly offer good deals (pizza for lp etc) yet they are often packed and akin to McDooalds. Try Pizza Piazza on Westlegate and Pizza Express, in St Benedict's Street. Tombland's Pizza One Pancakes Too is a furtherchoice, offering discounts and the opportunity to enter Hy's nightclub. The choice of curry houses is numerous. The Prince of India, on Prince of Wales Road, and the Bombay, Magdalen Street, are highly recommended and popular with students. Open after closing time, the chance to wash down those eleventeen pints with a Vindaloo can therefore be an easy option. The choice is vast, from the Indian curry houses to the Greek taverns (Prince of Wales Road) and Thai Restaurants (Orford Hill). For smaller eats, check out the bars and cafes around the City. Cinema City's Take Five remains a favourite place to chill out or pose; a pretty place yet the service can be pretty sluggish. Bar Tapas (Exchange Street) serves anexcellentchoiceofSpanishfood, but watch out for the beer prices - they can be rather hefty. A favourite is the Waffle House on Lower St Giles Street. Get a garlic waffle with a vanilla rnilkshake and you'll understand what Nirvana is (smells like teen spirit? Rather more pungent I feel). Bagely's Barn in Pottergate provides value for money, although its menu can be rather limited at times. The choice for vegetarians can be frustratingly limited. Most placeshaveafewdishesavailable, yet there remains a huge demand that is still not met. Check out Rainbow Wholefoods restaurant



on the corner of Dove Street and Pottergate, and the Vegetarian Restaurant on Orford Hill. The choice for Sunday Roast is wide within local pubs, and most of them serve between 12 and 2. The Garden House and The Warwick are recommended, serving huge pations for around £4.00. Just the thing to recover and discover what exactly happened the night before. Of course, this penny pinching can be overlooked if and when the parents come up to visit. Take my advice and be ruthless in your choice. The Attic on Lower Goat Lane serves a wicked carvery buffet that inevitably tempts you to stuff yourself silly, and the numerous restaurants on Benedict's Street (St Benedict's Grill, Pinnochios, DonPepe's)andMagdalenStreet

Waffle House - another of Norwich's leading eateries provide an excellent service that is priced out of our humble grants, yet parents, shocked by the malnourished child they see before them, can easily be persuaded to treat you to a decent meal. Call me greedy, selfish, cynical

or just downright lazy, but these two approaches to the problem of sustaining your eating habits DO work. I'm the living proof. Just.

'Confession' by Angela Davies

Tlae .B eUe Vue 46 St. Philips Road, Norwich NR2 3BL. Tal: 0603 621784

Breakfast on Saturday 1 0 .30 - 12.30 11 Big Un11- sausages, bacon, egg, hash brown, mushrooms, beans + tomatoes - tea or coffee + toast £2.50

SUN~AY LUNCH - £3.25 A choice of 3 roasts and J 4 vegetarian meals





ndie kids, Metallers, technoids, trainspotters or just plain "Don't know"s, Norwich has something for you in the format ofyour choice, from crusty 78s to state of the art DCCs.

The damage to your bank account (read "grant") will not be extensive if you're prepared to shop around or bear the ignominy of rummaging through a Bargain Bin. Where to start? The majority chains are present and correct for latest and more recent items. OUR PRICE scores points for its friendly service and "local band" selection. It loses on not stocking vinyl and having a very small 12" section. Prices aren't the dearest in the city (read "large town") and it's worth keeping an eye open for the occasional sale. Further down the road is Castle Mall's pride and joy, the VIR-

GINAIEGASTORE.Compared with the London versions, it is just a store, but it has something for every taste. Being large it can afford to stock more, including 7"s. Students, beware! prices are steep for new items. The same can be true for HMV. This shop has been cunningly positioned to boost Top Man's sales, as you are subliminally encouraged to enter it through Top Shop, rather than face the bother of

Suddenly ~e icy tru~ strucK liKe adagger in ~er ~eart

Oh!Brad yo~ didn't buy it from One Step Beyond

Join Tim Wales as he flicks through the racks in the City•s choice collection of prices at times, and another record shops on the "Special Offer" walking around to the discreet entrance in Haymarket. HMV is a Rapper's Delight with a comprehensive back-catalogue, and a constant supply of def US imports. The dance section is good, too (with the ever present White Label), staffed by people in the know. An HMV sale is always worth checking out for cheap, though not nasty bargains. We shall walk right past WH SMITHS and give a nod to WOOL WORTHS for the occassional cheap album that you couldn't be bothered to buy the first time round. A trip to Lower Goat Lane is always a worthy walk. UZARD is compulsory first stop for the new albums. Yes, it's Brucie Bonus time, present your NHS card and you' 11 receive 10% off the already reasonably priced albums (5% off CDs). Lizard is particularly recommended for Metalheads and lndieans. You won't find many cassettes here, it's the realm of CD and vinyl (especially). Poke your head round the door at the back and you' l1 find a collector's cornucopia, fllled with autographed records, demos, white labelsandchocabloc with records. The trouble is that most racks are too full, and are impossible to browse through, unless you've got a day to spare. Also, some stock is flood damaged. Bang next door is ANDYS. This is part of a chain, but don't let that deter you. A very wide range of formats, each with a large back catalogue lies inside, inc luding the much vaunted DCC. Keep one eye on the price stickers, which can rival Virgin's

shelves, where obscurities and cheapo-cheapo compilations sit side by side. But where can one find that damned elusive Kraftwerkoldie? Weli,Magdalen Street provides two potential sources. The first, GREGG's RECORDS, wouldn't look out of place in a Nescafecommercial, all that's missing is the jukebox. This is really a vinyl orientated shop, specializing in Soul. The condition of the records can vary, so always be sure to check for scratches before buying. There are also those annoying cardboard sleeves for singles that have picture covers in other shops. But this shop contains many surprises for the keen collector so check it out! Try a quick "look see" at the second-band tape and CD stall in

MAGADALEN INDOOR MARKET before walking the half mile up the road to OUT OF TIME RECORDS. Similar to GREGGS, but this shop has wide selection of 50s and 60s material. Prices are cheap, which is not surprising, as the shop sometimes seems the last resting place of the more mediocre artists. But if you're prepared to browse patiently, there ' ll be something to tickle your Sony. Depending on business, you may be able to sell some unwanted embarrassments from your own collection here. This ca n be done at MALCOLM'S records in the market too, but be warned, this man knows his stuff, including the prices of collectables, and


won'tbuyarecordhehasn'theard of, Travelling Wilburys or not. Amongst the pomo-mags and comics, some great records in good condition can be found here. He likes his dance stuff, but all other genres are catered for (mainly in vinyl). Also in the market place are a second hand cassette, CD and video stall and BEATBOX records. The UEA diary sums it up nicely as "frequently uninspiring" and "phoneable" (so what?). St Benedict's Street is the final place to make for. Down here is Norwich's hippest record shopSOUNDCLASH, and this is reflected in its prices, as well as in the counter. Despite its small size, it gets the very latest upfront dance, rap and indie releases, including white labels. Carry on down the road and you'll arrive outside my personal favourite:

THENORWICHRECORDEXCHANGE. This if truly a cornucopia of collec tables with absolutely every genre catered for, and is also the place to go for all your old swingers who have gramophones that play 78s. No CDs here, just a vast range of vinyl in excellent condition, sleeves "n" all, cleaned with a very effec.tive fluid . The prices are very cheap, so take a shopping list with you. For all you classical buffs, a trip to PRELUDE RECORDS will be in order. Then nip across the road to check out IVES RECORDS reasonably priced selection. For all you Seedeephiles, Norwich has two specialist shops: THE COMPACT DISC CENTRE and COMPACT MUSIC, both of which have a wide range and run appetising promotions. The former has a second hand section as well. That's about it. All that remains is to remind you of the highly recommended VIP Record Fair which gathers in the Blackfrairs Hall opposite Cinema City (October 30th and December l l th). So Happy Hunting for that Barry Manilow Picture Disc!


.... .

.... . "





f this year's UEA 'W elcome Pack' was anything like the one I received last year, then it would have contained numerous shiny leaflets from the major banks, all promising to love and care for you like your own mother. From free banking to free gifts- they want to give you this and more. But why?What is it about students that makes the average high street bank go all wobbly and affectionate? Well, it's the thought that 0 when you graduate (hopefully)

--F-r--m--fr_e_e __

you' llgoontoahighly-paidjob (even more hopefully) and continue to deposit your money with them. This belief is borne out by the fact that most students do tend to stay with their bank after graduation. Hence the apparent battle between Barclays, Lloyds and the rest for your favours. Yet this competition doesn 't throw up varied bank accounts for students. As the table shows, the only real difference between the accounts that the 'big four' are offering this year is the free gift. Yes, choosing the right account for you could hinge on whether you want a Rail card or £10 to spend in Our Price. Of course, you don't have to

If the ethical standpoint of a bank is vital in deciding where to place your grant cheque, then you might followUEA•s Student Union•s example r-


open an account with any of the 'big four', although they are all situated conveniently on campus. In Norwich you'll find branches of all the major banks and building societies, some of which, like the Halifax, also offer student packages. If the ethical standpoint of a bank is the most important factor in deciding where to place your gr<lllt cheque, then you might decide to open an account with a company like the C... )-operative Bank. ' .'bey have strong policies and practices towards protecting the environment, and because, unlike some of the major banks, they were not involved in contributing towards Third World debt. The Co-Op Bank also refuses to do business with companies whicti exploit animals, or organisations and regimes which abuse human rights. There is no special student package at the Co-Op Bank, but they do offer most of the usual current account facilities. Their main Norwich branch is situated in London Street.

banking to free Ql"fts there•s all this and more!


As far as student debt is concerned, it doesn't matter who you bank with. According to the 1993 Barclays Student Survey, undertaken by NUS Services Ltd, four out of five students ended this last academic year owing an average of£ 1,672, a rise of twentytwo per cent from £1,370 in

1992. According to Louise Clark of the NUS, it is now "near on impossible" for a student to avoid debt during their stay at university. If you do find that your money supply is starting to dry up, there are several things that you can do. Firstly, of course, there is the call home to a kind-hearted and generous parent, who might be able to give you the extra you need. Ifthey're not kind-hearted and generous, or simply can't afford it, then you might have to consider taking some form of job, or borrow the money from somewhere. To help students meet everyday living costs there is the Student Loan Scheme. This is a Government funded loan, which you can apply for at any time during each academic year. The loan eventually has to be paid back, with interest, once you have completed your course.




.. Firm but fair .. is how Barclays describe their treatment of those student customers looking for an overdraft It is from this source that students borrow the most money - the Barclays/NUS survey puts the average amount at £566 for 1993. The NUS' opinion of this scheme is not very high : "We said the system wouldn't work and it didn't," claims Louise Clark, citing the cases of those people who have had a visit from baliffs because they have been unable to repay the origi-

nalloan. The alternative to taking out a loan is getting an overdraft from your bank. Next to Student Loans, an overdraft from the bank or

building society is the most popular way of alleviating debt temporarily. This is where getting your account sorted out and hav-

ing a good relationship with your local branch is important. Most of the banks do realise the problems that students can face with regard to finances;

Barclays, for example, have recently raised their overdraft level from £300 to £400. Di Skidmore, a Barclays spokeswoman, says they did this because they "didn't want to put any more pressure on students," also adding that students were now coming and asking for financial advice at their bank to try and help themselves from getting into severe debt. "Firm but fair" is how Di describes Barclays' treatment of those student customers looking for an overdraft. They won't throw money at you, but they won't pull out all your fingernails if you run into financial difficulties - and most other banks are the same. And they should have someone such as a student officer, who is trained to try and help solve any financial problems you may have. The Barclays/NUS survey reveals that over 1992, the number of students agreeing with positive statements about theirbankhasincreased, while the number agreeing with negative statements has decreased. This would indicate that most students felt that their bank was making an effort to understand their needs. So when those little leaflets fall out of your folder, remember that whatever bank you may choose, it's best to be nice to them They won't necessarily stop you from going into the red, and they will want you to pay back those overdrafts eventually, but in general they are there to offer advice and look after you. A bit like your mother after all ....

------------------------------------------------------------------------~----~------- -- --



still vividly remember my first day at UEA. My parents waved goodbye as they drove away and I was left standing outside the Halls of Residence with a tight knot in my throat and a dawning realisation that life would never be the same again.

Today, some three and a half years later, I can confirm that life has certainly never been the same since that day I left the safe haven of the parental home and entered the unknown territory of university life. My homesickness lasted about half an hour, as I quickly met several other first years, and that evening we set off on a journey of discovery to the Union bar. Someone told me that the people you meet in the first two hours of arriving at university will be your friends throughout your student life. In my case I found that although I met a number of people on my first evening, and throughout the Autumn term, it was not until the Spring term, when the initial excitement had died down, that I discovered who my "real" friends were going to be. Consequently, by the end of the Summer term I had formed two or three close relationships which I believe will last for life. In fact, ifl was asked to briefly describe my first year as a whole, I would describe it as a time of friendship. Being an arts student my workload was, er, minimal to say the least! As a result, there was plenty of time for socialising, and during the course of a hectic schedule of discos, pub crawls and parties, I met many students of different nationalities, with a wide range of backgrounds, interests and outlooks. If work mattered little in the first year, I arrived back at UEA for the second year in the knowledge that every piece of course work I handed in from now on would affect my fina l degree mark. As if this wasn't depressing enough, my workload tripled in the Autumn term. At least, it seemed to at the time. The second year also brought


Pictures such as these are bound to evoke strong memories in years to come.

•My life would never be the same again ... • out the added responsibility of "living out" . I shared a house with four other students, all of whom I had become good friends with in the first year. With hindsight I would be inclined to say this was probably a mistake, because I soon found out that good friends do not necessarily make good flatmates. In fact, there was often considerable tension in the household which unfortunately tended to worsen as the year progressed. Having said that, living out was not a totally bad experience. When we weren't shouting at each other we actually managed to sit down together for a meal, particularly on Sundays when we took it in turn to cook. It was also good to be able to leave the campus and have the feeli ng of' coming home' on walking through the door. As a student of Modem Languages I was required to spend my third year abroad.

I spent the first five months studying French at the British Institute in Paris. But my illusions of Paris as a wonderful city were soon to be shattered, as I discovered that being a tourist in

Germany, on the other hand, was an altogether more pleasant experience. Contrary to popular opinion, Germans are extremely friendly , and I only needed to utter two

'Living out wasn't a totally bad experience. When we weren't shouting at each other we actually managed to sit down for a meal' Paris is completely different to being a resident there. Paris is certainly not for the fainthearted. Parisian manners leave a great deal to be desired and their driving has to be seen to be believed. The fact that I was a woman on her own also meant I was regularly harassed on the street and in the Metro. In addition, my French did not improve greatly as I spent most of my time with other British students.

words in German before I was told I spoke the language like a native! As I was working, living and socialising with Germans, I was completely immersed in the language, with the result that I was practically fluent when I left the country six months later. In fact, I had even begun to dream in German! Nevertheless, I did find it difficult to settle in . I did not know anyone at firs t and I was often thrown into situ-

ations at work where I did not have the faintest idea what I was supposed to be doing (answering the telephone was a particularly terrifying experience) . Eventually I managed to persuade most of my colleagues that I was not an Inselaffe (an 'island monkey', as the British are affecti onately known). I even made four very good friends whom I was sorry to leave. It was therefore with mixed feelings that I returned to UEA in October last year. Having effectively been away from academic life for IS months, the prospect of starting what would undoubtedly be my hardest year was not exactly a pleasant one. But I was looking forward to seeing my friends again, even though I was initially worried that our time abroad might have caused us to drift apart. I fo und, however, that even though we had all had different experiences, there seemed to be

a kind of solidarity between us, which, if anything, brought us closer together. As far as the workload was concerned, it was in no way the terrifying amount I was expecting it to be. In fact, I had considerably more free time than I could ever have hoped for. Unfortunately, there was still one small hurdle to face on my retum ... finals . For the first time since my 'A'levels I found myself having to work all day, every day fornearly two months - without doubt one of the most gruelling experiences of my life so far. Ten exams and several near nervous breakdowns later, I can now relax in the knowledge that my education is finished and 1 can do more or less exactly what I want. I guess you're still at UEA, or you wouldn't be reading this. Well, enj oy it while you can, and avoid the real world for as long as possible!

COME AND JOIN THE PAPERS PRODUCED BY STUDENTS AT UEA OWe hope that you are enjoying reading this paper, and the other paper you picked up with it - 'The Event'. What might not be immediately apparent is that both titles are produced here at UEA, by students. 'Concrete' was started eighteen months ago as a response to the lack of a student newspaper at UEA. It quickly became the major source of information for UEA students, and within just a few months achieved readership figures of over 98 % amongst students - unhreard of in the ' real world '. The Event is now joining Concrete to offer greatly extended entertainment and leisure coverage, and for the fi rst time will be avaialable at Norwich City College and NIAD (the Art College). It wilJ also be on sale in 350 newsagents arou nd the city.

Producing the two newspapers on a fortnightly basis is an enormous task, and is achieved on a tiny budget, with only one full time staff member. The papers are produced independently, by a publishing company formed by three students- 'Planet Zog Ltd'. All the money needed to cover the print-costs of the papers comes from advertising, with no subsidies or grants from the Student Union or University. We need your help to carry on producing the two titles. Whether you have experience of newspapers (be it at school, college or out in the 'real world') or are keen but inexperienced, we are anxious to hear from you. As well as the obvious need for writers, we also need page designers, artists, photographers,

proofreaders, typists, delivery staff and many others. We can't pay you for your efforts, but you will receive training and expe~ience that will prove invaluable if you want to m_ake journalism your career, and hopefully it will also be enjoyable. (Ex-Editor of Concrete, Polly Graham, who left UEA last year got onto a Postgraduate course in journalism largely on the merit of her work with the paper, for example). Come and talk to us at Soc Mart (Wednesday 29th September), or drop into our office, upstairs in Union House (close to where you collect your grant and signposted from downstairs). We are usually in from around 10 or 11 am, to midnight (or so) on a busy day! We all look forward to seeing you!

Union Commercial Services • Scheduled air tickets • Travel Insurance • Channel ferries


• Hotel Bookings

Union House, on walkway to Library

• • • •

• Rail, Coach and ISIC cards • British and Continental rail tickets

National Express tickets Worldwide student and academic flights ALL ABTA package holidays Car Hire

Open Monday to Friday 9.30am to 4.00pm

In the Street, next to the Launderette

• Off licence • Grocery • Fresh fruit & veg

• • • •

• Medicines

Fresh & frozen foods Snacks Household & hardware Toiletries

Mon to Fri 9-9, Sat 9-1, Sun 11-3

ii•lln All Post Office services Books always wanted in good condition: Academic and general

except passports and Car Tax. Business Centre • Foxes (In & Out) !J!!:::::=~!i.J Photocopying • Computers (Sale/ Rent) In the Street, next to Nat West • Audio & Video Tapes • Personal Stationary • Floppy Disks • Computer Peripherals • Electrical Appliances • Watches & clocks • Greetings Cards • Gifts and soft toys

Union House, on walkway to Library

All at around half normal price • Most UEA course books - all in good condition • Literature, reference and languages • Fiction and general stock

Open Monda

to Frida

In the Street, next to Nat West

• • • •

10. OOam to 4.

• • • • • • •

Papers and magazines Sweets & cigarettes Soft drinks & snacks Cards for all occasions Bottled water Batteries Gift Wrap

Academic and personal stationary Full film processing service Biscuits Padlocks

Open Mon to Fri 7 to 6.30, Sat/Sun 8 - 4 m

The Hive: Ground floor of Union House

Open Monday to Friday 9 till late + private hire at weekends.

LCR: Ground floor for discos, concerts and private hire

Concert & disco nights and private hire

Open M on to Fri 9 to 5.30pm, Sat 9 - 1pm

Personalised UEA goods including : • T - Shirts • Sweatshirts • Jog Pants • Tracksuits • Scarves & Ties • Glass, pottery & leather

On the walkway to the library

• Sportswear and sports equipment • Sports shoes at discount prices

Open Monday to Friday 1Oam to 4.30

The Pub & Winnies in the Street.

Mon - Fri 11-2pm, 511pm. Sat 11-2pm, 611pm. Sun 12-2pm, 710.30pm

• • • • • • • • •

Soft drinks in all bars all day Coffee, tea all day in The Hive Filled rolls and baps in The Hive Draught real ales Ciders and lagers Bottled premium beers Bottled premium lagers Canned beers and lagers Wines and spirits


Your Union serving you all year round


18 Concrete, Wednesday, September 29, 1993




DNiall Hampton examines the Government's proposals for the future of student unions and asks Jacqui Mackay, UnionComms Officer, for her views THIS academic year is going to be one of the toughest years ever for student unions, as they fight to resist Government proposals for their reform. John Patten, Secretary of State for Education and Science, made a speech at last year's Conservative Party conference in which he propsed to end the last of what he saw as union 'closed shops': the campus union and the National Union of Students. His rhetoric was greeted with raptuous applause by the Tory faithful assembled in the hall, confuming the fact that they naively perceive student unions as being potential political antagonists. As usual, the Government waited until the 1993 summer vacation to offer a more detailed decription of their proposals, cynically exploiting the fact that stu-

Know Your Enemy: John Panen, MP dents would then be dispersed and therfore less able to offer opposition. This continues a technique that has in part enabled the Government to introduce substantial 'reforms' in

the past few years. These have "undermined and undervalued education" according to Jacqui Mackay. "The problem of university applications over the summer, the

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em huge and increasing problem of student debt and the recent talk of students contributing to their fees are just some of the ways that education is being affected by plans that don't consider lite welfare of students." However, the Government are nevertheless determined to continue with their plans despite their own research to investigate whether student unions are merely hotbeds of radicalism which actually drew no SU(.h conclusion. A cursory examination of John Patten's proposals shows how illconceived they actually are. Under them, student unions will no longer be able to fund: • student drama productions • student community action schemes • RAG week and other fundraising events • student media • nurseries and play-schemes for student parents e many other non-sporting student clubs and societies The only items that student unions will be able to fund are catering, sport, welfare and internal representation. In addition, automatic membership of campus unions would be ended (injecting the Tory principle 'choice' that has arguably ruined much of the infrastructure of the UK) and campus unions would be prevented from affiliating to the NUS. The implications for Higher Education institutions around the UK are obvious. Most of the activities that students have traditionally taken for granted may very well cease to exist. Applied to UEA, Patten's proposals could mean no more Drama Soc productions, no more community schemes, no RAG, no Nexus or Livewire (Concrete is independent of the Union), no child-care and no Crawl or Star Trek socs. It is precisely these services offered by student unions that contribute invaluably to the extra-curricular ide of Higher Education. Jacqui Mackay recognises this. "Though a degree is a student's priority and reason for attending university, the 'student experience' consists of so much more socially through clubs and societies and through having a democratic say in how your community is run. Taking a degree place a lot of stress and responsibility on students which makes the academic and welfare support that the Union provides e sential." The proposals designed to end the 'closed shop' are clearly going to have a detrimental effect on the lives of students. NUS President Lorna Fitzsimons points out that many student union activities are


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Lorna Fltzslmons community spirited and educational. "Students learn so much from their work with societies, with student community action, with play chemes, ~ith student media and the whole community benefits from their work." She emphasises a point that should be clearly understood by the Government, but which seems to have passed been ignored. 'There's nothing subversive or politically dangerous about RAG week or the drama club or the student radio station or the half-term play-scheme. Patten has accepted sporting activities but refuses to acknowledge the good of all the other community spirited work of the student union." However, Patten's proposals for the future of the campus union and the NUS could mask a more cynical intention. Much debate is currently taking place about the future of university funding, and the Commission of Vice-Chancellors and Principals (CVCP) are considering four possible schemes. One of these is the dreaded 'graduate tax ' , a system adopted in Australia where the student repays his or her tuition fees through higher National Insurance contributions. Surely any debate as to the future of Higher Education funding should feature input from students, who to use the Government style, are the 'consumers'. The NUS is the only organisation able to represent the interests of students nationally, and hould surely be included in consultations. Says Jacqui Mackay, "At such a time, it is essential that students have a say in the education debate and that their rights and interests are represented. The best channel for this is your student's union." This point is completely overlooked by the Government and their advisers, who see student un-

ions as a threat to their power because a campus union has the potential to gather people together and galvanise opinion. Previous Tory reforms in the workplace have undermined this representation and in an educational context, the Government's perception of student unions is firmly rooted in the past, when students a lot less apathetic than their current counterparts fought for their rights in a style much more militant than that of the present. It would appear that the Government's proposals for the 1990s seem to be based on an image of rooted firmly in the past. Jacqui Mackay is more than aware of the need for students to fight for what they should be entitled to. "On the whole it is your Union which provides support and extracurricular activities. Your government is trying to deny you this. We will be campaigning against student union reform and seeking your feedback so that you have a say in consultations about the future of your Union." • The NUS are organising national opposition to Patten's proposals and are calling for support. "Students should get involved in the campaign and work with their own student union to fight for the survival of these vital student activities and the right to national representation", says Loma Fitz-simons. "Everyone in this country has a right to representation and why should students be different? "We have a right to a national voice and it would be very wrong of this Government, purporting to believe in empowering the consumer, to act to silence our capacity to comment on matters which directly affect us as consumers."

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Concrete, Wednesday, September 29, 1993

Enterlalnment - In

assoclatlon w-=c it~ h

The Event


A Literary Feast Preview by Simon Mann

Once again, the Arthur Miller Centre has managed to put together a world-class selection of authors for its annual Literary Festival at UEA. Altogether, fifteen writers will be talking about their work on a series of evenings between October 9 and January 26. The season starts with a bang, offering six writers in nine days, and ends on a high note in January when America's greatest living playwright, Arthur Miller, makes one of his rare visits to UEA. First off is Margaret Atwood on October 9. Definitely Canada's leading writer, her international reputation is huge now that she is published in f"lfteen languages. Following her on October

Left: Margaret Atwood Above: T. Coraghessan Boyle

11 is comic writer T Coraghessan Boyle; although not as well known here as in the US, his new novel 'The Road to Wellville' is being published

in the UK this October. By way of contrast, on October 12 the Pulitzer Prize winning poet John Asherby will be reading from some of his works, including 'Re-

Sunday lOth October 9.3(Jpm

Prices: £12, £4

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Norwich Theatre

TheatreStrte NIJNIJieh

(0603) 63 00 00 -





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Amis, Rose Tremain and Ian McEwan, to name but a few, will all be putting in an appearance, and on January 24, Alan Bennett will be making his ftrst visit to UEA with what is expected to be a sell-out performance.





ported Sightings' and 'SelfPortrait in a Convex Mirror'. Then Kurt Vonnegut, author of the classic American novel 'Slaughterhouse Five', makes a return ap-

pearance to UEA on October 13. The hectic first session of appearances is brought to a close with another change of genre, in the form of tht> crime and mystery writer Elmore Leonard. Before Christmas, Martin

For those of you spending your first year at UEA, you'll be pleased to find out that the campus has it's very own second-run cinema. What this means is that the term after most films have been shown in the local Cannon and Odeon, the Union shows them here at greatly reduced rates. Usually shown in Lecture Theatre 1 or 2 (at 7pm) tickets cost £2, and can be bought on film nights between 6 and 7pm. Year passes cost £26 and semester passes £15. 'Under Siege' kicks off the year in explosive style with Steven Seagal (in action above). Directed by Andrew Davis, currently flying high with 'The Fugitive', it is basically 'Die Hard' on a ship, with Seagal as the galley cook who apparently is the only one who can stop terrorists from taking over the ship and removing its nuclear arsenal. Love interest is provided by Baywatch's Erika Eleniak. With no script, this is for action fans only. Tuesday 28 Sept. 'Falling Down' was one of the bravest movies of last year, with Michael Douglas sporting a flat top and an attitude (right), as a member of America's disappearing middle-class, who on one hot summer's day, snaps. Part vigilante, part psychopath, this should not be missed. Thu 30 Sept. '

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Above: Michae/ Douglas stars as D-Fens in Falling Down

'Orlando' is a somewhat unconventional drama, set over a period of 400 years. It follows the life of 'Orlando', who changes sex half way through for no apparent reason. Set in England, not Florida, it is for those who enjoy challenging cinema. Fri I Oct. 'Accidental Hero' stars Dustin Hoffman as a petty criminal who ends up saving passengers from a crashed aeroplane. Reluctant to take credit, Andy Garcia steps in to grab the glory. A polemic on the power of the media, it flopped in America, but nevertheless is entertaining. Go and make up your own mind. Tue 5 Oct. 'Innocent Blood' seems to have everything going for it, including a script and some actors. Directed by John Landis ('An American Werewolf in London') and starring Anne Parillaud

('Nikita'), it is meant to be a modem day vampire movie with a touch of comedy and eroticism. Unfortunately, it is a horrendous mess. Do your essay instead. Thu

70ct. Danny DeVito's 'Hoffa' is a biopic of the life of American union Boss Jimmy Hoffa. Written by David Mamet, it is quite confusing at times, but worth a look if you are a fan of Jack Nicholson. It is the first time in ages he has actually played someone else. Fri 8 Oct. The last film of the fortnight is 'Thelma and Louise'. Directed by Brit Ridley Scott, and starring Susan Sarandon and Geena Davis. There is no need to explain the plot here, because if you do not know the story by now you obviously don't read the papers anyway. Go and see it. Tue 12 Oct.

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Darren Fisher --I

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Concrete , Wednesday , September 29 , 1993


Russian and East European Theme at Norfolk and Norwich Festival The eleven days from 7 to 17 October contain a feast of entertainment for culture vultures, as the annual Norfolk and Norwich Festival celebrates this year's Russian and East European theme with over one hundred events. As usual with the Festival, the range of offerings is immense, running from the unlikely-sounding Rodnik Balalaika Ensemble Workshop to Gardener's Question Time (in Russian?) via Count Dracula's Crypt - an exhibition of illustrations, film extracts, readings and competitions designed to "create an amospheric and spine-tingling entertainment." The more mainstream offerings include the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra perfonning the Polish Fantasia, which was premiered 100 years ago at the Festival- yes it has been going that long- by the piece's author, Paderewski. In a more contemporary context, the Contact Gallery and the King of Hearts Gallery are holding a joint exhibition of the work of six Estonian artists, who have been working in local studios under the artistic patronage of Norwich sculptor Paul Rogers. One of the perennially entertain-

ing elements of the Festival is the convoluted attempt to make solid and traditional acts and concerts fit the theme for the year. Thus 'An Evening with Johnny Speight' is made to feature the writer's East End origins (East.. geddit?). Sometimes this detennination to adhere to the theme can make you groan at the painful effort involved, as when one of this year's press releases announced the programme as "Curtain Up! on East to Eastwhen East Europe comes to East Anglia." Having said all that, there are some really choice offerings this year, prominent amongst which must be the Chinese State Circus, and the Toy Symphony by The Drones (fresh from their success on that exotic Eastern show, Blue Peter) who produce their music on an assortment of wind-up toys ("bring your own favourite toy and join in" ). The Festival truly does have something for everyone and if you do not go to at least two events you will be missing a rare treat, especially considering that most tickets are discounted by up to half for students. So go out there and indulge yourself with a bit of exotic(ish) Eastern culture !

It has been said time and time again, but j ust to clarify the point for those who are new to UEA, the Sainsbury Centre is not our very own on-campus supermarket. No, the Sainsbury Centre - or to give it the correct title, 'Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts' (another UEA acronym, SCVA)- is a top visual arts centre, and those in the know even say it is one of the best in the world. Completed in 1978 (with the addition of a high-tech underground area, the 'Crescent Wing' in 1991), the building actually gets its name from the Robert and Lisa Sainsbury collection on permanent display, which includes works by Francis Bacon and the sculptures and drawings of Henry Moore and other impressive names.

Also featured are sc ulptures from all over the world, including West Africa, the Pacific, the ancient Mediterranean and Egypt. The presence of a permanent di splay does not mean that you should only visit the SCVA once during your three or more years at UEA, though. You can never say, "I've seen it all before" because the Centre also hosts special exhibitions and events. From October 12 to December 19 there is a chance to see just such an exhibition, 'Pablo Pi-

casso: Dreams and Lies.' This is a loan exhibition of Picasso Prints from the British Museum and other collections, spanning Picasso's entire career from 1905 to 1971. And you cannot use that cliched student retort of I haven ' t got any money" as an excuse for not visiting the exhibitions - entry is freesimply tell the receptionist you are a UEA student and you can view any of Lie exhibitions for nothing! Rest assured that Centre staff are keen to welcome all students, not

just the arty intellectual specialists! Student fri ends of the SCVA (you can join them at Soc Mart) are not only made up of Art History students and they hold social events , (often using the SCVA), invite guest speakers, visit other galleries and enjoy a special link with the SCVA. See you there soon. USEFUL INFORMATIO N

Opening times: 12:00 to 17:00, closed Mondays. Disabled access: Accessible to wheelchairs throughout. Food and drink: SCVA restaurant is open Monday to Friday • 12:00 to 14:00. Conservatory Coffee Bar is open Tuesday to Sunday 12:00 to 16:30. Restaurant info: 592474 Gallery info: 5606








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Concrete , Wednesday , September 29 , 1993

Letters & Classifieds

concrete 0603 250558 University of East Anglia, Norwich, NR4 7TJ Publisher: Stephen Howard Editor: Peter Hart News & Features Editor: Niall Hampton Picture Editor: Phil Vickers Advertising: Simon Mann Photographer: Kate Bailey Contributors: Gill Fenwick, Simon Mann, Keeley Smith, Darren Fisher, Georgina King, Angela Cavies, Carollne Jenklnson, Amanda Cresswelt and all the others whose names appear in this edition


Many thanks to Technical Advisor: Neil Barnden Special thanks to: Union House Stewards & Mogwal Thanks to everyone at ECN for putting up with our 'flexible' deadlines Concrete is publlstied independently at UEA. Opinions expressed are those of the contributor and not necessarily those of the publisher or Editor. (C) 1993 Printed by Eastern Counties Newspapers, Prospect House, Rouen Road, Norwich

Concrete welcomes your letters on any subject. Whether it is something we've written about and you want to take issue with, or you simply want to make a point, we want to hear from you. So why not drop us a line? The address is simply 'Concrete', UEA, Norwich. Anonymity will be respected but you must include your name and address in the first instance.

Giving guidance The London branch of the G er man Academic Exchange service (DAAD) has recently produced a new edition of its brochure 'Scholarships and Funding for Study and Research in Germany 93/4 for British Academic Staff, Researchers and Students'. This publication lists possibilities for funding tudy and research in Germany offered by the DAAD as well as by other British, German and international organisations. The purpose of this booklet is to give initial guidance as to the sources of funding available. Our list is probably not exhaustive. We would therefore welcome any suggestions for next year's edi ti on.

The German Embassy In Dublin. Brltta Baron Director, German Academic Exchange Service, London

Volunteers on tap? Thank you, tudent . for your continued support of Water Aid. I am delighted to report that many students are interested in working voluntarily with us. Obviously it is impossible to place everyone, but we have been

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like any further information. Many thanks in anticipation of your help,

Sally Pharo-Tom/in Volunteer Co-ordinator Water Aid

Concrete's free classifieds service will be running as usual this term. Simply follow the instructions on the form below.

Classified acl


Your message:


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Ad SectiQn:

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YourNane/ School/Yea 11 you want your name and adcha to appeao mdtelt part ollhe meaage. If howewr you do not wish your name or ode*... to appeao you may use a rr. . box numiMr. Your ad w11 be allocated a number by ua and replel w11 be forwarded to you 10 dayl ~ publlcdlon ollhe paper (any fUrther replel w11 be forwarded 01 1\ey are receiVed). To reply to a box I'IUI1'Ibef ~t adcha your replytol\eboxnurnberandMndlto 'loxNumben, Conc:Nte, UEA', Nofwlch' ork*elttolhe Unlwnly poet room, Of . , . Conc:Nte olllce In Union Houle.

- · = concrete = ::> l-

able to establish some very good relationships with dedicated volunteers. We now need support in new and challenging fields, and I believe that many students are keen to help, so please contact me if you would

f·;; ·you·m;ssed·us· ar· ~

~ Soc Mart, drop us ~ ~a line at ·concrete/ ~ ~The Event•, UEA, ~ • : or come and see •••• •• :us in the office• • • •• :upstairs in Union • ••• :House... ••

••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• NO EXPERIENCE IS NECESSARY..• PLEASE FEEL FREE TO COME AND SEE US


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Concrete, Wednesday, September 29, 1993



' AN EMPHATIC win against Everton last weekend highlighted the continuing form of the Canaries. After fmishing third in the Premier League last season, Norwich have entered Europe for the fU"St time in their history, and an initial victory against Vitesse Arnhem in the UEFA Cup bodes well for their prospects in the continental football arena.. Manager Mike Walker is aware of the problems that faces a small club without the buying power of the Manchester Uniteds and Liverpools of this world. When interviewed by Concrete in February, he said, "We get more satisfaction out of what we've done because we are working to a strict budget and if we are successful, we know we've done it by hard work, coaching and getting the best out of average players in some cases." Norwich went on to head the table for most of last season and Walker was then quietly confident of a much-coveted place in Europe. "We are top of the league on merit. It must be on merit because we've got more points than anyone else", he said. When questioned by a soccer journalist about Norwich's impressive run just after last Christmas, Walker refused to be drawn into talking about the league title, pragmatically replying that he only needed a few more points to dismiss chances of relegation. Mike Walker is a therefore a shrewd realist, and his team share the same qualities. As he said, "The manager often gets mentioned a lot, but it is the players who are important." Last season, the Canaries went on to convincingly win a number of games when the odds were against them; the most memorable occasion probably being away at Arsenal last August when they won

Niall Hampton reflects on Norwich City Football Club's most historic season to date

2-4, reversing Arsenal's two goal lead. Such tenacity and a willingness to play to the final whistle contributed to Norwich's best season so far in the top flight. Soccer commentators have clearly come to recognise this fighting spirit, one of them claiming that "you can never underestimate Norwich." Despite the dismissive comments of TV soccer pundits such as Alan Hansen (a familiar target of abuse at Carrow Road), Norwich finished in the top three of the inaugural Premier League, trailing to Aston Villa by only two points. Despite a sometimes leaky de-

fence, the Canaries still managed to win and did so convincingly. Top scorer Mark Robins frequently found the mark, as did Chris Sutton, and John Polston scored an invaluable goal home to Aston Villa. Late in the season, Mike Walker bought in Efan Ekoku from Bournemouth to reinforce his front line, which was served impeccably throughout the season by Rue! Fox and Ian Crook. This season, however, Norwich City face an even harder task than last. Currently playing in Europe, Mike Walker still fancies both domestic Cup competitions and the demands of the FA Carling Premiership could make for a very heavy work-load indeed. Mike Walker's top priority still involves avoiding relegation. "I' m under no illusions that if things go wrong then the money will have to be re-couped somehow", he said. Financial stability is therefore "vital" to Norwich's continued success. Initial signs for the team in the Premiership are favourable, and City are currently lying in fifth position. Despite losing to champions Manchester United and upstarts Wimbledon, convincing wins against Leeds, Blackburn Rovers, Ipswich and now Everton have gathered the points, as well as an impressive goal difference. All the Canaries have to do is to consolidate on their away form and start winning regularly at Carrow Road. Several players in the team have started to shine; midfieider Jeremy Goss won BBC Match of the Day's August 'Goal of the Month' for his spectacular strike against Leeds, whilst Efan Ekoku matched his impressive goal against Vitesse with four last weekend. All this, and

last season's golden boy Mark Robins is still on the bench. At the back, Walker's sweeper system appears to be holding up well, reinforced

tie with Amhem this week, and return to Premiership action with a home match against Coventry this Saturday (Oct 2), followed by Coca Cola Cup action away to Bradford City. A week later they travel to London for a fixture with Glenn Hoddle's in-form Chelsea. Norwich City should hopefully have another impressive season, possibly with success in Europe to boot, which could surprise the dismissive media. It could well be possible; even AI an Hansen was forced to eat his words last season. Come on you Yellows!

•Norwich City are offering all freshers free membership of the club and two free tickets to a home match at Carrow Road. Membership offers preference on all tickets including cup games, a preferential deal on away travel and discounts in the Club Shop. This could be particularly advantageous with Norwich City's participation in the UEFA Cup this season. The free match tickets are valid for any non 'A' category fixtures (usually the higher-profile Carling Premiership fixtures). For further information, see the leaflets available this week in Union House and the Sports Centre.

by the experienced Bryan Gunn in goal. The Canaries travel to Holland for the away leg of their UEFA Cup


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Concrete, Wednesday, September 29, 1993


55555 ~~~~


ort ora 'e Keeley Smith discovers that there•s something for everyone as far as sport goes at UEA


YOU HAVE survived your 'A' Level exams, survived the results, and are here to enjoy the status of a fully-fledged student. However, this does not necessarily mean that you are entitled to wallow in a life of apathy and inertia for three years, because whilst you are not busy being studious you can be fulfilling all your energetic urges at one of UEA's sporting societies. They range from the traditional sports of football, hockey, rugby and netball. to the more wackY pursuits of gliding and sub-aqua diving. The diverse range of these Union-funded societies means that there is bound to be something suitable for everyone, whether you prefer to take part in serious competition or become involved on a more leisurely basis. At this week's Soc Mart, each sports club will be displaying a stall to encourage new recruit; all of which can be pretty tempting. Indeed, Freshe,r's bewildennent is an ailment which may be incurred by some of you when confronted with the multitude of attractive displays. Therefore it is worthwhile to know a little about the sports on offer at UEA, before you find yourself signing away all of your first tenn's grant fees in 40 membership fees. One of the largest and most successful clubs in the University is the Football Club, which caters for both male and female players who range in ability. It has built up four men's teams, which complete both nationally and locally. Last year, the men's first team won the local Norwich and Business Houses Saturday League for the fust time in 25 years. The Hockey Club is also a thriving and successful society, and has three men's and three women's teams. It provides training once a week in addition to a fitness session for those aspiring tOW3fdS the peak of physical fitness. Members play in the local leagues on Saturdays and University matches take place both at home and away on Wednesday afternoons. This means that you may occasionally find yourself on a midweek coach excursion to destinations such as Essex, Sussex orLondon. The Rugby Club will be eager to sign up enthusiasts for its Fresh. er's XV, in addition to its other three teams which compete at local and university levels. The club has a reputation for success both on and off the pitch, and is re-

may after you have ·been here a while. Sport at UEA can be approached in either a serious or casual manner, depending on your preference for tough physical exertion and fearsome competition. 7(ou may even prefer to out more effort into a club's social activities. There are a many societies, which although they haven't been mentioned equally, deserve considering, such as baseball, volley~all, horse-riding, tennis, squash, waterwindsurfing and skiing, trampolining ... So whether you are an Olympic standard sportsman of sportswoman, or are merely into sport for the occasional frenzied attempt at exercising, put aside an hour or so this Wednesday to take a look at the sporting societies on display at Soc

nowned for its Christmas Balls and pub crawls. For the more feminine, but no less gruelling side to traditional sport at UEA, the Netball Club offers rigourous training for its more serious members, plus a more relaxed weekly session for novices. Netball at the University is of a very high standard, with last year's first and second teams reaching the quarter finals of the UAUs. Basketball is also a popular sport amongst women at UEA, and the women's team emerged as silver medallists at last year's university championships. The club caters for all levels of ability, running two men's and one women's team in local leagues, in addition to holding a weekly training session for beginners. Like all the other sporting societies, it offers a social life which may prove equally as demanding as the sport itself. The largest sporting society is the Badminton Club, whose members range from top-class competitors to those of a more elemental standard. Coaching is available to nurture players at a number of levels, and there is an opportunity to play in serious competitions or just for fun. If you are hoping to spend time exploring Norfolk's Broadlands and rivers, UEA's Boating and Sailing Clubs may be just what you are looking for. Although they may not be up to the standard of Oxford and Cambridge, UEA's rowing crews are gaining in both experience and reputation after the Boating club was revitalised in 1991.

The Sailing Club offers the chance to explore the beautiful Broads, and after the initial membership fee, all tuition is free. If being clad head to toe in rubber appeals to you, then familiarise yourself with the sub-aqua club. Full training for beginners and important equipment is provided, and diving holidays in Britain are available to members once they are qualified. If you would rather stay dry, but still fancy dressing up in a costume, you could consider the University's Shi-Kon Karate and Tae Kwon Do societies. Both clubs enable enthusiasts to get fit, learn self-defence and demonstrate progressive proficiency through grading. UEA's Ski Club may interest those of you who wish to enjoy the exhilaration of travelling at high speed, or merely want top acquire a sun-tan ... from the neck upwards. The Cricket Club will be recruiting at Soc Mart, despite the fact that the summer has not long departed; they practice in indoor nets in the winter and run six-a-side matches. It has three men's and one women's team which compete in local and national competitions in the summer· months. UEA's Athletics Club us known as the 'Trojans' and is entered in local winter cross-country leagues. Summer athletics events consist of local and national track and field competitions, for which the club trains on the Norfolk Athletics track on campus. Trials are usually held within the first few weeks for sports clubs. Even if you don't get picked to captain the firsts straight away, you

There's so many sporting societies, it shouldn't be difficult to find one which you want to join


Sorrv! No houses available at the moment! DO D

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