Concrete issue 026 10 September 1993

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9 <J



NO MEANS NO The issues of the horror that is date rape

Four freshers look back on their first few weeks

2 0TAE KWON DO When attack is the best defence




Issue 26: Wednesday, November 10~ 1993


Britain's best-selling bar is given the boot! e

DIOD ans Report by Niall Hampton and Peter Hart THE HUMBLE Kit Kat has been banned from all Student Union shops on campus••• along with scores of other Nestle products. The bizarre move came after it was voted to introduce a ban on the Multinational's goods at a Union General Meeting (UGM) attended by less than four percent of UEA's 7,300 students. motion was proposed by and amended by the Society for Environmental Action, which called for the boycott. It means that once existing stocks have run out, students wanting to buy popular products such as Kit Kats, Perrier water, Buitoni pasta and Shredded Wheat cereal will have to shop elsewhere. Products made by Teny's, Findus and Rowntree Mackintosh will also be c;>utlawed, since Nestle is the parent company in each case. Citing the national campaign coordinated by Baby Milk Action, the motion claimed that by supplying Third World hospitals with free powderedmilk,Nestleareencour-· aging mothers not to breastfeed, leading to the death of 4,000 babies each day. Said Communications Officer Jacqui Mackay, 'This was a democratic decision made by the membership and we will be informing students of why this decision was made anclwhy this UGM voted in

favour of the Union withdrawing any form of support for the Nestle company. "I believe that in the long run, the majority of products that we sell produced by Nestle can be successfully substituted." But Nestle strongly denied that they are flooding the Third World with free supplies of baby milk. SpokesmanAllan Allbeury told Concrete, "We've not been doing that at all. We respond to written requests from doctors and health professionals who run those hospitals, and orphanages and missions where they write to us for free products." When told about the vote cast at the UGM, he added, '1t' s unfortunate because most of the people who voted would have cared about issues like this, and it's a pity that they're conned by Baby Milk Action." Yet Jacqui Mackay was keen to refute any allegation of the Union adopting what could be possibly viewed as extreme policies. 'This is a democratic Union and students at a UGM democratically passed policy to boycott these goods, and therefore the Union will no longer stock any goods made by Nestle", she said. However, the Union could stand to lose as much as £10,000 gross from adopting the policy. Said FinanceOfficerLizzie Watson, "I'm

obviously bound by any Union policy, but it's not only a direct action against Nestle- it's the effect that if students can't buy their Kit Kat then they'll go elsewhere and buy their paper too." Students displayed mixed reac-

TIIE RECENT spate of campus crimes is continuing to fuel anxieties over security at UEA, particularly where transport is concerned, writes Jo Stubbington. And despite a slight decrease in the number of reported cycle crimes last month, Maurice Morson, Superintendent of ·UEA's Portering and Security Services still feels that there is room for improvement. He told Concrete that UEA

UEA 1S Independent Student Newspaper I



tions \o the imposition of a Nestle boycott. One student questioned about it told Concrete, "I think it's wonderful that a small body have taken a stand against such a large organisation, and it's about time people realised what

Nestle are up to. It's a shame about Kit-Kats though." But another was upset by the decision taken at the UGM. "I think it'stakingawaythestudent'sright to choose and is going against eve-

Cycle of crime? has a cycle protection scheme which he described as 'the most comprehensive in the country' but encouraged students to be vigilant and to take an active part in the programme. Regular Cycle Watch workshops enable students to have their cycles coded free of charge, the

details of which are then kept on computer and can be accessed by the police 24 hours a day. Mr. Morson identified the cycle racks which are situated outside 'diabolically designed' Norfolk Terrace residences as a prime target. However, in response to sug-

6000 copies every fortnight

rything the Union stands for. The Union should be taking care of issues closer to home, ultimately it's the students who will lose out," she said. gestions of a cycle compound on campus he stated that students wouldn't use the facility and he added that it has already taken l)Vo years to encourage 470 students toregistertheircycles, less than half the number which are left on campus everyday. When questioned about car crimes pn campus Mr.Morson refuted claims that security was

Turn to page 2, Coil.

Tel: 0603 250558


Concrete, Wednesday, November 10, 1993

Crime ... Cont. from Page 1 inadequate but he did say 'It would need a multitude of cameras to cover every car.' However, only last week, money which was originally intended to supply additional close circuit TV cameras was suspended until further notice. The main university car park is at present monitored by two close circuit cameras, provisions which do appear minimal as the car park and surrounding roads have a capacity of I 000 vehicles. The cameras are linked to video equipment which only records once an incident has been pi npointed. Said Mr. Morson, ' It' s a hit and miss video. If it is recording I 000 vehicles you' 11 wear out the video recorder.' When asked about monitoring of the video screens he said that funds did not permit constant vigi ls, but did say that regu lar monitoring was in operation. Since the installation of the cameras the car parks have had a fairly low crime rate, Mr. Morson told Con crete, although he admitted ' it doesn't stop people sm~shing windows and running like hell.' A brand new Un iversity Cycle Watch Scheme which is to be sponsored by Norwich Union is to be launched later this month and will offer students the opportunity to protect their cycles with top of the range security locks at greatly subsidised prices.

'' ••

Save energy says 'Green' Officer Report by ] o Phillips ENVIRONMENTAL Officer Darnon Roddis has just launched the Union 's Energy Awareness Campaign under the banner of ·~s e efficient." The campaign aims to raise awareness about the amount of energy that is being wasted around campus, and the ini tiative is beginning with a poster campaign around residences to inform students how to be more energy efficient. Tips recommended inc lude switching off unused electricalappliances and not leaving lights on all night, as using electricity is believed to increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the air. Other advice offered is to be more economical with hot water by taking a shower rather than a

Water cheek! REPORTERS from Concrete and our sister paper, The Event, were the first journalists to be allowed inside defunct City music venue, Th e Waterfront, last week ... nearly a year after it closed due to financial difficulties. Although the venue has been unused for this

City College, Norwich

Damon Roddis bath, and doing washing up in one go. It is estimated that a 2 degree Celsius drop in temperature· in student residences represents a 16 per cent drop in energy requirements and the Union recommend turning off radiators instead of opening windows . "Save resources, save costs, save the environment" is the Energy Awareness Campaign's message. considerableamount oftime, everything appeared to be in good order, and only minor renovation works were taking place to prepare the building for its December opening. When exactly is it opening? Who's going to be the first to play in the venue? See pages two and three of Th e Event for more details.

'No Means No' • IS relaunched THE Union's campaign against date rape was relaunched last week to coincide with the acquittal of Norwich City College student Matthew Kydd, writes Joanna Stubbing ton. Press coverage of the case, the second of its kind in the space of a month, was criticised by the Union for sensationalising date rape and for detracting from the central issue that, "Women never asked to be raped." The No Means No campaign , first launched last summer, has therefore been intensified and students are being invited by the Union to write to the national press complaining about the media's attitude to the King ' s Col-

lege and Norwich cases. The Union have distribuled 'informative leaflets' widely on campus, but their appearance in the mens' toilets in Union House has been deemed as "offensive", "sexist" and "degrading" by some male students . Women ' s Officer Sophie Reading said that the posters were initially placed in the mens' toilets in response to a reque st made by a female student, but she added that the Union was hoping to change the 'confrontational' nature of the campaign. But one male second year told Concrete, "I' m fed up of having all th is forced down my throat by wh at I consider to be a bunch of raving feminists. " He added, "I'm

not unsympathetic, but if I'm intelligent enough to be at university then I think that I'm intelligent enough to form my own opinions. Not all men are monsters." The No Means No campaign is expected to continue throughout the term and there are plans for an open meeting in the near future at which students of both sexes will be given the opportunity to air their views. • Matthew Kydd , acquited in the City College date rape trial last week, hit back at his accuser, Miss X, in a television nrcu>n•m•n,., Thursday. Both parties have left the College, which is situated on Ipswich Road. • See feature on centre pages

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l Concrete, Wednesday, November 10, 1993


~~ ~ t-----------1 0

FIVE Cambridge students were attacked by a group of 12 youths outside a city nightspot three weeks ago. Police laterquestionedfivemen,two of which were later charged with affray. Said a detective constable involved in the case, "Students do get picked on because they are students and because of their dress, but not very often. However, there are idiots out there." He added that Cambridge was nota violent city, and that attacks of this nature were thankfully



Law elections 'a farce' oflheo~tol«By GiU F enwick

WEEK F.O UR'S Law Society Committee Elections were abandoned and written off as "a farce" astheyallegedlyfeaturedalackof proper supervision and no control of who was actually voting. In the run-up to the elections, rivalry was intense between two of the students running for President, Rob Omozusi and Alex Radford. During voting, registration cards and proof of membership were not asked for, and one candidate was even left off the ballot paper. In a decisiQn taken without consulting his committee, last year's Law Soc President Jamil Abdullah decided to declare the election void. The Unionhavenowtakenover


tion,duetobeheldinafewweek's time. Lizzi Watson, Finance Officer, and Societies Officer Daniel Owen see this as being the "most appropriate and only way that the election can be held democratically and in the way which all societies should behave.:' Many Law students were embarrassed about the whole situation, with Karen McNally (LA W2) saying that, 'The whole thing was a farce, a disgrace and totally unnecessary." Jake Blatch (LA W2), who is hoping to run for President when · the elections are re-run, criticised theorganisationofthefirstballot. 'The election was not advertised, it wasn't dealt with well by the teams running, so many falsities and rumours were around", he

poiored out. LAW fuinl Y"' Li"

Ford added, "Ithinkitwasagrave shame that a friendly society had to be reduced to this pettyness. In the past the committee has been based on social activities- this is the first time it's been reduced to rumour-ridden rivalry". Widespread allegations made against Jamil Abdullah for his management of the Law Soc's financeslastyearrecentlyresulted in an investigation by the Union, who examined the funding and financesofthesociety's ball, banquets and theatre trips. Lizzi Watson told Concrete, "There were problems in that money was not put through the Union account, but there is no proof that there were any misdemeanours, which means that any allegation of misconduct fails."

THE University of London Union and South Bank Universitybaverecentlylaunched themselves into a war ofwords aftersomegigpublicitycaused a fracas. Students from the ULU stuck flyers for a perfu~by~eing~ters

Sister Sledge on the walls of theformerpolytechnic, which allegedlycaused£500ofdarnage. South Bank retaliated by labelling the ULU as being, "grotty, snobby and more like a leisure centre than a student's union." Now now

DURHAM University seems to be particularly adept at hitting the headlines regarding the alcohol intake of its students. A new report published by the university has exposed itsgrowingconcemoverheavy drinking and recommends that drinks should be re-priced, professional bar stewards employed for all colleges, and that more campaigning on the evilsofdrinkshouldtakeplace. However, using stewards has been opposed, as in the words of one leading academic, "It may be a problem for one student to tell when another had too much to drink."

R>RMERadvisertoMargaret Thatcher, Sir Douglas Hague, has recently called for Oxbridge colleges to be shut down. In a report, Transforming the Dinosaurs, Sir Douglas suggests that the universities are too isolated from the outside word and that their teaching is too eccentric. He thinks that this isolation is based on a reluctance to become involved in the "grubby realities" of the real world, which sterns from a "supposedly superior intellect." However, the report has been slammed byCambridgeacademics, with oneofthemadamantthat, "Sir Douglas obviously has no idea what he is talking about."

News Sources: Mancunlon, London Student, Varsity

Union in gas safety move Report by Caroline Jenkinson THE UNION will this week be sending out information to all second and third year students regarding the dangers posed by faulty gas appliances. Units such as boilers and heaters that are not working properly, or which do not have a sufficient supply of air, can release the poisonous chemical carbon monoxide, which can kill if it is not spotted in time. As well as sending out general information on the subject, the Union will also be drawing up a list of installers registered with the Council of Registered Gas Installers (CORGO, who can help with fitting and servicing appliances. In addition, the Union are purchasing gas monitors to enable students to make their own safety· checks. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of landlords to make sure these checks are made, and he or she can be held responsible if anything goes wrong, a point emphasised in a letter sent by Welfare Officer Shelley Wrigbt to the Government's Health and Safety Executive. "UEA students live in rented accommodation for short periods of time, few for more than 12 months. Too frequently students have no knowledge of the maintenance record of appliances and as such, they are a high risk group", she said. The Union's initiative comes

Jaz hits out Union Anti-Racism Officer Jaz Ihenacho has hit out at the attempts of far-right organisation Third Position to recruit students, branding their propaganda "cheap crap." The party embody 'policies' such as recommending repatriation, denouncing homosexuality, and trying to resist what they call "American cultural imperialism." Despite their extreme views,

Shelley Wright less than a year after two students at Liverpool University died from toxic fume inhalation, and Shelley hopes that the information, targeted at students in Norwich's rented sector, will increase awareness. •British Gas advise their customers to have gas applian!=es checked annually, and welcome enquirieson(0603)424133.Suspected gas leaks Can be reported on (0603) 787022 (24 hours). It is also best to check appliances yourself - if there is any discolouration around boilers or fires, or you are suffering from flu-like symptoms, then carbon monoxide is probably present. You should then contact your landlord to have the appliance checked. If there are any problems with this, then get in contact with Shelley Wright, Welfare Officer. they purport to be eco-friendly, anti-urban and strongly anti-materialist, and their 'student magazine' is a blatant attempt to play on the insecurities of student life, such~ living on limited funds. But racist overtones pervade their thinking, and in particular, they seem to think that the Student Loan Scheme was instigated by a conspiracy of Jewish businessmen Said Jaz, "It's cheap crap- completely over-emotional, with no sound logic."

A bitter pill THE UNION has launched a campaign to raise awareness over Government proposals to remove the Pill from NHS prescription lists, writes Julie Cunliffe. Secretary of State for Health, Virginia Bottomley, is proposing to put certain types of the pill on a selected list, with the more advanced and reliable brands having to be bought privately at approximately £45 - £55 yearly, corn-

pared to £28 currently charged by the NHS. Contraceptive pills are used by millions of women to avoid pregnancy and for other health reasons. Currently, the Pill is free on the NHS - a service now under serious threat. In their attempts to economize, the Government seem to have failed to take into account the increased costs arising from unwanted pregnancies

and subsequent terminaJions. Those hardest hit could be students and teenagers who could well resort taking risks instead. Sophie Reading, Union Women's Officer, is urging students to sign a petition and write letters to their MPs in opposition to the proposals. eAngela Davies probes the 'Ins and Outs of Contraception' - turn to page 12.

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raSSID THE st udent Fas hi on Show comes to the LCR on November 24 and 25, following on from the success of the Spring Fas hi on Show. This mon th's event features clothes from Philip Brown, Blue Jea n Co, Bazaar and Dogfish Catfi sh, as well as evenin g wear. Singers, together with dancers from the Contemporary Dance Society will also appear. Hai r is by Matthew from the Cutting Room. Eighteen student model s are taking part in the show, which will cos t £3 .00 (Nov 24) or £3.50 (Nov 25) which includes admission to the LCR di sco. BE PART of the largest student sporting event in Europe, 2.000 British students in one resort. This is one of the cheapest ski trips you wi ll see this year. Skiing , snow -boarding, parapenting, snow rafting and many other even ts. The best social life in the Alps woth many bar, nightclub and restaurant dis counts. The cost of £285 covers trave l, insurance, accommodation, ski pass and insurance. Ski hire is £40. See Ski Club board in Sports Centre or call Jack and Greg on 629563 . Please gel in quick as deadlines are nearing.

THE Cannabis Awareness~ ciety (CAS) have launched a campus-widesurveyas partof an initiative to gauge student attitudes towards marijuana, writes Seth Levine. SaysChairrnanSimon lggi, 'The questionnaire is about students' attitudes to the issue. tf The CAS is impartial - we are about awareness and are not for or against can nabis. We invite anybody to come along and express their views on the subject." He · added that the society is not attempting to further its own goals through the survey, which runs on to three A4 pages, and is al so keen to di spel accusations that the CAS is concerned solely with the illicit use of marijuana as an intoxicant. " Hemp [the plant from which marij uana is harvested] has over 50,000commercially viable uses, and could be used to replace arti-

canna IS use Campus survey to gauge student opinion launched ficial ly produced products which harm the environment. The view of cannabis which is only concerned with its use as a drug is outdated", he said. But the existence of the CAS has met with some opposition from UEA, as the Registry has refused to print any material concerned with the CAS for fear of bringi ng itself into "disrepute". Simon believes that this move is an attack on student representation, and poi nts out that the

A UNIQUE Videoscreen sy s tem has recently been introduced in Union House, enabling students and visitors alike to see clear and imagina tive announcem ents and advertisements. The system displays infonnation about Union campaigns, details about events on campus and in the City, as well as adverts and special offers from local businesses. InstaUed and run by local publisher,Stephen Howard, the screens will be a fi xture. in Union House for at least the next two years. Stephen said clubs and societies are welcome to place news of their events on th e sys tem free of charge, as are individuals who wish to put up birthday messages and announcements for their friends.

Decision time forBIMG UEA have announced the launch of the 1994 Business Game Challenge, wh ich is sponsored by Norwich Union, writes Carolin e Jenkinson. The event, organised by UEA' s Business and Investment Management Game (BIMG) team, is currentl y in its 15th year, and offers an opportunity for entrants to compete for pri zes of up to £200. Delegati ons from large and small companies participate in the BIMG , as well as 'compani es' fro m the educational sector, who had considerable success in last year's co mpetition. The game enables teams to test their ski lls in managing a manufacturin g business in competiti ve trading conditions and to manage a worldwide portfolio of investments to maximise profits by shrewd trading. Decisions made by the com panies are sen t to the BIMG offices at UEA for computer processi ng. Six decisions comprise a round, and the company with the hi ghest profit moves into the next round to compete in a new group. The elimination process co ntinues until the Final of the ga me, which is staged at UEA. Special discounts are available for stu dents, and those from UEA can enter for £36 a team, a saving of£ 11. En try forms are available from the Careers Centre or from room 0.25 in the Regi stry. lA presenta ti on abou t th e BIMG by organi ser David Ward is to be held on Wednesday November 17 at 6 pm in Arts 1.03 . The closing date for entries is November 30, and the first round i~ to be held in January.

society is Union registered and has nearly 300 members. • Q uestions in the survey, which is split into three sections, include "How often do you smoke cannabis?", "Should there be a Union Drugs Awareness Officer?" and "Do you believe in the legalisation of can nabis?" What do you think about these issues and the scope of the CAS's initiative? W rite to T he Editor, Concrete, Union House, UEA, Norwich. NR4 7TJ .

Money 'clinic' for students in debt By }o Phi/lips STUDENTS are to be offered finan cial advice later this month in an initiative organised in conjuncti on wi th the Student Union Norfo lk Money Advi ce are holding confidential 'dro p-in' advice sessions at UEA three times each term, and although they are not givi ng away cash, they are offering free advice. So if, like most students, you are li vi ng off the insufficient amount dictated

by the Government and can't possibly make ends meet, or if you just need someadviceon how to minimise your debt, then this branch of the Citizen's Advice Bureau can help you. There will be a trained Money Advisor on hand for students to chat to about fi nancial problems and the 'downward spi ral of debt' that many students seem to end up in, and after the initial discussion of options for dealing with that inevitable and growing over-

draft, support and adv ice from Money Advice's Debtline service wi ll also be offered. • All students are welcome to call into the Advice Unit, Union House, between 12 and 2pm on Th ursd ay November 11 and Thursday December 9 to attend a Money Advice session. "Have you got money worries?" Norfolk Money Advice asks. " Is grass green, is the sky blue?" rep lies Average Student.

Simon lggi

PHOTO: Keith Whitmo re

Fifers pOs~S filled Report by Alison Hilton EIGHT posts on the Horsham Halls Committee have recently been filled, possibly fo r the last time. The committee deals with the spec ial interests of students housed at Fifers Lane, and their brief includes anything from organising entertainments and inter-bl ock sports to recycling and dealing with concerns over security and public transport to and from the residences. As a result of the elections he ld on October 28, Matthew Canty becomes chair, Neal Monaghan assu mes the role of treasurer, and six other officers were elected unco ntested. The 'positions of Secretary and

Media Officer remain unfi elections for these are planned to take place in Week 9. However, the burni ng question must surely concern the status of Fifers Lane, and Matthew Canty seems to think that this is the last year that the former RAF base will be used to house UEA stu dents, citing supposed confirmation of this fac t from the Dean of Students Office. Although this question has been asked persistently for 20 years, the compl etion of Constable and Nelson Terraces on campus, and the construction of720 new rooms at Wilberforce Road suggests that Fifers Lane could finally be on its death bed.

Debut for Polso debate By Lisa Bushrod

BRIAN Butcher, a chie f superintendent of the Norfolk Constabul ary, was the newlyformed Po litics Society's first guest speaker o n 14th October, in a talk that centred around the Sheehy R eport on police reform, writes Lisa Bush rod. Mr Butc her, an ex-UEA student and PhD graduate who has been in the police force for 30 years, was wellinformed and articulate, offering his audience a reasonab ly balanced overview of the report and its implicati ons. However, Mr Butc her was not above pointing out that although the Sheehy Report was intended to be an independe nt e nquiry, former Home Secretary Kenneth

Clark had himself picked the enqui ry team - suggesti ng to the more cynical of us that the outcome was like ly to be agreeable to the Government, if no-one e lse. Since th e Shee hy report aims to bring marke t castings into the police force whilst neglecting the iss ue of ever increasing crime rates, questions from the floor, including the somew hat inevitable subj ect of what is being done about bike theft, seemed to sli ghtl y miss th e point. The next scheduled vi itor is Peter Hains MP, Secretary of the Tribune Group, w ho will be speaki ng in the General Common Room at I pm on November 16.

Concrete, Wednesday, November 10, 1993

'Incentives' bid for UGMs THE UNION are examining ways to make UGMs more pepular with UEA's ever increasing student body following a poor turnout at Week 4' s meeting, writes Jo Stubbing ton. The first meeting of the semester, attended by only 145 students, was described as "very disappointing" by the Union, and Communications Officer Jacqui Mackay told Concrete that making the UGM a social event would attract more interest. The Union seem therefore to have resigned themselves to the fact that UGM quoracy, currently standing at 295 students, is only possible if "incentives" are offered. Adamant that this decision is in no way a submission to student lethargy, J acqui detailed plans for the AGM, which will incorporate a Happy Hour and Cultural Food Stalls in the LCR. Many students who spoke to Concrete did not even realise that Week 4's event had taken place and one EUR student who did attend felt that the publicity had been "crap". Last year, the popular Happy Hour promotion enabled most UGMs to be quorate, but several meetings were characterised by "white men with loud voices", to quote one member of last year's Executive. To combat this tendency, which caused one sabbatical to walk out during a UGM, the promotion was axed, and attendance levels plummeted. Union's AGM will take in the LCR on November 28th at 7pm.


More PCs for UEA By Peter Snowman UEA has substantially increased its computing facilities for students, and I 00 new machines are now available on campus. The new Pes are available for casual use by staff and students both undergraduate and postgraduate. Some have been installed on floor 01 of the Computer Centre, where they can be used between

9 am and 10 pm on weekdays. A further 46 are situated in the Library, the bulk of which are to be found on floor 0 and the remainder on floors 02 and 03. Access is on a first come first served basis. Users have a choice of word processing packages together with access to VAX networks, E-mail, Telnet and CD ROM information systems. Printing is available at no extra

charge, whilst laser printing is operated on a DIY basis, using charge cards which can be obtained from the Computer Centre reception. Registration is not necessary to be able to use the new facilities- the only requirement is a 3.5 inch PCformatted diskette. DIY courses are available for the uninitiated and any queries can be referred to the help desk on floor 0 I of the Computer Centre.

TV event in The Square Cycle warning to -students THE BBC have chosen The Square at UEA as the location for filming the annual 'Children in Need' appealintheEastemCounties, writes Seth Levine. Between 7 am and midnight on November 26, the event will be broadcast from various locations around the UK, and for ten minutes during each hour, the national network will link up with the cameras on site at UEA. The Union's Ents team are providing entertainment during the evening with two live bands, 4D Jones and The Persuaders. Ents Manager Nick Rayns believes that the mix of Rhythm and Blues and soul should sustain the crowd through a cold November evening. Other events are planned, but have yet to be confirmed at the time of going to press. Stuart White, presenter of BBC' s Look East news magazine programme, will be hosting the

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evening, with fellow presenter Cathy Le Feuvre providing the link-up with the BBC studios in Norwich.

MrWhite'sco-hostintheSquare has yet to be confrrmed, but it is understood not to be NUS President Loma Fitzsirnons.


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UEA Health Centre GP, Dr lan Duncan, has expressed his concern for students cycling to and from campus in the dark. In a memorandum sent to Concrete, he asks, "Do you cycle to or from UEA in the dark? Are you doing everything to make sure you are safe and can be seen- at least for your own sake?" Dr Duncan fears that students are not giving serious consideration to their personal safety while cycling in Norwich. He points out that accidents involving cars and cyclists occur all too frequently because drivers cannot see cycles through steamy windscreens, especially on dark winter nights, a problem which is heightened by the often confusing bright headlights of oncoming traffic. Or Duncan adds that serious injury can easily be avoided if students take a few simple precautions, such as investing in a good set ofbike lights, wearing bright or luminous clothing that is easy for drivers to spot, and keeping to cycle paths provided, wherever possible; the more irate you make the motorist, the less likely they are to make concessions for your safety.

SpoiiC for Choiu11 Try our specials: S"ALL £3,75 "EDIU" £'1,50 LARGE £7,95

Open every evening Sunday: 6-lOpm Moo-Sat: 5-llpm (Last order: 10.30pm) UEA deliveries to Porters Lodge or to Union House Reception ONLY

SORRY!! NO DELIVERY TO FIFERS LANE Voted 'Number One' by !concrete! (issue 20)

TRAD: Spicy beef. pepperoni. mushrooms. onions. THE FISHERMAN: runa. prawns. sardines. fresh tomatoes. 'JfCCANTE:

Spicy sausage. pepperoni. crushed chillis. onions. fresh tomatoes. VEGETARIAN:

Fresh tomatoes. mushrooms. peppers. sweetcorn. onions.



Concrete, Wednesday, November 10, 1993

In the

Crisis helps at Christmas By Hwee Hwee Tan

YOUNGSTERS raved into the early hours for the first time this weekend at a new Norw ich nightspot with a difference - a renovated church without a drop of alcohol.' Mad As A Fish', based in St, Edmund's Ch urch, Fishergate, threw open its doors to the teenage members of Norwich Community Church and their friends in an attempt to offer what was described by Youth leader as 'an alternative venue where teenagers could enjoy themselves away from the influence of drugs and alcohol. The club, which will be held fortnightly from 8-11 pm is staffed by young people and plays anything from rave to rock with sound-to-light shows and a big screen video projector. A NEW initiative is being launched in Norfolk this week which will offer local retai lers the opportunity to protect their stores against thieves and credit card fraudsters . The information packed guide has been sent to 43 police forces in England and Wales for distribution amongst local shops and businesses to attempt to combat shop crime, condemned by Chief Constable Ken Williams as being 'a blight that cost thousands and left customers paying more for goods. 'The idea for the scheme came from Sgt. PeterThompson and lnsp Malcolm Brown . TWO ou t of three hotels and guest houses in Norfolk's biggest holiday resort are for sale at drastically reduced prices .Estate agents blame what they call a ' dead ' and 'pathetic' market for the fac t that an estimated 170 out of the 286 hotels and guest houses in Yarmouth are on the market, some for as little as half the original asking price. Many owners who invested redundancy money in a retirement dream have sited the glut of properties together with high business rates and a terrible summer as the reason for them having businesses that they cannot sell.

HOMELESS charity 'Crisis' is holding a Flag Day on December 4to raise money for the homeless, and are appealing for student help. Currently, I ,000 people a day become homeless in Britain, and charitab le organisations such as

'Crisis' have been needed as ever before. Formed in 1967, Crisis funds over 260 organisations in Britain that help homeless people, and organizes a network of temporary shelters across the country. It holds weekly clothing runs that provide soup,

IF you have the ability to write clearly and concisely and know something about the business world, then you could enter the Young Business Writerofthe Year competition. The competition, in its sixth year,isorganisedbyCity University Business School, sponsored by international law fl1TI1 Clifford

ber 4, from I0 am to 4 pm, and the collection base (for collection tins) will be at the Development and Exchange Centre on Exchange Street. !For more details, please contact local organiser Daphne Reeves on (0603) 738691.

Lotus's Italian Job in Norfolk... By Phil Vickers LOTUS Cars, manufacturer of the legendary Elan, Elite, Seven , Europa, Eclat Excel and currently the Esprit 54 and Sport 300, is now formally owned by Bugatti , the recentl y revived Italian car manufacturer. Bugatti is the latest in a line of owners since John Chapman formed the legendary marque in 1955. Previous owners included General Motors, who lost substantial sums from their ill-fated acquisition of the company, and British Car Auctions. Though yet to be confirmed by Group Lotus, there has been some specul ation that the Elan (which ceased production in 1992) might be revived for a short-term pro-

ducti on of I ,600 vehicles to make use of the stocks oflsuzu engines held at the factory. The factory site at Hethel (8 miles from UEA) boasts 13 computer controlled engine test cell suites, an emissions laboratory, CNC machining facilities, composites research and all the necessary facilities to build the Lotus 16 valve alloy turbocharged engine in 2 and 2.2 litre capacities. Lotus won the Driver's ti tle in the US Superior Championship last year, which fo llowed a Gold Meda l for Chris Boardmanonthe 'Lotus Sport' Pursuit Bicycle at the 1992

Olympic Games in Barcelona. This year, Lotus en tered the Le Mans 24 Hour race with 2 Esprit Sport 300 race cars. The firm from Hethel is on the

move again, and the green and yellow badge is something for Norfolk to be proud of once more.

By John Miller THE Labour Party has slammed possible Government plans to impose VAT on books pointing out that, of the £300 million books sold each year, over 70 per cent are bought by less affluent groups, incldding pensioners and young adults under the age of 24. And Tom Watson, National Chair of Labour Students, has voiced his concerns for the implications of rises in the price of academic books due to the imposition of the tax, which currently stands at 17.5 per cent. "Books are the tools of the student' s trade and VAT on

Chance, and supported by the Financial Times. All winners receive cash prizes of up to£ I ,000 and a tour of the prestigious Financial Times offices, with the two overall winners having the opportunity to spend the day with a Financial Times journalist, which could possibly include meeting leading City economists. Entrants are expected to sub-

advise Govt policy LAST week's Government proposals for changes in adoption legislation involved considerable input from UEA academic, Or June Thorbum. UEA's researchers have an international reputation for their studies of all aspects of adoption, and Or Thorbum's research for the placement for adoption of children who have special needs, which was based on the workoftheChildren's Society in Norwich, has been published in two books. Recently, Dr Thorbum and assistant Stephen Rashid were awarded a research contract of £150,000 to study the outcomes of the placement for adoption or the long term fostering of children from minority ethnic groups. The findings will be reported to theDepartmentofHealth in 3 year's time and will help to clarify certain issues identified by the adoption law review.

Careers Centre CAREERS adviser An ne Williarnson would like Concrete to correct the opeing times of the Careers Centre, which were given erroneously in our last issue. Sincerest apologies to all those concerned. The Careers Centre actually opens at 9am and does not close for lunch (which is quite commendable really). The hours quoted in our article were those when a Duty Adviser is available for a short, no appointment, chat.

books and journals would be a pernicious tax on learning", he said. He alluded to a recent survey showing that 40 per cent of 16- 19 year old students lacked basic literary and numeracy skills. Labour added that as recent! y as the 1992 election, John Major said," We have no need to extend the scope of VAT." But in an article in The Daily Telegraph in September, Chancellor Kenneth Clarke insisted he had made up his mind about VAT on books, and its imposition could be included in the forthcoming budget.

mit a piece of I ,000 words, wh ich can be either an essay on one of three business topics, or a profile of a local entrepreneur.Further details about the competition, which closes on March 3I I 994, can be obtained from Sarah Finch, Competition Organiser, City University Business School, FrobisherCrescent, Barbican Centre, London EC2Y 8HB .



VAT poses tax threat

Have a comment with the FT By Caroline }enkinson

blankets and warm clothing for the homeless. The link with Crisis in Norwich was first established by a farmer, Michael Buckingham, who seven years ago, drove food to London to help with the 'Crisis at Christmas' initiative. This year's flag day is on Decem-


Fair Travel

Shelter packs them in HOM ELESS charity Shelter have launched a 'Fundraising Ideas Pack' to help its supporters to raise funds. Their colourful and innovative pack is the first of its kind to be produced by the charity and offers tips on items such as planning and publicity, how to bank the proceeds, merchandise ordering and donation forms.Suggested fundraising events include jumping from aeroplanes, impersonating pandas as well as the more sober activity of a coffee party.

Said Sheila McKechnie, Shelter's director, "Anyone can raise money from Shelter, either as a group or individual - all you need is a good idea Shelter's fundraising pack is a starting point to inspire people to action." Shelter's Fundraising Ideas Pack is available free of charge direct from Shelter. Write to Event and Community Fundraising, Shelter, 88 Old Street, London ECIV 9HU.


CAMPUS Travel are to hold a second student and youth travel fair specifically for young, independent travellers, writes Martin Plant. Thefairwillincludemanyexhibitors and guest speakers from all aspects of the travel world. Travel journalists will be present, as will student travel experts, adventure tour operators and specialists in working abroad. A special talk will also be g iven by Matthew Collins, the BBC's 'Travel Show' reporter. Other speakers include 'Trek America', 'Raleigh International' and 'The Imaginative Traveller'. e The Travel Fair takes place on Thursday November 18 from I I am to 8 pm at the Blomsbury Theatre, Gordon Street, London. Programmes are available from student union offices or the nearest branch of Campus Travel.

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Grandpa Richard says: Get a joint bank account, Visa, and blow the lot. She'll then bate you so much that your problem is solved. Uncle Benjarnin says: Well, have you tried talking to the aforementioned girlfriend? In my opinion, this is a plea for more attention. You should take her out for a meal(goingDutch,ofcourse)and discuss maybe living together for a while. My advice is to take it ~low. us know bow you get on.

DearGrandpa~hardand Un-

cle Ben, Everybody laughs at me and says I have really bad taste in clothes. I wear what I like, but I feel that it is ruining my life, as all anyone says to me is "Go change!" What should I do? Samantha Art History student Grandpa Richard says: If you did a proper degree there'd be no problems. Uncle Benjarnin says: You wear what you like, Samantha. I say express yourself. If you want to come to college in pyjamas, you just go ahead and be an individual.

Dear Grandpa ~chard and Uncle Benjamin, My friends say that I'm too skinny and need to put weight on. I'm 7 feet tall and weigh only 8 stone. What should I do? Name and address supplied

Grandpa Richard says: Get a life and tart eating like a man! What are you, a man or a mouse? My advice is to follow this recipe, eating it 4 times a day after meals. What you need - 2 lbs lard 2 loaves of bread I lb butter 2 pints of milk (full cream) To cook: fry bread in butter until nicely browned. Sandwich lard between loaves, eat and wash down with the milk. This should get you nicely plump before too long. Uncle B~njarnin says: Sticktoyournormaldiet. You wouldn't be you if you were fat now would you? I say eat loads of quiche and drink plenty of Perrier with a twist of lime, and most of all, live your own life. Let us know how you get on. Dear Grandpa ~chard and Uncle Benjamin, I am in a real dilemma. I am a PCGE student but my placement is making my life a misery. My school is like a war zone,

2 Unthank Road Tel 624803 Opposite the Roman Catholic cathedral


Across tbe

channeL. -concrete's Vicky Whitfield reports from the Unive rsity of Lausanne

Concrete's new agony column features two caring, sharing men who aren't afraid to eat quiche. Grandpa Richard (left) and Uncle Benjamin (right). If you have a problem which you would like considered, simply drop us a line via the box in UH. Dear Grandpa ~chard and Uncle Benjamin, There has been a new trend, recently set off by a number of couples (who shall remain anonymous), whereby they get engaged to be married! My girlfriend has since been asking me how many children I want, what their names may be, and leaving leaflets lying around about mortgages, etc. HELP! "Trapped"EURll


the staffroom like a command bunker, and all the teachers wear full combat clothing. The children all come to school with knives, guns and grenades. I need your help fast. "Shell Shocked" PCGE Grandpa Richard says: Look on the bright side, you can always get a job in Los Angeles. But seriously, the military surplus stores have a large range of attractive flak jackets. Uncle Benjarnin says: Well, I never. I would have thought it was all very obvious! These children are obviously crying out for some tender loving care. Have you tried talking to them about their problem s? Maybe you appear too officious and authoritarian. I say wear pastel shades to work, and treat the children as equals. Let us know bow you get on. • Opinions expressed by the agony uncles are their own, and not necessarily those of the publisher or Editor.

C2 ,

Registering for courses at Lausanne this year has not been the usual harmonious affair . Tuition fees will be bringing in 700,00 francs (£350 , 000) more than last year, which means an all overall increase of 21 per cent . However the increas e does no t affect every individual stude nt some are actua l ly payi ng less under the new system. Up until now, when it came to payi ng rights of inscrip tion a nd s eme s tria l taxe s, it has been cheaper t o st udy f or an Ar ts degree than it has for a science . Art studen ts ha ve paid 360 francs per term and science stud ent s, f o r reas ons concerning the cost s in t h is domain , have paid 560F . De s pite the fact that prices a l ready rose by 13 per cent in 1992 , costs this


year have gone higher still . But now tariffs are balanced at 510 Francs for everybody, no matter what degree. In view of how the old system ran, Arts st udents are in effect now paying out for someone else ' s deg ree as well as their own. A boycott against t h i s i n f l ation is now being threatened by a c ommittee of stud e n ts. The y are a d vocati ng ref u sal to pay t he f e es, bu t by not paying u p the student is in danger o f bei ng e xpe ll e d by the university . Those who have genui n e d ifficulty in affording the fees can apply for exemption, bu t for those deciding to strike must choose to do so at the risk of their studies .



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Concrete, Wednesday, November 10, 1993 .



"The higher you build your barriers, the taller I become."


Far Right groups in the UK.are targeting students in their ,quest to attract support for fascism. Anthony Cartwright reports on this extremely alarming development shadowy right- mented National Front in the wing organization early 1980s. is attempting to reThe most well known of these cruit students as potential mem- is the notorious British National bers: International Third Posi- Party (BNP) , who made the tion is distributing literature news over the summer by winthroughout the country and has ning a seat on Tower Hamlets launched a 'student newspaper' , Council in the Isle of Dogs byentitled 'The Anvil'. election. Other groups exist, esAlthough it seems strange sentially violent gangs with that such a group is targetting names such as Blood and Honstudents - the traditionally lib- our, Combat 18 and the League eral minded student body is usu- of Saint George. Many are believed to have ally a recruiting gro und for the far left -this can perhaps be ex- links with terrorists on the conplained by the general rise of tinent and the paramilitary Ulfascism across Europe. Third ster Freedom Fighters (UFF) in Position is just one of a multi- Northern Ireland. The infamous tude of extreme political right Ku Klux Klan is also reported wing groups competing to gain . to have up to 400 members in credibility in the current politi- Britain - some of whom are rucal climate of dissatisfaction moured to be in the British with the mainstream parties. Army. These groups seem to follow Most of these splinter groups rose from the ashes of the frag- one of two strategies- subtly try-


ing to rewrite history (for example claiming that the Holocaust never happened) and seeming respectable for straightforward terror, such as racist attacks and football violence. Historically, the far-right has always looked for followers amongst the most vulnerable in society and, if student poverty and graduate unemployment are taken into account, students could now be included in this group. Third Position accordingly seek to play on peoples' fears and then to suppl y seemingly easy answers. For example , 'The Anvil' denounces the Student Loan scheme (as no doubt we all do) but blames it on a conspi racy of Jewish businessmen who, they claim, are in control of world banking. This bizarre theory was, of course, advocated by Hitler in the 1930s. 'The Anvil'- Third Position's mouthpiece through which they are hoping to attract students is a poor quality four page news sheet. It features articles attacking the NUS (because of its liberal views on abortion and homosexuality) and also what it calls "American cultural imperialism." Space fillers are provided by soundbites such as "Outlaw Homosexuality." However, Third Position does combine its extreme ideas with some 'fashionable' statements. It claims to be an eco-friendly organization, taking an anti-urban "smash the cities" stance, and is also extremely anti-materialist. One leaflet attacks "The capitalist system which revolves around money and thinks little of the worth of having an educated population." This is patently a recruitment call to students. Third Position has also organized aid convoys for the Croatian victims of the Yugoslavian civil war (it must be remembered, ho wever, that Croatia fought alongside the Germans and Italians in World War 2) . Behind the attempted veneer of respectability prevalent in such organisations lies an ideology of paranoia and hate. The usual scapegoats are wheeled out, and unemployment, is supposedly the fault of the black community.

Because of the amateurishness and ignorance of Third Position's propaganda it would be easy to find thei r views amusing in their idiocy. However, the really sinister fact is that some people actually believe what the group are saying. One thing is certain, in the current political and economic climate, all these extreme right wing groups feel they have a chance of capturing a popular following. The NUS have acknowledged the problem posed by the rise of fascist organisations. They endorsed the anti-BNP 'Unity' march which ended so sadly in violence, and have started their own vociferous Anti-Fascism Campaign. In a letter circulated to all Student Unions, the NUS claims, "We will be producing publicity and supporting events throughout the year to prevent the rise of the Right in the UK." At UEA, the Union recently voted out a motion at a UGM that it shouidjoin the Anti-Nazi League when doubts were voiced about its overall philosophy. The rise of the far-right, however, was condemned and hopefully, by acknowledging and publicising the problem, such fascist bigots will not be allowed to prey on people's ignorance and gain the foothold in British political life that they so vainly crave.

One line of a song can strike a chord which resounds through the centuries of racial oppression. Centuries in which selfassertion struggled to light its way through a concrete wall of racial prejudice; 'man-made' barriers constructed out of in· visible bricks of ignorance. Racism is an ironic word because it is too much of a phe· nomenon to be compressed into a word. 'Racism' has been a word that I have grown up with as an extra accessory to my identity along with "ar· ranged marriages• and "cur· ries• to add to the "exotic" adornment. Growing up in a predomi· nantly white northern town, my colour was brought to my awareness from a very young age. Play school wasn't only a place for doodling on paper or playing in the Wendy House; it was the first institution which saw my Asian identity before it saw me. Questions such as "Does your mum make curry every night?" and "Do you have to wear a sari?" were enough to instil in me a sense o~ 'othemess'. ,......In primary school, the play· ground was the arena where racism came to the fore, and shouts of 'Paid' would worm their way through in the midst of a game of hide and seek or skipping. Or a dinner lady would go through the trials and tribula· tions of making a 'vindaloo' for an eight year old who thought that playtime was for playing. Secondary school brought the onset of marriage - a vast array of questions concerning arranged marriages were pre· sented to me like a porcelain bouquet. A chameleon-like identity was placed upon me· •Are you Smita's sister?" and "Oh, I thought it was because you were coloured", were common occurrences. Sitting on a train would sometimes be subjugated to an unwarranted experience. The eyes in front of me would scan the surface of my skin and then proceed to a steely glare. A hot summer's after· noon would change season by a glacier on my face. With the growth of the NeoNazi movement, it seems as if the natural cycle of the world is being de-evolutionised to state of disunity. The Union's Race Aware· ness Week brought an amalgamation of different cultures into a blossoming rose • in as much as cultures enriching the fertility of the human soil. Let's hope that with more awareness comes an under· standing of the essential unity that binds us together.


By Sonia Pati



Concret e, Wednesday, November 10, 1993


The first few weeks Concrete asked four Freshers to share their most memorable experiences and observat ions of UEA life so far... Zimmer frames Prominent in the · Union building is a sign condemning discrimination; not twenty feet away, a performer says to the crowd "I saw a fresher today". "Did you f*** her?" was the sophisticated and much applauded reply from a wit in the audience. Behind me, two second years talked supercjliously about "poor fres hers· not ~nowing what they've let themselves in for" (I didn't ask them to enlighten me). And a couple of days later I was gobsmacked to hear a first year asking some (male) second and third years where the best place was to "pull a fresher". I rushed to the sanctuary of a mature student's Ice Breaker in the Bill Wilson Room - an area which is to conviviality what Enoch Powell is to race relations' - and as we sipped wine and nibbled crisps and I .;.., horrified to find myself in the same tones as the afme mentioned second years! All of a sudden the indiscriminate nature of Freshers week makes sense; you can't escape joining at least, one club or society which will then enfold you womb- like into a protective bubb le shielding you from the anonymity experienced during the first few days· here. For me, it was the Rugby Club, even though , at the trials one lad told me how impressed he was that" someone of my age " should be interested in playing and it's since been suggested that I take a ~· -mer frame to matches. --<~ving swapped a good salary for a grant, despite the rain and having a cold, d~spite the bureaucracy which has ignored our block's phone being out of order for almost three weeks, despite not having a bath or a washing machine, and despite having a pile of work which makes the labours of Hercules pale into insignificance, it's good to be here! Bob Scott

Golf courses After a month at UEA, my initial fears have been confirmed - I am now convinced that I would have had a far more pleasurable month if the land had remained a golf course. The post-holocaust design of the main campus must have been a triumph for the British concrete industry amid the seven year old from Blackpool

who won Blue Peter's "Design a University Competition." UEA appears to have an impressivcHy organised and active Student's Union; it is certainly well intentioned, but then, so are Sting and Bob Geldof. Nobody can stand them either. It would be unfair to concentrate entirely on the negative aspects of the University; fun, but unfair. UEA supports an impressive array of extracurricular activities other than the usual selection of crusty, long singers backed up by talentless musicians. The impressive line up of literary speakers organised by the Arthur Miller Centre gives students a rare opportunity to listen to some of the most talented writers of our era. Similarly, "the Sainsbury Centre affords students the chance to sample great works of art o~ their doorstep. It was these opportunities that attracted me to UEA initially, and to that extent I have not been disappointed. Seth Levine

Life in a Fifers boudoir The first thing that struck me about arriving at Fifers Lane was the fact that one of t}le porters was a Scouser, just like me. So every day when I walk past him, he says "A'right our kid?" which really reminds me of home ... After making the necessary modifications to my room buying rugs, cushions, flowers, and covering all the walls with posters - life in my Fifers boudoir is really on the up (courtesy ..of Jo McGann) except one of my floor mates keeps lurching round the door to watch my video. Trips to the Horsham Bar have to be kept to minimum of at least two a week so as to avoid the lads from the Z 2 Dressing Gown Society, who have been known to wear their flannel attire to such sound places in town as Ritzy's. Our RT has lately come to realise what a bunch of scallies we really' are, as we bave indulged in such 'mature' behaviour as water, egg and orange juice fights. To start with, he really made out he was one of us, and used to come to the Bar, but now 'Mardy' stays in to do his work, and be's fast becoming really sad. . Other legendary Fifers figures include Alan, the ice cream man, who gets loads of comments from male students about 'whipping his cream






Tony l.Ansdowne

into a frenzy' etc etc. He's recently started to sell bacon butties as well as Flake 99s; but no one really knows the precise year when the pig was slaughtered ... Another essential aspect of the 'Fifers Experience' is the nearby Londis, and indeed, all roads lead to it. Avoiding the gangs BMX bandits (who are usually 10 years old) hanging around outside is a skill well worth acquiring, and a small price to pay for the proprietor's quality food. What a shame that all dead brilliant things could be

lost with the·demise of Fifers? Does a~yone care? Who's Alan going to serve 'his ice cream and bacon butties to next year? Michele du Randt

Disappearing food Have you heard the expression "What goes around comes around?" We have someone on our floor who helps himself to other people's milk and fruit juices all the time. What follows is not a ·lesson in preventing further

pilferings taking place and it's really revenge either. Thanks to a friendly taxi driver, we were supplied with a · perfect idea: why not add laxatives to the drinks in question? At the end of Week 3, our master- pilferer returned home for the weekend. We saw an opportunity,· and on the Saturday afternoon, we popped into Boots and purchased a pack of strong laxative tablets. These were then ceremoniously crushed and added to half a litre of orange juice. We then waited 24 hours for

our victim to return, but we were worried about two things: either be would either return a reformed character, or he would return with his own orange juice. But we need not have feared. Within an hour of his return, he had taken some of the aforementioned juice in front of about half the floor. The result of this drinking of tbe forbidden fruit Guice) was frequent visits to tb~ toilet but our favourite person was unaware of the cause of his inconvenience... John Miller



it encourages women to take responsibility for their own sexuality." Saying that she considers true feminism to be essentially about equality of treatment, of opportunity and equality under law, Paglia places the ball firmly in the woman's court when she states, !'We can't have a situation where we are demanding

Whi lst a recent book states that "Everyone agrees that rape is a . terrible thing", ambi.guities have nevertheless aris.en from both sexes as to what 'date ·rape' actually is. Joanna Stubbington reports A few months earlier, solicihe acquittal last week of Matthew Kydd in the tor Angus Diggle believed that Norwich· City College a £200 ball ticket would buy and date rape trial followed a simi- furthermore entitle him to sexual lar verdict for London Univer- satisfaction, a costly misconcepsity student Austen Donnellan, tion which brought ~m a 3-year who was also found not guilty. prison sentence. Two years ago, boxer Mike Tyson was jailed after a woman he invited to his room pressed rape charges against him. David Mamet's recent play 'Oleana' portrayed paternalistic attitudes on a university campus as sexual violence, and so it goes on ... But in today's' world of increased sexual freedom, 'measuring' rape is not as straightforward as it may have once ap-


"Even when you're drunk you know what 'No' means; men who claim otherwise are just not telling the truth."

Both events have identified the concept of 'date rape' as a dominant issue in our society, raising in its wake many questions about intimate encounters between the sexes.


'Date Rape Is Part Of Growing Up' The Sun tells us, whilst others identify it as nothing more than a figment of a politically correct feminists' imagination. Tory maverick Sir Nicholas Fairbaim was recently reported in the Daily Mirror as saying

Seth Le vine questions some of the Issues raised In the Austen Donnellan case The apparently false allegation

of rape levelled against the Kings College student Austen Donnelan has raised a number of questions concerning the issue of date rape. The media, in its clamber for sensationalism, appears to have diverted attention away from the centraiissues that this case raises. Mr Donnelan recently emerged from the courthouse as the innocent victim of a society that appears to be mounting witch-hunts against the male sex. The entire media, including the quality press, have been united in their condemnation of a system which allows drunken sexual encounters to lead to the trial of a "perf~ct gentleman." There has been almost no dissension from the view that the victim in the alleged rape was merely acting out of spite in pursuing the case through the King's College internal disciplinary committee. As with all such cases, it is impqssible to know the truth. Certainly by all accounts, including of the accuser, it appears tha Mr Donnelan merely took advan tage of the situation that was offered to him. Is this, however, a reason to exonerate him so publicly? Certainly, it would be draconian to suggest that any legal action should have been taken on the evidence presented. It seems equally archaic, how ever, to condone the behaviour o a man who at best acted immor ally and irresponsibly. Mr Donnelan used the, fact tha the woman was not in control-to satisfy sexual urges. Is the media reaction to this no akin to the attitude of so many men who feel the need to con gratulate fellow males on sexua conquests? This sort of attitude in the sup posedly enlightened twentietJJ century seel}lS dangerously clo~ to taking a step back to the day! when this sort of behaviour was acceptable.

that there was no such crime as rape; he branded women as "tauntresses" who only make rape accusations through "remorse, bitterness and contrition." The role of the victim, he states, "is an easy one to play"; but isn't this delineation of roles at the root of the confusion? Commenting in The Daily Telegraph, Jane Burton, a recent Oxford graduate, attributes this role confusion to the fact that all the old rules of sexual liaisons have been undermined by a clash of sexual cultures which has, in turn, prompted the emergence of a new sexual equality. Columnist Christa D'Souza also finds the boundaries increasingly blurred. She writes that in the recent "slew of Kafka-esque trials" the terms 'rape' and 'attempted rape' have become "like dodgem cars careering out of control, used by British lawyers to describe just about anything." Rape is, according to the statistics, on the increase, and last year, 4,142 rapes were reported, which is more than three times the number of cases a decade ago. A Home Office study reveals that in only 30 per cent of cases reported since 1985 was the at·tacker a stranger; in 35 per cent he was an acquaintance cmd in the remaining 35 per cent the offender was an intimate. But is 90s man really tha violent? Ask students at Antioch, a US liberal arts college. and you will be answered with a resounding "yes". Concerned at statistics which say that 50 per cent of US students have had sex forced upon them, college members have drawn up guidelines which aim to govern the sexual relations of stUdents and enumerate and require "active consent" from the female partner at each step. Although its ethos is widely considered to be essentially correct, the charter has been

"Feminism can never make any progress unless it encourages women to take responsibility for their own sexuality." Jpecial protection for women on dates." Dates and the risks that a woman takes by going out on them are described in her book as "part of the rights and freedoms we won in the 60s" as she declares, 'That's the revo-

Students during Freshers Week, a time notoriousfo~ 'sharking'.

snubbed by many for turning one agrees that rape is a terrible women from being partners to 'thing, but we ~on't agree on what rape is." being "passive bystanders." With reference to the docuIndeed, in an article entitled . ment, Micbael Vermeulen, edi- 'When is a Rape Not a Rape', tor of popular men's magazine Cbrista D'Souza identifies a GQ, was heard to quip, "If I was grey area in which she says that going to Antiocb I would wear one persons' rape may be ana wire to bed as well as a con- other persons' bad night. She dom." ·

Tory maverick Sir Nicholas Fairbairn branded wo en who only as "tauntresses" • .make rape accusations through "remorse, bitterness and contrition." Nobody is denying that date rape does exist; one only has to read about the US student locked in a fraternity house by her senior date, forced to drink a bottle of vodka and then raped by a dozen or so of his friends. However, Katie Roiphe, in her book 'The Morning After: Sex, Fear and Feminism', asserts that it may be more accurate that these statistics reflect the fact that our perception of crime has simply had a politically correct makeover. "What is being called rape", she explains, "is not a clear cut issue of common sense. Every-

reflects, "I thought that I had never been raped, but by thC? standards of the transatlantic politically correct, maybe I have." So what does actually constitute the politically correct (if somewhat naive) paradigm? Louise Chunn, editor of the Guardian's 'Women' section, defines it as being ~'without coercion, power, seduction and pursuit." And although she acknowledges that women need protection against perverts, the same as men and children, she dismisses the rhetoric used by the

rape-crisis enthusiasts as "positively Victorian." Not only, she claims, is the notion that all women are rape victims and all men are rapists outdated, it is also insulting to both genders and illustrative as "sloppy language and flawed thinking." Katie Roiphe is also quick to damn this obsession with political.correctness as 'being "damaging to women by characterising them as victims." So bow then can both se~ stop themselves from becoming prisoners of PC? The overwhelming media conclusion seems to be that a woman can no longer have sexual freedom if she is also to maintain her maiden modesty. In a recent article in 'The Daily Telegraph', it was stated that women "can no longer afford the luxury of coyness." It went on to say that if women do want sexual freedom, then it is up to them to protect themselves by making sure that men are c lear about what it is that women exactly W!1J1t- and more importantly what they don't want. Responsibility is, it appears, the key. In her book 'Sex, Art and Culture', ~cclaimed feminist and intellectual Camille Paglia advocates that, "feminism can never make any progress unless

lution baby!" She refutes authority intervention in sex as being "totalitarian" and stresses that "men will be men" whatever the circumstances. Ofcourse such augmented responsibility should not mean that men can't ask and men can't deny or vice-versa. According to Louise Cbunn, it merely highlights the need for individuals to listen closely to what they are saying to each other. But does flirting and kissing constitute an intention to have penetratWe sex? There will always be a grey area here as long as Paglia's philosophy that, "the moment you go on a date you are looking at each other and sizing each other up for a potential sexual encounter" is believed and adhered to. A recent survey in 'The Inde_. pendent' indicated, thankfully, that only one out of six men alluded to the old scenario, "She didn't stir or open her eyes, and I gave her was as if she didn't want to admit to having reneged on her responsibilities." Others questioned were sensitive to the issue and their

. views were summed up by Pete, a married publisher in his 30's. He insisted, "Even when . you're drunk you know what 'No' means; men who claim otherwise are just not telling the truth." This view was echoed at UEA although some male students still do not seem to apTwo UEA students interviewed for their views on date rape by the BBC last week preciate the serious implications of the issue. One student asked by Concrete for his views on date rape replie<l, "I insist on it [sex] "The Austen Donnellan case is not control their sexual urges darlin' ." unfortunate and has detracted and that forced sexual inter· It is orthodoxies such as from the central issue of rape. course in a relationship must be these, aided by asinine judges we must not let one accepted by women. Nevertheless, through their devauation of the case undermine the advances Kissing and other sexual acts issue, that will do the job of made in the recognition of acshould not and do not automatipropelling reform to the crimiquaintance rape. cally lead to sexual intercourse; nal justice system if society is Women never ask or deserve to women and indeed men have · not prudent. be raped, regardless of what we the right to say no at any point The case at King's College, wear, where we go or whether we in the proceedings, and this says Louise Chunn, along with have consented to sex with the in- must always be respected. all the media hype, should not dividual on other occasions in the · No means no!" be allowed to muddle thinking past. over sexual violence agaipst Certain media reporting of the By Sop hie Readin g, Union publicity from women; sexual violence is an issue has been unforgivable, de- Union Women's their 'No means No' abhorrent infringement of a fending the belief that men can- Officer csmpslgn. woman's rights. "No means No" whether it is screamed at a stranger in a dark alleyway or murmured to a partner after a hard day at th~ office.

Wonten's Officer gives her view



Law student Lisa F~rd offers a legal interpretation of date rape


As a female law student, the issue of date rape from a legal point of view is one of technicality i.e.. consent; emotional views must be placed at the back of the legal mind. Rape is defined in English law as "unlawful sexual intercourse with a woman who at the time does not consent to it", _as taken from the Sexual Offences Amendment Act 1976. Consent is the emphasis the law places on proving rape, and no consent is tantamount to guilt. It is the manner in which proof is achieved which provides the press with sensational. stories and often leaving the accused portrayed as a 'lad' and .the complainant as 'promiscuous'. Does this mean that there should be one rule for males and another for females with respect to sexual behaviour? Should a male be able to sleep around campus but females be on their guard in the case - God forbid - that

they should be subjected to a sexual assault without consent because of a one-night stand the previous term? Of course not. It is important, however, for all students of both sexes to reconsider their own sexual conduct. What occurs at university can seem sens!itional to the outside world. The recent cases were highlighted due to the alleged promiscuous nature of the female complainant and of students in general - the Austen Donnellan case was actually instigate~ at his own request to clear his own name. However, this is not an acceptable standard and has set back the case of date rape at least 20 years. It has taken a considerable amount of time for the concept to be a legally recognised situation - setting a precedent that the scenario of buying a female party dinner does not suggest sexual intercourse is an automatic reward for the expense - all for the assertipn of a woman's right to. say no.

Date rape should not be used as a standard to gain recourse after a regrettable one night stand nor as a safety net for those ashamed of drunken abandoned inhibitions. The courtroom is not an appropriate place to judge the moral standards of a party. Everybody has the right to say no and have this right respected equally; everybody has the right to say yes and not to be judged as immoral. Just as often male parties have the duty to respect the female right to refuse, the female party has a duty to lay down the law as to how far sexual contact should go. • All students should be aware that an invitation to a room is not an invitation to have sex. As unacceptable as it seems, it is a fact . that all 'dirt' will be dug up in an attempt to gain the truth.

12 Concrete, Wednesday, November 10, 1993

ns an •

IOn A recent survey has found that most women believe that an ideal contraceptive would be .. an easy to swallow pill which also prote~ted against STDs and HIV... Angela Davies reports ·pon recognising that a major contraceptive Pill 'manufacturer, Schering, comrnis.sioned the report, and that their survey inevitably had vested interests, i decided to do a little research of my own · around UEA to see exactly how much is lrnown about the most commonly used Contraceptive. Responses and reactions varied, yet the overall ignorance - from male students of .how the pill actually worked was rather surprising. "Hormones...?" was the usual response, and when


asked about which ones in particular, a blank stare was the usual answer. When questioned on any possible side effects, most gave the usual weight gain, spots, mood swings answer, yet had no idea of the dangers of smoking whilst taking it and the association with cancer with long tenn usage of the pill. Pregnancy is still undoubtedly the first consideration concerning contraception, however, with HIV an unfortunate afterthought.

Elton (EUR2), commeqted that, "If a girl's on the pill, it's up to her as she's the one that has to face the consequences if she gets pregnant. I'm not taking it so why should I take an interest?" Hopefully this response reflects a distinct niinority of male opinion at UEA. Apart from the very few Neanderthal macho responses, the shared responsibility and joint decision of contraception is a definite and positive trend. As postgrad arts student Alex

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points out, ''The pill is too much of an easy option. Of course it is ultimately up to the woman if she wants to take it or not, but a joint decision and responsibility is best." EAS first year Ian pointed towards the affordability, availability and reliability of the pill, yet recognised that the convenience of this method can lead to a presumption of the woman to take it. "As with any f.onn of medication- you've got to be educated in the facts to use it properly, otherwise it could be open to exploitation", he said. Undoubtedly, male response was that the final decision to use it was ultimately up to the woman in question; it is h«?r body, her decision. Fine, but the response I received concerning the ins and outs of actually taking the pill showed a distinct lack of knowledge, even interest. Upon questioning those that have the option to take tqe pill, responses varied. "It's amazing! The positive benefits from using it have far outweighed the nega-

tive; reduced pain, bleeding and hassle and a confidence in its reliability", said one student. Conversely, Louise (WAMI) thought that, "The pill plays with honnones so they become out of place", and revealed that she knew of three pel?ple that have become infertile due to se.. vere adverse reactions to the pill. Women are obviously far more informed about the pill and any possible side effects, as it directly affects them. The dangers of smoking whilst on the pill was well recognised, yet in most cases that I came across, ignored. This seemed to be tlie major consideration and qualm that those surveyed confessed. Pressure from doctors ultimately had no effect, and a '.'1 Ioiow I should but I can't", or "it won't happen to !De" ~ttitude is often adopted. I should know, as I too am one of these ostriches with her head stuck in a pack of Marlboro, with Scering's very own wonder pr oducts (Femodene) safely tucked away in her back pocket. As the Schering survey clearly

showed, women are staying on it longer, mostly due to its reli- ·~ ability and convenient nature. Yet, as many asked, how long is "long tenn", and how safe? ·Most women agreed that there was a huge amount of ignorance surrounding the pill from male students at UEA and in general. It seemed well understood that the decision was ultimately their own, yet the line between a joint decision and an underlying assumption from partners that a woman will take it because it is easier, proves very difficult to defme. It seems interesting to note, but not that surprising, that when asked about the likelihood of taking the male pill if and when available, the issue of possible adverse side effects became a much higher priority among

men. Just because the female pill has been around and improved upon for over 30 years should not mean that the decision to take it should be taken lightly, should any men be reading this. The most tested brands are the most reliable and safe. Unfortu-

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Concrete, Wednesday, November 10, 1993





nately, they are also the most expensive, thus the Governments Proposals to remove them from the NHS. This will inevitably increase reliance upon cheaper, less reliable brands, resulting in increased unwanted side effects. The approach of UEA's Health Centre in dealing with contraception overall met with satisfied approval amongst female students, despite the feeling amongst some that they were on a conveyor belt of 'sexually active' women. However, a few felt pressurised to go on the pill if it affirmed that they were sexually active. Some high dosage pills prescribed by their doctors at home were seen to be too high and an alternative was offered by the Centre, despite there being no qualms from the women in question. An isolated few had bad experiences requesting the Morning After pill offered at the Centre. "They made me feel really guilty, as if I had done something wrong, which didn' t improve the way I felt at the time", said one respondent. However, the Centre's Nurse Manager, Melanie Hawes, was extremely concerned with these reports. " We don't push products, we rescribe the appropriate prescription and aim to provide a non -judgemental, supportive space where women can feel at ease and talk freely about their contraceptive needs", she said. Obviously the Health Centre is under severe strain time-wise. Melanie Hawes is eager to stress that any dissatisfaction with the service provided should be taken further. They positively encourage people to come and discuss their queries with them, and offer advice concerning STDs, an issue which I found still remains an afterthought in most student relationships. Sophie Reading, Union Womn's Officer, stated that, "The choice of contraceptive method is entirely up to the individual herself; all methods of contraception should be freely available." "It is for this reason that one of the women's campaigns at UEA for this semester is the birth control campaign against the Government 's proposals to remove the most expensive and therefore the most effective pills from the NHS, thereby limiting the availability and choice of contraceptives." It is worth considering the effect that this proposal, if passed, would have in the attitudes towards the pill, both male and female. Maybe, just maybe, the pill wouldn't be taken for granted anymore, and there would be a greater awareness of what has been traditionally and unfortunately seen as a 'female concern.'

Contraception: Recent controversy and concerns SCHERING'S SURVEY revealed that only a mere 4 per cent of the 1,000 women polled currently used the Pill for contraceptive cover together with a condom to protect against STDs, despite the recommendation of family planning clinics. A further finding was that oral contraception usage began earlier (16-19 years), and remained the most popular form of contraception, reaching well into the mid-30s age bracket. Long term of the Pill is therefore on the increase, with 89 per cent of the women interviewed having taken the Pill at some time. Concern over such long term usage of the Pill is increasing, yet the alternatives often seem less appealing, convenient and reliable. The recent publication of the Pope's Veritatis Splendoris a blatant attempt to reaffirm the ultra conservatist moral teaching in the Catholic faith. Artificia l birth c o ntrol is condemned as is homosexuality, auto eroticism and abortion. All are forbidden as "intrinsically evil", with genocide and sexual perversion mentioned in the same context. lt is debateable how this will affect practising Catholics who have partaken In these supposed 'evils' of birth control. Far reaching effects should be considered regarding the problem of population growth in developing countries and the increasing spread of HIV worldwide. As one of the key findings in the Schering survey shows, awareness of HIV is widespread, yet the practicalities of using the Pill to prevent pregnancy and the condom to prevent HIV, however, is slow to materialise. With the new government proposal to place the Contraceptive Pill on the "Selected Drug Lisr whereby the most expensive, more reliable and safest brands will be removed from NHS prescriptions, it is worth considering its effect upon widespread Pill usage. In order to continue with their chosen brand, many women will be forced to take the option to buy their preferred Pill privately, at an average cost of £45-55 a year, . If passed, this proposal will undoubtedly hit low earners and hard up students, who already face paying VAT on such "luxury" items as the mere tampon. Contraception can never seem to lose its controversy.

Game for a LARP Ores, mages, warlocks, Angus McNuttem's Tartan Army, and of course, latex swords ... Adam Martin reports a day in the life of the Games Society Larping - that's Live Action Roleplaying - summarises the strange goings on of the Games Society every other Sunday. LARP takes the traditional 'Dungeons and Dragons' type fantasy games a step further. Not unlike the traditional roleplaying games it is essential ly 'grown up make believe', a more elevated (and more fun) version of adolescent wargaming. Each player creates a character to represent them in a fantasy world created by the referee or 'Games Master' . The characters go on adventures for whatever reason they think their character might - wonderlust, greed, divine mission or for the sheer fun of it. During these adventures, the ' party ' of adventurers undergoes a sense of encounters, both

combat (oh yes! I hear you cry) and role playing, and (hopefu ll y) succeeds in completing the mission that they accepted. The most obvious and perhaps most attractive aspect of LA RP is the combat that goes on . The weapons. swords, axes, flails etc are made from a well-padded core of fibre glass, wood or carbon fi bre which is either covered with a rubber solution such as latex or gaffa-tape. A player-ref keeps track of the number of hits each person receives. The rules system actually written by UEA students (and muchimproved by later generations) has been running for several years. Players can choose a character from a whole range of character classes; mages, fighters, priests and 'scouts' as well as the less common types such as druids and warlocks.

Men armed with latex swords ...

PHOTO: Mark Turner

PHOTO: Mark Turn er

A tartan terror

activity never sleeps - involved the party being hired by the Errin armed forces to garrison a fort, and ended up with them having to escort an intelligence officer to safety behind the border with vital papers. Unfortunately, they blundered (stumbled) their way into a huge Mauve Empire camp and spent the rest of the adventure avoiding having their heads bashed and being hunted down by the skirrnishers. LARP is a laugh, and more than a laugh, it's hours of fun with completely insane people, involving students' favourite pastimes- drinking, pretending to be someone you are not - and of course, bashing peo ple's heads in with latex weapons (no inuendo intended).

The daytime LARP last Sunday saw the appearance (and rapid decimation) of Angus McNuttem 's Tartan Army- a band of beer-drinking, elf-bashing, beer-drinking, ore-bashing, beerdrinking cells from the not so sunny Caledonia -come to the foreign land of Errin to visit their Auntie Maggie. Accompanied by the gentle strains of bagpipes the northern lads and lasses discovered that Errin in fact wasn't a nice place at all and were forced on pain of survival to bash a few ores, Frenchmen, druids and elementals to get the ingredients for Auntie's magic porridge. The mission however proved largely unsuccessful, with several Celts not pulling their weight. The night LARP - this insane

A RAVING SUCCESS Michele du Randt checked out the recent Family DB extravaganza at Fifers Lane If anyone criticized the organisers of 'Pure Sheng' for not making an effort, then they would be very much mistaken. To be able to transform K-block at Fifers Lane is in itself quite a feat, and event organiser Jo Elkington (from the dance wing of the AMS) and York-based promoters Family DB managed this quite well on Friday October 29. A colourful array of backdrops, drapes and smoke machines created the perfect club atmosphere, with one girl commenting that, "You could almost forget you were in K-block." The main hall provided more of a communal dance and chill-out room, with the bar selling drinks ranging from cans of Strongbow to cans of diet Coke, as well as the feted psychoactive

smart drinks, which were a snip at £2.00 each. The smaller room, according to general opinion, was definitely the best place to really get down and rave, groove or whatever took your fancy at the time. DJ's for the night included Daniel Baker (of Groovy Toons fame), Ian Stratton (Energy) and several others who successfully provided an excellent mix of dance, techno, garage and house - without any of the usual unprofessional shifts or gaps witnessed so many times at K-blocks in the past. When questioned, certain students reckoned that the event was "the best night Fifers Lane has ever seen", whereas for a smaller minority, nothing could beat their weekly local nightspot dose of Ritzys or Peppermint Park.

Family DB have certainly got potential, and, ifthey managed to get hold of a license for a monthly event at somewhere like the Waterfront, then

an event like ' Pure Sheng' could really take off in a big way and leave other venues far behind.


pure shena ,


; '' t·t · "!

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• ! ..


1 .~




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- - - --




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The latest news from your student union. Issue Four, Semester One, 1993

NO 01eans NO The Women's campaign is reaUy taking off. The Bitter Pill campaign and stall in U.H. raised a lot of interest in the government proposals to limit the availability of the contraceptive pill. The number of names on the petition opposing this is rapidly increasing. If you have not already signed the petition please do so. The campaign against date rape has been stepped up on campus in the light of the date rape trials in London and Norwich. The campaign began with hard hitting publicity and is now moving to discuss the root of date rape; lack of communication between sexual partners and pressures from society which make it difficult for women to

define their sexuality. The double standard of women being frigid if we say no and a slag if we say yes to sexual intercourse unfortunately still exists. Whilst NO means NO is still important, the issue of YES means YES is of equal importance. Women should feel confident to discuss and say yes to sexual intercourse. This was discussed at the last W.A.C. meeting and an open debate is being organised so that aU students can be involved in this issue. Security on campus is also a major campaign this semester. A walk around campus to assess lighting provision is being completed. The university has been approached about problem areas. W.A.C. is also organising a social event in conjunction with

Gas Safety Gas Safety Information has been sent to all second and third year students. It is of VITAL importance for any

orange flame (rather than blue)

student living in private

e BRITISH GAS (if it is an

rented accommodation. Stu-


dents have died from the in-

• Your landlord e YOUR UNION. We are purchasing Gas Moni-

halation of carbon monoxide emissions from unsafe gas applications. Carbon monoxide has NO colour, NO smell and NO taste - it is an 'INVISIBLE KILLER' that can kill in THREE MINUTES. Warning signs that your gas appliance is unsafe: • Soot or discolouring around the gas fire or water tteater. • A predominantly yellow or

in the water heater. If you suspect that your gas appliance is unsafe contact:

tors that you can use to check appliances. Also available is a list of Corgi Registered Engineers that you can call out to check the gas safety of your home. If you need any further guidance or additional information contact Shelly Wright (Welfare Officer) or the Advice Unit upstairs in UH.

Personal Attack Alarms Available These are available now from the stewards office in Union House, at the Union subsidised price of only £1 each. Show your NUS card to qualify.

the overseas students society to bring together women from various cultural backgrounds to discuss issues affecting women worldwide. The discussion will be followed by music, food and drink specific to the cultures represented. We would like as many women as possible to get involved. It will be open to women only in order to provide an atmosphere in which women feel comfortable to discuss issues relevant to women. The next W.A.C. meeting is on Wednesday 24th November in the conference Room upstairs in U.H. There will be a video about women in other cultures followed by a discussion, Again all women are welcome . We hope to see you there.

HHC Elections Results Congratulations to the newly elected Horshan HaJis Committee. The new HHC Chair, Mathew Canty, automatically becomes a member of the Union Executive ••.•.• We wish him luck! The HHC are the elected to represent the student residents of Fifer's Lane. Living at an old RAF base 5 miles from the campus can cause a number of problems such as the bus services, safety etc. There are regular open HHC meetings that will be publicised at Fifer's Lane in advance. In the meantime anyone wanting to contact Mathew can do so through his pigeonhole or can find him in his office upstairs in Union House.

Money Advice NORFOLK MONEY ADVICE will be holding an open surgery for any student with money problems on Thursday 11th November between 12- 2 pm in the Advice Unit (upstairs in UH). They will be a sisting students to resolve financial problems. it is important to seek professional advice as soon as possible so that you are not left in an unimanageble and stressful financial situation. Norfolk Money Advice provide professional, confidential and

FREE guidance. No need to make an appointment. Just turn up between 12 - 2 pm. They will be returning again on December 9th.

SU Reforms The consultation period with the Department of Education ended at the beginning of this month. Your union and the NUS sent a final response. It is still IMPERATIVE that you write to you MP about SU reform. Please give any replies to

Jacqui Mackay (Communi cations Officer). We are now a"r"'''TI'"''"" the Queen's Speech on vember 18th to see if RefOJm is included as a ority bill for the ment this parli year...

'Cement' is written and compiled entirely by the Students Union. lt appears here by commercial arrangement with Concrete



Concrete, Wednesday, November 10, 1993

Entertainment - in association with The Event

Eastern promise tor UEA Studio

Goreck·s Symphony No.3 and Britten·s Serenade

Kala Chethena Kathakali Troupe and 'Changing Places'



•St Johns Cathedral, Saturday October 30 To bring what must have been half of the audience of well over 500 people to tears with a piece of music is no small occasion, and as Stephen Metcalfe conducted the 90 piece orchestra performing Goreck's Third Symphony through the emotional crescendos of the piece, the tearful faces in the St John's Roman Catholic Cathedral proved that what was always going to be one of the most audacious and exciting event this winter had also come off as the most moving. Britten's Serenade served to furnish the first half of the evening, but unfortunately was not charged with quite the same power to reach the seats at the back of the cathedral with quite the same impact as was later going to be experienced. The resonant murmurings of double basses heralded the opening of the first movement of the symphony of sorrowful songs which gradually progressed until , with further texture from the upper strings, the single soprano voice of Jo Morton entered echoing over the sustaining notes of four flutes, reaching an emotive beauty which was to resound

in the cathedral until the last notes of the performance were sounded. Morton sang with a quality which did far more than simply justice to what has been heralded as the greatest of musical works this century, with her voice perfectly fulfill ing the elevating hypnotic dimensions of the compositions reaching an emotional poignancy which had such obvious impact on the audience. The clarity and simplicity of style of the Third Symphony seemed a perfect extension of the similar qualities of Britten's Serenade and together the two compositions created a type of crispness which the evening drew much of its beauty from. The Norfolk Sinfonietta led by Metcalfe played these compositions brilliantly and as the evening came to an end the pensive effect of this close experience of Goreck's Third Symphony was taken home from the cathedral by an audience whose ovation of the performance was spoken overtly by the very emotions the evening had raised. Metcalfe has to be congratulated for pulling this one off. Brilliant.


WIN! Levellers Goodies OChina Records, together with Concrete and The Event, offer you the opportunity to win Levellers goodies to celebrate the success of the 'Levellers'

LP. OWe have a first prize of a copy of the album (on the format of your choice), a second prize of a very cool Levellers T-Shirt and a third prize of a box of 5 TDK D-90 blank cassettes. OAII you have to do to be in


ON CAMPUS with a chance of winning is send a postcard with your name and address, college and telephone number (if applicable} to: Streets Ahead, 8 Granville Park, London, SE13 7EA. OThe closing date for this excellent competition is November21 . Good luck!

•UEA Drama Studio 26th and 27th October. The UEA Drama Studio last week demonstrated the dynamic and innovative nature of its programme of events this term with a double-bill of world dance and dance/drama. Tuesday gave host to a performance of Kathakali and Ottanthullal dance/drama by the internationally renowned Kala Chethenol Kathkali troupe from Kerela, South India. The tradition that the actor/ dancer is in Kathakali transformed larger than life into representations of mythological characters, gods, demons and humans with spectacular costume and face make-up often seems to limit the dynamism of those performing . The Kala Chethena group were however much less heavily clad than is often the case and with this the performers had a fluidity of motion which marked the performance as the best I had personally seen. Both Kathakali and Ottonthullal draw from stories of the great Hindu epics- mainly Mahabaratha and the Ramayana for which there are over one hundred set arrangements. The Ottonthullal performance re-enacted a story from Mahabaratha - Kalayana Saugondgham - where the hero Bhima is supposedly seen to go into the forest to obtain a special flower for his wife Draupadi, during which he encounters many symbolic dangers including an old monkey who refuses to get out of his path. All this was very well, but it seemed that for many the main point of interest was not simply the narrative itself and as the performance commenced and

attempts to follow the story with any degree of exactness seemed generally pretty hopeless, the narrative seemed to assume second place to the sheer virtuosity of the performers. Both Kathakali and Ottanthullal rely heavily on specific body and face communication systems based around an ancient sign language called Mudras which is built on representative actions, emotional gestures, complete with alphabet and sentence

The Snowball


Traditional Christmas Dinner Spectacular Cabaret featuring Comedian and Hypnotist

Late Bar Disco by UEA Ents Dancing to the 15 piece Crome Big Band

Friday 17th December 1993 ctcKECS £29.00 AVNlABl€ FROm ul) FOYER 1 -2 Pm SPECfAl COT)CESSfOT)S OT) fORmAl illEAR AVAflABlE CO CfCK.EC holDERS



structure. The first part of the performance was spent with a brief introduction into the basics of this system where for example performers can roll eyes clockwise, anti clockwise or one in each direction and all with different meanings. This actually proved to be the most amusing part of the evening as the woman responsible for applying makeup was also given the job of the narrator and general show host and with a broad Sheffield accent went on to explain about the great 'indu epic'. The more serious function perhaps was to represent the only female involved in the whole performance and to rather pleasantly bridge the gap between two very different cultures and make the whole thing that bit more accessible. The Ottanthullal proved to be much more elegant and musical than the Kathallali with the performer definitely dancing his role rather than acting it and perfectly fulfilling the company's aim to capture the energy and rhythm of dance, the emotion of drama and qualities of ancient chanting. The music for both dances consisting of a singer and two drummers - was excellent and during both performances the depth of communication observable between musicians and dancers created a remarkable harmony of sound and movement which was in itself brilliant. The one thing that did strike me about the performance was how perhaps in some ways it became slightly more effective in the plush environment of western theatre with, for one thing, the sprung dance floor of the studio picking up the strong

. bass rhythms of dancing anrl stomping feet to give movements a thunderous impact. However, there was, in opposition to this, a slight absense of 'South Indian atmosphere' about the place, and sprung dance floors considered, I know where I'd rather have seen it. Wednesday night saw the performance of 'Changing Planes' which, billed as a dance composition embracing Indian, Guyanan, Tanzanian, Brazilian and British cultural roots to the contemporary Japanese music of Toshi Tsuchitori, seemed destined to be the more exclusive and exciting of the evening's two performances. 'Changing Planes' opened with a taped recording of a spoken recital of choreographer M a. '' Sarabhai's notes for compo., • tion played over the similarly taped music of Tsuchitori. The fact that for the first part of the evening the audience had to listen to tape recordings and the fact that indeed for the first part of the evening most of the music would not be live, proved in itself to be a significant disappointmentfor many, but was partially compensated for by what turned out to be brilliant traditional Japanese percussion played live later by Joji Hi rota. The taped choreographic notes didn't really seem to work too well with phrases like, "Does familiarity breed contempt?", or "Does ignorance breed contempt?" and isolated words like "concentration", "zen", "spoken", and "finding" spoken by two very BBC-standard English type voices, all seeming a bit forced and jarring slightly with the more modest music.

Continued on page 17




Concrete, Wednesday, November 10, 1993


Entertainment - in association with The Event

Union Films


Or Faustus

PREVIEW This fornlght at the Union begins with 'Tetsuo 2' a very original Japanese science-fiction thriller where the hero gets drawn Into a chilling underworld after his son Is kidnapped. What marks this as different from other films of the genre Is that our hero slowly starts turning Into a cyborg for no apparent reasonl A must for action and gore fans. This Is followed on Friday by 'lndochlne'. About the French Occupation of lndochlna it stars sixties Icon Catherlne Denevue who was oscar nominated for her role - and concerns the twisted Internal relations of the ruling classes. Well acted at times, lt cannot help save a bland script. 'House of Angels' Is quite a different matter. A SwedIsh comedy about a city girl who Inherits a country house, it pokes fun of the parochial life of the locals. Arriving with her boyfriend on the back of a Harley Davidson she arouses the suspicion and contempt of those around her. If you don't mind subtitles, lt Is definitely worth a look. 'Bralnclead' Is an apt dA.taeJintlon of the viewer of sort of mindless movie. Admittedly tongue-In-cheek, lt revels In total gore and a weak script. If you want to veg out after a partlcuarly hard day, by all means pay 1t a visit - but bring a sic bag. On Friday November 19, gore Is treated In a little more mature way with 'Alive', the story of alrplane crash survivors who are forced to eat their dead companions In order to survive. Notable for the most realistic reconstruction of an explosion on an airliner - lt Is at times harrowing, but lt tells a fascinating story with a lot of style. Blood' star Anne

original, and far superior version of 'The Assassin', directed by Luc Besson. Nlklta, convicted and facing the death penalty for murdering a policeman, Is offered life If she will become an assassin for a government agency. She reluctantly accepts and so begins a thrilling, but short lived adventure.

Darren Fisher


PREVIEW The task of directing Christopher Marlowe's classic "Dr. Faustus" seems daunting enough, without the added complications of completely re-vamping the play. This, however, did not deter Louise Tondeur, a 3rd year drama student at UEA, who takes the production into a different dimension -literally. Taking inspiration from "Red Dwarf" and "Star Wars", the Minotaur Student Theatre Company aim to combine the morality evident in Marlowe's Elizabethan original with the accessibility associated with science fiction . This production is set in a spaceship, complete with robots and computers! !I For those as yet unfamiliar with Marlowe's tragedy, it tells the tale of a man whose ambitious nature drives him to sell his soul to the Devil. In exchange for this, he is given 24 years during which his every wish is granted. However, as the time draws nea.r for the Devil to claim his part of the bargain, Faustus begins to realise the extent of the consequences of his deal with the Lord of Darkness. The experience, originality and enth'usiasm of the Minotaur Student Theatre Company, as well as their recent success at the prestigious Edinburgh Fringe Festival, should help to make this a production to remember. A real must-see. "Dr. Faustus" will be performed by the Minotaur Student Theatre Company at UEA's Studio on Friday, 12th and Saturday, 13th November at Spm, with a further showing on Sunday, 14th November at 6pm. The show will last approximately 2 1/2 hours and tickets cost £4 (£3 concessions).

Goats Don•t Shave REVIEW •LCR, Tuesday October26 You were bound to enjoy yourself anyway with Murphy's at £1 a pint all night. This ensured that everyone was in the mood for a swinging time with a spot of moshing thrown in. Goats Don't Shave launched into their set with an immediately catchy set that got everybody moving and set the pace for an intriguing journey into the world of irish folk music. There was no let up and

anyone who left to take advantage of the cheap bitter was replaced by two more, drawn by the enticing, hypnotic rhythm. This review wouldn't be • complete without the (inevitable?) comparison to the Levellers, but somehow the set played by Goats Don't Shave was more uplifting. The main appeal was their "Don't give a damn" attitudeyou got the impression that they

just wanted everyone to party. One of the many highlights of the evening sent the crowd into a frenzy - the fiddler addressed the congregation from his speaker-pulpit with a brilliant display of his mastery of the instrument. This only served to enrich a totally enjoyable experience an opinion which was shared by the vast majority of those present and which is best summed up by an overhearo remark at the end of the gig: "The best Live in the Hive since ltbegan!!!"

Review by Anthony Dover

Ton/ Brodelle

Kala Chethena Kathakali Troupe Continued from previous page Though the music and percussion were in places both dazzling and beautiful, the dancing all in all seemed to lack any real impetus and the large shape which was gradually assembled on stage out of r.luminium poles and wooden boards and around which performance was to focus, was in itself a bit too large and cumbersome and therefore • seemed to limit movement slightly.

Nevertheless, the blend of cultural backgrounds for the performance did sem to have been choreographed to give an intelligent balance to it without any single overwhelming cultural influence, and even if the performance hadn't quite realised the full potential of the original concept it still proved to be another one of the more interesting things to be happening in Norwich this winter. Jon Batty

The Alchemist REVIEW •UEA Studio, Saturday October 30 Ben Jonson's classic farce, The Alchemist, was brought to life with an imaginative flair in this production performed by Scapegoat Theatre Company. The cast presented an incisive interpretation of the text with energetic wit and extraordinary theatrical ingenuity. The Alchemist is a tale of brilliant knavery, in which Jonson explores a society dominated by avarice, greed and material wealth. The play is set in motion when the master of the house, fearing the plague, takes refuge in the country and leaves his servant, Face, in charge. Face aquaints' himself with two rogues, Subtle, a charlatan alchemist and Dol Common, a whore. Together they turn the house into a centre for the practice of alchemy in the hope of attracting credulous clients who believe alchemical magic can bring their heart's desire. James Pinney was wonderfully funny as the Alchemist, as he danced around the stage pretending to be the dizzy eccentric magician conversing with the stars (a bit like Russell Grant on acid). Their expectations are realised when numerous dupes arrive at the house asking for prosperity, satisfaction of lust, success and enrichment. Each is deceived in a number of ingenious and humourous ways. All the visitors were played by Wendy Meakes and Andrew Watson who showed extraordinary acting competence in being able to switch into different characters in a matter of seconds, and the latter was exceptional! ~ brilliant in his role as the lusty Spanish lover. The key to this production was minimalism. The set and lighting was simple yet had immense dramatic effect. What particularly struck me was the visual impact that the costumes created. · Each character wore black, but was distinguished by the simple and bold colours of an item of clothing ie. blocks of red, yellow, blue etc. The effect was a stunning interplay of colours, reminding me of a Mandrian· painting, and the combination of mime and dance was highly innovative. The play was a tour de force of zestful and frenzied action, stylised movement, expressive voices and above all a celebration of wit, comedy and humour. Scapegoat promised a "stunning, dynamic and highly entertaining evening" and it certainly fulfilled this. •llf you didn't catch this production at the UEA Studio, you can still see it on November 14 at Castle Meadow, Norwich .


(just present this advert at time of booking to claim £2 off any of top 2 prices. Only one voucher per purchase. Subject to availability.)

November 11th

10pm Prices £9, £7, £2


Concrete, Wednesday, November 10, 1993

Letters & Classifieds

concrete 0603250558 University of East Anglia, Norwich, NR4 7TJ Publisher: Stephen Howard Editor: Peter Hart Deputy Editor: Niall Hampton Acting Sports Editor: $tephen Hawkes Picture Editor: Phi/ Vickers Advertl,lng: Slmon Mann ",·f;,>; »'<:·v:


Photographers: Keith Whitmore, Mark Turner " 'i,


J:.+:m '*-




$taff cartoonist: Tony Lansdowne · ~,




ectHo{ial'Oontributors: Joanna Stubbington, . Angela pavies}:~ aroline Jenkinson, Amand{l .~t Cresswell, Pete Snowman, Bob Scott, Paul Wray, Hwee Hwee'Tan, Michele Du Aandt, John' MUier, Jerry Spheres; Jo Phillips, Julie Cunliffe, Alison Hilton, Lisa ~ushrod, Christianne Ward, Adam Martin, So-Shan An, Kester Hynds, Dazza FISher, Gilly Fenwlck, Uncle Richard, Grandpa Benjamin, Sonia Pati, Anthony Cartwright, Seth Levj_ne, Saskia, Jon Batty "'



Production: Neil Bamden, Toni Brodelle,; "Trine Monge, Joa]lna Stubbington, Jo Phlllips, Hazel Swallow, Amir Muhammed Alistair Cushion, Neil Barnden Special thanks to: Union House Stewards &Mogwai Thanks to everyone at ECN for putting up with our decreasingly 'flexible' deadlines

Concrete Is published Independently at UEA. (C) 1993 Planet Zog Ltd Opinions expressed are those of the contributor and not necessarily those of the publisher or Editor.

Printed by Eastern Counties Newspapers. Prospect

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Concrete welcomes your letters on any subject. Whether it is something welve written about and you want to take issue with, or you simply want to make a point, we want to hear from you. So why not drop us a line? The address is simply ~concrete~, UEA, Norwich. Anonymity will be respected but you must include your name and address in the first instance.

Love The Circus... Hate The Path Male student offended by ' No Dear Concrete, muddy field (in the dark!) I know, means No' campaign posters let's put a circus in the way- that'll As cultural ly adventurous and enthusias tic as the man on the Clapham Omnibus, I welcome and relish the presence and excitement when the circus comes to town. Your readers may be unaware, however, of the cry on the lips of all law students, myself included, i.e .. "What a place to put a tlamin' circus, I ask you !?" One finds bizarre Kafka-esque scenarios leaping to mind with the Chancellor twiddling his thumbs in his office saying to himself "Now, what can we do to make it good and hard for them Law students to get to Earlham Hall? Why it's far too easy at present, after all, they have to do is walk across a

Library Hours Dear Concrete, The report in your issue of October 27 fai ls to mention an important point about the revised opening hours of the library. Wh ile the library shuts one hour earlier, it stays open late and at weekends over a significantly longer period. In particular, semester hours have been extended to cover not only the 'half weeks' at the beginning and end of teaching periods but also the third week of the Chri stmas break and the first week of the Easter break (a total of 34 weeks and 3 days). ln our judgement, this will benefit students - in particular those revising for the semester I assessment, and OPT and PCGE studen ts w ho have not been 'se mes teri sed ' - than th e relalively small number deprived of access between 9 and !Opm. Incidentally, in addition to Saturdays, the Issue Desk is now also open until 8pm on Fridays. Yours faithfully, Elizobeth FudakowsiUl Deputy Librarian

Welcoming Committee


Norfolk Terrace C03-12 Ground Floor, Private Entrance From Road

Dear Concrete, The letter by Stefan Britten, 'Comedy Capers in Constable Terrace' made me hoot with laughter, but he left one thing out. Something I, as a resident of Constable Terrace, have appreciated more than anything else is the daily presence of the Official Welcoming Committee. When I return home at the end of a hard day, I am greeted by the heckling and hooting of the construction workers on the adj oining lot. O f c ourse, in C a nad a , yo u would be sued for sexual harassment. I must try harder to get used to these foreign ways. No doubt their intent ions are sincere and good in causing me thi s discomfort and embarrass ment. Martlul S Warren (lAW PG)

fix them." I mean to say, what's next on the list when the circus has gone - are they going to dig a moat or wot? The poi nt is, everyone who has to travel between the Law school and the campus is sick an.d tired of the Law faculty and the University hiding behind the old excuse " It's not our land, it's the council 's responsibility !" The uni versity in general and the Law faculty in particular have a responsibility to ALL the stu dents - fi x the path and light it, please. Yours sincerely, Oliver Block, LA W2

Dear Concrete, I'm writing to you to vent my total disgust and anger at various notorious yellow posters that I' ve, recently seen pinned up around campus - and most offensively in the male toilets in Union House. That's right, the ones with that catchy little slogan: "When we say no, We mean no" etc. I'm one of those ogres· - male students - who does not need such implicit and suggestive crap targeted at them. I found the posters both sexist and offensive as I like to feel that I have the intelligence, and that I'm discerning enough li ke the

majority of males, to work this sort of thing out for myself. How on earth could our noble, nonsexist Union allow such degrading rubbish to be distributed? Students, professors and university staff alike have seen these, and some were no doubt offe nded so come on chaps, let's hear another male voice on this issue. Yours, An offended EUR student Name and address supplied P.S. How diverse they looked in yellow - I think red would have been a more appropriate colour paper to print them on, as I certain ly saw red.

A Complaint about the general running of the S.U. Dear Concrete, The purpose of this short letter is twofold, one, to complain about the general running of 'OUR' union and then to air some views on the current bout of boycotts which 'we ' appear to have agreed upon. Firstly, it has come to my notice that whilst there is a great deal of di sc ussion on student union reform s, it also came to my notice when reading Union propaganda that we will (sadly) lose, under these reforms, the Communications Office, the Commercial Services Managers Office and indeed most of the offices which form the backbone of the Union. I put it to you that (a) this is a remarkable stroke of luck and (b) this could be the reason why most of the Union Executive are so avidly campaigning agai nst the reforms. May I make the slightest bold suggestion that instead of having to rely on public money to find Union events and services, we use the large profits from the extortion· ate bar prices and perhaps some of the money coming in from LCR door money to fund these? May I even make the slightly bolder suggestion of shutting down the Communications Office and perhaps even most of the Union and using the money to help fi -

Oxfam Cold Front Appeal Dear Concrete, Oxfam is holding its Cold Front Appeal from 28 October to 13 November. The Cold Front Appeal collects used warm clothing from the public and distributes it to those in need; for example, last year, the clothes were shipped to Yugoslavia. Oxfam 's collection centre this year will be based at the Oxfam shop on Magdalene Street. Volunteers are needed to man the phone to answer the queries about the Appeal: and to collect the clothes

nance some of the students who have to live off £25 per week, or maybe even to subsidize textbooks at £20 a shot? Also, if the Union is so bloody poor and can't exi st without spending taxpayers ' money then where does it get the £80,000 to blow on the reopening of the Waterfront from (taken from the marvellous report in issue 25 by Niall Hampton " Waterfront Deal 'very sad'")? I'm sure that any reply to this letter will at some point mention the wonderful services we get from the Union, like a remarkably slow, fast food joint, and an expensive supermarket with slightly less products on sale than your average ice cream van. Not to mention, it's the compulsory boycott of banks, Nestle and anyth ing e lse that moves which I' m sure we all abide to wi th o ut q ues tio n (mi ndl ess bi mbos that we are). I would ask readers if they really th ink that the Union is doi ng a good job, if anyone except the odd loony actually abides by their boycotts of products and if the job couldn ' t be done better by free enterprise. So, in summary, may I suggest that we get rid of most of the Union offices and in particular turn the Communications Office into

something useful like a public toi let (not that it would need much work) and to quit spending the scarce resource of time and the apparently scarce resource of money on saving the entire world. Instead, try concentrating on the problems closer to home - lik • students living on tiny incomes, most of which you insist on ripping off to finance propaganda and unnecessary staff. The remainder tend to drift towards publishing pi ctures of lovely smiling sabbaticals promoting not only their egoes but filling out their CV's. These opinions may seem quite harsh but it's about time someone put the other side of the argument forward instead of accepting the barrage of bull we seem to receive on an an noyingly regular basis from pro-Union activists, which thinking about it, couldn' t be done better and more altru istically. Yours faithfully, M Harper SOCJ • Concrete would like to clear thal we are not in any wJ.; connected with or funded by the Student Union. We are editorially independent, with every penny of our funding coming from the advertisem ents you see in this paper.

at the reception. If you're interested in helping, or know anyone who is interested, please contact Roz (Tel: 631 875). Hwee Hwee Tan (EAS 2) Oxfam CoUege RepresenUitive

An allotted dig for £10

Playing God? Dear Concrete, Please could you include thi s as a di ary event. On Sunday Nov 2 1st, at 8pm, a talk and disc ussion on 'Genetic Engineering -Playing God' led by Vice Chancellor Derek Burke, in The Chaplaincy. For furth er information please contact Methodist Chilplain Judith Gilbert, phone 506023.


Dear Concrete, Thanks for an excellent paper! Can' t you bring it out more frequently ? About the bit in 'Happenings' about allotments - students don' t have to dig up the campus to plant spuds (though that might improve the place). There are some allotments j ust down the road, off the Avenues- lots of space for a mere £ 10 a year. More details in "Just Shopping", now in stock in the Union Supermarket. Cheers, David Alien, DEV3





In the Commercial Union UAU championship, UEA lost 2 close games to UCL. The first team lost 9-14, all UEA points being scored by tbe boot of C Green. The second team also lost 0-8. The third team, however, showed their usual commitment and won 19-0.

Against the University of Hertfordshire, the rugby club again had to field depleted sides due to Wednesday afternoon lectures and injuries and tbe third team only had 12 players. The first team lost their third match in the Commercial Union UAU championship 24-5. The sec-

ond team were lucky to win a scrappy game 24-23 with tries by Jim Goodwin (ccpt), P Slack, C Cooke, and W Bamett. In a controversial game the third team lost 55-0, and more will be written ahout this at a later date.

RUGBY UAUs VS UCL Men's 3rd team· 19-0 In the past UCL have put out a strong third team and this year, the thirds fielded an even stronger one. The game was played in a friendly manner and UCL burst through into our own 22 threatening to score in the first open-

Women's team won 15-5 Celebrations continued well the night after UEA's wornrugby team beat UCL in an ling first round match of the fomrrler<:i·:al Union UAUs.

ing minutes. UEA defended brilliantly and we stormed up their end of the park and remained there for the best part of the half. The score of 19-0 to UEA was very satisfying as UCL are one of the harder universities we play. Man of the match went to I an

tory over their London rivals an a fast moving game enjoyed by a large crowd of home supporters. Although UCL scored a try in tbe frrst five minutes of tbe match, · UEA soon settled and remained in a strong attac ·ng position, enabling team captain Anna

Nickoll whose kicking and passing skills outshone everyone on the day. . Many thanks to Commercial union for the cheap beer after the match, which certainly helped the post-match celebrations along.

Hillier and president Tina Bament to score three tries in succession . Lucy Lang was named woman of the match after a worthy performance in her first game as scrum half.

RUGBY UAUs VS UNIVERSITY OF HERFORDSHIRE Women's team - 65-0 UEA Women's Rugby Football club built on their victory over UCL last week, to produce an outstanding home win over rivals Hertfordshire University on Wednesday. UEA's team clearly outchased their opponents, who arrived without a full team, and had to borrow players from UEA to make the match more even. Hertfordshire therefore failed to make any crack in the UEA defences, producing an end result of 65-0 to the home side.

Once again UEA proved their ability to work well as a team and it was the combination of strong attacking by the forwards and neat ball handling from the backs, that kept play well into Hertfordshires half of the pitch for most of the game. Although the whole side played well, special words of commendation should go to woman of the match Charlotte Garnett who played with determination to produce well de~erved tries, and winger Polly Fairhough, whose spinning left opposition trailing

and resulted in three tries .. Try scores were Polly Fairhough (3), Charlotte Gamett (2) and one each for Tmll Bamet, Christianne Ward, Ruth Laughton, Lucy Lang and Tori Clarke. This result places the team in a strong position for going through to the 2nd round of the UAU cup, for the frrst time in their history. The next match is at home against Middlesex next Wednesday.



UEA FC First Eleven Oct2 v Norwich Union- won 3-0. Goals : Finlayson Evans Wilson Inept performance although first game. Oct 9 v Roebuck - lost 5-8 Goals: Finlayson - 2 Evans - 2 Donell- I Lost first game in a year.

Sloppy all round play. Oct 16 v Spixnorth- won 7-1 Goals: Finlayson - 5 Evans - I Powell- I Return to winning ways, and a good team performance. Oct 23 v York Tavern - 8-0 Goals: Finlayson - 6 Hoskins - I Jarmyn -I We played a weak team - a poor

standard. However, three wins out of four sees us slowly climbing the table in a bid to regain the title we won for the first time last year. Oct30 v Norwich Union- won 8-0 Goals: Nunby - 3 Hoskyns 3 Powell - I Warner - I Best team display so far- things are improving.

DARTS: UEA 2 v CASTLE TAVERN 5 Comedian Steve Coogan, currently on a national tour called 'The Bag o' Shite' would have fitted in well with the UEA Darts team on Monday of Week 5. With the exception of Nic who averaged 56 in the Doubles and 68 in the 4's, it was an all-round mediocre performance. The doubles were lost 3 to I,

both ofthe4's were lost, in the first game UEA's Quartet still requiring 385 whilst the Castle Tavern were on a double, and the only highlight was in winning tbe 'Beer Match' at the end when the game was already lost. What made the game more annoying was the opportunities that went missing.

With the exception of their opening pair, the Castle Tavern were possibly UEA's weakest opponents this season and if only half of the doubles bad been hit, UEA would have won the match comfortably. HIGHEST SCORE : Angus 98 AVERAGE : Nic 62

SQUASH UAUs VS UCL OCT 27 Men's 1st team· won 4-1 Rocked first of all by a sick note (runny nose) from John Caton's mum and the dramatic eleventh hour entrance of captain David Thirwell in a neck-brace, the first team managed to score another 41 victory aided by an even more depleted UCL having to concede the fifth rubber. Richard Thompson, playing at (I) and struggling under the pressure of believing his to be the deciding match, then relaxed upon news of 'grandads' (3) victory and eased past his opposite number 90 in the fifth . David Brown (2) was the surprise loser of the af-

temoon in a scrappy game, while best game yet for the club and won this week's star turned out to be a much closer fought game than Owen Vince (4) with a wellthe 3-0 scoreline would suggest. fought 5 set victory in his first Andy Collenette (3) eventually game for the club since his latest lost in 5 sets after looking corninjury. fortably in control at 2-1. Men's 2nd team- won 4-1 Probably the best performance After the disappointment of was by Daryl Piper (I) who bebeing unable to field a team lied the epithet of 'laid-back' with against Essex the second team re- a determined and aggressive perclaimed some of the lost ground formance to overcome a particuwith an excellent victory which, larly volatile and 'competitive' like the firsts, was aided by a opponent. Availability problems walkover in the 5th rubber. may be the only bar to progress Andy Whiteman (2) had far too · ·from the round-robin stage into much speed and power for his opthe tournament's knockouts ponent and ran out an easy 3-0 stages. winner. Tony Stead (4) had his

3rd November University of Hertfordshire Scores FOOTBALL Mens I 1·1 Mens ii won w/o Mens iii won w/o Mens iv won w/o Womens lost w/o RUGBY Mens 15-24 Mens il 24 - 23 Mens ill 0 - 55 Womens 65-0


SQUASH Mens I 2 • 3 Mens 11 lost w/o Women won w/o

BADMINTON Mens i 2-7 Mens li won w/o Women 5-4


HOCKEY Mens i 1-2 Mens 11 won w/o Mens iii won w/o Womens i 0-3 Womens li won w/o

GOLF 3-3 WINTER TENNIS Mens 2-4 Women lost w/o








Concrete, VVt~ulle:;uay, I'.JOVember 10, 1993

cone rete 路sport




The Best Defence By Amanda Cresswell

With a registered member..,.. ship of 120 students, the Tae Kwon Do club is one of the most popular at UEA. It ' s a s port that conjures up images of film stars making remarkable moves such as flying kicks, and defeating several enemies sing lehandedly. However, clearly, there is far more to this than meets the eye . I spoke to Paul Hargreaves (C lub President) and Bj orn f'f&_ Topp (C lub member) about Tae Kwon Do at UEA. Contrary to popular belief, Tae Kwon Do (the art of kicking and punching) is defensive, rather than agg ressive, and an individual must make no attack unl ess threatened by a dangerous ...; opponent. It also involves a great deal of self-control. The idea is that you should overcome your own fear in order to tackle your oppo-

nent, no matter how large your opponent is. Many of the female members join for self-defence, as shown in the male to female ratio of the club, which is about 50:501. At UEA the club does teach some self-defence techniques which helps to increase confidence as the member becomes more aware of their physical capabilities, and it's also a great way to get fit, to increase stamina and improve supp le ness. But as Paul and Bjorn assured me, Tae Kwon Do is not purely physical - there is also a spiritual si d e to it. Originating from Bud dhism in Korea over 2,000 years ago, Tae K won Do is an art of mind over body, teaching self-discipline and control through meditation. The club offers a good in-

troductory course for begin ners and also caters for the more experienced . Opportunities exist for those who wish to progres s through grading, if they are good enough, by performing a series of movements and patterns in front of judges. For th e more competitive, there are chan ces to compete in ex t erna l competitions with other universit ies. However, the club is not just for the dedicat ed. As Paul emphasised, "It's a friendly club which provides a great way to meet new people", an d indeed, all sessions end with a visit to the pub.

Lessons are held on Tuesdays between 7.40 and 10 .00 pm, and on Wednesdays between 8.20 and lO.OOpm in the practice ball.

ter By Niall Hampton NORWICH City's win over two legs against Bayem Munich last week takes them into a formidable tie with Italian giants Inter Milan. Carrow Road greeted last week's solid performance with a standing ovation and scorer Jeremy Goss was once more hero of the City fo llowing. Goss, whose two goals were an intrinsic part of City's 3-2 aggregate win over the mighty Germans, thought that the draw against ln'=ter in the next round was, in classic football speak, a real result. "It's great to get the big teams so early on", he said. Norwich's performance on the night was hardly an example of classic football, but their erstwhile defending and ability to break out of defence meant that the much


" .

fancied Bayern were unable to dominate the game. Despite going down to an earl y goal scored by Adolfo Valencia following a defensive error by Rob Newman, City were able to stay in contention thanks to a succession of crucial first half saves by Bryan Gunn, who wa s later awarded ' Performance of the Week' by the Guardian. After the restart, City looked rejuvenated and five minutes into the half, Chris Sutton headed down a precision cross from Mark Bowen for the incoming Jeremy Goss to slot home to a raucous reception from the crowd. For the rest of the half, Bayem tried hard to get back into the game, with Lothar Matthaus making some surging runs from his position as sweeper. However, City managed to contain them and the much-awaited final whistle brought a frenzy of applause from


the crowd. And last Friday's draw brings surely the biggest fixture in Norwich City 's history Intemazionale, with a crop of internationals such as Dutch star Dennis Bergkamp, the toast of Italia 90, Toto Schillaci , and Ruben Sosa. As John Motson once sai d , 'They'll be singing in East Anglia tonight!" You bet they will.

D c D- D

..,.... _......_... ,..

Future. UAU Fixtures .

. ....



lOth November

l Zth November

UCLvEssex UEA v Middlesex N. London v Herts

Essex v Middlesex N. London v UEA HertsvUCL

Results of other rounds unavailable due to the backlog of results still at theUAU


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