Concrete issue 030 16 February 1994

Page 1




EQUALITY! Arguing the case to change the age of consent

Have you got a message from your loved one?



RESULTS The latest Commercial Union UAU scores



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Three months after cut to grants is announced, S organise demo: it's when we're on holiday!






THE NUS has called a student demonstration In London ... three months late. lt Is designed to protest against Ken Clarke's budget attack on students, but that was back In November. Now, inFebruary,theNUSsay students should be marching on London. But the body that represents over one million students in the U K has decided to stage the demo in the week commencing March 21 when most of the country's one million students will have gone home for the Easter break. NUS' immediate response to the budget cuts was muted. They claimed this was because they "needed the right image" whilst negotiating the Education Bill with top Tories. But, in a remarkable policy Utum, the NUS have now decided to take to the streets to protest about the 30 percent cut in student grants, and hope to march on the

[NN'Report by;] 1/ H t IS

amp on

Houses of Parliament. Said NUS Press Officer Louise Clarke, "We' re aiming for the biggest ever student demo. 'The Day of Action on January 20 served to test the strength of feeling in local communities and it received staggering press coverage. She added that NUS had wanted to hold the demo before the Easter vacation but refused to admit that they had blundered. "It was impossible to hold it any earlier to guarantee the safety of students, and this issue has to be paramount to any student union", she said. But Sam Buckley, a spokesman

for the Socialist Workers Students Society (SWSS) at UEA, said, "NUS should have done something a lot earlier. "When the original announcements were made they did nothing. 'There should have been a bigger and earlier campaign." He added, "Action has been left to individual groups who don't have the same clout. "A low turnout will give rise to allegations that students are apathetic, but that in itself will provide a reason or excuse for even less action." His comments were echoed by UEA' s Student Union Communications Officer Jacqui Mackay, who said, "It's a great shame that NUS have called a demonstration in the holidays when it will be very difficult for UEA students to at-

tend. "It's detrimental to the grant cuts campaign." And a source at the traditionally right-on UniversityofSussexconfirmed that the demo will fall in the week after they break for Easter. She added, "It's a lack of foresight by NUS not to have called a demonstration before now." • Another demonstration has been arranged for February 23 in London, to "keep the issue of the budget grant cuts in the public eye." Organised by political groups including the Socialist Workers Party amd Left Unity, it is estimated that 15-20,000 people will take part. But the NUS will actively be discouraging students to attend, claiming that, "We are concerned about the safety of those who might attend."


Story by Jo Stubbington Photo by Peter Hart A host of celebrities, MP's and high-profile homosexuals turned out to support the gay age of consent rally in London's Trafalgar Square on Saturday February 5. The rally formed part of the £40,000 campaign to reduce the age of consent for homosexual men from 21 to 16 years. The motion is to be debated in Parliament next week. A crowd of nearly 5,000 gathered to hear an impressive line-up of speakers which included MP Edwina Currie, ex East-Enders star Michael Cashman, Paul Gambicini and comediene Dawn French. See page 11 for more details.

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Concrete, Wednesday, February 16, 1994


STUDENTS holding an occupation in two closed blocks at Fifers Lane abandoned their protest last week after being threatened by UEA officials. Said one, "The occ upation has officially ended." Residents of 0 and P blocks closed to save money- were given until February4 to vacate and move to other rooms at Fifers Lane. But some, angered at the way UEA official s had treated them , defiantly ig nored the dead line, which was then extended by two days. Although most moved ou• · this time, three residents deciu, ~ to stay in P block. But faced with being charged for two rooms, the occupiers decided to leave their rooms last Tuesday . Com menting abou t the occupation, one P block resident voiced disappointment that more students had not taken part, stating , "We weren't expecting UEA to change their dec ision, but they were genuinely surpri ed by our actions and I just wished that other 0 and P bloc k residents had thought along

the same lines." Another involved in the occupation added, "We want to make them realise that if students have something to say, then they'll stand up and say it and they won' t be tramp led on." One stude nt told of how he has accepted the closure and is adjust-

ing to life elsewhere at Fifers Lane, but feels let down by the way that residents were treated. "The closure shows a lack of respect fo r students. We wanted to g ive UEA a run for their money with the occupation, but now I've got a complete lack of trust in the University."

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Concrete, Wednesday, February 16, 1994

i~ Union uu A CAMBRIDGE don has fin al ly found a solution for those who just can ' t manage to pass their driving test. Nicholas O'Shaunessy, who has himself failed his test 12 times, has di scovered a loophole in the law which allows him to drive without a full licence. As the law defines a "motor car" as a vehicle which can carry a passenger, Mr O'Shaunessy has found he can get away with driving a specially designed singleseater, albeit with L-Plates on. A FUNERAL took place at Birmingham University last month, when around 300 students mourned the death of the student grant. The procession, which included a coffin and attendant undertakers, made a full tour of the University, before culirninating in a memorial service in the Mermaid Square. Distraught students then strewed white carnations on the casket to mark the grant's sad passing.

plan to hold

THE Union are planning a Sports Week in a move to promote sport at UEA. Sports Officer, Liz Chard, is currently trying to organise a programme of events for the week beginning on February 21 (Week 4).Possible activities include a Cycling Club treasure hunt, an exhi-

bition hockey match, a mini sports mart and an inter-school sports day . Other activities are also being considered, such as circuit train ing and a netball match in The Square. The Union hope that the planned Sports Week will help persuade the University that there is strong support for sport at UEA, and that it is necessary for students to have

sex... but safer sex!

POLICE raided a student house in Newcastle, after reports that its occupants could be potential terrorists. This tip off came about after a garage attendant spotted a "suspicious weapon" on the back seat of one of their cars. This weapon eventually turned out to be a plastic replica, made in Hong Kong. ACCORDING to a new report, less than half of the students at Edinburgh University are actually Scottish. The actual number stands at 47 per cent, and has, in part, led to rumours of threatening behaviour. One Norwegian student has allegedly told, somewhat inaccurately, to "f*** off back to England". Meanwhile, some of the 'Southerners' have been described as "condescending, patronising and obnoxious". No love lost there then ... CAMBRIDGE'S Forum saw a real battle of the giantesses a couple of weeks ago. For Linnet Burroughs, a champion of 'traditional values', and agony aunt Claire Rayner clashed over the questions of the age of homosexual consent, and the merits of religious and sex education. The heated debate was not helped by the fact that Mrs Burroughs had previously called Claire " the Anti-Christ" because of her views on such matters.

Compiled by Carollne Jenklnson


Sports By Stephen Hawkes

the opportunity to represent UEA in sporting activities without sufferi ng academically. OAt the UGM on February 28, sporting societies will have a chance to express their displeasure over the timetabling of lessons on Wednesday afternoons. The Union Executive will be mandated to keep the time traditionally reserved for sport free.

Big interest in Sabb elections NOMINATIONS close for the Union's Sabbatical Elections this Thursday - with a higher number of candidates being put forward so far than in those of 12 months ago. And voting for the posts of next year's Academic, Communications, Finance and Welfare Officer will take place on March


Said Communications Officer Jacqui Mackay, ''There seems to be quite a lot of interest amongst students in standing for a Sabbatical position, and the more candidates that stand, the better choice there is for students." "More interest from students gives us a better chance of getling the best Sabbatical team that we can have for next year."

And the successful candidates will find themselves responsible for two commercial companies and a large number of staff in addition to their obligations to the members of the Union. This entail s much hard work, but as Jacqui points out, "Being a sabbatical is a great opportunity." •Campaigning starts on February 24, with Hustings on February 28. • A close analysis of the Union 's Sabbatical Elections, the posts and the candidates will be included in the next edition ofCon -


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Report by Katie Lane THE UNION's Safer Sex Day was held to promote fun but healthy sex. Students in Union House on Monday collected free condoms and information packs, as well as help and advice from the Safe Sex stall. Said Union Welfare Officer Shelley Wright, 'The aim was to promote the idea that safer sex can be just as fun, perhaps more fun than risky sex, which can lead not only to HIV, the virus responsible for Aids, but also to other unpleasant diseases, such as thrush or gonorrhoea." She added, "Safer Sex Day was

part of the Union's ongoing commitment to the welfare and health of the students. It is no good ignoring the fact that sex isn't going on because it is. The aim of our campaign is therefore to promote safer and healthier sex, free from infection and free from danger." The Health Education Authority provided 900 copies of 'The Best Sex Guide' to be given out. It offered advice on the more serious side of having safer sex, along with facts , figures and more practical advice on making sex fun. It aims to dispel the myth that "safer sex is boring or childish because of having to wear a condom".

Union to hold disabled meeting OThe Union are holding a meeting for all students with disabilities. OTaking place at I pm on February 21 in the Bill Wilson room, the meeting will enable those present to air their own opinions and beliefs about disabilities and the attitude of


others towards them. 0 Said Union Welfare Officer Shelley Wright, "People aren't of different sorts just because they possess a disability. Everybody is different in some way, but no lesser for being so."

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NEWS. O'N:::CAMPIJS UEA is set to re\ iew it\ semes ter dates after Exam ination Boards dec ided not to publi sh A Level resulu, early. The Howe rs Report had proposed that the results should come out two days earl), bu t OW111g tO se\Cre tllll<! COnstraints, and the desire of school-. to hold A Lr\ el exams later 111 the year, the Boards ha\e been unwilling to change their current dates. This suggests that a September start for un iversities looks highly unlil-.el y. Academic Registrar Tony Ri ch, in th e face of this and ot her problems with the current semester sys tem, has already drawn up various opti ons for change. AFTER a year"s trial in the Lib rary, a new method of de livering doc uments ha\ suc cessfull y passed its fi rst test. In a da) of demonstrations. I50 people saw how JA ET, th e inter-universi ty compu ter networl-.. can be used to arra nge direct. same-day delivery of documents from the Briti sh Library Document Suppl y Centre to the UEA Library. Any costs are contained within the annu al JA ET subsc ription, o that the se rv1ce is virtually free to reg ula r users.

PHOTO: Keith Whitmore

Student insurer slashes premiums ENDSLEIGH Insurance have announced massive rate reductions in their motor insurance premiums for private cars, writes Caroline Jenkinson.

And their saving wi ll cut the cost of motoring for al l Endsleigh' s existin g policyholders and new clients alil-.e. Premium reductions start at 9 per cent and cou ld be as high as 50 per cent in some cases, and are due to the progressive in-

trad uction of a new computer system . A streamlined ad ministration has resulted in major sav ings in time, effort and th ereby cos ts, which are to be pas ed on to all motori>ts. The new system will also enab le

Endsleigh - pan owned by the US - to provide its I 50 local Insurance Centres with the fac ility to issue fu ll annual policies and certificates on the spot. T his ad mini trative brea kthroug h will be enhanced by a

atten' s letter to Union •• 'I stand by my 'yobs' charge' EDUCATION Secretary John Patten is standing by a statement which rapped UEA students occupying the Registry last December, writes Katie Lane.

Replying to a letter from Union Communi!) a nd International Officer James Tansey, Pall en reallinned his com ment that stude nts in"olved in the occupation exhibited "yobbish behaviour. " Hb remarks were made in the House of Commons in December, afte•· a wave of student unrest swept the country, including protests at Live•·pool a nd Oxford. But in his letter, James ex-

plained that the students' actio ns at UEA sta•·ted after an open meeting where students we re encouraged to express their views. He wrote, " While there is no mandate for the student body as a whole, it is their right to act on an individual basis. Further the Union does no t support any illegal ac tivity and the ap proach of the Executi\e was professional at all times. " Our main focus of attention is encouraging students to express their views through lobbying a nd letter-writing." James says that his reply

was written on behalf of John Pall en's private secretary and fa iled to address a ny of the issues put forward in his letter. He added that it was very imper!>onal, stat ing that all issues must go through the proper channels in Parliament. It did not contain a ny form of apology for his "yob" com ment ·. But, undeterred , James intends to write again, highlighting the issues raised in his or iginal letter. He hopes this time for a more personal reply from the Sec retary of State.

PHOTO: Keith Whitmore

simultaneous launch of several additional excl usive schemes to Endsleigh 's existing ra nge, new insurers should join during this year - bringing with them motor premiums that are unavai !able elsewhere.

Debt deters university applicants POTENTIAL univer ity applicants are being deterred from ap plying due to rising college costs and fear about falling in to debt, writes Christianne Ward. For figures from the Barclays NUS Services I 993 student debt survey suggest that every year, around 81 per cent r: f graduatestudentsendupinde . and that the average student will fini h their degree owing in the region of£ I ,900. Government dec i ions to freeze grants and cut spendi ng on academic institutions have agg ravated the situation, and their target of having one in three young people in HE by the year 2000 has been reached already. The Labour Party is already foreseeing that the increru.e in parental contributi ons to student funding will turn universities into an elite once agai n. They add that yo ung people in certain sectors of society will be forced eit her to drop out, or recons ider apply ing due to fi nancia l constraints. But, as the Government stands firm in its decision to cut spending on HE. it would seem that the number of young people who decide to opt ou t of applying to uni ver ity and go straight into employment is set to stay on the increase.

Concrete, Wednesday, February 16, 1994

ewron UEA research links heart disease to 'bad' produce RESEARCH undertaken at UEA has confirmed that eatIng and preparing food on a tight budget could be harmful. And students may be getting more than they bargained for by buying low quality produce at cut prices in attempts to stretch their weekly budget. For UEA's Institute of Food Research have confirmed that a combination of poor quality foods and the wrong cooking methods could increase levels of potentially harmful compounds which occur naturally in certain fruits and veg-

Report by

Katie.Lane etables. Dr Roger Fen wick, head of the Bio-Active Compound Research Unit at the Institute, has been investigating naturally occurring compounds in vegetables in order to eliminate those that may increase the risk of heart disease and cancer.

Institute of Food Research

SHELTER RAPS 'TORIES /h Nliiau J>arin lllld /)('/}()/'{{ /i

J/ 110k

OCAMPAIGNERS for the Homeless, Shelter, have rapped Government proposals to end the rights of homeless households to permanent homes. OThey claim the Government's inability to provide sufficient housing has resulted in families being moved from one temporary home to another- a situation clearly detrimental to family life. OShelter add that Government plans will fail to meet the desperate need for new housing, and the campaigners have expressed concern that single parents and homeless households have been made victims of the Conservative Party's 'Back to Basics' campaign.

He says that by identifying both beneficial and harmful compounds, the food industry can aim to reduce the bad elements in foods by processing. He adds that new varieties of plants containing more of the beneficial compounds could be cultivated. By altering the composition of the foods and changing the chemicals, the aim is to produce healthier varieties of fruit and vegetables. Yet one of the major hurdles to healthier vegetables is consumer acceptance. Said Dr Fenwick, "Even if a new, healthier vegetable is developed, consumers will not but it if the taste isn't good enough or it looks appetising." He also warned herbal tea enthusiasts that compounds contained in Comfrey, an ingredient in herbal tea, can be toxic when consumed in large quantities on a regular basis. The advice resulting from the Institute's studies is not to avoid these foods completely, but to be aware that high levels of certain compounds in food can be potentially dangerous. In addition, it recommends that poor quality or damaged produce should be avoided and foods should be prepared in the right way, adding that diets should be balanced and varied.

PHOTO: Keith Whitmore

Key issues A LEADING animal rights group have announced this year's events under the banner, "Unlock the Labs." The National Anti-Vivisection Society (NA VS) have launched Lab Animal Week between April 17-24 and the UN-recognised Lab Animal Day, to be held on April24. As well as commemorating the suffering of laboratory animals throughout the world during Lab Animal Week, NA VS will be using this slogan to spotlight the urgent need for three specific things. These are the freedom to choose products that have not OTemporary accommodation in Norfolk reflects the nation· wide problem; at the end of last September there were 148 priority homeless households living in temporary accommodation in Norfolk.

been tested on animals, the freedom of information from laboratories, and the freedom to support scientific and medical research that does not involve cruelty to animals. Their slogan is complemented by an open padlock symbol, which will be used on all publicity material and sold as a badge in 'animal friendly' shops during Lab Animal Week. It wiU also be used as an image at various events, which will include a march through London and an exhibition celebrating the successes ofBritain' s major animal welfare groups. DOt this figure, 27 were living in hostels, and 57 in bed and breakfast accommodation. 62 were registered as 'homeless at home' and 64 were living in other forms of temporary accommodation such as shortlife housing.

ADMISSION to postgrad courses is increasing, with the number of students entering postgraduate study rising 16 per cent in the last year. And according to Gill Court, a research fellow of the Institute of Manpower Studies (IMS) at Sussex Uni· versity, this number will in· crease considerably over the next two years. According to Union Academic Officer Annie Hillyer, UEA aim to increase the number of postgraduates, something aided by an increase in the amount of mature students who are looking for retraining or simply just to fill time. The reasons for the rise can

By Garry Bonnick be seen in the IMS review of the graduate employment market in 1993, which found the highest unemployment rates among new graduates for a decade. It added that more graduates are taking temporary jobs or jobs where a degree is not normally neeeded. Graduate unemployment has been forecast to remain for the next few years as supply consistently outstrips em· ployer demand. But in some careers a post· graduate diploma or masters degree is a prerequisite for entry. At UEA, students' reasons for staying on in education are

significantly more varied. One EAS student intends to apply for a postgrad course elsewhere, because "UEA don't have a strong emphasis on practical experience and transferable skills." Another student admitted taking a Creative Writing MA course at UEA simply because there were no jobs available. • For those thinking about embarking on postgraduate courses, Dr Neil Harris of the University of London Ca· reers Service warned that some MA courses are directly related to certain jobs, but added that, "If you take a purely academic one, employers will probably give you a miss."


MIDLAND TARGETS ETHNIC STUDENTS MIDLAND Bank is offering 30 paid work experience placements for students from the eth nic minorities, writes Julie Drewitt.

NORWICH CITY chairman Robert Chase says there is no chance ofCarrow Road being used for conce rts in the near future. But Rivals Ipswich Town hope to play host to rock superstar Phil Collins. So there could be disappointment for city pop starCathy Denni s, who last year re vealed she wanted to return to Norwi ch and play a concert at the foo tball ground .

Working at branches in England and Wales, the bank' s scheme - now in its fourth year - aims to give second year students who wish to embark on a banki ng career a genuine insight into the profession. A variety ofbanking duties will be undertaken under the guidance of local managers, and some development training will be included as an additional attraction. Students who have completed the placements will also be guaranteed a first interview for the bank' s two year Managerial Graduate Training programme. Said Midland's Equal Opportunities Manager, Hilary Ledger, "Midland is committed to equality of opportunity because it makes good business sense. "We recognise the benefits of diversity in the workforce and are keen to attract high quality ethnic minority graduates who have the potential to reach senior management." • Further information and application forms can be obtained from Hilary Ledger, Midland Bank PLC, 1st Floor, 47 Cannon Street, London EC4M 5SQ.

FOR thosehaving problems trying to come up with the perfect Valentines' message, help is at hand. A poetic computer will di sh out a perso nalised poem-card fo r onl y £2.30 when you tell it a few details about your loved one. Clinton Cards has Creata Card in its two stores whi ch writes personalised messages instead of poems.

Green summit is announced THE fo llow-up conference to last yea r 's Rio Earth Summit has been confir med to take place in Ma ncheste r t his summ er, writes Lisa Bushrod. Globa l Forum '94 is to be held at Manchester's Castlefi eld Ur ba n Heritage Park from June 24 to July 3, a nd has so far secured £1.6 m illion in fin a ncia l support from the European Union. The ma in item on the agenda is "Sustainable Development in Cities", and it is hoped international participation and debate will be generated wit h a view to defining solutions a nd action plans. T his is to be based around 'Agenda 21 ' - a guide for Government business policies a nd persona l choices into t he next century - as set out at t he Rio Earth Summit. Global Forum '94 is a lso to host fo ur internationa lly prominent speakers who will answer questions from the pu blic. T hese include David Bella my, Anita Roddick, Jonathan Porritt and Maurice Strong.

N&Pmoveto Castle Mall Rep ort and photos by Mark Turner DBBC Foreign Affairs Editor John Simpson sharply criticised Martin Lewis's 'Good News' initiative during a recent visit to UEA. O Speaki ng during a crowded meeti ng of the UEA Politics Society, he said, " It's a load of bullshit." DHe also ex plai ned that it was impracticable to try to find lightweight news stories when so many bad things were going on in the world . OThe eminent journalist was happy to answer questions from students about the medi a and the way in which it treats news stories. OHe was speaking a few days before flyi ng out to Bosnia, and told students he was going there to report on the overall situation, rather than the day to day stories. O But several days later he appeared on BBC news programmes reporting live from Sarajevo following the mortar bomb attac k on civil ians.

Photos show respected journalist John Simpson talking to UEA students last week in the Arts Building. He touched on a number of subjects, including that which provoked heated debate late last year - the 'Good News ' controversy caused by colleague, Martyn Lewis.

BUILDING Society Norwich and Peterborough are openi ng a new branch in Castle Mall this summer, writes Lisa Bushrod. Replacing both the Castle Meadow and St Andrews Street branches, the prestigious new outlet will be headed by Mr Richard Atkinson, and will offer a full range of investment, mortgage, banking and insurance products. Norwich and Peterborough branches at Ay lsham Road , Plumstead Road, Unthank Road and Bowthorpe will not be affected by the development, which will cover a 4,000 square floor area. A Share Centre is also plan ned, and a cash machine will be instal led.

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Concrete, Wednesday, February 16, 1994

No more Brad at lunchtime as Biko room gets the boot! THE Steve Biko room is currently undergoing a major £25,000 refurbishment despite questions raised at the AGM about the cost of the scheme, writes Katie Lane. But the Union claims that it is within the budget as money has been taken from reserves. The room, previously used as a televi ion room is being converted in order to make better use of the space. The TV room will be made into a foyer with noticeboards for clubs, societies and school forum rep to advertise; the resources area which will provide better access to the Union's facilities . There will also be an advice unit and reception area, which will pro-

vide an expansion of the Advice Unit which is currently sharing an office with the Academic Unit. The Union has recently won a bid for an education researcher which will mean an expansion of the education unit. The Academic Officer deals with case work which is highly confidential, therefore a seperate office is desperately needed. The expansion will make the facilities more acce sable to tudents with more readily available resources. Alternative provisions will be made for those wanting to watch TV and the creation of a new snooker room will also provide

better provisions than those currently available. Jacqui Mackay emphasised that "although the education and advice units are essential to the students, the Union will still provide adequate TV and snooker facilities as we aim to cater for all students". The refurbishments will mean a better use of space in which the Union will be able to provide betterfacilitiesforthestudents. Jacqui said "it is a positive stage in the development of the Union". The refurbishment is scheduled to finish in about 3 weeks time and the facilities will be open for use after Easter.

Bamber' s back! Your starter for 10 returns to Anglia ... GRANADA Television are to

relaunch 'University Challenge' after a seven year absence from the nation's screens. And they are currently looking for teams from UK colleges to compete in the famous quiz show hosted by cult figure Bambe r Gasc01gne. The original show ran for 25 years between 1962 and 1987 essentially a general knowledge quiz programme which took place between teams of students, who sported scarves and mascots.

And for the new series, producers are looking for teams of four plus a reserve. with one member acting as captain. Teams must comprise full time students, either postgraduate or undergraduate, studying at the same University. Because the series will not be transmitted until the autumn, contestants should expect to remain full time students in the next academic year. • The deadline for interest in entering a team is Thursday Febru-

ary 24. Granada will then se nd out application forms, to be returned by late March. •Interviews will be held in April, with final selections taking place in May. Filming will take place over two weeks in Manchester, and where necessary, Granada will pay for all travelling and accommodation expenses. • For those interested in entering a team, contact Union Communications Officer Jacqui Mackay in Union House.

400 students voice frustration OVER four hundred students

have signed a petition protesting about the demands of the new semester system, writes Caroline }enkinson. And after presenting it during a meeting with Dean of Students Or Kiff Matheson, organisers John Hewitt and Pat Field claimed they ...-, were "extremely positive." -._, For they are now hoping to asrange a meeting with Pro ViceChancellor Professor J M Hollis in the near future. John and Pat started the petition

"very reluctantly" after they realised that they were not alone in their concern over the increased workload that semesterisation has brought. They managed to collect 442 signatures after holding stalls in Union House before Christmas. "We could have got more, but due to the workload of the semester, we didn't have a lot of time", commented John wryly. Said Union Academic Officer Annie Hillyer, "The system hasn't

been thought out sufficiently before implementing it." She added that a lot of students have come to her with complaints about clashing deadlines and unachievable workloads. But Annie is uncertain whether one of the demands put forward by the petition, that of having two courses worth 30 credits per semester- rather than three worth 20 -would really solve any problems. "It would limit choice for students", she said.

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Gr aduate Student's Association What shall we do with £3,000? The G.S.A. has £3000 to spend on graduate student events, basically anything to do with the welfare, political representation and entertainment of postgrads at U.E.A .. The G.S.A. committee would like to hear from any postgrads who have ideas as to how this money could be spent - free booze is not an option dream on ! In the past the GSA has spent this money on trips to county cricket matches, has

shown films, run visits to sites of local interest and has also run buses down to lobby Parliament on graduate student issues. Believe it or not the GSA even used to run a sailing dinghy called "Goodnight Vienna". If you wish to become involved organising any events or projects get in touch with the Committee through our pigeonhole in upstairs UH.

GSA YEAR BOOK The GSA are thinking of publishing a "year book" which would consist of advice and tips to new post-graduates at UEA (which would hopefully be included in the Admissions pack) and also anecdotes, stories, interviews with current and former post-graduates on their experiences at UEA and in Norwich. As part of this or possibly as a separate publication we could also produce a "memento" issue for graduates who are leaving . If anybody is interested in helping organise such a work or would like to carry out research or submit articles please contact C. Davis, EAS P\G . Generally anyone with ideas or enthusiasm is welcome.

GERMAN NIGHT- A GREAT SUCCESS Last Friday's German Evening involving German Music (no Lederhosen), food and authentic beers ar.d spirits was wunderbar- or something like that. Led by Uwe Brunnssen (28, single, Berliner) a small crew of dedicated German food fanatics were hard at work all Friday afternoon peeling over 250 potatoes and man-handling sausages ready for the ravenous hordes. The bar was packed and if you ordered your drinks in German you received a discount - the rapid spread of the UEA German dialect, hitherto only to be found in the depths of EUR, was fairly startling!

FORTHCOMING EVENTS Watch out for further details on posters around campus. TRIVIA QUIZ NIGHT : Friday 18th February 8 .00pm in the bar. JAZZA returns by popular demand on Friday 4th March 8-11 pm in the GRAD BAR (upstairs UH). Th1s section is wntten and pa1d for by The Graduate Student 's Association

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Concrete, Wedn esday, Fe brua ry 16 , 1994


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Sue Turner measures campus opinion towards Valentine•s Day and finds that the usual cynicism towards the most romantic day of the year survives ... Romantic~ .:vel') where annually awail Valentine'-, Day for the exCU>C to >end red rose~ and wine and dine their Im ed ones. The un attached await it with th e fear of being laug hed at for se nding an um~anted card , or for receiving none. But is the tradition as o ld as anyone can reme mbcrfast becomin g a thing of the past'J Many of the cy ni cal at UEA think so. Statistically. the practical 50 male 50 female s p lit at UEA would so.:em to guarantee a fair cha nce of relationship >Ucccss. but the majority see m uninterested in such long term co mmit ment. '' You ex pec t one ni ght stands here and if yo u look fo r it you ca n get it " retlect s o ne third year EUR student who is c urren tl y single. " Man y arc here to lose their virgini ty and then go o n from there ." I 0 student J a ne adds her own tlwu g ht s on sexual encou nters at

UEA. "I wasn'tlooking for a relations hip w hen I a rri ved and I didn ., expec t to have a ning o.:ither. I'd heard scare stories abou t sexual ailme nt s spreading through an entire corridor of Fifers Z block th e yea r before .'' " I had a friend who bought a large box of co ndoms in eager anticipation: he ended up throwing them away because they were out o f date". laughs a MAP student. However. romance is not co mpletely dead - even if it is something not readily admitted to. "The most romantic thing I' ve eve r done is make someone

Romance is not completely dead - even if it is something not readily admitted to.

"I think Valentine's Day is a bit of a fuss over nothing most of the men that I know don 't appreciate that kind of thing ... breakfast in bed'' recounts Zoe. "I bought matc hing rings once," ad ds John . Simon rem e mber s w rapping a chocolate for a girl and sending it through her letter box. At sixteen he feel s that thi s was qu ite roma nt ic, bu t unapprec iated . Valent ine's Day cards are also a differen t memory for some, and the entire concept of Valentine's


For these services and many, many more at very competitive prices, visit the Printing Unit, Ground Floor, Registry, or phone /van Norton on 2204 (592204 outside UEA).

Day is so mething that many students are sceptical about. .. , sent someone a card at pri ma ry sc hoo l through the in ternal mailin g syste m'' says one SYS student , ''b ut I haven ' t sent a card since then." "If you want to get into someo ne's pants then you just do it anyway," says one EU R student. ''It's sweet, it's cute, but if it's no t co ntroll ed it can become

"lt's overrated just another excuse to get people to spend money. lt's an embarrassing amount of hype even if you are seeking someone. " tacky- anot her way of finding a piece of meat on th e market," says Zoe. " I think Valentine's Day is a bit of a fuss over not hing", adds Jan..:. "Most of the men that I know don't apprec iate that kind of thing. Possibly I know the wro ng kind of men". she renects. However, she feels that she cou ld handle "being swept off my feet." And one C HE student c learly remembers being swept off her feel. " I got so carried away by the wining a nd dining that before I knew what was happening I was go in g o ut with him , then I realised th at we had nothing in cornmon ." With many shops advertis ing Valo.:ntine's Day from the beginnin g of Jan uary many students are conce rned ove r the co mmercialism behind suc h an event. Said one, " It 's overrated- just anot her exc use to get people to spe nd money. It's a n e m bar r assing amount of hype even if you are seek ing someone." "Yo u see all these face lin ed

up in the shops lookin g at cards that they wouldn't look at any othe r time of the year'', says one EAS student. " When it comes to spe nding money I'm a tig ht bastard" , volunteers a male SYS student. Beyond the realms of Valentin e's Day, sexual equality in relationships is high on the list fo r many who feel it is no longer the man's role to ask the woman out. "I'd apprec iate a bit of honesty if a woman asked me out, as most women admire from afar," re nec ts an EUR student."and anyway some men are just as shy as wo me n." ·'It 's bes t to rake a ny c hance that you can get'' says Chris. "I wo uldn't mind" adds another less committed ma le. Howeve r, o ne ma le explained that he would be "su rpri sed and probably taken aback" if so meo ne asked him out. "I think I woul d probably lose interest. Call me an old trad itionalist, but I pre fer to do the ask ing myself." Many women are also doubtful of the advan tages to th is equality. "I'd die if he said no" , cri nges Mi chelle . "''m very o ld fashioned and if someone didn't have the guts to ask me I would presume that he didn't like me enoug h," comme nt s Jane. Zoe however is mo re liberal. ''I' d ask a man out- absolu tely", she says, "Men are too slow. It's

"Men are too slow. lt's nice when a man asks you out but some women feel intimidated by it, feeling they only want one thing."

"I'd be surprised and probably taken aback if someone asked me out.. Call me an old traditionalist, but I prefer to do the asking myself." nice when a man asks you out bu t some wo men fee l intim idat ed by it , feeling th ey only wa nt o ne thing." " Wo me n onl y wa nt o ne thing anyway half the time". reto rt s Jo hn. " Yo u ' re no t a ll run ni ng aro und with your c hast it y belts on.'' But not all rela tionships <K,_ aisons are doomed for di One third year student ex plained that he became engaged to so meo ne he met at UEA, others have married while they were here, and many now live toget her. However, these general impressions of relation ships at U EA are no t very good. '' Re lationships should start from a basis of friendship. and not a rough eve ning at some night spot", comments one happily engaged st udent.

Concrete, Wednesday, February 16, 1994

In association with lllrl,ZY of Tombland Gilbert snot rags, All my love on Valentines Day, keep blowing your very dodgy delicious boyfriend.

John Watson, My yellow side of the drainpipe yearns for a master's touch. My paint is peeling, help me!

To Olwen in Reception, Oh what a big The reason I ing this Because

To Kay

just cannot forget your small smooth hands, the gentle curve of your white neck; soft brown hair tied back, and your sparkling eyes framed "par les lunettes rondes et d'or."


To Chris B, Roses are red, Violets are blue, I like many men ... But I want to shag you! Many kisses horndom! Peartreel

Miles, my darling. For your constancy, my soul is yours to command. I shall love you forever. Moria.

I don't want you to be my Valentine, I want you to be my whole world . Jessica Lerner.

me in time, and the holes of my You know where I am.

Dear Ant, Here I am at UEA, And you are 200 miles away. But although we're all these miles apart, You're always with me in my heart. That wasn't too difficult and not too tricky... Love and hugs from your Nicky. XXX.

underwear Nottingham. Apply Maid Merry. Box 301.

Well proportioned lady needed to fulfill my erotic dreams. I want you, I need you, please write. Robin Rag. Apply Box 302.


Karen's Fluffy I want you, I I have to fluff ways. Let us complex gether. We can prove the visibility of two you in Diner.

Andy Orry, Sarah.


Lamb Chop I need you always. Be my Valentine. Love, the old man.

Claude. Get your hands off my phone (I'll be in my room) and on to my mannhood anytime. S. XX. Steve, been watching you ages on those nights at Ritzys. really like you to round and see lilac underwear my plastic gloves. don't worry, we 't do it in the . Love all of us no. 38.

James; Roses are red, Your boxers are too! I just wanted to say That I love you.

To my ophile, Ground hog forever; where gone village brown cloth caps are fashion and Millie gets her head kicked in. Jerseys and Guernseys . of love, Megadrive Addict.


Were you green And could you fly You'd be the apple of my eye,

in another diof the we could future. En, and for your

lovely Babydrinker: You are the reason why my heart's beating. Love you , love you, love you. PS: Only writing this to win the bottle of champagne.

ElenaWhat can I say, apart from ... I love you! Tom .

Max Lowe, You don't know me, but I know you and lust after your body, because since I first saw you, I was consumed with passion, and can't think of anything but you!

Dedicated to Venus: love lifts the veil of darkness from night. If enlightens the beauty which surrounds. Thank the Lord for the gift of sight. For if is your splendour which I have found. A. Wraight.

Skittle: One large step in the last year was not enough... I don't regret it and I want more! Goober.

'Cutie-Pie' Love you more and more each day that passes, will you be my Valentine? M.


10 Concrete, Wednesday, February 16, 1994

Concrete, Wednesday, February 16, 1994



Jo Stubbington investigates the age of consent issue and examines the attitude to the amendment soon to be debated by MPs ast month the Government agreed to a!Jow the Commons to debate a change to the age of consent for gay men as an amendment to the Criminal Justice Bill. "It's a simple matter of equal rights" said Mrs. Edwina Currie, who tabled the amendment. This is a curiously ironic philosophy, some have said, coming from the usually media-conscious Conservative MP for Derbyshire West, the one-time health minister who helped to make smoking more difficult for sixteen year-olds. Putting the case for reform, Mrs. Currie argues that since a young man can join the army, have children and marry at 17 he ought to be able to legally enjoy a homosexual life-style at the same age. She has dismissed the findings of recently published report from the Washington-based Family Research Institute which suggests that a homosexual lifestyle reduces life expectancy from 75 to 42. She also refutes statistics from the British Medical Association's ethics committee which conclude that a higher proportion of young men between 16 and 25 contract the AIDS virus than in any other age group. Mrs. Currie employs her own brand of logic in retorting that the age of consent should be lowered to give more help and advice to people who fall into that category. For the first time since the early 1960s homosexuality is at the forefront of debate. With support from high profile homosexuals and bisexuals such as Sir Ian McKellen, Stephen Fry and Julian Clary and the backing of a fully fledged public relations campaign which deploys all the available skills of the gay lobby, Currie's all party amendment is prominent. Politically, this proposed easing of restrictions in sexual relations between men does conflict with the Governments current 'Back to Basics' policy and hence exposes tensions within the Conservative party.


Gays don't want to 'take over', they don't want superiority just equality A vote to support the lowering of the age of consent to 16 would

appal the party's right wing. Such 'tensions' of course do not only exist within the political arena. Writing in The Sunday Telegraph recently, journalist Lynette Burrows comments upon what she calls the 'ambiguity of homosexual activists', who, she claims, seek parity with heterosexuals but simultaneously support an ethic which she describes as the "culture of whoredom" and a "rampant value-free sexuality." Her article ' A Licence to Deprave', continues in this vein, identifying homosexuals with "promiscuity" and "immorality" and urging MP's to debate long

Equality is not a beginning to an end. This is plainly not an issue about whether 16 year old boys should have sex. lt is an issue of equality and hard before giving "token encouragement" to what she terms as a "minority." With attitudes such as this in existence is it any wonder that homophobia still exists? In his column in The Mail On Sunday columnist John Junor fulminated against Julian Clary's recent remark to Norman Lamont and then mused "Aren't the gays taking over our culture?" The point is that the aforesaid gays don't want to 'take over', they don't want superiority- just equality. Lynette Burrows writes that the strength of the homosexual taboo has given gays the freedom to be "their eccentric selves", a freedom she says which inadvertently weakens their position in society. However the most powerful catalyst in this depreciation must be the law itself. Since the mid 1980s, convictions for age of consent offences have stabilised at less than 35 a year: last year, only one man aged 21 was sentenced. However, prosecutions and con-

victions are still to be coumed in hundreds. In 1991, 213 men over the age of 21 were prosecuted for breaking the consent laws and 169 were convicted. To be convicted, however, must mean that a crime has been committed. So why in our country is it a crime for one man to love another? Henry VIII described m act which occurs between two men as "a detestable and abominable vice" and in the mid nineteenth century, radical MP Labouchere condemned such acts as "gross indecency." As far back as the eigh1eenth century homosexuals were being forced to carry on relations away from the watchful eye of society. In 1727 'Molly Houses'- the taverns which were frequented by male homosexuals - were raided by the authorities. In 1885 the Labouchere anendment singled out homosexuals for the first time and criminalised all sexual relations between mel. Ten years later Oscar Wilde wa> sentenced to two years hard labour for 'gross indecency.' The situation remained virtually unchanged until 1967 and the emergence of The Sexual Offences Act This notably eased restrictions on homosexual men and was largely based upon the Wolf!nden Report, which itself was hailed as being "a model of progressive thinking" at the time. Its main recommendation ·Nas to legalise homosexual relatims between men aged over 21 years, something based upon the liberal grounds of privacy. The report, however, ma::le no assertion that all sexual conduct was of equal value and instead referred to "the generalloosering of former moral standards."lt identified homosexuality as "a pro)lem" which it discussed in terms of its being "a disease." The Wolfenden Report was only to be described, therefore, as progressive in the most Limited of senses. Leo Abse, who moved the 1967 Act, wrote, "Homosexuals had to be placed at a distance, suffering a distinctive and terrible fate so different from that enforced by Honourable Members blessed wilh normality, children and the joys of a secure family life." The Act, however, helped usher in rapid social and cultural cllange and a new upsurge in such change is what is certainly needed today. It initiated a thriving and ;onfident gay culture; 'Out' homosexu-

Rallying for equ


Jo Stubbington joined thousands rallying for equality for gay men in Trafalgar Square. Pies by Peter Hart

als were no longer exotic tendencies; gay clubs and pubs flourished and high profile gays became a part of everyday life. Men were 'out' and proud to be gay with the power of the 'pink pound' on the increase in Britain. This, although a step in the right direction, was clearly not enough, and Britain's laws are clearly out

law and targets a further shift in public attitudes from tolerance to neutrality. Some, however, feel that society has already reached such a neutrality. Dr Digby Anderson of the Social Affairs Unit asks, "Have we become neutral about homosexuality rather than tolerant of it? "If this is so, do we now believe

Since a young man can join the army, have children and marry at 17 he ought to be able to legally enjoy a homosexual Iifestyle at the same age of line with those throughout the rest of Europe. Only Germany, where the age of consent for gay men is 18, strikes a rough equivalence with Britain. In France it is 15, in Italy 14, and in the Netherlands 12. These countries give gay men equality. Britain, however, does not. . The proposal to lower the age of consent is based unequivocally on the idea of equality before the

that all forms of personal behaviour have equal merit? Can a society survive that holds such a view?" Mrs. Currie and her supporters say "yes". For they are under no disillusion that the amendment will put an end to discrimination. As Peter Tatchell of militant gay rights group Outrage points out, "As well as Clause 28, the gross indecency laws, which seek to prevent gay men from soliciting, will

remain." A positive vote would, however, be a stepping stone to full equality. But it is this that worries Dr Anderson. 'The nuclear family is tr ·· 1ing block in society. Incr~~"o·f• 1t has been undermined by discrimination against it, such as the removal of the marriage allowance, and discrimination in favour of minority groups like homosexuals. "We are moving effectively, beyond neutrality. There is no intrinsic reason, if all sexual conduct is to be assigned an equal value, why the legalisation of paedophilia or necrophilia should be ruled out. Where will it all end?" The point is that quality is not a beginning to an end. A vote to lower the age of consent for gay men to 16 must not be compared in this way. Homosexuality is not abnormal. When two men are in love, they should not be labelled as such. This is plainly not an issue about whether 16 year old boys should have sex. It is an issue of equality. / In the words of one homosexual male," Gays pay taxes like everyone else, but they don't have the same rights. "Why should the law discriminate/againstgay people?"

"It's official, God is a lesbian." This was just one of the points of view expressed at the age of consent rally held in London's Trafalgar Square on Saturday February 5. A crowd of nearly 5,000 turned out to support the rally and its cause - namely to reduce the age of consent for homosexual men from 21 to 16 years. A Parliamentary motion which has been the focus of a campaign costing a total of £40,000 to date is to be debated later this month. Feelings are running high among the LGB community and their sen. ments were clear on Saturday. uays are never going to surrender on the issue of equality. A host of celebrities, MPs and high-profile homosexuals spoke about the issue to the assembled audience. They brought messages of support from absent friends such as Sting, Tom Hanks, David Hockney and Derek Jarman. Representatives of many campaign gro•Jps were also in attendance including delegates from 'OUTRAGE', the militant gay rights group, 'SWITCHBOARD', 'TORCH' and 'STONEWALL'. The crowd wielded placards, banners and held balloons of all colours aloft. There were slogans galore leaving no doubt as to the message of the day, including "C::troppy Queens Demand 16" and The Tory Bigots" amongst them. There were deafening bouts of whistle blowing on occasions and tumultuous applause for the guest speakers. Said David Starr of the NUS LGB Campaigns Committee, "It has been a wonderful turnout today." He later described the atmosphere as "euphoric." The first celebrity speaker was Michael Cashman, the exEastEnders star who has been a prominent figure in the campaign. He spoke out confidently and positively. "We are going to win. We are united in our determination to give equality to gay men and it begins now."

Next came Mr Tony Banks who professed his "unqualified support" for the issue of equality calling for the intervention of "decency and justice" in Parliament where, he said, "forces of darkness" still exist. "We need to remind everyone concerned that we are still here."

Gay movement writer and campaigner lan Dunn brought the crowd a special heartfelt message from Derek Jarman. "The age of consent issue is", he said, "the only thing that is keeping this man alive." Lisa Power, speaking on behalf of campaign group 'SWITCHBOARD', received a storming reception when she took the stage. "This is not a privilege, it's a f***ing right! The law as it stands is a symbol of all the inequalities that lesbians, gays and bisexuals face and we need to fight this by any means necessary. The law shouts that gay men are second class citizens. "18 won't do because it still says that you're not worth it. We want 16 or bust." But there was a less enthusiastic reception for 'TORCH' representative Paul Barnes. He was speaking on behalf of the Young Conservatives who support the lowering of the age of consent. His speech, in which he told how he is proud to be both Tory and in favour of the amendment, was infiltrated with jibes of "Shame on You" from the left-wing faction of the crowd. The mention of the Conservative Family Campaign also initiated a surfeit of boos. Peter Tatchell of 'OUTRAGE' took the stage next along with lesbian campaigner Lynn Sutcliffe. Tatchell is well aware that even if the amendment is passed the gross indecency Jaws which seek to prevent gay men from soliciting will remain. He addressed Parliament proclaiming that it is a "national scandal" that ninety-nine years after Oscar Wlide was sentenced to two years hard labour gay men are still being sent to prison. "It is time parliament respected our rights and recalled this and the other offensive laws which discriminate against gays", he said. "A compromise would only reinforce the inequality, seeing lesbians, gays and bisexuals as second class citizens." "16 is what we want. 16 is what we deserve and 16 is what we are going to get." Lynn Sutcliffe reiterated these sentiments saying that the Government underestimates the cause's supporters in terms of both power and numbers. EastEnders star Michelle Collins pledged her support next, "I could do it at sixteen so why can't you?"

With her she brought a message of encouragement from actor Tom Hanks who has recently starred in the film 'Philadelphia' which tackles the issue of Aids. The ever-popular Paul Gambicini was adamant about the success of the age of consent campaign. "You will win", he said, going on to cite a variety of causes before returning to what he termed "a cause of our own freedom and equality." He also read from a letter from singer Sting who sees the Government as having "no place whatsoever in our bedrooms." But by far the most popular celebrity at the rally was actress and comedienne Dawn French. After having apologised for the absence of "fatty Saunders" who she said is just "too damn successful to get up these days", Dawn addressed the very serious issue in hand. She urged that everybody must be protected from what she sees as "the tyranny of the homophobic MPs and their laws." Following Dawn onto the rostrom, Sir lan McKellen displayed the first two signatures on the amendment from the two Scottish MPs for Caithness and Sutherland and went on to quote Neil Kinnock as saying that to lower the age of consent for gay men to sixteen would be "a step to a more open and honest society." The man who has provided the focus for the whole campaign; Chris Smith, is the only 'openly' gay MP. He was at the rally with a clear message. "Tilis issue may not be an easy issue, but there are times in politics when it is time to do something simply because it is the right thing to do. The law says that you shall not discriminate but the law itself discriminates. 'They say that the lowering of the age of consent will encourage old men to take advantage of young men but what about old men taking advantage of young women? "I don't see anyone saying anything about that. You don't protect young men by turning them into criminals." He went on to talk about how supporters of Clause 28 claim to be "promoting normality." The hypothesis that 'gay' is not normal is, he said, extremely dangerous. "We are different and we are proud to be different." And he concluded, "Society should cherish

and nurture this difference." Two young men at the epicentre of the whole age of consent issue are Hugo Greenhart and his partner Will Parry. They voiced their feelings passionately at being branded as 'criminals' by the law. They were joined on stage by Mrs Elizabeth Wilde and her son, another victim of society's inequalities. Mrs Wilde appealed for the law to be changed before "vulnerable young men" were "damaged imvocably." The final speech came from the advocator of the amendment to the ~riminal Justice Bill, the MP for Derbyshire West, Edwina Currie. She was also joined by her daughter. Mrs Currie, who was originally reported as saying that the issue is "a simple matter of equal rights" referred to it as "an issue for everybody." She said, "Equality is something that touches everybody in our society. Throughout my life I

have fought for equality." Referring to the suggested compromise of lowering the age of consent to 18, she stated, "Partial equality is not equality and it is not justified. "Someone once asked me what I would have said to anyone who had told me that I could have partial equality. I replied that he would have wal.ked away bleeding. This state interferes with our private lives at our peril. We have to work together on this." The rally came to a colourful end when Mrs Currie counted down from 21 to 16 and thousands of balloons were launched to fill the blue skies above London's Trafalgar Square with colour. A symbol of unity and of hope there is no doubt. A symbol of success? It remains to be seen, as the debate for lowering the age of consent for gay men from 21 to 16 is scheduled for later this month.


Concrete, Wednesday, February 16, 1994

Two students with disabilities reveal how society•s ignorance is often as debilitating as the disability itself · isability is a tenn that is often misused. It is often taken to mean the medical condition that a person has. However, this condition may not in any way disable them from everyday life- that is not cause them to behave or be treated any different to the mass of the population. People and places are what tend to be disabling. If an individual tries to enter a building and carry out their intended activity with ease, then there is no disabiHty. If however, they meet a flight ofstairs, no lift, information only in speech, or in written fonn, then this indeed


can be disabling, thus it is not the medical condition that is disabling but the environment. The same could be said of people, if a person requires help with a particular task, and this carried out according to the instructions of the person requiring help, and is done to enable then the problems are minimal. However, if the person receiving help is patronized, or required to be dependent or beholden to the helper, then again this is disabling. Very often people with impairments are perceived as being an object with a medical condition, and not seen as being autonomous.

The medical profession can be particularly guilty of this. For example, people with impairments find their GPs when they go to them with very common complaints such as headaches or skin complaints, will often try and link these in cause to their pre-existing medical conditions. This attitude is carried on to the domain of charity. Disabled people are seen as objects of charity, such as in the modem need for Telethons like 'Children in Need'. They are often portrayed as passive, inactive and in need of people's help. Admittedly, some of the money does go to self-help and enabling

Fiferians! Union Welfare Officer SheUey Wrighl wiJh Julie DrewiJt

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**HOURS** 5am-6:1 Opm Mon-Fri 5:30am-12:00 Sat We're responsive to demand!

projects, but much of it goes on projects for not of disabled people. The difference is very important Much publicity is given to big charities that are ' helping people' eg Mencap, but very little gets heard of charities like People First, which is composed of people with learning difficulties, and is involved in advocacy and obtaining rights, not charity. People with disabilities are able with the right attitudes of those around them, and enabling environments to lead active, involved lives. Onehas to be realistic, and in these times of recession funds are limited, however, it is important nevertheless to set the agenda forlX!hlic funding so that people with disabilities are not seen as a minority group, that can be foisted off onto charitable and voluntary organisations, but a significant part of the population that has the right to have all that is necessary to enable them to lead lives that contribute to society, as most would wish to do so. This is why students with disabilities should also be encouraged and enabled to take part in all aspects of academic and social life of Universities. After all, their intellectual merits were what got them to university, the same as anyone else.

Julie Drewitt

Tel:406071 Write a few words on hidden

disabilities... bmmm. Well, first of all, define which disability. One of my close friends is completely deaf in one ear. In most people's experience, that's the most difficult of hidden disabilities. He spends his life half hearing things, trying to keep up in conversations, turning his head to and fro. He tells people, time and time again, that in this ear, he can hear nothing, so please always speak to him on this side. Very few remember. I've watched them tut and look ex.asperated as they realise, that yet again, he had his wrong side turned to them, and he had missed their golden words. It never occurs to them that they are in the wrong. Someone I know of was blind for an entire year, due to an accident, but recovered his sight. He says that the gradual loss of hearing he is experiencing as he grows older is much, much worse than that year of blindness. When you are blind, people are kind, usually, if a little patronising, but they do make compensations. Say to someone, "I'm sorry, I'm a little deaf, could you speak a little clearer'', they shout for a little while then grow bored. I experienced this myself once, in hospital. I was admitted with a severe ear infection and my ears were tightly packed with gauze and

dressings. There was no evidence of these dressings outside, they were so tightly packed in. I was almost completely deaf. Nurses, who were briefed on my condition, who knew why I.was there, would come up and ask me and speak to me. I'd say " I can't hear you." They'd look annoyed and start speaking in hugely exaggerated gestures. Which was of no use at all. Deafness is a nightmare, because people don't actually think it's very real. Just point at a few things, mouth words slowly and shout, and any thicko would understand... I have another friend, who lives in constant, excruciating pain. All his joints, his ankles, his wrists, knees, shoulders: constantly screaming as if they'd been broken. He can no longer walk well, cannot sleep properly, cannot talk clearly as the pain drags down the muscles of his mouth. People refuse to accept this. To them, unable to comprehend their own existence in such continuous struggle, it can't really be that bad, that constant. You explain that he can only speak slowly; they act as if he is stupid. You explain that all movement is painful: they wonder why he doesn't go out shopping to cheer himself up. Once, whilst in hospital, I watched an orthopaedic sur-


Concrete, Wednesday, February 16, 1994




J geon lean on my friend' bed. some conversations, because all the He was in such pain, he had been information in it is new, and you admitted for total care, to ea e hi cannot absorb 'new ' things very exhaustion. He had been given a quickly. bed cradle, a huge metal cage, over Lectures are particular fun . In the end of his bed, to prevent the my own case, I cannot listen longer weight of the blankets from touch- than about ten minutes, before I ing his ankles - even the weight of lose what has just been said; cana sheet hurt. I watched thi surgeon not take written notes, because it lean on his cradle, letting it support is impossible to write and listen, his weight, as he spoke he rocked cannot hold the information for it to and fro. The bed rocked to and longer than a few moments, then fro with it. Each little jolt caused it's gone for ever. I tape lectures, go back to my my friend a moment of extra agony. Long used to such ignorance, room, relisten to it again, and again, even from pecialists, he remained in ten minute swipes. It's great fun. silent. I pointed out what was hap- Books are fun too, particularly repening. The surgeon gave me the stricted loan. It is more or less imfilthiest look; how dare I interrupt possible for me to actually use a him. To be in constant, invisible book in less than 24 hours, o repain, is to be forgotten and over- stricted loan doesn't really exist for looked, for if most people would me: it's pointless- get a book, stare kill when they have a bad head- at it, fall asleep, run back to the liache, or toothache, then long term brary to prevent a staggering huge pain is such an alienating thought, fine ... Oh yes, and worst of all, you that they cannot believe it is real. explain this to people and their reThey ignore it. Which requires ig- action is, "Well, that can't be true, noring the person living with it. her last essay got such and such a My own, hidden disability, percentage and so she's really excauses such reckless mirth and aggerating here. After all, she can sniggering in people that in the 18 spell. .. " months since I was diagnosed, I Ignorance is the problem with have learned not to tell people, or hidden disabilities -with all disat least not to listen to the inane and abilities actually. When pushing inept replie they make. I am se- my friend who is in pain around verely dyslexic, or as they now say, in his wheelchair, we take a toy have a specific learning disability. gun with us. If fires out a loud Say 'dyslexia' and most people phaser-like sound. Pushing think, "Oh, how tragic, somebody through crowds of people in who can't spell properly." shops, we cons tantly have to use Well, all I can say, is try it, try it it, to get people's attention, alfor two minutes. Try being intro- lowing us to ask politely for them duced to someone who has an unu- to get out of the way. sual name and being utterly, comPeople see the wheelchair, recpletely unable ognise it's a wheelchair, and to hear certain fi~~~~~------~m~o~v~e~one inch to the sounds, in cerorders. Try • _,_......._ not being able to understand

side. Most wheelchairs are about three feet wide; an inch isn't going to do it. People finally move their bodies away from the chair, but let handbags and packages swing into our path, directly into my friend's face. Ignorance, a lack of imagination, and a lack of empathy, are the hallmarks of most people when confronted with disability, or someone who appears to be different, but they are unsure how. Most people, who have experienced flu, or a bad cold, think that these ailments are the most terrible things that can happen, and remember how dreadful they felt . They cannot envisage living with that level of di comfort, or pain, for longer than a few days. Strangely, they then lose all memory of how alienating being ill, or disabled in some way (like a broken arm, or leg) really is, when they recover. All any of us can do, when confronted by someone who cannot hear you clearly, cannot see everything in the room, cannot move very fast, or appears to be unsure about something you can't quite put your finger on, is to think. Think about what is happening, and your part in it. Think, how would I feel? How would I cope? What would I want? What you'd want is to feel less isolated, less alone, less estranged. Think and ask. Just come straight out and ask. Ask what is needed, how you can help, remember the reply and then carry on as completely normal. People with disabilities are normal people: the problem is rarely their condition. Usually, it's other people's ignorance.


Union Welfare Officer Shelley Wright argues that people with disabilities should be treated in a more positive way There are many preconceived attitudes towards, assumptions about and expectations of, people with disabilities. We are confronted with stereotypes on a daily basis - on the radio and television as well as in newspapers, magazines and ftlms. It is imperative that people with disabilities are depicted in a more positive way. People with disabilities are people first. Students with disabilities are students first and they should be represented as they are, that is, as no different from anybody else.

Students with disabilities use the Pub and The Hive; some get drunk, some go to Union Entertainments events, some drive cars, have families, take part in sport, go to football matches, shout and cheer. They enjoy themselves like everybody else. People aren't of different sorts just because they possess a disability. Everybody is different in some way. but no lesser for being so. The UnionofUEAstudents does not and will not tolerate discrimination against student or person on the basis of disability. We believe that everybody should have the right to par-

ticipate in a fully integrated environment and to eradicate any situation where equal members of society have to prove themselves to be equal before they can live their life free and without stigma. The Union has this political commitment and believes that students with disabilities must have the opportunity to advocate their own opinions and beliefs. To this end a meeting for all students at UEA, who are affected by any disability, has been organised for Monday February 21 in the Bill Wilson Room at 1pm.



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The latest news from your student union. Issue Eight, Semester Two, 1994

NATIONAL DEMONSTRATION IS CALLED! The National Union of Students have finally called a national demonstration in response to the 10% cut in grants announced in November's Budget. The date has yet to be finalised but will be announced to all students as soon as possible. We have campaigned hard on a local level and there is strong support at UEA for the protest against this latest attack on student financial support. Students are already facing unacceptable levels of debt following their exclusion from the benefit system,a freezing of grants and the introduction of loans. A 10% cut in grants over the next three years will cripple student financial support, increasing drop out rates due to debt and preventing even

more people from being able to afford a degree education. Access to a free education and decent financial support during study is a right for all. Current and prospective students will be affected by these cuts - we must raise awareness amongst the public of how devastating grant cuts will be to the future of Higher Education. A huge and successful peaceful demonstration in London will not only achieve this but will show our representatives in Parliament that students are NOT prepared to accept greater debt or greater poverty. The Government must provide adequate funding for people studying in Higher Education if there is to be participation for all those who want to study not just those who can pay to study.




It's 1994 and it's time to come out! The country's biggest and best Uni LGB group are running their annual awareness week to highlight their liberation campaigning. A week of information, support and celebration.All support and involvement is welcome. MON28fEB


Monday March 7th - evening screening of "ORLANDO" in LT2 for a small fee.


Thesday 8th- INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY- speaker from the Birth Control Campaign l-2PM Bill Wilson Room Women's Assertion Training run by the NUS Women's Officer 4-6PM in the Bill Wilson Room (tickets available from stall in UH the week prior to this) Reclaim the Night March in Cambridge at 7.30PM


March 8th is International Women's Day,an annual worldwide celebration of sisterhood,and the highlight of our Women 's Week at UEA.This year has seen the successful relaunch of the Women's Action Committee at UEA and the running of campaigns such as Women's Safety and The Bitterest Pill(working to keep the contraceptive pill available free on the NHS). Women's week is an opportunity for all women to get involved in a programme of debates,inforrnation, campaigning ,art and social events.There will also be activities open to men and women throughout the week.

lPM PETER TATCHELL (OUTRAGE) "Queer Politics and Outing" Union House

Wednesday 9th- Women's Volleyball match- all women we!SPM DEBATE "Homosexuality and Religion" Bill Wilson Room WEDS 2 MARCH 12PM-2PM The Sisters of Perpetual lndulgeoce & The Lesbian Nuns in Union House and the Square 2.30PM The Rugby Match LGB SOC. V RUGBY CLUB Colney Lane Pitches IHURS 3 MARCH PINK TRIANGLE DAY Petitions,stickers and punch !lam onwards in Union House FRI4MARCH

12PM DAVID STARR (NUS National LGB Committee) "Homophobia and Fascism" Union House lPM PAUL GAMBACCINI Union House 8PM PARTY Room 1.28

Plus confidential "coming ouf' room in Union House.

come Thursday lOth - Quiz on Women's issues,achievements etc.(mixed teams) Fifers Lane Bar at 7.30PM ,then on to the LCR which is featuring an hour of music by women artists. MICHELLE SHOCKED is playing at the Waterfront. Debates,a health stall,feminist book stall,a speaker from Amnesty International and more also planned!For more details see publicity or the Women's Officer- Sophie Reading. The next WAC meeting is in the Conference Room on the 16th FEB between 5-7pm - all women welcome.

NELSON MANDELLA VOTES FOR FREEDOM CAMPAIGN. Countdown to democracy - April 27th 1994 -the first non-racial elections in South Africa. There are a number of up and coming events in support of the Votes for Freedom Campaign including a Sponsored Walk in Sheringham on SUNDAY 20TH FEB.A minibus will be leaving the Sports Centre at 9am.For further details and sponsorship forms please contact the Race Awareness Officer,Jaz Ihenacho. The independent Electoral Commission has been appointed to run the elections in South Africa as well as new bodies to ensure that there is impartial media coverage of the event. The process is fragile.White ultra right facist groups are threatening to disrupt the entire proceedings.Numerous obstacles still need to be overcome to ensure that free and fair elections can take place.We have to campaign to ensure that free and fair elections DO take place as scheduled.Our aim and hope is that a decisive majority is elected that is committed to a new democratic future and that this result is respected by all parties. Please support the "countdown to democracy campaign" and the ANC's "Votes for Freedom " campaign whose aim is to raise one million pounds in Britain. This money will be used to help provide the ANC with the resources necessary to cotest the elections on an equitable basis.




AD officers running these campaigns can be contacted through their pigeonholes upstairs in Union House. 'Cement' is written and compiled entirely by the Students Union. lt appears here by commercial arrangement with Concrete


Ill 16 Concrete , Wednesday, February 16, 1994

Entertainment - In association with The Event

A scene from Reservoir Dogs

Union Films PREVIEW

. I

3-D mania sweeps UEA on February 16, as the Union Film Society asks you to don your coloured specs for a showing of 1950s cult film , 'The Creature From the Black Lagoon' . As the title suggests , it is the story of a scientific expedition

to the Amazon, which is menaced by a mysterious monster living in the lagoon. Directed by Jack Arnold , it has been hailed as the precursor to modern deep sea horrors such as 'Jaws' . Although 'The Fugitive' , screened on February 17, will not be coming to you in 3-D, it promises to hold the audience captive with its multitude of shocks and suspense . Directed by Andrew Davis, it

stars Harri son Ford as brilliant doctor Richard Kimble, a man on the run from the authorities after being wrongly accused of his wife's murder. Although one could not claim that the plot runs too deep, it is the film's constant action , excellent special effects and a worthy performance by Tommy Lee Jones as the wisecracking, determined Marshal! on Kimble's trail that makes the film well worth a visit.

The Monty Python team make a return with 'The Meaning of Life' , a film which sees a return to the old sketch format of their original TV shows. Directed by Terry Jones, it stars the usual gang of John Cleese, Eric Idle, Graham Chapman and eo. (not forgetting the exploding Mr Creosote !), all of whom should more than satisfy dedicated Python fans. Another older action film,

'Deliverance'. is being resurreeled on February 23. 11 tells the tale of the adventure holiday of four Atlanta businessmen, high in the Appalachian mountains, which leads to some very strange encounters. This is followed by Quentin Tarantino's immensely popular 'Reservoir Dogs'. Plotwise, Joe Cabot (played by Lawrence Tierny) and son Eddie (Christopher Penn) bring together a band of crooks, name them by colours , and plan a jewel robbery. lt is when the getaway goes wrong that the thieves are forced to stick together and wait for what is coming to them . The film is a violent thriller that is fast achieving cult status . After 'Benefit of the Doubt' , shown on February 25 , another recent box office success, 'Naked' comes to UEA. This compelling insight into contemporary London life tells the story of a youn g unemployed Mancunian and his attempts to persuade his London gi rlfriend Sophie to return north with him. His task is made more difficult by his attempts to fit into London life, and his unfortunate habit of sleeping around. Superb performances by all British actors concerned make this a highly watchable film.

Ruffian on the stair PREVIEW The Rough as Guts theatre company will shortly be arriving in Norwich to present their interpretation of Joe Orlon's first play, 'Ruffian on the Stair'. The play is set in a goldfish bowl where, according to the company, "laughter is a serious business and comedy a weapon more dangerous than tragedy." The play is an example of Orlon's absurd work and is certainly visually extraordinary, right down to the creative costumes. Norwich Arts Centre is hosting the production on Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th of February as part of its programme committed to promoting innovative new work. Tickets cost £5 (£4 cones.) •Furthur information is available from Alison Smith on Norwich 660387

Compiled by Chrlst/anne Ward


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Concrete, Wednesday, February 16, 1994

UEA have certainly had some famous sporting students in recent years. Ipswich Town and England Under-21 player Phi! Whelan graduated last year, but the latest in the sporting celebrities department is surely SOC second-year Cameron Green , who, having played for Essex and Cambridgeshire, has now moved back to East Anglia to play for Norfolk. "I'm mainly a bowler", enthuses Cameron, "and was a team member of England's under 19s, which was captained by Mike Atherton and included Nasser Hussein and Mark Ramprakash, who are now on tour in the West Indies. "I could have been there, but my attitude was very poor. I should have been in the ftrSt team and then played for England, but I was too relaxed and carefree ... " Playing for Essex for two years, arguably the most prestigious county side in England, must have been an unforgettable experience and it was, says Cameron. 'They were good times, and it was great to be a part of a big club - the Manchester United of cricket. was nice to rub shoulders with Graham Gooch and the others. Essex was very much a club, and the stars mainly left it up to you to chat to them if you wanted advice from them. "My top score was 121 not out against Leicestershire... Best bowling was 7 for 91 against Glamorgan, playing for the seconds. I didn't get a place in the first team because it was such a good team as it stood, what with Gooch, Pringle and Foster. If they went to play for England, they were covered. Essex had great strength in depth." Essex released Cameron to play for Cambridgeshire, which proved to be another memorable experience. He combined this with being sports and leisure management student at Loughborough, but adds that this worked quite well. 'They were very good about letting me have time off, only picking me if they needed me. I've got very good memories - when I frrst went there we got to two cup finals, and everything was rosy, then we had a couple of bad years, but it slowly started to pick up again." Since leaving Loughborough, Cameron has returned to his native East Anglia - he hails from Great Massingham in N01folk - and arrived at UEA to study in SOC. "I needed a change, so I r•• oved to Norfolk. I've been playing for a club side, but it seemed sensible to play for a county side too, so I moved over to Norfolk, who are a minor counties side. They came second in the league last year, compared to five or six years ago, when they were the whipping boys. "But now they' re the best run team in the minor counties, and membership has soared. They're probably the best of the chasing bunch, probably a little like Norwich City FC."

Nia/1 Hampton has an innings with club and county cricketer Cameron Green, who also happens to be a UEA student But isn't training a problem, what with being a full time student? "You've got to switch off from cricket and then get your academic work done, but it's a great feeling when you've done your work - you just get on with your cricket. I'm comfortable with it - it helps me, but I've still got to concentrate. "At the moment, I go to Gresham School for personal fitness as well at UEA. Nearer the Easter holidays , then proper evening training sessions start. The actual squad are going to South Africa for a three-week tour. For a small club, to get a tour of that stature is a tremendous effort. "I've always got to keep practising, because I'd like to perfect my cricket. I've come from Cambridgeshire, ard Norfolk know what I can do, but I've got to show them I mean business." Cameron sees his role in the current Norfolk set-up as lending a cutting edge in the bowling department. "I've just moved over, and hopefully I' 11 go straight into the first team, as last year they lacked a full-time spin bowler. Hopefully I' 11 be the final piece in their championship-winningjigsaw.'' In striving to perfect his game, Carneron could possibly once again come to national attention. But is the English game is in a healthy state? He sees the current national team as having considerable promise. "I think they're going to shock a lot of people. Robin Smith is their most experienced player with 30 caps, compared with the West Indies. Everyone's written them off, but they're going to surprise. "Mike Atherton's nickname has always been 'FEC' - Future England Captain. He's a fantastic leader, got a tactical brain, and he listens to other people. He'll think about it, and never dismisses things straight away." But what about some of the younger talent, for example Ramprakash? "He's the youngest of the squad, only 22, but he's fitted in very well. He did tend to hit the ball for six, but Atherton has got him to build innings." The rise of young talent is inextricably linked to the enduring popularity of the game, which encourages children and youngsters to take it up. Cameron certainly doesn't think that this is any state of decline. "In Jamaica, with the advent of satellite dishes, it's going back slightly. Cricket was born into them but now there's an influx of American sports. Ambrose considered basketball, but chose cricket instead.

"But if you go round Pakistan or India, you'll always see kids using a plank of wood and a makeshift ball to play cricket. It's still growing in popularity in South Africa, and now lots of people in the townships are playing it- cricket's on a huge increase. "They're still finding their feet in test cricket, but they've got so many talented people. In five years they're going to have a very talented team." But there is no escaping the fact that the Australians still dominate the international scene. "It's all down to Allan Border, and the fact that Australia are prepared to gamble with youth. Shane Wame started abysmally, but now he's one of the best spin bowlers in the world -they stuck with him. "Look at Pakistan and India they come through and produce the goods. In England, they're more concerned to sit back - the powers that be are not ready to change. They're conservative with a small 'c' ." Do we detect a dig at the English cricket establishment here? 'The only way they can change is that they need a clearout. They need someone to manage who 's played within seven or eight years, because the game's changed so much in the last 20. "Botham is the sort of person for England manager. He brought colour into the game in the early 80s, and he wasn't a run of the mill cricketer. He's made cricket so much more entertaining, and noone ever knew what he was going to do next. I feel sorry for Chris Lewis, because he's compared to Ian Botham, but that's not right, because there's never going to be another Botham - he's his own player." Amongst his other achievements, Cameron has also played for the England Universities team, which he is due to captain this year. In addition, he is also captain of UEA's first team, about whom he adds, "I think that we can be very upset if we don't get to the quarter-finals of the UAUs." "I don't know what's going to happen in the summer terrn, because we've got lots of games in eight weeks, and it could prove difficult. It's possible that problems could occur." So despite accomplishing so much in the game, what are Cameron's current ambitions? "To try and win something with Norfolk, because we've got the ability. There's lots of luck in cricket - if we get the luck we can definitely win something!"



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Concrete, Wednesday, February 16, 1994

Leffers & Classifieds




0603 250558 University of East Anglia, Norwich, NR4 7TJ


Publisher: Stephen Howard Editor: Peter Hart Deputy Editor: Niall Hampton Assistant Editor: Joanna Stubbington Sports Editor: Stephen Hawkes Picture Editor: Keith Whitmore Advertising Manager: Simon Mann Chief Photographer: Mark Turner Editorial Contributors: Carolina Jenkinson, Lisa Bushrod, Gary Bonnick, Rhian Davies, Katie Lane, Julie Drewitt, Christianne Ward, Sue Turner, Deborah Hook, Shelley Wright, Jerry Spheres Proof Readers: Paula Clarke, Michele du Randt

DTP: Nik Davy Production: Neil Barnden Special thanks to: Union House Stewards, Mogwai and the UEA Pony Hunters

Copyright (C) 1994 Planet Zog Ltd

Concrete welcomes your letters on any subject. Whether it is something we've written about and you want to take issue with, or you simply want to make a point, we want to hear f_rom you. So why not drop us a line? The address is simply 'Concrete', UEA, Norwich. Anonymity will be respecte~ but you must include your name and address in the fi~st instance.

The LAMB bleats its last I read Shelley Hill 's letter ("O ut on

seem to be more interested in pur-

you, in thi s bac k-biting capitalistic

a LAMB", 2/2/94) wi th inte rest

suing a part of po li tical social and moral ideal (instead of faci ng the

worl d, will anyone g ive a**** ?

Third world debt is causing child death s, w idespread poverty, de-

}oe Bernard

struction to the envi ronment and all

fac t that we li ve in a back-biting capitali sti c world) without caring

(DEV 3)

about people 3000 miles away than their fellow students, who whilst

who they tread on in a quest for such" implies a rather glaring dou-

I am absolutely appalled by the attitude of Ms S Hill towards third

the conseque nces that these carry. Ms Hill find s that people in this un iversity are too concerned with

ble sta nd ard; is she aware of thi s?

world problems.

maybe not starving, are in finan -

Does she mean "mind your back",

ln her letter to Concrete (2/2194)

preciate their sympathetic and gen-

cial (and other) problems which are j ust as important to th em".

but don't tread on anyo ne? What does she mean .. .. ?

she tried to explai n how the LAMB campaign could affect her mother's

e rous attitude. Taking another point in the let-

Hmmm . How fa r a w ay ( in

job in Ll oyds Bank and its subse-

ter, the share of respo nsibil ity for

miles) do people have to be before

4) She ll ey says: "The third world countries needed money - if

the lending of thi s mo ney.

they no longer merit our concern?

Lloyds and others had not lent it to

que nt effect on he r education . I can see Ms Hill's po int, but on

Campu s (0 miles)? Golden Triangle ( 1-2 mi les)? Fifers Lane (3

them, they would have had to ob-

the other hand I do not th ink that

It is not as straight forward as it may seem. I can only say th at the

in this country people working in

banks that lent the money are as

mil es)? Shou ld we worry just

a) W hat other method ? Aid

banks have no other possibilities by

responsible as those long gone gove rnment s who borro wed it ; but

a nd amazeme nt. It prompted the fo llowing questions: I ) Shelley says that "a lot of people ... are far mo re concerned

tain it by some other method".

about fe llow students? What about


to pray that they are not lai d off or

employees in far-flung branches of Lloyd's bank?

b) Does She ll ey thi nk that although her mum can't earn money

else by the end.

2) Does Shelley ever take the time o ut from her "bloody hard" work to listen to her fe ll ow stu-

at Lloyds any more, she sho uld get som e by some other method ? HEY, WA IT A MI NUTE! Why

dents ' problems, and maybe sug-

doe s n' t Shelley set up an AID

gest advice? lf so, does she warn


them about taking out loans, knowing they cannot pay them back, like

She could set the account up in Ll oyds, and if she worked bloody

the "stupid" Third World countrie ? 3) Shelley's (rather badly written) sente nce "Certain studen ts

If that is the case I feel very sorry for them because ban ks are cutting

people " 3000 mi les away" . Contrary to her views, I do ap-

most importantly, the people who are suffering are on ly victims in a situation which gets worse day by

thousands of jobs, and not because


of LAM B. 1 can also see the point of some-

It mu st not be fo rgotten that the environmental consequences of the

body who opposes the decrease in production of nuclear weapons be-

thi rd world debt are sooner or later

cause his parent works in thei r

going to affect you Ms Hill , ever though the centre of the problem

hard at it (like she does), Lloyds

manufacture and the move would

is thou sands of miles away.

migh t even turn enough profi t to re-instate her poor old mum and then we'd all be happy, eh? Mind

threate n jobs. In our society there are alternatives and we have to take priorities.

Juan Escobar (8 10 1)

Concrete is published independently at UEA. Opinions expressed are those of the contributor and not necessarily those of the publisher or Editor. Printed by Eastern Counties Newspapers, Prospect House, Rouen Road, Norwich


SWSS call for action

The closure of 0 and P Blocks and the underhand and di sgusti ng way these closures were e nforced is

mous rents. The Universi ty 's ac-

tions in creati ng new co ntracts for cleaners which avoid havi ng to pay any sick or holiday pay are equally

o nl y the latest in a long line of UEA's attac k on its students. Last year 's 16% rent rise (despite the fact grants were frozen in 1989), was only disclosed to the Union in the last week of last year, in order to prevent the chance of

appalling. ln all instances the University has pushed the burden of its own economic mismanagement onto those who can afford it least. University authori ti es, we were told, were "on our side" over the

any effective fightback.

grant cuts, yet still served a writ on

In fact, since the grant was frozen, the Univers ity have managed

two members of the occu pation, Jac kie Freeman and Sam Buckley.

to push rents up by almost 40%. Now we hear they intend to en-

A writ designed to rob us of the chance to protest against government and Uni vers ity attacks at the time we need to protest most. Since the events regardi ng 0 and P, we all have to realise that the Uni versi ty is most certainly NOT

fo rce 30 week licences in all residences next year, despite the I 0 % cut in grants. During the summer of 1992, the Uni versity did not allow the Union Exec to send info rmatio n to prospecti ve students about the re nt stri ke in the fi rst term. 199 1/2 was

on the side of its students. UEA is a business and studen ts

PHONE 503504

also the year in which the Vice Chancellor 's sunken garden (you

smoothly. All over Bri tain people are hav ing to pay for the Tories'


know, the patch of turf by the Regis try) wa s crea ted at a cos t of ÂŁ 15000, yet that year there was no

and bosses' gross fi nanc ial mismanagement. Students faci ng simi-

money for a creche, for rent subsidies, etc, etc. Hmm.

fig ht back, whi ch so many workers tragically lack.

Now we're charged for locking o ur se lves out of o ur rooms ,

So - why have the University (and the Government) got away

charged for parking, charged 30p for a cup of tea and charged e nor-

with so much? The blame has to li e with the Labour Party, The Un-


prevent that business from runn ing

lar attacks have the opportunity to

ion leaders and, in our case, with the NUS and our very own Execs

stall on the NUS day of action was NOT an inspired move and very

over the years. In the case of 0 and P Blocks,

unlikely to rouse anyone into doing anythi ng. The po int is not that people are not angry about university and government attacks, just that no one is

the Exec were mandated at forum to oppose the closure of 0 and P Blocks and the loss of cleaning jobs. What form did this opposition take?? Apparentl y none, as 0 and P have closed, and 7 cleaners have been sacked.

showi ng a lead on these matte"". Faced with a twee NUS Christma Card addressed to " Dear Santa Patten" (!! !) Eve n the most hard-

T he case of O and P merited AT

ened activist is likely to si nk into

LEAST an EG M and a mass ive publici ty campaign last term; yet no ne mate ri ali sed - at a fo rum

deep apathetic despair. Quite simply, why bother? What a waste of

meeting last week, Jaz (Anti-Racism Officer) told residents of 0 and P that the Un ion would have no success in gathering suppo rt for th e m , si nce "s tud e nts are a pathetic". Bulls**t! Who's apathetic ? The 200 occupiers in the Registry? The 94 students on the Welling demo? The 25 on the NHS demo? The I million stude nts and trade

trees ! We have to match attacks on stude nts with a fight back of equal force, whether they come from the University or thi s rotten Government. The time for negotiations is over; the University are too clever and the Government wi ll not listen. 0 and P should never have closed and need not have closed if the Union Exec had begun an ac -

unionists who defeated the govern ment on a massive demo in France last month? The 600 who marched

tive campaign. We still have time to halt grant cuts in the same way. The lesson

through Norwi ch last year?

of 0 and P is clear - we must stop relying on our supposed representatives and act to stop the attac ks

Apathy is bred by apathy. For most of this year the NUS and our Exec appear to have bee n sleepwalking. T he p***-poor " Debt Sucks"


Socialist Worker Student Society (SWSS).

Concrete, Wednesday, February 16, 1994



West Sussex beaten

Seconds Out!

UEA 5 West Sussex 0

UEA 2nd XV 10 v West Sussex Institute 13

UEA men's hockey Second Eleven have begun the New Year in some style. In their opening league game they put four past Thetford without reply to keep the pressure on at the top of the league. The second game in the UAU Plate competition was played on the UEA astroturf against West Sussex University . In bright conditions, the 14-man UEA squad always looked like maintaining their unbeaten home run. The match opened well for UEA, although they failed to capitalise on early chances. The game then fell into a some confusion which was ended by UEA scoring their ftrSt goal, Paul Hopkinson's shot somehow sneaking past the West Sussex keeper. UEA added two more goals before half-time with a close range effort from Duncan Evans and a penalty flick from Rupert Snelling, the club's top scorer with I I goals this season.

ON a cold and breezy afternoon, the UEA 2nd team confronted tough opponents from the West Sussex Institute,

In the second half, UEA continued to play stylish hockey and with West Sussex pushing forward , goals were inevitable . Paul Hopkinson, goal poac her extraordinaire, was on hand to scramble the ball home after some

scrappy defending and the performance was capped with a fifth goal, Chris Bally converting after a break by Rupert Snelling. UEA could have had more but the 5:0 scoreline was extremely satisfying for all involved.

The defence, marshalled by Matt Donaldson, looked solid and the half-backs , particularly Chris Simmons, got through a lot of running. This impressive team performance bodes well for further league and plate encounters!

writes Paul Collins. In a titanic struggle, the boys in blue just failed to score a huge win, and so found their UAU odyssey came to an end. West Sussex opened the scoring with a controversial try in the corner midway through the opening half. This setback spurred on UEA and they levelled the score when Rik Hoak took a clean catch in the line-out and dived over the line. But the conversion failed and half-time saw the sides even at five points each. After a West Sussex penalty made the score 8-5, UEA fought back to take the lead through a try by Paul Slack following immense pressure by the UEA pack on the West Sussex touchline. Just when this looked to be the

winning score, West Sussex mustered one last effort to score the decisive try in the corner with time virtually expired. Despite the loss, UEA could point to several great performances within the side. Chris Coole was man of the Match at loose head prop and both locks, Rik Hook and Andy Daly, played stormers. Dan Clays, out of position at no 8, appeared all over the pitch in an aggressive and vocal performance. The three quarters also played as a cohesive unit, lacking only the luck that their efforts deserved. All in all, a performance that all those involved could be proud of. •Firsts captain Andy Ward has recently resigned due to a knee injury. Said a source, "Wardy has put a lot into the Rugby Club, done a lot for team spirit and will be sorely missed." He is succeeded by Dan Clays.

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irates look towards next season By Stephen Hawkes Sports Editor UEA 16 v Birmingham 12; Oxford 20 v UEA 6 THE new year has brought mixed fortunes for the UEA Pirates both on andoff the gridiron.For an encouraging victory over fellow strugglers Birmingham was matched by a disappointing loss to playoff contenders, the Oxford Cavaliers. Meanwhile, the news that one 'guest' player for the Pirates, former Norwich Devil Mark Pearce, has been signed by the LA Raiders after a spell with Calgary

in the CFL, has not made up for the continuing problem of the team's work commitments clashing with those of training. A depleted Pirate squad showed how their strong schedule partly explains the poor record the team have this season. They dominated Birmingham far more than the scoreline suggested, with penalties negating two UEA touchdowns in either half. Anderton, in fact, played on both sides of the ball, combining his job as defensive lineman with that of centre on an offensive line which turned in one of its best games of the year so far. However, the Pirates left it late, winning eventually on a quarterback sneak by Warren Smart, who profited from an out-


standing block by lineman Matt lngram, on his way to the end-zone. This victory was followed by a loss to an Oxford team, who, with a relatively small squad of sixteen players, showed the practicality of a small play book and a power runninggame. Despite another good effort from the defence, the running of Oxford back Julian Home combined with some incrediblelong snap counts, helped keepthe UEA offense off the field. A twelve yard pass from Smart to wide receiver Neil Sullivan providing the only points as the Pirates offense stuttered all day. Some of the blame for the lack of offensive production has been put down to a consistently low turn out at training, due to commitments







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in the classroom. "On Wednesday afternoon last week, we had five defensive players and about six on the offense," commented QB Smart. The problem is accentuated by the apparent ignorance of the University Sports Hall staff to the Pirates needs, and one team member stated how the squad were unable to train unkitted on the new astro-turf. "lt'sjust that American football is still considered by Universities, on the whole, as a minority sport," continued Smart. He then issued a prediction that if given the training facilities and available time next year, then the UEA Pirates "will win the Championship."

BCAFL Round-Up It seems almost certain that the reigning Collegiate champs, the Southampton Stags, will not make the playoffs this year, as the best team in Britain for the past two years has experienced some serious problems concerning a lack of players. Occupying one of the top playoff places in the Southern Conference at Christmas, the Stags lost to Bath 6-18, the Killer Bees only win in competitive play this season . Southampton then drew with the pace-setting Leicester Lemmings 6-6, to stand at a record of 3-3-1. Their future is further complicated by the withdrawal, from the league, of the Reading White Knights. Since Reading's withdrawal , every opponent has been awarded a 1-0 victory, but it is yet to be made clear what will happen to tpeir first

five results. This could be of paramount importance to Southampton, as Reading were awarded a 1-0 forfeit victory over the stags earlier this year. If the result stands, Southampton will remain at 3-3-1 and will certainly not make the playoffs. If the Stags get the decision, they will sneak to a 4-2-1 record, and their last game will become a possibly crucial encounter against the team most likely to take the fourth playoff place, the Loughborough Aces.The Aces confirmed their post-season potential inflicting the first defeat of the year on the Staffordshire Stallions, 20-6. At half-time, the score stood at 6-6, a 51 year touchdown pass from Staffs QB Jon Wyse to Nick Haven replying to Loughborough's first quarter score. The Ace's power running game was the deciding factor, a last minute touchdown extending the advantage to fourteen points after a third quarter six-pointer. Loughborough stand at 4- 1, behind Staffordshire, who returned to winning ways against Warwick, thumping the Wolves 38-6.These stand below Cardiff and Leicester. Leicester lost their I00% record in the tie with Southampton, thus

Cardiff take over the top spot with two 26-14 victories against Oxford and Bristol. Oxford, 5-3, have now completed their regular season and, with Cambridge, must wait for one of the top four to slip up if they are to compete for a place in the College Bowl.

BCAFL Southern Conference standings asatFeb 10 1. 2. 3. 4.

Cardiff 6-0 Leicester 6-0-1 Staffs 5-1 Loughborough 4-1

5. Oxford 5-3 6. Cambridge 4-3 7. Southampton 3-3-1 B. Bristol 2-3 15. UEA 1-5






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Concrete, Wednesday, February 16, 1994


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concrete sport


Getting the oar in with the UEA Boat Club SINCE taking on more than 130 new members at the start of the Autu mn Semester, the UEA Boat C lu b has met with some fo r midable success. The minibus journeys ami drag gi ng of trailers around the country has seen them pi ck up where they left off last summer. Their firs t win came in November at the Cambri dge Winter Head race entering two men; ' fours. two womcns' fo urs and then both doubling up to make two eight>. This is a prestigious race in the row ing calendar seeing many C unbridge College crews in all their bright expensive hardware. Des pi te th is tough competi tion, both mens' fours won thcir divisions with the senior crew actually beating the times of a C:~mbriJg.:: lightwei gh t Blue bo:Jt over the 2.600m course' But the wom.::n-. · 'uc.:cl!'>'> GUllC in

the eights. With vruying experience in the boat. they beat 10 crews to win their category which included Caius, Trinity <md Churchill College crews. All in all, everyone walked away wi th a winning pennant making the 6am drive from Norwich well worth it. On to December and the Carrow Cup - run by Norwich Rowing Club- which is the oiLiest boat race in the country. UEA enter six or seven crews every year. This race is nearly impossible to win since there is no division by ca tegory, bu t th e UEA senior mens' boat came an astounding seco nd to the winning Norwich mens fo ur who wo ulLI norma ll y row two categories higher in any other race' It's like a Mini getting within spilling distance of a Rolls Royce, with the margin being only 12 second, over a distance of three miles.

The UEA womens crews also put in close times to their friendly rivals at Norv. ich Rowin g Club. Another strongly competitive race was Peterborough Head of the Ne ne on 5th February; in the summer this venue hosts the top regalia in the Midlands. Unfortunately, due to exams, only the mens' senior four entered wi th minimal training time behind them since Ch ri stmas. They had five crews to beat in their senior category and did so pus hi ng th e trad iti onall y strong Nottingham University into second place by 13 seconds over 2,500m! They also beat one of the times for the category above. lt's been a long struggle for the UEA Boat Club to meet wi th any success due to Jack of coaches and equipment whic h many other city and un iversi ty clubs enjoy. However, over th e las t two years, the club has started to win regallas and head races and ha; seen membership grow considerably with people joining who d01!'t know one end of an oar from an other.

Members of the UEA Boat Club Coach and Horses 4 v UEA 3 DESPITE remai ning rooteLI fi m1ly to the bollom of the League. UEA actually showed improved form in their encounter with the Coach and Horses, currently second in the League and 6-1 victors at UEA before Christmas, writes Jerry Spheres. Uncharacteristically,


poor finishing by Nick threw away a golden opportunity to take an early lead in the game, and UEA slipped 3-0 behind after the first 3 Lloublcs, despite an 81 check-out by Mike in his first match for the team. Tom and Chris stopped the

rot in the fourth doubles match and UEA drew level after winning both of the fo ursomes. Unfortunate ly in the fmal game, the 8's. UEA did not get a throw at double as after building up a large lead. the Coach and Horses checked out at the first attempt Highest score: Chris (145) Highest check-out: Mike (81)

Cycling Club sign sponsorship deal


Story and Picture: Keith Whitmore UEA's cyc ling club have clinched a major new sponsorship deal with two city firm s. Beeline Tax is and Bryants Cycles have prov ided th e team 's new tops. adorn ed wi th both Bee line and Bryants logos . Cont inued support wi ll come fro m Brya nts in the fo rm of discounts for club members. Shop owner, Chris Bryant, said that he "wanted to ge t invo lved wi th a local club, and a new and growi ng club like UEA's was ideal".

ONE room available now in the Golden Triangle. Rent only £35 per week

UAU Results: 3rd Knock-out Round FOOTBALL UEA 1-4 W. Sussex

MENS VOLLEYBALL UEA 0-3 Reading UEA 4-23 Bristol

MENS FENCING UEA 15-1 2 Surrey


cc \\ot'e·.

UAU Plate Results


MENS HOCKEY UEA i 5-1 Derby UEA ii 5-0 W. Sussex

NETBALL UEA 44-37 Essex

RUGBY UEA i 0-25 UCL UEA ii 10-13 W. Sussex UEA iii 10-37 Kingston iii


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