S launches ea Raign to warn students off excess booze
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By MATIHEW RAY, News Editor
The National Union of Students is set to join. leading drinks producers in a bid to warn students away from excess boozing. The campaign, to be launched next month, is being spearheaded by the Portman Group, who advi e on the dangerou effects of 'alcohol misuse.' Two or three units a day are The group is funded by national recommended for women and three producers of alcoholic drinks including Bacardi, Martini, Fosters or four units for men. One unit equals half a pint of and Guinne s. lager or beer, one shot of spirits or The new of the campaign comes one glass of wine. after boffins announced in top Nevertbeles , students drinking medical journal, The lAncet, that in the Union bar at the weekend had students are out-drinking other a different opinion, with some young people and a third of students believing the targets to be regularly 'binge' drink. unreali tic. Male tudents drink the mo t Said Ross Easterbrook (CHE 4), according to tlie study, with over "If you are going out for the night to half drinking above medically the LCR, then people are not going recommended levels. to pay attention to the limit."
Andrew Chevi of the Portman Group believes that univer ity provides many student with their first opportunity to drink unlimited amounts of alcohol. "The fact that student bars can be open a lot longer, plus the fact that the alcohol is obviously quite cheap means that if students want to get rat-ar**d it is not difficult for them todo o." But be added, "This is not an attempt to preach, it is an atteQ'lpt to provide information o that students can make up their own minds." NUS - wbo organi e cut-price drinks deals for tudents unions and the Portman Group bope to increa e awarene s by informing students of afe drinking habits.
Recover He added that the student lifestyle is more laid-back than others. "University is the one time when you get the chance of a lie-in whenever you need to recover." Live Overbye Kvammon (EURI), expre sed anger at the NUS drive, saying, "We should be left alone to drink what we like." However, Douglas Trainer, NUS President, is hoping that students will listen to the moderation message. "No one wants to stop students having a good time," he aid. "But the message of safe drinking still need to be got
acros ."
2 News
Concrete, Wednesday, January 21, 1998
Lower • • m1n1mum wage Millio ns of students an d other young workers, coul d receive a lower min imum wage if Government plan s get the go-ahead. Accordin g to Union bosses at the GMB , th e draft Nationa l Min imu m Wage B ill published earl ier this month allows the Low Pay Com miss ion to recommend lower wage rates for workers under 26 years of age. The Union attacks employers' claims that young people are under-trained and has launched a campaign to argue that 'it is fundamentally unfair to pay people less simply because of the ir age.' GMB also plans to hold seminars throughout the country advising students on their existing rights at work. " There are no grounds for a lower rate for the under-2Ss and powerful grounds for equality," said Rory Faulkner, Chairperson of the GMB Young Members group. " We want working students and the rest of young Britain to join this campaign ," he added.
Shock in Waveney A TALENTED first year was found dead in his Waveney Terrace room before the Christmas break. John Stcarn. I X. wa'> found by a cleaner on the morning of Frit.la}. November 28. hanging by a belt from his door in Wa,ene} A Block. He wa.\ last .\een at the LCR d"co the night hefore . John. from Maid.\tonc in Kent. came to EA last September to Join the School of English and American Studies. l ie had a particular interest in film . lt is not yet ~nown whether John's lkath wa.\ a suicide and an inquest will be held later this month .
Tribute John·, fun~ral was held on December 5 in Maidstone and was attended by many UEA srudcnb and staff.
EAS Se1nor Adviser. Tim .Vhu·shall. later paid tribute. saying. .. John Stearn was a student who po"c"ed high academic potential. ""lie chose L'EA because llofkred him the courses he wished to pursue and I feel sure he woulll have succeeded in his stud1cs. '"E\ eryonc connected w1th Jnhn in the School - his teachers. advisers and his fellow students - wil l sad ly mi " him ... Union Welfare Officer. Gar) Masscy '>aid that the Union had provi ded transport to the funeral. adding. '"When I met the people who
were tra' elling dm' n to the funeral that morning. I was ta~en aback h) the number nf them. "This did not come acro» to me '" so1nconc who had made vcr) few friends.
Active ··tic 1\ as "'mconc who had got quite an active social circle ... Gary added that students had been given chance to grieve for John. ··The Christmas break allowed emotion to dispe rse more natura ll y. it al lowed a period of natura l grief."" he said.
Register for healthy teeth Den tists at UEA's Health Centre have a limited number of spaces for new patients. Registered pati ents can obtain NHS treatment but only studen ts and staH can register with the practice. If you wish to register or your previous registration has expired, then visit the dental reception as soon as possible between 9am-1 pm and 2pm5pm. Monday to Friday.
Talks underway to reach final agreement by MATTHEW RAY, News Editor
A FINAL decision on the future of derelict student residences, Fifers Lane could be within grasp, after UEA and Norfolk Councils met for talks recently. The University is refusing to reveal full details, but University Spokesperson, Annie Ogden sait.l, ··we have b.:cn having extremely promi~ing discussions and hope to he able to announce a satisfactory o utcome for all parties in the near future."' Norfolk County Counc illors described ongoing negotiations as .. delicate". The news comes fo ll ow ing a pre-Chriwnas biuer deadlock which saw City and County Councils warn UEA that they would foot a five figure bill for repairing the old residences.
outstandi ng. UEA - who pay £95,000 rent every year on the site- described the move as "futi le" after discussions collapsed. Fifers hm, now been left in a beleaguered stare for three years, since UEA abandoned the sire ro vandab in 1994. h had been repon ed that the buildings would be demolished.
··we have reached an impasse and I very much regret that this is a co urse of action we are being forced to take,.. said a spokesperson. foll owing claims that UEA were try ing ro hand back the site in a slate of disrepai r and with ten years' lease rental
Bur there was still outrage last week that the fiasco has lasted so long. wi th Govern men t Empty Homes Agency S pokesperson, Bob Lawrence. accusing UEA and loca l authorit ies of wasting money.
'"We believe that over£ I million has been wasted in this lamentable episode through wasted rent. damaged buildings and the cost of police and fire brigade call outs."' he said.
Complaint "A question mark hangs over the University's role here and we are aware that a complaint has been made lo the Department of Educati on about the stewardship of these assets." Norwich North MP, Or lan Gibson, demanded an explanation from UEA and the Council. "Jt is a disgrace and somebody sho uld be held to account.' " he said.
Norwich is set to have a new £214 million hospital by 2002. Prime Minister Tony Blair gave the plans the go-ahead during a live TV interview from Japan last week. Confirming the deal in London, Health Minister Alan Milburn said, " I am delighted construction will now start on the largest contrac t in th e largest new hospital building programme in the history of the National Health Service. " Work has now begun on the site of the new 809-bed Norfolk & Norwich Hospital, at Colney on the outskirts of the City. " We are going into the 21st century with a state-of-th e-art hospital," said Tony Holden, of the Norfolk & Norwich Healthcare NHS Trust. The building should be completed by 2002. The move to Colney Lane will be seen as a victory for the East Norfolk Health Authority over campa igners who fought for a city-centre site for the new hospital. Delays to the project have seen the cost spiral fr om £193m to £214m, but thanks to the nature of the scheme the extra cost w ill not fall on taxpayers ' shoulders. The controversial project is biggest scheme the announced so far under the Government's Private Finance Initiative, which uses private finance for public schemes. The building will be constructed and maintained by a private firm , Octagon Healthcare, who will carry the burden of the extra £19m costs. The NHS will rent the building for 60 years and provide all medical services.
Concrete. Wednesday. January 21. 1998
NUS launch day of action
MENINGITIS CLAIMS LIFE UEA WAS left in a state of shock last semester after a .bright first year lost his desperate battle against meningitis. Michael Covell, 18, was admitted to the Norwich and Norfolk Hospital on the evening of Tuesday, December 7, with meningococcal septicaemia. He had complained of feeling unwell just hours earlier in his University Village room. Michael, a first year Law student, tragically died five days later on Sunday morning, with his close family at his bedside. His funeral was held on Monday, December 15, in his home town of Middlesborough.
Keen A keen member of UEA ' s Hockey Club, Michael had already proved himself to be a talented player during his University career. Club captain and c lose friend, Tom Hawes. said that Michael was an excellent player. " He was liked by everyone, and would have been the future of the club," he added . "We were all left deva~ t ated in the
going to miss him." The morning funeral service left a lasting impression on those who attended . Kate Barber (MGT 3) said, "Nine of us went to the service which was very emotional. "It was packed out and there was so many more of us from UEA that wanted to go. ''It just shows how popular he was. " Union Welfare Officer, Gary Massey added, "The loss of such an outgoing and gregarious young lad is devastating. ''it is a tragedy.'' Determined not to let his memory fade, the Hockey Club are hoping to set up an annual award for players who show a special commitment to the sport and the Club. Sa id Tom Hawes, "We are thinking of introducing a memorial
cup for the best Club member in tribute to Michael. "He was so committed socially as well as on the field." Michael' s sudden loss comes following a number of recent deaths in British universities from the deadly bug. Meningitis hit the headlines back in October 1996 at Cardiff University when five cases were discovered and two students died. And since last September there have been three meningitis deaths at Southampton University.
Sympathy University Spokesperson, Annie Ogden, confirmed that there were currently no other cases at UEA. And sbe added, "We greatly regret Micbael' s death and our thoughts and deepest sympathy are with hi s family ."
NUS has announced plans for a day-long shutdown in its battle against the introduction of tuition fees. Many students entering university this autumn will be forced to pay fees of around £1 ,000 as part of the Government's Teaching and Higher Education Bill. In its fight against the fees, NUS launched a nationwide ballot earlier this month - the date for the action has yet to be set NUS hopes the day of action will be supported by both campus trade unions and students. This latest attack forms part of NUS's continuous campaign which includes demonstrations before Christmas and lobbying of parliament A dramatic 20,000 drop in the number of university applicants was revealed just before Christmas and NUS President, Douglas Trainer believes figures will plummet further this year. And he added, "This is a fight we can win and we will defeat the Government "The national shutdown is the next stage in our show of anger. "Fees are killing access to higher education; they will destroy our universities and colleges. "
NORWICH FOLLOWING THE tragic death of Michael Covell, the University has kept its meningitis awareness campaign firmly in the spotlig ht. Las t Tuesday saw a vis it fro m the Mo bi le Awa reness Ve hi c le and Info rma tion Sc rvicc (M A VI S) and Trust Office rs on board handed ou t lcancts. cards and info rmati on packs to stude nt s. Said 1'\ational Dc,elopment Officer. Ch ri s11ne Bu rrows. "" 11 ha' been a ver) succe"ful day. as we have had a good respomc from the people on campus ...
Increase Although there was an n\·crall drop in the numher of na11nna l cases last year. meningi ti• amongst 16-:!5 year nlds 1s still on the Inc rease. atinnal t-.len1ngitis Trust Information Officer, Jonathon Buclsll') warned of student 'ulnerabilil}. ""The danger for universil) students and first years in
particular is that people come from all ove r the cou ntry bring ing wit h them different germs," he said. "As a result not ever)one is immune to the m." La\1 September. the University an d the Union set up the Meningitis Aware ness a nt! Response Team (MA RT> to deal "'ilh any pn"ib le ou tbreaks and In r~u
... c awarcnC'-"i.
··Jf there is an alert. MA RT is triggered 1n1o action and starts In a\\ess the situation to see "'hat additional resources arc needed ... said Dean of Student'. Dr Ki ff 'v!athcson . rhc Un1on is nm' set to run
informat ion tapes on Live\\ ire and wi ll cont inue lcafleting campus. A Research Fount!at ion trail er tape will also run before Union li lms . Mean wh ile . Dr Mathcso n I' looking into a long term pla n of acti on.
Impact ""Next year we haYe a complclcl) new lot of freshe rs and w c start aga1n. so \\hat ever you do it hm, got In be cyclic, .. he sa id. ""We rcall) want to find a fo rmu la that wi ll h;l\ c an impact ) car after yca1 , ant! that"' the cha llenge of continued awarcne" ra t'-ltng.
0500 556789 or 01603 455555
r-------------------- -----·- - - -- - - ---- -- - - - -
4 News
Concrete. Wednesday, January 21. 1998
Dog in Boots Police Dog Squad's have given their furry friends lace-ups after designer Douglas Buchanan completes a two year project to protect canine paws. The new Police and Prison spit-and-polish clobber has attracted interest from unexpected quarters including disaster services who use dogs to se;trch for survivors in sharp rubble.
Boy Makes Good A 14 year old dyslexic boy has made it into Cambridge as the University's youngest student this century. Alexander Falucly passed his English Literature A-Level at the age of 11 by dictating his exam onto tapes. The six foot bright spark is pleased with his achievement and is looking forward to student life.
Nosh on club nights just the beginning, !@YS Union By NICOLE RUSSELL
PARTYING students are being offered hot meals over the bar at Union events this year. Piaa. curry and pa~ta wcr~ on the menu for hoogying LCR - gocr~ last week . hut r.:ccivcd an indifferent reception when only a ~oli t ary piece of pizza was so ld . Btll Union >abb> remained optimi;tic that a late -night menu knocked up in the new £7.000 I li ve kitchen i; just the beginning of their
catering career.
Peace is Hell Dozens of Gulf War veterans handed back their campaign medals on Sunday - the seventh anniversary of the conflict - in protest at the lack of action on Gulf War Syndrome. The National Gulf Veterans And Families Association, claims that veteran are dying at the rate of two a month and many suffer conditions such as cancers, chronic fatigue, and depression. The Gulf War Syndrome suffers are unhappy with the way that the Government has treated them.
Poison Ivy League A member of staiT at Exeter University has been suspended after poisonous mercury was found in a kettle. 70 staff were advised to see their doctors after the alleged poison attempt at the University's Bio Lab.
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Sa id U ni on Communication Officer. Andy Watson. "I'm hoping this vcmurc wi ll prove that there is a need for a food outlet at that time after hour>. "Our ultimate a irn would be to operate a cal~ring outlet because we feel that we \\ould be able to meet the needs of studcllls by opening la te at night."
Response The , ·en lure fnllo\\ s a recent University survey wh ich revealed that student> want late-night catering on campus . As yet. neither Piccolo's or the Diner have ., hnwn signs of opening their doors pa>l 8pm as consulta nts Gardner Merchant conside r the
ealcrics' future. "We arc trying to get the Un iversity to >cc it from the point of view that. ultimately. the students require this s~rvicc." said Andy . who hopes that the Union will be on campus or crea te their own . He abo revealed that Liw in the Hi vc ha' been gra nted a rcprie\ e for
Change In an apparent U-turn b) Norw ich fire chi~fs, the capacil) of the Hi\e has been doubled from ~00 to 600 · meaning the free night i> nO\\ back to stay. The origi nal Tuesday nit;hl hash has been sorel) missed since it was changed on fire brigade orders. Said Gare th Bolitho BIO J. "lt u;ed to be a good night out. something you cou ld tum up eo and just enJOY
Concrete, Wednesday, January 21, 1998
chief warns of
thefts amidst claims of staff cuts
By GRAHAM DIGGINES, Assistant News Editor
NEW CAMPUS Security Supremo, Ron Elllott, has revealed that a gang of professional criminals may be responsible for a crimewave sweeping UEA. The worrying news comes just days after a member of UEA staff alleged that the already overstretched security team may be cut in size. The crimewave includes a concerns over a current security and staff will help in the fight number of incidents in which cash review that could see the number of against campus crime. guards slashed even further. and a brand new printer were "Every student and member of However, new boss Mr Elliott stolen from the Arts Buildings, staff has a responsibility for their and more recently two computers own safety," be said. dismissed the allegations, saying, worth £20,000 were taken from "These claims are pure speculation the School of Mathematics. as the review is still underway. Said Mr Elliott, ''There is no "I ~ave reason to believe that a "I would like to see people doubt about it that this University nomfuated as safety representatives reduction in the number of security is a prominent target for guards will not be one of the in the same way as people are given professional criminals and I the job of fire wardens in the recommendations that will be believe that we have had a visit different floors of the residences." made." And he added, "You cannot rely from a team of such individuals. Mr Elliott is now putting together "In fact a security guard a Neighbourhood Watch style on the limited number of security disturbed three people in the staff to make sure nothing happens." scheme and is hoping that students Environmental Science block only last week, thwarting what may have been a follow-up attempt from the previous thefts."
New Supremo is ex-copper
Inadequate These events follow 'revelations by a member of security staff that UEA'-s current team is stretched to the limit and at times the campus is left without adequate security cover. "Because of the lack of guards per shift, we cannot do things we are supposed to, like walk through residences and make sure the students are alright," they added. The anonymous member of Mr Elliott's security squad also raised
UEA's new security coordinator, Ron Elliott, began his safety and crime prevention career in 1965 when he joined Norfolk Police in Kings Lynn. Mr Elliott then moved to Yarmouth and Norwich before becoming head of Norfolk CID. Since his retirement in 1996, he has been responsible for 630 Neighbourhood Watch schemes in North Norfolk and it is this experience which has prompted
him to suggest a similar scheme for UEA. Mr Elliott, who hopes to educate students and staff about crime prevention said, "I want to work with students and help them be responsible for their own security. "I understand the concerns of students and students' parents because I myself have a daughter in her fourth year at Kingston University." he added.
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Concrete, Wednesday, January 21, 1998
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Valentines : Classifieds : ,..A~L~cZZi
Take advantage of UEA's offer By NICOLE RUSSELL
Summer may seem a long way off, but if you are planning on taking a holiday trip, then UEA chiefs may stump up some cash.
The next issue of Concrete will contain exclusive Valentines messages • so make sure you get yours included, for free! If you have a message for the object of your desire, then jot it down here, cut out the coupon and put it in our competitions box, located in the foyer of Union House. If you include your name, then we'll also enter you in our competition for the slushiest message. The winner gets a bottle of Champagne, courtesy of IKON nightclub.
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CAMPAIGNING students have overturned Union policy following a campus ballot, writes James Goffin. The vote asked stude nts tu decide whether the Union should remain affiliated to the National Abortion Campaign. Over 750 studen ts took part in the term to end the affiliation, protesting ballot, with 432 voting to that the NAC is a political prodisaffi liate, and 321 registering their abortion lobby group, and that its support for the affiliation. advice is unlikely to be impartial. '"I'm glad that the Union is now Biased representing more students and I' m glad that so many people came ou t ''NAC does not provide neutral to vote," said Sara h Mackcn, one of information. it's quite biased ," the students who headed the claimed Sarah Mackcn . disaffiliation campaign. " I'd call it directional An inquurate UGM last May counselling." prompted Students ' Forum to back However, NAC has denied ever NAC, providing st udent s with claiming to be an impartia l adv iceinformation on abort ion. giving serv ice. But Sarah Macken and Kevin ''The National Abortion Oliver launched a campaign last Campaign is not an advice service.
it 's not ou r in remit, and never has been. it is a campaign ing gro up," said NAC Secretary, Janet Mcarns. Regarding the disaffiliation , she added, " I think it is a great pity because the vast majority of people arc pro-choice, and women in the 18-26 age group arc the greatest users of abortion services."
Views Union Women's Officer, Rachel M organ, believes that lessons ca n be lea rnt about the best way to gauge studen t opinion. "An inquoratc UGM is never going to be indicative of studen t views. " Referendums arc possibly the way to go," she sa id.
Globetrotting s tudents are now being invited to apply for part of a £2,000 travel fund to help finance trips to any loca tion. you are an undergraduate," he said. There arc 20 awards worth £I 00 "The idea is that you are each o n offer. broadening your horizon s and UEA Travel and Expedition expanding your mind ." Committee Secretary, Jon Beard, is keen to encourage app li cations from But appli cations for booze runs to Calais will not be considered as anyone with a proposal, from jungle trek s in Africa to visi ts to th e plans for trips and expeditions need to be we ll thought out. Norfolk Broads. " We want to sec how much · Purpose preparati on you've put in and how " I think that when you say travel serious you arc about the trip," said Mr Beard . award, you immediately get a mental picture of someone going Enthusiastic down the Congo," he said. " We arc interested in seeing " But the trip ca n be to all types of different places, as long as we can something different - people who are getting rea ll y involved in sec a purpose and 'omc sort of usefulness to it.'' someth ing, people who arc really enthusiastic. If successful, applicants will be " For example, we have had asked to write a short report of their trip when they return. people travelling to South America to climb up mountains.'· However. students with a year The expeditions can also have a abroad as part of their stud ies need not apply. charitable aim . Interested students ca n collect Mr Beard hopes th at the awards application forms from the Registry wil l give students the opportuni ty to Reception , and comple ted forms escape academic li fe. must be returned to Mr Beard no "The travel awards must not have later than February 25. anything to do with your stud ies if
dismantling Norwich's Christmas decorations downed tools earlier this month and called city.leaders to a tree-side meeting. But th is was not a dispute about working conditio ns. Instead it concerned a broody blackbird who had built a nest and laid her eggs in the city 's 35ft Christmas tree. 'Nesta ', as the bird has been christened by councillors, was discovered by electricians removi ng lights from the tree before TWelfth Night. And although the tree has now stayed up beyond the deadline fo r avoidi ng bad luck, the City Cou ncil is confident it has beaten the TWelfth Night curse. "A Christmas tree is a Christmas tree when you've still got the decorations on it, and the decorations have come down ," said a City Hall spokesperson. "And it may have been worse luck if we had destroyed the eggs and the nest," she added. The bird had nested so early in the year thanks to unu sua ll y high temperatures encountered ear lier this month . " lt's not that unusual, and other birds nest at this time of the year anyway," said an RSPB spokesperson. "If you look around there are other birds singing their heads off, and robins are getting ready for their breeding season," she added. )3ut a cold spell could mean disaster for Nesta and her chicks. " If a cold snap occurred within the ;:~~fi--~:.O.;;..;;;J next four weeks, the eggs would be likely to fail," said the spokesperson. "Even if the eggs hatch and there is a cold spell, there may not be enough food around for the mother to feed them." But for now at least, the birds have some protection. !t is illegal to disturb a nesting bird.
Ne1Ns: In depth 7
Concrete, Wednesday, January 21. 1998
As plans for the Millennium Dome hit new·controversy, Concrete looks at celebrations for the turn of the century Britain's plans for celebrating the new mi ll ennium hit new controversy last week with two top consultants quitti ng the project. Millennium Commission boss Eric Sorenson and Millenni um Dome design guru Stephen Bayley both abandoned the Government's flagship plans to celebrate the start of the third millennium. At the centre of the Government's plans is the Mill enn ium Dome, a 20-acre canopy that stradd les the Greenwic h Prime Meridian, in southwest London. Costing £758m - £450m of which will come from the National Lottery - the Dome has been promised as a breathtaking experience that celebrates the past and heralds a bright new future. The statistics of the Dome are impressive. Almost completely surrounded by the Thames, the Dome's soaring steel masts enclose a space that could hold 13 Royal Albert Halls or two Wembley stadiums. And at 50
bei ng run is pure East Germany. "I get memos talking about the 'creative task force'. It 's awful," he told the Sunday Te legraph. "I don't like political interference and they don' t like creative advice, so it's completely undo-able from my point of view.'' Particular cntlctsm was re erved for Peter Mandelson, the minister without portfolio who has special responsib ility for the Millennium Dome project, who recently visited Disney World for inspiration. "If Mandy went . down to a voodoo sacrifice in Brixton tonight, he'd come back tomorrow sayi ng, 'we must have voodoo sacrifices in the dome'." The centrepiece of the Dome i to be a circular centra l arena seating 12,500 peop le. Once· inside, visitors wi ll see a mu ltimedia spectacular on the theme of "Time's J\[row", starting at the Big Bang and racing through time to the present day. From here, the audience will be
people forecasted to visit the Dome - and each pay ing about £ 17.50 for the privi lege- will see inside the pavi lions is unknown, but is still the subject of fierce debate. Church leaders have expressed concern that the Dome will lack a spiritual element, arguing that the anniversary is essentially a Christian one. "One year is not dramatically more significant that another; the most significant point is that it marks 2,000 years since the birth of our Lord," said Lucy Heywood, spokesperson fo r Norwich Cathedral. "Personally, I fee l that any celebrations should foc us on 2,000 years of Christianity, but if others want to set off fi reworks and have an all-night party, that's fi ne," she said. Local planners are getting on with the job of celebrating the start of the next thou~and years with a £70m learning city project, and UEA is set to play a leading role.
~~::s· is~~:as ta ll
Central Library, which was destroyed by fire, and the Bethel Street car park. Theatre Street and
Once inside, visitors will see a multi· ~:~:;:~~~:~~~a~~c~~~:.lso ~0~~~~- media spectacular on the theme of ~~;rtcs~i~e.the p;~ja~~tri~~ theHowa:~~~i 'Time's Arrow'' starting at the Big Bang :~c~~:g~~~ak:d a~~0 ~;: and racing through time to the present day The new hbrary at the
n. s
the Dome are shrouded in
my tery. Unti l last week the plans were being co-ordinated by destgner Stephen Bayley, who resigned in protest at what he saw as political mterfercnce. "The whole way in which 1t is
cast out mto an outer rifig of 40 pavilions celebrating lifestyle, the environment and transport, and "the choices we have as cttizens of a crowded island in a crowded and unequal world.'' Exactly what the 12 million
Norwich· s biggest project to celebrate the start of the third millennium is the construction of a new Millennium Library and a Heritage Visitors Attractton. Costing over £70m, the project will see the redevelopment of the city centre site of the old Norwich
connections. the library has been de tgned to be a world-class factlity. But as well as the state of the art library, the site will also be the base for a Business and Learning Centre and a Learning Shop, both
of which UEA is taking the lead role in. Working together with local councils, Chambers of Commerce, and Norwich City College, the University will be providing business and traini ng opportunities, and helping individuals develop their careers and skills. UEA is also spearheading a distance learning programme, to be delivered throug~ a network of 23 learning centres across the region. Future students will be able to attend virtual lectures and scmmars. and clectromcally
submit work for assessment. Norwich's plans may be dwarfed by the Greenwich Dome in London, but at least they look sure to be completed by their December 2000 deadline. Of the £300m needed for the Dome from business sponsorship, only around £20m has been publicly pledged. The snc can only be reached by the new Jubilee Line extension to the London Underground, which has been plagued by construcuon problems. A lot of work still remains to ensure the "translucent, gleaming white canopy" doesn't become a white elephant.
WORLD PARTY France Plans to celebrate the start of the third millennium in France are taking a very different flavour from those in Britain. Although the centre of celebrations in France will be the 'City of the Year 2000' in Paris, the emphasis is on small community projects throughout the country. The four main themes being explored are imagination, knowledge, sharing, and creativity. Examples of projects being encouraged include putting on a play, cleaning up a river and helping neighbours. Other plans include: New millennium commissions for French artists, craftsmen and designers
The creation of 'Gardens of the 21st Century', including a 'Garden on the Two Banks', symbolising the friendship of France and Germany • The casting of the world's largest bell • A special route for the Tour de France • A number of international art and culture exhibitions . One project already in action is a giant electronic timer on the Eiffel Towel, counting down to the year 2000.
National plans to celebrate "the American century" are being led by the First Lady, Hilary Cllnton, from the White House. According to President
Bill Clinton, the plans will reflect that, "Through wars and depression and industrial revolution, and now an information revolution, our American spirit of discovery, innovation and faith in the future have carried us forward and inspired billions of people around the world." The National Endowment for the Arts is spending $5.9m on projects including: • 'Millennium Minutes', a series of national TV adverts on important events and people 'Internet Goal', connecting every library and classroom to the intemet by 2000 • 'Worthy Ancestors Program', saving cultural material from folk, popular and classical traditions
99P OFFERS! Topaz 400ml shampoo + free 250ml conditioner Nivea facials: moisturiser, toner, cleanser, wash cream Natural Options range of vitamins Cussons mild cream soap (4 pack) Total Care Antiseptic Mouthwash 500ml Aquafresh flex toothbrush PLUS! Mace large sliced loaf 35p 1 Kg granulated sugar 69R
TWO COMPUTER HD DISK PACK WITH FREE CASE £1.99 THREE TDK AR90 OR SF90 CASSEnES WITH FREE £1 PHONECARD £3.99 !Q~TDI< Opening Hours, 9am-5.30pm Mon-Fri . . ·9am ..1pm Saturday
Features 9
ofhypern'lart.t .. deecltpllol• 11 . . ahuld't.
WCIIIhlp. ln 19117._ Mcf DMr hid allout eljlllflltl ..... P. .......
i*li. . .-.~Wlf.atr&tt . out. The ftrll of ..... la gelling • ...,
There are three oompaniM who run day
to France. These 818 Sea France, P&O and Siena Une. We found lhat Sea France was the 'c:heeplel but you may ~ able to tlnd a dell from ~ of the other corl1*1111 by loolclng In the
national p1888. At tlmel . . Ctwtllmu end Easter the ferrle8 get very busy, 10 • • • good Idea to book eout a week In IICMnciiO eneura you get the 1lrnes you want. lt lllmpot'tln to know how long you want to spend In Fiance when you book. lf you 818 goilg purely for llloOhol. tour or tlve hounllhould be ample, bul • you want to .expertence a bit of French cullure you may need a little longer. Once you have booked .. ticket .. that remains Is to rusde up a group of equally~ beer drinkers, one of whom must hold a ¥lld driving lcence, and await the coming of the big day. When lt flnaDy does arrive don't forget your j)aseport because a day spent wanderfng around the Port of Dover le about as lntereltfng ae watching paint dry, eepeclally when you know your mal88 are having the time of their llvelln France. A word of advice for those of you who sUrrer wllh travel slcknel8: make sure you like 8ome lablels before Hlllng off. Unfoftunately one of the members of our group forgot to do this and paid the price. While the rest of us went ~ a hearty breakfast of bacon and eggs In 0!'8 of the restaurants he was outside struggling not to part with his meal from the night before.
UnloflJMteiJ, till a110 '-d ep 8CMM e1rect on
ferry port to one of the~ Cln be ~ tiiiiP8CiaiiY If you
haven, diMn on lbil
GOidlnent before. Our~..,_, too ... . . . . nat ccu1llng the odd raundlboul tacldld wn111g dlreciJon or the P*n we m-.ct on W. motarway ~ meant thlllniiHd of "--ing far the ferry port, and our • back'to bllghly, we wnln fllot heading tor Belgbn. A quick glance In the mirrors and a ~tamp on the brUe- allhat- rl8ldld 10 avert lhll polentlal cleasler. If you do menage to get IIOialy lost, tJy and tlnd 1n Engllah car to lollow, preferabiJ en e8li8llt with two or three yow~g to mlddla aged bloUIIn, and the chlncee .,. they wll be heading In exactly the same drection you wanllo. In M/ CMe, I~ be WOfth plcki1g up maps ~ Callll from the port before you !elM. A journey of tM or 10 hours just to get cheap beer may seem a bit exceeatve. e.peclelly when you have to repeallt on the way back. bulas aoon as you step lhl'ol9l the doors of the hypermer1cet and see the II'ICMM1IIIna of cheap beer 11 al becomes worthwhle. If you're the eort of pereon who gets arPf enjoyment whataoever from drinking 1hen this place wRl seem like paradise. Aa you take your first tentative 8t8p8 towarda this awesome display you may find youraetf struck by the realisation 1hat while man hu been aearohlng for heaven for centuries you 818 8tMng at it In an lndustrtal town In northern France. While we went In Calais we weniiO two of the biggest stocldsts, Auchan (Which !..cl to be the Mammoulh 1Up81'8t10re) and Teeco at Cite de Europe. AI of the major hypennarUIIIn Calala accept sterlng and malor end caniiiO there Is no need to change massive amounts of money. However, you wiR need a couple of 10 ffanc coins for the~ The Auchan had b¥ tar the beet
. If you do get bells to tell them that you n a ltudlnt • aoonu poeelble, which wl leiW8 them In no doubt a& 1o your abllllY bdrtnrc • al )"'UfHHf and let you go without delllyl AI In d. a .._,10 France 10 buy beer S8fW8 two purpoeee;. Fat of ... enables you to buy 80 much beer that even Ollver Reed would turn green with erwy. Secondly, .... great day out which comblnee 1\e ldventln of the journey and a~ on ... ~ aeas of the English Chamel wllh the pleau88 of bargain hunting and salllfaction In the knowledge that with your pun:hMea you .,. sure to have many more ~
10 Features
Concrete, Wednesday, January 21, 1998
Concrete, Wednesday, January 21, 1998
Features 11
·.A_Daid advertisement by
y~ r. stl!dent
. . . . v.. vo 8a' ' u.a· ~
Whilst unwrapping your prezzies, searching for oaii:eries and listening to your mum and dad moaning (ooh, er) we've been hard at work getting the place ship-shape for 98. Yes, gang. WELCOME BACK to a shiny new year and a shiny new Hive floor. We've missed you ...
WORLD AIDS DAY The Union had stands at The Fashion Show, Salsa Night and in the Hive during the first week of December. Thousands of Red Ribbons, condoms and balloons made this our mo~t successful campaign ever, raising £376.51, thank you! The money was donated to The Norwich Aids Help_line and Positive People.
Gary handing over a cheque for £80 to Steven Greensmith from Positive People, a Norwich based self-help group for people affected by HIV. Charles Vanden Broeden from Norwich AIDS helpline, a local support and care group, ·receives a cheque for £296 from Andy.
CAR·O L CONCERT This popular UEA event goes from strength to strength! This joint initiative between the Union and the Chaplaincy raised £138.05 for the Saint Martins Housing Trust and featured the Sprowston brass band, the School of Music Choir and a stunning performance from The Last Chance Drama Group- watch out Michael Eavis! Garth, James and Gary present a cheque to Denise Zandenburg from the Saint Martins Housing Trust. The Trust provides accommodation and support to approximately 600 individuals per year.
LATE-NIGHT LICKIN' There's a new addition to the Post Office facilities. The shiny new red box next the long-established red box in the street is indeed a stamp machine. Norwich ·truly is a 24 hour city!?
Features 13
Concrete, Wednesday, January 21, 1998
A day in the life of a researcher for The Time The Place
Aimee Halldsley, who finds guests to appear on the daytime TV programme, h the typical times and places of her day s a guest researcher for Anglia TV I have to find the guests for each show. I've been doing this for a few months now. Before that I was an audience researcher which gave me a good grounding - it was a great place to start. In that job you have to find an audience which is relevant to the topic, wh ich is good practice. Today I got up at 6.30, for a production meeting at 8 in one of the hospitality rooms. That meeting really consists of John Stapleton [the presenter], the director, the editor, the producer, myself and a PA and spend some time going through the script. Then the guests arrive at about 8.15. We take them into the hospitality room and we do this thing called talking them up. Most of the guests who arrive are really nervous so you go through what they've told you on the phone already. You have
to check the legals as weuand
everything runs smoothly with the sound men , the lighting people, John and the autocue. The guests are then taken back into the hospitality room and given a cup of coffee or tea. We just have a general chat with them to make them feel at ease. Usually, once they've had the rehearsal they feel better about things. "then , at about 9.30 the audience is brought in, and at about 9.45 myself or my producer does the warm up. This is just to get the audience talking and to inform them about what is going to happen. Then John comes on and does his warm up.
EXfEfll'l Cff~L'1 rJ OOvGUtS - ~ FoM•If Thcflli(IS~
Sometimes I feel that I'm always on call, but I don't mind, because at the en d 0 f th e d ay I•t' S WOrth I•t
make sure that they're not going to say anything which we're not covered for or which is libellous. We have to make sure that they're relaxed and then they go over again what they want us to hear, what they want John to hear and what they want the nation to hear. We won't make them say anything that they don't want to say. There's a rehearsal at about quarter to nine and the guests are taken through their steps. The rehearsal is to make sure that
he show goes out from 10 to 10.30. After the show, I will go back to my office and wait for any calls that come in to do with our programme because it was live. Then we will have a production meeting at about 3 pm to think of new ideas and to see what we will "do next week. A trailer has already gone out on the recorded show for next week's programme but in case the trailer's not very good or something goes wrong we always have to have a back-up. We always like to do very topical things so we flick through the newspapers every day just to see what's coming up. We do all of the tabloids and the broadsheets, to check what the main stories are and what people would be interested in. I'll go home this evening at about 6 or6.30. On
WOrking day is spent on the telephone
than any other day but it really does depend on how well the show is going. For example, if yesterday we couldn't get somebody or if we were chasing somebody at the last minute we would stay in the office for however long it took. I have been known to stay until 9 at night and some people have been known to stay until 11 pm. lt really depends on whether you're lucky and whether calls are coming in . hen I get home, I have a cup of tea and a fag - in the garden, cos my mum something, then it all comes good. doesn't like me smoking in the house But sometimes I get annoyed if I'm supposed to and I watch television. I love watch ing television. I be going out - if I'm about to step out of the door watch all the soaps, and the news, and any on a Saturday and the phone rings. documentaries - BBC documentaries or Channel My ideal day is all my dream guests phoning in 4 documentaries. I really love them. Then I have a at once, booking, then me not having to work for chat with my friends on the phone. the rest of the week. That's never happened, and I don't do very much because I'm really it's not likely to either! knackered every day. I don't go out much and I should make the effort. But I do go out at weekends. --;....-------~~"!""'!'~~~----------., I normally work Monday to Friday, but a couple of weekends I have actually ended up working from home. I'm always in contact. Most weekends you have to make yourself available in case anything goes wrong. There's one particular show I remember, when stuff started going wrong. lt was nobody's fault, but something cropped up with a guest who couldn't make it. So four of us spent all weekend phoning round, trying to chase people. it's very rare that I don't speak to the producer at the weekend. I have done for the past five or six weeks. Sometimes I feel that I'm always on call, but I don't mind it because at the end of the day it's worth it. You have to keep working at it until it's right and that's quite stressful. If the show's going badly and it's a live show, then you're in a mess when it goes wrong. A lot of people love it though and really thrive on it. lt's very rewarding if you've worked really hard for
I '•
... ~ t; •..t .....•~.:~
14 Letters & Comment
Co ncrete, Wednesday, January 21. 1998
am a foreign 'mature' student in my first year and wanted to talk about the boy who died on Thursday 27th November 1997. I do not understand why no one seem to react about it so I hope that my letter is going to be published. For me, it is very difficult to believe it. I do not blame anyone but I think that no one had given him enough help if he went so far as to commit suicide. Our advisors and also some students are really not helpful regard ing their fellow man . All of us (students) are here for th e same aim, as far as I remembe r, therefore maybe we should help each other and be united instead of bei ng in competition. We are not yet an imals where the stronger eat the weaker. Every human being is different but equal so we should look after our 'brothers and sisters' and not let it happen a second time . This boy was only eighteen years old and he was in his first year. I did not know him but I knew what he !ooked like. So I hope that he feels better where he is now. Bless him and his soul and I also wanted to send my best regards to his entire family. No one should be blamed fo r his death, or maybe everyone? Who can tell ? But nevertheless , do not forget th at heaven can be on earth . lt is just up to us really.
oday Concrete celebrates its sixth birthday - 80 issues since it first hit the news-stands! Concrete was set up in January 1992 by three UEA students in a makeshift office in EAS. Since then, the paper has gone from strength to strength, bringing you the very best in news, features and sport, plus everyth ing you need to know about entertainment in the Event section every fortnight. And don't forget, if you want to contribute to Concrete, meetings are held every Monday at 12.15pm in Room 1.33, Union House.
Would you like Concrete's Mystic Rod to cast his cosmic gaze upon your own personality, and share his findings with the enti re population of UEA? Or do you know someone might be amused by a little free publicity? If so, just write your (or your friend's) name, tim e (if yo u know it), date, and place of birth on a piece of paper and address it for the attention of Mystic Rod . Please enclose a contact telephone number too, if you ca n, and a photo of the subject. Drop all this off in Union House , either 1n the Concrete office upstairs. or in our box next to the Steward's Cabin.
Crosswo Across 1. To take a rest (6) 4. Gone off (5) 8. Related to goods and services (8) 10. Help (3) 11. Organise (7) 13. Spots (4) 16. A contemporary (4) 17. Big boat (7) 21 . Baby's bed (3)
22. Propose somebody (8) 24. Routine (5) 25. Thank Crunchiel (6) Down 1. Blue blooded (5) 2. Forecast (10) 3. Footwear (4) 5. Three (3) 6. Rubber (6) 7. Entrance (4)
9. Talk down to (10) 12. Tear (3) 14. Historical period (3) 15. Insult (6) 18. Journey (4) 19. Tale (5) 20. Attached to one's scalp (4) 23. Lubricant (3)
Crossword answers: issue SO Across 1. Uppity 4. Enigma 9. Cheering 10. Trio 12.Lad 13. Romanticise 14.Son 15. Lie 17. Linda 19. Antiseptic 22. Me 23. Fungi 25. Christmastime
Down 1. Uncharismatic 2. Predominate 3. Terminal 5. No 6. Gurgle 7. A word of advice 8. Invoice 11 . Still lites 16. Item 18. Na 20. Perm
21 . cu
24. Pi
-- -
Letters & Comment 15
Concrete, Wednesday, January 21 , 1998
NUS • CONTROLLING OUR BEER No one would ever claim that it is wrong for people to be given information about something that can harm both themselves and the people around them. We've seen the effects of too much alcohol in the bar when fights break out. Therefore a campaign to warn students about the dangers of drinking too much alcohol can be welcomed, as long as our intelligence is understood and we are not patronised. However, it's hard to accept an Initiative from NUS without detecting a whiff of double standards. NUS prides itself on getting the best deals for student unions up an<f down the country through Its company, NUS Services Limited. This Includes negotiating with major suppliers, buying drink In bulk, and bringing cheap prices to our bars. lt seems that NUS Is willing to give us cheap drink with one hand, but recommends taking it away with the other when it comes to us potentially damaging ourselves. The truth is that many students know what one unit of alcohol is and they know when they are drinking excessively. We would willingly listen to NUS telling us how much Is too much • but not when we know that they are the ones who put the subsidised beer behind the bar in the first place.
We want cheap beer, NUS - not double standards and cheap words.
DEATH OF TWO TALENTS The deaths of two UEA students before the Christmas break was a great shock, both to those who knew them well and even to those who did not. Concrete would like to offer its sympathy to the family and friends of John Stearn and Michael Covell.
f education is a right what else is? How can anyone have the right to anything? In order to be free , people can only have the right to be protected from something (from assault, from infringements on themselves). Who is providing the education? There is no such thing as a free good service. There can only be a few, and rare people who will pass their life doing something for others for no reward. Reward is needed if you live in an advanced society which is not based on a hand to mouth existence. This is why we have money, a good that is transferable. If people are to teach you , you have to pay them . At the moment it is through tax . Maybe you yourself are not paying the tax but someone is. Why does someone have to pay for something they are not using? If I were to redecorate my house would I have the right to demand money from others to pay for it? No, because it is my house and most people have no interest in it, they do not want to give me money for this job. If people wish to pay someone to teach them they will. If somebody does not wish to learn why do they have to pay for others? What are you commanding if you commend free riders? If somebody does not wish to use education (want to learn through teaching ,) but thinks it is generally a good thing for people to do, there is nothing stopping them
from contributing . In fact if people did not have to pay tax they would have a considerable amount more money to spend as they wished. The difference between what happens in reality and what has been suggested is that what I have suggested relies on people and not force . If you do not want to do something (pay tax) why don "! you go to prison? Why do~a select group of people have the power to come and forcibly remove your property or even worse your person from where you want it? The excuse of acting for the greater good , for the good of people, is a poor one. Examples of this excuse in history are Hitler and Stalin . Only you know what you want and need and only you can fulfil your desires. Giles Bancroft (WAM 2)
Competition Winners: Issue 80 CHRISTMAS GIVEAWAYS Caleys: Katrina Topham EUR 2 Tesco: Mark Baker SOC 1 Sainsbury: Lia Evans ENV 2. Choccies: Emily Knowles EUR 1 Gigs: Fiona Simon BIO Gigs: Lynette Clapp ENV 2 Grape: Martin Brock EUR 2 Asda: Laura Perander DEV 2 Rachel Harrison ENV 2 Andrew Day ENV 3 Glnzlng: Robert Butler HIS 2 Fringe: Helen Gardner EAS 1 Emma Roblnson LAW 3 Martyn Steele LAW 3 Tralnspottlng: Hannah Lee EAS 1 Books: Rebecca Drury EUR 1
GOYLine •Editor: Jane Kirby •Deputy Editor: Nick Triggle •News Editor: Matthew Ray •Assistant News Editor: Graham Diggines •Features Editor: Emma Newbery •Chief Features Writer: Katie Crockett •Sports Editor: Carolina Jeater •Assistant Sports Editor: Mark Edwards •Picture Editor: Rob Lutyens • Distribution Manager. Oliver Polhill •Editorial Contributors: Nicole Russell , Adam Aiken, Sarah Moore, James
Goffin, Stuart May, Simon Mann, Kay Spragg, Katie Westgate, Luke Miles, Sam Azouelos ·Photographers: Rob Lutyens, Nick Welsh, Matt Walsh, Steve Cullingham •Advertising Manager: Amy Kingswell • Ad Designer: Paul Gould ·Special Thanks to: UH Stewards, everyone at ECN •Copy Editors: Kay Spragg, James Goffin ·Proofreader: Eloise Markwick ·Concrete is published by the Union of UEA Students. Opinions expressed are those of the Contributor and not necessarily those of the Publisher or Editor. Use of the name 'The Event' appears by arrangement with the copyright holders, Planet Zog Ltd. •No part of this newspaper may be reproduced or transmitted through unsafe quantities of alcohol, things left on white paper, raspberry sauce or without the prior written consent of the publisher. And yes, while we're at it, let's wave a prolonged goodbye to one of our founders, Simon Mann. Simon - you've driven us mad, eaten our pizza, made bad jokes ...and dried our tears. •Printed by Eastern Counties Newspapers Ltd., Norwich, Norfolk NR1 1RE. © UUEAS, 1997.
Claire White (LGB Officer), Katy Fixter (Internal Affairs Officer, Eddle Rees (LGB Officer), Kathryn Amos (Environment Officer) Adam Burrell (Clubs & Socs), Hazel Cappel (Community & International), Paul Savidge (NUS Officer), Caroline Watson (Disability Officer), Rachel Morgan (Women's Officer) Ruth Clayton (Disability Officer), Becky Currant (Academic Officer) ~:
university of east anglla
UEA's Independent Student Newspaper PO Box 410,Norwich NR4 7TB Tel: (01603) 250558 Fax: (01603) 506822 E·Mait. su.concrete@uea.ac.uk
We are writing in response to the letter from R. Sibson (Serving Who? 26th Nov.) We find it unacceptable that one member of executive has been scapegoated in a personal attack on an issue that should be brought up with the entire executive committee . The Union provided free coaches for students to travel on the 26th and we do not feel that this constitutes a 'systematic attack' on said demonstration. In the first letter Iona was criticised for not following her party line in campaigning against fees, and now for not doing enough! Surely rather than levelling accusations on her actions, she should be commended for the hard work that she put into the campaign. We all worked very hard to organise for the NUS day of action on 1st November and for the rally in the square, and are strongly opposed to tuition fees. Our decision not to fully back the demo was not related to any career aspirations any member of the executive may have in the NUS and was made collectively. At present we are all busy with the NUS week of action, running from the 1st of December. If you have a problem with the executive committee, then this is an issue to raise with them as a whole and not one individual member.
(01603) 592505 Monday 8 - 1Opm (Term Times) University of East Anglia Norwich, Norfolk NR4 7TJ su.lgb@uea.ac.uk
Confidential listening without prejudice
~592505 Monday 8 -10pm (Term Time)
Clare O'Connor EUR 2 Rachel Peters HIS 2 Naomi Greenwood ENV PG Robert Wright LAW 3 Nail Varnish: Georgie Glister SOC 3 Laura Glover EAS Emma Roblnson LAW 3 Catherlne Clark SOC 1 Rebecca Prury EUR1 Lynette Clapp ENV 2 Lia Evans ENV 2 Katrina Topham EUR 2 Kathryn Jennlngs EUR 1 Talia Eagle LAW 1 Lunch: Sheena Rogers CHE 2 Booze: Catherine Clark SOC 1 Eurostar: Emlly Hunker EAS 2 (Answer: Waterloo)
nightline 503504 .Norfolk Terrace C03.12
Listening Not Lecturing
ft Opening Hours: 8pm .- 8am every day for drop-in or phone 503504
- - - - - - - a paid advertisement by your- student u n i o n - - - - - - -
Apres-Exam Relaxation Techniques ...
Now that most of you have finished your examinations, it's a time to relax ... and what better way than with a slice of delicious pizza, cooked to perfection in the newly re-furbished Hive kitchenette. If that doesn't tantalise your taste buds, how about a sumptuously filled jacket potato or 'spice it up' (where have we heard that before?) with a saucy curry, MMMmmmm ..... (oops, back to Mum & Dad again). These culinary delights will be on sale from The Hive during 'Section 77' events, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday nights. New kitchen- in The Hive Nutritionin your turn New friends- from far away
That's right folks, a new semester brings with it the joys of new- found friendship. A fresh batch of single semester students will be arriving this week. Help us to help them enjoy their integration into UEA. Remember, a friendly smile is worth more than a thousand words!..
SOC MART 11 SOC MART 11 is an opportunity for you to enjoy any Clubs or Societies that you missed out on in September. There will be a mixture of sporting and non-sporting societies, everything ranging from Ballroom Dancing to Rugby. Joining a Club or Society is an excellent opportunity to meet like-minded people and get involved in an exciting variety of activities. Come along and join up!
11.00 - 4.00, FRIDAY 30TH JANUARY, LCR
-- - - - --- - - - -
- ---;---
---~ -
Young lions knocked out of 路Europ_t By ADAM AIKEN
FUTURE stars of English football descended upon Norwich, and gave a tremendous performance as they attempted to overhaul a 2-o deficit from the first leg. A crowd of 14,000 turned up to see the six goal thriller in the qualifying play-off of the European U21 championships, on Wednesday, December 21. England eventually lost on away the bench, before Scowcroft put in a goals to their Greek counterparts. useful performance in the second After recent crowds reaching four half. figure numbers at places such lll: The first 20 minutes saw good Bristol City, England manager Peter football being played but little Taylor was justifiably grateful for urgency from the England side. the support provided by the people Having lost 2-0 in the fust leg in of Norfolk. Greece, the game plan seemed to be He said, "The Norwich crowd one of consolidation rather than allwas absolutely excellent. out risk taking. "There were more fans than I It was a tactic that began to pay expected and they certainly played off after 21 minutes when a free kick their part in helping to lift the team." from Oldham's Car! Serrant was met But disappointingly, Norwich 's emphatically by the impressive Darren Eadie was absent from the Emile Heskey, and England were in team due to injury. the lead. Taylor had already stated that Disaster Eadie was the main reason for staging the match at Carrow Road in What should have been the cue the hope that it would give the fans for further consolidation, soon even more reason to get behind the turned to disaster. team. Wright was left rooted to the spot But, there was still some local as Pantelis Konstantinidis took interest as Ipswich Town's Richard advantage of a mistake by Chelsea's Wright played in goal, leaving Michael Duberry to equalise. Norwich's Andy Marshall on the Then within two minutes, a substitutes' bench. comical piece of defending saw Town strikers James Scowcroft Marcus Hall knock the ball into his and David Johnson also started on
England make a desperate last charge to score the goat that will take them to the finals misjudged a Greek cross. From a promising poslllon, England were now 4-l down on aggregate. Worse still, a three goal victory was now the aim thanks to the Greeks' away goals. The goal glut continued with a well fought equaliser, again from Leicester's Heskey, on 34 minutes. Another excellent cross, this time from West Ham's Frank Larnpard, was once more headed powerfully in, and the England supporters at least went into half time with the knowledge that England were now pressing to tie the game up. Indeed, with the impressive Michael Owen
one of the hottest properties in the Premiership, there was every hope that increased urgency would keep the visitors under pressure and silence the small but noisy band of Greek fans. And to the visitors' credit, they kept playing fluent, attacking football. This at least allowed England a chance of swift counter-attacking, and Liverpool 's Owen pulled the aggregate score back to 4-3 after an hour's play. But England still needed two more goals with only half an hour of play left.
Level A quarter of an hour later, it was 4-4. A stunning strike from Hall, this time from 25 yards, flew past Sotirios Limperopoulos and the crowd could sense a famous victory. Sure enough, wave after wave of England attacks rained down on the Greek goal but England were yet again unable to convert their chances. And the delight of the travelling fans at the final whistle was equalled only by the reactions of the entire Greek bench as management team and substitutes ended in a mass, celebratory scrum on the pitch. A disappointed but deservedly proud Taylor saluted his gallant troops afterwards, "It's just a shame the boys fell short after such a superb effort. "I said at half-time there was
nothing to lose and to have a go, and I was proud of them. "They chased everything, they really wanted to win." He admitted that there was a suicidal element to the defeat, though. "We paid the penalty for letting in two poor goals. "Michael Duberry held his hand up about the fust one. We went to sleep and we shouldn ' t have conceded an own goal from the situation that we were in. "When that went in it looked as if we were out of the competition. Taylor was impressed though with the way in which the team fought on. "But the lads deserve tremendous praise for the way they came back and in the end I thought we were unlucky. "We nearly turned it around and could so easily have done so." It was a great opportunity for the fans to see the stars of the future at Carrow Road But many were disappointed not to see Eadie in the white of England, and others were dismayed to see Wright claim the mantle of 'East Anglia 's number one goalkeeper' . Particularly after Taylor's prematch comments when he had suggested that Marshall 's Norwich roots might give him the nod over his Ipswich rival . 路 At least it gave the game another talking point. After the match Taylor added, "I had expected the little bit of stick
directed at the Ipswich players." After the county's only league club lost its Premiership place three years ago, it was a good opportunity for local football fans to see some of the country's best young talent on show. The match also provided evidence that it is not just the senior international matches that appeal to spectators. The support was good , both in terms of numbers and also vocally. And this is important to maintain as the Under-21 team is vital in giving future full international stars some valuable experience in playing with less familiar team-mates and against foreign tactics. The most'important aspect of the evening, though , was the scintillating football on display.
Skill England were fast , strong and fluent , and the skill and pace di played by Owen, Heskey and others was exciting to watch. The Greeks too, played attacking football, with the pace relentless throughout. There was only one booking - in the 87th minute for Greek timewasting, and there was not the usual degree of niggling foul s that regularly stop the flow of international matches. Ultimately, England could not defeat the Greeks, but there was {plenty of evidence to suggest that Glenn Hoddle 's next generation of England teams have a bright future.
18 Sport
Concrete, Wednesday, January 21, 1,998
'' '' Our fortnightly trip to Carrow Road ...
Starting young Scarborough have been given a fi na ncial boost by Dutch rich k id , Martin Schwillens. Schwillens inherited a large s um of money from his u ncle last year a nd wrote to all lower di vision cl ubs in Engla nd, offering to invest. He will become the youngest director of a n English club when be takes up his role with the Third Division club.
The beast of Norwich orwich based WBO heavyweigh t champion Her bie H ide is adding a black panth er to his coll ection of a nima ls. Hide is currently negotiating a li cense for the panther which will j oin his 12 rotweilers a t his 17 acre home.
Late call F ulham 's promotion h opes cou ld be hit by a possib le points deduction after playing a ba nned player. Suspended defender Dan ny Cullip cam e on as a s ub in th e 1-0 win over Bristol C ity. Fulham clai med the pa perwork did not a rrive in time for them to r ealise.
Queuing up Nigel Mansell is prepa ring to have a cr ack a t the world 's toughest r aces - Le M a ns. 1ansell ha rejected offers to take pa rt in t he race this year, bu t is talking to people from Rolls Royce a nd Bentley in preparation for next year.
A low hand An Australian teenager has becom e tbe lowest ever ran ked pla yer to ~vin a n ATP tou rm1ment. Lleyton Hewitt, 16, beat J ason Stolenberg in the final of the Australia n men's ha rdcourl championsh ip in Adelaide, last week.
Hair we go S purs midfield ace David Ginola is set to earn £60,000 as the sta r of the new L'Orea l shampoo ads. G inola r eplaces Friends' star J ennifer Aniston, a nd the 30 year old footba ller is the first m an to a d vertise the firm 's product.
The hard line The FA is set to get tough over cor ruption in football, and has promised there will be no whi~was h when it revea ls the findings of t he inquiry. The FA ch ief executive Graham Kelly insisted that the governing body of English football will na me names if there is sufficient evidence brought to light.
Joking around Tottenha m boss C h ristian Gross tried to boost team mor a le by ta king his players to t he circus . T his comes after an ala rming slide down the league ta ble a nd into th e r elegation zone. W hen he could not get enough tickets he opted to ta ke them for a.slap up m eal instead.
Darren Eadie shoots for goal in front of the Carrow Road faithful
By A.DA.M A.IKEN , Canari es Correspondant
A ONE-NIL home win on Saturday against league leaders Nott ingham Forest summed up Norwich City 's remarkable rollercoaster season. Fo ll owing as it did some qui te woeful performances over th e Chri stmas peri od. as Norwich played well - Bellamy"s There was no sign of the 75th mi nute goal suggested that problems to come at the bac k end of City aren' t the only team who can ' t November when a home victory rely on a two-goal lead to give them over crisis-cl ub O xford. courtesy of the assurance of a guaranteed win. Craig Bell amy and Robert Fleck, But Ci ty really should have hung was ac hi eved. fo r the win agai nst ten men at on Late QPR. The Canaries' continued their Adrian Forbes had given them a fi rst-half lead, although a further favo urite tactic of gifting a late satisfactory point was achieved in a consolat ion goal to the opposition and giving the supporters a tense 1- 1 draw. last few minutes. Climb The 2- 1 defeat at Bradford City Confidence was high that a climb seemed to be a only minor setback up the table was imminent and. sure enough. City's best form of the season subseque ntly saw them win two games in a row for only the \Ccond time in a disappOinting campaign. High-flying Sheffield United were bea ten. 2-1. after a late goal from new signing Erik Fuglestad
M ONEYII You can earn it as a Delivery Person for Concrete. The job involves delivering t he paper to residences on campus. Apply now to Oliver Polhill at Concrete, PO Box 4 -1 o, Norwich, NR4 7TJ.
clinched the poin ts after a Bellamy shot was deflected past hi s own keeper by the Blades' Michel Vonk . The fo ll owing week, orw ich grabbed another th ree poi nt s with an em pha ti c 3- 1 win over low ly Huddersfield. While Adrian Forbes, Bell amy and Peter Grant wrapped the tic up for the Canaries. The Chris tmas period saw Norwich's inconsistency return.
Dull An amazingly dreary goa ll ess draw at home to Stoke was fo ll owed by Boxing Day cold tu rkey in a woefu l 2- 1 defeat at Charlton. Ci ty had Mike Milli gan sent off, they never looked like they had a grip on the game, and seven other City players were booked. Norwich were second-best in evPry department and the scoreline flattered them. City's only shot on target was Bellamy's late consolation goal. and even that was a penalty. Three points were gained against bottom-of-the-table Portsmouth at
Carrow Road. With Matt Jackson and Bell amy scorin g agai n. But the horrors o f Ba rn et in September were repeated at second divis ion Grimsby in the FA Cup. Grim place, gri m stadi um. grim weat her, grim perfo rmance, 3-0. Unfortuna te ly events go t even worse the following week, manager Mike Walker admitted to being "'embarrassed" at the display in the S-0 reversal at Wolves. With City's play-off aspi rati ons looking to become relegation fears. the pressure from disgrunt led fans continued to build after yet another poor performance. wi th no si lver lini ng in sight.
Shock AmaLingly City followed this with a backs to the wall performance against Forest with bare ly a shot on goal. Norwich still managed to score one and hit the post in an action packed game in front of a full house at Carrow road. Nothing this season is certain. except for the fact that you know the
BUSA Results Wednesday, November 26
Wednesday, December 3
Soccer; Men ·s I I Essex I, Men "s 2 I Essex 0. Men ·s 3 2 Essex 5, Badminton; Mcn·s I 3 Cambridge 6, Ladies Kent conceded, Basket ball ; Men's I 63 City 92, Hockey: Men's I I Kent 3, Men's 2 Essex conceded. Ladies 2 7 Essex 0. Lacrosse; UEA 3 Reading 17. Netball; Ladies I 17 Cambridge 61, Ladies 2 32 Kent 2l!. Rugby; Men's 2 24 Nth London 12. Ladies 64 Kent I 0. Squash; Men's I 5 Kent 0. Winter Tennis; Ladies 5 Kent I .
Badminton; Ladies Brunei conceded. Basketball; Men's 89 Brunei 92, Hockey; Mens I Brunei conceded, Lacrosse; UEi\ 0 Southampton 18. Netball; Ladies 2 48 Brunei 30, Rugby; Ladies 56 Brunei 0. Squash: Men ·s I 0 Brunei 5.
Wednesday, December 10 Netball ; Ladies I 14 Greenwich 63.
The BUSA competition resumes on Wednesday, February 4 with the knockout stages.
Sport 19
Concrete, Wednesday ,January 21, 1998
UEA end the year in style with victory in top race By MARK EDWARDS, Assistant Sports Editor
UEA'S outstanding rowing team won the Carrow Cup for the third time in succession, beating a host of impressive teams and smashing the course record In the process. The record which was improved by 16 seconds was previously held capped off a fantastic year for the club. team perfonnance on the day and a Club captain, Nick Armitage was greatly enthused by the result, on well de erved victory." Saturday, December 6, and It is even more remarkable explained the pre tige behind the considering the limited facilities the competition. club has to endure due to the great Tradition expense or the sport. But, a new pon orship deal with '"The Carrow Cup is one of the the Norwich and Peterborough oldest races in the country and it i a Building Society has eased the great honour to win a trophy with immediate financial worrie . uch a long history." And Union Sports Officer, Simon Nick added, "It was a fantastic Fulbrook wa delighted with the
by Imperial College, London and cash injection, "It is excellent for the rowirrg team." 'They are dedicated, train hard and have worked well to try and fund themselves in this expen ive port."
More And it is not the first sponsorship deal the club has received, la t year Barclays Bank gave the team £250 which enabled them to go to the
TWO UEA footballers were picked to play for England Universities after undergoing trials at the England School of Excellence in Lilleshall.
Matt Jelley stars in the UEA first team
Sini Lehtonen and Annette Ny trom both took part in tnals in December whilst representing the South East Universities side. ini satd, "It wns a great honour to play at uch a lugh standard, it wa a challenge and one I enjoyed." They dt covered they had been cho en to represent England over the New Year, but were unable to allcnd the trials. And not to be outdone the men's tir. t team captam. Matt Jelley attended th • trail at Lilleshall in early January and is till walling to tind out his fate. Matt.said, "I was \ery plea: cd to be ptcked and rcprc ent UEA, in such high company." But hts trials were disrupted by appalling weather which meant that the South East were only able to play agamst the Midlands. He said, "It was dt appomting a.s no one really had the opportunity to prove themselves." Umon Sport OffiCJ:r Simon f ulbrook added, "lt ts excellent, and very encouragmg that the players are going to the highe t levels of competition."
Henley regatta. Although these donations seem rather small in comparison to the large expense of the sport, Nick Annitage was hopeful of further involvement from both of the ponsors. He said, "We are really pleased with the generosity of the rwo finn's and now we are looking to the future for bigger deal ." He added, 'The Union has been an enonnous help, and recently gave the club fund to buy a second hand boat for the women's team." "We had a fantastic finish to 1997 and are now looking for an even
THE UEA athletics club has successfully secured a £500 sponsorship deal with Sports Link to be spread over two years. The contract was signed by athletics club president, Scott Tompsett last Friday with Sport Link representatives. Scott confirmed, "The money will be a big boost and we will be putting it towards covering transport costs to get to the athletics
better 1998." Thts year sees ome of the strongest teams UEA has ever had, particularly in the novice category, where they had an incredible re ult at Oxford, beating all the other teams at their standard.
Potential The future for the UEA rowmg club looks promising, and Nick i extremely pleased with the progress of his crews. "This year looks to be an incredibly strong year for us and everybody is keen to do well for UEA," he aid.
meetings during the year." But the deal will also guarantee the club all their athletics kit at cost price from suppliers. And it will all be emblazoned with the title UEA Trojans and Sports Link. Scott was delighted about capturing the deal. He said, "it will be a great bonus for us and help our runners with their financial constraints too."
Inside this • ISSUe
ComP-lex gets Oly.mP-iC·sized P-OOl but OP-ening delayed By CAROLINE JEATER, Sports Editor
SPORT AT UEA is set for a major boost with the news that the Lottery Sports Park is set to gain an Olympic-sized swimming pool.
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But it is not all glory as the development will push the o peni ng of the state-of-the-art complex back into the next century. The University already had swi mmers to UEA, and also all ow approval from the Lottery the pu bli c to use the pool at the same Committee for a 25 metre pool, time as the serious swimmers." when the Riverside project which But Union Sports Officer, Simon had been the origi nal si te fo r the 50 Fulbrook was left a littl e metre one fe ll through. disappointed that most student s will The proposal co ll apsed when not get the oppurtunity to use the fa cilities. funding was lost and the goverrunent sports initiative demanded that large He said , "It is unfortunate that sports faci liti es be pl aced at most students will have completed universi ty sites. their degrees by the time it opens. Best "But we have been waiting for a swimmin g pool for I 0- I 5 years, so l UEA Director of Sport, Keith . am sure that an extra six months will be bearable." icholls said, "The idea is to n1ake UEA one of the eight or nine This addition to the Sports Park regional sport s centres in the "Unfortunately the building of the will furth er the opportunities for the fin al 50 metre poo l will set back its students, and the .loca l community coun try, although conftrmation will not come through opening for six months unti l Ju ly with international standard sporting un ti l March. 2000. faciliti es. "The University wants to have the " But it will be worth it. lfthe pool Benefit sw immin g poo l he re and offe r doesn' t come here then it will go fac ilities unrivalled by anyone else." somewhere else in th e east of And UEA could also benefit by But the poo l will not come England ." gaining international sports students. wi thout its own cost As well as " It is in the interests of UEA and Simon added, "The pool should fundin g th e project UEA will also the local community to have the pool mean we get beuer athletes and have to face another hitch with the situated here." swimmers at UEA . final opening date of the Sports Park And th is development delighted " It will also mean better coaching being delayed. UEA's internati ona l swimmer, a nd trainin g facilities fo r all Mr Ni cho ll s co nfirmed, Adam Woods, "It will attract top students."
By MARK EDWARDS, Assistant Sports Editor
UEA's cross country team , the Trojans, returned to action in fine style in the East Anglian Cross Country League at Culford School in Bury St. Edmunds. The ladi es team we re parti c ul arl y impress ive afte r the long Christmas break, with the best pe rfo rmance coming from Sadie Wright who fmished second in the race held, on Wedn esday, January 14.
Entertainment is set to return to East Anglia, as Norwich Sport Village receives a welcome boost in capacity to nearly 6000 spectators. And the arena should now be able to entice bigger names, in both the sporting and music worlds. The sport village has already been But the development has faced host to Herbie Hide's world title fight, but opposition from local residents who future events could include pop suffered traffic congestion, and a lot of concerts, a national tennis tournament noise from the earlier Hide title fight. and more boxing matches. The council only received three letters And it will pull in more than of the objecting to the application before it was other leading venues in the City. approved.
Club captain, Jess Dras kou, was deli ghted with the team 's result, which retai ns their position at the top of the table. She said , "This year the ladies team have got a great chance of winning the leag ue and that woul d be a great achievement. "We just have to put in the best performances we can, that is all anyone can ask." The ladies go into their next race with a comfortable lead in the championship, whil e the men' s team currently lie in second place. The star of the season for the
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men's team is Alex Tate who is currentl y holding the top pl ace in the individual rankings, al though it was Tim Lenton fmi shing sixth and Roger Mullins, eighth , who stole the show last Wednesday.
Superb Club President , Scott Tompsett said, "Tim had an excellent run, but it was a great tea m performance as we had a depleted team." But it will be next month when face
I 'lo
., '1.1
competiti on. Last year UEA strugg led show their true quality in a tough and gruelling race again ll erce competition. But Jess Draskou is hoping an improvement, "This year are more conlldent with BUSA. " Last year we did not what to expect or what co mpetition was like, but this we are much more prepared." And Scott Tompsett "We are on very good fo rm at moment and I just hope we carry that through to next month .'
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