The VC and Concrete welcome you: p3
Hello from Conference Services: p4
WHAT'S ON? Filn1s and discos at UEA: p6
Centre spread: Norwich - a fine city: pgs 8 & 9
Ruby Wax talks to Concrete: p12
FEATURES The Union: p7 Dull, grey and boring ... plO
Concrete, Thursday, July 9, 1992
:::: - .:~:·..;..
. __
Voluntary· Memb-ership" Don't believe the hype ! "Campus unions supply some useful student services at relatively low cost, such ss caterIng, welfare and sporting facilities ... Nigel Forman, Under Secretary of State for Education, Hansard col.758, 15 June 1992.
You may have heard of the concept of 'voluntary' membership of student unions and the National Union of Students mentioned in connection with the Citizens Charter, or read about it in the papers . But what is it and why does it affect you? At the present time when a student enrols at a college they automatically become members of the student union at that college. In the same way as they have access to the library, careers advice or any number of other services provided by the college directly. Automatic membership of student unions means that all students can get involved in their student union without having to pay for it. Automatic membership of student unions gives rights, the right to get involved , the right to stand and vote in union elections, the right to join union funded clubs and societies, the right to get involved at what ever level the individual student wants to . But this doesn't affect me, I'm only here for a short course over the summer ! So called voluntary membership would affect you . Many of the services you have access to on campus are provided by the Union of UEA Students . Volun tary membership would mean many of these services would no longer exist, you would not have access to a supermarket, newsagents, Post Office, sports shop , travel shop, second hand book shop or three different bars if it wasn't for the student's union . All these facilities are run by a company called Student Union Services, or SUS for short. This company is wholly owned by the studenrs union. The entertainments programme available over the summer is also largely provided by the union, whether it be discos or films. Open University students are known as "reciprocal members" of the union and can use all the facilities that the union has to offer. So if you had a welfare problem whilst you were here you could consult the union's welfare officer, for instance . All these facilities, plus more during term time, such as £50,000 for clubs and societies, a confidential all night listening service or academic representation, are provided by the students union. They would disappear if the Government introduced voluntary membership. They would not be there for you, or for the students of the University . Voluntary membership would hit every student's union in the country, whether HE or FE, it would be a retrograde step, leaving students at the mercy of commercial companies and without a voice on the issues which affect them .
So if this is all so good why does the Government want to introduce 'voluntary' membership ? The Government claims that student unions and the NUS are "closed shops" in that students are forced to become members of them . In the case of the NUS this is quite patently untrue. To quote Nigel Forman again "Student's membership of the NUS is Indirect : it is a confederation of those campus unions which choose to affiliate' , 12/5/92 ; or if you prefer, Sir Keith Joseph at the Conservative Party conference in 1983 ; " A wrong impression has been given by the phraseology we use, we use words of Industrial trade unionism, In fact the student union Is not the same, mercifully, ss an Industrial union. The only work it can stop Is by itself, by Its own members, to its own harm. What we have in the student union is provision that enables automatic membership, automatic access to be given to students at a university or polytechnic to the facilities such as libraries and sports facilities provided by the pub/le .... Whilst NUS and a student's union might carry out some of the functions of a trade union, to draw a comparison is erroneous'.
Finally back to Nigel Forman on the 15/5/92 "Unlike a trade union closed shop, a campus union exercises no control over which students may join the educational institution concerned, although anyone joining the educational institution Is automatically made a member of the campus union. membershiop of the NUS, too, differs from a closed shop arrangement, In that campus unions vote on whether to affllfate or not' .
ers so that they can serve their members more efficiently. lt provides conferences on matters of importance to students, so that they can be well informed and are aware of how any changes will affect them . Also through its commercial services company it provides everything from computers, to cheap beer for student unions. The Government claims this "closed shop" is an attack on an individuals right to choose whether they belong to the student union or the NUS or not. In the case of membership of the NUS they are not members of it, their union as a body is an affiliate, and as such individual students can seek to rescind their unions policy of affiliating to NUS if they so wish. The fact that over 97% of colleges in the UK do affiliate to the NUS is perhaps an indication of the level of support NUS does have. Membership of the college student union does not infringe an individuals rights , for they have every right to get involved to what ever degree they so wish . lt is up to them . The student union gives student's rights, it doesn't take them away. Thus the Government claims to be enfranchising individual liberty by removing students rights . Amongst its other claims the Tories say that NUS is unrepresentative of students. Yet the Conservative student wing , the Conservative Collegiate Forum (CCF) have a policy of not standing candidates for NUS positions and at the last NUS national conference encouraged their members to vote for a hard left, Trotskiite grouping called "Left Unity" in the belief that the election of members of this sect would discredit the National Union. How can any group claim the NUS is unrepresentative when they them selves refuse to get involved in it. Surely this more than anything else makes a nonsense of the Tories claims regarding NUS and student unions.
Many Tories claim that the National Union of Students is a closed shop. The above statements make it quite clear that it is not. 1t is a confederal body made up of student unions who have democratically decided to affiliate to it. They are free to leave at any time they choose . The only members of the NUS are the affiliated unions.
The threat of voluntary membership is a real one. But its result would be that students would be worse off. Representation for students would fall into the hands of political party based unions, as happens on the continent, and the ordinary student would be the loser. Voluntary membership affects you, as a user of the facilities the union at UEA provides. If you would like to help preserve these services please right to your MP at The House of Commons, London, SW1 A OAA, telling them why voluntary membership is such a bad idea, and how it will result in the loss of many valuable services . If you don't those services may not be there this time next year.
The NUS provides many services for its members, like college unions do for theirs . 1t provides national and international, representation . lt provides training for elected student union offic-
More information about voluntary membership, NUS and student unions may be obtained from the Area Convenor in Union House. Please feel free to come and ask .
Concrete, Thursday, July 9, 1992
concrete Welcorne
Vice-Chancellor welcomes all delegates Welcome to the University of East Anglia. Established thirty years ago in the historic City of Norwich, with its Cathedrat Castle and ancient churches, UEA is a modem, lively University. Designed by distinguished architects - Sir Denys Lasdun in the 1960s to Sir Norman Foster and Rick Mather in the 1990s it is set in 270 acres of park and woodland, whose natural beauty we have maintained.
UEA is set in 270 acres of park and woodland We are proud of our innovative Schools of Study -which bring together related, but often separate,
disciplines. So we have Schools of Environmental Sciences and Biological Sciences, Development Studies and Economic & Social Studies, English and
of increase in our research funding in 1991/92 placed us in the top ten in the UK. Research is carried out in many ways- by lone scholars in the Library, by large
UEA has a distinguished research record- the rate of increase in our research funding in 1991/92 placed us in the top ten in the UK American Studies and Modem Languages & European History - to name but a few. Students are able to choose from a variety of courses- either within their own School or in another - to put together a coherent degree course. UEA has a distinguished research record - the rate
research teams in laboratories, within and across School boundaries, and in the Norwich Research Park, of which UEA is a member. UEA is important for the region too. We provide Continuing Education and many Short Courses, we run a part-time MBA for people in employment in
the region. We are working with the Regional Health Authority to provide health education and trainin& and with colleges across Norfolk and Suffolk to improve access to Higher Education. UEA is growing rapidly and you can't have failed to notice our building programme. The new student residences - also to be used for Conferenceswill be open next year, and shortly we shall be starting three more academic buildings.
I do hope you enjoy your stay here. If you would like more information about UEA, please ask at the Registry reception desk.
Derek Burke, Vice-Chancellor
UEA 's Vice-Chancellor, Derek Burke
Welcome from Concrete Welcome! Everyone here at Concrete hopes that your stay this Summer will be enjoyable, and that this newspaper will provide some information that you will find interesting, or some material that you will enjoy reading. Concrete is an independent newspaper at UEA, which is published fortnightly during normal term time. It is written, designed and published by students working in their free time, and funded by the advertising that we sell ourselves. From a standing start back in January of this year we have now published eight regular issues of the paper, which together with this Conference special, total just short of one million pages of newsprint! The information in this special is a mix of some past features we have published (so you can see what the paper 'proper' is like), material written by us specially for this issue,
and articles written by others around the University that you may find interesting. Please do take
time to glance through the paper - we are sure that you will find it worthwhile.
or 619289 or 619280
Concrete being printed at Eastern Photo: Thuy La Counties Newspapers: The only process in its make-up not done by UEA students
Arts Building (EAS), Publisher: Stephen Howard UEA, Norwich, NR4 nJ Editor: Peter Hart Tel 0603 592799 Advertising: Simon Mann
No extra charg~ after midnight
Concrete, Thursday, July 9, 1992
elcome Conference Office Staff
The Conference Office •• HereTo Help You! Welcome to the University of East Anglia- we ho pe yo u enjoy your stay with us . The Conference Services team are here to make yo ur stay as plensurablc as possible, but if you have any problems, please let us know straight away. Th e Accomm odati o n and Cn nference o ffi ce is o pen between 9 am and 10 pm seven days a week and during these times yo u will always find so m eone there wh o can assis t you . You will noti ce as you walk a ro und the campus th a t th ere is a co ns id e rabl e a m o unt o f build ing w o rk in progress. We apologise if thi s ca uses an y in conve nience, hut haVP to admit to bein g w•ry PXci tPd abo ut the p rojec ts in hand .
Curre ntly under rons tru cti o n are 800 brand ne w bed rooms, each w ith i Is own ensuite shower roo m. The building w o rks are o n schedule fo r co mpl c ti <1n in May/June next year and 600 o f th e bedroo ms will be available fo r ext e rn a l boo king from July 1993 . The n e w reside nces, N e lso n Co urt nea r th e Sp nrt s Centre a nd Co ns table Te rrace o pposite the Sainsbury Ce n tre fo r Vi s ual Art s, a re s imilar in d esig n and bo th cons ist of a mixture of single room s , flats and houSPs . Design ed by the University's Cons ultant Arc hitf'c t Rick Mathe r and incorpora ting th e ve r y la tes t en ~> rg y sa v ing syste ms , th e nPw r P~ id r n crs w ill hP th r> firs t Low-E un ivf' rs it y ilc-
Rachael Grand
commoda tion in the UK. This me<m s the re will be no need forcen tral hea tin g as fea tu rr>s such as s upe r ins ula tir m, l.n w-E glil ~" a nd IH'il l exchange sys tems will continu e to provid e a pleas-ant c rwrgy !.'ffi r ir nt envi r<lllnwnt. This wo nderful ad diti on to o ur faciliti es makes U EA suit abl e fo r virtuil lly any kind of confe re nce, business mee ting o r gro up PVPnt. Tlw Sain s bury Ce ntre for Visual Arts, as well as being one of the most prestigious art gal leries in Europe, now has a new lecture theatre in its unique Crescent Wing . Sea ting up to 250 peop le, it has stat e-o f-the-art audio visua l equipment, includvalid until 1st October 1992 upon presentation of !his voucher ing three ba ck-projecting split screens. The-se rww filcil itiPs at U EA are no t the o n lyonesin the p ipe line. The Language Laming Centre has just opened and work on a drama studio starts this Upon production of th eir student card sum mer. A lso planned is an additional academic Ope n 9am · 11pm Mon , Tues, Weds , Thu rs, Sun building whi ch, with 25 9am · 12 midnight Friday and Saturday new tea ching roo ms, will Burger King 11-15 Rampant Horse Street, Norwich, Tei 624279. J increase the numbe r o f
: Fries and Coke : :
with any purchase of
: We offer 10% discount on : all normal purchases to all I : UEA students : I
1 1 .._ 1
__ ______ ___ ___
ebbie Harris
New Accomadation: Under Constmction
r--------------, : FREE w.~~ : :
an Greenland
tr!ac hing roo ms by o ne
third . With four purpose built lecture theatres, a vast arrily o f seminilr rooms a nd il va ri e ty of r aiNing fa r ili ti es, ra ngi ng fro m r afc tPriil meals in th e Dine r to a lun ch or eve ninR banqu 0t in tlw Sainshury Cc ntrr, UEA really d oes have th e fl exi b il ity to ca tE-r fo r an y type of e ve nt. If you are interested in using UEA fo r a forth comin g fun cti o n, pi C'ilS<' talk to }an Gree nland , Debbie I Iarris o r Rachael Grand in the
,. 11
Acco mm oda li o n a nd Co nfe re nce Office durin g no rmal c1ffirc ho urs. Th r y will be ha ppy to di scuss yo ur require ments with you and
will e ve n o rga ni se th e wh o le event for yo u if yo u so wi s h .
--- - --
Concrete, Thursday, July 9, 1992
DELIVERY SUN I MON I TUES I WED I THU 12 NOON to 11.30p.m. FRI I SAT Till 12 p.m. Nomilai60Pdelivery charge per order Please allOW approxinately 30-35 mrutes for YOlJ' order. Limited delivery area - Managers discretion
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Thank you for your custom ComplinE:nts to the staff Complants to the management
Concrete, lfhursday,·· ~uly 9, '1992
concretCil .Entertainrnent Thelma and Louise (Mon July 20)
Ce rtifi cate: 15 Stars: Susan Sarandon, Geena Davis
Compiled by Peter Hart When two ordinary women murder a would be rapist and set out for the territories, the ultimate female road-movie ensues. While the women are wondc>rfully flesh, thP male characters arc beautifully stereotypical. Thelma's husband would seem to have walked straight off the te le visi on, for example, and 'cute drifter,' Brad Pitt, is like so m e thing ou t o f an Ath e na print! What ensues is a superb tale of role reve rsal, with Thelma and Louise indulging in all your run-of- themill mal e bonding ritual s, such as getting drunk and robbing s tores. To say more w o uld ruin it- just watch, enjoy, and men - beware! Road movies were never like this befo re ...
If you want something to do on one of those long summer evenings after a hard day's work, then why not go to one of th e special film screenings in LPdure ThPatre Two? Each week, throughout much of the conference period, the
Union's Entertainment's department will be screening a recent blockbuster film on a Monday evening. And admis-sion is a sn ip of the price you woulu pi!y to S('f' t hf'SP f1lms elsewhere! So why not thrill to the chill
of Hannibal Lecter in 'Silence of the Lambs' (a must if you haven't already seen this multi-Oscar winner) or split your ow n sides laughing at thf' Fr<'nch film, Deliriltf'ssen, if you are at the University in these particular weeks?
Six films are on offer in total -and these are reviewed below. Tickets cost £1.75 and are available on the door of Lecture Theatre Two (oppoSite the Library) ill <lpm in the evening. Film scree nings begin at 9.15pm.
Silence of the Lambs (Mon July 27)
unendearing hilbit of removing young women's s kin to wear as a suit. Stuu Pnt C:lilrirPStil rling(Foster) is put on the case, and attempts to get the help of people-eating Hannibal 'the Cannibal' Lecter (Hopkins), since he knows so rruch about the mind of such people. Led er, howeve r, esca pes from his prison cell, eats t he best part of someone's face and d isappears . Bill, meanw h ile, is holding a young wome n in his house, readytobe the next victim .... .will the r:m romc to the rescu e in time? And so on ...
Although perhaps not worth all the hype this film has received, it is a must, C'Vf' n if you only w illlh it so
that you ca n talk about it next time you have kidneys for dinner.
Certificate: 18 Stars: Jodie Foster, Anthony Hopkins For the one person who's been on the planet Zog for the last year and does not know the plot of this gruesome fl ick, a brief sununary: the FBI are hunting a serial killer (funny how we've heard so mu ch about them lately) nicknamed Buffalo Bill, du e to his ra ther
Frankie and Johnny (Mon August 3) Certificate : 15 Stars: AI Pacino, Michelle Pfeiffer This is a sometimes sad, but a rrostly !ruching and amusing corredy set in 1\lew York's Apo llo Cafe. I le re, Frankie (Pfeiffer) is an efficie nt but disillusioned waitress, relentlessly pursued by an equally disi llu sioned but rruch rrore positive short ord er cook called Johnny (Pilrino). Fmnkie has hilu her fingertips burnt in one relatio n-
ship too many and takes refuge in her apartment, seeking rornfort from a video and tak~ away pizza. Johnny is touched by her quiet sadness and sets about some errergency repairs on Frankie's self-esteem. Predictably, his overtures are not welcome, but he is tenacious in his pursuit, which is powered by a genuine conce rn ... Pacino delivers an earn est and sympath etic portrayal of the likeab le Johnny, all hough his celery-chopping will probably be ~rrcmbcn.-.J longer than his dancing. Pfeiffer continues to add to hPr rnngC' o f pC'rformances, ilnd the ro le o ffers good scope for emotiona l turbule nce.
10 August. August
And there 's more! ~" ~
~ ,....;
~ ~
<::) ~
Lecture Theatre 2 ~ SINGLE TICKETS £1.75 ~
START 9.15 pm
Certificate: 15 Stars: Nick N olle, Barbara Streisand Tom Wingo (Nolle) remembers his blissful childhood on the South Carolina coast with his father, his elder brother, Luke, twin sister, Savannah, a nd beautiful mother, Lila. Wingds present life is breaking down due to Tom's inilbilrt y to confront cent ral issues in his life and marriage, following the death of Luke the previous year. He learns from his mot her of Savannah's attempted suicide in New York, where despite her success as a poet ilnd ilUI ho r she hits ex perienced several bouts of d epression. Thus he sets o ff to be at her side, falling in love with her psychiatrist (Streisand), d espite the fact he has a wife at home ... This is an old-fashioned tearjerker w h ich will have you searching frantically for your handkerchief.
Delicatessen (Mon August AI Pacino and Michelle Pfe if!er
The Prince of Tides (Mon August 10)
Films are not the only entertainment provided by UEA's Entertainrrents department ove r the summer.£3eginning on Sunday July 19, there will be il 'GOs and 70s Classic !I its' diS<..'O every Sunday evening from 10 'tillate in Union House (watch out for details). Admission will be only £150, giving you the chance to dust o ff th ose flares and boogie for several hours to th e sounds of Gloria Gaynor, Abba, The Rolling Stones and much, much more (as they say)! Open University students also have the opportunity to go to their end of course party (a lthough its less of an 'opportunity' and more of a 'must'(!)) on a Thursday, beginning Thursday July 23. This will be held in the Lower Cormnon Room (LCR) and will also run from 10 'til late. Tickets are only available from the OU offices. Get down and groove to the sounds of the 80s, 90s (and probably a bit earlier too).
17) Certificate : 15 Stars: Dominique Pino n, Julie Clapet French film-makers Jean Jeunet and Marc Caro combine virtuosity with black humour in this movie that fights the o ld fight b etween good and evil in fresh and unconventional terms. A genuine off-th~wall original, with under-<:u rrents of apocalyptic menace that disso lve intocomicirreverence, Delicatessen has been an enormous success in France ilnd Britain. The plot : meat is scarce, and as a result, human flesh has become highly prized ...
Cape Fear (Mon August 24) Certificate: 18 Stars: Robert de Niro, Ni ck Nolteetc Variously d escribed as the "scariest movie of the year'', "mesrrerising", "repugnant", and "misogynistic" in the US, need we say more than SEE IT!
More 'Entertainments' on pages 8, 9, 12, 13_1_ & 19
Concrete,1T.hursday, JcJiy 9,.1992
concrete Features
The Union of Students Helping All Students A Special Introduction by Union Officer Jason Ions Whilst you are here to attend Conferences and U.EA you'll use the Union of Students faciliti es more than you might realise. The Union runs most of the commercial outlets on Campus from the Bars and Paper Shop to the Post Office, Travel Shop, Supermarket, Second-hand Bookshop and Sports Shop, but these faci lities are only part of the services we provide to students. The Union is also here to provide advice, representation and assistance to its members as individuals, as distinct minorities and as a whole. We operate a Welfare Advice Unit to help with a diversity of problems such as housing, legal advice, chasing late maintenance grants, child care, visas and
Nicola Sainsbury, has a vital role to play currently because of the range.and sign ificanccof changesoccu rring in Higher Education courses at UEA as else-
permits for overseas students studying at UEA, or entitlement to benefits. The Union also has a Sabbatical omcer responsible for Academic Affairs, whose
The current Academic officer, Nicola Sainsbury, has a vital role to play currently because of the range and significance of changes occurring in Higher Education courses at UEA as elsewhere. where. It is Nicola' s role to ensure tQat the University considers the implications to students of their proposals to change semester len th and the teachin
role is to represent students' needs individually and as a whole on University Committees and to the Academic staff here. The current Academic officer,
program to a module based system, and also making sure students know the implications for themselves too. During the Summer the Union's staff and elected student officers will continue to work and prepare for the coming Academic Year. For the 12 Student Officers it is a period to gainexperience in running this large organisation and also to receive vital training from the NUS for their specific job portfolios. The 12 officers on the Executive are responsible for the day to day running of the Union and are elected to their posts for one year, so the summertime is a period of learning and preparing for the coming year. Their job titles give some idea of the broad ran e of
area which the Union covers; Academic, Finance, Community Liaison, Internal Affairs, Sports, Clubs and Societies, Welfare, Communications, Hor- . sham Halls Chair(representing the interests of the residents in the main off-campus Halls), NUS Officer, Publicity and International Liaison. Their
portfolios reflect the range of issues which relate to student life at this University whilst other groups and officers represent specific interest groups within this community of 6000 students. With so much support and so much to do, don't you wish you were a full time studellt too?
U~oo~~ ~~u-e_n_io_n_S_h_o_p_s__~------~----~~ i't'e
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The Pub
Pool/ Games I -Music I Quiet Lounge I Real Ales I Off Sales
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Non alcoholic. No Smoking area Open: Mon to Frl 9am - 5pm. Private Bookings Ring X 2479
Post Office •
All usual Post Office
Mega Mini Market: Newspapers 1 Mags services plus cards 1 Snacks, Toiletries, I Sweets I Gigs I Stationary/ Electrical/ Grocery, Gigs, Off Drinks I Stationary I Tapes 1Computers 1 Licence Cards I Films FAX & Photocopying
Open Dally: 12 noon - 2pm, Spm Open: 9am - 5.30pm- Half Days Weds! Sat 9 - 1 - 11pm (Sunday lpm - 10.30)
uf\\0'(\ e. . The Hive ~ov.s Cafe/ Bar Pool I Games Room I Sna·cks I Coffee. Wide ~hoice of alcoholic and
Open: Monday to Friday lam 6.30pm, lam - 3pm Weekends
Secondhand Sports/ Leisure ~o~ Books UEA Leisurewear: 1000's of used. Tops, Joggers, books for every Ties, Scarves, and study. interest souvenirs and We also buy books~ memorabilia. u;\\0;\se.
Open: Monday to Friday 1Dam 4.30pm.
Open: Monday to Friday 9am 5.30pm, 9am- 1pm Saturday
Travel We can send you anywhere! Flights, ferries, coach, rail, holidays. Check our prices I
Open: Monday to Friday 10am - Open: Monday to Friday 9.30am 4pm. - 4pm..
Concrete, Thursday, July 9, 1992
Concrete, Thursday, July 9, 1992
ity Special
concrete City Specia~ e
e c1
t:scful in fo nu at ion
Whether you want to eat, drink or shop it's all in Norwich!
Tel (0493) 842195
Flat or fine? City or countryside? People just can't make up their minds about Norwich.
Described by George Borrow as "A fine city," it's still relatively undiscovered. With constantly improving r~d, railway and air access, Norwich's historic charm is easy to reach. It's centre, alnn;t entirely oovered by oonservation areas, contains 1,500 Listed Buildings and a virtually intact medieval street pattern.
Tel (060549) 453
Most dramatic of these buildings is the Cath<'dral. An example of Norman and l'erpendirular church architecture, it was home to a Benedictine priory for 60 monks-
The broads
its monastic cloisters said to be the finest in England. Surrounded by the Cathedral Close, which is the largest close in the country, its buildings echo architectural styles from the conquest to the present day.
Map reproduced courtesy of Norwich City Council
Norwich Castle Keep is equally imposing. Erected by the Normans in 1130, it once served as a camty gaol but is now hon~ to a museum with an . array of natural history dioramas, local archaeology and social history.
Useful infornuttion NORWICH
Frl!fhly prepared YegelariaD aDd YegBD
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Open Monday /- Saturday lunch 11.30 to. 3 and afternoon tea 3 'to 5 Norwich's longest standing vegetarian Restaurant r16 DOve Street Norwich 625560
Meresmouth Mere Street Tel (0379) 650523
prises for the visitor seeking the unusual. What of the surrounding · area? Noel Coward has much to answer for, calling the area 'flat.' This description is completely inacrurate. There are, of course, areas nearthecoast where the land becomes open, but there are also the 'Highs' of Norfolk where red-faced cyclists can be heard oomplaining bitterly. about M r Coward's mistake. LAVENDER
· Here are the famous Norfolk lavender fields. In the sumNorwich has the only survivmer, when the lavender is in ing daily open market in the full bloom, a walk down UK. Peddars Way will show you a With its brightly coloured landscape of blue lavender as tilts over a variety of stalls, it far as the eye can see. lies at the heart of Norwich's A Wit to the CaJey Mill period bustling shopping centre- sur7 shop and grounds featuring round<'d hy n cha rmin~ mixhrrh, riv!'rsidc, lav<'nd<'r and ture of historic nnd modern rose gardens makes a very buildings, narrow winding pleasant afternoon out. alleys and broad streets. For a medieval version of NATIONAL TRUST what's now called a 'shopping experience,' try Elm Hill. Norfolk has its fair share of One of Norwich's 15th cenhistory. There are Ancient turycobbled streets, Elm Hill monuments throughout the has a blend of Tudor timberarea, including National Trust work, 17thcenturywindows properties open to the public. and Georgian facades. Blickling Hall, near the buslt is full of small shops, and tling market town of Ayl<;ham provides a labyrinth of suris steeped in history. The
Jacobean hall was the home of the family of Anne Boleyn. Indeed, to this day, the approaching road is said to be haunted by the ghost of the coachman who brought ~ews of their daughter's untimely end.
To this day the approaching road is said to be haunted by the .ghost of the coachman who brought news of their daughter's untimely end! Felbrigg Hall is a 17th century house with fine .interiors, large gardens, orangery, lake and woodlands. Also, one must not forget the oountry retreat of the Royal Family at Sandringham... many are surprised to find it open to the public. Forrruseum buf&, Bressingham Gardens and Steam Museum includes a 5 mile track
through acres of gardens. Home to 'Royal Scot' and several other famous locorrotives, the park also houses a Victorian steam carousel. If the engines are not your scene, the beautiful gardens could well be. Still on the subject of railways, Bure Valley Railway near Aylshamopens in June this year. Norfolk's first new steam line for 60 years, it follows the track from the Great
The Otter Trust is home of the world's largest collection of otters in natural enclosures Eastern Line between Hoveton and Aylsham. THE BROADS For more conservationminded visitors, Norfolk has llritaln'e nl'Wcst National Park. The Broads, internationally renowned for its waterways, fen woodland, fen woodland, grazing land and wind mills, also has some of the finest churches in the country. Formed when medieval peat ruttings were flooded as the sea level rose in the 14th century, the Broads provide some of Britain's rarest wildlife. Visitors can observe these
Photo courtesy of Eastern Counties Newspapers LJd species from wildlife conservation centres and hides throughout the area - an ornithologists dream come true. Rare species can turn up in more organised places, t?O. OITERTRUST For example, the Otter Trust, home of the world's largest collection of otters in natural enclosures, also has a unique oollection of waterfowl, night herons and muntjacdeer. The Otter trust can be found on the banks of the river Waveney, south of Norwich atEarsham. Still south of Norwich, near "lhelford, Is Kilver.;tone Wildlife Park, which is a Latin American zoo with over 600 birds, animals and a miniature horse stud.
restaurants and pubs, too. Pubs range from the 13th century 'Adam aml Eve' in Norwich to countryside Coaching Inns such as the Soole Inn at Diss. · There are many pubs on the Broads airre:l at the boat-user, such as the Malsters at Ranworth or Coldham Hall on the River Yare. Some of Norwich's many wine bars can be found in medieval undercrofts beneath the streets. Good food takes top priorityinNorfolk. Theme restaurants include a floating restaurant converted from a Dutch ba~ and a transfOI"''n.'d milway <e1rringe lnvlling you to dine Italian style 'first class' inWroxham. Speciality ~urants include Mexican, Thai, Lebanese,
Still south of Norwich, near Thetford, is Kilverstone Wildlife Park, which is a Latin American zoo with over 600 hirds, animals and a mina tu re horse stud Great Witchingham Wildlife Park, north of Norwich, houses the largest collection of British and European wildlife in Britain. PUBS Norwich and the surrounding area offers variety with its
Portugese, Italian, .Greek, Cantonese, and Indian. Also fish, waffles, pancakes and vegetarian food .. Whether you're in the city for a day, a week, ora month, try and get out into the shopping centre or countryside there's something for everyone in this fine city! A~rican,
Tel (0263) 733903
For a high quality, wide selection of starters, pizzas, salads and fme Italian food in authentic surroundings come to Pizza Piazza. We have a good vegetarian selection, and a great variety of wines, beers and soft drinks.
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For all Summer visitors to University of East Anglia oust mention this ad when ordering)
20% on Sundays One All Saints Green,
Norwich. Tel667809 .....
Concrete - The Real Thing scribe UEA as a 'concrete carbuncle' - it has an honourable history stretching back to the Romans, who used it extensively in many of their greatest buildings, including the Colosseum in Rome; and not a lot of
It's a byword for all that is bleak and drab in our world;it"sgrey,denseand boring; and we love to hate it. No, it isn't John Major; neither is it a British Rail Burger. Have you got it yet? Time for another clue; in Britain we consume, per capita, around half a tonne of its main ingredient every year, and without it our civilisation would be very different, if not impossible (perhaps it might be a British Rail burger after
all?). Give up? Well, since UEA is made almost exclusively of the stuff, it seemed a very appropriate name for our newspaper: CONCRETE. Yes, now is the time to s it back and enpy our fascinating guide to "All You Ever Wanted To Know About Concrete But Couldn't Be Bothered To Ask'. Although we do love to revile this u ninspiring material- hands up all those who wou ld happily dl!-
UEA 's Waveney Terrace • one big piece of Concrete
people know that!
So what exactly is concrete? Although much disliked by environmentalists for its visual imp<Kt, it is never-
At Sasses we invite you to enjoy a nostalgic evening in one of our 1930's Dining Rooms. We offer the finest Continental Cuisine complemented by our extensive wine list. Why not enjoy a pre-dinner drink in the comfort of our spocious ''ArtDeco" Bar and Lounge area, also the perfect place to relax at the end of the evening with a liqueur or coffee. Open every evening from 6pm until late. Private oarties welcome.
theless, by modern standards,a very natural product. It consists simply of coarse and fine stone (called aggregate), cement and water. The coarse aggregate is usually a crushed rock like limestone or flint,
Ample parl<ing.
Norwich 622424 2-6 Thorpe Road, Norwich (opposite Train Station)
typically in 20mm Jumps, and the fine aggregate is sandorveryfinelycrushed rock. The most widely used form of cement is itself made from natural materials, principally chalk (or limestone) and clay, which are carefully blended and fired at 2,500 degrees Celsius, then ground down to a fine powder. When mixed with water, the cement forms a powerful adhesive, which sticks the coarse and fine aggregate together to make concrete. · Concrete is now easily the most widely used construction material in the world; it is used in building foundations and superstructures, bridges, tunnels, roads, pipes, drains, building blocks, reservoirs and numerous other applications, including ships! Combined with steel reinforcing rods, it produces an extremely strong and durable material which can, for example, span large areas as efficiently as steel alone, and for a fraction of the cost. It can be poured into shuttering or moulds tu pwduce any ,hapt• dl•· sired, from the largest of dams to the slimmest of columns. To complete the picture of a product which is virtually · indispensable in a modern society, yet remains surprisingly 'environment friendly', concrete can even be broken up and recycled, reducing the drain on our natural
aggregate resources. Perhaps the worst thing about concrete is its appearance; all those b land, grey areas which typify UEA's buildings, with no apparent a ttempt to make it look exciting. The Ro-
been more willing to let concrete be seen, although it certainly ~ms to be most people's opinion (certainly here at UEA) that it should be covered up again. Just don't forget that it is this essential if unattractive material which makes most modern buildings possible at a reasonable construction cost! Perhaps we should also remember that not everyone thinks of concrete as being necessarily ugly; a w hole school of modern poets, founded by Eugen Gomringer in the early 1950's, now produces what is called concrete poetry, and a recent anthology of these poems is entitled 'Four parts Sand; Concrete Poems'. True, 'concrete' is used in the sense of describing the opposite of mans got around th is prob'abstract', but lem by using it as a massit nevertheless signifies an fill material, usually dad · intensely visual and attracin stone, which is why its t iv~ cultu ral <>xpn~~~ion; existence so far hm:k In perhaps we should come history usually goes unnoto consider good old, dull ticed. The use of concrete grey concrete as a thing of was largely ·lost after the beauty, too. No? Ah well, Romans, a nd it only reapwas worth a try. it pears in its modern form The last word on the subwhen Joseph Asdin patject ought to be on a solidly ented what he called 'Portacademic note, considerland Cement' in Leeds in ing this is, after all, a uni1824. Asdin named it after versity newspaper. RuPortland s tone, a popular
Concrete is now easily the most widely used construction mate- . rial in the world; it is used in building foundations and superstructures, bridges, reservoirs and numerous other applications, including ships! Victorian facing material, in an attempt to persuade people that concrete made with his invention would be just as attractive! From the first modern use of concrete in the nineteenth century, until the 1960't-a, concrete was usually disguised in some way, being faced with brick or stone; this was certain ly true of the earliest reinforced concrete buildings, such as the world's first skyscraper, the Ingalls building in Cincinnati, Ohio, built in 1902. Only in more recent times have architects generally
mour has it that some worth academic once calculated how many tonnes of concrete had been used in building UEA; is there anyone ou t there w ho can confirm this story? And if it is true, what mind-boggling figure was arrived at? As a special incentive, 'Concrete' will award a n album of either Val Doonican's Greatest Hits, or the Collected Speeches of Geoffrey Howe, to whoever comes up with the most accurate figure (in metric tonnes, of course!). in the meantime, concrete r ules, OK?
' The Assembly House is the perfect venue for that special event, ranging from traditional fare to extensive international menus, complimented by an extensive wine cellar.
There is also a licenced Georgian Tearoom I Restaurant with a tasteful variety of traditional cook fare produced by out 路 own ldtchens.
For helpful information please contact: Catering (0603) 627526 Cinema (0603) 630128 Administration (0603) 626402
Three exhibitions permanently staged are rotated on a weekly basis and the entrance for these are of course free of charge. If this is not enough the Noverre cinema shows the latest films, changing weekly (Monday to Saturday).
University buses 26 and 27 stop opposite Private car park at rear Open lOam to 10.30pm daily Closed Sunday
Concrete , Thursd ay, July 9, 1992
concrete ci_tY_____,I ~
L - - - -_
Entertainment in Norwich Cinemas 'CANNON'. PRINCE OF WA LES ROAD. NORWICH (Te /62 3312for reco rded programme infornwtion).
Along wlth the Od e; m, the Cannon clncrna tends to show all your run-of-the-mill blockbusters, but often has one or two more off-beat film s as well. Admiss ion for any of the four screens is ÂŁ3.40, and screenings are usually luncht ime, teatime, early evening and later evening (around 8 o' clock) . Although the c inema does not boast late screenings like some of the larger citys' multiplex cinem as, special screenings are sometimes put on . A recent example was an all-night showing of every Star Trek: fi lm, back: -lo-back . 1'1/0 TO: l'eter 1/art
Ca nnon cinema
'ODEON'. ANGLIA SQUARE, NORWICH (Te/ 0426 93 2450 fo r recorded programme information). The Odeon has recently been con verted from a one screen cinema to a three screen cinema, but although some say the choice of films is (obviously) wider, sound quality is also supposed to have deteriorated - although I have not noticed ill If you can fmd the cinema (above the Anglia Square shops in Magdalen Street) it J,; wor1h ~i cclng 11 fllmthcrc. .. lf only to co mpare the inside layout with that of an airport departure lounge.
New films this summer... Alien 3- Slgournt>y Weaver battles with the crlth~rs once again Batman Returns- the caped crusader Is back Far and A way - Tom Cruise and Nlcole KJdman star
Also: Lethal Weapon 3
'NOYERRE'. ASSEMDLY HOUSE, NO RWICH (Te/630128for information) If you happen to have mi ssed a film you really wanted to see the fi rst time round , then
'CINEMA CITY', SI ANDREWS STREET, NORWICH (Te /622047 for informatio n) Cinema City also tends to ~> hOW r reviousJy relellS('d films, but it is also a ven ue to see the mo re 'arty' (or British) film.
UNTIL THE END OF THE WORLD : Mo nJuly 13- Weds July 15 at5 .30pm. Thurs July 16- Saturday July 18 at 8pm. Matinee on Tucsdily at 2..30pm ! !EAR MY SONG: Mon July 20- Sat Ju ly 25 at 5.45pmand 8.1Spm Matinees on Tues and Thurs at 2.30pm NAKED LUNCH: Monday July 27- Sat August 1 at 5.45pm and 8.1Spm Matinee on July 30 at 2.30pm. TH E EXORCIST: Friday July 31 at 11 pm only.
the Noverre is the place to it IIOW. Ph one th em over the sum mer if you want to know what is on - and if you are over that way in the city, why not visit the beautiful Assembly House itself. ..complete with tea rooms! SCC
Thus, as well as screening films such as 'Cape Fear' and 'JFK' this summer, Cinema City is also showing the new Wim Wenders film 'Until the End of the World,' and Zefft relli's 'Ham let.' A sclet' lcd llsliog o f the suuuncr progranm1e (J uly ru 1d August) is below.
HOOK: Monday August 3Saturday August Sat 2.30pm (except Thurs). MY GIRL: Monday August 10 - WC'tln esday August12at 2.30pm. Friday August 14 Saturday August 15 at 2.30pm TI i E MAMBO KINGS: Monday August 17 - Sa turday Augu st 24 at 5.45pm and 8.1Spm. MatineeonThursat 2.30pm. GRAND CANYON: Monday August 31- Wednesday September 2 at 8.15pm
Close to the U EA, probably one of the city's best pubs. Karaoke on stage every Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Live music every Friday and Saturday evening. Pool Table and Darts, SKY TV Bar meals 12noon - 2.30pm daily. A good choice at very reasonable prices. Bar-8-Q every Friday, Saturday and Sunday evening in the beer garden (under cover). Function Room Hire with bar for special occasions. Fagan's Bar upstairs Friday and Saturday evenings. Fully Air Conditioned Approximately one and a half miles from UEA, on the corner of Bond Street and De rh am Road. Always mixed custom. See you soon.
--- --- - -
------- --- - - - -- - - - - - - -Concrete, Thursday, July 9, 1992
cone re GJCity Theatres and Music Venues 'WATERFRONT'. KING STREET. NORWICH (Te/766266 for informatwnl ticket sales) The Waterfront is one of Norwich's top venues for live music from both well-known bands and those who nre upand-coming. Over the last academic year perform~ have included Moe Tucker, The Wedding Present, Manic Street Preachers, Thousand Yard Stare, PJ Harvey, Des'ree, Airhead and Cud. Local bands such as Magic Johnson and U1e Honey Buzzards have also played at the venue. The highlight of the Waterfront's yeM came in April, when BBC Radio 1 FM and the British Phonographic Industry descended on Norwich for the first ever 'Sound City' music week. Throughout the summer, some great bands will play. So why not give the Waterfront a call to see who they have lined up?
'NORWICH ARTS CENTRE'. SI BENEDICT'S STREET. NORWICH (Te/ 7660352for information/ ticket sales)
'MADDERMARKET TIIEATRE'. SI JOHN MADDERMARKET, NORWICH (Te/620917 for information/ticket sales)
The Norwich Arts Centre presents a varied programme of events ... .from poetry to folk to comedy to jazz and theatre. Performances over the past year have included Dylan Thomas' 'Return Journey', directed by Anthony Hopkins andNorwich's own talent competition - compered by Jools Holland. Pick up a leaflet on campus to find out what's on this summer - or give the Arts Centre a call.
Over the summer, the Norwich Players will undoubtedly excell themselves again in two v~y diff~ent ~form ances. From July 10 until 18, they perform Ibsen's The Wild Duck', thetaleofhow a man's messianic intensity succeeds only in bringing disaster on a family. And from August 7 to 15, the Players come almost up to the present day with a performance of Joe Orlon's 'Loot.' The play revolves around Ha!, who has to con.::eal the proceeds of a bank robbery due to an impending police visit. He hides the cabil in the coffrn on his recently deceased mother, only leaving the question of what to do with the corpse. This is obviously a black farce and is thus in uproarious bad taste-shocking holiday entertainment, but well woth the watching! Any other details about the Maddermarkel Theatre may be obtained by phone.
'THE OYAL ROCK HOUSE', DEREIIAM ROAD, NORWICH (Te/ 748244 for information/ ticket sales) The Oval is Norwich's newest venue, giving all those often under-represented rock bands the chance to perform to an appreciative crowd . Iron Maiden recently performed a sell -out concert at the venue ... nol surprisiug if you consider it is run by one o f the band's employees!
For all your printing and photocopying requirements The Printing Unit University of East Anglia Norwich NR4 7TJ (0603) 592204
The University's Printing Unit is pleased to offer a wide range of services including: - Top quality full colour copying - High speed black and white copying (with optional . collate and staple facilities). - Badge making. - Comprehensive design and typesetting. - A4, A3 and A2 Litho printing. -Binding and finishing. For enquiries about any of these please ring the Printing Manager on Ext 2204 or 592204 if ringing from outside the University.
For all your printing and photocopy requirements The Printing Unit University of East Anglia Norwich NR4 7TJ (0603) 592204
Nightclubs BELMONTE'Sc 60 Prince of Wales Road - Tci76Q805
CENfRAI. PARK A RITZY THE CI.UBc Tombland • Tcl6l1S41
UY'Sa 24 Tombland • Tci62115S
JACQUARD CLlffi; 13$ Ma1dalca SlacC - Tcl617890
LE YALBONa 86 Pri•« of Wales Road - Ici63076Q
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rEJ•PERMINT PARKa Rose Lane- Tcl76419l
Sl•ENCKRSc IS Uuvc Street • Icl 622!)60
Training the Region The Short Course Developrrent Office runs short courses for industry, commerce and the professions and public sector, regionally, nationally and internationally. in the last year alone nearly 1500 local people attended UEA short courses. The Short oouiSe Development Office has developed courses for such specialist markets as industrial and research che~ ists, lawyers, biotechnologists, planners and chartered surveyors. it also runs the 'Management in Action' progranune, which includes computer courses, and an Environmental Management programrre for managers and senior executives froma wide range of backgrounds. Recently there has been demand for seminars and workshops for those working in the Health Service. This year the Office has developed programmes for consultants, physiotherap~ts, OCXllpational therapists, speech and language therapists, educational psychologists and th05e working in such areas as purchasing and personnel. UEA is continually developing new markets for its short courses. There is a deep pool of staff expertise within the University which means that we can respond quickly and
effectively to general needs of individual companies- providit~g one-off courses or programmes tailored to individual company needs (European languages, Report Writing Skills, Computerised Business lnfonnation Systell\5 and the art of Managing Assertively for example). Ancther alternative to ronsider is the application of University expertise to an in-company training progranune. The Office can also provide Iilropean and Environmental Audits for companies. Additionally we can put you in touch with the appropriate members of faculty at the University who have the expertise necessary to work with companies undertaking research. For further information on course programmes please contact either Kate Hesketh on (0603) 592210 or Hayley Slade on (0603) 593016.For tailored programrre needs or to disruss audits or consultancy requirements, please contact Jane Thorp, Director of Short CouiSe Developrrenl on (0603) 592802. Or write to the Short Course Development Office, Centre for Continuing Education, lhe Registry, University of East Anglia, Norwich NR4 TD
= --
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Concrete, Thursday, July 9, 1992
cone tmllnter·view
axActs on UK tour Ruby Wax talks about her stage show, her TV career, and her days as a 'Nymphette' Glandng at Ruby Wax's 'CV, - I see that Wogan is listed alongside her TV appearances - rea lly?! "My CV says I d id Wogan?' she utters incredulously. She co ntinu es: "I d o n't know what you have there, that'll be interesting to see. What else does it say?" " It says you did Wogan and Chariots of Fire ... " Again an exclamation of wonder: "It says I did Wogan ...Can you read me someofthat,do you mind?" I read accordingly. "It must be a mistake," concludes the American on the other end of the phone. "So you haven' t met Teny then?" Once again: "I've been on his show a lot, but you - wouldn't put that in a CVit's bizarre." Two thin~11 lmmf'<.liatPly strike me about I his conversation. Firstly, why is the woman who! dreaded interviewing being so nice when every week she makes big stars look like small kids in front of millions o f people. And secondly, I have rung Ruby to ask her about her UK tour, but seem to have fallen in to a rut, which has
Wax ...The Johnson Wax Fl oorsh o w .. . East Meets Wax .... Wax o n Wheels ...The Fu ll Wax, plus Measure for Mrnsure a nd Love's Labours Lost." Sorry? Ruby confirms this is, indeed true, and not anothe r piece of fabrication by a n
"I was with the RSC in Stratford being obscure kinda Nymphettes and things" over-zrnlous PR agent: "I was with the Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) in Stratford, hf•in~ o hllf'llff' kinda Nymphcttes and things." This would seem to be a far cry from the brash, co nfident a nd amusing American who is so often on o ur screens. Did she enjoy her RSC roles? "No 'cos I wasn't very good ... but I gave it a lot of energy." Indeed, in one play she took over from 'Z.J:Je Wanna-
Why is the woman who I dreaded interviewing being so nice when, every week, she makes big stars look like small kids in front of millions of people? ended in me reading the woman her own CV. As she says herself, "it's bizarre." Nter aU, it is hardly as though she needs any introduction, with a CV already as long as your arm. Sh<' haR too many oth('r Achievements tu be prowl of, without needing to boast about being seen on the same screenasthelrish 'personality' who is to be axed anyway. Reading, as I am asked, from the aforementioned CV: "Chariots of Fire, Omen Ill The Final Conflict...The Professionals (!) ... Happy Families ... Don't Miss
Shakespeare, even ifthe evidence is simply that Ruby, her husband - Max Wax, and childre n have moved into a luxury mansion in London's Notti ng !I ill. She comments: " I wis h peo ple wou ld break into it more often! " Biza rre! What is also odd is that she has ra rely performed in Ame rica, so does she like the British, in genera l? "Well I do n't really think in genera l, so thai's hard. For every pro I'd have a co n
maker ... "But I was never as good as he r," Ruby adds modestly. (It's hard to believe she can be so modest!)
"Britain's kinda j ust like America but without the late night supermarkets" Things have, of course, greatly changed since the days of supporting roles in
a nd for eve ry con I'd have a pro. "It's kinda just America without tlu• l.ttl' night AUpermarkets, but eventually you will be corrupted. We gave you the Mall and that was the end o f British culture as we know it. But there's a charm here and there's an intelligence and there's an irony that I hope they don't takeaway." The comedienne has recently left our scree ns- the la s t of six in the series of 'The Full Wax 2' (which, interestingly, takes six months to produce) went out on BBCl on May 8. Surprisingly ,despiteall the areas Ruby has worked in, even her loosely-chat-based s how is not h~r iJea I medium. "I think it's sort of limiting," she says. "It hurts me when I want to do stage shows .. .l'm not an interviewer in my p<>rson.1lity it sort o f hurts you when people go 'oh are you going to be intervie wing people' and you think 'if I was my career would last three and a hillf S('('nndsl'" Hut has she haJ a favourite guest? "I like John Simpson -he's different, and Lauren Bacall was nice." What I am actually trying to get at is one particu larly repulsive incident where she lounged over three of 'The Dreamboys' - Britain's answerto 'TheChippendales.' But despite Ruby's apparent relishing of this moment,
she says she did not enjoy it: "I did that for money, it was part o ft he job ... it was pretty hideous." Her play- Wax Acts- a 23 day tour of the UK, still manages to miss out Norwidl. But then this will come as no surprise. Directed by Alan Rick man, with whom Ruby has worked in the past (she wrote and he directed 'Desperately Yours',
Publisher Stephen Howanl Editor Peter llart Advertising Simon Mann Distribution John Barton Photographers Thuy La
Toby Leaver Son B Huang
whichbecameanoff-Broadway hit) it's the story of a wo man who has "gone off the rails ." Ruby says "it's a life story ... along the way this person spurts out about every obseiVation and does lilt le sitcoms for you and lilt le shows ... but at the end it's resolved, like a play is." She should be well practiced- not only has s he just enjoyed a successful run at
London's Globe Theatre, but she toured with it last year. Ruby apologises: "I d idn't go to Norwich then •eith er, huh?Oops!" Er ... no.
Thanks toEnglish and Ame-rican Studi<'S Steven Uennett Gary, Steve at'\d Bemie the Stewards
of the contributor, and not necessarily those of the 1,ublisher or Editor (C) 1992 Printed by Eastern Counties
Concrete is published independently at
Newspapers, Prospect House,
UEA. Opinions expressed are those
Rouen Road ,
So what is there left for Ruby to do? "I' m gonna write scripts and not work with rea I people ... ! mean actresses."
Concrete, Thursday, July 9, 1992
cone re ~ea tu re
The Sainsbury Centre 30.A puppet theatrP,original furniture and designs for theatre sets are just some of the imaginative inventions of French artist, illustrator and designer Oliver Mourgue, whose
yourself and your guPsts to a light lunch or afternoon tea in a beautiful setting, and also a restaurant and buffet with a spectacular view over the surrounding woodland.
The Soinsbury Centre for Visual Arts invites you to discover one of the finest visual arts centres in the world -situated right here in Norwich on the UEA campus. The Sainsbury Centre has the magnificent Robert and Lisa Sainsbury Collection on permanent display. The collection brings together a remarkable range of art from different cultures. It is rich in the paintings of Francis Bacon, the SOJiptures and drawings of I!Pnry Moorc, Albcrto Giacomctti and John IJavies. These and other modern European works are displayed alongside superb sculptures and carvings from many partsoftheworld- including West Africa, the Pacific, North, Central and South America, the ancient Mediterranean and Egypt. The permanent display is comple~nted by a stirrt.1lating programme of special exhibitions and events. The building is set in the gentle landscape of the Yare River at the west end of the UEAcampus. Completed in 1978, the architect was Sir Norman Foster, who also designed the new Crescent Wing extension which opened in May 1991. Inside, the Sainsbury Centre is elegant and spacious, an oasis of calm with galleries that offer a world of art to d iscovPr. ThPrf' is a lP a fy l.onsPrvatoryCoffee Uarwhl're you can treat
tolommeo. This spectacular show will be a<rompanied by a programn~ of lectures and events. A leaflet will be available in September. Please contact theSainsburyCentre if you wish to receive details. Special Displays from the Robcrt Sainsbury and Lisa Sainsbury Collection 'Charles Maussion':Special Exhibition Gallery: September 22 to December6 (dates to be confrrmed) Opening Times I Charges I Friends Open: 12 noon- SPM Tuesday to Sunday. Admission: Aduhs: £1, Children I Concessions I Groups: SOp. UEA and NIAD Staff and Students are admitted free. Friends: The Friends of the sainsbury Centre plilya key role in making the Centre a special feature of East Anglian cultural life. New members are always welcome. Information on the Friends and their activities is available at the Sainsbury Centre
Reception <tesk. Private Hire: The I..n.verGallery and the Conservatory are available for conferences and receptions, and the Galleries can be booked for exclusive private evening viewings. Please contact the Gallery Administrator for details (0603 592470). If you wish to book a function at the Sainsbury Centre restaurant, please contact the Banqueting Manager (0603 592897). Guided tours are available Tuesday to Friday from 14:00 to 16:00. Prebooked groups welcome at any time when the Gallery is open; ring0603 592467 for details. Other opening times: Coffee Bar: Tuesday to Sunday, 12 noon to 4:30 l'M.Cavery: Monday to Friday, 12:30 to 2 PM (Reservations: 0603 592474).Buffet : Monday to Friday, 10:30 to 2 PM.
A view of tile Crescent Win& and Sainslmry Centre from tile Broad work was featured on Stanley Kubrick's film '2001 A Space Oddysey'. Contact the Sainsbury Centre for details of lectures and demonsi rations by the artist. 'Fiorentine Drawing in the Age of Michelangelo' is a loan exhibition from the British Museum on display in Lower GaUery from October13 to December 13. It is a major exhibition of drawings by some of the ~rmtPst Rorentinr ar1ists, indudin~ Michelangelo, Raphael and Fra Bar-
The Sainsbury Centre is open every day of the week, except Monday, from 12 noon to 5 PM, 50 weeks of the year (we close for the two week long UEA Christmas break). The single admission charge allows entry to all the Galleries: £1 or SOp for concessions and groups. There is a programme of Special Exhibitions this Summer and Autumn which include: 'Oiiver Mourguf' - StagPs f),~si~n· in tlw SpPdal Exhibition Gallery: June 2- August
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An exhibition of the imaginative inventions of Olivier Mourgue, contemporary French artist and designer, whose poetic watercolours and theatrical installations are in the tradition of Calder, the Bauhaus and Surrealism .
01-iViEJ!<. MOLIJet?Uc • I ~A t; tA/11 ~ Y t?A R IJE N 5 Awl> Li7rl.E. IHEATR£5
2 June - 30 August 12.00- 17.00 Closed Mondays (0603) 56060
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Sponsors: Sir Norman Foster and Partners Maison Worms
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The heart of Norwich nightlife is Tombland. Tombland - The Open Place - dates from historic Norwich to the present-day as The Meeting Place! And at the heart of Tombland -THE TOMBLAND EXPERIENCE Boswells Brasserie, Pizza One/Pancakes Too and HY's nightclub!
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Although the oldest in name, New Boswells has rapidly become the symbol of all that is right and fresh, bringing to the city an original standard of eating, drinking, listening, talking and festiveness. Fully licensed until 2.00am, the Bra sserie opens at 11.00am and springs to life with the blossoming of red umbrellas on the forecourt.. .. a coffee or tea, a meal, or just a quiet drink with friends or newspaper .... are all possible in what has been characterised as
12noon 'TIL 2am TUES-SAT FULLY LICENSED Tel: 0603 626099
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