The event - issue 056 - 02 1996

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"I'm not sending any cards this year. 路 ~..-......~~ I think people should send me them cos I'm the pop start"


"My Ideal Valentine would have to be Usa Loeb or Terl Hatcher, but In reality, I'll probably only get a card from my nan."

"My first snog was with Sharron Davles, the swimming Gladlalor, when I was 10 路we went to the same school."

"I had my first kiss on the back or the school bus. I was five years old and telling you who he was would be Indiscreet"

"I had my first kiss on the of the school bus. I was five years old and telling you who he was would be Indiscreet."


like the Sack Of Cack. Not only does it give us an opportunity make more space in the office by clearing out all our old dross, but it makes you lot come up to the office and do silly things in order to win it, and you know this just makes our day. Last issue was a first in the history of this competition as two separate parties attempted to claim the hallowed sack. Good work fellas! See if you can do even better this time. Up for grabs are: A MINI-TORCH WITH NO BATIERIES IN! IN OTHER WORDS IT IS TOTALLY WORTHLESS! A DODGY MANGA VIDEO ABOUT SHOOTING AND SHAGGING ON


THE STREETS OF NEW YORK! EXCEPT IT'S REALLY NOT AS GOOD AS IT SOUNDS! A SELECTION OF POSTERS FROM CRAP FILMS AND BANDS WE'VE NEVER HEARD OF! NICE COLOURS THOUGH! A SELECTION OF VOMITINDUCING STILLS FROM THAT AWFUL FILM THE UTILE PRINCESS! AND YET MORE TOSSY RECORDS THAT WE REALLY DON'T WANT! Wow! All you have to do to win this veritable pile of arse is come up to the Concrete HQ (upstairs in Union House ... clue: it's not the Finance Office) with a cheap plastic toy we can add to our collection . Bonzer!

LIVE REVIEW SHED SEVEN THE WATERFRONT 27/1/96 t's not so long since Shed Seven and Oasis were tipped as the next big thing. Unfortunately, things haven't quite gone to plan for York's finest, but they're back for another stab at stardom. First Soda's ende1;1ring Bratpop racket isn't bad, but suffers from a lack of top tunes, although it is early days yet. Shed Seven do have tunes, the problem always was that a lot of them were arse, even if they're greeted rapturously by the crowd. Dolphin is still great, but shows up the others' failings. ll's frustrating, because Shed Seven are capable of shining sparkly pop (rather than stodgy Shedrock). Even without brass, Getting Better is a glorious rush. To be fair, if you're a fan the gig was great, but it left me cold. "Are you all getting plssed or what?" asked Rick. Maybe if I was, I would've enjoyed it more ...


t may have been freezing cold outside, but inside a packed LCR the temperature was considerably warmer, as Norwich prepared to welcome back those grandiose pop stars, Gene. But first up, support from Duffy. Led by the energetic Stephen 'Tintin' Duffy, they provided breezy guitar pop, the undoubted highlight being the catchy single Sugar High. Duffy did their job, warming up the crowd, but as soon as the real


stars took the stage, the audience found a new lease of life. With Martin sporting another fine quiff and guitarist Sieve Mason seemingly adding more facial contortions to his repertoire, the band cracked into an electric set. All the old faves were present, the outstanding songs being Be My Light, Be My Guide a11d Sleep Well Tonight, alongside a number of new songs, which

had a more rhythmic feel, branching away from that often quoted Smiths influence. Including for the first time on this tour an acoustic set so the crowd could catch their breath, and their sound augmented by the addition of a keyboardist, Gene proved that they are still unstoppable live. Yet perhaps the biggest surprise of all was that Martin managed to survive a whole gig without smoking a cigarette! Simon Raisey

Stuart Dredge

Mexican Restaurante 11-1 5 TIMBERHILL, NORWICH TEX-MEX AT ITS BEST FRIENDLY FRESH COOKED FOOD TO ORDER - Buy one grilled burrito get one free Succulent S\zz\\ng - Margaritaville Steaks fa\\tas - All margaritas half price t Chargrilled Wed - Ladies Night t~ce\\ en.t - Buy one cocktail get one free una + Salmon 'Jegetaoan Steaks Thu - Country and Western Night l)\snes -All you can eat ribs ÂŁ7.95 E nchilladas Fri _ _-_Free bar bites 5-7 + T.aquitos __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___, \ncre d\b\e_:..:..;. Mon Tue

sa\ads ttefr\ed l}eans


+ lots more



We cater for small and large parties - LARGE means up to 140 and when we say parties, we mean PARTIES! .... Phone 61 0063 for details .... THE EVENT, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1996 3


e e






.,, weekS ago';'1\8 'MMEJIIIIler Gtllli'1.,

' ~ '-.. '·"'". ;lVIO,II)IIriiiiJ8~01L~:~~;-~~i!;·";·;, ·=:;;~illiii=J~

rter a journey which could , · (before h off to Europe). ur'lderstatedly be described ash so how do Fluffy manage to keep up their 'eventful', your two faithful hectic schedule of travelling and partying? AP-t\ reporters found themselves at a "lt's the Mllter[~ they chorus. ·They give lt to rather chilly Cambridge Junction us every night and now we can't lfve without sipping Miller with Fluffy. Now, as much a~ we it." hardened journo types like to think we remain "I never used to drink before this tour, I'm unfazed by most things, sharing a room Wlth allergic to alcohofl" confides Angle, •but now four stunningly beautiful women (who have I'm drunk every nlghU" the added allure of being rock stars) armost This Is all wen and gOOd, but what we really need to know is the gossip. makes us lose our cool. However, composure regained, we are forced ' The best incident was in Dublin. Us and to confront Fluffy with the fact that their Heavy Stereo were playing no rules football with loads of scrapping. Anyway we were just sltuation -they are an gorgeous and have been receiving an obscene amount of press about to score the winner when the room filled despite only one single - is a little, uh, up with this white mist, it was really, really convenient. thick. You just couldn't see a thing... we were "Yeah, we're totally contrived," laughs coughing and groping around trying to find our Amanda, the singer. ''We were manufactured way out of the room. Angie nearly died, she by a record company!" came out and was hypervenblating, it was "Seriously though,# adds Angie (drums), really funny (f)." "people like to think we're oontrlved. Maybe So what was this mysterious mist? it's because we're girls." "Well Gem (Heavy Stereo's singer) had Jt's the penultimate night of fti'i'e"UK tour sabotaged the game by setting off a fire

flfl~fy prove fhaf beer really IS

good for fOllr feefh

before this ob~. ~e reali$oo we(t:} being ironic, bUt I feel the English taken in by it. We do like that music 6ttt 'I think you'll see that Uve we are much rawer, W'?- even open with Black Sabbath's Iron·Man!" A few hours'lta{er we are stood at the bar making the most of the MJIIer promotion, when a chugging noisy bass seethes out of the PA; it's not mucl') cop. They may be QPOd looKing, they may even be very nice people, but when Magnus says that Fluffy can only try to be rock 'n' roll, he,is sadly correct, Th~y try. But . DisappOintingly, much the same can be for FluffY's touring buddies Heavy Stereo. may be a top laugh behind the scenes "'"''""'''" rock-out sludge doesn't really With barely a three chords or a couple . . 'f8d and afmosf songs between them the Genuine Cold is altogether more enticing ..• Then, amge f~to a bif over-eXCI . drops ht$ camera lm<ilestica,U~ , The Cardigans reaf!irm our faith _:~---------~in life. As promised they open the set with the aforementioned Black Sabbath song, and extinguisher, but lt wasn't a normal water although the tunes are less intricate than on one, it was full of this weird chemical/foam record, they lose none of the style, elegance and panache that their music personifies. stuff. The promoters and security staff were not amused!~ Three down and the headliners to go, which Rock and roll! Well, time to calm down and unfortunately &eems to be the attitude of most of the audience here tonight as rnost of them chat to Magnus from the more reserved Cardigans. Jt seems that we're not the only seem to be here only to see The B!uetones. people about who have been influenced by Predictably most of the men tool< like their hormones rather than by their ears in Oasis/Stone Roses understudies and this is regard to Fluffy. Magnus also seems to enjoy what The Bluetones both look and sound like. their undivided attention: Slight Retum is a good record, but this doesn't "On our date in Birmingham J was feeling translate well to a Uve set. We both decide very homesick indeed. I didn't want to be on that playing pinball very badly would be more stage but ;un so we .1eave the Fluffy • • • ' Tones to 1!. came out Interestingly the bar " I , is now practically onto the balcony empty, which we above me and began to scream my name... should take as an indication that we were of course four young girls like Fluffy wrong in our conclusion... but of course, we know better. Or lt could just be the Miller. screaming at you does you a lot of good, so I began to really get into the gig. Now before PS Thanks to Molly for letting us sleep on her floor! every show 1ask them to come out front and scream my name." Don't you feel tempted to join in with some of the more wild antics of the other bands? "No, not really. Heavy Stereo are the ones here who are rock 'n' roll, they mean it. Fluffy really are just charming girls who are trying to be rock 'n' roll. "The most outrageous thing I did all tour was to sit on a box and break its wheel. Fluffy liked that, they tried to encourage me to do some more damage. But I refused - if you break something who is going to mend it? Trashing your hotel room is stupid, you're the person who has to sleep in it!" A sensible chap indeed. Yet The Cardigans are not without a sense of humour - England even appears to have missed some of their irony. "When we recorded Life we deliberately made it into a '60s N, · 108 rom The Cardigans whis'Pers concept where the studio was full of original equ ipment and the artwork Swede nofhinns fo M.a,.'· was very '60s, all purposefully. In -;-------~=! :.~:_::_:::·~ ·K Sweden where we had released records



"I never used to drink before this tour I'mallergiC to alcohol!" confides Angle, but now I,m drun k every nighi .



miss moneypenny- dub- atomic- komodo above the blue jean eo 8-1 0 lower goat lane 4 THE EVENT, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1996


rlt\eS •From transveslile clubs to student discos, Mike Flowers is the all conquering king of cheese. Set for aValentine's Dav extravaganza, Mark Tobln takes a look at this vears most unlikely pop star


ike Flowers, the Liverpudlian with the treacle coloured pudding bowl wig and the bri-nylon wardrobe, sets out his manifesto for total lounge lizard world domination; "lt's just an act, an honest light entertainment act. As for the music, people have been surprised that they enjoy it because they feel they're not supposed to. With the act I give them licence to enjoy something that they haven't been before." Hmmm ... nice 'n' cheesy. Mike and his band of glitzed up cabaret stars -The Mike Flowers Pops Orchestra - are set to swing the night away here at UEA on Valentine's Day (surely the perfect setting for ultimate kitsch overload!}. They promise to transform the normally drab and dreary concrete campus into a sugar coated pop pavlova complete with tutu wearing ballerinas supping margaritas with Colombian drug barons, whilst dyed pink poodles stroll by in a perfumed air. Well, possibly! This, The Mike Flowers Pops Orchestra's first venture into the world of Motorway Service Stations, vitamin pills and mass adulation, has all come about as the result of a joke. A joke whiph was picked up by Chris Evans on his breakfast show and initially played as a tongue in

cheek response to the testosterone fuelled ramblings of Oasis. However the British public in their best attempt to relive the Christmas of 1993 {Mr Blobby, need I remind you?) overlooked the joke and sent the single crashing into the charts at number two, only being kept from the top spot by Michael Jackson's Earth Song. A fact which Flowers isn't too despondent about: "I wasn't upset at all, because the idea of a Christmas No. 1 would be fairly stressful for someone of my temperament." Thanks to the success of Wonderwa/1, Flowers packed in his job as a technician at The Chelsea School Of Art And Design and signed a two year recording contract with London Records. Since then his bleached white grin has seemingly beamed from the pages of every publication from The Sun to The Independent, Melody Maker to Smash Hits, stopping off on the way to play a medley of Prince hits on Pebble Mill to the appreciative ears of Alan Titchmarsh. With reconstructions of songs by Black Sabbath likely in his live set, it seems as though hearts could melt on Valentine's Day. But only in a post-modern, slightly ironic, lounge orchestral type of way.

OLaurent Gamier; "Simply the classtest mixer around at the moment."


till the

best. TheY played th~um inaugural Club Yum " mi the crowd loved it. • QAI&X Reece & #(Jd Loop$· "Spearheading the dr~m bass movement.

•Local DJ Collective , eoffyerface events this month include: High Society, launch L!..JR"";--j--:::J.-61-LJFebruary 6 at Zoom Club Yum Yum the first of many basement sessions Ashley Beedle (Ballistic Brothers/X-Press/Junior downstairs at Hector's Boys Own) House , Bedford Street on Friday Support from Soundclash DJs February 9 With the added bonus £6 on the door of some zany decor and clear '~"""..-v""""-'.'' DFebruary 16 at The Waterfront sub-sound, th DJs hope to "create Return To The Source an atmosphere where you can Mark Alien (Mindfield), Sld Shanti, Chrisbo drift into the music, have a pre(Medicine Drum), Universal Sound (live PA) club shuffle and enjoy a spot of bar-prop-foot-tapping!" Support from Offyerface DJs, Evolver and Admission is free. Con Brie-0


OK, that 's a bit of a lie _ win some house would be more accurate as we have ten fabulous copies of the new Fantazia Club Classics collection to give away This frankly enormous three-disk com?ilation spans five years of house music With the tracks mixed by Brandon Block, Luv Dup and Mike Cosford. In amongst the onslaught of top d~ncefloor tunes, you 'll find classics by the likes of Degrees ln Motion_. Felix and De'Lacy. lt's a pretty essential collection to own, all told. Released in the shops this week, you could blag a copy for free if you can tell us Which of the following is not a house class1c: a) Saturday Night Party by Alex Party b)Pas.sJOn by Jon of the Pleased W1mm1n c) Country House by Blur

n album that's a novel ? Hmm ... that's novel (sorry). There is more on this album than the ndie-poppery of the Mekons' last venture I Love The Mekons but are they trying to do too much on one record? The Mekons have teamed up with novelist Kathy Acker who reads from her work in-between songs, a surreal story of pirates and buried treasure. However, these interruptions make the transition from one song to another awkward. lt's difficult to comment on Acker's novel since there are only extracts on the album but suffice to say she is one of those post-modernists obsessed with fragmentation, feminism and messing with the mind . The music works, especially Ange's Song and The Song of the Dogs. The sounds The Mekons make vary from Irish jig to jungle. I only feel sorry for the pirate called Ostracism. Matthew Poole



udioweb vocalist Martin says that it is just not possible to try and describe their music, so I'm not going to even bother to tlnd any intelligent musical comparisons to describe them. I'm just going to say instead how absolutely brilliant their second single is - the

Manchester combo have released another top record. Yeah? is a rip-roaring single played with great passion and verve. This is a great, unique sound and it is one which I can't enthuse enough about. There is a shortage of progressive music around at the moment, but not only Is this a fresh sound, it's just cracking.


I! AI ooops!

Gill BLOSSOM. ftl I Hea• R Prom YOU/ 7"'

0 Pony!

ailed as 'guitar rockers' on the press release, Gin Blossoms are a middle of the road rock band with strong overtones of Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers. Their new single, Till Hear lt From You, will do little to raise the dead, as one track merges helplessly into another with inoffensive jangly boredom. Not heavy enough for true US rock fans and too uninspiring for alternative connoisseurs, the title of their forthcoming album, Congratulations I'm Sorry, perhaps refers to an off the cuff remark made when these guys first got a recording contract. James Lushey


E) sorted! Hurrah! NICK CAVB AND 'I'H8 BADS.EDS MUI'def!BaUads/ ave's new album IS dedicated to the subject of murder. The Australian post-punk icon sings about the horrors that lurk in the dark side of the human psyche. His talent is that he can tell fantastic musical tales that encapsulate the feelings of vulnerability, bitterness, abrasiveness and humour. Murder represents an escape from the nominality of the productive world. Cave exorcises the ghost inside the head, and enters the subject from a new angle. Murder becomes the device to tell stories, and reach new heights of creativity. The narrative is presented both from the perspective of the murderers and of the victims, over the shuffling of spiked cocktail music. A wide range of different musical styles come ~hrough on this album but they can all still be recognised as the distinguished musical unit which is Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds. Insisting on being politically incorrect he presents us with disturbing intellectual perspectives, and manages to maintain an audacious attitude and thereby keep his creativity intact. Above all he is hypnotic - the passion wh1ch he puts into his songs is their drivmg force. Jan 0/av-G/ette


For all your music requirements




eve movle· news.· .movie news ... movie news There have been some complaints about my attacks on Tom Hanks and the multi Oscar winning movie Forrest Gump. Well tough.


·4 1·1 'JP\{ Ho hum, Oliver j

Stone's in trouble ' again. What for? Why, historical inaccuracy this time. His latest film Nixon has caused a bit of a storm in the States, not only is it a bum numbing three hours, but historians and friends of Nixon have been jumping up and down moaning at Stone. One person has come out with credit, and that's Welshman Tony Hopkins for his portrayal of Tricky Dicky. Do we hea.r Oscar calling? The latest club in Hollywood, which all the stars are trying to get into is the $20m movie club. Cu rrent members are Jim Carrey, Harrison Ford, Mel Gibson , Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sly Stallone. The highest ranked females are Demi Moore and Julia Roberts on $12m , with poor ol' Johnny Depp on a meagre $5m - lower than even Charlie Sheen . Hey, movie moguls , what's going on? "We want the finest wines available to humanity", so said Richard E Grant in Withnai/ and /. To tie in with the tenth anniversary re-release , Odd bins are running various promotions to encourage you to take part in some of the best movie drinking games. If this classic has passed you by, then make up for that error - now! Top city cinema called , er, Cinema City will be showing Breakfast at , Tiffany's on Valentine's Day , for all you love birds out there . This top notch flick stars Audrey Hepburn and George Peppard in this tale of love, life and a ginger cat, and it's guaranteed to warm the cockles of your heart. So altogether now: "Moooon river, da de da de da .. ." '

And finally ... no sooner did The Event tip John Travolta and Emma Thompson for big things then it comes true! Both were winn ers at the Golden Globes, with Travolta winning the gong fo r comedy actor and Ems for t her screenplay of Sense and Sensibility. Good work fellas! Now, let's see if this will work: the next lottery numbers will be 3, 12, 26 , 31,

-~- 32 and 48 ... NESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1996

mere fifty films; three Oscars and ten nominations; countless other awards; bucket loads of critical acclaim; and a song by Bananarama, AI Pacino and Robert De Niro are two of Americas best-loved and most enduring 'great' screen actors . In careers spanning almost thirty years , they've enjoyed something very rare in cinema , both critical notoriety and popular attention . They've achieved this feat by proving their worth in typically bums on seats sorta genres. So where lies their success? Well , for one in thrillers erotic in the case of Pacino (The Sea of Love) , De Niro settling for psychotic (Cape Fear) . Comedy - the joke was on his critics when De Niro, not renowned for his comic appearances, turned up a brilliant performance in Scorsese's homage to Jerry Lewis, in the darkly funny King of Comedy and more recently in We 're No Angels , as an escaped convict trying to get across the Canadian border, disguised as a monk. The genre provided Pacino with two very different roles. On Oscar-winning form, in Scent of a Woman, playing a suicidal blind veteran, enjoying one last wild 'n' wicked


tWft: Alfred pac\ne riOIUt. AtsrU 241940 AG£:55 staRSIGN: Taurus BEST FILMS: The Gotttatber {1972\; ooo oav attemoon {1975}; Scartace (l983}; The Sea o1lDYe (1989}; DICk t lrat'J (19901; scent o a womanl1992l; Gteng~ ' GtP ftOS$ {1992};

Reatl1895l . '·· .,..&;•••

weekend, having resolved to end it all military style; and virtually unrecognisable as mobster Big Boy, hamming it up in Dick Tracy. Which of course brings us onto the fami liar guise of the Gangster movie. Now here we 're talking a string of incredible performances , the likes of which include, GoodFelfas, The ~ Untouchables , Mean Streets, Scarface .. . of course, the Granddaddy of them all , The Godfather


avoiding screen appearances together during The Godfather Part 1/, that the dynamic duo didn 't like each other. You would however, be sadly mistaken , since they've been long-time friends, finding 'brotherhood' in their ItalianAmerican origins . Both have been acclaimed for their 'method ' acting approach . In De Niro's case this may well have something to do with untold psychological damage caused through the childhood nickname 'Bobby Milk' (apparently due to his pale complexion). Born and raised in New York to rather 'a rty' parents , his father, an

abstract expressionist, his mother, a painter, De Niro studied at the 'Actors Studio'. Marrying Diahnne Abbot! in 1976, the relationship lasted only three years. Although some have interpreted his 'method' style as sheer "self-indulgence" and an opportunity to do some "weird accents", De Niro has only one thing to say, "lt's important not to indicate (not a reference to Taxi Driver). People don't try to show their feelings , they try to hide them." Just to prove this acting lark is profound stuff, De Niro set up the TriBeCa building in New York, home of his own production company, and consequently since 1989 has become a major player in film production . Pacino, is a fellow New Yorker, and also has a nickname, Sonny (presumably from his Godfather exploits) . Profound statements abound on this 'method ' acting business. According to AI , "lt's kinda like you put on a suit of some sort, and go into a box or something ... it's ephemeral, hard to figure ... ! don't get it." Hmm, okay! Anyway, despite working with the best in the industry, making reg ular appearances in De Palma and very regu lar appearances in Scorsese films, Pacino and De Niro have at times seemed like the terrible !winsome, making some decidedly dodgy films . Lets just say that with movies

Emma Thompson wouldn 't be in the Oscar-runn ings if Pacino or De Niro had played her leading man. Sense prevailed in their new movie. Heat is of a very different sensibility. Straight out of the Cagney/Bogart gangster movie tradition, De Niro plays cunning crook, Neil McCauley, ringleader of a ruthless and utterly professional gang whose speciality is the odd $12 million heist. Pacino (as good cop , Vincent Hanna) also heads an equally professional posse. Harbouring a grudging respect for his like-minded opposite, Hanna is less motivated by the increasing pile of corpses that line the trail , than the personal challenge McCauley offers. lt is from this friction that the heat emanates , and the screen promises to be electrifying when the actors finally clash in two all too brief scenes. Helped along by excellent direction from veteran Michael Mann (Manhunter, The Last ofthe Mohicans) and an intelligent script, the dueling duo have done it again. Providing a thought-provoking, but at the same time down right entertaining movie. Heat may well prove a little too hot to handle.





twftt.llaHrt,j 1945; JGE!50 --~­ &JARSIGII: teo

'li£$1 fiLMS: The ~ sodtatber Part 11 (1914}; taxi Driver (1976}; The 'Deer Hlmter (1978}; aa9ill!l Bull (1980); lbe lJ1\\Dudlabtes t1987li

h8111Uas (1990l; caoe

,Jear,tt991l; aackdfld\ t U1); t18aU199Sl



:· ..

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- Wt111e outtmg·Qesperqdo, RodriQU!3.Z found · · time to work with Tarantino on the four director collaboration. Four Rpoms. Rodriguez's pJece I$ only twe[lty minutes long yet it is the most entertaining element in the film, with yet another fine performance b:y Bande.ras. • obert Ro<;lrigue.z is currently the Rodrigue:z is known by many within the hottest, fastest moving elerrumt in industry as annoying and hard to wor1< with, Hollywood. yet his own.view on this is remarkably practical. ·· His name .may not be on ev~ryone's lips yet, but that is more to do with his status as a He feels he make films that are better and director rather than a lack of talent. more economical than the Most people identify an actor not a director, · industry that wants but Roqrigue~ may change all that with his him. The budgets for his films prov~ · amazing talent, and mysterious looks. El Marlachi was Rodri~uez's first film, which his point, an(! hi$ · was made for a fcunou~ly cheap $?.000. box~ffice SU9C8SS The film did well both critically and· . establishes this 26: ,commercifl(ly, yet . . it . . year old directo~-BS •.!:lstablts__lhed .~~ ~ ln~vlqg · · ·, Within ·~ · '" ··



ickey and Mallory Knox could be the most homicidal lovers in cinematic history in Oliver Stone's tale about love on the run. Mickey's way of celebrating his wedding is not to kill anyone for the whole day, and Mallory ensures that her mother is awake before burning her in her bed. But as their travels across America become increasingly murderous, they gain the love and adulation of millions, who hail them as the ultimate serial killers. Aware of the media's presence, after each blood bath they leave one person alive to tell the tale to the media. This controversial, violent film carries the basic message that despite what you may prefer to · believe, many, if not most, people have a morbid fascination with violence that can develop into obsession. The characters are invariabi'Y unpleasant (particularly those who die), and by the end the people you despise least are probalbly the


killers themselves. When Mickey is caught, the police have no qualms about giving him a damn good kicking, and when he is finally due to get his comeuppance in an on-air execution the result is not exactly what the authorities were expecting, as Mickey seems to get another roll of the dice. Despite some crappy moments, overall the film is a whopping success (particularly the prison breakout), thanks to excellent acting, Stone's skilful direction and a grim sense of humour throughout - the last point probably something to do with the fact that the story is by Quentin Tarantino. John Spacey


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Spicy bed', pepperoni, mushroom, onions Tuna. pnl\\ ns. sardines, fresh tomatoes Spic~· sausa~e, peppt•roni, crushed chilli. onions. ft\'sh tomatot•s Fresh tomatoes, mushrooms, peppers. S\Hctcorn. onions

Try our borne-made pasta dishes: Beef or vegetable lasagne or a generous helping of spaghetti bolognaise - all only £4.75 Or some little extras: Garlic bread £1.00, mixed side salad (ring for choice of dressings) £1.50, coleslaw 85p, baked potato £1.75, gateaux or cheesecake (various) £1.50 Voted Number one byjconcretel(issue 44) Book the cellar bar for your party!

PREE DELHTERY TEL .(i15SS3 53 Ear1ham Road, Norwich NR2 3AO. Open every evening- Mon- Sat 5- 11pm, Sun 6 -10pm. Last orders 30 mins bfore closing. Minimum order for delivery £6. UEA deliveries to Porters Lod e, VIllage Site or Union House rec,ption only.


•Peter Hart meets Keith Chegwin at the launch ol his new TV show, Roll With 11, and chats to the showbiz legend about the ups and downs ol a career which has encompassed Saturday Swap Shop, Chegger~ Plays Pop, Sky Star Search and The Big Breakfast ewind to the late 1980s and picture the car at the moment? Who's that Liverpool band, really scene. In a lift together at the studios of great guys, just got a new album?" London Weekend Television are a He asks this quizzically, like he's just been asked to twenty-something Scouser and name a Brotherhood of Man song that's being played Concrete's current editor, Niall Hampton. to him backwards. We offer a few helpful suggestions: "Cast?" "The lt's just past eight thirty in the morning, but the Scouse chap already has a full glass of whisky in his Beatles?!" "No! lt's the same thing with books. People ask me hand. He's about to start the day as host of Sky TV's Sky what books I like and I go "s**t!" I read so much," Star Search, a talent show for the general public. continues a perplexed Cheggers. "Really nice guys, Our Niall is a 'contestant' in· his decidedly 80s band, erm ...." The Cotton Club. We try again: "The Farm?" Now rewind a bit more to the early 1980s. "No, more recent, erm ... ." Somewhere in BBC TV Centre is an utterly barmy "The Real People?" bloke bouncing around on an oversize inflatable "Oh God Almighty~ There's guitars, four of them ... ." . ~attress, surrounded by balloons and a bunch of ten Suddenly someone saves us from our misery and an evening spent naming all the bands to have come year olds in red and yellow t-shirts. He's the host of • • out of Merseyside a kids' music in the past three trivia quiz show. Finally, rewind d~cad~s: "The • Llghtmng Seeds?" even further to "Thank you very the late 1970s. In the middle of a much!" he exclaims, much field in relieved. "Excellent, really good tracks, you know! Bournemouth or.Brighton, Newcastle or Nottingham, stands a man in his late teens, holding an umbrella I've got their CD and who else? That's about it and dressed in a fetching grey and yellow anorak. really!" Hmmm... we can see why this man ended up hosting Along with his eo-host he's looking for someone who'll swap Kerplunk for three jigsaws and some music related shows!? Weebles. We try a different tack and ask if he's ever wanted to The man in all three cases is the now legendary live a rock 'n' roll lifestyle. Keith Chegwin. Perhaps jumping around on hotel TV sets like they're Fast forward to a December evening in 1995, where his inflatables from Cheggers Plays Pop? "Well, I did that with drink and got bored with it! So I at the studios of The Family Channel, former Concrete ed, Peter gave up! Never again! I think I've calmed down. The · highlight of my week is Hart, stands supping a large G&T, conversing going out and with Cheggers himself. taking the dog for The occasion is the a walk. lt's just filming and launch been like waking party of a brand new up really. music related show, "I used to live the high life - I had a Roll With lt. big house, five cars We've been in the drive, promised "zany pop horsebox trailer... I fun and laughter", had a Nanny, a but having sat housekeeper, a through two halfhour shows filmed driver, oh God, everything you could back-to-back, where the audience had to think of. But that wasn't the lifestyle I swap seats so it would look like the liked - I hated every minute of it. And now programme was CHEG-MA TE: The E vent's p, filmed on different weeks, we've eter meets a legend I've got a very simple retired to the bar to pick the brains of Cheggers, life and take each day who's nursing a glass of coke with, erm, ice. as it comes. "Once all the drinking was through I just Throughout the interview he makes no attempt to got a new outlook on life really. People offer me quite hide the fact that he's an alcoholic, and even talks a bit of work and I just turn it down; I think 'Oh, I won't enjoy that'." · about the· times when he had to earn some cash by But there was a time, indelibly bran·ded in the writing six hundred tunes for a TV show and a memories of all who saw it, that our Cheggers did Jeremy Beadle series! manage to do something totally mad. He's not going At some point, the conversation predictably turns to to tell us what it is until I say "BALLOONS!" music. An NME hack asks the fount of pop knowledge about his fave bands. He turns quickly quickly and responds "Thank you, Cheggers replies: "Who have I got on the COs in the you bugger!" He reticently takes up the story.


He parodies himself mTV commercials for Fisherman's Friends or IKEA and runs around on The Big Breakfast, draggmg peop Ie from lh eIr sIumber counIrvwl·d e


"Some people phoned me up and said they'd give before he hit the bottle, but their relationship only began once he'd given up the grog. me ten thousand quid for Amnesty International if I did the naked balloon dance. so I said "No!". Then "She's not in showbusiness, she won't allow anybody in the house ... I go home and I can't talk about TV, they said thirty thousand quid and I thought "Sod it!" 'cos she doesn't watch what I do. She's a good girl.· and I did it." For those who don't know, the dance involved our Cheggers manages all this in virtually one breath, hero, completely nude in front of thousands of and looks even more enthusiastic than usual as he people, moving a number of balloons around in a adds: "We're going to get married. probably this year. fashion that meant we never quite got to see his lt's going to be easy and quiet, none of that showbiz stuff... we might even go away and do it." privates. Not that anyone wanted to! But for now he's very happy to play his showbiz card He recalls: "I suppose that was the worst experience of my life. But it's so funny 'cos you're on the bill with when it suits him. He parodies himself in TV Morrissey and lisa Stansfield; and we're in the commercials (remember the ones for Fisherman's Friends or IKEA?). hospitality area and I'm in a dressing gown with nobody able to work out why. He runs around on Someone . The Big Breakfast, even asked dragging people from their.slumber me if I wanted to get countrywide. changed!" And then there's So what about Roll With lt, a show love? How he says he loves, does the man but which sadly who faced a showcases a heap very public split of has-beens, from his Swap including Toyah Shop partner, Wilcox, Samantha and former Fox and Paul Tomorrow's King. In fact, the World host, only highlight Maggie Philbin, during the get his oats? recording of the The question two shows we and yours truly · saw were the about shagging N THE COUCH: Noddy, Toyah presence of Louise, ex of Eternal, fans is denied by 0 and the show's great resident band, the FBs. · Cheggers with a dismissive laugh, who explains he doesn't pull, "'cos Sadly, things aren't the same as when we I'm an ugly, fat b*****d!" used to curl up and watch Cheggers Plays Pop. This is followed by that wheezing, braying laugh But as our man explains somewhat wistfully: "That's which has recently become so parodied on Spitting the old days, isn't it! That's when TV got six million Image. in the afternoon." "When I was eighteen years of age I had all those However, he doesn't mind admitting his association girls following me about and asking for my autograph, with duff shows. A mention of Sky Star Search crowds of 14,000 people turned up to see you and all provokes the response "Oh God! Bleuuurgh! Jeez.. ." that sort of thing. and he explains: We did 267 But now, at the 0

:~~e ~ 1!!s~~ that

I .,


I lhtnk I ve calmed down. The highlight of my week Is ~oing out a~d takin_a the dog for :~~;~~ ~t~~;do~~~ a walk. ll's JUSI been like wakmg UP really one person made

it's quietened down a lot! "lt was a different era, being dragged out of a rugby ground, shoved in someone's boot and driven out of the ground. Weird!" Now Cheggers, incidentally the brother of former Radio 1 DJ Janice Long, finds himself in a far less public relationship than the one he had with Ms Philbin. But he says he's never been much of a stud. "I think in the whole of my life I've only had about six sexual partners and that's it! You try to pull; it's hard work isn't it?! Somebody said "sign my breasts" once and that's about as close as I've ever got," - he pauses to think of a suitable punchline - "I leapt on it and wrote a book!" The woman he now finds himself with is one Maria Fielden. Their friendship extends back a number of years

it!" He thinks for a second and changes his mind: "Oh no, we had Right Said Fred - they were on - and Chesney Hawkes, he came on! 1t was such a fun show to do, with talents in all shapes and forms. Nobody failed the audition! Everybody got on! "There was a guy called Robert's World of Magic; he was an escapologist. Two members of the audience tied him up in a sack and he couldn't get out! We had to cut him loose with a penknife eventually!" With never a bad word to say against anyone, it seems the legend will go on forever. But Cheggers himself prefers not to think about the future. "I don't pre-plan anything any more · what's the point?" He laughs, and you know the punchline is coming. "I might die tomorrow!"





-. ontender for the most forgettably titled/ mispronounced film of 1996, Jumanji is a strange film about a very odd board game. In fact it's "a game for those who seek to find a way to leave their world behind", and players include the oedipal, Alan Parrish (Robin Williams) and the recently orphaned, Judy (Kirsten Dunst) and Peter (Bradley Pierce). Through a mesmerising drum beat, the game 'calls out' to unhappy souls and to enter the jungle realm of Jumanji the player must roll a 5 or an 8. A 12 year old Alan does so, and disappears into the game before the eyes of his disbelieving fellow player, Sarah. When the game calls out to Judy and Peter they roll the dice and hey presto, free a now 38 year old Alan, along with a whole 'monopoly' of fellow jungle creatures, including giant mosquitoes, stampeding rhinos,



malicious monkeys and big-game hunter, Van Pelt (Jonathan Hyde) on the trail of Alan. Immediately the creatures take over the house. The havoc takes to the streets, and the players have to find the now traumatised Sarah, and finish the game. Of course the essential American 'touch' comes when you realise that this is all just a Game of Life, as Alan, Sarah, Judy and Peter come to 'understand' themselves whilst outwitting the outlandish forces of Jumanji. Despite the appeal of 'animatronic' effects from the team that worked on Death Becomes Her, I think I'd rather stay in and play Charades with my eyes closed. _ Liz Mills

ppearances can be deceptive; this might look like a load of rubbish. but don't tum the page yet. The "little princess" IS Sara, a young girl who is sent to a board ng school m New York whe her father is conscnpted to fght the War. After liVing m India, Sara has learnt the art of storytelling and uses 1 to enter! her schoolfrends a d help to relieve the monotony of her new life. Evc')'th ng seems to be gomg nght, but word Is rece1ved that Sara's father IS and there •s no longer any money available to pay her fees and the nasty, despicable, hornd, headMIStress thro s her In the attic forctng Sara to work as a cleaner to earn hef keep. Except ,rs all okay 1n the end - trouble is, you weren't expechng anything else were you? There IS the odd vaguely entertaining moment, but overall the film IS far too sentimental and sickly sweet. If you have a wayward noisy child you wish to silence then go along, but otherwise don't bother The most fun I had all morning was when I accidentally went to the wrong screen, and saw a few mmutes of Heat for free. JohnSpacey


ere Is a blaCl< urba drama at transcends t cliches o& e ,nre, sure it's violent a yes it corn complete with a gang ta rap ound rack yet one gets the sense here ha lt 1 not a cynical package. Lee simply re et fe, w11 eh means that there can be no polarisation of good and bad: as such, there are no easy solutions in the hous ng projects of the nner etly Grea play is made of how easy it ts to judge people at face v lue. The ti e refers to crack dealers but m this film we see them firstly as kids and only toward

e u do we them ply the1r trade. hat ~ through the bleakness, is the h amty a id (Mekh Phlf r) whose act ons se m moro y repr ens1ble. lt • e who veteran cop Rocco Klein (Harvey Ke tel) believes killed a nval dealer, rather than h1s more responsible older brother who has confessed to the crime. And above lt all is the real villain of the p1ece, Rodney the untouchab! ng-pm, but even he 11 1s suggested, was not always beyond redemption, but was corrupted by society. By our action or tnaction 11 Is we who

allowed this to happen. Lee as always takes no prisoners, in making his audience complicit. Borrowing stylistic flourishes from NYPD Blue, Lee has crafted a film that is v1sceral and dark, but ultimately uplifting, and one hopes that the American Academy will finally recognise his contribution to cinema, with a Best Director Oscar 1t IS ultimately more accessible than h1s prev1ous work, moreover 1t is simply a great film which probably represents the high-point of 8 ack American Cinema.

"w---1 ----1


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, undYing love ottood? •Popcorn and the mov:s root is in the pudding uz Mills asks whe er e ood 'n' films an integral mix. You don't central metaphor for a range of 1ssues, from all the emotional conflicts that a strong plot emotional conflict and history to good old and characters produce, whilst ultimately believe me? Okay, you can bet that someone, somewhere in a cinema Is fashioned love. recognising and cel~ating the fact that sex putting away the better part of a box of Like Water For Chocolate endowed cuisine and food are the most basic requirements in with an air of great mystery and magic, life. Butterkist. And even if there isn't a humble drive-thru burger in s1ght, on-screen allowing the heroine heartfelt expression The cynics amongst you might feel that this is throughout her doomed love affair. just modem art house taking the 'Lean food is stereotypical of character and scene, Her feelings became an ingredient in the Cuisine' crowd for a ride. and so it has become accepted that overweight American cops eat burgers or process; love producing a harmonising effect But AIDS awareness and fear has found a on the family, whilst a little bit of spite goes a different outlet in the mainstream 'dogs, whilst a stakeout always re quires a long way to giving a whinging relative consciousness through the current resurgence takeout, usually pizza, usually large. indigestion. · of interest in Vampire films. Food arguably took on 'context' during the Sw1nging 60s, when a subtler meaning was Director Bigas Luna delivered the bacon in the Hammer house these recent offerings are not, raunchy Jamon Jamon , advertised as 'a film with the likes ofCoppola's bloodtest Dracula given to on-screen cu1sine. With the introduction of European food Into wavering between erotic sensuousness and an extravagant English life came Michael Came in The lpcress File, as possibly the first on-screen C8ft COPS 8 camp tour through Gothl~lsm, chef - his cool assuredness and adept hand in decadent art and pantomtme excess. The spine tingling Cronos sports a the kitchen giving him a certain seductive charm associated with the European lifestyle. · me~an~l medtaeval spider-shaped dev1ce whtch, once brought back to And with this came the revelation that women where women eat men and men eat ham'. 'life', goes round, rather anti-socially taking were eager to sample his impressive range of This involved a surreal farce, revolving around chunks out of pe()ple's necks. utensils elsewhere. lt certainly seemed as if sex and food was the recipe for success, the the waif-like Sylvia, her sensuous mo her and Aod of course, there was the highly publicised 70s and 80s seeing a collection of 'tasty' epics the1r wholly over-endowed suitors. Tom Cruise and Brad Pltt vehicle Interview from Last Tango in Pan's with Brando With a comic tale of jealousy, naked With Th& Vampire, adapted from Anne Rice's 'buttering' up his bit of French skirt; and then matadors, an underwear factory, female cui novel. on to Betty Blue's 'erotic' food fights . breasts that taste of omelette and protagonist Dispensing WJth the Stoker notion of stakes, Next came the 9Y. Weeks ' fridge, and all that Raul's unrelenting message that 'ham crucifixes and that seemingly essential 1t held, keepmg Klm Basinger and Mickey increases your sex-drive'. you might be Ingredient, garlic, she rewrote the vampire as a tortured soul living in decadence. Rourke busy as they stoically continued with forgiven for passing this off as the creation of the1r mission to master the Karma Sutra, a Spaniard with sunstroke; but the master of Here, 'letting the .blood run free' leapt to new all 'food fests' has to be Taiwanese director heights amidst aceusallons of homo-eroticism before fin ally, Fatal Attraction with Michael (handsome young men nibbling each others' Douglas and Glenn Close giving a whole new Ang Lee, the filmic equivalent of Ra ymond meaning to 'kitchen sink drama'. Blanc His most recent dish, Eat Drink Man necks) and the eyebrow-raising dysfunctional Woman, is a mouth-watering recipe usmg family of the vampires Lestat and Louis With the recognition of AIDS, attitudes have altered, and after the heady days of 'bonkable food as the central metaphor. ·parenbng' the child, Claudla, who eventually Food preparation becomes an elaborate act of becomes the latter's lover. successes', a certain subtlety seems to be

h b d I fI 11 as ecome accepte n I ms

that overweight mer t bUr 8rS Or bOt• 00 ; WbiiSI 8

SlakeOUI al ayS reQUires a akiOUI

The 90s have seen food used as a the intermingled themes of 'feeding', ~re~~~r~n~in~g~to ~th~e~s~ c~re~e~n~.~~~~~~~~~lo~vie~t~ha~t~p~~;yis~o~u~t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~rectorN~IJo~anencompa~ed sexuality and death when he said,


You 're not quite what the dating agency said you would b e...


"In terms of the story, once you become a vampire, killing becomes a substitute for sexuality, the vampires are androgynous, sexless creatures. "They just seem to get some strange orgasm when they bite someone and when they drink their blood." Pretty conclusive proof then? ! Now I could get all theoretical here, and contemplate Vampire fil ms in perhaps a relig ious ma nner - eating Christ's body and drinking his blood, eternal life and all that, but no, for th is detracts from the magic of the silver screen. Only cinema could imbibe food with a mystery and sensuality that turn s it into an art form . A case of having your cake/takeout/popcornNam pire and eating it. I wonder though, how much 'art' Hollywood could get out of beans on toast!

Directed by trendy newcomer Devon Dickson, and written by trendier novelist Tim Willocks, this a typically violent encounter involving four teenage soldiers and a bottle of beer in a wartom and sniper-infested village in central Asia . When a cynical renegade corporal also drawn. against his will, into a tragic nightmare is included, we can expect a shortened version of Platoon - worth catching .

ura 路10pm Last in the series of the exposure of the vanities tells us what to buy the man who has everything (don't take this too literally, most of us ordinary mortals still have the option of buying our man a new chest/nose/ego(!!) for his birthday).

ary 18, 1 m路10.3 p

he timing of this In Memoriam may seem a little odd to some people, eeing as it has just been announced that Or What in the guise of the admittedly r~ther fit Paul McGann, is all set to retum in a special one-off Angfo/American feature . However, the thing With Dr Who, especially for all us scl-fi freaks, is that it can never be as good as it was when it made us hid& behind our sofas in terror. So, In this special feature-length In Memorlem, Jet us take a fond trip down memory lane WJth everyone's favourite time t efter. As we all know, Dt Who began In the sixties, with lliam Hartn 1 1n the title role. But for most of us, the programme as we understand it began in the seventies with Tom Baker. He was a severely scary man; all wide eyes, long scarf and dodgy perm. But nowhere near as scary as the monsters. Personally speaking, I don't know why I avidly tuned in every Saturday evening; most of the time I had my hands over my eyes, or was buried under a pile of cushions 1-----~-'~.-.~rf~-- with only my pet poodle to defend You might have the sea ' me. 1was just about OK with Richard, but I have the dodgy Daleks and Cybermen, but it was


the Nimons - sort of minotaur type things, all fur and horns - that put the frighteners on me. Looking back, they weren 't the most convincing thing the BBC's costume department ever made, but combined with the eerie wailings of Ron Grainger and the BBC Radiophonic Workshop and the nightmarish visions of running down corridors where they might jump out on you at any moment, they were enough to make you very fraid indeed. And t at was the programme's s eng . I was ll incredibly low tech. but it recreated your worst nightmares perfectly, whilst always leading you towards a nice, safe ending. Which is why you alway came back for more it was the TV equ 'latent of a roller-coaster ri<le Besides which, you always liked the main characters. I can't think of any Dr Who assistant who r lly lmtat e - apart from nnfe langford as Mel, whose <111'1 dialogue nsisted of RRGHHHI" in a very highpitched tone. Tom Baker could count on (amongst others) the wonderful Sarah.Jane Smith, Romana and of course K9. a little box on wheels with dog-like attribut and a poshy voice. Peter Oavidson's helpers were even better. The episode where Adric died could have broken your heart, but at le t there were Nyssa, Tegan, the lush Turlough and Peri to take his place in the scheme of things. Sad to say though, the seeds had

begun to be sown for the programme's decline. Rumblings about the level of violence had been going on for some years, and eventually some lily-livered chap at the BBC decided to take notice of these feeble protestations. Colin Baker, the sixth doctor, had a couple of seasons of creepy stories, and then suddenly, without warning, they got, well ... silly. They just weren 't scary which was a shame, because Sylvester McCoy, the seventh doctor, was rather good at portraying the timelord , and he had ditched Bonnie Langford for the more gutsy, Ace. Gamely lle struggled through time and space. only to fade out in 1989 ' a fight with his old adversary, the Master. And that, untR now, was yer lot. Believ me, I want this new production to succeed but two things worry me; firstly that they might pump too much money into th& special effects, and thus ruin that quint& sential cheapo English feel; and secondly, that they've got some bird from Falcon Crest to be the Doctor's assistant. Now, I don't have anything against American assistants Gust look at Peri) , but you do get the feeling she's going to be all tits and screams. Still, only time will tell . Here's hoping that the good Doctor will return to this planet in good health, and not be exterminated by his own glorious past. Keep up the good work, fellas! Carolina Jenkinson

Inventive twist in the series as we are treated to a flashback of the Con nor family 50s style, in black and white. as Rosey helps The Deej achieve his dream of playing in a rock band. Not to be missed .

LaveTbang RadJo 4 w nasday, Feb 14, 8.3 m lemn Sissay, a poet, performer and playwright invites Radio 4 listeners to a programme of love poetry for St Valentine's Day. The programme features some of Britain's most exciting black poets, including Suandi, John Slddique and surprise guests.

Readlag Music Radio 2 Saturday, Feb 10, 6.03路7pm Fifties connoisseur and comedian Mark Lamair discusses the pros and cons of The Pioneers of Rock and Roll, and delivers his verdict on a new rocK encyclopedia.

penned hair



r ~




he first of two fa c sequels coming to UEA in the next two weeks. September, Fancy Free Productions Blues in the Night to the Drama Studio. New year, new term , and Fancy Free are back with an all new bigger, brighter musical extravaganza. A One Night Stand shows in the larger venue of the LCR for one night only. The bar will be open, and tables set up to make the LCR a top caba ret establish ment from 6.30pm onwards . Eighteen singers and dancers, live music and sensational lighting will no doubt make this an unforgettable evening, for just £3.


Historical details are revealed as a community of Jews are accused of th e murder as pa rt of a ritua l 'U -17 slaughter. Tensions and anxiety icture the scene: a woman grow as the monks of Norwich cries out in pa1n whilst g1v1ng demand that the boy be canoni s.ed , birth , and all around her but the bas1s for the accusation IS shabbily dressed men and women suspect and the tru th must be dance in a frenzy. established. This was the opening scene of Caught up in a wave of religious Arnold Wesker's play Blood Libel, hysteria and unreliable witness now showing as a world premiere statements, a court room trial at the Norwich Playhouse . ensures that the audience are kept Despite the exaggerated opening constantly involved as we too scene, the play evoked an become jurors at the trial. atm osphe re that both stunned and The acting is symbolic, with the end silenced the aud1ence. of th e play being haunting and Low lighting and various cand les moving. The requiem establishes a lant, pictured here in a moment of lurki ng on a roof, head line the Mono Lake Tour 96, showing at UEA's provided a backdrop for an portra it of William reflected in a pool Concert Room, in the Music Centre, on Monday essentia lly hau nting drama that of wa ter as a focal point of the February 19 at 7.30pm. Their music combines poetry with revealed relig ious tensions and stage. turntable s and computers with violins, for an intense questioned human psychology. All in all, th e play was memorable, industrial ambient sound and language experience. They A series of fla shbacks keep the not just for the drama, but for the are jomed by Ansuman Biswas, Indian percussion virtuoso, murder of young William firmly in themes of dece1t and persecution. A and the young North Indian song-poet Samia Malik. The the m1nds of the aud1ence and must for all fans of superstitious, evening promises to be chock full of clarinets, guitars, and ensure that past and present are mythical drama. Jane Kirby Ls:.:u:.:c;,;,!e!ililsatiiaB:smth·'nabii aoilusoaililnl l dilijtil lh111ellilo::alcl:lin_a. ralliisl'./lllllliiifllill constantly Iin ked .

BLOOD LIBEL Norwich Playhouse




19 ~ Sat Fcb

inotaur are back too, with the sequel to last semester's superb week-long festival of short plays, Briefs. The UEA Studio will host Briefs Too from Monday 19 to Saturday 24 February, at 7.30pm every night. The first three nights offer a triple bi ll - two Harold Pinter sketches, An Act Without Words by Samuel Beckett, and Abortive , by Caryl Churchill. From Thursday to Saturday, a longer piece will show - Treats , by Ch ri stopher Hampton , a "comic and fiery domestic drama of modern relationships" . At £5 for both nights, th1s is your chance to have a good time and expand your mind without.;;;.,;,:,1,.1l&.r-l ing any laws . Matt Fasken


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o ideo)

'Samsbury'? Aside from shopping that is. Why of course, there's The Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, that rather imposing masterpiece of architecture just opposite Constable Terrace. If you've never had a look inside, this is your perfect excuse - Swords of the Samurat - an exhibition which opened there th1s weekend and will be open 11amSpm every day except MQndays until June 9. On loan from the British Museum , the collection brings together ancient Japanese art and artifacts, and as the name suggests, its main feature is a selection of weapons of the Samurai, the hereditary warrior class. There is more to a Samurai than swords, however, and the exhibition also includes armour and ceramics, and is accompanied by a programme of lectures and activities on Japanese themes - your chance to glaze and fire a Japanese tea bowl, learn how to make Origami , and much , much more. If tha t's not your bowl of tea, then just come for the swords. There's nothing like a good sharp katana to get you through the day, as Bruce Willis showed Zed and his buddy in Pulp Fiction. On May 18 you can even watch a video about sword-making and bring your own sword in for an expert opinion! And if you've enjoyed the sex, violence , and foul language of the cult Japanese cartoons shown on Channel 4 lately, don't miss the exhibition's Manga weekend toward the end of April. At just £1 to get in, you'll have to commit hara-kiri it you miss this. Annette Ley8ner

: -............,...,.,._..,..,_ _,_,_,..,..,._._ __.. OFor more into, bookings and details, call 456060.

Blender: CD ROM Entertainment Magazine for Windows and Macintosh


erhaps the definition of •progress" should be altered. Blender, so I am told, is, "the best of the new periodicals." Basically, this means a CD ROM magazine which incorporates moving graphics, sound in addition to "traditional" joumalism. Sounds

perfect. My only complaint so far was the two days spent traipsing round the computer centre searching for a machine with enough welly (to use technical terminology) to make John Major look like a great political mind. In the time it took to gain access to Blender, I could have read every magazine WH Smiths have on offer. So what does this magazine have that should justify its claim on superiority over the seemingly outdated paper version? The availability of CD quality music (depending on the hardware) is a definite bonus in music and films sections of the magazine, but video clips of stars saying only a few words had the appearance of technology for the sake of it. Overall presentation makes Blender much more interesting than regular, paper publications. However, I found it difficult to refrain from simply playing with undoubtedly impressive

technology, and ignoring the contents of the magazine. The temptation to flick from screen to screen without absorbing any of the information reflects the mentality of the channelflicking generation. Graphics and sound aside, the content of the magazine is of similar quality to that of other publications. Highlights are features such as the amusingly entitled Or Aphrodite the sexologist. Her Interactive section presents the reader with a troubled relationship, and provides a number of different outcomes. Were it not for the time it took to view the magazine, I would have thought it excellent. But I can't help feeling that at $15 (US.), which is around £10, plus £1,500 for the necessary hardware, this is nudging on the pricey side of life. The bill at least, has certainly progressed

James Curtis

S(~ () IJNI) Ill~ I.. S """'



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Dangerous Minds (15)

Bullets over Broadway (15)

A cliche a day keeps this pred ictable movie going . Michelle Pfeiffer helps, but not enough .

Sun Feb 18- 5pm Woody Alien comedy, set during the roaring Twenties .


Father of the Bride, part 11 (PG) Bicycle Thieves (U)

Sequel to Father of the Bride, part 1, and as about as original as the title implies.


Sun Feb 18- 7.30pm One of the all time classics.


Heat l18l

Babe (U)

We've been waiting for years, De Niro and Pacino together at last, bla h blah. Amazingly, it's actually rather good. In fact, you'd be nuts to miss it!

Mon Feb 19- 2.30pm Little piggies and singing mice abound; you'll never want a bacon sandwich again.

Four Rooms (15) Sabrlna (PG)

Mon Feb 19 -Tues Feb 21 - 5.45pm Four directors make for a wholesome mess of a supposedly funny and coherent film .

Harrison Ford and Julia Ormond play Humphrey Bogart and Audrey Hepburn in this enjoyable romantic remake.

THEATRE ROYAL Dial "M" For Murder Tues Feb 13 - Sat Feb 17- 7. 30pm (Matinees - Thurs Feb 15 & Sat Feb 17 2.30pm). The Mobile Touring Theatre returns wi th this cl assic whodunnit. Bloodcurdling . £9 - £15.

Walling to Exhale (15) Tedious tale of four women and their amazing lives. Or something like that.

Fair Game (18)


A broken down vehicle for Cindy Crawford with Billy Baldwin. Just a note, it's tosh.

,, Blood Libel Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls (12)

Thurs Feb 7- Sat Feb 17- 8pm (Matinees- Thurs Feb 7 & Sat Feb 17 2.30pm) . Arnold Wesker's rendition of a controversial story of murder, persecution , and monks , with ' its roots buried in Norwich's history.

Rubber faced Jim Carrey does, er, wha t he's always done before in this unoriginal sequel. Ho hum .

Babe (UJ


Whoever said this was a kids film was lying. This really brings home the bacon , making it recommended viewing.

UEA STUDIO , Briefs Too

Leaving Las Vegas (18)

Mon Feb 19- Wed Feb 21 - 7.30pm.

Award winning tale from Brit director Mike Figgis , sta rring Nicholas Cage, which has done big things in the US of A.

iiioiioo_.....,. Sister My Sister (15)

Shanghai Triad (15) Wed Feb 7 - 8.15pm . Thurs Feb..8-Sat Feb 10 - 5.45pm. Matinee on Thurs Feb 8 at 2.30pm. A gripping tale of life in the seedy underworld of 1930s Shanghai.


Mon Feb 19 -Tues Feb 21 - 8.15pm. Matinee ,: on Tues Feb 21 at 2.30pm , Real life tale of two sisters, their incestuous relationship and murder.

~ Sketches by Pinter, a short piece by Beckett,

"' and more, in this triple bill - the first three

= shows of five that comprise this week-long festival of contemporary drama. £3 .50-£6.

Seven (18) Fri Feb 9- 11 pm Eroticism ahoy in this story about th e affair between a geisha girl and a married man .

Showgirls (18) What a load of wank. Or maybe that was the idea ...


Ai No Corrida (18)

Brad Fitt and Morgan Freeman are pitted against a nutty killer is this rather superb flick

Haunted (15) Thurs Feb 8 Aidan Quinn and Kate Bekinsdale find things a bit spooky in this creepy suspense thriller.

" The Secret Garden (U)


Goldeneye (1 5)

Sat Feb 10 - 2.30pm Persona lly, I'd rather be reading the book.


~ The Quick and The Dead (15)

Bond , James Bond . Vodka Martini, shaken - not stirred. For Eng land, James. Insert you cliche here.

Metropolis (U)

' Fri Feb 9 Disappointing western, with an attempted Sun Feb 11 - 5pm One of the greatest sci-fi films ever made, •. feminist spin. Shazza Stone is disappointing, Gene Hackman's done it all before, but here shown in the original version . '' Leonardo DiCaprio's worth watching . ~~-

VISITING WRITERS SEASON led Hughes • Visiting Writer

Mon Feb 12 -?pm LT1 The Poet Laureate no less. If you see only " one visiting writer this Spring, make it him. £2-£3.50

" Tony Harrison · VIsiting Writer

Or Zhivago (PG)

Fri Feb 9 - ?pm UEA Studio ,, Beyond Rangoon (15) Sun Feb 11 - 7.30pm ~ A reading by the poet and playwright author One of those films that prompts the line "They ..;,." Tues Feb 13 Things go horribly wrong for Patricia Arquette : of V and Gaze of the Gorgon. £2 - £3.50. "' don't make them like that any more. " , in this tale about the political regime in Burma .

" To Die For (15) Mon Feb 12-Tues Feb 13- 8.15pm. Thurs · Feb 15-Sat Feb 17 - 5.45pm. Matinees on ·> Tues Feb 13 and Thurs Feb 15 at 2.30pm. .,. Nicole Kidman plays a murderous weather gi rl in this top black comedy.


: French Kiss (12) ' Thurs Feb 15 ~· Meg Ryan and Kevin Kline do the lurve thing

"' in Paris. Great for Valentine's day, if you can just postpone it for 24 hours.

Nine Months (PG)

, Breakfast at TIHany's (PG) Weds Feb 14- 8.15pm. ' Valentine's Day special. Get snuggly with Audrey Hepburn and George Peppard.

-- Fri Feb 16 Hugh Grant finds things a bit of a mouthful when his girlie becomes preggers is this dreary comedy.

Natural Born Killers (18) Fri Feb 16 -11pm Overb lown and overhyped death-fest.

The Belles of St Trinians (U) Sat Feb 17 - 2.30pm Enjoyable schoolgirl comedy with hockey _ _ iiiliili....__ _. ;: sticks a plenty.

_,.,....,."1 ,.

: SAINSBURY CENTRE " Swords Of The Samurai Tue Feb 6 - Sun June 9 - 11 am - 5pm (closed Mondays only). ,, The cutting edge of ancient Japanese weaponry, armour, and other artifacts , an exhibition on loan from the British Museum . £1 -£2 !> ·i;:


Straw Dogs (18) Tues Feb 20 Before Tarantino was even wetting his Pampers , Sam Pekinpah was raising a few • eyebrows at the censors office with this :: enthralling drama, starring Dustin Hoffman as 1' the worm that turns. ·$


A One Night Stand Sun Feb 11 - 6.30pm Following the success of last semester's •. Blues In The Night, Fancy Free productions ~. bring song and dance to the LCR. For one night only. " £3-£5



14 day listings in association with the Theatre Royal - (01603) 630000 for reservations. Tickets always available from £3 or £4 18 THE EVENT, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1996


: SkYscraper • + Cable + Dog Toffee + Palamino • Monday Feb 19 : Searing industrial sounds and raucous punk. • £4.S0/£4



• Phantom Cowboys


• • : •

+ Navigator + Moggy Thursday February 8 Three local bands including local indie kids, Navigator.

Mike Flowers Pops

· £2

Wed Feb 14 A perfect Valentine's date for all you lovers of cheesy listening out there. (See feature page S.) • £8.SO adv. Kenny Ball and hiS Jazzmen • Sunday February 11 • Big band Dixieland jazz. • £10



Credit To The NaUon Tues Feb 13 Brit rapper MC Fusion returns, promoting his new LP, Daddy Always Wanted Me to Grow A Pair Of Wings . Hmmmm ... £6 adv.

•• •

• • •




Martvn Joseph

• MilkY Lunch

Friday Feb 9 Folk singer songwriter, who has supported Joan Armatrading and Art Garfunkel. £6/£S adv.


: • • •

Friday Feb 9 Regular house night featuring Nick Warren (Massive Attack) + lvor Wilson + Subrosa. 9pm - 2am £6/£S

• Melldown Saturday Feb 10 Britpop, indie and all the usual downstairs with the Con Brie-0! cheese club upstairs. £3.S0/£3

Wednesday Feb 14 Part of the Arts Centre's Latin week, Quimantu play South American folk on wind, strings and percussion . £9.S0/£8.SO adv.

• : • • • • •

Mondays - Cow Club student night 11pm- 2am £2 with ID Tuesdays - Fresh! Current and classic chart and dance 1Opm - 2am Free before 23.30, £2 thereafter Saturdays - Cow Club, pumping house and garage 9.30pm - 2am £S


• • • • :

Friday Feb 9 DJ collective High Society launch the first of their basement sessions downstairs at Hector's House (see page 6 for details). Admission is free all night

: RITZY •• • : • • : • •

• •

Mondays - First Degree 9pm -2am SOp b4 midnight with student ID Wednesdays - Cool and Casual 9pm - 2am SOp b4 midnight with student ID Fridays- Fast Trax 9pm - 2am £3 before 10.30pm, £4 thereafter Saturdays - Furious Fun £4 before 10pm, £S thereafter


• Saturdays - Club Dance • 10pm -2am £2

• •


•• Wed Feb 7 - Friend social evening • 9pm -12am Admission £1 : Thursdays - Campus gay/straight mixe_d night 9pm - 2am Free before 11 pm , £1 thereafter • Friday Feb 9 - Gas Station straight night • 9pm- 2am • Friday Feb 16- Afterglow • 9.30pm - 2am Admission £3 : Saturdays - Club Night gay/straight • 9pm - 2am £3 before 1Opm, £4 thereafter

·.-----------------, •

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•• • •• ••



•• Mondays - Student Party Night

: 9pm- 2am Admission £1 all night. Wednesdays - Midweek Party • 9pm -2am Admission SOp all night. : Fridays- Frantic Fridays • 9pm- 2am Admission £1 before 11pm Saturdays - The Big One : 9pm - 2am Admission £2 all night.

• •

• ANHATTANS Wednesdays - Uplift student night 9pm- 2am Free before 11pm, £1 thereafter


• •

••• •• •• •• • • ••

Hys The Loft Manho1tans Peppermint Park Ritzy The Waterfront Zoom Cannon Cinema City Odeon rvtldderrnol1<et NorvJch Ms Cenfre rbWch Aayhouse 1heofre Royd LEAStudo

621155 623559 629060 764192 621541 632717 630760 623312 622047 621903 620917 660352 766466 630000 592272

lf.AU'loP En1s


Return To The Source Bocaloca Saturday Feb 17 Funky jazz with Cuban and Brazilian based rhythms. £6/£S adv.

WILDE CLUB (AT NORWICH ARTS CENTRE) StriP Kings +Goober Patrol Monday Feb 12 Raw rock 'n' roll (but fully clothed, we're assured). £4/£3.SO adv.

Apes Pigs and Spacemen +Cecil + Orphick Soup Tuesday Feb 13 Trickily monikered new metal band with support from Liverpool noiseniks. £4/£3.SO

Friaay Feb 16 Top quality Goa Trance night (see page 6 for all details) .d~~~p~Q • 10pm- 6am £10/£9 adv.


Saturday Feb 17 '80s revival disco with Meltdown upstairs. 9pm- 1.30am • £3.S0/£3

: zooM •

• Club Yum Yum • Friday Feb 9 • Eclectic dance music courtesy of Ashley • Beedle (see page 6 for more details) • £6





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*The Event profiles the rise and rise of this loveable ginger nut as his new show starts on nnel 4

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*Movies, movies, movies - ·.::.. ··. t· · . T~at hypnotic Hispanic · ·An tonio Banderas, stars ~~~Desperad~t~·r:.; .:·.. t·.~ ~ . •:-.

*Exclusive Echobelly~ interview and a look at the local hip-hop scene '






HITS FROM THE PAST Sat 10 Feb 9.30pm - 1 .30pm pay on the door £3.50 or £3 with SU ID

Club thghts

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