4 Fishnets, Feathers and Frank’N’Furter: A Rocky Horror Experience
Double Feature, singing our hearts out to Damn It, Janet, putting our torches on for Over at the Frankenstein Place,
By Louise Collins
and being a community within every song. My favourite moment was during Time Warp, when every member of the audience stood up and danced. I’ve been to the theatre
On Bonfire Night, I went to see The Rocky Horror Show
a ton of times, but this was hands down my favourite
for the first time in my life, and let me tell you, it was a
audience experience. It didn’t matter how old they were,
firecracker of a show.
their sexuality, or gender identity; everyone was defying
Going to see Rocky Horror is basically a rite of
norms and coming together as one.
passage for any theatre geek, particularly the queer
I always knew it was a cult classic, and I knew I was
ones, and I can’t believe it has taken me 21 years before
going to love it, but I truly never anticipated to enjoy it quite
seeing it. As is tradition with Rocky Horror, I dressed
that much. I knew some of the basics of the show, but each
up, donning my fishnets and feather boa, and I joined
turn had me on the edge of my seat and fully absorbed in
the line of Frank’N’Furters, Rockys, Magentas and
the proceedings. Everything was acted stupendously; Brad
Columbias. It was rare to see anyone in regular clothes,
and Janet’s fear, Magenta’s sex-crazed state, Rocky’s utter
and you couldn’t move for big hair, stockings or feathers.
innocence, and Frank’N’Furter’s absolute godliness. There
As I took my seat, I was already grinning from ear to ear,
is no show like this, and I can understand why it’s been
taking in the pure joy radiating from the audience. As a
so popular for so many years. Here’s hoping The Rocky
theatre nerd, I roughly knew what type of night I was
Horror Show stays running for as long as can be.
in for. As a Rocky virgin – both film and production – I couldn’t have predicted any of it.
As the campest show I’ve ever seen – and I’ve seen a lot – I can’t recommend this production enough. It’s a
Within ten minutes of the show starting, I was in
show full of innuendos, sweet transvestites, and science
stitches. For anyone unaware of the Rocky Horror
fiction. I have never had such a queer experience, and Hot
proceedings, the tale is broken up by a narrator who
Pattootie, I loved every single second of it.
comes out to make passing comments on the show and the wacky characters. His role depends on audience participation and quick wit, and he did not disappoint. Throughout the evening, Phillip Franks, who took on the role, reacted perfectly to the audience’s heckling, having my friends and I in stitches. It stays topical, poking fun at the government, whilst never being too serious, and the satirical lines landed every single time. It isn’t a show dark-humour way. It’s chock full of sex; sexy characters, sexy costumes, sexy dance moves, and sex itself. With most of the cast – and audience – in fishnets and stockings, it’s rare to see someone fully covered, and that’s one of the magical factors of this show. Everyone can be themselves in all their camp glory. Right from the beginning, the audience were in full participation mode, calling back to the characters, jeering at the appropriate places, and even singing along. We were swaying as one to Science Fiction –
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
for the faint hearted - and not in the racism disguised as