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The Struggles of Muslim Fashion By Badriya abdullah

women have faced difficulties in


their desire to dress how they c h o o s e . I n F e b r u a r y o f t h i s y e a r,

women and directed us to the number of French towns that had

the French Senate proposed the ‘Anti-Separatist Bill’, officially

banned burkinis in 2016, along with the slew of fines issued.

aiming to reinforce respect for s e c u l a r i s m i n F r a n c e . H o w e v e r,

Ye t , women

within those measures came the proposal to ban the wearing

choosing to dress modestly are contained within the


of religious symbols within a public setting for children

community without much outside s u p p o r t . N o r w a y ’s f e m a l e t e a m

to July 2021, and the European U n i o n ’s h i g h e s t c o u r t h a s r u l e d

under 18. These are the same measures applying for parents

for the European Handball Championship was recently fined

that employers can forbid visible symbols of religious and political

wishing to accompany children on school trips. Throughout the

for not wearing bikini bottoms during one of their matches,

beliefs. Suddenly it hits me: this i s n ’t a l e v e l p l a y i n g f i e l d a t a l l .

entire bill, there is no mention of any religion, seemingly not

which social

M u s l i m w o m e n ’s c l o t h i n g h a s been the subject of debate across

discriminating against anyone. Ye t , s o c i a l m e d i a r e a d b e t w e e n

amount of support. The singer P!nk even offered to pay the fine

t h e We s t f o r d e c a d e s , a n d y e t u n t i l t h i s y e a r, I w a s i n c r e d i b l y

the lines and outrage across all platforms.

flashed Ti k To k s

herself. But, the same courtesy does

ignorant of it. As a non-hijabi (a Muslim not yet wearing a hijab),

appeared with young girls wearing snapbacks and hoodies to

not extend to the normal women in hijabs, dropping off their

I know that whenever I choose to commit to the most visible

c o n c e a l t h e i r h a i r. Yo u n g w o m e n pointed out the hypocrisy of how

children at school. No one offers to pay the fines of the average

symbol of my faith I would be fully supported by my friends

the city of fashion can praise a silk headscarf on a runway

woman wanting to cover up on the beach instead of wearing

a n d f a m i l y. To t h o s e i n t h e E U , the government is increasingly

while shunning a hijabi on the street. Some pointed out how the

a s w i m s u i t . A s a s o c i e t y, w e embrace the idea of being free to

making that choice for them, and the answer is increasingly

age of consent to sex would be lower than the age to wear the

choose how we want to present ourselves, but for those who

becoming ‘No’. The recent

hijab in public. Others reminded u s o f h o w t h i s w o u l d n ’t b e t h e

choose to cover up, they find it increasingly difficult.

wear the hijab in French schools. The answer was simple: ‘All religious symbols are banned in French schools’. Not knowing a n y b e t t e r, a n d b e i n g t h e o n l y Muslim in my class, I thought nothing else of it. No religious symbols - it puts everyone on the same







h a s n ’t b e e n t h e f i r s t t i m e M u s l i m





the are



struggles Muslim put through for

sparked outrage across media and an immense


Photo: Unsplash

In 2017, during a French lesson, I a s k e d w h y M u s l i m g i r l s c o u l d n ’t

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