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4 Exploring Art and Eroticism: A timeline


Lily Boag A visual expression of physical passion

suggested that this couple could even

and sensuality, art has always been a

be Rembrandt himself, with his lover

means for creative sexual exploration.

Hendrickje Stoffels.







2. Ten Scenes of Lovemaking:

artistic value of sexual pleasure. 3. In Bed, the Kiss: Created by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec in 1892, and displayed in the Tate, In

human condition, being the glorified

A handscroll painting by the artist

Bed, The Kiss portrays two women in

performance of the natural naked

Katsukawa Shun’ei, made during the

bed, holding each other in their arms,

body. Throughout history, our hunger

Edo period in Japan, this piece can

and embracing in a kiss. It is a beautiful

for depictions of human sexuality and

be found on display in the British

prejudice-free depiction of intimacy and

eroticised bodies has been reflected

Museum. A type of erotic Japanese

desire, a post-impressionist snapshot of

within the art world. Here are some of

Shunga art, often created as woodblock

a passionate moment. The painting is

the pieces that stand out within the art

prints, illustrations, and paintings, the

considered by the artist as the height

and eroticism timeline.

term Shunga in Japanese translates to

of pleasurable delight, capturing love’s

1. The French Bed:

‘spring’, a Japanese euphemism for sex.

tenderness in warm shades of red and

On display in the Rijksmuseum in

Representing idealised contemporary

yellow, surrounded by a softer pallet of

Amsterdam, Rembrandt’s ‘The French

urban life, varying widely in its portrayal

grey, green, and blue.

Bed’ created in 1646 is an etching and

of sexuality, this Japanese Shunga art

drypoint print which depicts a semi-

depicts luxurious sexual scenes and

clothed couple passionately making

graphic depictions of sexual intercourse

love in a four-poster bed. It is

in colourful detail, demonstrating the

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