Main museums in Geneva Geneva’s got 40 public and private museums , as well as numerous art galleries. The various collections cater for all interests, be it archaeology, ethnography, nature, fine arts, applied arts, science or technology.
Cinemas In summer, Orange Cinema (Cinélac) open-air theatre projects movies every night on the lake shores. Geneva welcomes several cinema
You will find below the principals museums that have contributed to the reputation of Geneva.
Art and History Museum
Natural History Museum
Conservatory and Botanical Gardens Ariana Museum
festivals every year, the main two being Black Movie Festival in February and Cinema Tout Ecran (International Film and Television Festival) in OctoberNovember.
Restaurants Eating and drinking combine in the Geneva hinterland in such a wonderful way that Geneva has become the culinary capital of Switzerland. Haute cuisine restaurants and bistros with classic or innovative cuisine du terroir - in the city and in the country - attract a remarkable number of people to the Rhône city. You will find the principals that have contributed to the reputation of Geneva.
A shopper's paradise There are boutiques and department stores, Geneva offers something for everyone. It’s the watch capital of the world, a center for exquisite jewelry, and a place to find high quality Swiss and imported ítems.
BON GENIE Rue du Marché 341204 Genève 022 818 11 11
ARN CHOCOLATERIE Place du Bourg-de-Four 12 1204 022 310 40 94
Le Quai Quai is a summer event on Lake Geneva. young people love it and it’s amazing for them , the place is open to all and all for a relaxing foot in the water. -A relaxation -Everything is done to -create a cozy, comfortable, inviting them to bask in the sun: -wooden benches; -chairs; -small stage; -small bar serving a few - drinks at affordable prices.
- 3 BONHEURS Route de Florissant 39 41 22 347 25 23 -A TASCA DO PRIMO Fist of Niton Street 5 6 41 22 840 -CINECITTA Street Montchoisy 17 022 732 68 68