Process of Online Scholarship Examination Every student is in need of a scholarship. Scholarship can be said as the financial support provided to the student for their education purpose. As their two types of scholarship namely as Full and Partial scholarship A full scholarship is a cover-up of the entire financial expenses of education were as Partial Scholarship provides a specific amount of financial support in education. Scholarships are provided not only by the government but there are many corporations, universities, and organizations that provided scholarships. And for earning a scholarship you have pass-through an Online Scholarship Examination. So here is a process how to enter a scholarship examination 1) Online Registration- Eliminate the old type of manually entering and printing registration forms and stack up to them in the administer. It’s an Online Registration just filling up easy and normal details and there it’s done. With time and money-saving. 2) Registration Payment- After an Online Registration then there is an Online payment which can be done through ways like cards, mobile wallet or e-banking. It’s quite a user-friendly process as payment conformation you instantly get a notification of the payment recipient. 3) Hall Ticket- Here the next process is of Hall Ticket generation. This can
be said as one the most beneficial point of an instant receiving of Hall ticket based on your location. There is no more waiting for a Hall ticket and receiving it through post or other means. 4) Online Assessment- This is the final step of receiving a scholarship is an Online Examination Scholarship Examination. This examination isn’t related to the education syllabus but it’s dependent on your skills and ability by answering questions on Leadership, Team Player, Motivation, Career Preferences. Conclusion Scholarship examination can’t be just said as for financial support but it’s a chance given to every candidate to bring out their skills and show out their ability and talent and moreover it provides a moral encouragement to continue on their performance.