Create and Sell tests/quiz with Conduct Exam Online Exam Software Online exam software is a boon for school/colleges and other educational classes to conduct exam online. Online Exam Software also provides the facility of question bank generation. Once the question bank is created the administrator can publish the exams as according to date and time. This features of online examination system will help to conduct exam for you. Unique features of the Conduct exam is supportive to achieve financial benefit also. The administrator can create useful exams in the shortest time and communicate to candidates with integrated email and SMS. The administrator can also sell the exams online. This online exam software includes payment gateway like PayU, PayUMoney, and CCAvenue so not to worry about payment. You just create a quiz, after the completion of a quiz, payment receipt is automatically generated. Online exam software randomization engine empowers test creators to apply a scope of randomization choices to tests, exams, appraisals, papers, tests or reviews. Best Features: •
Fabricate it instantly Making your online exam is super simple. Simply add your question in the template.
Make learning fun Keep your students snared all the way with an online exam software that is fun and connecting on any device.
Keen and intuitive Show diverse thank you screens relying upon your students' results, and effectively monitor their achievements.