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WhatKindsof Techniques Appliedbythe
Treating HerniatedDisc
hen the disc, cushioning the spine vertebrae is damaged, it will cause spine problems.
As a result, the damaged spine puts pressure on the nearby nerves and spinal cord which can cause pain.
Herniated occur anywhere along the spine, but mostly affect the lower back or neck areas.
The below points define the treatments provided by chiropractors for treating a herniated disc.
Manipulation under anesthesia
Among the several treatments for herniated discs, spinal manipulation under anesthesia is the most appropriate one.
In this treatment, the anesthesia during the therapy only last about 6 minutes and you will feel sedation for a short span.
For effective results, the treatment can be provided by the chiropractor during 1 to 3 sessions for 2 to 3 weeks.