We are going through transcendental moments in the history of Humanity. That is why we have decided to reissue this magazine. We want to share our different points of view with you so that you can evaluate other realities moving at the same time. And thus, make free decisions. We believe that the only authentic decisions are those supported by reliable information. In a world tamed by an official narrative of a few and supported and sustained by the media, it is complex to find data free of direct or indirect manipulation. That is why we set out to investigate. We investigated different realities using different procedures. One of them is the Quantum Connection tool, whose expression we share as commonunity. This edition includes: An investigation of the daily reality by Adriana Rodriguez Salazar, one of the facilitators of the Quantum Connection. A personal opinion of the current situation by the general editor. Multidimensional journeys to other non-ordinary realities by some Quantum Connection facilitators who ventured into this research. And it includes you. Because you are the necessary participant for the reality that is manifesting to become concrete. You are the one who chooses at every moment what reality to create. With your thought, with your word, with your emotion, and with your action. Our participation is underestimated, and we buy that underestimation. It is time to recognize who we are as Humanity, where we come from, and what we are doing here. In this edition, we talk about THE VACCINE. Thank you for coming at this wonderful time. Thank you because we are the ones we are waiting for; the moment of action has arrived, and this is the moment we came for.
Claudia Gonzalez De Vicenzo www.claudiagonzalezdevicenzo.com.ar www.conexioncuantica.com.ar @claugdv1311 +54911 44218904 @claudiagdv
May 2021, Quantum Connection