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1.4 Management of non–financial risks

The Group's risk management is based on the principle of accountability that the risk is managed by the person in charge of the business process directly involved. The main risks are reported and discussed at the top management level of the Group companies in order to create the conditions for their management, coverage, insurance and assessment of the residual risk. Risks are also monitored by means of a structured system (ERM) for all Group companies, with specific reporting to the relevant Board of Directors and, in aggregate form, to the Board of Directors of the Parent Company. The most significant non-financial risks also include risks associated with compliance with environmental, health and safety regulations in the workplace, as well as the risk of climate change.

With regard to the risks related to climate change, the Neodecortech Group has embarked on a structured process of analysis of its environmental impacts and mitigation activities. In addition to the internal analysis of its risks and opportunities, the Group has decided to undergo the CDP - Carbon Disclosure Project assessment as from 2021, with a view to increasing awareness, and has launched a sustainability process aimed at increasingly reducing its negative impacts in this area. On 7 December 2021, CDP scored a B rating.


For further details on the types of risks analyzed and managed by the Group, reference should be made to the specific section in the Financial Report at 31.12.2021.

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