Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty UK Newsletter #21

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.,_,"} Did you knoW? they !I 1''. That since and d f .• ~rre:5t&ned s "·<-'-° •mpr,so for home activists :eernos there have en ove,r 30 honte demos against Hl.S & Marsh. By arresting people they only make things Worse


"It was a year ago yesdied terday that Barry Horne s eou rag as a result of his cou iviv t ins aga hunger strikes e amounts of section. Barry caused hug and saved a s ser damage to animal abu ing his life dur ure tort lot of animals from . and will be missed greatly up at HLS and Yesterday activists me ion in his memact of day a elsewhere for up was the ory. First stop for one gro um where dead tori Cambridge Pet Crema t off to be sen are S HL animals from burned. skull masks 10 activists dressed in ces were soon offi The . site entered the s began locking invaded and as employee ms, papers roo ir the themselves inside on the re we ers Oth ed. were examin wning these dro ns megaphone and air hor making se noi h wit animal abusers out e. don be ld sure no work cou it was round to After checking the site out front of the the at ces the front. The offi people made as up ked loc n soo site were promise a h wit a load of noise leaving n. soo they would be back

of a sicko they live near. ing outside HLS People were also gather slowly leaving. re we rs rke where the wo outside the There was a large crowd her up the furt gates as well as people hell as they ers nst mo road giving these police thought tried to leave work. The tried to move they would be clever and ant people went me y onl people on but this carry on the demo off to H LS at Occold to to Andrew Gay's there whilst others went other HLS workof es house and the hom is thought of at wh w kno ers to let them their filthy job. throughout the After busying themselves d to HLS the folnight 20 activists returne workers in and lowing morning to see the no escape for is re the let them know that money." for ls ma ani up those who cut

Richards was Amedis director Andrew as he was told se noi of subjected to loads ns with Hunhis company's associatio ldwell will not be tingdon director John Ca n Caldwell is a Joh r cto tolerated. HLS dire Amedis. Again it founder and director of at high speed. was off to the next one ox was next on HLS scientist Graham Kn ged on his door the hit list - activists ban all over his garrs and windows, threw flie the next anito y wa ir den and made the mal abuser . night and ProfessBy now it was gone mid woken up by us or Bains of Amedis was uting, using an air banging on his door, sho ll. rbe doo horn and ringing his

CAMBS HOME DEMOS 7/11/02 ridgeshire last Activists met up in Camb ion against aninight for an evening of act mal abusers.

of Brian Cass "We arrived at the home megaphone at the on and soon got going our Frank ghb nei his this monster and away and is rs doo two s live o wh Bonner These S. HL the scientific director of ther group ano on thoung ny goi ma s of s wa live this While directors have the of Amedis and they live es ds mis han pre ir the the at in d ls ive ma arr sands of ani okd-lo rrie Wo hy rs. flas doo e ·the driv made a dash for in comfortable houses and s and tain cur fer- _ suf the se the clo of to fits an pro ing staff beg cars bought from the d nde rou d sur die ple e who hav lock all the doors as peo ing of millions of animals and s dow m the win let the we on g uld the place bangin because of them. Why sho get outtors ora go lab y col the the uld t tha sho demanding get away with it? Why stions. mals crawl side to answer some que home and relax while ani at HLS? There is ng dyi es cag ir around the of ge villa the in up t and let these peoPeople then me no way we will stand by HLS scienon it vis e hom a e. Within secdo trad to l Buckden ple carry on their evi home was surHis · ok. all looking out Cro re vid we Da s Dr our tist onds his neighb ed flet lea re we s our the police had a rounded, the neighb of their windows. Before s waitent par of wd cro e swiftly on to the larg s wa and then the chance to catch up it up from school in n ldre chi ir the k pic to ing next target. informed what sort the village centre were

ntingdon's Last but not least was Hu gaphone and me Andrew Gay where the to wake him use d goo to air horn were put up."

MARSH HOME VISITS 8/11/02 presence sever"Despite a massive police South East hit the in ts ivis al groups of act ctors with a barthe homes of Marsh dire ning despite a rage of noise on Friday eve area. Marsh the in ce large police presen government's the on ring me have been ham se home demos door desperate to get the back again. re stopped and here we we

nce of catching As usual there was no cha ice were still at pol up with us as most of the people se the will en Fleet seNices. Wh end no matthe il unt on t figh we realise that stop us. and try ter what anybody does to it is these and s ion Lives depend on our act on" An e. sav to t figh st lives that we mu

have been sent All these demo reports publication. for sly ou to SHAC anonym

MORE HLS & AMEDIS HOME VISITS 9/11/02 On Saturday evening activists met up in Cambridgeshire to remind those close to the heart of HLS that they are on the blacklist of the animal rights movement. SHAG was sent the following demo report anonymously: "First stop HLS pathologist Dr David Crook. This man quite literally cuts up animals at HLS. His street was soon filled with activists shouting at his home. T e air horns and megaphones were used to good effect as all the neighbors came out to learn all about the puppy killer that lives in their street. Home visit number 2 was Brian Cass and Frank Bonner who live on the same street. Activists arrived as people were gathering up the road for a firework display so the whole town got to hear about Cass and Bonner. A load of noise was made and the neighbors came piling out to see what the fuss was about. Many were rather disgruntled at the noise. If they have a HLS director on their street it is their choice. They were advised to ask Cass and Bonner to leave the area. Simple. Onto the home of an Amedis director where police and security guards were_waiting already. Job done without even getting out of the car. Off people went to the home of another Amedis director Professor Bains. Security were sittimg on the drive waiting but that did not stop fliers being thrown all over his garden and one hell of a noise being made. At the same time as this was happening Jean Verney, also a director of Amedis, was being subjected to a noisy home demo and shortly after one group of activists left another arrived to carry on the demo. Amedis - you can pay for security to sit outside your homes but you can not stop us

ÂŽ coming to your homes because you all live in public places and we are all members of the public so we'll be seeing you on the next one!"


FETCH EUROPE HOME DEMOS "Two nights in a row this week the people who run Fetch Europe (animal importers for HLS) have had activists outside their home in the early hours of the morning using air horns, megaphones and whistles to let these people know there is no rest for them while they send animals to die at HLS. Let us never forget Barry Horne and his courageous actions against scum and let us all pay tribute to this brave, inspiring man in whatever way we can."

MORE MARSH HOME VISITS 10/11/02 "On Sunday we carried out home demos on five Marsh directors in London. We managed to catch the first two by surprise. Their streets are very enclosed so any noise really does stir up a lot of people. You can imagine just what an effect megaphones and airhorns had. We had the police with us for the next three but as usual they just made things worse. Quite what all the directors' neighbours think when they see 30 activists plus well over 50 coppers in the street outside is anyone's guess. All in all we had a really effective day."






DIRECTOR SELLS SHARES It becomes apparent how effective targeting companies associated with HLS directors is when we see that Kirby Cramer, HLS director and long-time player in the vivisection industry, has sold HALF his HLS shares at a considerable loss and now only owns less than 5% of LSR. Coincidentally this happened after details of all the companies he is involved in and/or a director of were published in SHACUSA's newsletter and these companies started to be targetted hard by activists worldwide. ACTION WORKS.

WHO ARE AMEDIS? Amedis are a company that HLS director Professor John Caldwell is also a director of. It wouldn't need a rocket scientist to make an educated guess that Amedis are a customer of HLS as well. Putting pressure on Amedis puts pressure on Caldwell - so contact Amedis and ask them to sever their links with HLS and ask John Caldwell to resign. Contact them at: Amedis Pharmaceuticals, Unit 209, Cambridge Science Park, Milton road, Cambridge, CB4 OGZ Tel: 01223 477 910 Fax: 01223 477 911 Email:

MARSH FEELING THE HEAT Marsh are getting a hammering and the cracks are showing. Activists worldwide are giving them hell, and this culminated in loads of hard-hitting actions against their offices and directors in memory of Barry Horne who died on hunger strike fighting ¡for the animals til the bitter end. Hamish Ritchie, overall head of Marsh McLennan UK and Marsh Europe, has been forced to resign from Halma, a huge company he is - or rather - was a director of prior to a week of nationwide actions against their offices in the UK. In a pathetic attempt to put a stop t o home demos the National Clown Squad arrested and remanded 5 activists, but as usual their attempts to stifle legitimate protest failed, and there have been even more home demos than before, and at far more unsociable hours! It is VITAL that you redouble your actions to put pressure on Marsh to sever their links with HLS - remember a company with no insurance is a company that has to close. Marsh are the biggest insurance brokers worldwide , and when they drop HLS it will be a grave body blow to the lab. Contact Marsh and ask them to justify their involvement with this criminal company:

Marsh UK, The Marsh Centre, 10 Whitechapel High Street, London E1 BDX Tel 0207 357 1000 and Fax:

0207 929 2705 I



enough, and if we fight hard enough. Read Michelle's words below - she have been the angriest, the most active worked inside HLS and experienced the and the most effective for some time. It true horrors of this evil company. All the shows what we can achieve as individuals time we hear people say: "I can't think and as a movement when we focus our . about what goes on inside the labs - it is minds and hearts and step out of the contoo upsetting". Maybe we need to think fines of what is safe and easy. We need to about it more -animals are dying NOW maintain this level of commitment and as you read this, these people are getting keep fighting with courage and determinaaway NOW with terrifying and abusing the tion to close HLS, we need to keep driving beautiful, gentle creatures in their care, ourselves and each other forward and we and are poisoning and killing people NOW need to keep waging war for the animals with all the dangerous products they put every day of our lives. We should never on the market. go to bed at night without being able to "The dog's tail was wagging the whole look at ourselves in the mirror and honesttime as he was stretched out on the cart. ly say that we have done something effecThey were holding his front legs down and tive that day to close down HLS. For the his tail was going like mad. He was just animals locked inside the labs, waiting to so, so happy. I saw the needle enter into die, desperate for a few seconds of love his little leg and his tail stopped immediand attention, for Barry who cared so ately. It just stopped wagging and I could much he gave his life fighting the abusers, hear him whimpering and then they withfor the prisoners locked behind bars drew the needle and his tail started wagbecause they cared enough to put their ging again. I remember thinking how sad it freedom at risk to win against the monwas that these animals are so starved of sters we are waging war against, we must attention that they crave any human attenall, every single one of us, keep on fighttion even it hurts them ." ing with all our hearts and move forward Are you going to let them get away with their sick abuse? Or are you going to fight to take out HLS once and for all. Imagine with all your heart to end their vile , disgustthe gates of HLS closing forever ing business once and for all? - we can make that a reality if we care


If I told you about a security product that is used to encrypt data and emails that is used by M 16, would you be interested? This product has still not been cracked after years of trying by the security services. If I also told you this product was free you would want to know where to get it from, right? Well look to your right and you will see that we now offer PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) FREE on the merchandise list. PGP comes with simple step by step instructions and means that emails you encrypt to PGP are unreadable except by you and anyone you decide can read them. You can also wipe sensitive data securely and encrypt files on your desktop. PGP sho.uld be used by every sab group , animal rights group and individual in the UK. You may not be

about to raid a lab but why let them get away with snooping into YOUR private business? For example how many times have sab groups planned a secret hit on a hunt or a local AR demo only to find that the police are already there? With PGP all the information could be transmitted to each other much more securely. I must strike a note of caution though. PGP does not mean that you can email loads of mad stuff nor does it mean that you should ever keep the same mad stuff on your computer thinking that you are 100% safe as there is no such thing as 100% safe. PG P is only as good as the people using it. I have added the last few lines to balance things up and to be fair but please please do not let this put you off ordering it as yes, it may never be 100% but then what is? One thing is for sure, it's a very useful tool and it could make the difference between success and failure. PGP puts you several steps ahead of the game and if M 16 use it it can't be all that bad can it? So please order it and try it.

ALF actions accross the world

UK Several months ago we exposed the Cambridge Pet Crematorium's involvement with HLS and many other laboratories nationwide, including Cambridge University where vicious, horrific brain experiments on monkeys were filmed. Despite pressure from cfll of you, Cambridge Pet Crematorium continue to work for HLS and advertise their 'caring' family pet cremation services in Your Cat and Your Dog magazines, and vets' surgeries nationwide. We have been contacted by many horrified people whose animals have been cremated and buried at CPC alongside the furnaces burning the bodies of tortured, mutilated animals from the labs. CPC are a disgusting, hypocritical company - and they are providing a much-needed service to HLS. It is time to really put pressure on them to sever their links with HLS. We have done a new leaflet - please contact every vet in your area - get your local yellow pages and look them all up - visit their surgeries, talk to the vets and veterinary nurses, leave leaflets, organise yourselves to do a few hours' leafleting there and get the local press to come along. We are confident that many vets will stop using CPC once it affects their business .and their clients start complaining. Time to put the screws on CPC - let's make them realise maybe _ dealing with animal abusers HLS isn't such a good idea after all ...


EMAIL THEM AT WRITE TO THEM AT: CPC A505 Main Road, Thriplow Heath, Nr. Royston, Herts SGS 7RR Left: The new Cambridge Pet Crematorium leaflet

MOBILES This is a recurring request and we really need you to take it on board: if you are coming on mobile demos you need to ring through your mobile number AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE. To be effective we need to plan ahead so please don't call half an hour before_ the demo is due to start to give us your number!

Hey! This ain't no nice letter ¡to my M.P. l"m writing h:ere.. 11m writing: to a Marsh dh¡ector - know what I mean?

"On Saturday night a group of activists visited the home of Marsh director Julian Atkinson and sprayed slogans throughout his village and along the road where he lives. Wording such as "ALF Is Watching", "Marsh Puppy Killer", "ALF Is Getting Closer", "Scum" and "Julian Atkinson Kills Animals" was left in bright red paint. Easy, effective action. YOU ARE THE ALF. We continue to repeatedly hit Marsh directors until they sever all links with HLS. For the animals, In memory of Barry Horne. ALF"

NEW ZEALAND "In the early hours of this morning we paid a visit to Marsh Executive Director J W Bitcheno of Epsom, Auckland and redecorated one of his vehicles with paint stripper and his pavement with spray paint letting his neighbours know what an animal abusing scumbag lives in their area." This action was also dedicated to Barry Horne.

USA "Tonight 11/6/02 we stopped by the home of Mark Bibi and made a bloody mess of the place. The house was covered with red paint and we sprayed slogans denouncing his work for HLS, leaving the home almost as bloody as his palms! We tinkered with his daughter's car, painted that up too, and finished the masterpiece with a boulder through the windshield! Mark Bibi serves as a financial advisor and tax lawyer to HLS and director to Focused Healthcare Partners where he and Andrew Baker think up new ways to rob their investors and throw that money into Huntingdon Life Sciences. This action was inspired by the spirit of Barry Horne, an activist and hero who passed away one year ago while fighting to better the lives of animals across the planet. You will always be in our hearts and thoughts Barry. The ALF"

New merchandise explained

Check out the new SHAC website ...

'Healthcare Professionals' is a leaflet with photos and quotes by doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals campaigning for the closure of HLS. It explains that these people, working first hand with the ill people HLS claim they want to save, are campaigning against HLS because of the damage they are doing to human health by putting products on the markets that pass animal W?C" '·. .. ~ ) . tests only to cause serious damage to human beings. We have '""~ •f tried this leaflet out on stalls and the response has been incredible.

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"HLS Puppy Killers": this leaflet explains on the back just who SHAC are and why the general public should support us. This leaflet is ideal for stalls or leafletting the public as it contains no gory pictures. The leaflet explains a brief history of the campaign including Consort & Hillgrove with photos of the animals on their way to freedom .

.'Sacred Cows and Golden Geese' by Dr Ray Greek is a brilliant book that all of us should read. It is full of fascinating information on why animal experiments are scientifically flawed and will give you all the ammunition you need to win every argument and debate ,, about animal experiments. We have 50 paperback copies available .,....-., · at the cost price of £8.00. .-:~ .


'Brian Cass is evil" this leaflet is to explain to the general public just what an evil man Cass is. Most people know of HLS but not all know who the man ultimately responsible is. The leaflet explains who he is and what he does, explaining with graphic images on the back his years killing animals at Covance and the callous words he has used whilst at Huntingdon. Cambridgeshire street map £4. There are many instances on demos where things change and we need to be flexible. It is essential that we are all reading from the same map so when you are given details you are looking at the same map and page number as the person giving the information. This is the clearest steet map available. Order it and make sure you & your group are up with the action on demos.

ITEM ALF poster a2 HLS poster a2 NEW HLS poster a2 Marsh poster a2 NEW Brian Cass evil leaflet NEW Healthcare professionals leaflet NEW Puppy what we have achieved leaflet NEW HLS Kills Humans leaflet

Marsh leaflet Dr Greek scientific book £8


ITEM HLS leaflet - Cat, Dog, Rabbit & Horse please state which Cambridge Pet Crematorium leaflet

Marsh Stickers Airhorns £7 each PGP security CD & instructions

Cambs street map £4 Hooded top - size ............... t shirt - size ......................... Hooded top and t shirt sizes are skinny fit, small, medium, large and X large. Colours white, grey and black. Please state colour and size .



ALF Poster a2

Ille: HLS Poster a2

Your tools for action

NewHLS kills leaflet

PGP security cd and instructions

New what we have achieved leaflet

New healthcare professionals leaflet

Cambridgeshire street map

HLS leaflets, 4 kinds please state ·which one

Marsh stickers


t shirt and hooded top

New HLS Poster a2

New Brian Cass evil leaflet back


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