Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty UK Newsletter #36

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Real World Day, as rescheduled after the cops had made sure peoples ' voices could not be heard in Dover , was a blindi ng success and proves yet again that innovation is the way fo rward . Working from the premise that there is no reason why a demo has to take place on the day or at the time advertised, three days of demos took place , most of them starting at Sam! On Real World Day itself two groups of act ivists covered the Cambridgeshir e area with the two demos dovetail ing into each other at the evil lnterfauna who breed beagles fo r vivisection.


all managed to shake off ou r later for our last demo that ina be the first of the day , Babraham Institute . an evil lab this is with torture equipment vis f or all to see.


You canno t stop us , you w ill never brea k us ! We are always one step ahead of you. It is for the animals, so who cares what you throw at us? Remember, all we do is just fight harder !

Team 2 started off at the Babraham Institute, High street, Babraham but with security in evidence we quickly left and moved on to Laundry Farm , Bar ton Road , Cambridge . This place holds dogs and othe r animals for Cambr idge University . Activists looked through windows and made lots of noise leav ing them in no doubt that we will be back . Activists then moved on to Cambridge University vet school experimenta l farm 307 Huntingdon Road, Camb ridge and then lnterfauna , Abbotts Ripton road , Huntingdon . This company supplies Huntingdon Life Sciences with beagles and rabbits for them to torture and murder day after day. We arrived and joined up with lots more activists already there and carried on the loud demo. The noise was really loud and relentless with activists on all sides shouting and banging on drums . A large group of activists got a little wea ry and decided to t ake the weigh t off their feet and have a sit down ................ in the middle of the road and the result was Ripton Road did not have any traffic flowing in any direction for almost an hour!!! All good stuff! The police called for reinforcements. Lots more cops arrived including a hel icopter full of them. Not quite what their inspector expected and just as his boys started to get ready to move us on we got up, walked to our cars and onto our next target. We expected the po lice to tail us so we all went in seperate directions and met up later and yes all except one car was followed! We


companies listed here all deal with HLS on a regular basis. Details of many of these companies have been leaked to the campaign by sympathisers disgusted with HLS. Please call , write to and telephone

them to make them aware of just who they are dealing with. Remember many staff are sympathetic and may be the ones who told us of their company 's involvement in the first place! Keep your communications polite and

1 SWISS RE Swiss Re are the big scoop of the supplier expose. They are collaborating with HLS and are a big reason they are still open. They are providing them with insurance and showing they have no morals and no compassion. United Kingdom

-------==== PRO Insurance Solutions

Ltd .

One Great Tower Street London EC3R 5AH Tel: 0207 337 8900 Conning Asset Management Ltd. 30 St Mary Axe London EC3A 8EP Tel: 0207 933 4503 Fax: 0207 933 6503 PRO Insurance Solutions Ltd . Bruton Court Bruton Way Gloucester Gloucestershire GL 1 1 DA United Kingdom Tel: 01452 782 500

2MEDIPRIME Medi prime PO Box 33 Billingshurst, W. Sussex, RH14 9YG Tel 01403 782 891 This company is one of largest primate importers in the UK. They are run by a vet called Malcolm Welshman who used to work at Shamrock Farms. This disgusting company imported 52 primates through Heathrow airport in one go.

SCOTT 3NUTRITIONS Scott Nutritions , Sedge Fenn Road, Southerry, Downham Market , Norfolk Tel: 01353 676 234 This company supply HLS and lnterfauna beagle breeders for vivisection.



Precision Packing Company , Unit F, Court Farm Trading Estate , Northumberland Close , Stanwell , Staines, Middlesex TW19 7LN Tel: 01784 252 052 Email: ian @precisionpacking. corn They deliver radioactive material to HLS and also lab animals. Ian Seeley is the MD and brags to his mates - or people he thinks are his mates- that he is getting unmarked vans so animal rights people won 't be able to trace him. Bit late for that now.



* PDP Courier Services Ltd Unit 10, Ashford Industrial Estate , Shield Road , Ashford , Middlesex TW151AU UK Head Office Tel: 01784 420466 Fax: 01784 246619 Email: Sales PDP made a statement that they would no longer deal with HLS and were then grassed up by someone close to their company who told us they still were and lo and behold they were right. Since then SHAC has emailed PDP repeatedly about whether or not they have stopped delivering to HLS in any shape or form and what a surprise they have not contacted us. More liars.



Friar House Copse Road Woking Surrey GU21 8ST Tel: 01483 746 600 This company are a very important supplier to HLS.



Pall-Ex Pall-Ex House Victoria Road Ellistown LE671FH Tel: 0808 144 2808 Fax: 01530 23 9001 E-Mail: info Part of HLS 's distribution network.



Vet Diagnostics Victoria House , Henfield Road, Small Dole , Henfield , West Sussex, BN5 9XE This company is run by the husband of the woman who used to run Shamrock Farm that sold primates for vivisection. Vet Diagnostics does blood testing on primates imported into the UK for vivisection.

informative - taking action is what counts. Remember every call, every email and every

letter counts so what are you waiting for? Get active for the animals trapped inside HLS - they are counting on you.

STRAND TRANSPORT 1 1 SERVICES Strand Transport Services Ltd , Strand House , Rugby Road Industrial Estate , Rochdale, Lanes OL 12 0EP Tel: 01706 868 486 Email : david.greenhalgh @strandt .uk Strand do daily deliveries in the UK for major HLS supplier Perkinelmer.

PC 12HOWARD PC Howard Ltd, West Hay, Stamford Rd, Kings Cliffe , Peterborough PE8 6XX Tel: 01780 444 444 Email: info Mr Andrew HOWARD is in charge. A local freight company that are happy to deliver to HLS.

9vETWARE Vetware and DGP Ltd , 1 Harrier Court, Airfield Bus Park, Elvington , York YO41 4AU Tel: 01904 607 600 Email: sales David WALSH is in charge of DGP. Peter MOORE is in charge of Vetway. DPG does diagnostics packaging and Vetware does equipment for vets ... oh and for lots of labs too.



Cambridge Plant Hire and Demol ition ltd , Blackstone Rd, Stukeley Rd Industr ial Estate , PE18 6EF Cambridge Plant Hire also see nothing wrong in supplying equipment for use at HLS.

Lynn Star Distribution and Logistics, 8 East Coast Business Park, West Lynn , Kings Lynn PE34 3LW Tel: 01553 766 994 Email : lynnstardist @ btconnect .com Operations director is Sherridan DOWEN Lynn Star are a logistics company that deliver to H LS.

14TRIO Trio, Summerston Road , Bleak Hall , Milton Keynes , MK6 1LE Tel: 01908 222 700 Email : a.clarke @triogroup Colin HINSON is the MD. Trio are hi ring out various pieces of equipment to be used at HLS.




RJ Warren Building Materials Drakes Farm, Blackbury Drove, Whittlesey, Peterborough , Cambs PE7 2LJ Tel: 01733 350692 They do work at HLS for Peterborough Pump and Valves.

CCS Landhaul, Acrewood Way, St Albans , Herts AL4 OJY Tel: 01727 861 646 Email : ccs.landhaul @hotmail. corn MD is Tom BAGGE CCS Landhaul are a haulage company that have visited HLS recently and were delivering on behalf of Network Services, also listed here .



Fetch Europe Ltd , 3 Woodhurst Drive , Denham , Bucks UB9 5LL Tel 01895 835 774 Mobile 07764 584 413 email: info .uk Fetch Europe are heavily involved in the lab animal transport trade and think it's funny to se nd emails to the campaign saying how they couldn 't care less about driving animals to their deaths and how they really support HLS.


DIETEX INTERNATIONAL Freebournes Industrial Estate Witham Essex, CMS 3TH Tel 01270 214 511 Email: Dietex supply HLS with lab animal feed and HLS owe them thousands- see a pattern emerging?

29 16HRP HRP, Unit B6 , Manton Centre, Manton Lane , Bedford MK41 Tel: 01234 272 702 HRP, Rougham Indust r ial Estate, Rougham , Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP30 9XA Tel: 01359 270 888 A local firm to HLS passing on equipment to HLS for Eastern Counties , listed below. Email: bedford Miss Ibbotson is in charge.



Busi nessposl , Unit 20, Wainman Road, Peterborough PE2 7BU Tel: 01733 234 423 Ema il: peterborough _ su @business Serena CONTI is the Customer Services Manager . Businesspost lie and say they stopped dealing with HLS with 4 months ago. How odd then that a local suppo rter who drives past HLS regularly says they are often there!



Laminar Medica, Unit 4, Tring Industria l Esta te, lcknie ld Way , Tring , Herts HP23 4JK Tel: 01442 828 664 Emails: enquiries @laminarmedica . co .uk, cherri @laminarmedica . LM do insulated shipping - they specialise in pharma and biotech for samples/blood/vaccines.

2ODANZAS Danzas Ltd, Century House , 100 church Street, Staines, Middlesex Tel: 0208 754 5000 Danzas the nationwide transport firm are a regular v isitor to HLS .


IMPEX 25TRADING IMPEX TRADING, PO Box 187, Huntingdon, CAMBS PE28 4JF Tel 01832 275 404 Email : i nfo This evil company is heavily involved in the lab animal transport trade and is working hand in glove w ith HLS .


Caterfix , Cook House , 16a Fengate , Peterborough PE1 5XB Tel: 01733 561 555 Email : enquiry This company does repairs for HLS .

ENTERPRISE WASTE 22sERVICES Enterprise Waste Services , Unit 25, Lyon Road Industrial Estate , Keasley, Gt Manchester Tel 0870 243 0017 Also al this address EWS Agricultural and EWS Logistics. EWS prov ide HLS with waste services .

MONOCK FREIGHT 2 3 LIMITED Monock Freight Ltd 14 Mount Road , Feltham , TW13 6AR Tel: 0208 894 5400 christine @monockfreight .com geoff @monockfre Monock Freight deliver lab animals to HLS .



Vehicles used to transport lab animals by lmpex are stored at this compa ny : Hull , Wagstaffe & Co Ltd Mill Farm , Barnwell Rd , Oundle, Peterborough , Cambs Telephone: 01832 273 620


Cross Country Carriers Ltd Unit 4 Symonds Farm Industria l Estate , Saxham , Bury st Edmunds , Suffolk IP28 6RE Tel: 01284 810739 Email: i nfo@crosscountrycarrier .uk Cross Country deliver to HLS on behalf of Pall-Ex .


Total Butler Fuels, Fengate, Peterborough PE1 5XB Tel: 01733 568 223 John POOLE is the supervisor, Total Butler supply HLS with fuel.



Danish Bakery Company, Denmark House , Studlands Park Industrial Estate , Newmarket CBS 7EV Tel: 01638 664 600 Shirley COLLEN is in charge. HLS owe them loads of money! Now there 's a surprise ....




Gemmix, Whitehalls, Eldernell Lane , Coates, Peterborough , PE7 Tel: 01733 840 622 A local firm help i ng HLS with current buiding work.





Huntingdon Plant Hire, Alms Close, Stukeley Meadows Industrial Estate, Huntingdon PE29 6DW Tel: 01480 454 995 Email: Steve Carter is in charge. Huntingdon Plant Hire are supplying equipment to be used at HLS.





Brian Yeardley Continental, Strand House, Wakefield Road, Featherstone, West Yorkshire WF75BP Tel: 01977 708 484 Email: brian.



Brian Yeardley Continental Ltd Ashford Rd, Lenham, Maidstone, Kent ME17 2DL Tel: 01622 858850 Brian Yeardley Continental Ltd 64, Fallside Rd, Bothwell, Glasgow, Lanarkshire G71 8BG Tel: 01698 811567 Involved in distribution to HLS and lnterfauna.

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BEDFORDSHIRE 34GROWERS Bedfordshire Growers Ltd, Patton Road, Biggleswade, Beds SG18 OER Tel: 01767 312 403 Email: MD is Bob Taylor.

FIRST FLIGHT 35FORWARDERS First Flight Forwarders, 31 Jenkins Drive, Elsenham, . Bishops Stortford, CM22 First Flight Forwarders, 31 Golds Nurseries Business Park, Jenkins Drive, Elsenham, Herts Tel: 01279 813 000

Durapipe, Walsall Rd, Norton Cares, Cannock , Staffs WS11 9SS Tel: 01543 279 909 Email: MD is Martin GISBOURNE

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Hewden Plant Hire, Grove Road, Dales Manor Bus Park , Sawston, Cambridge , CB2 4T J Tel: 01223 837 075 Hewden Plant Hire, Vicarage Farm Road , Peterborough PE1 5TN Tel: 01733 564 378 The manager is Mark co. BOURNE. This is the branch supplying equipment for HLS. Hewden Plant Hire HQ, Trafford House, Manchester M32 ORL Tel: 0161 848 8621 Email: sheila.davies@hewden. Hewden are supplying equipment used to do building work at HLS.


GPS Durapipe St Peters Rd, Huntingdon, PE29 7DA Tel: 01480 52121 Eamil: MD is Kevin LAWSON This company supply products used at HLS.




Nigel Moss Transport, Willow Farm, East St, Bo le, Retford, Notts DN22 9EW Tel: 01427 848 324 and mobile: 07889 832 406 This company deliver for longterm HLS supplier IPS.

PETERBOROUGH 38PUMPS& VALVES Peterborough Pump and Valves The Old Forge, Cross Street, Farce!, Peterborough PE7 3DE Tel: 01733 242 497 HLS owe them 59, 000.09p!




Eastern Counties Refrigeration Ltd, 55 Eastern Way, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP32 7 AB Tel: 01284 762 818 Email :ecr@fast-mai A supplier of goods to HLS.




*Nightfreight UK Ltd, Unit 16, Colmworth Business Park , Eaton Socon, St Neots, Cambs PE19 8YH Tel: 01480 214 922 Email: He is the General Manager Nightfreight HQ, Crestwood House, Birches Raise, Willenhall, West Midlands WV13 2DB Tel: 01902 604 000 Email : MD is Peter MAY Nightfreight made a statement to SHAC saying they would no longer deal with HLS. Shame for them they have been caught out lying • HLS collect their deliveries from Nightfreight local depot.

NETWORK 43sERVICES Network Services, Unit 5, The Progression Centre, Mark Road, Herne! Hempstead , HP2 7DW Tel: 01442 255 333 MD is Mr Kenneth SHIELDS Network Services are another distribution company that deal with HLS.


OHL transport tissue cultures from animals to and from HLS. Head Office• Sales UK: OHL, St Johns Place, 37.43 High Street, Hampton Wick , Kingston Upon Thames, Surrey KT14DA OHL International (UK) Ltd 178 -188 Great South West Road, Hounslow, Middlesex TW4 6JS We were told this by an employee who was seriously concerned for OHL workers' health . Not surprisingly. How irrsponsible of OHL to expose their workers to poten tially deadly diseases .

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Chubb, Chubb House, Staines Road West , Sunbury-on-Thames, Middlesex TW1 7AR 01932 785 588 or 01932 738 600 or 0800 028 3324 MD is Mr Philippe MAUGY Chubb have been working for HLS for many years.

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Windsor Engineering Ltd service all the forklifts at HLS , forklifts used to carry the piles of bodies of murdered animals killed by HLS. Windsor Engineering (Hull) Ltd Unit 1, Citadel Trading Park Citadel Way Hull North Humberside HU9 HQ Tel: 01482 329996 Fax: 01482 22 99 42 Managing director: Gerry Burton hullsales @windsorkamatsu Windsor Engineering Ltd , 16 Holkham Rd, Orton Southgate , Peterborough, Cambridgeshire PE2 6TE Tel: 01733 239292 Windsor Engineering Ltd Unit 2, Bennerley Court Blenheim Ind Est Bulwell Nottingham Nottinghamshire NG6 BUT Tel: 0115 975 0400 Fax: 0115 975 0014 Windsor Engineering Unit 1O, Eastgate Park Queen sway Enterprise Zone Scunthorpe South Humberside DN161AE Tel: 01724 867418 Fax: 01724 281708 Windsor Engineering Ltd Units 11-13 Hadley Rd Sleaford Lim;olnshire NG34 7EG Tel : 01529 414966 Fax : 01529 41415 4



They supply HLS with laboratory equipment used to conduct vicious , barbaric experiments on animals trapped ins ide their labs . Fisher Scientific UK Ltd Bishop Meadow Road Loughborough Leics LE11 5RG Tel 01509 23 11 66 Fax 01509 231 893 Email: www.fisher Orme Technologies, part of Fisher Scientific UK Ltd Whitbrook Way, Stakehill lndustrial Park, Middleton , Manchester M24 2RH Tel: 0161 653 4589 Fax 0161 655 3011 May bridge (This company is a part of Fisher) Trevillett , Tintagel, Cornwall PL34 OHW, Telephone: 01840 770453 Fax: 01840 770111 Email : internetenquiries @maybr


The Business Centre, Church End, Cambridge, CB1 3LB Tel : 01223 245 223 This is a vivisection industry freight company that have been spotted going in and out of HLS by local supporters.


Chalfont Road, Seer Green , Beaconsfield Buckinghamshire, HP9 2FX Tel: 01494 874 515 Sales: 0800 896 046 This company sell analytical equipment used for experiments at HLS.




Worldwide House , 19 Airlinks , Spitfire Way, Heston, Middlesex TW59NR Tel : 0208 260 6465 Email : tradeservicesinfo @



Phenomenex supply lab equipment to HLS. Another company who think they can get away with profiting from HLS, the only lab ever have its license revoked by the Home Office because of the shocking level of animal cruelty uncovered there. Tell them what you think about their involvement with HLS and ask them to do the decent thing and sever their contract with HLS the animal abusers.

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PHENOMENEX Melville House , Queens Avenue, Hurdsfield Industrial Estate , Macclesfield, Cheshire SK10 2BN Tel: 01625 501 367 Fax: 01625 501 796



EURO/DPC Limited Glyn Rhonwy Llanberis Caernarfon Gwynedd LL55 4EL United Kingdom Tel: 01286 872 571 Web site: This is a diagnostics production company who supply HLS . This is an important technical supplier to Huntingdon.





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Tel: 01423 521 298 ~ 12a Park Parade, ,'\ Ha,rnga<e, HG' 5AF , gm @mostconstruction __ •, Parkside construction have part1c1\.' pated in the building of units to house ",,. animals in at HLS. ,

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ABBOTS 53RIPTON CARS Tel: 01480 520 80 HLS have an account with this firm for taxis and courier services .



KEY HUNTINGDON TARGETS HIT IN THE U.S. Bio 2005 - Days of Action Bio2005 - the Biotechnology Industry Organization 's annual conference was held this year in Philadelphia over the past weekend. Naturally , Philadelphia Area and East Coast Area anti-HLS activists could not let the conference pass without making our mark and making it clear: deal with HLS, deal with us. Saturday June 18 The Bio2005 weekend began with approximately 120 people gathered in Philadelphia to attend Hugs for Puppies ' Anti-Vivisection Congress. Speakers Jerry Vlasak, Kevin Jonas, Andy Stepanian, Michelle Rokke, Anthony Nocella, and Lawrence Carter-Long discus sed the unscientific nature of animal research, ways to investigate laboratories, camp aigns against the vivisection industry , and direct action for animal liberation.


Meanwhile, back in downtow n Philadelphia, about 15 anti-HLS activists gathered at the Bio2005 Welcome Reception to make clear to all Biotech attendees that HLS is not life, not science, and that any company who works with the lab will be getting some attention from SHAC. Large banners greeted attendees and media video cameras, and one news sto ry of the event quoted an activist on why HLS was being targeted.

showing them to other attendees. Some became outraged , yelling about animal rights terrorism, while others noted that their company would never do business with HLS due to their "reputation. " Attendees from dozens of countries and across the U.S. learned about HLS and the economic risks linked to doing business with the lab. About 15 activists gathered around noon in Trenton , New Jersey to


In addition to rais ing awareness and enthusias m for working against vivisection, the event raised money fo r the group and raised $900 for the SHAC-7 legal defense fund. A few activists also visited the Bio Democracy Conference in order to distribute hundreds of booklets to activists of other causes who were in town for the BioTech conference. Sunday , June 19 The action kicked off on Sunday , June 19, when close to 100 activists from all parts of the country , flanked by approximately 45 bike cops , cops, feds, civil affairs reps, and undercovers , gathered in downtown Philadelphia to protest against GlaxoSmithKline requesting that they stop working with HLS. Hundreds of flyers about GSK were handed out to curious passersby. The thunderous cries of "Puppy Killers - Leave Town!" echoed off the walls!

Monday, Ju ne 20 As Bio2005 opened its doors, two well-dressed activists stood by the entrance f lyering attendees with special color postcards made just for the occasion. The cards showed pictu res of demonstrations against HLS collaborato rs, listed examples of other such actions and an explanation, and noted that the only way for any company to avoid being targeted was to not work with HLS. Some 600 cards were given out, and many executives stood reading them, clearly curious and interested, before tucking them into pockets or

rally outside of the federal courthouse in suppo rt of the SHAC-7. Several media cameras filmed the rally, and one activ ist was interviewed by WCBS, the largest news radio program in New York City and su rround ing areas , to discuss the case and the governmental assault on free speech.

security guards paced back and forth instructing employees to leave through other exists (or escorting them past the "dangerous " protestors}. Other gates and exits in the complex were closed and color cards about what happens to HLS supporters were distributed . The local newspaper came

to take photographs and learn about how Roche is supporting the torture of puppies and other animals. A good time was had by all! Tuesday, June 21 The final day of the conference began with a lunchtime demonstration at GlaxoSmithKline headquarters in Philadelphia. Employees were berated as puppy-killers, color cards describing what happens to the reputations of HLS supporters were distributed , and leaflets about GSK were handed out to passersby. Bullhorns blared through windows and entrances , and a good time was had by all- except Glaxo that is! Activists then headed for two companies associated with GSK. The f irst

was Eisenhower Fellowships. A loud demo was held mere feet from the company's windows. E.F. heads peeked out of windows, and literally dozens of neighbors stood on the street watching what was going on. Activists challenged Eisenhower execs to come out and explain to the neighbors and

neighboring business people why they kept GSK CEO J.P. Garnier on the board of directors, but no one came out. Looks like your reputation in the neighborhood is going downhill, Eisenhower! Time to remove J.P. from your board ... Next stop was Quaker BioVentures, which seats GSK VP and Director of Research Tadataka Yamada on their Board of Directors. Several activ ists gained entrance to their seventh floor office and walked around cubicles , throwing flyers and shouting for Quaker to stop supporting animal abuse . A very loud demo followed on the front steps of the office building , with building security and Quaker execs standing around angr ily as bullhorns and chants echoed through the lobby and all along the building. I'm sure the other clients and tenants in the building weren 't happy

either! Activists then headed for the parking garage of GSK to greet workers as they walked in at the

end of a hard work day. Scores of the color cards about HLS-related demonstrations were given out to employees, and chants and graphic signs met all GSK employees . A half-dozen security guards ringed the area and one side of the parking garage was closed down. GSK employees are learning about the campaign to close HLS, and learning that unless their company take a stand against working with HLS, GSK will be targetted continually. To cap off the weekend , about 30 activists assembled in line on the steps of the Philadelphia Art Museum , site of the Bio2005 Gala Reception . Attendees entering the reception looked down to see the angry protesters with their signs about HLS, and listened to chants of "fo r t he an imals we will fight " and " HLS, shut them down. " Many stopped to watch or pointed fingers . The point was further driven home to biotech employees from across the world - deal w ith HLS, and you 've got trouble on your hands! Local activists would like to thank all of those w._hoattended - anti -HLS activ~sts from Chicago , Boston, Ohio, Maryland, New York , New Jersey, / Delawa re, and other states all took part in the , days of action to send il a fear message to thEl _Bio-/ Tech co_mmunlty an~ to,GSK . Jhe weekend ll}'aS a great success an~. will provide mom~nt!Jm to . 路路 continue. the c~mpaIgn ag~inst GlaxoSmtihK!ine , HLS;and the Vivis~ti.oh li;idu'jtry! ' . , ~路 路/


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Shae Italy's Days of Action against HLS Shae Italy hit HLS where it hurts today in the pocket; targetting its eou~ters and customers, wtfo are all protiting from animal abuse. Also targetted was the Mauritian Embassy in solidarity with the , Gateway to Hell campaign. Two days of demOs were. org.ini;zed in the Suppollt Sbac7 week and Operation Kick Ass Week, in order to show otlr deep solidar• ity in the best way ..• continulni!! to target all ttie companies involved in the vlvlseetion fadustry! ·· On friday the group of 13.activists took to Milan's busy streets. Ot!lside the Mau• ritian embassy to let the city l<now how the M;mritian economy is r~sting upon the export of ,primates for the filthy irn;lustry that is vivisection. Literaily twndreds of fly .ers were handed out, with .banners and pesters informing the public Of Mauritius's shame: Discussion!! were·even held with the consul.ite, · Where the embassy confirm~ Air Mauri• tius had indeed pulled out of transport•



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So on to the next target, HLS Couriers, DHL. This infamous company, who act as couriers for all players of the vivisection Industry in the UK, such a;; HLS, Newchurch GuiAea Pig Farm, Sequani Laboratories etc, were greeted by the activists descending on their ~remises. Basra vivisezione! (Stop Vivisection!) was screamed loudly letting them know we were here and we were ready to disrupt their afternoon. All the cars were leafleted, as well as many drivers and workers curious as to why thElgroup of activists were on their door• step. Our presence had been acknowledged ahd we moved on to the next larget, GlaxoSmithkline. We had the pleasure of visiting yet anotheJ disturbing multinational where, as usual, the workers were hiding In their offices. Leaflets were handed out to those leaving with many predrota~le

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responses saying 'but we don't have animals here'. Nice try, but it is compan ies like Glaxo who are keeping hell holes like HLS open, where they do have animals and 500 of them are killed every day. This was the second time GlaxSmith· Kline felt the heat in two days, as a group of 7 activists cong regated outside a Glaxo factory near Parma the day before. Once again the workers were leafleted and hundreds of commuters along the main road got to see the. banners and posters, making the tie between GlaxoSmithkline ai:ld animal l)buse. On all the demos we told them in english and italian that this is a global campaign and that have no fear, they will give in and we will smash •HLS. There is no doubt that the vivisection industry will crumble, Basta viv isezione!



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ing .primates, and admitted their fear for their t(llurist industry due to the effect of the campaign! Result!



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Good L-i

Sara ]


UBs News In Brief , Capital Markets one of America5 se largest market;,,akers, has Vered Its ties with HLS.Well Done UBS.



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their •0 1e on CostomerPhytopharmdramatic~a nose dive. As broker sending their share price ,nt 1)%of 3 lhel Wego to press they have lost nearlY s r ValueIn the last 2 weeks wiping million olf their value.

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15 activists from the Dutch AR group Respect voor Dieren protested against Fisher Emergo, which is a part of Fisher Scientific.We were all wearing white lattered with red paint, symthe blood that has flown and co i ues to flow within HLS. Suits like these are sold by Fisher. Fisher Scientific earns money from supplying lab equipment and their Dutch site Fisher . Emergo is facing the consequences af this week after week with never ending ar,igry protests. We named and shamed Fisher in this small town. Thousands of cars were passing by, looking at our banners, signs and hearing the megaphones and sirens. After listening to the tape with a beagle from HLS screaming in pain and fear, adrenalin pumped up and so did the noise of our megaphones. Straight in your face, the truth is here and cannot )le ignored. The Fisher employees were waiting in the hall to go home after the protest. At least they thought so. On.e big guy came out to check if "everything


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was okay now." It wasn't because, we're not stupid! So a couple of us went back shouting at the Fisher employee. All he could do was to stare at his shoes. He tried to say something but nothing came out of his mouth. He ran back into the building, together with all the other cowards who are men enough to earn money from torture but not strong enough to face the consequences of their deeds. At the same time a protester was waiting at the bus stop, apparently together with a Fisher employee. The employee chose to stand in the other end of the bus shelter , afraid of a conversation. What 's wrong with you people? Never seen the footage of what goes on inside HLS? Or the latest horror at Covance? Can't you see that the money you earn is made from the bload of others. Life is too short to make the lives of others shorter, when will you realize it? Protests will continue. We've stood there in snow, rain and sun, And we're up for much more. WE WILL NEVER



at Ifie •n~ve animal liberations took place 1" g 0 ver of Mayand the start of June see1n 3 ,OO0mice and 180 polecats go tree.

GIVE IN. We will never let the AlrM ....... ····· m animals down. aur111 tes fro Dump HLS! Any Maur11 1u us have agreedto stop flying prim• ut on• 0 company who OfIha~ · ;h is a massive victory and knock~ d•Ys this Waan Primateexporting airlines. With~ aiso profits from s also followed by Air China who h• animal abuse w beenflying primates for years. see can expect the ww.gatewaytohell.netfor more detail•• same to come their way! ·······•.. ............ ... Hu1111ngd ............... ........ anles IT'S UPTO losing booncontinue to lose key supply comPnave YOU TO CLOSE ~n colll lh volumeand quanmy.Two of note nd th• DOWN HLSUK•sPUterso!twarecompany LabtronlcS~s IT'S UPTO largest IT rental firm HammonRent• · YOU TO FACE THOSE ANIMAL KILLING COWARDS. IT'S UP TO YOU TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Like RATM said: IT HAS TO START SOMEWHERE, IT HAS TO START SOMETIME, WHAT BETTER PLACE THAN HERE, WHAT BETTER TIME THAN NOW, ALL HELL CAN'T STOP US NOW.

~r t ·lr.ioseou't there who are ' i · · Jrit to the monster Let's spend les •'. 0ursel ves.-

Huntingdon supplier Chiller making it known that they ha just dumped Huntingdon

Demos on the days leading up to the Real World Day, U.K.

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Please write a letter to these people that have been put in jail because of helping to defend animals. Remember they are in cages because of animals in cages - write a letter now , help them whi lst they are in there, it could be you!

Keith Mann was sentenced to 6 months in prison on Friday 29th April for contempt of court for supposedly threatening a worker of Wickham labs in court. Support Keith Mann. Keith Mann [KJ9365] HMP The Weare, Rotherham Road, Castle Town, Portland DT5 1PZ

was sentenced a woman was sentenced to five years for killing her child. Sarah is appealing this disgusting sentence. She is well, strong and determined so please write letters of suppor t . Sarah Gisborne [LT5393], HMP Cookham Wood Evelyn Road Rochester Kent ME1 3LU

Be careful what you write about as all mail is read by the prison first. For more information on how you can support animal rights prisoners log on to

Sarah Gisborne was sentenced to six and a half years for conspiracy to cause criminal damage . On the same day Sarah


order form



Merchandise is free unless stated however donations to cover costs are appreciated. Return the order form below to SHAC, 6 Boat Lane, Evesham, Worcs WR11 4BP.


HLS general leaflet A5

PGP security CD and instructions

Combined Japanese customer leaflet

Megaphones £65 inc P+P

UPS strip leaflet

'Green Harvest' vegan recipe book £5.00

UPS A2 poster

Legal advice booklet


Dead puppy A2 poster Japanese A2 poster Videos 1 Time for Action 1 and 2 - this is footage of SHAC demos set to music 2 The truth short - cruelty footage shot inside HLS 3 The truth long - as above but with demo foot age added on the end 4 Countryside Undercover - half hour Channel 4 programme filmed inside HLS 5 Strike Back - USA demo footage

NEW SHAC GLOBAL T-shirts and hoodies Size ............ ................. ......................... .... Colour ................................................. Hood ies: black only. T-shirts: black and khaki. T-shirts cost £1O. Hoodies cost £15.

Map reading guide

Michelle Rokke's diary of her 9 months working undercover inside HLS, £2 inc P+P

Book : 'Caught in the Act' £3 inc p+p

Collecting tins

Science book 'Sacred Cows and Golden Geese' by Dr. Ray Greek £8 inc P+P

Airhorns £5 inc P+P

Cruelty free guides - lists what's tested and what isn't, 50p inc P+P






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POSTCODE .................. EMAIL ADDRESS ....................................... TEL No...................................... .





arnmg. nyone caught s op I mg w, ge home visit...know what we mean?

Yamanouch i, Dai i ch i, Sankxo & Asah i Glass maim , 9oison and kill animal s at Hunt in9don Lif e Sc iences

PUPPY KILLERS ClOSE THEM DOWN! .... -.........--............... _, ___..__ ..,_... .,........... ____ _.,,......_ ...::",:::::.'::.:.-...;. ·- -, _."":"


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