Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty UK Newsletter #43

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Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty


Newsletter 43 Sept/Oct 2006 Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty, 6 Boat Lane, Evesham, Worcs WR11 4BP Tel 0845 458 0630 email: “ We never give in and we always win.”

Also inside SHAC Global demos from across the world, Huntingdon’s debt grows from $70 million to $100 million and details of a SHAC Europe tour plus much more...

Want the latest and greatest on what’s happening on SHAC demos across the globe? Then tune into Megaphone FM. Lots of company directors are tuned in

How to enter Roche’s Global HQ in Switzerland Demo at Pfizer in Belgium Demo at Sanofi Aventis in the UK

GSK demo in the UK

Just goes to show you can’t please everyone. Just be grateful you don’t wake up next to him in the morning. Home demos against HLS customers in Germany Home demos against HLS customers in Holland

Roche in demo in Denmark

One of two recent Roche demos in Italy

nto Megaphone FM right now.

Demo at Swiss HQ of HLS customer Actelion

This is real Rock N’ Roll brought to you by AR Prisoner Dan Wadham outside HLS customer Merck. Dan is currently on Holiday at HMP Rochester so please write to him and ask him how he can justify lazing around in prison whilst we are all working hard. His address is on the Diary Dates.

Demo at Pfizer in Belgium

Demo at HLS’s newly uncovered Auditors in New Jersey, USA

Bristol Myers Squibb demo in Ireland

You a director of an HLS customer and want to play SHAC Shakedown? Then just click the button and leave the rest to us.

Home Demos at HLS customers in Canada

Demo at HLS’s newly uncovered Auditors in New Jersey, USA

Demo at Novar

Demo at GSK in Holland

18 countries Demos at Bayer and GSK in Holland

Sandoz demo in the UK

Roche demo in the UK

SHAC going full steam ahead across the globe to close HLS.

UK police get the heli out on different dem different days

Roche demo in the UK

Update on Inside HLS 2005 report

rtis in Ireland

Demo at HLS customer Arpida in Denmark

Firstly we would like to say a big thankyou to all those who have written the letters we asked for in the last newsletter to HLS customers and the Home Office and to those who kindly donated. You know who you are and must always remember that without your regular donations there would be no SHAC. We know this infuriates HLS and Tony Blair but enough of him, he will be history soon and all together HLS not long after. Some of you will have had letters back from the Home Office stating that the people who spoke to SHAC had withdrawn what they said. OK,so here goes, here is a full and frank version of what happened...

s 1 goal...

icopter mos on

We were in the SHAC office one evening and took a call from a woman who was clearly distraught but wanted to talk. She immediately started to talk about what she had seen inside HLS, she had wanted to contact us sooner but did not know our details and as luck would have it as part of leafleting the area a SHAC leaflet had dropped through her letterbox a few days earlier. She was on the phone for nearly an hour but refused to give her name as she was nervous. She said she would call the next night. She didn’t call the next night or the night after so we thought nothing more of it. Then out of the blue about 2 weeks later she rang again and repeated what she said in her previous phone call plus more. At the end of the phonecall she agreed to meet two SHAC members who went to meet her the next week. After a friendly 3 hour meeting they decided to meet again. At the end of the meeting she handed over notes of what she had seen inside HLS (this had been suggested on the phone) and another meeting was arranged a few weeks later. The same two SHAC members met her a few weeks later and had a similiar friendly meeting. About half way through the meeting she mentioned how two members of Scotland Yard had turned up saying that her house backed onto Barclays Bank and they were expecting a raid so could they set a camera up in her back bedroom. The two SHAC members looked at each other and thought ‘Wait a minute, Scotland Yard come all the way out to a tiny village near Peterborough called Ramsey’ (yeah like they do). Anyway at the end of this meeting we gave her some money. Not as has been reported for the diaries as we already had that on tape but because this woman and her daughter who had both worked inside HLS and had both written the diaries were skint and when they rang us they were both shelf stacking in Tesco’s. We never heard from her again. But let me explain the crucial points. 1 Anyone who rings SHAC we have the ability to tape record. Obviously if you ring up then it is never ever tape recorded. We have this option for abusive phone calls, ringing suppliers for example who may say later that we have threatened them when we have not. It is basically there to cover ourselves. What this woman did not know and HLS when they wrote their desperate letter to their customers is that all her horror stories were tape recorded from her first phone call before we gave her any money. Right from the off, before we even knew her name, she catalogued a list of horrors inside HLS without any prompting.

Roche demo in Ireland

Demo at animal import company in the UK

2 This woman and her daughter were vulnerable. In fact she was so traumatised by what she saw inside HLS that she tried to kill herself. Ask yourself what was it she saw inside HLS that made her try to take her own life? Whilst she was recovering from her suicide attempt nobody from HLS contacted her to see why she hadn’t turned up for work and none of her co workers who lived 2 minutes away ever turned up to see what was wrong. What heartless bastards. Because she did not turn up for work HLS sacked her and her daughter. 3 This bit we can only summise but the moment she rang on our phone she was being tracked so high are the stakes to keep HLS open. The whole Scotland Yard scenario was just to check her out. I can see the picture... Cass sat on their sofa with a senior Cambridgeshire Police Officer telling them that unless they retracted what they had said they could go to jail for 2 years (which they could under the Animal Scientific Procedures Act) whilst these vulnerable people sobbed on their sofa and were bullied by the state. 4 One thing Cass, Cambridgeshire Police (AKA HLS security) and even the ex workers didn’t know was that every word they had said from the off was tape recorded (crafty old SHAC eh?) HLS were so desparate that they immediately sent an impersonal letter out to all their customers (as always it was leaked to us within 24 hours of it being sent) saying we had altered the notes and they were going to sue us. Great stuff we thought, so we can bring the tapes that they didn’t know about out in open court. As always HLS are full of shit and haven’t sued us. As always the customers who so frequently condemn us have gone silent. How cosy of the Home Office to do a nice pre arranged inspection of HLS after the ex workers talked (just like filmed on Countryside Undercover... ie the workers are punching dogs whilst the inspectors chit chat without seeing one single animal) FACT We have all the facts on tape without prompting from the first minute she picked the phone up to us. Explain that one HLS and The Home Office.

More home demos at HLS customers in Germany

Demos at HLS associates in Washington DC, USA

to close huntingdon L

Another demo at Pfize Belgium

Demo at HLS customer Merck in Ireland

The perfect candidate for a security guard at HLS

Home demos at HLS customers in Philadelphia, USA

Demo at Phenomenex CEO’s house in California

Demo at HLS customer TEVA’s HQ in Israel

Huntingdon’s finances On September 9th 2006 it was one year to the day since HLS were humiliated on the New York Stock Exchange. Since then their finances have gone from bad to worse.

Photos around are from a series of demos against GSK and Novartis in Croatia



Recently Huntingdon revealed that their debt had increased to its highest ever level of $100 million up from the previous $70 million. This is a massive debt burden that Huntingdon just cannot shake off and with every financial setback it makes their goal of getting rid of this debt ever more unrealistic. This can be seen from their refinancing last year where the CEO of Huntingdon Andrew Baker had to personally guarantee $30 million dollars of it. Can you imagine Richard Branson having to personally guarantee loans to Virgin? But there again these companies have got HLS where they want them as Huntingdon need them but they do not need HLS, this is again shown in the massive interest rates they are forced to pay. Since the NYSE fiasco HLS have dropped from the OTCBB, The Pink Sheets and now flounder about on a concept known as the Grey Markets which is about as low as you can go. It is not uncommon for them to go a whole week without ONE single share being traded in HLS. Huntingdon have still to lodge any accounts with companies house after 3 years, this is an unlawful breach of the Companies Act but hey this is Huntingdon so that’s OK. Fairly recently we uncovered Huntingdon’s auditor in the US to be the New Jersey based Rotenberg, Meril, Solomon, Bertiger & Guttila. They have been acting as Huntingdon’s auditor in the US under the fake name Hugh Scott (HLS still cannot find an auditor in the UK which they need to file accounts at Companies House. So the UK Government have said they will change the law so they can keep the auditor, if one can be found, secret)

Recently 3 more countries have joined SHAC Global. They are Israel, Croatia and Denmark. There have been multiple demos against Huntingdon’s customers in these three countries and we would like to say a warm welcome to SHAC Global to them. The pictures above are from Croatia

and as you can see they get good numbers out there. Israel is also a very welcome addition as two important HLS customers are based there Makhteshim Agan and Teva resulting in widespread media coverage with most of it negative towards Teva and Makhteshim. Denmark have been concentrating on important SHAC targets Roche and Arpida.

Looks like HLS are visiting the bank again...

This really shows how high the stakes are in the battle to close HLS. The role of an auditor is to be an independent body to oversee the finances of a company who they have no financial interest in. The idea is they are to be transparent so a shareholder can go to them and ask questions about a company where he might not receive a straight answer from the company in question because they have something to hide. So how can anyone ask any questions of Huntingdon Life Sciences when the company listed as their auditor does not even exist? In setting up Hugh Scott we know that the US Government and the Securities and Exchange Commission in the US were closely involved and the UK Government were kept informed as to what was happening ie setting up a fake company to protect HLS. They must have been horrified to go to such lengths, bearing in mind this has never happened before (another SHAC world first) only to find out that the details are leaked to SHAC in the UK. How stupid of them to think we wouldn’t find them. This serves as yet another warning to any company who thinks they can deal with HLS and get away with it. Today Huntingdon Life Sciences are $100 million in debt, have no bank, have no insurance company, have no stock listing anywhere in the world, have no market makers, do not even own their own labs, have not filed accounts at Companies House in the UK for over 3 years. To top it all they do not even have a sign with the companies name on outside HLS so companies driving in to supply them do not realise they are delivering to Huntingdon Life Sciences, what a shambles! How HLS must wish that money grew on trees.

If only Huntingdon if only...

UK Tour Mon 16th - Fri 20th October What will happen on the SHAC UK Tour? The tour of the UK a few weeks ago was so succesful that we have decided to do it again. If we are coming to your area then please come and join us as Huntingdon’s customers and suppliers need to see numbers outside their premises. The start and finish times are listed here but in between we will be going to other companies to demonstrate. The full Itinerary is on our website or just contact us and we will send it to you. If you have your own placard or banner feel free to bring it along but most of all we need you.

We have a certain number of spaces on our minibus but they are limited so if you can organise your own transport more the better. If you have never been on a demo before please don’t worry as we are all friendly and fighting for the same cause. You will not be left on your own and will be made more than welcome. If you can only come for an hour or so then great come along and make some noise. See you there.

Itinerary Firstly bear in mind that the advertised start time for each day is 9am but we will be there from 8am and sometimes a little earlier so if you can make it before 9am then please do so. Also the time of the last demo on each day is 4pm this means that is the time of the start of the last demo and they will finish about 6-6-30pm. In between the start demo and end demo we will be doing demos at other sites. If you want the full itinerary then please look on our website or just contact us and we will send it to you via email or post. If you are coming it would be useful for us to know in advance so we can estimate numbers. If you can offer lifts please contact us. These demos are specifically aimed at key suppliers and customers we know have used HLS in the last 12 months so every demo is important. Some of us will be doing the whole UK tour and then straight into the European tour so if we are coming to YOUR area we and more than that that the animals need YOUR support and that means coming on the demos and joining in.

Monday 16 October 9am start at HLS supplier Vetware/DGP 1 Harrier Court, Airfield Bus Park, Elvington, York YO41 4AU. We will leave Vetware at 10am then demos all day finishing at HLS supplier Chiller Rental Services, Wigan Road, Leyland, Lancashire PR25 5XW from 4pm.

Tuesday 17th October 9am start at HLS supplier Triac Air Conditioning Ltd, Shrubbery House, 47 Prospect Hill, Redditch B97 4BS. We will leave at 10am then demos all day finishing at Huntingdon Life Sciences, Woolley road, Huntingdon PE28 4HS from 4pm - 6-30pm.

Wednesday 18th October 9am start at Huntingdon’s largest customer GlaxoSmithKline, New Frontiers Science Park, Third Avenue, Harlow, Essex, CM19 5AW. We will leave at 10am then demos all day finish

ing at massive HLS customer Roche, Shire Park, Welwyn Garden City, Herts from 4pm.

Thursday 19th October 9am start at HLS customer GlaxoSmithKline, 980 Great West Road, Brentford, Middlesex, TW8 9GS. We will leave at 10am then demos all day finishing at HLS customer Wyeth, Huntercombe Lane South, Taplow, Maidenhead Berks SL6 OPH from 4pm.

Friday 20th October 9am start at massive HLS customer Novartis, Wimblehurst Road, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 5AB. We will leave at 10am then demos all day finishing at HLS customer Pfizer’s European Headquarters, Walton Oaks, Surrey from 4pm.

Europe Tour Mon 23rd - Fri 27th October What will happen on the SHAC Europe Tour? Throughout the campain we have learnt that we need to get to the decision makers. For example demos outside Roche in the UK or Denmark are great but ultimately this needs to be done in conjunction with demos at their HQ in Switzerland as this is where the decisions are made. We will start in Basel where Roche, Actelion, Novartis and Roche are based. These four companies are large HLS customers and between them have put tens of millions of pounds worth of contracts Huntingdon’s way. If you want to come

then just contact us but we will need £50 upfront to cover the cost of a seat on the minibus. This is all we are charging which is a snip seeing we are travelling to 4 different countries. You will need to bring a sleeping bag and your own spending money but accomadation is provided. We leave about 7am ish on Sunday Morning the 22nd October and are aiming to be back in the UK Saturday morning 28th October. For precise details of exactly what time we are leaving and from where just contact us.

We will be joined on the whole tour by activists from several European countries and we will also join up with activists in the countries we are visiting. Many of the companies we will be visiting have either never had demos outside their offices or certainly not large ones. So what are you waiting for? Come to Europe on the SHAC Europe tour and make the animals voices heard outside the headquarters of some of the largest HLS customers in the world. Want to be effective then come and demo the decision makers. All you need to do is contact us.

Itinerary Leave the UK on Sunday morning 22nd October and arrive in Basel, Switzerland approx 8pm Sunday evening. Monday 23rd October take part in demos all day in Basel outside HLS customers. Stay in Basel Monday night. Tuesday 24th October take part in a second day of demos outside HLS customers in Basel. Tuesday evening travel to Paris and stay overnight in Paris.

Wedsnesday 25th October take part in demos outside companies that have their headquarters in Paris for example Penauille Servisair who shipped 64 beagles to HLS from the USA and Sanofi Aventis who are a current customer of HLS. Both these companies and the others in Paris have never had demos outside their offices before. Wednesday evening travel to Brussels and stay overnight in Brussels. Thursday 26th October take part in demos ouside HLS customers and suppliers in Brussels. For example UPS have their European Headquarters in Brussels. Thursday evening travel to

Amsterdam and stay overnight in Amsterdam. Friday 27th October take part in demos outside HLS customers and suppliers in Holland. Then at 6pm we travel to catch the overnight ferry to the UK arriving in the UK on Saturday morning the 28th October. See it’s all as easy as that.

Listed on these pages are companies that are all currently dealing with HLS. Please contact them politely and inform them about the report you have just been reading. There is no need to be rude to these people: the facts exposed yet again at HLS should be enough for any right-minded person to make an ethical decision to not deal with cruel, incompetent, fraudulent HLS. You are the animals’ ambassadors and speak on their behalf, so put your points across firmly and clearly by letter, phone call and email. Remember HLS have lost hundreds of suppliers so if you take the time to speak out for the animals trapped inside their cages at HLS, IT WORKS!

1Thomas Ridley Frozen Foods Thomas Ridley Frozen Foods Rougham Industrial Estate Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 9ND Tel 01359 270536 HLS owe this company over 3 accounts £2,802-00 £551-95 and £527-02 They supply foods and vending/confectionary services to the staff canteen at Huntingdon’s site at Occold



Lancer UK ltd

Lancer UK Ltd 1 Pembroke Avenue, Waterbeach, Cambridge, CB5 9QR tel : 01223 861 665 fax: 01223 861 990 Lancer UK Ltd (Northern) 1 Lancer Court, Astmoor, Runcorn, WA7 1PN tel: 01928 580 783 fax: 01928 580 784 email:

Mettler-Toledo Ltd

Mettler-Toledo Ltd., 64 Boston Road, Beaumont Leys Leicester, LE4 1AW Tel: 0116 234 5005 Tel: 0116 235 7070 swiss number is 044 944 4546

Lancer supply HLS and have done for years.

Website: For Global sites just use the drop down menu at the top right hand corner of their home page. They supply HLS with lab equipment and have been doing so for years.


Chiller Rental Services

Chiller Rental Services Ltd Wigan Rd, Leyland, Lancashire PR25 5XW Phone Warren on 01772 643040 This company have very recently rented chiller units to HLS and say they will not rule out going there again.




Invitrogen Ltd 3 Fountain Drive Inchinnan Business Park Paisley PA4 9RF Phone: 0141 814 6100 FAX: 0141 814 6260 Email: euroinfo@invitrogen. com Tel: 0800 269 210 Free Fax Orders: 0800 243 485 Email: ukorders@invitrogen. com HLS has 2 accounts with Invitrogen - on one of them they owe £2937.34p. Invitrogen a really sick company. Check out their website:

Vet Way

VET WAY AND DGP 1 Harrier Court, Airield Bus Park, Elvington, York YO41 4AU Tel 01904 607 600 Email: Vet Way/DGP have been lying. They made a statement but HLS now send their own vans as Vet Way’s courier company won’t go there. How stupid Vet Way are to think they wouldn’t get caught out....



Top Notch Scaffolding

Top Notch Scaffolding Services 10, Bringhurst, Orton Goldhay, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire PE2 5RS Tel: 01733 234276 This company has been identiied as supplying scaffolding to HLS.

Peterborough Crane Hire

Peterborough Crane Hire 11Framlingham Rd, Park Farm, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire PE2 8UF Tel: 01733 560478 This company has a crane inside hLS as we speak carrying out building work.


House of Flags

House of Flags Bicton Industrial Park Kimbolton Cambs PE28 0LQ Tel 01480 861 678 This company supply lags and banners to HLS



Millipore (U.K.) Limited Units 3&5 The Courtyards Hatters Lane Watford, WD18 8YH Tel 0870 900 4645 019 23 81 33 65 They supply HLS with lab equipment. Global Ofice Locator see Head ofice is in France

11 Penauille Servisair Penauille Servisair, Atlantic House Atlas Business Park, Simonsway Manchester, M22 5PR Tel: 0161 490 5600 Email: This company cleared a shipment of 64 Beagle pups from Marshall Farms, destined for death inside Huntingdon Life Sciences in September 2005. Please contact them to tell them why they should ditch doing business with the animal killers at HLS.


H.A.C Pipeline Supplies Ltd

H.A.C Pipeline Supplies Ltd 31, Pinfold Rd, Thurmaston, Leicester, Leicestershire LE4 8AS Tel: 0116 269 5062 Currently involved in building work at HLS.




Thermo Electron Unit 5, Ringway Centre, Edison Rd, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 6YH Tel: 01256 817282 Thermo Electron 01223 345 410 or 0870 609 9203 (Basingstoke) They supply HLS with Lab Equipment.

Peterborough Pump and Valves The Old Forge, Cross Street, Farcet, Peterborough PE7 3DE Tel: 01733 242 497 More liars. This company is 100% still dealing with HLS, even though they think they are covering their tracks. Wrong!


Also at Thermo Electron Swift Park, Unit 2A Old Leicester Road Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 1DZ Tel: 01788 820300

York Refrigeration

York Refrigeration are a key supplier to HLS and guess what? HLS owe them tens of thousands of pounds! York are still supplying HLS and are a key supplier. for nationwide sites Head ofice: YORK International Ltd Gardiners Lane South Basildon, Essex SS14 3HE Tel: 01268 246000 Fax: 01268 246001

Thermo Electron 93 - 96 Chadwick Road, Astmoor Runcorn, Cheshire WA7 1PR Tel: 01928 562600 Thermo Electron Corporation Bath Road, Reading Berkshire, RG5 7PR Tel: 07787 568038


Labmedics Ltd. Telegraphic House Waterfront Quay, Salford Manchester, M5 2XW Tel: 0161 869 0420 Country locator,,882,00.html


Peterborough Pumps & Valves


TPA Dukeries Mill Clayland Avenue Worksop Nottinghamshire S81 7DJ Tel 0870 240 2381 This company is provided the surface the crane from Peterborough Crane Hire is standing inside HLS

Sartorious Ltd

Sartorius Ltd. Longmead Business Park Blenheim Road Epsom Surrey, KT19 9QQ Phone: 01372.737100 Fax: 01372.720799 E-mail: This disgusting company manufacture laboratory equipment and were recently leaked to the campaign as a supplier to Huntingdon. They have some good global sites.

Stop sniveling under your bed boy and get in line for Shakedown!

21 Parker Fine Foods 18


Xerox (UK) Limited Bridge House Oxford Road Uxbridge UB8 1HS Tel: 01895 251133 Fax: 01895 254095 Xerox gave a statement to the campaign but they have sneakily been supplying HLS via Business Direct.



Business Direct plc Xchange House 1 Great Central Way Butlers Leap Rugby Warwickshire CV21 3XH Tel: 0)1788 821 200 Fax: 01788 821 201 Tel: 0870 626 0406 Customer Helpdesk: 0871 871 2987 Business Direct plc. 13 Greenhill Crescent Watford Business Park Watford Hertfordshire WD18 8QU Customer Helpdesk: 0845 262 1102 Accounts: Business Direct Plc. Somerset House Somerset Road Teddington Middlesex TW11 8RL Tel: 0)20 8977 4522 Fax: 020 8977 4787 BusinessDirect have delivered to HLS recently.



BIOCAIR The Business Centre, Church End, Cambridge, CB1 3LB Tel: 01223 245 223 This is a vivisection industry freight company that have been spotted going in and out of HLS by local supporters on a regular basis.

Parker Fine Foods Parker Fine Foods Belgrave House Baird Road Corby NN175ZA Tel: 01536 200 800 Fax: 01536 200 123 Parker Fine Food Services Winkadale House Knights Road Leicester LE4 1JK Tel: 0116 235 5666 Fax: 0116 235 5777 A long-term HLS supplier caught out bang to rights this time. Will lie - don’t believe them.


BBC Fire Protection

BBC Fire Protection Limited St. Florian House, Ayton Road, Wymondham Norfolk NR18 0RA Tel: 01953 857700 Fax: 01953 857750 Email: Website: A company local to HLS’s lab at Eye but deals with both UK labs.

23 Parkside Construction Parkside/Most Construction Tel: 01423 565 572 and 01423 521 298 12a Park Parade, Harrogate, HG1 5AF Most Construction alias Parkside have participated in the building of units to house animals in at HLS and have made themselves a fortune on the backs of animals dying inside HLS.


Monock Freight

Monock Freight Ltd 14 Mount Road, Feltham, TW13 6AR Tel: 0208 894 5400 Monock Freight deliver lab animals to HLS.

25Jewsons Jewsons Merchant House Binley Business Park Coventry West Midlands CV3 2TT Tel 02476 438 400 This company made a statement but has tried to get around it by having the account with Most Construction. Jewson still deliver the stuff to HLS for use at HLS. This is why we ask for ‘directly or indirectly’ in statements. Jewson know this and have been caught out. Jewson are builders merchants


The Concrete Company

The Concrete Company Station Road Thorney Peterborough PE6 0QE Tel 01733 270 870 This is another company we have caught out lying. They made a statement a while ago yet are still delivering concrete to HLS.


Scott Nutritions

SCOTT NUTRITIONS Scott Nutritions, Sedge Fenn Road, Southerry, Downham Market, Norfolk Tel: 01353 676 234 This company supply HLS with animal feed. This company is run by the same people who run Harlan, who supply animals to labs.



Arrow Express Couriers Unit 1b, Neath Farm Business Park, Church End, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB1 3LD Tel: 01223 415 666

Tartan 31 Mechanical Services Rose Farm Business Park, Leicester Rd, Countesthorpe, Leicester, Leicestershire LE8 5QW Scott Walkinshaw 0116 278 4999

Little Creek Kennels

Little Creek Quarantine Kennels Kingswood Lane, Saughall, Chester CH1 6DE Tel: 01244 880 267 Mobile: 07850 841 030 Email: This company is a quarantine kennel 45 minutes from Manchester Airport, where numerous lab animals are imported into the UK for torture. It has been leaked to the SHAC campaign that this company has been acting as an agent for HLS lab animal supplier Charles River. Contact this kennels, and get down there and do a demo. The staff may have no idea the owner is heavily involved in the lab animal trade, and nor will the members of the public visiting and collecting their animals.


PDP Couriers

P D P Freight Services Ltd Unit 10, Ashford Industrial Estate, Shield Road, Ashford, Middlesex TW15 1AU. Tel: 01784 420 466 Fax: 01784 424 300 PDP are Huntingdon’s main worldwide courier company. They lie constantly. What a sick business.


Tecniplast UK Ltd

Tecniplast UK Ltd Venture Park Kettering Venture Park Kettering Northamptonshire NN15 6XR Tel: 01536 312512 Fax: 01536 312505 Email: Website: This vile company make lab animal cages. They boast that they have been leaders in this ield for over 50 years and that they regularly are involved in the design, construction and refurbishment of new and existing animal facilities. All the most evil companies deal with HLS.



PHENOMENEX Melville House, Queens Avenue, Hurdsield Industrial Estate, Macclesield, Cheshire SK10 2BN Tel: 01625 501 367 Fax: 01625 501 796 Phenomenex supply analytical lab equipment to HLS and are a really important supplier.

Triac Air Conditioning Ltd

Triac Air Conditioning Ltd, Shrubbery House, 47 Prospect Hill, Redditch, B97 4BS Tel 01527 591 199 Ian Gunton is the one dealing with this. The work is subcontracted to: AM Joynes Electrical, 34 Forest Road, Hinckley, Leics LE10 1HB Tony Joynes 0780 221 2557 and 01455 234 996 Tony Joynes is putting in 4 new chillers for HLS om behalf of Triac.


They deliver to HLS for GlaxoSmithKline.

Currently involved in building work at HLS.



Vic Haines Transport

Vic Haines Transport Pinvin Industrial Estate Pershore Worcestershire WR10 2EY Tel 01386 553 288 This company recently delivered a massive order on behalf of Triac. The order was so big it needed two articulated lorries to deliver the air conditioning and refrigeration equipment.



Impex, Unit 1, Peartree Business Centre Bretton, Peterborough PE3 8YQ Tel 0845 602 1662 Mobile 07836 739 096 email: This is a truly disgusting company who have shipped many animals to their deaths at Huntingdon.

Industrial 37 Cooling Systems Industrial Cooling Systems Head Ofice Gore Road Industrial Estate, New Milton Hampshire BH25 6SA T +44 (0) 1425 625 900 F +44 (0) 1425 639 041 Email: This company are owed £16,544 by HLS and have recently sold them an industrial chiller unit.

Suppliers continued on next page


Industrial & Scientiic Supplies

Industrial and Scientiic Supplies The Grip Industrial Estate, Linton, Cambs CB1 6NR Tel: 01223 891 953 Email: sales@industrialscientiic. A secretive irm that hide away in a unit with no name outside - ISS still got caught out!



Broughton Plant Hire 10, Trade City, Ashton Rd, Harold Hill, Romford, Essex RM3 8UJ Tel 01708 383 350 also Notts 07966 188 195 They are supplying building tools to HLS.


SYNE QUA NON LTD Navire House, Mere St, Diss Norfolk, IP22 4AG tel 01379 644 449 fax 01379 644 445

HRP HRP, Unit B6, Manton Centre, Manton Lane, Bedford MK41 Tel: 01234 272 702 One of the largest niche data management and statistics companies in Europe HLS do archiving for them so they pay HLS makes a change! A source of income for HLS.

Delivery 41 Home Network Home Delivery Network Skyways House Speke Road Speke Liverpool L70 1AB Tel 0845 070 6030 Local depot at St Neots Tel 01480 211185 This company has recently been seen delivering to HLS and they have done so in the past as well

Merchandise order form Item

42 HRP



HRP, Rougham Industrial Estate, Rougham, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP30 9XA Tel: 01359 270 888 A local irm to HLS passing on equipment to HLS for Eastern Counties, listed below. Email: SHAC has contacted this irm and the managing director of it said that it is a free country and people can do what they like. Of course it is, and we can carry on informing her staff of just who they are doing business with.

Kirton Tube

43 and Components Kirton Tube and Components Ltd Hunt Close, Lowmoor Business Park, Kirkby-in-Ashield, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG17 7ER Tel 01623 750 606 Currently involved in building work at HLS.

Merchandise is free unless stated. However donations to cover costs are appreciated. Return the order form below to SHAC, 6 Boat Lane, Evesham, Worcs WR11 4BP.


HLS general lealet A5

Direct Action - Punk Rock compilation CD £5

Inside HLS 2005 report

Japanese A2 poster

Inside HLS 2005 strip lealet

‘Green Harvest’ vegan recipe book £5

UPS strip lealet

Legal advice booklet

UPS A2 poster

Rabbit A2 poster


Dead puppy A2 poster Videos/DVD’s (Please state which) 1 Action Video/DVD. This includes Times for Action 1, 2 and 3, the US Strikeback and the all new Hit Em Head On 2006- £2 2 Cruelty footage. This includes the SHAC Short video and the Documentary Countryside Undercover of footage shot inside HLS. £2 With both these please state whether you want a VHS video or a DVD

NEW SHAC Direct Action T Shirt Black only Sizes Skinny Fit, Small, Medium, Large and X Large £10 each SIZE.......................... SHAC Global T-shirts Black and khaki only Skinny Fit, Small and XL only T-shirts now only £5 SIZE ..........................

‘Slaughter of the Innocent’ by Hans Ruesch Classic scientiic anti-vivisection book, £5

Michelle Rokke’s diary of her 9 months working undercover inside HLS, £2

Book : ‘Caught in the Act’, £3 Undercover investigation on Prof Feldberg

Collecting tins

Science book ‘Sacred Cows and Golden Geese’ by Dr. Ray Greek, £8

Airhorns £5

‘Campaign against cruelty’ An activist’s handbook - Covers all the basics, £5


Cruelty free guides - lists what’s tested and what isn’t, 50p



Active Slaughter Punk Rock CD, £5



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Shac Shop Japanese A2 poster UPS lealet

Rabbit A2 poster

General HLS lealet

New SHAC T Shirt All sizes

Dead puppy A2 poster

Inside HLS report

Michelle Rokke Diary

Inside HLS strip lealet

Cruelty-free shopping guide

SHAC Global T shirt Last few left black and khaki

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