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Newsletter 58
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Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty BM SHAC,London, WC1N 3XX
0845 458 0630
I Spring 2012
Leaked information reveals previously unknowncustomers and suppliers, experiments, internal emails,confidential paperwork and even HLS'secret alter ego!
Editorial HAC activists have been busy over the past few months leading up to the internal HLS leak. With HLS'dirty secrets being aired in public again and their alter-ego "LSR Associates" exposed, the pressure is reaching boiling point. HLS have been busy panicking, even resorting to temporarily removing one of their websites which was uncovered in the leak. Too late HLS- there's nowhere to hide!
Times are hard for the murderers at HLS,with their own accounts revealing consistent yearly drops in profits from nearly $?million in 2008, to $2million in 2010 - a decline of over 70%. Factoring in the current economic situation, which has led many of HLS'customers to close down sites and cut back on R&D,it 's safe to say their financials are continuing to feel the heat - more on this will be released in the coming months . With REACHlegislation coming into effect, HLSare banking (pun intended! ) on drawing in new contracts, which is one of the main reasons they dreamt
up a whole new alter ago. Some of these customers have been revealed in the leak, and more will be revealed later down the line. Pleasecontact them politely using the details on pages 4 - 5 and ask them to stop using such a sick company. Even with all of this happening, we've not forgotten about our top target, AstraZeneca. As a major customer of HLS,think what losing their contract would do to their struggling finances. AZ have been seriously under the spotlight recently, with publicity stunts, protests, office invasions, disrupted conferences, email and phone actions and much more. Following the recent week of action, the stakes have been raised and it 's time to do everything we can to get them to drop HLS. Together we have the power to close Huntingdon Life Sciences.When the gates of the hell hole shut for good, make sure you're one of the people stood on the victory line, having done everything you could to SMASHHLS!
HLS embarrassed at Universityexhibition February 2012: At the Imperial College of London 's "Science Careers Fair'; the big names like AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Roche went unrepresented , but activists found one name which they recognised on the exhibitors list: Huntingdon Life Sciences. Despite having mislaid their student IDs, activists were able to get into the building easily and, having had a little look around at the other stands, they unfurled the posters they had brought with them, walked behind the HLS stall and informed the shocked students of the mistakes in the brochure. Huntingdon Life Sciences remains one of the world's largest and most exposed contract testing laboratories, which many of the leading pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical, crop protection and chemical companies, along with high street banks and insurance companies refuse to work with. They have experienced an impressive growth in how much debt they are in, only adding to their miserable existence. While the activists were only able to get their voices heard inside the building for about five minutes before security pushed them out the door, they certainly made an impression. The HLS team (consisting of their
Recruitment Manager and a Senior Toxicologist) and university staff embarrassed themselves further by dealing hysterically with the calm activists. One student began throwing HLS'branded pens around by the stall while others filmed what was going on. Once outside, activists held up their posters against the glass windows directly behind the sick company's stall.
"one mouse can save 100 lives"
- HLSrepresentative But the fun didn't end there. To add insult to injury, we planted an 'undercover student' who was present during all the commotion. While the demo surrounded HLS' stall, they were busy babbling their usual lies to confused students - whilst being secretly filmed. According to HLS,they "do NOT punch puppies in the face.. we would not be here if we did''. But the statement of the year has to be the classic - "one mouse can save 100 lives" - HLS must have saved the entire world's population by now, given the amount of rodents they murder in so many pointless experiments!
Watch for yourself!
/IAL CRUELTY t can't always be easy being one of HLS' most important customers. Poor old AstraZeneca have a lot on their plate at the moment, with increasing financial difficulties causing them to shut down facilities (including animal labs - hurrah!), sacking employees by the thousands and drafting in new executives to replace the withering existing ones.
In addition to a global week of action in March 2012 (see pages 8 and 9), several conferences have been disrupted in previou s months, making sure AstraZeneca are left in no doubt about what they get when they fund experiments at HLS. First up was the Head of Personalised Healthcare for AZ. Smack bang in the middle of his keynote speech, activists climbed the stage to deliver an even more important message to the 100-strong audience:
UK ARG2012
Newsletter 58 animal cruelty is a thing of the past, and dealing with HLS will never be tolerated! Point made, activists left the speaker sitting stunned in his chair. Medlmmune (an AZ subsidiary) were the next conference on the agenda . Event organisers even gave the activists a free escort to the location, and after calmly walking into the hotel they stormed Medlmmune 's powerpoint presentation, holding banners and chanting to the surprised audience . Rumour has it attendees paid large sums for the conference - well, we hope we didn 't disappoint! The message is clear: wherever HLS and their customers go, so will we! Check out even more AZ Action on pages 8 & 9, and get involved at:
www.shac.net/ AZ
International ARG2012
Event dates: 10.08.2012 to 12.08.2012
Event dates: 13.07.2012 to 15.07.2012
Location: Shrewsbury, Shropshire, UK
Location: Poland (between Poznan and Wrodaw)
Basic info: Activists from around the UK wi ll come together to discuss tactics, campaigns, share skills, and have some fun! Check the website for more info:
Basic info: Join the 14th Annual International Gathering, this year taking place in Poland. The event will feature international speakers, important skills, information sharing, tactical discussions and much, much more.
Website: www.argathering.org.uk
Website: www.argathering.net >> Campaign Overview untingdon Life Sciences (HLS) is Europe's largest animal testing laboratory. HLS kill maim and mutilate over 500 animals every single day in barbaric experiments. HLS are the most exposed animal testing laboratory in the world, with seven separate undercover investigations spanning from 1989 to 2009, each discovering routine cruelty and abuse. HLS were most famously exposed in 1997 when Channel 4 filmed undercover in their Cambridge Laboratory. They filmed workers punching beagle puppies in the face, falsification of data, unhygienic conditions and animal suffering. When workers spoke out in 2005, they said the same practices were common place and that they had witnessed workers hitting beagles.
In 2008 SHAC obtained research papers revealing that HLS were testing artificial sweeteners, cleaning chemicals and mushroom extract as well as studies into beagle pain syndrome, a growing chronic problem amongst research beagles. HLS have been exposed in 2009 by Animal Defenders International (ADI), who witnessed monkeys routinely ill from stress, chewing off their own fingers, vomiting faeces and collapsing. ADI also investigated the appalling conditions in which HLS' monkeys are bred and transported. It is still legal in a UK lab to burn, electrocute, starve, shoot and poison animals Your MP and the RSPCA have no right of access to any UK laboratory, and Section 24 of the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 986 states that if anyone publicises what they have seen inside a UK lab they can be sent to prison for up to two years. What do these places have to hide? Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC) formed in 1999 to close HLS. SHAC have had some incredible successes with hundreds of companies vowing to end their contracts with the lab. At present, HLS do not even have a commercial bank account or insurance company- the UK Government act as both using tax payers money. HLS are over $120 million dollars in debt and many global companies have dropped HLS, including HSBC, Barclays, Lloyds TSB, NatWest, Marsh and Citigroup. Our shareholder campaign was so successful that HLS have had to de-list from global stock exchanges, buy back all their shares and become a private company. The best way to stay up to date with the most recent developments of the campaign along with all the protests around the world is to check out our website. You can also find listings of all HLS' customers and suppliers or, our website at www.shac.net.
A large amount of internal documents have been leaked from inside HLS, putting their confidential client documents, experiments, invoices, unpaid bills, staff communications and even their secret alter-ego in the public domain. The documents reveal previously unknown suppliers and customers, as well as reconfirming existing ones - so please don't hesitate to contact them by finding their details using the details on the following pages. These documents go to show that HLS are still full of holes - even people working within their own company hate them enough to dish the dirt on them!
The leaked documents include: • Customer Documents Including 5 (marked) confidential documents
• Supplier Documents Including suppliers that have had probelms getting unpaid invoices paid.
• Misc. Documents Including 5 personal court documents relating to an employee who had a car accident that HLSwere meant to keep totally confidential
• We were also leaked several personal documents and emails e.g. expenses forms, hotels booked, travel insurance bought as well as several price lists for various experiments • Emails between HLS& Suppliers/ Potential Suppliers: Including related attachments & documents • Emails between HLS& Customers: Including email threads
What happens when you ruined your reputation around the world because you got caught out falsifying test data, punching puppies in the face, abusing animals 0in a routine basis, flouting laws and employing inadquate staff?
A: Just make a whole new identity
and pretend to be someone else!
reception, too ashame SHACtivists! 8
straZeneca were once again the focus of our attention with a global week of action. Loud and lively demos took place around the world, including across the UK (London, Sussex, Kent, Bedfordshire, Northants, Cheshire and Bristol), France, Argentina, and Ireland. With demos popping up all over the place, AstraZeneca were left feeling the pressure that comes with funding cruel and barbaric experiments in Europe's most notorious testing lab. You know what to do AstraZeneca - drop HLS!
Global week of action
26th - 31 st March 2012
A BITTERSWEET BETRAYAL:Dogs, rabb ki Iled to test "new" sweetener inside HLS British animal testing laboratory is at the center of controversy after it was revealed that dogs , rabbits and rats were killed to test sweet ener w hich is essentially already on the market. UK-based Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS), Europe's most exposed animal testing laboratory [1] carried out the tests which result ed in the suffering and deaths of over 480 animals.
by day 2S were killed, and tho se th at did not give birth after another 25 days were also killed. In addition, mot hers who lost their litter s before day 21 of lactation were killed. All mothers were eventually killed during the study, and the babies killed at 14 days old by being gassed to death. During t he time they were allowed to live, the rats and their young were fed varying concentrations of Advantam e [5].
In a series of shocking experiments w hich came to light in late 2011, a sweetener known as Advantame was force fed to over 44 dogs, nearly 100 rabbits and 360 rats, ult imately resulting in all being killed aft er month s or years. In an addition ally cruel twist, the sweetener tested was not even a 'new' product - havi ng been derived directly from aspartame - another sweetener w hich has been t ested extensively and is already widely consumed by the public [2]. Experiments were funded and carried out by the Japanese company, Ajinomoto Co.
Says Helen Cassidy of Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty : "it is quite unthinkable that in 2012, companies such as HLS deem it acceptable to use and kill animals for the sake of testing something as senseless as another sweetener, which is already consumed by the public. Each of these experiments details immense suffering and loss of life. The general public have had enough of these ruthless, outdated
A total of three experiments were carried out on dogs at HLS in Suffolk, the third being the high dosage experimental procedure. A total of 44 puppies (aged between 22 - 26 weeks) were packed into crates and shipped into HLS from a beag le breeder in the USA. Upon arrival, they were divided up and kept inside metal cages while being force fed varying dosages of Advantame sweetener. The dog s remained in such conditions for a full year. Each dog , no matter what health condition, was then killed following the experiment at just over 13 months of age [3]. Additionally , a group of 96 rabbits from Highgate Farm in Lincolnshire were kept in solitary confinement inside plastic cages and impregnated on arrival at HLS, Suffolk . After one week, the administration of Advantame began using a procedure known as'oral gavage' - forcing a tube do w n the rabb it s' throats in order to pour concentrations of the substance straight to th e stomach. Naturally, this met hod of administering substances is extremely t raumatic for animals w ho are shy and gentle by nat ure. One rabbit died of this procedure alone - she was "kill ed after showing convulsion-like signs, vocalization, and respirato ry distress shortly after dosing ... This death was considered to arise from difficulties during the gavage dosing". Later during the experiment, a further five rabbits were killed du e to adverse health problems and several rabbits abort ed the ir un born litters. The shocking document goes on to reveal that approximate ly 20% of the pregn ant female rabbits receiving the highest dose of Advantame became so ill that they had to be killed before the scheduled date. At th e end of the designated experiment , all surv ivors and their unborn babies we re killed [4]. Several separate experiments were carried out on rats for Advantame. One particular experiment involved forcibly impregnating young fema le rats and killing their babies after a short exposure to th e sweetener . Experiments began when the rats were only 6 weeks old. The female rats were impregnated and their babies then added to the experiment once born. Tho se females that did not mate with a male
and cruel experiments and are rightfully outraged at the prospect of such a pointless product being the cause of so many individuals to be killed. These experiments are unacceptable, unethical and unscientific - and need to end - now :' • References available from ww w.shac.net.
Contact Highgate Farm Please send polite letters asking Highgate Farm to stop sending animals for all experiments:
~ Highgate Farm Highgate Lane, Normanby-by-Spital, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire, LN8 2HQ, UK
Tel: 01673 878259 or 01673 878232
its and rats
All of thes e resources and more are available to download fur free, in a variety of languages, at:
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www.shac.net/resou rces/down load .htm I
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Our latest DVD containing: - Time for Action 1, 2, 3 and 4 - HLS cruelty footage and exposes
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Complete and return to: Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty, BM SHAC, London, WC1 N 3XX
Merchandise is free un less otherwise stated. All donations welcome!
HLS general strip leaflet Time for Action 4 DVD - £3.00 The 2009 SHAC movie. Comes complete with all previous Time For Action movies and exposes. Footage is non copyright and free to share. Minimum donation of £3 required.
Petitions (please consider printing these from home to help us save funds) SHAC sticker (9.8cm x 9.8cm) Puppy Killer poster This poster is for demonstrations. Size A2 (42cm x 59.4cm).
Animal Killer poster This poster is for demonstrations. Size A2 (42cm x 59.4cm).
lnfomation pack Contains a campaign overview, comprehensive booklet covering all of the exposes from 1997 to 2008, and one of each current leaflet. Ideal for those who are new to the campaign and want to know more.
Donations to help towards printing and postage costs are greatly appreciated! TOTAL:
Address: Postcode: \... 14
E-mail Address:
' SHAC e-m@il alerts
. Keep up with the action.
SHAC volunteers work tirelessly, seven days a week to bring an end to suffering like this. With your help, we can save more lives and stop the horrific cruelty going on inside HLS. SHAC is a global campaign that has closed HLS twice and is at the brink of closing them a third time -for good. Funds are an important part of keeping the campaign running; if you could spare any amount, we would greatly appreciate it. Don't let HLSget away with murdering 500 animals each day-take a stand!
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Please pay the sum ofÂŁ.. ............ on the .............. day of every month as from ....... / ....... / ........ to the credit of SHAC
Signature: Name (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms):
Today'sdate: _________
Address: ------------------------------Name and address of your bank: Postcode: _______ Youraccount no.: I
Yoursort code: -----------
Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC) Account number: .............. ....................... ....... Sort code: ........................ ........
Bank address¡ .............................. ............................................ ........................................................................................... ..........................
Burnt, sliced open, infected and poisoned all for the sake of money . We, like you, find the use and abuse of intelligent, sentient animals inside HLS beyond unacceptable. Join the global campa ign against the abuse and he lp us put an end to it. iii