Derechos y Deberes de los Pacientes (Ingles)

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The Clinica Cardiovascular undertakes the commitment to ensure the compliance of the Rights and Duties of patients as they are listed below:

Rights The patient has the right without restriction on grounds of race, sex, age, language, religion, political opinions or any opinion, social origin, economic position or social status: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

To enjoy an open and clear communication with the staff of the Institution. To be identified by his/her name. To receive a dignified treatment that respects his/her beliefs and customs, as well as personal opinions about the disease he/she suffers. To have all the reports of the clinical history treated as confidential and secret, and that only with the patient’s authorization they may be known. To receive throughout the process of the disease the best medical care available, respecting his/her wishes with regards to irreversible diseases. To have his/her will of acceptance be respected or to refuse their organ donation for transplant to other patients, according to the law. To die with dignity and to have their will be respected to allow the process of death to follow its natural course in the terminal phase of his/her illness. To review and receive explanations about the costs for services obtained. To receive or refuse spiritual and/or moral support despite the religious beliefs that the patient practices. To have his/her will be respected with regards to participating or not to participating in research. To give consent or refuse to get any procedure. To receive safe care. To have their visual and auditory privacy respected to the extent possible. To submit claims or suggestions, whenever the patient considers that there were flaws in the provision of the service. To be attended by competent and qualified personnel. To freely choose the health care professional, who is to treat the patient within the Institution’s available resources. To request a second opinion regarding the diagnosis, prognosis or treatment related to their state of health. To have the close contact of relatives, friends and loved ones, provided that it does not interfere with their treatment. Inglés

Duties Every patient should: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Give timely, clear, truthful and complete information of the conditions related to their state of health, facts or situations causing its deterioration, so that the institution can provide you with the proper care. Treat with respect and dignity the people who care for them, other patients and other people. Authorize in writing the person who will have access to claim a copy of his/her medical history when he/she is not able to. Express in writing, his/her decision not to accept any treatment or procedure. Pay, in full, in a timely manner and facilitate the payment of services and professional fees. Express the desire to receive or not to receive, moral and/or spiritual support from the staff of the institution. Openly inform the decision of not wanting to participate in research. Commit to complete, fill-out, an informed consent, after having understood the information given about the procedure that will be practiced. Involve their families, regarding their safety. Respect the privacy of other patients, whether situated in a shared room or not. Use the services of the “Customer and Quality of Service” office and to present their claims and suggestions. Designate a competent third person as a substitute in the processing of an informed consent, whenever the patient wishes and is able to do so. Comply with the rules and recommendations given by the clinic and its staff, and in particular by the treating doctor. Try to cooperate fully with the treatment team. The patient’s relatives, friends and/or loved ones should also do so. Take care and make proper use of the resources, facilities, issued materials and services of the institution.

Your Heart's


Phone: (57) (4) 445 40 00 For Appointments: (57) (4) 445 23 00 Medellín - Colombia Follow us: Inglés

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