Congregation P'nai Tikvah's Kol Kiruv - April 2017 – Nissan 5777

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Passover Image from Papyrus ©Schurman Retail Group; Concept © Shirley Eujeste; available at Papyrus Online

Congregation P’nai Tikvah Community Seder Blasco Event Wing, UNLV Foundation Building, SW corner of Maryland Parkway and Cottage Grove Avenue. Tuesday 4/11 at 6:30 PM Contact the office at 702.436.4900 For more information Happenings


Kidz Corner


From Rabbi Pam


Jewlicious Learning & Yad Squad


Note from the Cantor


Birthday’s and Anniversaries


From Rabbi Mintz




From the President


Nid’vei Leiv—From the Heart


Michtavim MeiAretz/Letters from Israel


Calendar at a Glance


Congregation P’nai Tikvah will worship on Shabbat, March 3rd and 17th at 2685 South Rainbow Street, STE 108. Tot Shabbat-, Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma’ariv services will begin at 6:30 PM on March 3rd and Shabbat-Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma’ariv services will begin at 7:30 PM on March 17th. Torah Study will take place at 9:30 AM on March 4th and 18th. Congregation P’nai Tikvah meets at 2685 South Rainbow Street, STE 108, Las Vegas, NV 89146 $


A DOZEN HAROSETS by Rabbi Pam Frydman Passover is the Jewish Festival of Freedom. There is a joke that Jewish holiday can generally be summed up as a celebration of “they tried to kill us, we fought, we won, let’s eat. That works for Hanukah and Purim, but Passover is different because our ancestors did not fight to get out of Egypt; they were saved by miracles like the plagues that affected the Egyptians much more than the slaves, and by the parting of the sea that saved them from Pharoah’s army. At the Passover Seder, we are supposed to eat bitter herbs which remind us of the bitterness of slavery. In fact, there are several types of bitter herbs that we can enjoy or let nag on our senses. Perhaps the easiest to consume and the best to share with children is romaine lettuce. Yes, that’s right, you may use romaine lettuce as a bitter herb at the Seder. It is a wonderful alternative for teens and adults who prefer not to eat horseradish and it is a wonderful alternative for young children. I leave it to you to plan your eating of bitter herbs according to what it says in the haggadah you use or according to the tradition of your family or the friends with whom you have seder. However, you eat your bitter herbs, there is probably a point when you mix bitter herbs with charoset. Now it gets good: Charoset is a mixture that reminds us of the mortar that the slaves were required to use to make bricks to construct the storehouses at Ramses and Pithom. No, the Israelite slaves did not make the pyramids during their slavery. According to archaeological research, the pyramids were constructed 1100 years before Joseph of the coat-of-many-colors arrived in Egypt, which means that the pyramids were already standing for 1300 years before Israelite slavery began. History aside, the best part of eating charoset is that it is a distraction from the intensity of the bitter herbs and you can eat during the rest of Passover if you want. HOW TO MAKE CHAROSET? If you have a favorite charoset recipe or the recipe that your ancestors used, that is wonderful! If you want to try a new kind of charoset, you may want to look on the internet or in a Jewish cookbook or take a look at the recipes at Charoset is a mixture that reminds us of the mortar that the Israelites used to make bricks when they were slaves in Egypt. It is generally made of fruit and nuts with wine or juice and spices. Thank you to my colleague and friend, Rabbi Ari Cartun who passed on a dozen recipes for charoset which come from all over the world. PLEASE QUOTE THE SOURCE WHEN SHARING THESE RECIPES. HAPPY PASSOVER!


Cantor’s Notes A Note From the Cantor Its time again to get rid of our bread, Passover is here. We also get to sing songs that are special to our Seder. First, we sing songs from Shir HaShirm, the Song of Songs, also known as the Song of Solomon due to its being attributed to him. The first line is, Shir hashirim asher liShlomo. The Song of Songs by Solomon. This book is used due to the themes of spring that are in it. We also sing the Ma Nishtanah, the Four Questions. Did you know that the most modern melody used for this was written for a Cantata? Prior to this melody the Four Questions were chanted in what is known as the “Study Mode”. It is much more of a chant and much less melodic than the version most people sing now. “Go Down Moses” is also a popular modern seder song. It is a spiritual first published in 1872, but sung long before by American slaves in the South. The parallels of slavery from American slaves to the Israelite time as slaves in Egypt is not hard to see. It was also used as a signal for the underground railroad by Harriet Tubman, according to her biography by Sarah Bradford. Last year I wrote about the addition of Chad Gadya to the haggadah. This fun cumulative song is joined by Echad Mi Yodea, “Who Knows One,” another cumulative song that people love to sing. According to the Encyclopaedia Judaica, this song is first found in Ashkenazi Haggadot of the 16th century. It is believed to have originated in Germany in the 15th century, possibly based on a German folk song "Guter freund ich frage dich", which means "Good friend, I ask you". The continued on page 4


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song can be thought of as a teaching song. For example, the song teaches that there are five books in the Torah, four mothers, three fathers, two tablets of the Ten Commandments, and one God. On the Wikepedia website I found the song with lyrics in Spanish and Ladino. Here is the version in Ladino: Ken supyese y entendyese alavar al Dio kreyense? Kuale es el uno? Uno es el Kriador, Baruch Hu Baruch shemo Kuales son loz dos? Dos Moshe y Aron Kuales son los tres? Trez padrez muestros son, [Avram, Itzhak y Yaakov] Kuales son los kuatro? Kuatro madrez muestras son, [Sara, Rivka, Leah, Rahel] Kuales son los sinko? Sinko livroz de la Ley Kuales son los seish? Seish diaz de la semana Kuales son los syete? Syete dias con Shabbat Kuales son loz ocho? Ocho diaz de la mila Kuales son loz nueve? Nueve mezes de la prenyada Kuales son los diesh? Diez mandamientoz de la Ley Kuales son loz onze? Onze trivoz in Yisrael Kuales son loz doze? Dosay trivos kon Yosef I find this very fun and interesting. Songs are very important to all of our holidays, and I hope that your Passover is a good one. Enjoy your matza and may your holiday be filled with lots of love. L’Shalom,

Cantor Marla Goldberg 4

Message from Rabbi Emerita Chevreh: Our Haggadah retells our people’s story of our exodus from slavery in Egypt. As we retell the story, we say the words “/‫ארמי אובד אבי‬Arami oved avi ,“ which is usually translated as “My father was a wandering Aramean” or sometimes as “An Aramean sought to destroy my father.” Either way, we get the gist of being a people who have fled persecution over and over again; and how true it is. For at least 2000 years, we were in the Galut/Diaspora, a civilization without a nation/state. Now, substitute Syrian for Aramean, and you’ll begin to see the parallels with what happened in ancient times and with what’s happening now. Around the world, there are approximately 65 million displaced persons, fleeing persecution, and violence. If you’ve been at CPT lately, you could not avoid seeing a large bin near the front door. This is a collection receptacle for gently used or brand new items that will be given to the children of refugees. We have until April 15th to bring in as much as we can to help the children in the refugee families. The impetus for this drive coms from HIAS, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society. (It is now called, simply, HIAS@”). HIAS has put out a delightful and substantive supplement for this year’s Pesach season; we plan to use some of the ideas to add some meaningful touches to our Seder on April 11. As we approach the Season of our Liberation, ( , "‫זמן חירותנו‬Z’man Cheiruteinu”) one of the four names of Passover, plan and prepare for our Sederim, remember that at the beginning of the Seder, we are told to consider ourselves as though we, too, had gone out of Egypt, and at the end of the Seder, we say “Next Year in Jerusalem.” While that may be taken literally by some, or it may mean that those of us privileged to have a roof over our heads but may be feeling in narrow straits (for whatever reasons) can look forward to relief in the year to come; but for the world’s 65 million displaced persons and refugees, these words can be a message of hope that they might be able to rebuild their lives in a safe and welcoming place. Allow me to share a story taken from the HIAS supplement: “After experiencing unimaginable trauma and often making harrowing journeys out of danger, refugees across the United States are finding liberation after oppression. For Mohammed Ay Toghlo and his wife, Eidah Al Suleimein, the dream of “Next year in Jerusalem” has become a reality in Buffalo, New York. After war came to their village outside of Damascus, they witnessed the murder of their pregnant daughter and the kidnapping of their son. They sold their car to pay a large ransom and then ultimately escaped to Lebanon. After a lengthy vetting process, Mohammed, Eidah, and their youngest son, Najati, received word that they would be resettled by HIAS, through the Jewish Family Service of Buffalo. Mohammed said: ‘When I found out, I thought I was dreaming, because the United States is such a big thing continued on page 6


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for us, I don’t even see it in my dreams. I was so happy.’ Najati is learning English and is enrolled in school. When he is on the way to school, he encounters people who go out of their way to help him, even reading his body language to try to understand what he needs as he struggles with the new language. While their oldest son, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren are still in Lebanon, and they worry about their safety, Mohammed and Eidah also note that wherever they go in the United States they find helpful, loving people. Najati made a beautiful drawing that expresses his thanks to the United States and to the Jewish Family Service. While the family’s life in Buffalo is challenging, they know that they are beginning to wake up from the nightmare of war and terror and can dream near dreams here in America. May those yearning to be free be blessed; may those committing themselves to the freedom of the refugees by twice-blessed. / "!‫לשנה הבאה בירושלים‬L’shanah ha-baah biYerushalyim!” Next year in Jerusalem. L’Shalom,

Rabbi Yocheved Mintz Rabbi Emerita/Senior Educator


Message from the President By now, the Purim service/celebration has come and gone. For those who missed this wonderful event with colorful costumes, plenty of children and much noise to drown out the name of Haman, thanks to all, who made this wonderful evening such a success. As much as I enjoy the Purim holiday, I must confess that Passover is my most favorite Jewish holiday. For many practicing and non-practicing Jews, Passover is the most observed holiday, a holiday where family members come together to attend their family Seders. So many memories… wonderful food, seeing my aunts and uncles and cousins…knowing that you were considered an adult when you no longer had to eat in the kitchen with the kids….finding pieces of bread to throw outside…. I am sure that you share many of the same memories. Enjoy your family Seder and then come join us as CPT celebrates our annual Congregational Seder in the Blasco Event Wing of the UNLV Event Center: Tuesday, April 11, at Guess who’s leading the Seder? The dynamic duo: Rabbi Emerita Yocheved Mintz and Cantor Marla Goldberg! Thanks to Annie Wolff for heading up the Pesach Committee again. Here’s the menu: Salad, cooked vegetables, holiday rice (yes, rice is now permitted on Passover), chicken, salmon, a beef and lamb dish, and both vegan and Kosher options. Friends and visitors are welcome. CPT members are $40/adult and $18/child (ages 5-13); not yet members (i.e., guests) are $55/adult and $25/child. As always, Uniformed members of the armed forces are welcome at no cost, as are children 4 and under. RSVP to 702.436.4900 or This has been a challenging year, one with many opportunities that have yet to be explored. As of this President’s message, the search committee has not found THE Rabbi that we need in order to continue the long tradition set by Rabbi Mintz. This is not an easy task- considerations of salary and benefits, re-location to Las Vegas, as well as a Rabbi with the personality, and spirituality that would blend with our Congregation and our demographics. We are now thinking outside the box and are working on a plan we’d like to share with you shortly. In that vein, you will soon be receiving notice of our Annual Meeting. This meeting will not only be for the election of directors but one where your input will be essential as to next steps, as the direction of where we are going needs to have the support and the buy-in of all of us. PLEASE, IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SERVING ON THE BOARD OR HEADING A COMMITTEE OR WORKING ON A COMMITTEE OR WORKING ON SPECIFIC PROJECTS, SUCH AS HIGH HOLIDAY TASKS, PLEASE EMAIL ME AT We need your help, your commitment, to go to the next level. We have made some changes at the Indigo Valley campus that has increased the seating for our services and more importantly the comfort of the seating arrangements, so mark your Calendars for the first and third Friday of the month. (In addition, the children’s room has been expanded and is in the midst of re-organization to enhance their experience of coming to services, too). Come rekindle your Jewish soul at Friday night services or at Saturday morning Torah study. Thanks for the many prayers for me and my family. Happy Passover. See you at the Seder!






"Michtavim MeiAretz/Letters from Israel" by Jane Kusel

From: Kuseld <> Date: February 12, 2017 at 10:09:14 AM PST Subject: Hag Sameach! Had I written this yesterday I would have told you that spring was just about to be sprung in Israel... but I didn't and it wasn't… It was cold rainy and raw all day today. And of course today was the day that I had promised to run the volunteers for Israel/Sar-El check in and send off for army base volunteers. Everything went fairly smoothly except for inclement weather which basically drenched us all. But with a country being kept safe and alive by beautiful young Israelis far be it for me to complain! I have started Ulpan and based on my first few classes I may never finish Ulpan... some words are written in cursive, some things written in manuscript, nothing has vowels...but it's impossible to recognize words if you don't have those words in your vocabulary nor are you conversant with either Hebrew or English meaning. Moreover there is masculine, there is feminine, there are words that slur together and words that stand alone; there are letters that rarely look the same and there are no new cells being generated in my 70-year-old brain. The school two blocks from me will be starting an appropriate class the middle of March for which I am already signed up but I knew I couldn't waste a moment so I went to a private school at the Americans and Canadians in Israel center and signed up for a 20 session course that meets four times a week. KEN...I am overwhelmed but determined. In addition to attending school and trying to concentrate enough later in the day to study, I went to the Ministry of the Interior to get my temporary passport this week as well as having Shabbat dinner for 8 friends here after an exquisite Shabbat service for Tu B'Shvat; and just to make sure I didn't have a free second, a friend who lives in Jerusalem and made aliyah in December came for the weekend to help me with the task at hand today. I have minimally six messages on my is Israeli phone that are all in Hebrew so I have no idea what they say and even more text messages… Same challenge… Hopefully my teacher will be able to interpret at least some of them especially the one from the post office which I suspect is holding my Israeli passport. And in my free time this past week, I went to a wonderful book group at AACI and saw the movie The Founder on Tuesday (senior movie day). I suspect this week will be even more chocked full and my blogs may be stretched out to every 10 to 12 days and potentially be shorter... but in spite of the length and the verbosity, they will always carry my love for you! L'itraot continued on page 12


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From: To: Sent: 2/17/2017 6:12:27 A.M. Pacific Standard Time Subj: ‫שבת שלומ‬ Please note, with awe, the subject line of Shabbat Shalom! It takes me half an hour to walk down the street, usually walking into people and things, in order to practice reading signs! And this past week it has been bitter cold with torrents of rain and a chill that runs right through you...not dissimilar to Vegas shortly before I left. But today, for the Sabbath, the sun has reappeared and milder temps are forecast...I know it's Shabbat because the street cleaners are in full force before sundown and the grocery, bakery, fruit and flower shuk lines are nearly into the Rehov and Shabbat dinner with friends at someone's home will follow Shul. Last Sunday I posed as the Sar-El leader for arriving volunteers at the train station in the AM where almost everything fell into place without a hitch. I was not on call for the last 2 groups at the airport in the afternoon, but my name/number were the help go-to's so I fielded, delegated and swam upstream well into Monday as assignments were rattled by cancelled/delayed flights as well as lost luggage and no-shows. I was unable to go to Ulpan on Sunday as a result and fell behind but believe I'm relatively back on track now...this Sunday we have hours on end in a double-session...warm or cool it will clearly merit a gelato on the way home! Today I successfully ordered a cappuccino (cafe h'fuk transliterated) with close attention to pronunciation! So basically Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday I spend the AM in Ulpan and then try to devote several hours to review in the late afternoon/ early eve. Wednesday this week I returned to Ministry of Absorption with several ? was answered and the other I have an appointment for this Wednesday...I also had a desperately needed mani-pedi; late Tuesday afternoon I shut the books for senior movie day and dinner with a friend, the usual late Tuesday afternoon fare. After Havdallah tomorrow eve a friend and I will do dinner and live theater with Anglit subtitles projected for the performance of Funny Girl. And then the week begins anew with longer and longer Ivrit sentences and sluggish brain cells ready to go on strike! Speaking of which, except for Bibi's visit, I'm not so sure I want to return to Oz! .‫לחרות‬ From: Kuseld <> Date: February 24, 2017 at 4:12:21 PM EST Subject: ‫שבת שלימ‬ If it's Shabbat it must be blog time! Apologies in advance for typos...I was awakened before crack of dawn this morn by loud cheers and shouts...and then I recalled that the Tel Aviv marathon was about to a block from the beach is not always a good thing! At the conclusion of Shabbat last weekend a friend invited me to see Funny Girl at the Opera House Center. It was a wonderful performance in Hebrew with English subtitles projected above the stage. Unfortunately show time was at 9 and I was a zombie in Ulpan Sunday AM. With plans to see 6 more performances, I am glad only one is at that late hour again continued on page 13


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with the others at 5 and 5:30. Usual late afternoon senior movie was on Tuesday with Ulpan on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Although it continues to be a mega challenge, I am able to read and write with more fluidity and if I can recall vocabulary words, I can converse k'sat (a little). Sunday actually marks the halfway point for aleph level...if I can still breath, I will start Bet on the tail of Aleph...I have petitioned the "exception committee" at the Ministry of Absorption...the Ulpan I am currently in is private...I received a special rate but only for 1 term...however, if I had made Aliyah in 2017 my Immigrant Ulpan voucher would cover it. I love the small class size, the methodology and the teacher. If I am denied (which I most probably will be), I'll go to Ulpan Gordon, 2 blocks from my flat...but I figured I had nothing to lose. Sunday I am going to Jerusalem after school for to hear a lecture by the former chief of Mossad. It is sponsored by the Times of Israel and should be fascinating. Weather has been delicious and I've met some neighbors as I sit in Ben Gurion park...the only snag is I go to read and study and personal space is non-existent...whether I am sitting at a table or on a bench, company always truth, the books and text reviews can is this beautiful people-to-people connection that adds another special dimension to our Homeland. The newsstand owner now puts my Friday copy of the Jerusalem Post aside for me, the fruit kiosk person picks out the best pomegranate, and the construction workers carry my shopping cart over the rubble...we have a semi-concrete walkway now but deep ruts due to walking boards put atop while it was still wet...I suspect that's how it will stay...and it just doesn't matter. What does matter, however, is sending you my love...Yom tov! ❤ From: Sent: 3/3/2017 10:40:43 P.M. Pacific Standard Time Subj: ‫שבת שלום‬ Boker tov! I hope this morning's email finds you happy and healthy this evening. My week, as usual, has been very full, very productive, and very happy. As in the states, the beginning of the month of March has been a tease with one day of spring followed by another of residual winter… I am ready and anxious for the days to be inviting enough for me to head to the beach with my books although both the parks at Ben Gurion and Gordon have served me very well. Ulpan continues to be my main focus ushered in Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday by my 2 mile, 8 AM stroll along the length of Ben Yehuda and Allenby...temptingly past Shuk Carmel and Nahalat Binyamin and flanked by Neve Tzedek. Regardless of the Ministry of Absorption's decision regarding Ulpan funding for 2016 Olim at my current school, I will continue with level Bet from March 21 until my return home May 10. If Ulpan La-Inyan is not covered, I will scrounge up my own shekels because the small class size, the process of constant review and preview, and the multi sensory approach is most suitable to my learning style. I work very hard, put in many hours of personal preparation and I am rewarded by results, albeit slow and sometimes garbled! Upon my return to Israel, my plan is to continue with Ulpan, all seven levels. When I am able to come up for air, it is only long enough to run to my next activity…this past week that included a trip to Jerusalem Sunday afternoon for a lecture by the former head of the Mossad; Tuesday continued on page 14


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afternoon I saw a new documentary at the Tel Aviv museum focused on Ben Gurion, his life and his dreams; Wednesday evening was Torah Study at my Shul on Frishman; Thursday a trip back to Jerusalem for a viewing of the film Sand Storm followed by a meet and greet with the director; yesterday afternoon was a cafe break with friends followed by an impromptu Shabbat dinner at my house. Upon conclusion of this email I will head out to Shul with a friend for Saturday morning services and then hit the books with intermittent reading of the book Moonglow in preparation for my Tuesday book group at Americans and Canadians in Israel which immediately follows Ulpan and is prior to Senior movie day at either Rav Chen, the Museum of Art or Lev Dizengoff; additionally I have live theater at the opera house complex on both Wednesday and Saturday evenings this coming week. I send all my love and all my prayers that the incessant anti-Semitic threats that are plaguing the US abate quickly and that you have a peaceful, productive, and joyous week. I love you and miss you. PS...the sand pathway into my flat is now concrete and soon to be tiled... ***

Sydney practices her Hebrew during Jewlicious Learning!

Jewlicious Learning at Congregation P’nai Tikvah

Photos by Tiffany Freud 2017

Moreh Austin has Sydney and Meyer show him how an Aleph sounds. Well done .




Jewlicious Learning & Yad Squad SIGN UP TODAY FOR OUR 2016-2017 SESSION Jewlicious Learning Hands on, experiential learning makes Jewish education fun and meaningful for our youngsters from Kindergarten through B’nai Mitzvah. Working with Rabbi Mintz, Cantor Goldberg, and our caring and engaging teaching staff makes a loving, caring, and motivating environment for our youngsters. Yad Squad (formerly “Teen Torah Tribe”) Post B'nai Mitzvah teens will be meeting from 10:00 to 11:30 on Sunday mornings once monthly this year for continuing education and leadership training. In addition to increasing their skill in "doing Jewish," they will experience: Social Action Opportunities Building self-esteem Building Jewish identity Building Jewish literacy Connecting with other Jewish teens and with the community and being provided with opportunities for positive personal expression.

Danica and Sydney making Hamantaschen at Jewlicious.

Photos by Tiffany Freud 2017 16

Jewlicious Children Getting Into Purim Photos by Cantor Marla Goldberg

Jewlicious children show us the masks they wear.


April Birthdays Judith Levine 4-Apr Julita Patascher 8-Apr Gail Hansen 9-Apr Kristen Jaeger 10-Apr Roz Tessler 13-Apr Laurie Lytel 15-Apr Sam Lieberman 16-Apr Joseph Davis 23-Apr Fern Kosh 23-Apr Sabrina Linker 28-Apr

Kristen Jaeger & Tim Lockett Dale & Vince Gardner

2-Apr 24-Apr

For $40.00 a prayer book can either be purchased for personal use or be dedicated to the congregation “In Memory” or “In Honor of” and a card from CPT will be sent to the family. The prayer book plate will be placed on the inside cover of our Kol HaNeshamah siddur. VOLUNTEERISM ABOUNDS AT CPT Homes are always needed for the various activities and meetings of our congregation. Offer a Personal prayer – If you’d like to write your own, please do so. If you would like to see it published in the newsletter. Clergy and Staff Interim Rabbi: Rabbi Pamela Frydman Rabbi Emerita: Rabbi Yocheved Mintz Cantor: Cantor Marla Goldberg Educators: Rabbi Yocheved Mintz and Cantor Marla Goldberg Teacher’s Aide: Austin Royer Bookkeeper: Lynn Pisetzner Treasurer: Lynn Pisetzner

702.436.4900 18

For the Month of April Irwin Berger and Helene Sussman -Remembered by Laura & Wendy Kraft Sussman David Bernstein -Remembered by Harriet Bernstein Sheldon Elliot -Remembered by Rachel Piekarsky Norma Feldman -Remembered by Barbara Holland Edward Fox -Remembered by Marc Fox Pearl Hewel -Remembered by Jackie Ackerman & Family Don Kusel -Remembered by Jane Kusel Jerry Lytel -Remembered by Laurie Lytel

Memorial plaques are available; to honor the departed, to inspire the living. to be remembered in the hearts of those we leave behind is, in a sense, to live forever. For further information, call the Synagogue office at 702-436-4900

Abraham Platt -Remembered by Zandra Bender Gertrude Rose -Remembered by Stanley Rose Lee Burger Shilepsky -Remembered by Ann Brandt Adelina Solivan -Remembered by Julita Patascher


Nid’vei Lev- Donations from the Heart Walter Carnwright II -Nid'vei Lev Anita Lewy -Nid'vei Lev Roz Tessler -Tzedakah Adrianne Rubin -Thank you to Cantor Marla Goldberg for Shiva Minyan Service -Thank you to Nancey Eason for Shiva Minyan Service


April 2 April 2 April 3 April 3 April 4 April 5 April 7 April 8 April 10 April 11 April 12 April 19 April 19 April 21 April 22 April 23 April 23 April 24 April 24 April 25 May 3 May 5 May 6 May 7 May 8 May 8 May 9 May 10 May 15 May 15 May 16 May 17

CALENDAR AT A GLANCE: 10:00 AM Yad Squad 11:30 Brunch with Brilliants 4:15 PM Jewlicious Learning 7:00 PM Mussar Va’ad 7:00 PM Jewish, Alive and American 3:30 PM Advanced Biblical Hebrew 6:30 PM Tot Shabbat, Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma’ariv Service 9:30 AM Torah Study Erev Passover 6:30 PM 2nd Night Community Seder at UNLV 6:00 PM LGBTQ Seder at The Center 3:30 PM Advanced Biblical Hebrew 7:00 PM Ivdu et Hashem B’Simcha-Jewish Liturgy as a Spiritual System 7:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma’ariv Service 9:30 AM Torah Study 5:00 PM Yom HaShoah Service at Midbar Kodesh 7:00 PM A New Moon for All 4:15 PM Jewlicious Learning 7:00 PM Mussar Va’ad 7:00 PM Jewish, Alive and American 7:00 PM Ivdu et Hashem B’Simcha-Jewish Liturgy as a Spiritual System 6:30 PM Tot Shabbat, Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma’ariv Service 9:30 AM Torah Study 10:00 AM Yad Squad 4:15 PM Jewlicious Learning 7:00 PM Mussar Va’ad 7:00 PM Jewish, Alive and American 3:30 PM Advanced Biblical Hebrew 4:15 PM Jewlicious Learning 7:00 PM Mussar Va’ad 7:00 PM Jewish, Alive and American 3:30 PM Advanced Biblical Hebrew

Blessing for the Month of Nissan May the scent of spring flowers make us aware of the new life emerging in nature and may it remind us to pay attention to the new energies stirring within us, as well. Amein. 21

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