Kol Kiruv February 2015
Rabbi's Message
Cantor’s Notes
President’s Message
Ms. Holland’s Opus Pictures
Save the Date-May 30 Gala
CPT Book Club
Brunch with Brilliants
Kidz Korner
Oneg Calendar
Birthdays and Anniversaries
Women’s Rosh Chodesh
Community Happenings
Community Rewards Programs
Nid’vei Leiv—From the Heart
Contribution Form
Calendar at a Glance
Vol. 21—No. 8
Happy Tu B’Sh’vat
Clergy and Staff Rabbi: Yocheved Mintz Cantor: Marla Goldberg Accompanist: Timothy Cooper Newsletter: Nancey Eason Educator: Rabbi Mintz , Canto Marla Goldberg Bookkeeper: Lynn Pisetzner Office Administrator: Nancey Eason
See Page 10 for Pictures from Ms. Holland’s Opus
Congregation P’nai Tikvah will worship on Shabbat, February 6th and 20th at Kraft-Sussman Chapel, in the Bank of Nevada Business Park at 3975 S. Durango, Suite 104, in Las Vegas. Tot Shabbat will be held on February 6th at 6:30 PM. Kabbalat Shabbat and Maariv services will begin at 7:30 PM on February 6th and 20th. Torah Study will take place at 10:00 AM on February 7th and 21st at Rabbi Mintz’s home. A bagels and lox brunch is served. Please RSVP by emailing
Message from the Rabbi Dear Chevreh: Every year I make it a point to attend the OHALAH Conference. OHALAH is the professional organization of Rabbis and Cantors of Jewish Renewal. Along with the Rabbinic Cantors/Chaplains who are under the OHALAH umbrella, over 200 clergy and students gather at the OMNI Interlocken in Broomfield, Colorado to study, pray, network, and recharge their neshamah-batteries. In the ten years I have been attending, it has always been a worthwhile experience, and this year it was exceptionally worthwhile. The theme was “Integral Tikkun Olam” and our keynote guest speaker was Ruth Messinger, the vivacious septuagenarian head of the Jewish World Services Agency. Sharing the accomplishments of the organization as well as the ongoing challenges, she struck a sympathetic note with just about all of us, yearning to help repair this very broken world. As I shared with you at services on January 16 th, Ms. Messinger was inspiring…as were the Tikkun Olam Visionaries, Rabbis Uri Regev, Rebecca Sirbu, Justus Baird, and Arthur Waskow, who each presented a shiur and who, together, formed the Tikkun Olam Visionaries Panel, which I had the honor of moderating during a plenary lunch on Tuesday, January 13th. The rich offerings of the many workshops were stimulating and highly informative. The davenning, Shacharit, Minchah, and Maariv were soul-satisfying. The conversations and renewing of old friendships were delightful; and the new relationships formed were wonderful. Although the Conference was highly programmed (I should know; I was part of the Program Committee), most of us paced ourselves and took in as much as we could…including a pre-Conference day of continued Spiritual Direction education and a beautiful Shabbaton. I returned refreshed and reinvigorated. Our own Lynn Pisetzner attends OHALAH, as she has been the organization’s trusted book-keeper since I was President from 2008 through 2012. And this year, our own Jennifer Cohen, participated in the Conference as well, as a student continued on page 3
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in the Rabbinic Pastor’s program of the ALEPH seminary. Ask Lynn and Jen how OHALAH was and be prepared to be wow-ed. Thanks to Cantor Goldberg and Nancey Eason for holding down the fort in my absence; and thanks to Board President, Barbara Holland, for her leadership. It is a privilege to work with such a support system, and what a joy it was to fete Barbara at Ms. Holland’s Opus, on the 28th of January: Kudos to the team that worked so hard to facilitate this fun fundraiser. Mazel Tov, also the Brunch with Brilliants series. What a remarkable program that continues to be! The month of Sh’vat is upon us and, like the shot of Vitamin OHALAH I received in January, the sap is rising in the earth, the buds are swelling on our trees, and the month is one that urges us to be open to personal renewal. Like the trees that go from dormant in fall and barren in winter to blossoming in spring and vibrant bloom in summer, we, as individuals, experience similar changes…if we are open to the phenomenon. As author Mindy Ribner so beautifully puts it: “There are times in our personal lives and in the life of the Jewish people when we are shining and expressing ourselves fully, when our branches are full; and there are times when we are emptying ourselves, when we are leafless and humbled.” Sometimes we are storm-tossed, hobbled by the traumas of hurtful personal interactions, challenges of the business world, or ravages of illness. But, knowing that we can plant our roots deeply, we can hold on and go with the flow of life, having faith that we can accept these challenges gracefully. There is a redemptive energy in the month of Sh’vat. (Biblically, Rosh Chodesh Sh’vat was supposed to be the day that Zerach, the daughter of Asher, informed her grandfather, our patriarch Jacob that his son Joseph was alive. Imagine his joy. During the 17 years that he had thought his son was dead, it is said that he was so depressed that he could not experience the presence of Shechinah, but that was resolved as soon as he heard that Joseph was alive. His hope for the future of his people was renewed that day as well.
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We are turning the corner. Next month we’ll experience Purim and in Nissan, we’ll have Pesach. (Our current Torah portions are giving us a preview of the Passover story.) Such is life: Just when we feel we are in the doldrums, we get a sense of renewal and transformation…and, with it, we sense hope. Baruch HaShem! L’Shalom,
Rabbi Yocheved Mintz
Cantor’s Notes
A Note From the Cantor My father used to say that there should be some ‘gospel’ style in Jewish music. He liked the energy and emotion that a good gospel choir could bring. I can tell you from experience, that unless you’ve worked with someone who knows the style, it won’t really work. I know, without someone guiding me, I could never do it. I could do a poor imitation on my own, but the true ‘gospel’ sound and feel would elude me. Every once in a while, however, I do get the chance to work with a gospel choir director who brings out a variety of kavana I cannot get from even the worship music I do weekly. The first time I really got to sing gospel, not just trying to sing a gospel song, was at an American Conference of Cantors’ annual convention that took place in Chicago. Our invited guest for the concert, which always takes place one night of the conference, was the director of one of the largest gospel choirs in Chicago. With him, and his choir, the whole group of cantors concluded the concert with the Ochs’ Oseh Shalom. If you’ve never heard it, ask me and I will sing it sometime. It really lends itself to a gospel sound. (I also have the DVD of the concert and will happily play the final number for anyone who wants to hear it.) This director got sounds and a grove out of us that really brought the house down. While singing this piece I wished my father could have been in attendance (he was in Seattle) to hear the ‘Jewish Gospel’ he wanted. I could never recreate the sound we got, but I still remember how it felt to sing it. Very recently, I attended a regional cantor’s conference in Palm Desert. At this conference (which we nicknamed ‘Cantor Camp’) another director of a gospel continued on page 6
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choir was a guest lecturer. He was amazing as he showed us how he brought his choir together with the music. We didn’t even sing a published song, or even one that was written. He just gave us a five word phrase, “You’ve always been good to me” and said, “Okay, sopranos sing it on this note” and he sang the words on the note he wanted us to sing. Then he said we should get louder, or press, the word ‘good’. After a few times of sopranos singing the phrase, he moved on to the altos, then tenors and basses. Finally we put it together. Then doing the same thing, he had us sing the word “good” three times in a row. All together we sang, in great gospel harmony, “You’ve always been good to me, you’ve always been good to me, you’ve always been good to me… good, good, good.” while he improvised a solo line above us. Oh, and he also got us up and ‘dancing’ to the song. Left, clap, right, clap, left clap, right clap, and so on. Even being exhausted (I had left home at 6 am to drive there) I could feel the great energy fill the room. As before, I know I could not have recreated this musical moment on my own, but it was an incredible experience to be a part of. I always learn some interesting things, and experience some great worship music when I attend ‘Cantor Camp’. Being in a room full of cantors singing prayers in beautiful harmony makes the trip is very fulfilling. Plus there were some interesting workshops in ‘critical dialogue’ that really made us all think. There is one more very important bit of news I received when I was in Palm Desert. I am excited to say that the 2017 Annual Conference for the American Conference of Cantors and Guild of Temple Musicians is being planned for Las Vegas. It will be at the end of June, early July of that year, and a great concert will be taking place showcasing cantors from all over the country. As it gets closer, I will have more information, but for now, I am excited that our community will get the opportunity to hear my wonderful colleagues here in the desert. L’Shalom, Cantor Marla Goldberg 6
Message from the President: By the time this newsletter reaches you, if you had not already registered for the roasting of President Barbara Holland, on Wednesday, January 28, 2015 at 11:30 a.m. at Canyon Gate Country Club, you would have missed one important event, one important fund-raiser at an affordable price- and an event with much Laughter and Joy (the world does not laugh enough!). There were many members who behind the scenes made this ROAST a great event and a successful fund-raiser, too. I cannot begin to express my deep appreciation of these volunteers who spent countless personal hours working on the Roast- from phone calling, emailing, marketing, advertising, coordinating… The Tribute Book was a master piece! …you name it, THEY DID IT! A BIG THANK YOU TO JACQUELINE ACKERMAN, ANJULI ADLERSWANBERG, ANN BRANDT, DAVE CLARK, EVELYN CLARK, CINDY FOX, MARC FOX, KRISTIN JAEGER AND CINDY WOODS. Friends, I cannot stress enough how much we need one-another to participate in the various services, classes, functions and special events offered by this special community. From Pirkei Avot, Shimon the Righteous was one of the last survivors of the Great Assembly. He used to say: “On three things the world is sustained: on the Torah, on the (Temple) service, and on deeds of loving kindness.” They say that the Torah has 70 faces…Well, I’m thinking of two….that of the sustenance it gives us and that of the necessity to sustaining our ability to teach Torah and learn Torah. Coming together to pray and spending Shabbat mornings in great Torah study are major reasons for our Congregation P’nai Tikvah com
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munity to exist. Teaching our children and grandchildren, gathering to celebrate holidays and simchas, increasing learning and social opportunities, and doing “maasim tovim” acts of goodness are additional reasons. We continue to grow in all areas, and our communal investment in our religious and spiritual future as well as the future of our holy community of CPT are integral parts of our mission. “Im ein kemach, ein Torah,” our sages remind us: “If there is no flour, there can be no Torah.” There are many ways that our membership contributes to our future. Many of our new members have joined our Congregation because of invitations by our current members to come and to join us at Shabbat Services or Torah study. We thank these members and encourage other members to invite their friends and family. IF YOU ENJOY OUR SHABBAT SERVICES, IF THE SERVICES REKINDLES YOUR JEWISH SOUL, IF YOU LEAVE SERVICES WITH A FEELING OF COMMUNITY, OF FRIENDSHIP, OF WARMTH AND JOY, THEN SHARE THAT EXPERIENCE WITH OTHER PEOPLE WHO ARE LOOKING FOR THE SAME PERSONAL VITALIZATION IN THEIR LIVES. On the temple, we are a non-profit organization. As with so many other nonprofits, we rely on membership dues, donations, programs and fund-raisers. This year we have two fund-raisers, one of which has just taken place. Fund-raisers are not just for the “outsiders” but also for the membership to participate. Over the past few years, the Board has allowed members to pay over a period of months and if you are unaware of how you can obtain a ticket to the Gala celebrating the Rabbi’s first ten years with us, we have a program to help ease your out-of-pocket expense----a win-win situation; so, please contact Jane Kusel for more information. We have an active Tikkun Olam Committee that is giving back to the community through “deeds of loving kindness”. Help give, by giving your time and energy or by joining us with contributions of clothing that is being distributed to those who have come onto hard times. (we have a box that we bring to Shabbat services). continued on page 9 8
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It is not easy being President. It is not easy being part of a Board of Directors. Many volunteer hours are being spent by a small numbers of members who want to provide our CPT community with the best! And we cannot do it alone‌We are a community and each one of us can help invest in our own spiritual and religious future as individuals as well as our CPT’s future.
Barbara Holland, President
Ms. Holland’s Opus
The Roasters
Save The Date May 30, 2015 10 year Celebration Honoring
Rabbi Yocheved Mintz Spiritual Leader of Congregation P’nai Tikvah 11
P’nai Tikvah Book Group 5775 is any CPT member
March 26 @ 6:45 PM, The Paris Architect: A Novel by Charles Belfoure May 14 @ 6:45 PM, The Storyteller by Jodi Picoult Home of Jane Kusel 702-407-5077 An evening translated into a journeys of the senses through shared dissections of the readings below. *Limited to 12 voices-please RSVP in a timely fashion
Like most gentiles in Nazi-occupied Paris, architect Lucien Bernard has little empathy for the Jews. So when a wealthy industrialist offers him a large sum of money to devise secret hiding places for Jews, Lucien struggles with the choice of risking his life for a cause he doesn't really believe in. Ultimately he can't resist the challenge and begins designing expertly concealed hiding spaces— behind a painting, within a column, or inside a drainpipe—detecting possibilities invisible to the average eye. But when one of his clever hiding spaces fails horribly and the immense suffering of Jews becomes incredibly personal, he can no longer deny reality.
Jewlicious Learning 1-26-15. We welcome the month of Sh'vat and think about trees and what they do for us. We take a field trip outside to begin observing the "eitzim" (trees) and watch how they come back from their winter's sleep. We create fun projects that have lift-up flaps to reveal some of the things trees give us. Our older group, with Rabbi Mintz, is also studying the Friday evening Prayer Service and learning how root letters help us figure out what Hebrew means. We discover that suffixes like "nu" always mean "our" or "us" and "cha" always means "your." We were able to figure out what the Hashkiveinu prayer means. We are also doing dictionary work, helping us understand the Hebrew of "Dirah L'Haskir" (An Apartment to Rent), the play the entire group will be performing for our siyum (graduation) on June 5th. It'll be very special! Our younger group, with Cantor Goldberg, is polishing off our reading readiness skills; we've been introduced to all the letters of the AlephBet, made them come to life, and are now preparing to apply them to the increased vocabulary that we've been learning through games and songs. Some of us are learning how to read and some of us are already using our reading to learn. We're getting excited about working on the "Dirah L'Haskir" play, using our Hebrew to help everyone know how to get along with one another. 14
KIDZ KORNER for February
Sign up for the 5775 On’gai Shabbat Season. Celebrate your simcha, honor your family, do it because it is fun. For you foodies who want to get your Bobby Flay or Gordon Ramsey on, there’s still time! Check the schedule below; an opening is your opportunity: February 6
February 20
Sponsored and Catered by Barbara and Andy Holland in honor of their anniversary, Sponsored by Nancy Fond Catered by Dotti Elgart in memory of Ken Elgart Sponsored by Rozlyne Tessler in honor of Harriet’s
March 6
Bernstein's Birthday Catered by Nancey Eason
March 20
Sponsored and Catered by Phyllistan’s in honor of Phyllis’s 65th Birthday Sponsored by Ken and Evelyn Clark in honor of
April 3
Carly’s Birthday Catered by
April 17
Sponsored by Catered by Sponsored by Roz Tessler and Harriet Bernstein in
May 1
memory of Jerry Bernstein Catered by
May 15
Sponsored and Catered by Sam Lieberman & also by Phyllistan’s in honor of Stan’s 68th Birthday
Lynda & David French Linda & Donald Kauffman Lynn & David Pisetzner Anne & Gary Ullman Barbara & Andrew Holland
February 4 February 9 February 11 February 13 February 14
Gayla Wennstrom Eileen Ancman Wendy Kraft-Sussman Ann Mandell Sol Rubin Lorraine Brown
Jewlicious Learners Classes continue on Monday afternoons at the Rabbi’s home, from 4:15
February 12 February 15 February 16 February 17 February 17 February 23
To have a “Chai Contributions”…to life! sent out, please contact the office at 4364900, or so indicate on your Mitzvah envelope. Mitzvah Funds and Tribute Card funds are used to help maintain and grow the vital programs and services of Congregation P’nai Tikvah.
to 6:00, January– June. Registration continues to be open.
VOLUNTEERISM ABOUNDS AT CPT Homes are always needed for the various activities and meetings of our congregation.
Offer a Personal prayer – If you’d like to write your own, please do so. If you would like to see it published in the newsletter.
Happiness is a choice, a habit, a desire... You are as young and successful, as you think you are. Enjoy yourself. Have fun. Omit things you will regret. Imagine what you want to do next... For $40.00 a prayer book can either be purchased for personal use or be dedicated to the congregation “In Memory” or “In Honor of” and a card from CPT will be sent to the family. The prayer book plate will be placed on the inside cover of our new Kol HaNeshamah siddur. 17
Todah Rabah to Linda Kauffman for opening up her beautiful home to the Women’s Rosh Chodesh Group for the month of Tevet. Todah Rabah to Sadia Tarar for teaching us how to finger knit. Todah Rabah to Cindy Fox for opening up her beautiful home to the Women’s Rosh Chodesh Group for the month of Sh’vat. Her inspired Tu B’sh’vat Seder was a delight. Join us at the home of Annie Wolff as we welcome the month of Adar.
Upcoming Rosh Chodesh Dates for 5775 Adar
February 15th
Host: Annie Wolff
March 22nd
Host: Laurie Lytel
April 19th
Host: Dale Gardner
May 17th
Host: Jennifer Cohen
June 14th
Host: Rabbi Yocheved Mintz
Keep a lookout for our Women’s Rosh Chodesh Retreat in August. Pictures from “The Real Women of the Bible”, 2014 Women's Rosh Chodesh Retreat
Women’s Rosh Chodesh Group for the month of Tevet
Women’s Rosh Chodesh Welcomes Month of Sh’vat with Tu BiShvat Seder On Sunday, January 25th, the Women’s Rosh Chodesh group met at the beautiful home of Cindy and Marc Fox to welcome the month of Sh’vat. In the spirit of the month of renewal of the earth, Cindy delighted the group with a beautifully and thoughtfully prepared Seder in anticipation of Tu BiShvat, the New Year of the Trees. Using the Four Worlds (Assiyah/Doing; Y’tzirah/Formation; B’riyah/Creation; and Atzilut/ Emanation), Cindy prepared thoughtful points of discussion and a plethora of appropriate foods to help us understand the symbolism. From the hard shelled fruit and pale wine through the soft shelled, but pitted fruits and Rose wine, soft inner and outer fruits, paired with a deep red wine mixture, and finally, a taste of the foods of Israel, paired with a rich, fullbodied red wine. We spoke of preservation of the earth, concerns over pollution of our waters, depletion of earth resources, and renewing both the fertility of the earth and our own personal aspirations to make a difference with our life’s actions. We spoke of the roots of our own families and shared stories of our individual genealogy. All Congregation P’nai Tikvah women are welcome to attend these monthly get-togethers. We will next meet on February 15 to welcome the month of Adar at the home of Annie Wolff. Please RSVP to Annie at 702/396-9407 or call the office at 702-436-2900
Memorial plaques are available; to honor the departed, to inspire the living. to be remembered in the hearts of those we leave behind is, in a sense, to live forever.
Ken Elgart -Remembered by Dotti Elgart Fred Halperin -Rememberd by Ellen Royer Lottie Herzberg -Remembered by Gail Hansen Bernice & Howard Linker -Remembered by Scott Linker
For further information, call the Synagogue office at 702-436-4900 Sorrow comes to all‌ Perfect relief is not possible, except with time. You can not now realize that you will ever feel better...and yet‌ You are sure to be happy again Abraham Lincoln Submitted by Phyllis Zuckerman
Edward Paykel -Remembered by Gary Paykel Bertha Platt -Remembered by Zandra Bender Julian Ullman -Remembered by Gary Ullman Dora & Jacob Weiman -Remembered by Barbara Holland Eleanor Wohl -Remembered by Barbara Holland
There are two important programs designed to help individuals and families in need that are supported by the Jewish Federation and Jewish Family Service Agency. Jewish Free Loan Program The Jewish Free Loan Program (JFL) was established by the Jewish Federation and administered by the Jewish Family Service Agency to assist members of our Jewish community with short-term, no-interest loans of up to $2,500. For more information about the Jewish Free Loan Program please contact Renea Parr at the Jewish Family Service Agency ( or 702-732-0304. United Way Fund for Families Our Jewish Federation has a close working partnership with United Way and the Marilyn & Tom Spiegel Fund for Families. The fund was established by the Spiegel's to specifically address financial needs for families with children who are struggling to make "ends meets" and who are committed to providing a wholesome family environment for their children in spite of short-term financial insecurity. To learn more about this program please contact Elliot Karp at or 702-732-0556.
You’ll start earning rewards for Congregation P’Nai Tikvah right away on qualifying purchases made using your Smith’s and Vons rewards Card! Smith's and Von's are committed to helping our communities grow and prosper. Year after year, local schools, churches and other nonprofit organizations will earn millions of dollars through these kinds of programs. There is no cost to enroll, and enrollment will not affect your fuel points or coupon discounts. Here are the instructions for getting started. We will also have a place for your to sign up at the Community Passover Seder at the Blasco Event Wing of UNLV Foundation Bldg. Bring your Smith's and Von's card numbers and we will do the signing up for you. OUR SMITH"S NPO NUMBER IS 61229.
TO USE THE SMITH’S COMMUNITY REWARDS PROGRAM: Register online at · Customers must have a registered Smith’s rewards card account to link to your organization. · If you does not yet have a Smith’s rewards card, they are available at the customer service desk at any Smith’s. · Click on 'Create and Account' box · Sign up for a Smith’s Rewards Account entering your email address and creating a password, by entering zip code, clicking on favorite store, agreeing to the terms and conditions. · A message will show up for you to check your email inbox and then click on the link within the body of the email. · Click on “My Account” and use your email address and password to proceed to the next step. · Click on Edit Smith’s Community Rewards information and input your Smith’s rewards card number. · Update or confirm your information. · Enter NPO number or name of organization, select organization from list and click on confirm. · To verify you are enrolled correctly, you will see your organization’s name on the right side of your information page. · Do you use your phone number at the register? Call 800-576-4377, select option 4 to get your Smith’s rewards card number. · Members must swipe their registered Smith’s rewards card or use the phone number that is related to their registered Smith’s rewards card when shopping for each purchase to count.
TO USE THE VON'S ESCRIP PROGRAM Click on this link: registration/index.jsp Fill out the questionnaire. If you do not know your Von's Reward Card Number call: 1.877.723.3929 and they can assist you in retrieving that information.
Nid’vei Leiv - Donations from the Heart Rabbi Discretionary Fund David Aris In honor of Sam Lieberman’s Installation from Phyllistan 2 In blessed memory In blessed memory of Betty Baum from Marian Baum In honor of Torah Study David Aris Ann Brandt Jennifer Cohen Barbara Holland Annie Wolff Kol Nidre Pledge David Aris Nid’vei Lev Paul and Sari Aizley In honor of Bella Berdy from Marc and Terri Dutton In honor of Harriet Bernstein from Annie Wolff Susan and Rick Bindhamer Ann Castro Shirley Davidson Barbara Holland In honor of Meera and Minao Kamegai Rabbi Yocheved Mintz In honor of Karen Murphy from Lynda French In honor of David and Lynn Pisetzner from Marc and Terri Dutton Carolyn Stewart Refuah Shleimah Larry Katz Rav Yisrael Yitzhak ben Chanah from Naftalah Chavah Ariel
We've got this gift of love, but love is like a precious plant. You can't just accept it and leave it in the cupboard or just think it's going to get on by itself. You've got to keep watering it. You've got to really look after it and nurture it. John Lennon
February 2 February 2 February 3 February 3 February 4 February 4 February 6 February 7 February 8 February 9 February 9 February 11 February 15 February 18 February 20 February 21 February 22 February 23 February 23 February 25 March 2 March 2
CALENDAR AT A GLANCE: 4:15 PM Jewlicious Learning 6:30 PM Next Steps-Talmud with Training Wheels Erev Tu B’shevat 7:00 PM Jewish, Alive and American Tu B’shevat 6:30 PM “Get Busy with Words of Torah” aka Biblical Hebrew Course at the home of Rabbi Mintz 6:30 PM Tot Shabbat, Kabbalat and Ma’ariv Service -Kraft Sussman Chapel 10:00 AM Torah Study-Par’shat Yitro at the Home of Rabbi Mintz 3:30 PM Chai Mitzvah 4:15 PM Jewlicious Learning 6:30 PM Next Steps-Talmud with Training Wheels 6:30 PM “Get Busy with Words of Torah” aka Biblical Hebrew Course at the home of Rabbi Mintz 7:00 PM Women's Rosh Chodesh at the home of Annie Wolff 6:30 PM “Get Busy with Words of Torah” aka Biblical Hebrew Course at the home of Rabbi Mintz 7:30 PM Kabbalat and Ma’ariv Service -Kraft Sussman Chapel 10:00 AM Torah Study-Par’shat Terumah at the Home of Rabbi Mintz 11:30 AM Brunch with Brilliants featuring Joanne Goodwin 4:15 PM Jewlicious Learning 6:30 PM Next Steps-Talmud with Training Wheels 6:30 PM “Get Busy with Words of Torah” aka Biblical Hebrew Course at the home of Rabbi Mintz 4:15 PM Jewlicious Learning 6:30 PM Next Steps-Talmud with Training Wheels
Blessing for the Month of Shvat Like the slowly emerging buds on the seemingly dormant trees, may we be open to new beginnings and encourage our own latent potential to come forth. Amein 26