Congregation P'nai Tikvah's Kol Kiruv - July 2015 - Tammuz / Av 5775

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Kol Kiruv July 2015




Rabbi's Message


Cantor’s Notes


President’s Message


BwB Calendar 2015-16


CPT Outreach


Todah Rabah to L’Chayim Committee


L’Chayim Gala


Pictures from L’Chayim Gala


JewliciousEndofYearCelebration& DirahL’Haskir


Pictures from Jewlicious End of Year Celebration & Dirah L’Haskir


Kidz Korner


Reconstructionist News You Can Use


Vol. 22—No. 1

PicturesfromShavuotService&BatMitzvahofSabrina 19-22 Oneg Calendar


Birthdays and Anniversaries


Women’s Rosh Chodesh Retreat




Community Happenings


Nid’vei Leiv—From the Heart


Contribution Form


Calendar at a Glance


Clergy and Staff Rabbi: Yocheved Mintz Cantor: Marla Goldberg Accompanist: Timothy Cooper Newsletter: Nancey Eason Educators: Rabbi Mintz , Cantor Marla Goldberg Bookkeeper: Lynn Pisetzner Office Administrator: Nancey Eason

Summer Time in the Valley Remember to drink water and stay cool! Keep an eye on your pets and the young and the elderly of your friends and family. Respect flash flooding! Be safe! Congregation P’nai Tikvah will worship on Shabbat, August 7th and August 21st at Kraft-Sussman Chapel, in the Bank of Nevada Business Park at 3975 S. Durango, Suite 104, in Las Vegas. Tot ShabbatKabbalat Shabbat and Maariv services will begin at 6:30 PM on August 7th and Kabbalat Shabbat and Maariv services will begin at 7:30 PM on August 21st. Torah Study will take place at 10:00 AM on August 8th and 22nd at Rabbi Mintz’s home. A bagels and lox brunch is served. Please RSVP by emailing

Message from the Rabbi “Musings on a Sultry Summer’s Day…” Dear Chevreh: July has arrived and some of us have taken off for cooler havens. Those of us willing to bake like cookies in the Las Vegas summer heat, however, know that there’s much to do…and lots to forego doing… during the month of July. Many of us are looking forward to Friday dinners with friends as we bring in Shabbat through our “Shabbat Across the Valley” experiences. Some of us are still studying Biblical Hebrew on Wednesday evenings. (A new cohort will open in October). Some of us are (your Rabbi, Cantor, and the Committee) are already deeply involved in planning for the Days of Awe. (Yipes, they’re only a few months away). And some of us are, well, doing absolutely nothing…and happily so. I know that I have stacks of books I’ve been hoping to find time to read, and, hopefully, I’ll get to a few of them this month. Whatever your summer plans are or are not, enjoy this special time of year, embrace it, and come away refreshed and renewed! While summer seems to give us permission to be a little bit lazy, I am reminded of Psalm 121: 4 “The One who guards Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps.” And, if we are created in the image of G-d, then it would seem to me that, even in the lazy dog-days of summer, it would behoove us to pay attention to what’s happening, both here in Las Vegas “The One who and across the world; and not just as observers, but, where possible as participants. The world is somewhat volatile these days, and if we guards Israel neither slumbers simply watch as wrongs are not righted, we become part of the problem. Eli Weisel, the Holocaust survivor, professor, author, and Nobel nor sleeps.” Psalm 121: 4 Peace Prize winner (1986) once said: “The opposite of love is not hate, but indifference.” I’m sad to say, “indifference” is alive and well in Las Vegas. Some of the things on my list of concerns are: BDS, the rise of Anti-Semitism, the disregard for self-education in the Jewish community, and the “seeming disappearance” of involved Jewish males in institutional life. They may not be on your list, but let me explain why they are on mine.

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“BDS” (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions) is a worldwide campaign that is attempting to increase political and economic pressure on Israel to end what is incorrectly termed Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands, to achieve full equality for Arab-Palestinians and the application of a “right of return” for Palestinian refugees. Since the summer of 2005, Palestinian NGOs have been calling for varying kinds of boycott, divestment, and sanctions, internationally, against Israel. They have used the term “apartheid” against Israel. Citing a number of antiIsrael United Nations’ resolutions, incredibly, the BDS movement has achieved traction, and threatens to delegitimize Israel’s right to exist. It is very dangerous, and, I think what bothers me the most, is how many Jews actually buy into the BDS hype. Self-hating Jews? No, I don’t think so; but I do believe they are poorly educated or misled Jews. BDS plays into the growing incidents of anti-Semitism that have arisen in Europe, and to a lesser extent, even here in the United States. Sometimes disguised as anti-Israel sentiments, the rise in anti-Semitism has been accompanied with a rise in violence against Jews. Historically, inexplicably, the Hebrew months of Tammuz and Av have often been tragic. I pray that history doesn’t repeat itself this summer. While I am gratified at the number of members of Congregation P’nai Tikvah who have availed themselves of the learning opportunities made possible by CPT, the Melton School for Adult Jewish Learning, the JCC, ALEPH, and other Jewish studies programs, I am saddened by how hard it is to motivate the larger segment of the community to become lifelong learners. One of the excuses I have heard is “it takes too long”…Referring to the two year commitment for the Melton program’s core curriculum, or even the 18 months or so those who wish to become B’nei Simchat Chochmah. The two years or 18 months go by anyhow, and those who have made the effort to participate in those learning programs become intellectually enriched, and those who complain that it “The two years or 18 takes too long are simply two years or 18 months older, with months go by anyhow, and those who have made no educational growth to account for the time that has passed. the effort to participate in If you wish to become more Jewishly educated, remember those learning programs that Hillel said “If I am not for myself, who will be for me; become intellectually en- and if I am only for myself, what am I; and if not now, riched, …” when?!” Seriously consider signing up for some form of Jewish education course this Fall. If not now, when?

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The fourth item on my immediate list of concerns this summer is a disturbing trend that I’ve observed over the past twenty years or so; I call it the disappearance of the American Jewish male in institutional leadership. While it has been wonderful to see how women have taken upon themselves opportunities for leadership, there seems to be an unfortunate decrease in participation in Jewish leadership by males. Even right here in CPT, the number of men who have stepped up to active participation in leadership roles might be measured on less than two hands. Why is this so? I don’t know, “Think about it… but I hope I see a change for the better. While Stan Zuckerman I invite you to prove attempted to pull together a men’s interest group several years me wrong.” ago, there has been no one since who has done so. How many men might be interested in a men only retreat? (I’ve heard that some of the guys wish we would have one…or a couples retreat…or just open up the annual Women’s Rosh Chodesh retreat to men as well. But no male has stepped up and said, “Rabbi, how can I help make this happen?” Think about it…I invite you to prove me wrong. Of course, to be perfectly honest, I have additional concerns, but I’m going to concentrate on the four I have enumerated and hope that this summer will see more Jews standing up against BDS, will see the world stand up against those who would discredit Jews, will see more Jews standing up to improve their own Jewish education, and will see more adult Jewish men stepping up to become more involved in the leadership of their communities, beginning right here at Congregation P’nai Tikvah. Want to discuss what’s on your mind this summer? Let’s set up a time to get together and schmooze. L’Shalom,

Rabbi Yocheved Mintz


Cantor’s Notes A Note From the Cantor At this past Shavuot, I had the honor of chanting the Ten Commandments with Scott Linker in celebration, not only of the holiday, but of Sabrina’s becoming a Bat Mitzvah. If you were not there, it was an incredible experience as we chanted from the top of our own “Mount Sinai” a small mound on the grassy knoll near the Rabbi’s home. Reading from the Torah there, and having those who attended the service standing at the bottom of the little hill, reminiscent of our Israelite ancestors standing below Moshe, gave me a great feeling of wonderment and joy. Perhaps I felt a little like Moshe proclaiming the words of God in grand fashion. The trope, the symbols that indicate the melodies that make up the chant, of the Ten Commandments are one of the most unique verses of the Torah. The regular trope, similar to the trope chanted for V’ahavta, is one version. The symbols used to indicate what melody to use are mostly below the words in the books that show them. When chanting the Ten Commandments in this trope, the paragraphs are made up of several sentences. We call the ending of a sentence a sof pasook. The other way to chant is much grander. We call it the high t’amim, or the “high tropes”. When chanting with the high trope, the paragraphs are all one sentence. The sof pasook only comes at the end of the paragraph. The trope melodies used are bigger, longer, and much more dramatic. The trope symbols used here are mostly above the letters, thus the “High Trope”. I used the high trope at Shavout, and, indeed, as I delivered the message in high tropes from high atop the knoll, it was a spiritual high, a “peak” experience, for me, as well. These verses also have a little more significance for me because this was the portion I had to chant for my teacher, Cantor Eli Schleifer, for my first year trope class final. And yes, we all had to chant the high trope. I remember how hard I worked to learn it, and the struggle it first was for me. Basically I just got through it but now, thanks to Eli, I only had to review the portion, and was able to add more drama to my reading, and really feel as if I was telling the Children of Israel the laws that make us who we are. On a sadder note last month saw the passing of one of the great cantors of this era, Lawrence Avery. He was a cantor, composer and teacher. He taught at the Hebrew Union CollegeJewish Institute of Religion-Debbie Friedman School of Music and the Jewish Theological Seminary, and served as cantor and cantor emeritus at Beth El Synogogue in New Rochelle, NY. May his memory be for blessing. L’Shalom, Cantor Marla Goldberg 5

President’s Message In a few more months, we will be attending the High Holiday services, a time of reflection of where we have been and where we are going as individuals. A time for us to consider how we can be a better person. For the board, this time of reflection begins now, as July 1, begins our “formal” new year. It is a time to review current programs and a time for us to consider what new programs should be developed to meet the needs of our Congregation for the 20152016 calendar year. It is a time for us to approve our projected operating budget. Behind the scenes, Vice-President Jackie Ackerman is working with her team and with Rabbi Teutsch of the Reconstructionist Organization as we develop a strategic plan for our Congregation. Major issues, concerns and opportunities are being explored.

What makes you want to be a member and stay a member of our Congregation, today and in our future?

As we go through a very specific process, we will be including the membership at different intervals as we answer such questions, as what is our future?, where are we going?, what needs must we meet in order to continue to engage a vibrant Congregation? What changes do we need to make to meet the challenges that include membership, and financial stability in a changing world where affiliation may not be as important to the younger generation? Finally, the ultimate questions, why are you here? What makes you want to be a member and stay a member of our Congregation, today and in our future? We have accomplished so much in the last two years which has enabled us to establish a foundation of which to build upon and build upon this foundation to move to the next level as a religious organization, one on solid financial grounds. That is our ultimate objective as we enter into a new year.

Barbara Holland President of the Board



“ We Are P’nai Tikvah” The Membership/Outreach Committee is embarking on an effort to let us get to know one another better. Each month they will be asking questions of a member and sharing their responses in the newsletter. This month they interviewed Iris Katz

1.What brought you to Congregation P'nai Tikvah? 2. What keeps you involved in P'nai Tikvah? 3. What has P'nai Tikvah brought/added to your life? In response to all your questions Torah ,Torah ,Torah ....I came to study Torah with a friend, Ann Castro who knew Rabbi Mintz and her husband ....and stayed mainly for Rabbi Mintz's insightful Torah Study.. 8

L’Chayim Gala Committee to whom we owe a huge thank you! (Front) Regent Sam Lieberman, (L to R) Jane Kusel and Lynn Pisetzner; (Back) Rabbi Yocheved Mintz 9

L’Chayim Gala The L’Chayim Gala was held at the M Resort on May 30, 2015. It was a beautiful evening with music, family, friends and colleagues from across Rabbi Mintz’s lifetime who attended this special occasion, helping to make it truly a gala event in honor of the 10th year of Rabbi Mintz being the spiritual leader of Congregation P’nai Tikvah. Havdallah, outdoor by the poolside was delightful as each person in attendance sang arm in arm. The Lux, the penthouse restaurant atop of the M Resort provided stunning views of the Las Vegas Valley. The food was delicious and the desserts divine. Dancing, singing , laughing and honors abounded. Among the guests in attendance were Dr. Tamar Frankiel, President of Academy of Jewish Religion, CA; Etty Dolgin, director of Moadon Kol Chadash, a Chicago based after-school experience which she co-founded with Rabbi Yocheved Mintz, Elliot Karp, President and CEO of Jewish Federation of Las Vegas; Jeff Metz, Executive Director of JCC; Sam Lieberman, Regent of Nevada System of Higher Education; Michael Naft, District Director for Congresswoman Dina Titus; Jolie Brislin, Executive Director of ADL; Barbara Raben, President of the Board and acting Director for Jewish Family Services Agency, Cantor Marla Goldberg from Congregation P’nai Tikvah; Cantor Jessica Hutchings from Congregation Ner Tamid; Wendy and Laura Kraft-Sussman, Co-Directors of the Kraft-Sussman Funeral Services and Jay Poster, Founder and General Manager of King David Mortuary, and friends and congregants of Congregation P’nai Tikvah. Entertainment was provided by The Mintz Brother’s Band, Ari Mintz, M.D., Steve Mintz, Jonathon Mintz, with Jeffery Mintz on lead vocals, and special guests Lee Mintz and Kristy Mintz; and a surprise serenade to Rabbi Mintz presented by nine of her fourteen grandchildren.


Pictures from the L’Chayim Gala Photos by JN Photography

(L to R )Ann Mandell, Scott Linker and Cantor Marla Goldberg

(L to R )Barbara Raben, Wendy and Laura Kraft-Sussman

(L to R ) Tim Lockett, Ann Mandell and Eileen Ancman

(L to R )Ken and Evelyn Clark (L to R ) Sam Lieberman and Stephanie Paykel continued on page 12


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(L to R ) Jeffery Mintz, Steve Mintz, Ari Mintz and Lee Mintz

(L to R ) Jacqueline Ackerman, Barbara Holland, Meera Kamegai (L to R ) Kristen Jaeger and Tim Lockett

(L to R ) Maxine Blechman and Jennifer Cohen


Jewlicious Learners End of Year Ceremony, with culminating project: “ Dirah L’Haskir, Apartment for Rent.” Students being promoted to next level: Meyer DeLee, MayLee DeLee, Samantha Holland, Sydney Knepper, Sabrina Linker, and Danica Lockett. They were also the stars of the play Apartment for Rent based on the book Dirah L’Haskir by Leah Goldberg. Joyce Nance and Cole Bush were the videographers, Rabbi Yocheved Mintz and Cantor Marla Goldberg worked with the children in understanding the Hebrew and participating in the video. “In a beautiful valley, Beneath a blue sky. There stands a tower – Five stories high. And who lives in the tower?” In this story we meet four animals who are the tenants of an apartment building, and are trying to rent out an apartment that was previously owned by a mouse. These tenants, who are very different from one another, are a fat hen, a tidy black cat, a cuckoo bird whose children live in others’ nests, and a voracious squirrel who cracks nuts all day. The potential tenants who come to look at the apartment all seem to like it, but each has reservations about one of the neighbors. The hard-working ant says it will not live with a “lazy hen.” The motherly rabbit won’t live with a cuckoo bird who “neglects” her offspring. The white pig won’t live with the cat just because of the color of her fur. The musically sophisticated nightingale can’t stand the noise raised by the nut-cracking squirrel. And at last comes the dove, the universal symbol of Peace. She is not too impressed by the apartment itself, but finds merit in each of the neighbors and decides to live in their good and peaceful company. Over the year, the older children developed dictionary skills and learned some rudimentary Hebrew grammar in order to translate the Hebrew of this classic story, written by Leah Goldberg. As the children became more aware of what they were translating, conversations grew and the students became more and more aware of the story of tolerance and understanding that was the moral of the narrative. By the end of the year, the children not only learned new vocabulary, new skills, how to operate puppets, and how to participate in video-taping sessions, but, more importantly, the students developed a keen sensitivity regarding how to treat one another, how to be kind to those who are different than you, and how to stand up against bullying and bigotry. We are grateful to congregants, Joyce Nance and Colene Bush, for the hours of volunteer time video-taping and editing “Dirah L’Haskir/Apartment to Rent” To watch the video, in Hebrew, with English subtitles, please go to .


Pictures from Jewlicious Learners End of Year Ceremony, with culminating project: “ Dirah L’Haskir, Apartment for Rent.”

MayLee DeLee

MayLee DeLee

Meyer DeLee

Meyer DeLee

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continued from page 14 Danica Lockett

Danica Lockett

Sydney Knepper

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Sabrina Linker

Sabrina Linker

Sami Holland

Sami Holland




Reconstructionist News You Can Use Hazon 2015 New York Ride Looking for a fun way to cycle with new and old friends while also giving back to your community? Sign-up for the 2015 Hazon New York Ride! This exciting weekend retreat is a fullysupported ride and community experience for people of all cycling levels and ages. You’ll enjoy canoeing, hiking, yoga, food demos, farm tour, goat milking, a dance party, and, of course, cycling through the Berkshires and the Hudson Valley. Spend Shabbat at Hazon’s home at Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center in Falls Village, Connecticut. (Non-riders are invited to join by supporting the cyclists on the road as members of the crew.) Mini-grants are available for teams of 4+ people to benefit your synagogue or the Reconstructionist movement! Learn more or register at

5776 Pocket Calendars Pocket calendars are once again available through the Reconstructionist Press. These handy little calendar books are great for keeping track of appointments and holidays in the upcoming Jewish year. They also include contact information for the Reconstructionist movement's offices and a directory of Reconstructionist affiliates. Order your calendar today at http://

To inquire about creating or joining a team, email

Jewish Gap Year Program in Portland, OR, Seeks Adventurous and Visionary 17-20 Year-Olds! $1,000 discount for Reconstructionist-affiliated participants! Additional need-based financial aid is also available at this time. Tivnu Gap Year is 9 months of hands-on, Jewish social justice engagement. Participants live together, create community, discover the Pacific Northwest, and explore connections between Jewish life and social justice with their heads, hands, and hearts. Options include the Building track or the new Direct Service and Advocacy track. Building Track: Participants learn and apply construction skills by building affordable housing projects with Habitat for Humanity Portland/Metro East. Participants also intern one day a week with local direct service and advocacy groups. Direct Service and Organizing Track: Participants work hands-on with local social justice organizations that align with their particular interests, including affordable housing/homelessness, food security, and environmental justice. Possible placements include JOIN, Portland Homeless Family Solutions, Street Roots, and Sisters of the Road. Participants in both tracks grapple with the complex issues of housing and related social justice issues through general and Jewish perspectives. To learn more, please visit or contact Steve Eisenbach-Budner at or 503.232.1864.


Pictures from Shavuot Services and Sabrina Ani Linker becoming a Bat Mitzvah Photography by Syd Rabin

Rabbi Yocheved Mintz and Sabrina Ani Linker


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Scott Linker, father of Sabrina and Sabrina Ani Linker

Sabrina Ani Linker and Cantor Marla Goldberg

Sabrina Ani Linker and Ariel Cole, mother of Sabrina

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Rabbi Yocheved Mintz and Sabrina Ani Linker

Danica Lockett, MayLee DeLee, Sami Holland and Rabbi Yocheved Mintz

Sabrina reading from the Torah

Rabbi Yocheved assisting Hagbah (person lifting the Torah), Nancey Eason & Gelilah (person dressing the Torah), Dotti Elgart

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Above: Sami Holland blows the shofar as Sabrina Linker looks on; Bottom Left: Michael DeLee with the newest DeLee, Maple DeLee. Bottom Right: MayLee DeLee


SIGN UP TO SPONSOR AND/OR CATER AN ONEG Our first and third Friday evening services create space for people to socialize, to talk over the ideas Rabbi Mintz has shared in her sermon, and to meet one another. Sponsoring and/or catering the Oneg Shabbat is a lovely way to share joy of Shabbat with the community. Any reason is a good reason to sponsor and/or cater an Oneg! Perhaps you are marking a special event (a birth, baby-naming, engagement, wedding, anniversary, graduation, bar/bat mitzvah) or you want to remember a loved one in a special way, or celebrate a return to health, a new job…or any reason. We welcome you to sign up to provide a simple buffet to be enjoyed by all. Feeding others is a nourishing experience in so many ways! Foods to consider: Easily served finger foods such as: cheese/crackers, hummus/pita, nuts, raw veggies, cookies, wasabi peas, pretzels, chips, spreads/crackers, dried fruits, fresh fruit (cut up). Judging quantities: Remember, the Oneg is just a nosh, not a meal! We tend to average about 70 -100 people at services. Set up: We have access to the space at Kraft-Sussman starting at about 1/2 hour before services. Two 6-foot tables will be set up for the Oneg.

June 19

Sponsored and Catered by the Chai Mitzvah Graduating Class Sponsored by Hariet Miller in honor of her 85th birthday

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August 7

Sponsored by Dr. Meera and Dr. Minao Kamegai in honor of Meera’s 85th Birthday Catered by

Aug 21

Sponsored by and/or Catered by

Sept 4

Sponsored by and/or Catered by

Sept 18

Sponsored and Catered by Wil Wilreker and Debbie Eidelman

Oct 2

Sponsored by and/or Catered by

Oct 16

Sponsored by and/or Catered by

Nov 6

Sponsored by and/or Catered by

Nov 20

Sponsored by and/or Catered by

Dec 4

Sponsored by and/or Catered by

Dec 18

Sponsored and Catered by Wil Wilreker and Debbie Eidelman

Jan 1

Sponsored by Meyer DeLee Catered by

Feb 5

Sponsored by and/or Catered by

Feb 19

Sponsored by and/or Catered by

March 4

Sponsored by and/or Catered by

March 18 Sponsored by and/or Catered by April 1 April 15 May 6

Sponsored by and/or Catered by Sponsored by Harriet Bernstein for Roz Tessler’s Birthday Catered by Sponsored by Roz Tessler in memory of Jerry Bernstein Catered by

May 20

Sponsored by MayLee DeLee and Catered by Nancey Eason

June 3

Sponsored by and/or Catered by

June 17

Sponsored by and/or Catered by 24

Minao Kamegai Joey Goodrich Lynda French Marie Ackerman Mary Benstock Alexandra Goodrich Paula Dean Tim Lockett Edward Benstock Rick Bindhamer Gayla & John Wennstrom

7-Jul 11-Jul 15-Jul 16-Jul 17-Jul 17-Jul 20-Jul 25-Jul 28-Jul 30-Jul 3-Jul

Jewlicious Learners Classes continue in the October 2015, day



noons at the Rabbi’s home, from 4:15 to 6:00, October to June. Fall Registration is open. For $40.00 a prayer book can either be purchased for personal use or be dedicated to the congregation “In Memory” or “In Honor of” and a card from CPT will be sent to the family. The prayer book plate will be placed on the inside cover of our new Kol HaNeshamah siddur.


“Congregation P’nai Tikvah 2015 Women’s Retreat Life Passages and Personal Milestones: An Exploration of Ritual and Spirit”

Facilitated by Rabbi Yocheved Mintz

August 14th-16th, 2015 Mount Charleston Lodge $295.00 includes sharing a cabin and meals $180.00 event only Contact 702.436.4900 to RSVP Payment in Full required by July 29, 2015


Morris DeLee -Remembered by Michael DeLee Allan Lytel -Remembered by Laurie Lytel Don Mandell -Remembered by Ann Mandell Sophie Margolis -Remembered by Zelda Goldwater Neal Paykel -Remembered by Gary Paykel Paul Roshkind -Remembered by Jane Kusel

Memorial plaques are available; to honor the departed, to inspire the living. to be remembered in the hearts of those we leave behind is, in a sense, to live forever. For further information, call the Synagogue office at 702-436-4900


COMMUNITY RESOURCES Jewish Free Loan Program-The Jewish Free Loan Program (JFL) was established by the Jewish Federation and administered by the Jewish Family Service Agency to assist members of our Jewish community with short-term, no-interest loans of up to $2,500. For more information about the Jewish Free Loan Program please contact Renea Parr at the Jewish Family Service Agency ( or 702-732-0304. United Way Fund for Families-Our Jewish Federation has a close working partnership with United Way and the Marilyn & Tom Spiegel Fund for Families. The fund was established by the Spiegel's to specifically address financial needs for families with children who are struggling to make "ends meets" and who are committed to providing a wholesome family environment for their children in spite of short-term financial insecurity. To learn more about this program please contact Elliot Karp at or 702-732-0556.

Find us on the second floor of Center for Social Justice in Houssels House, across from the Architecture Library. Matthew Kramer-Morning | Director, The Hillel Jewish Student Center at UNLV Sigesmund Center | 2317 Renaissance Drive | Las Vegas, NV 89119 Email:


Congregation P’Nai Tikvah has 27 households signed up, which has earned us $750.00 in the last year. OUR SMITH’S NPO NUMBER IS 61229. TO USE THE SMITH’S COMMUNITY REWARDS PROGRAM: Register online at · Customers must have a registered Smith’s rewards card account to link to your organization. · If you does not yet have a Smith’s rewards card, they are available at the customer service desk at any Smith’s. · Click on 'Create and Account' box · Sign up for a Smith’s Rewards Account entering your email address and creating a password, by entering zip code, clicking on favorite store, agreeing to the terms and conditions. · A message will show up for you to check your email inbox and then click on the link within the body of the email. · Click on “My Account” and use your email address and password to proceed to the next step. · Click on Edit Smith’s Community Rewards information and input your Smith’s rewards card number. · Update or confirm your information. · Enter NPO number or name of organization, select organization from list and click on confirm. · To verify you are enrolled correctly, you will see your organization’s name on the right side of your information page. · Do you use your phone number at the register? Call 800-576-4377, select option 4 to get your Smith’s rewards card number. · Members must swipe their registered Smith’s rewards card or use the phone number that is related to their registered Smith’s rewards card when shopping for each purchase to count. TO USE THE VON'S ESCRIP PROGRAM Click on this link: Fill out the questionnaire. If you do not know your Von's Reward Card Number call: 1.877.723.3929 and they can assist you in retrieving that information.


Nid’vei Lev- Donations from the Heart Rabbi Discretionary Fund David Aris Harriet Bernstein, in memory of Yetta Tessler In blessed memory In memory of my father, Isidor Baum from Marian Baum In blessed memory of John Billingsley In memory of Anne Jacboson, mother of Elynne Jacobson from Elynne Jacobson In blessed memory of Dr. Alan Mintz from Anita Lewy In blessed memory of Yetta Tessler from Roz Tessler In gratitude In gratitude for Rabbi Mintz doing a Hannukat HaBayit from Eda Eichal In honor of In honor of Rabbi Yocheved Mintz from Frank and Fran Abbott In celebration of my 75th Birthday from Marian Baum In honor of Rabbi Yocheved Mintz’s ten years of service to Congregation P’nai Tikvah from Forrest Dunaetz “Rabbi Mintz, may you celebrate many more Happy Birthdays” from Anita Lewy In honor of Rabbi Yocheved Mintz from Rabbi Stephen and Cantor Eva Robbins In honor of Rabbi Mintz’s ten years of service to Congregation P’nai Tikvah from Adrianne Rubin In honor of Rabbi Mintz’s ten years from Devra Weiss Nid’vei Lev Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Davis Rick and Susan Bindhamer



July 10 July 17 July 24 July 25 July 31 August 7 August 8 August 14-16 August 21 August 22 August 23 August 25 August 31 September 1 September 4 September 5 September 6 September 7 September 13 September 14 September 15 September 18 September 19 September 21 September 22 September 23 September 27 September 27 -October 6 September 28 September 29 October 6 October 11 October 19

CALENDAR AT A GLANCE: Shabbat Across the Valley at the Home of Meyer DeLee Shabbat Across the Valley-TBD Shabbat Across the Valley at the Home of Jane Kusel Tisha B’Av Shabbat Across the Valley at the Home of Rabbi Yocheved Mintz 6:30 PM Tot Shabbat, Kabbalat and Ma’ariv at the Kraft Sussman Chapel 10:00 AM Torah Study-Par’shat Ekev at the Home of Rabbi Mintz 12:00 Noon-Annual CPT Women's Rosh Chodesh Retreat-Mt. Charleston 7:30 PM Kabbalat and Ma’ariv at the Kraft Sussman Chapel 10:00 AM Torah Study-Par’shat Shoftim at the Home of Rabbi Mintz 11:00 AM Brunch with Brilliants featuring George Cohan 6:30 PM Jewish, Alive and American 4:15 PM Jewlicious Learners 6:30 PM Jewish, Alive and American 6:30 PM Tot Shabbat, Kabbalat and Ma’ariv at the Kraft Sussman Chapel 10:00 AM Torah Study-Par’shat Ki Tavo at the Home of Rabbi Mintz Selichot Labor Day-Office Closed 7:00 PM Rosh HaShanah 5776 Service-Sunset Station 10:00 AM Rosh HaShanah 5776 Service-Sunset Station 6:30 PM Jewish, Alive and American 7:30 PM Kabbalat and Ma’ariv at the Kraft Sussman Chapel 10:00 AM Torah Study-Par’shat Vayelech at the Home of Rabbi Mintz 4:15 PM Jewlicious Learners 7:00 PM Erev Yom Kippur Service-Kol Nidrei-Sunset Station 10:00 AM Yom Kippur 5776-Sunset Station 11:00 AM Brunch with Brilliants featuring Debora Barner Sukkot, Hoshana Rabbah, Shemini Atzeret, Simchat Torah 4:15 PM Jewlicious Learners 6:30 PM Jewish, Alive and American 6:30 PM Jewish, Alive and American 7:00 PM Women’s Rosh Chodesh-TBD 4:15 PM Jewlicious Learners

Blessing for the Month of Av Now is the time to slow down and reflect on our personal accomplishments and our personal losses over the past year. May we be blessed with the ability to rectify any lack of inner or outer harmony in our life, and may it begin this month. Amein. 32

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