Congregation P'nai Tikvah's Kol Kiruv - June 2017– Sivan / Tammuz 5777

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Congregation P’nai Tikvah is... Congregation P’nai Tikvah meets on the 1st and 3rd Shabbat of the Month 2685 South Rainbow Blvd, STE 108 Las Vegas, Nevada 89146 Happenings


Raising a Mensch?


From Rabbi Pam


ADL Walk


Note from the Cantor


Kidz Korner


From Sam, Barbara and Rabb Mintz


Yad Squad and Jewlicious Learning




Celebration, Yahrzeit and Nidei Lev


First Prize for CPT!


Calendar at a Glance


Congregation P’nai Tikvah will worship on Shabbat, June 2 and 16 at 2685 South Rainbow Street, STE 108. Tot Shabbat-, Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma’ariv services will begin at 6:30 PM on June 2nd and Shabbat-Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma’ariv services will begin at 7:30PM on June 16th. Torah Study will take place at 9:30 AM on June 3rd and 17th. Congregation P’nai Tikvah meets at 2685 South Rainbow Street, STE 108, Las Vegas, NV 89146 $


Message From Rabbi Pam Frydman Dear Chevreh, It has been an honor and privilege to serve as your Interim Rabbi since August, and I look forward to being with CPT on June 2-4 and again on June 16-18. Thank you to everyone for your warmth and support throughout the year. Tot Shabbat and Adult Worship on Fridays, Torah Study and adult education on Saturdays have been the highlights of my time at CPT and I also have treasured the personal moments celebrating and mourning together and praying for job opportunities, school and job acceptances, and healing. It is an honor to watch us thrive as a community even amidst the financial shortfall from which our leaders have shielded us day to day. Thank you to Rabbi Mintz, Cantor Marla and Maestro Tim Cooper for their warmth and support both throughout the year and especially during this transition. Thank you to Rabbi Mintz and Cantor Marla for making hospital visits and being with those who have lost a loved one. Being interim and living a plane ride away from Las Vegas, it has been especially important for the congregation to have Rabbi Mintz in the saddle every step of the way with Cantor Marla and me at her side. I want to also thank the Board, the Executive Committee and all the other volunteers who have carried us in so many ways and who carry us today on their logistical shoulders with Rabbi Mintz at the helm, donating her time throughout, and donating her time now, to give us the cushion upon which we can rely as I take my leave and as you put your shoulder to the wheel to take CPT forward to the next level in our journey as a congregation. Thank you to Bill Chenoweth who handles sound and keyboard on Rosh Hashanah, and to Ellen Royer and the CPT Choir for adding so much to our high holy day experience. Thank you to Nancey Eason for handling our set up and clean up from August to April and for her ongoing work behind the scenes to ensure that many of the things to which we are accustom are at the ready when we need them. Rabbi Shimon, the son of Rabbi Gamliel said, "All my days I grew up among the sages and I never found anything better for the body than silence. As I take my leave, my role and my visits to Congregation P'nai Tikvah will move into the silence, but the bond between us will continue. My prayers are with you, together with my gratitude. May you find just the right rabbinic student to be at Rabbi Mintz and Cantor Marla's side during the coming year and into the future! Rabbi Pam Frydman


Cantor’s Notes For some reason I’m feeling a little frivolous right now. As I am thinking of what to write this month, all I can hear in my head is the prayer Adon Olam sung to the tune of “Rock Around the Clock”. It’s been going on in my head all week. Then I think of all the other melodies that can be used to sing Adon Olam, and there are many. For some reason, the five stanzas which make up Adon Olam just seem to fit many melodies. Adon Olam has been a part of Jewish liturgy since the 1400’s. We don’t know who wrote the poem but there are three possibilities for authorship. One is Solomon ibn Gabirol (1021–1058) who was known for his Hebrew poetry. Another is Rav Hai Gaon (939-1038) and the third is Yohanan ben Zakkai who was a great sage of the Talmud. Adon Olam is sung at the end of services on Shabbat, weekdays, and holidays. Sometimes the words of the last verse are recited at the deathbed or at a synagogue when a death has been reported. This is due to the words, what is felt to be, the solemn words of the verses. I find this fact interesting as I feel the words are more praising and triumphant than solemn. This hymn speaks of God’s glory, greatness, infinite power, and that as long as I have God with me, I will not fear. This to me is so powerful. Perhaps the power within these words is why it can be sung to so many different melodies. The traditional melodies are few. One of the most popular in American, which many people just know as “Traditional” is by E. Gerovitch. Another popular version is the version composed by Uzi Hitman for the 8th Annual Hasidic Song Festival in 1976 in Israel. I have sung this song to many, not so religious, melodies. As I stated in the first paragraph, “Rock Around the Clock” has been used. My cousins in California sang it to “The Mickey Mouse March”. When in college, my friends and I used to annoy our Hillel leader by singing it to “Amazing Grace”. One of my personal favorite melodies to use is “Ode to Joy” by Beethoven. So, if you want to give me a challenge, give me a melody to sing Adon Olam to, and (if I know the song) I will work it out. And if you want to hear me sing outside of our congregation, come to the cantorial concert on Tuesday, June 27 at Ner Tamid. This concert is part of the American Conference of Cantors/Guild of Temple Musicians conference that will be taking place at the Red Rock Hotel at the end of the month. Cantors from all over the country will be taking part in the concert, so you will get to hear many of my friends and colleagues who are absolutely wonderful. Finally, on a different note, our choir will soon be rehearsing for the High Holy Days. If you love to sing, and want to be a part of making our services very meaningful, please let me, or Ellen Royer know. We’d love to have all who want to sing participate. L’Shalom,

Cantor Marla Goldberg. 3

Message to the Congregation Dear Chevreh: At the end of the school year, our Jewlicious Learning students form a circle and, sing their usual "Shalom Chaverim/Shalom Chaverot" song, and they also sing: "HaYamim chol'fim, shanah overet; aval ha-manginah, aval ha-mak'heilah, aval hachevraiyah tamid nish'eret." The days fly by, the year is over; but the melody and the choir and the friendship will always remain. It's been a year of joyful Jewish learning for our youngsters and, as anyone who observed them following their Siyum can attest, the chevraiyah/friendship that these young people have for one another is a joy to behold. This is not always easy to achieve and is especially notable for a group that sees one another only once a week and occasional Shabbatot. The friendliness of the Jewlicious Learners is one facet of Congregation P'nai Tikvah, our little jewel of a shul; and that was noted in the word cloud that Nancey Eason created on site, based on the feedback of the 43 members who attended the "Stakeholders Meeting" on Sunday, May 21st. At the meeting, conducted by co-President of the Board, Sam Lieberman, and Board Members Judi Stotland and David Clark, Sam laid out the state of the congregation with utmost clarity. Dave shared some graphics indicating our current and projected income and expenses. Judi eloquently referred to our uniqueness and the word cloud reflected the sentiments of those in attendance when they were asked to put down five adjectives they might use to best describe CPT to a stranger. We reviewed the past year and acknowledged how blessed we were to have had Rabbi Pam Frydman as our Interim Rabbi. Do make sure you're at services on June 16th, when she will lead her final service and we will formally thank her. It has been wonderful to see how passionate she has been about this community, how skillfully she has conducted Torah Studies and presented such substantive adult education, and how meaningful her sermons have been. On behalf of the Board and the congregation, we want to thank Rabbi Pam for all she has done for CPT over this interim year. We wish her all the best in her future endeavors. May she be blessed with good health and much mazel wherever her career takes her and we hope she knows she's always welcome at Congregation P'nai Tikvah. At our Stakeholders' Meeting, the Board shared with the membership the reality that it costs approximately $1600 per member to run the congregation and maintain our programs. Membership dues bring in less than a third of our $100,000 budget. Our current fund-raising and ongoing income producing programs bring in a third of the budget. As of now, these are our only sources of income, so we are running continuously at an untenable deficit. In our quest for a rabbi to succeed Rabbi Mintz, it is clear that we cannot currently afford to even continue at our current part-time pay for a part-time rabbi. So, just like a family that finds itself unable to meet its budget, we have to cut some costs, we are looking to increase our income, and we are rolling up our sleeves to pitch in. continued on page 5


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As Judi says: "CPT is a DYI Congregation---do it yourself." We serve a demographic that is not wealthy, but is hopefully willing to pledge (and then pay) what they can realistically afford and also offer "sweat equity." During our members meeting, we broke up into small groups and discussed our reactions to the current challenges. We brainstormed ideas about fundraising and membership outreach, we stressed how important it is for everyone to be an ambassador so we can raise the membership to 90 members for the 2017-2018 fiscal year, and grow from there. And those in attendance at this substantive Stakeholders' Meeting also heard a proposal that Rabbi Mintz had made to the Board, which will allow us to get from behind the eight-ball and allow us to use the upcoming year to work together to bring in sufficient funds so as to build up a cushion, so we will have the funds on hand from which to make an acceptable offer to a new rabbi. Rabbi Mintz's proposal is that she will return to CPT, donating her time. She will preside over the first Shabbat service of each month, and beginning in August, we will bring in a senior Rabbinic student whom she will mentor. The senior Rabbinic student will have her air expenses paid by CPT; she will have home hospitality and the use of a car when she is in town. She will facilitate the second service of the month and have the opportunity to lead an occasional Torah Study, but it will be an unpaid internship. If, at the end of three months, we feel she will be a good fit, we will offer her a contract; if, however, we feel otherwise, the Search Committee (which we will have reconstituted) will go into high gear and resume its search, provided we are on track to being financially ready for the following year. The congregation will use this year to work together to fund-raise and bring in new members. The Board already has negotiated with Indigo Valley to reduce our rent substantially, starting in January; we, in turn, will eliminate programming there for any days other than those on which we have services, and we will help bring in other entities to rent space there so the center will be able to expand its sanctuary footprint and add a kitchen/social hall, a storage room, and a clergy office. Our presence is welcome at Indigo as Pastor Char's concept of an Interfaith Campus cannot be achieved without partners. (They understand our current budget crunch and expressed appreciation for our honest candor; they also know that our success will be their success.) So, this upcoming year will be a year of opportunities. Each of us has a stake in the viability and very future of this holy congregation. Each of us has the responsibility to do his/her part in the endeavor. At the very least, each of us can talk, talk, talk to bring in at least one new family. Each of us can look at our own budgets and see if we can increase our pledge (and be sure to make it something we can each fulfill). Each of us can sign up to serve on three committees, each of which will be chaired by a member of the Board. The Board will get training so it can be more articulate, more transparent, communicate better, cooperate better, and keep its eye on the prize.

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If you were not at the meeting, or if you have not signed up to serve on one or more committees, please contact Judy Stotland at 310-600-0594, and tell her you want to help. Shavuot and Memorial Day herald summer here in Las Vegas. Many of us will be in and out of town over the month of July. We will not hold formal services in July, but will get to know one-another by hosting and/or participating in a Shabbat dinner on either July 7, 14, 21, or 28, in our "Shabbat around the Valley" program. Sign up to host or to be a guest, either when you come to services June 2nd or June 16th or by calling the office, 702-436-4900. Please join us as we all put our shoulders to the wheel and move CPT forward to a new year and a student rabbi who will hopefully become our permanent rabbi. Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi (Reb Zalman) said: "The only way to get it together is...together." Let's do it! Together!! L'Shalom,

Sam Lieberman and Barbara Holland, Co-Presidents Rabbi Yocheved Mintz, Rabbi Emerita/Senior Educator


On June 16th at 7:30 PM, please join us for Shabbat services and a special Oneg honoring Rabbi Pam Frydman as she completes her year as our Interim Rabbi. We look forward to celebrating Rabbi Pam and acknowledging her many contributions to our congregation.


Jewlicious Learners Take First Place

The Jewlicious Learners experiential Jewish educational program of Congregation P'nai Tikvah won the first prize for their poster honoring the 69th anniversary of the establishment of the State of Israel. Their name will be engraved on a trophy that will be in their possession for a year, until next year's Celebrate Israel event.


“Just had to let you know that Austin got into the TOP LVYO orchestra, the philharmonic for next year! Yeah! “

“Sami also got into the Dance school she auditioned for! Yeah!”

Raising a Mensch? Send them to CPT Yad Squad Jewlicious Learning Jewish learning in a “Home School” Environment Call 702.436.4900 for more information


Emma Deal, Rabbi Yocheved Mintz, Danica Lockett join the ADL and walk against hate

Rabbi Mintz, Pastor Charlotte Morgan and Rabbi Pamela Frydman

Jewlicious Learning of Congregation P’nai Tikvah, the ADL and Indigo taking Social Action to stand up against hate.

Three congregations, one address at ADL walk against hate.

Faith and David Silverman and Shayna Davis , CPT members join the ADL and walk against hate.



Meet the All-of-a-Kind Family -- Ella, Henny, Sarah, Charlotte, and Gertie -- who live with their parents in New York City at the turn of the century. Together they share adventures that find them searching for hidden buttons while dusting Mama's front parlor and visiting with the peddlers in Papa's shop on rainy days. The girls enjoy doing everything together, especially when it involves holidays and surprises. But no one could have prepared them for the biggest surprise of all!


Jewlicious Learning & Yad Squad SIGN UP TODAY FOR OUR 2016-2017 SESSION Jewlicious Learning Hands on, experiential learning makes Jewish education fun and meaningful for our youngsters from Kindergarten through B’nai Mitzvah. Working with Rabbi Mintz, Cantor Goldberg, and our caring and engaging teaching staff makes a loving, caring, and motivating environment for our youngsters. Yad Squad (formerly “Teen Torah Tribe”) Post B'nai Mitzvah teens will be meeting from 10:00 to 11:30 on Sunday mornings once monthly this year for continuing education and leadership training. In addition to increasing their skill in "doing Jewish," they will experience: Social Action Opportunities Building self-esteem Building Jewish identity Building Jewish literacy Connecting with other Jewish teens and with the community and being provided with opportunities for positive personal expression.

Yad Squad participants, Austin Royer and Samantha Holland, “doing good” in Las Vegas.


June Birthdays Marc Fox Lynn Pisetzner Emma Deal Rabbi Yocheved Mintz Marian Baum Susan Bindhamer Michael Nussbaum Shayna Davis David Piekarsky

1 June 5 June 8 June 10 June 11 June 17 June 18 June 27 June 27 June

June Anniversaries Gail & Douglas Hansen Susan & Marc Dubin Faith & David Silverman Cindy & Marc Fox Meera & Minao Kamegai

1 June 5 June 10 June 12 June 22 June

For $40.00 a prayer book can either be purchased for personal use or be dedicated to the congregation “In Memory” or “In Honor of” and a card from CPT will be sent to the family. The prayer book plate will be placed on the inside cover of our Kol HaNeshamah siddur. VOLUNTEERISM ABOUNDS AT CPT Homes are always needed for the various activities and meetings of our congregation. Offer a Personal prayer – If you’d like to write your own, please do so. If you would like to see it published in the newsletter. Clergy and Staff Interim Rabbi: Rabbi Pamela Frydman Rabbi Emerita: Rabbi Yocheved Mintz Cantor: Cantor Marla Goldberg Educators: Rabbi Yocheved Mintz and Cantor Marla Goldberg Teacher’s Aide: Austin Royer Bookkeeper: Lynn Pisetzner Treasurer: Lynn Pisetzner

702.436.4900 13

For the Month of June Isidor Baum -Remembered by Marian Baum Estelle Benstock -Remembered by Edward Benstock John Billingsley -Remembered by Lynda French Florian Eidelman -Remembered by Debbie Wilreker Harry Gamerman -Remembered by Iris Katz Elaine Urdang Rafal Greenwald -Remembered by Marti & JD Jenkins Joseph Hewel -Remember by Jackie Ackerman & Family Irmagene Lockett -Remembered by Tim Lockett Sam Margolis -Remembered by Zelda Goldwater Dr. Alan Mintz -Remembered by Rabbi Yocheved Mintz Maxamillion Maurice Mintz -Remembered by Maxine Blechman

Memorial plaques are available; to honor the departed, to inspire the living. to be remembered in the hearts of those we leave behind is, in a sense, to live forever. For further information, call the Synagogue office at 702-436-4900

Anna Berlund Rosin -Remembered by Maxine Blechman Joseph Sokole -Remembered by Dale Gardner Yetta Tessler -Remembered by Harriet Bernstein & Roz Tessler Ann Moore Web -Remembered by Barbara Holland Sarah White -Remembered by Ann Mandell 14

Nid’vei Lev- Donations from the Heart Anita Lewy -In honor of Stan Zuckerman's birthday -In honor of Phyllis & Stan Zuckerman's anniversary -Nid'vei Lev -In memory of Dr. Alan Mintz -In honor of Rabbi Mintz's birthday Harriet Bernstein -Yahrzeit for Jerry Bernstein Judith Levine -Yahrzeit for Eva & Andrew Vayda Dotti Elgart -Nid'vei Lev Walter Carnwright II -Nid'vei Lev Susan Ben Shimon -In honor of Rabbi Mintz Julita Patascher -Yahrzeit for Adelina Solivan


June 1 June 2 June 2 June 3 June 3 June 16 June 17 June 17 June 18 July 7 July 14 July 21 July 28 August 4 August 5 August 14 August 14 August 15 August 16 August 18 August 19 August 21 August 22 August 23 August 28 August 28 August 29 August 30

CALENDAR AT A GLANCE: Shavuot-Yizkor 6:30 PM Tot Shabbat, Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma’ariv Service 7:30 PM Jewish, Alive and American Siyum 9:30 AM Torah Study 7:00 PM Shofar Blowing Workshop 7:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma’ariv Service 9:30 AM Torah Study 7:00 PM-Getting to Know the Masters with Rabbi Pam 10:00 AM Dance of Miriam—Interfaith Worship at Indigo Shabbat Around the Valley-call 702.436.4900 for more info Shabbat Around the Valley-call 702.436.4900 for more info Shabbat Around the Valley-call 702.436.4900 for more info Shabbat Around the Valley-call 702.436.4900 for more info 6:30 PM Tot Shabbat, Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma’ariv Service 9:30 AM Torah Study 4:15 PM Jewlicious Learning 7:00 PM You Shall Be Holy – Mussar 7:00 PM Jewish, Alive and American 7:00 PM Jewish Adult Education Series I 7:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma’ariv Service 9:30 AM Torah Study 4:15 PM Jewlicious Open House 7:00 PM Jewish, Alive and American 7:00 PM Adult Education Series I 4:15 PM Jewlicious Learning 7:00 PM Mussar 7:00 PM Jewish, Alive and American 7:00 PM Adult Education Series I

Blessing for the Month of Sivan We have received the Torah on Shavuot and now we are ready to receive on all levels. Let us be open to the abundance with which G-d has endowed us. May we take these gifts and increase, reciprocally, in giving, committing, and dedicating ourselves to deepening our relationships with one another and with the One. Amen 16

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