Kol Kiruv June 2014
Rabbi's Message
Cantor’s Notes
President’s Message
Brunch with Brilliants
Tikkun Olam
Mazel Tov to Melton Students
Siyum-Jewlicious Learners
Here’s to the Future by C. Fox
Mazel Tov to Talmud Students
Inquiring Minds
CPT Book Club
JWomen’s Rosh Chodesh
On’gai Shabbat, Anniversaries, Birth- 18 days and Mazel Tov Rosh Hashanah Honey Order Info
Kidz Korner
Women’s Rosh Chodesh Retreat
Community Rewards Programs
Red Tent Mini Series
Nid’vei Leiv—From the Heart
Contribution Form
Calendar at a Glance
Vol. 20—No. 13
Friday June 6th Tot Shabbat at 6:30 PM Annual Meeting and Election of Board Members and Officers at 7:00 PM Kabbalat Shabbat and Maariv Service at 7:30 PM
Clergy and Staff Rabbi: Yocheved Mintz Cantor: Marla Goldberg Accompanist: Timothy Cooper Newsletter: Nancey Eason Educator: Rabbi Mintz Bookkeeper: Lynn Pisetzner Office Administrator: Nancey Eason
Congregation P’nai Tikvah will worship on Shabbat, June 6th & 20th at Kraft-Sussman Chapel, in the Bank of Nevada Business Park at 3975 S. Durango, Suite 104, in Las Vegas. Tot Shabbat will be held on June 6th at 6:30 PM. Kabbalat Shabbat and Maariv services will begin on June 6th at 7:00 PM and on June 20th at 7:30 PM. Torah Study will take place at 10:00 AM on June 7th & 21st at Rabbi Mintz’s home. A bagels and lox brunch is served. Please RSVP by emailing
Message from the Rabbi “If They Asked Me, I Could Write a Book…” Dear Chevreh, Last month, we lost a very special part of our P’nai Tikvah family, D’vora Turrentine. She had been our Administrative Assistant, voice and face of CPT, and my personal assistant for the past nearly seven years. She was more than an employee as she befriended and held in great esteem everyone she met, she had the knack of making each person feel that he or she was the only person who mattered to her, and she had the innate spirit to brighten up the room…spiritually as well as physically. She was unique. Noting my personal relationship with D’vora (she didn’t like her given name of “Doris”), several people have asked me to write a book about it. Well, normally I would shake that suggestion off, but, the truth is (as the song goes) “if they asked me, I could write a book.” Whether our relationship was more like Naomi and Ruth or soul sisters, it was definitely more than employer/employee. D’vora and her family became part of our family. D’vora was my student and, truth be told, I was hers. She came into my life about ten years ago, when I first became involved with the Clark County Ministerial Association and the Interfaith Council of Southern Nevada. She was working with SafeNest and came across as a bright, competent, advocate for women in situations of domestic abuse. In 2007, she lost that job and I suggested to the Board of Rabbis of Southern Nevada that she might be just the person to fill the position of Administrative Assistant….a very part-time position, but, as it turns out, she filled it beautifully. Shortly after the death of my late husband, Alan (z”l), I felt it would be wise to get an assistant to help me with administrative duties with the congregation and with my increasing responsibilities in the greater Jewish community (and, at that time, with my duties as President of OHALAH, the professional organization for clergy in the Jewish Renewal movement). D’vora was in need of a full-time job and I was in need of full-time help…and, through what we both believe was Divine providence, I hired her. Over the years, we both grew to respect each other greatly. Our conversations would frequently become deep discussions on theology, spirituality, and liturgy. Our working relationship became and deep and abiding friendship…evident to all. (We sometimes wondered whether Alan had done some world-to-come intervention to see to it that D’vora and I would come to be in each other’s life.) continued on page 3
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She and her husband Palmie attended two of my grandchildren’s b’not mitzvah Shabbatot, and they loved the experience….and how they danced up a storm at the parties. We rejoiced in each other’s simchas (and, yes, her ability to use Hebrew and Yiddish greetings astounded many), and we were there for one another during the hard times. Her personal battle against ovarian cancer was fought with incredible grace and indomitable spirit. Enduring surgery and bout after bout of chemotherapy, D’vora maintained a positive attitude and an unfailing faith. Her public persona was elegant; her relationship to G-d, unfailing. But when her illness ultimately overcame her ability to survive, she felt she was “healed.” She knew her body could not survive, but she had such a sense of wellbeing that she was truly at peace. She made her hospice caregivers feel good, calmed her medical personnel, inspired the people in her church…and all of us. D’vora so wanted to go to Israel; and I was hoping we would make it, but it was not to be. Those of you who attended the levaya (funeral), witnessed Pastor Donald Bronson and I honoring the memory of this special woman with traditions of both her Christian heritage and those of our Jewish heritage, reflecting the love she shared with both congregations. What you may not have seen was what happened when I was about to sprinkle the earth from Israel on her lowered casket: Her husband, Palmie, sons Isaiah and Isaac, and daughter Sarai spontaneously stepped forward and opened their palms to me, so that I would pour some of the Israeli soil in their hands and they then sprinkled the earth on her casket. Several years ago, when I introduced her to Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi, the founder of the Renewal movement and one of the greatest minds of our times, she knew that she was in the presence of a holy man; but, Reb Zalman knew that she, too, was a uniquely holy woman. He always asked me how she was doing and like many, prayed for her well-being, and when she passed away, Reb Zalman called me and gave D’vora the great honor of referring to her as a “tzaddeket,” a righteous woman. How blessed was I to have been touched by her life; how blessed were we all. Zeicher tzaddeket li-v’racha—may her memory, the memory of the tzaddeket, D’vorah Turrentine, be for a blessing. If they asked me, I could write a book… L’Shalom,
Rabbi Yocheved Mintz 3
Cantor’s Notes
A Note From the Cantor. Every month I have to think of something I could write for our newsletter. Some months it’s easier than others. What can I write about Jewish music that is informative, and interesting? Sometimes a holiday holds the key to a good article, and sometimes, I just have to sit back and really think. With Jewish music there is a very rich history to discover. So many composers have added their unique skills to our worship repertoire that to discuss them would take many articles, so I would have many months to write about many wonderful musicians, cantors and composers. I am beginning with Saloman Sulzer, considered ‘The father of modern Chazanut’ by cantors and Jewish composers of today. He was one of the first composers to combine classical harmonies and traditional synagogue music. He introduced the use of choirs to modern Jewish worship. The melodies he composed are still used in synagogues today. In our congregation, we use Sulzer’s High Holyday Shema, his Ein Kamocha during the Torah Service, and what is thought of by many as a “traditional shema” for Saturday morning prayer. He was born Salomon Levi in Hohenems, Austria in 1804. When his family moved to Sulz after being exiled from Hohenems they changed their name to Sulzer. Salomon’s story is a little bit like the story of Samuel. Salomon’s mother dedicated his life to God after he survived nearly drowning in the Alpine River as a child, similarly to Hannah dedicating Samuel to God when she was finally given a child. continued on page 5
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Although he studied the music of the synagogue, and traveled as an itinerant cantor in Germany, Switzerland and France, Sulzer also studied with some of the great secular music teachers of the era. Salomon also befriended Franz Schubert during his lifetime. Salomon became the cantor at the Viennese Seitenstettengasse Temple in Vienna in 1926. He was the cantor there for 45 years. His fame grew in Vienna, and he was known as one of the great tenors, and composers of the time. He was beloved by both the Jewish community and the nonJewish community. The melodies he used in his synagogue were compiled in his most famous work, Shir Zion a two volume anthology of music written by not only Sulzer but by his teacher, Ignaz von Seyfriend and Franz Schubert (the Hebrew pieces by Schubert are glorious). Sulzer was honored for his contribution to modern music in Austria in 1874 when he became a knight of the Order of Franz Joseph and made an “honorable citizen” of Vienna. Sulzer’s choral music was very popular, and as I wrote earlier, we still use some of it today. Salomon was the first of many to bring traditional Jewish music into the modern age. Although he died January 17, 1890, the legacy of his music will live on for generations. On a slightly different thought, it is almost time for our High Holyday choir to begin rehearsing again. We are always looking for new members. If you like to sing, and would like to be a part of our Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur worship, please contact Ellen Royer or me about it. It is a wonderful moving experience to be a part of our wonderful Holyday services. Thank you and L’shalom, Cantor Marla Goldberg
Message from the President: How time flies…I am sure that somewhere in one of the tractates, the Talmud addresses time and accomplishments. In 35 days (who’s counting???), my first year as the president of CPT will come to an end and what a year it has been! With the help of the Rabbi, the Cantor, staff, board members and volunteers, we MADE A DIFFERENCE! Not only did we continue to offer the best Shabbat services (until the next best Shabbat services!), but our educational courses for both our children and adults were “over the top”! From our High Holiday services to our Passover Seder, we prayed together, played together (Purim spiel) and ate together as one very large family who cares very much for each and every member. This year, we raised more money from our Kol Nidre pledges which allowed us to have a very strong first half of our fiscal year. We worked long and hard to make “Grandma Sadie Is Getting Married… Again? a success, along with other fund raisers which supplemented “our donations from the heart” from our membership which helped us to meet our financial goals for the second half of our fiscal year. Our annual meeting is just around the corner on Friday, June 6th at 7pm at the Kraft-Sussman Chapel. The meeting will be followed by our Shabbat services, which will be very full that evening---siyum for Jewlicious Learning and a brief Torah service for Shavuot, as well as Kabbalat Shabbat and Shabbat Maariv. (We will still be holding Tot Shabbat at 6:30.) At the annual meeting, we will report on our past year, summarizing our accomplishments and touching on our upcoming challenges, as well as holding elections for our newest additions to our Board of Directors, re-confirmation of our current directors and officers, and setting our goals for the coming year. If you cannot come, please take the time to send in your proxy, which was sent out by e-mail. If you did not receive a ballot, please contact the CPT office at 702-436-4900. continued on page 7 6
continued from page 6
Please calendar this date, join us at the annual meeting and then celebrate Shabbat with us. I cannot emphasize enough HOW IMPORTANT YOU ARE to the success of our Shul. Our members are our Shul. Without your commitment, dedication and volunteerism, we would not exist. We are expanding the board to its full size of 15 members to better serve you. We met with Rabbi Henry Shreibman who conducted a fantastic workshop for the current and in-coming directors. We plan to continue working with Rabbi Shreibman ( from the national Reconstructionist Organization) who has programs to help train directors, develop strategic plans as well as three year financial operating plans that will guide CPT through the coming and future years. Speaking on behalf of the new board, we appreciate your support and look forward to another banner year. Shabbat Shalom
Barbara Holland President of the Board
Robert Mirisch was a motion picture and television attorney and business affairs executive in Los Angeles for over 40 years. He has been teaching film and film history courses in the UNLV Olli Program (Osher Lifetime Learning Institute) for 8 years and has a blog,, on classic films. His fascinating lectures on these topics are a favorite throughout the Las Vegas area.
Building off legislative success, interfaith group eyes new set of social concerns L.E. Baskow - Rabbi Yocheved Mintz gives the closing prayer concluding the Nevadans for the Common Good Second Community Convention at the Cashman Center on Tuesday, May 13, 2014. She is with the Congregation P'Nai Tikvah By Ellen Wager (contact) Wednesday, May 14, 2014 | 2 a.m.
Elder issues. Immigration. Education. Human trafficking. These issues touch hundreds of thousands of people in the Las Vegas Valley. On Tuesday night, more than 1,500 people — from elected officials to church-going families — came to the Cashman Center Theater to show their support for Nevadans for the Common Good's efforts to assist Las Vegans struggling with these issues. Two years ago, Nevadans for the Common Good began as a group of 12 faith-based organizations dedicated to working collaboratively to effect change. The nonprofit group has grown to 33 member organizations. At the group's second convention Tuesday night, representatives of faith- and community-based organizations lauded NCG's victories — including lobbying for and helping to pass Assembly Bill 67, which strengthened Nevada's laws regarding sex trafficking. It was signed into law in 2013. Speakers also issued challenges to several elected and appointed officials, seeking their support to continue working on social issues that affect valley residents. Among them: • Elder abuse in unlicensed group homes • Public transportation issues facing the elderly, disabled and veterans • Respite care and family caregivers • Immigration • Education
To learn more about CPT’s involvement with Nevadans for the Common Good contact Nancey Eason at SOURCE: REPAIR OF TRANSPORTATION WITH DISEMMINATION OF INFORMATION
Veterans Medical Transportation Network / Downtown & Veterans Medical Center Express The Veterans Medical Transportation Network (VMTN) provides effective and efficient transportation to Veterans throughout Southern Nevada. This service gives a viable option to Veterans who are in need of medical related transportation and includes transport to but not limited to VA clinics, primary care physicians and the Veterans Medical Center. This program provides a one-call option for Veterans needing transportation to and from medical appointments. The goal of the VMTN is to provide transportation to all in need of the service and is constantly looking for ways to maximize the limited funding for the program. This first come first serve program will continue to serve as a much needed transportation and is constantly looking for ways to provide a more efficient and reliable service to those who gave so much in defending our nation.
continued on page 10
continued from page 9 Am I eligible for service? If you are eligible to receive treatment as VASNHS or have a medical appointment, you are eligible for this service. You and your family members must have a valid ID or documentation at time of pick-up and the card must be shown to the driver before being transported. Valid ID cards include: Veterans Affairs ID, Military ID (DD 214), and Military Dependent ID (DD1173). How do I register or learn more about VMTN? Contact Veterans Medical Transportation Network at (702) 678-VETS (8387) or (702) 676-1834 (TDD) to ask questions, leave comments or suggestions. Or write to: RTC Specialized Services 600.S. Grand Central Pkwy.Ste.350 Las Vegas,NV89106 Attn: VMTN Customer Service Source: on 5/1/2014 at 3:18 PM
Mobility Training What is Mobility Training? Mobility training is a free one-on-one or group training program to help people with disabilities learn to use the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada’s (RTC’s) fixed-route transit system safely and properly. Mobility training is meant to aid people in developing the confidence necessary to travel independently. Am I eligible for the service? If you are disabled and unfamiliar with the RTC transit fixed-route system, you may email or call the RTC’s mobility specialists at (702) 676-1767 to set up an in-home, in-person assessment of your needs. Our mobility specialists will determine your eligibility for the program and be able to get a better understanding of the type of training you will require. Who will conduct the Mobility Training? A qualified mobility specialists from the RTC will provide the training you need. Our trainers will work with your schedule to make sure it is as convenient as possible for you. The mobility training program is available and provided free-of-charge to citizens in the Las Vegas Valley and Boulder City. What will I learn? During the training period, you will be taught how to get to and from the bus, important riding techniques, emergency procedures and how to get to and from specific destinations. Our mobility specialists will work with you to plan out your trips using the RTC Transit Guide and you will be taught how to maneuver your mobility aid, if necessary, on and off the bus using devices such as ramps, lifts, courtesy seats and security straps. You will also learn how to deal with certain situations such as what to do if you miss your bus, get on the wrong bus or get lost. How long will the training last? The time spent on training is based completely on individual need. Mobility training is a gradual process that begins with learning community orientation shells, map reading and routing shells and safety information. Training then moves to the RTC fixed route vehicles where you will ride with an RTC mobility specialist who will show you everything you need to know to travel independently. What are the benefits of Mobility Training? Mobility training will provide you with the independence you desire and enable you to travel where you want, when you want. As an independent traveler, you will be able to rely less on family and neighbors and have the freedom to plan your trips according to your own schedule. Using the RTC fixed-route transit system is less expensive than driving, using Paratransit or taxi service, and you won’t have to schedule your trips in advance. How do I get started? You can start by calling or emailing our mobility specialists at (702) 676-1767 to set up an appointment for your in-home assessment. When you call, please be prepared to provide your name, address and telephone number.
Congratulations are in order for Dale Gardner, Jerry Shapiro, and Roz Tessler, who were part of the graduating class of the Second Cohort of the Florence A Melton School for Adult Jewish Learning, Tuesday evening, May 21st. Completing the two year course of the fabulous curriculum of text based Jewish studies, written by faculty of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the graduates were presented with certificates of Jewish learning. The evening included greetings from Elliot Karp, President and CEO of Federation, an award of appreciation to Paul Schiffman, of the Adelson School, words from teachers Rabbi Kalman Schorr, Shlomo Sherman, and our own Yocheved Mintz, who is also the founder of the Melton program here in Las Vegas. As we become more and more of a learning community, we rejoice in the increasing numbers of members of Congregation P’nai Tikvah who commit to the Melton program. Although the commitment includes once a week attendance at the two- hour sessions for two years, there are no homework and no tests. Ask Jerry, Roz, or Dale or Meera Kamegai and Wendy Kraft, members of the first cohort, and you will hear the enthusiasm and joy that comes with being a Melton student. If you’re interested in finding out more about the course, contact Rabbi Mintz.
Here's to the Future By Cindy Fox as published on
Psalm 8:4 Infant tongues testify to Your strength, In spite of Your adversaries Even thus do You silence Your enemies. Midrash on Psalm 8:4 • derived from "The Greatest Jewish Stories Ever Told" The mixed multitude of the people of Israel, having been liberated from that narrow place-Mitzrayim--were gathered bamidbar, in the wilderness, at the bottom of Mount Sinai to receive the Torah. The Holy One wanted nothing more than to entrust these beloved people with the perfect gift, a treasure for all time-- the Torah. So precious was this gift, The Holy One, wanted to make sure that the Israelites would understand how important a gift this was...and use it and cherish it and live by it for all time. So G!d asks for a surety. Their guarantee. The people of Israel can't imagine what they could possibly give to G!d for this most precious gift...After staying up all night long, they finally find the answer. Their only surety must be their most precious gift in this world...their children. And at that very moment in time. G!d pours out the Torah into their little ones. "Out of your mouths, my little ones, have I given the Torah to all the people Israel and to all the world! As they live by it, so shall you live, And as you live, so shall the world remain alive!"
Erev Shavuot And a wise friend of mine replied: "Maybe what this all means is that our children have more faith in the future than we have." We're commiserating about the back breaking burdens of our children's transition to adulthood. It's the week before Shavuot. My husband is deployed across the other side of the world. My 21 year old, Hal, decides NOW is the time to move into his own apartment. We're battling every day. I hear myself saying things like: "Right now all you have to worry about is saving money and getting yourself into a car." "You have a roof over your head, food to eat, and transportation." "How are you going to be able to afford the apartment, the security deposit, the utilities, the food, the car, the insurance." "Do you know what a risk this is." "What happens if you don't find a fulltime job or income to support this." And he's looking at me like I'm his enslaver. I'm his Mitzrayim...his narrow place. I call my parents in 3,000 miles away they can do something!? Actually they do. My Dad calms me down... and says, "Look at this as a good thing. If he's pushing for independence this hard then he must be ready. Pack him a sandwich!" My friend calls it launching a child. As a grownup I like to see all the "ducks" in order before making choices. continued on page 14
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My order: Get a full-time job Save money Get a car Get a better year-round job Save more money Have the security deposit for rent Have a 'cushion' for furniture Move! Hal's order: Move! Figure it all out later. Invite friends to share the apartment with me. No, they don't have jobs...yet. Hope it works out. Continue to borrow my mother's car. Take the old furniture in our house. Why is my mom screaming at me? And I was thinking: How profound, especially counting down to Shavuot. They say G!d sends us children to teach us the lessons that we refuse to learn as adults. A shehecheyanu moment in time. We wouldn't have made it to this day if it hadn't been for that hopeful optimistic view that it will work out no matter what. We appreciate and celebrate these moments. Our people know how to embrace the unknown. Miriam took her tambourine. Nachson ben Aminadav took that first jump into the sea. Made me think that the folks who were up front journeying from Mitzrayim through bamidbar must have been in their 20s!!!! Because as my wise friend said: "Maybe what this all means is that our children have more faith in the future than we have." A truth this Erev Shavuot, I have had to relearn.
Shabbat Around The Valley In what has become a tradition here at Congregation P’Nai Tikvah during the month of July, sign-up for one of our home-hospitality dinners—either as a host or a guest. These dinners are a wonderful and relaxed way to get to know one another and bring in the Shabbat in small groups. Please contact the office at 702.436.4900. 14
Mazel Tov to our Talmud Students!
From right to left: Gloria Granat, Rozlyne Tessler, Stephanie Paykel, Meera Kamegai, Barbara Holland, Jerry Shapiro, David Aris, Nancey Eason, Annie Wolff, Linda Kauffman, Maxine Blechman, in the mirror Rabbi Yocheved Mintz. Not shown: Cantor Phillip Goldstein.
INQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW Why was “Blue” and “White” chosen for the Israeli Flag? How did the Star of David symbol come about? Legend even tells precisely when David Wolffsohn had his brainstorm, namely, that during a meeting in Basel Theodore Herzl raised the question of the Zionist flag. When his proposal of a white banner with seven gold stars failed to marshal a consensus, Wolffsohn stood up and said: "Why do we have to search? Here is our national flag." Upon which he displayed his prayer shawl and showed everyone the national flag: a white field with blue stripes along the margin. “At the behest of our leader Herzl, I came to Basle to make preparations for the Zionist Congress. Among many other problems that occupied me then was one which contained something of the essence of the Jewish problem. What flag would we hang in the Congress Hall? Then an idea struck me. We have a flag — and it is blue and white. The talith (prayer ahawl) with which we wrap ouselves when we pray: that is our symbol. Let us take this Talith from its bag and unroll it before the eyes of Israel and the eyes of all nations. So I ordered a blue and white flag with the Shield of David painted upon it. That is how the national flag, that flew over Congress Hall, came into being.” — David Wolffsohn Source: on 5/13/2014 at 3:22 PM PST. 15
P’nai Tikvah Book Group 5774 WHO:
THE PARTICULARS All members of our Congregation P’nai Tikvah community
July 17, 2014 @ 6:45 PM
Home of Jane Kusel 2645 Evening Sky Drive Henderson, NV 89052 702-407-5077 (H)
The 4th of 4 evenings translated into 4 journeys of the senses through shared dissections of the readings below. *Limited to 12 voices-please RSVP in a timely fashion
Remaining Selections for This Year July Book: COMING OF AGE...AGAIN
Carol B. Mizrahi
Lighter fare for hot days, the humor, moxie and wisdom of four friends finds its voice around the table of a weekly mahjongg game. Barbara, Irene, Rochelle, and Sylvia understand that their carefully orchestrated lives are falling apart and prove that "coming of age" can happen more than once.
It’s not too soon to suggest books for next year. To do so, please send your suggestions directly to Jane Kusel at It’s not too late to join in the fun; all you need to do is read the book and let Jane know that you’ll be there! 16
Sometimes even the wealthy are to be Todah Rabah to Ann Mandell for envied; With every penny they give away, the opening up her home to the recipient drags them one step closer to Heaven. Women’s Rosh Chodesh Group for —-Rabbi Shlomo of Radomsk
Women’s Rosh Chodesh Group
the month of Iyar. It is a beautiful and bonding experience to Mitzvah Envelopes: share our homes and our stories Mitzvah envelopes are given out at services with the hope that they will be with each other. Join us for the month of Sivan when Rabbi Yocheved Mintz will be hosting.
Please RSVP to or call the of-
filled out and returned with a donation for the congregation. Honoring or remembering loved ones, giving tzedakah for a MiShebeirach, simply being thankful for meaningful services, and any other reason you can think of helps the congregation’s sustainability and funds future programming.
fice at 702.436.4900 Sign up to host in the 5775 Rosh From chess we learn several things:
People must always act with great caution. open dates for hosting. Open They must weigh their every step. your doors to sacred space. Call And they must think seventy-seven times before making a move. the office to find out which dates —Rabbi Simcha Bunam of Pshis’cha
Chodesh Series.
We still have
are available. Box Tops For Education are an Easy Way to Support
P’nai Tikvah’s
Jewlicious Learning Program! Box Tops for Education is a very simple way for you to contribute to CPT’s Jewlicious Learning program every time you shop! Clip box tops from hundreds of products. Some products are offering double and triple box tops!
On’gai Shabbat— Time to Sign up! We still have a few openings left for those of you who want to celebrate a simcha or commemorate the memory of a loved one by sponsoring an Oneg Shabbat. And for you foodies who want to get your Bobby Flay or Gordon Ramsey on, there’s still time! Check the schedule below; an opening is your opportunity: June 6th Sponsor/Caterer
June 20th
August 1st August 15th September 5th September 19th October 17 November 7th November 21st December 5th December 19th
Nancey Eason Sponsor-Hariet Miller in Honor of 84th Birthday Ann Mandell
Pick a date to sponsor or cater an oneg in the upcoming year. Call the office at (702) 4364900 or email to to book your date now!
Cindy & Marc Fox Meera & Minao Kamegai
Marc Fox Lynn Pisetzner Emma Deal Rabbi Yocheved Mintz Susan Bindhamer Michael Nussbaum Hariet Miller David Piekarsky
June 1 June 5 June 8 June 10 June 17 June 18 June 24 June 27
June 12 June 22
If we missed your birthday or an anniversary, we apologize. Please call the synagogue office at (702) 436-4900 so we can update and correct our records. 18
Rosh Hashanah is on September 24, 2014 ORDER TODAY It is a Rosh Hashanah tradition to dip apples in honey to usher in the New Year. Help others celebrate the New Year’s tradition of apples dipped in honey, and help community at the same time. Commemorate this time with friends and family by sending a gift of honey. Each gift jar contains eight ounces of delicious golden certified pure Kosher honey and your personalized gift card. The package is an exceptional value at $10.00 and all proceeds will benefit the on-going exceptional programming Congregation P’Nai Tikvah provides for it’s members and the community like the Community Seder, Brunch with Brilliants and the Introduction to Talmud classes. Visit us online at and order today! Be sure to use our account code 10062 to make sure all proceeds are credited to our account. Contact the office at 702.436.4900 if you have additional questions.
Tropical Bloom Smoothie from Sweetened With Honey The Natural Way by the National Honey Board 1-1/2 cups low-fat milk 1 tsp. vanilla* 2 medium, ripe bananas, peeled ½ tsp. ground cinnamon 1 cup plain yogurt* Dash nutmeg ¼ cup honey 5 ice cubes Combine ingredients, blend until smooth. Add ice cubes and blend until smooth and creamy. 19
TALMUD: Conversations Past, Present and Future Can the side of an elephant be used as a wall of a sukkah? The discussion and multitudes of opinion can be found in our own texts. In this case the Talmud. Be it the Babylonian Talmud or the Jerusalem Talmud, these curious and in depth, sometimes practical and sometimes mystical conversation are recorded within and without the text. Interested in getting your feet wet? Sign up for Intro to Talmud-Talmud with Training Wheels as the second Cohort gathers around the Rabbi’s Tisch (Table) to delve into the Talmud. For those who have taken the pre-requisite, keep your eyes open for the Talmud 201 course during 5775. For more information contact the CPT office at 702.436.4900.
Annual Women’s Retreat August 8-10, 2014 Join us for the Annual Women’s Retreat at the wonderful cabin of Dale & Vince Gardner in Cedar Breaks, Utah Contact 702.436.4900 for more information
Marie Ackerman Marjorie Lieberman Edith Rome Elliot Bender Wendy Linker Maya Granat Richard, Eric & Wilma Wulff Phyllis Zuckerman Ron Gries Rosemarie Chapman Connie Rivchum Scott & Jane Dykstra Richard Feder Anne Altman Barry Goodwin Arlene Cohen Paul Goldstein Seth Horowitz Arleen Gibson Richard Steinberg Brazyl Monique Ward Matt Cohen Shayna & Randi Fried Howard Fox Sylvia Fox April Besman Cantor Mich’el Esformes Etty Dolgin Ann Ehrenzweig Terry Raben Edith Schor Harriet Herman Shelia Leviri Alyssa Bernstein Olga Klinghar Arthur Hyman Barbara Holland Steve Flans
Mi Shebeirach List
Pinky Garcia Susan Margolin Joyce Schneider Paul Bodner Helene Bernstein Esther Schwartz Seth Axelrod Sonny Mayron Barbara Grossman Kathleen Broener “a” Carl Cowan Fran Silverman Marylou Lowther Brenda Gomez Barbara Brookes Lucy Muller Robert Miller Norman Fried Henry Glowa Helene Glowa Helene Laefer Miriam Weissbaum Norman & Andy Anderson Abraham ben Sarah Klingher Joan Ameri Jean Sampson Arthur Levin Bernie Gehring Gerry Braun Kenny Wortzel Rabbi Jonathan Omerman Ansel Slome Sol Rubin Micheal Geeser Doris Berns Gene Berns Zock Van Cleve 22
Malkah Ancman -Remembered by Eileen & Cort Ancman Estelle Benstock -Remembered by Edward Benstock John Billingsley -Remembered by Lynda French Joseph Hewel -Remember by Jackie Ackerman & Family Jacob Kunis -Remembered by Arthur Kunis Irmagene Lockett -Remembered by Tim Lockett Dr. Alan Mintz -Remembered by Rabbi Yocheved Mintz Maxamillion Maurice Mintz -Remembered by Maxine Blechman Anna Berlund Rosin -Remembered by Maxine Blechman Joseph Sokole -Remembered by Dale Gardner Yetta Tessler -Remembered by Harriet Bernstein & Roz Tessler Ann Moore Web -Remembered by Barbara Holland Sarah White -Remembered by Ann Mandell
Memorial plaques are available; to honor the departed, to inspire the living. to be remembered in the hearts of those we leave behind is, in a sense, to live forever. For further information, call the Synagogue office at 702-436-4900
Remembering Friends and Family: If you know of someone who can use a little cheer in their life because of illness or a death in their family-or a simcha -mazel tov celebration; the "Sunshine Lady� Phyllis Zuckerman would like to send a card. Please contact her at:
702.617.0585 or 23
You’ll start earning rewards for Congregation P’Nai Tikvah right away on qualifying purchases made using your Smith’s and Vons rewards Card! Smith's and Von's are committed to helping our communities grow and prosper. Year after year, local schools, churches and other nonprofit organizations will earn millions of dollars through these kinds of programs. There is no cost to enroll, and enrollment will not affect your fuel points or coupon discounts. Here are the instructions for getting started. We will also have a place for your to sign up at the Community Passover Seder at the Blasco Event Wing of UNLV Foundation Bldg. Bring your Smith's and Von's card numbers and we will do the signing up for you. OUR SMITH"S NPO NUMBER IS 61229.
TO USE THE SMITH’S COMMUNITY REWARDS PROGRAM: Register online at · Customers must have a registered Smith’s rewards card account to link to your organization. · If you does not yet have a Smith’s rewards card, they are available at the customer service desk at any Smith’s. · Click on 'Create and Account' box · Sign up for a Smith’s Rewards Account entering your email address and creating a password, by entering zip code, clicking on favorite store, agreeing to the terms and conditions. · A message will show up for you to check your email inbox and then click on the link within the body of the email. · Click on “My Account” and use your email address and password to proceed to the next step. · Click on Edit Smith’s Community Rewards information and input your Smith’s rewards card number. · Update or confirm your information. · Enter NPO number or name of organization, select organization from list and click on confirm. · To verify you are enrolled correctly, you will see your organization’s name on the right side of your information page. · Do you use your phone number at the register? Call 800-576-4377, select option 4 to get your Smith’s rewards card number. · Members must swipe their registered Smith’s rewards card or use the phone number that is related to their registered Smith’s rewards card when shopping for each purchase to count.
TO USE THE VON'S ESCRIP PROGRAM Click on this link: registration/index.jsp Fill out the questionnaire. If you do not know your Von's Reward Card Number call: 1.877.723.3929 and they can assist you in retrieving that information.
As seen in Tablet Magazine Online on 5/13/2014 at 12:04 PM
‘The Red Tent’ To Become a Lifetime Miniseries Minnie Driver will star in adaptation of Anita Diamant’s feminist Jewish novel
By Stephanie Butnick| May 12, 2014 2:16 PM
The Red Tent, Anita Diamant’s New York Times bestselling novel which tells the story of Dinah , the daughter of Leah and Jacob, is headed for television. Deadline reports that the novel, a fictionalized first-person narrative of Dinah’s life, will be made into a four-hour miniseries for Lifetime. Swedish actress Rebecca Ferguson will play the role of Dinah, while Minnie Driver will play her mother Leah. Homeland’s Morena Baccarin will play Rachel, Jacob’s second wife, and Debra Wingerwill play Rebecca, Jacob’s mother. The novel was extremely popular, in part because it spotlighted a female character in the Hebrew Bible whose story, though gripping, was told quickly and succinctly in its original form. Diamant imagines and expands upon the events of Dinah’s life, and locates hers alongside the narrative arcs of her father and 12 brothers, who would go on to become the 12 tribes of Israel. Much of the story is told through the tales shared by wives and mothers and sisters who would convene monthly during menstruation in a structure known as the red tent, for which the book is named. Diamant has written a number of books on Jewish ritual, including The New Jewish Wedding and Living a Jewish Life , both of which have been, perhaps tellingly, revised by Diamant since their publication. She is also the founder of Mayyim Hayyim , an independent mikveh just outsite of Boston in Newton, Mass, open to Jews of all denominations. “I want it to be a welcoming and inviting place, from the minute you walk through the door,” Diamant told Tablet in 2012. “A place for laughter and mazel tovs, with a gracious room in which to celebrate with brides and grooms, a place for the newly Jewish to raise a glass of wine.” Hopefully Diamant is raising a glass of wine to the new adaptation of The Red Tent. Find this story online: 25
Nid’vei Leiv Donations from the Heart
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund David Aris Edie Edwards In blessed memory of D’Vorah Turrentine David Aris Harriet Bernstein Cantor Marla Goldberg Carol Bernstein Nancy Goldberg Larry Bernstein Gloria Granat Maxine Blechman Meera Kamegai Robert Blechman Minao Kamegai Susan Bindhamer Janet Kanosky Rick Bindhamer Linda Kauffman Ann Brandt Don Kauffman David Clark Lorie Klein Nancey Eason Jane Kusel Dotti Elgart Karen Levine
Rabbi Yocheved Mintz Judy Mirisch Robert Mirisch Lynn Pisetzner David Pisetzner Rose Shapiro Jerry Shapiro Marlene Silverman Roz Tessler Annie Wolff Phyllis Zuckerman Stan Zuckerman
General Fund In honor of Torah Study from David Aris In honor of Torah Study from Chana Gelber In blessed memory of Morton Cannon by Janet Kanosky Kraft Sussman Funeral Service, Inc. Barbara Holland In honor of Torah Study from Annie Wolff Refuah Shleimah David Aris for Janet Eason from Nancey Eason Annie Wolff
"Tzedakah and acts of kindness are the equivalent of all the mitzvot of the Torah" – Jerusalem Talmud, Pe'ah 1:1
Tisha B’Av
CALENDAR AT A GLANCE: June 2 June 3 June 4 June 6
June 7 June 8 June 12 June 20 June 21 June 22 July 10 July 17 July 18 July 27 August 1 August 1 August 2 August 5 August 6 August 8-12 August 14
4:15 PM Jewlicious Learning—Last Class/ Pool Party Shavuot Shavuot 6:30 PM Tot Shabbat at Kraft-Sussman Chapel 7:00 PM Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting 7:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat and Maariv Services including Jewlicious Learners Siyum/Graduation 10:00 AM Torah Study, Par’shat B’haalot’cha, at the home of Rabbi Mintz 7:00 PM Rosh Chodesh Sivan at the home of Rabbi Mintz 7:00 PM CPT Board Meeting at Acacia Springs 7:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat and Maariv Service 10:00 AM Torah Study, Par’shat Korach, at the home of Rabbi Mintz 11:00 AM Brunch with Brilliants-”Jewish Themes in American Cinema” 7:00 PM CPT Board Meeting at Acacia Springs 6:45 PM CPT Book Club at the home of Jane Kusel Shabbat Around the Valley 11:00 AM Brunch with Brilliants 6:30 PM Tot Shabbat at Kraft-Sussman Chapel 7:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat and Maariv Service at Kraft-Sussman Chapel 10:00 AM Torah Study, Par’shat Devarim, at the home of Rabbi Mintz Tisha B’Av Tisha B’Av Rosh Chodesh Retreat 7:00 PM CPT Board Meeting at Acacia Springs
Blessing for the Month of Sivan, May we gain clarity of purpose, express our creativity, and deepen our relationship with loved ones; may we experience the beauty of nature this month, deepen our ability to meditate, and open our hearts to greater love and service to repair the world. 28