From Rabbi Pam
Note from the Cantor
From Rabbi Mintz
President's Message
Look Who is Coming
Kol Isha III
A New Moon for All
Kidz Corner
Jewlicious Learning & Yad Squad
Birthday’s and Anniversaries
Nid’vei Leiv—From the Heart
Calendar at a Glance
Clergy and Staff Interim Rabbi: Rabbi Pamela Frydman Rabbi Emerita: Rabbi Yocheved Mintz Cantor: Cantor Marla Goldberg Educators: Rabbi Yocheved Mintz and Cantor Marla Goldberg Teacher’s Aide: Austin Royer Bookkeeper: Lynn Pisetzner Treasurer: Lynn Pisetzner
702.436.4900 www.pnaitikvahlv.org info@pnaitikvahlv.org
Purim Saturday March 11, 2017 Megillah Reading 6:30 PM
Congregation P’nai Tikvah will worship on Shabbat, March 3rd and 17th at 2685 South Rainbow Street, STE 108. Tot Shabbat-Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma’ariv services will begin at 6:30 PM on March 3rd and Shabbat-Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma’ariv services will begin at 7:30 PM on March 17th. Torah Study will take place at 9:30 AM on March 4th and 18th. Congregation P’nai Tikvah meets at 2685 South Rainbow Street, STE 108, Las Vegas, NV 89146
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From Purim to Yom Kippur By Rabbi Pamela Frydman I once wrote that some people’s freedom fighters are other people’s terrorists. The Holocaust survivors who served in the Hagannah, Irgun and Stern Gang were called all kinds of horrific names, but for the supporters of the Jewish State that was about to be born in 1948, these forces were considered to be freedom fighters. Today we are a divided nation and a divided world about what is right and wrong and who has the moral high ground. During the month of March, Jews will celebrate Purim. Purim is the holiday on which Haman is considered to be the vile villain for demanding that Jews throughout the empire were expected to bow down to him whenever he walked by. Haman came to realize that Mordechai the Jew refused to bow down to him because Jews do not bow down to other people; they only bow down to G-o-d. Haman was infuriated by that realization, and because of that, he plotted to murder all the Jews in the known world. It is noteworthy that there is no mention of G-o-d in the entire Biblical Book of Esther that contains the Purim story. It is also noteworthy that we revile Haman and try to drown out his name with booing, hissing and graggers (noisemakers), but after we finish reading the Purim story – and in some synagogues, while we read the story – we are supposed to have a feast and become so inebriated that we cannot tell the difference between the righteousness of Esther and her Uncle Mordechai and the wickedness of Haman and his wife Zeresh. What? We drown out Haman’s name when we listen to the story because he is too evil to even hear his name, and then we become so intoxicated until we can’t tell the difference between him and the good guys in the story? How can that be? Isn’t that inconsistent, duplicitous and perhaps hypocritical? The answer is no, not at all. There is nothing inconsistent, duplicitous or hypocritical about booing Haman and drowning out his name and then getting so drunk that we can no longer discern good from evil. The reason that this is not a negative phenomenon is because this is what life requires of us when we allow ourselves to get to the point when we feel our feelings deeply, we are honest about how we feel and, at the same time, we get to the point where we arrive at a state of equanimity and clarity in which we truly realize that everyone is created in the image of G-o-d, even the worst person in the world. If the worst person in the world is still a child of G-o-d, and created in the image of G-o-d, and capable of being G-o-d-like, then we, in our darkest moments, can still be redeemable. The state of loathing our enemy and then getting to the point where we can’t tell the difference between the evil of our enemy and the righteousness of our hero is not an easy state to access psychologically, but it is an honest state of human evolution, and, in fact, it is perhaps the most honest state and the highest level of evolution that a human being can achieve. It is relatively easy to love and love and be blinded by love, at least until we begin to see through our blindness. It is also relatively easy to hate and hate and be blinded by our hate, at least until we begin to see through that hate. But to be able to truly feel our feelings and then set aside our feelings in order to attain Go-d realization by realizing the oneness of all, beyond duality – that is the highest state of being.. This teaching is so central to Judaism that Purim is elevated as one of the most important Jewish holidays, and the evidence of this is a midrash (interpretive teaching) that compares Purim to Yom Kippur. Yom Kippur means the continued on page 3
continued from page 2 day of atonement or the day of saying sorry. The plural of atonement is “kippurim.” The Hebrew word “ha” means “the.” When we bless the candles on Yom Kippur, many of us say, “lehadlik ner shel yom tov,” which means “lighting the light of Yom Kippur.” However, traditionally, we are to say, “lehadlik ner shel Yom HaKippurim,” which means “lighting the light of the day of atonements.” Why “atonements” in the plural? Because each person is atoning for different sins, and also because each of us has sinned more than once, so we have many atonements, or moments, when we must say we are sorry. There is a midrash that “Yom HaKippurim” may be translated as “a day like Purim.” How is Yom Kippur like Purim? Yom Kippur is like Purim because on Purim, G-o-d asks us to become so inebriated that we cannot discern the righteousness of the good characters from the wickedness of the evil characters, and on Yom Kippur, we ask G-o-d to judge us from a place that is so lofty and so devoid of ordinary judgment that G-o-d does not discern between our good deeds and our evil deeds. That is why we recite the words of Avinu Malkeynu during the high holidays. The chorus of Avinu Malkeynu says, “Avinu Malkeynu, chaneynu va’aneynu ki eyn banu ma’asim. Asey imanu tzedakah vachessed vehoshiyeynu,” which means “Our Father, our King, have mercy on us and answer us, because we do not have the deeds. Relate to us charitably and with loving kindness and save us.” We say that we do not have the deeds, because we know in our hearts that the mistakes we have made tip the scales toward holding us accountable for not being better people. Knowing that the scales would tipped against us if we were measured by our deeds, we turn to G-o-d and we ask G-o-d to look the other way and not judge us based on our deeds. We ask G-o-d to, instead, save us because of G-o-d’s compassion and loving kindness and not for any other reason. At the end of the day, the terrorist and the freedom fighter are one. That does not mean we should let our guard down and it does mean we should put ourselves at risk. It does not mean that we suddenly think that Hitler or Haman or Saddam Hussein were good guys – we should never think that. But we must rise to level of realizing that evil becomes personified when people lose the ability to be tolerant and respectful of human values and when people lose their ability to value of human life more than wanting to be right and when people want to have it their way and want their values to be the values that carry the day rather than making room for the values of others have a place side by side with our own cherished values. Purim Sameyach! Happy Purim to all who celebrate! Gmar hatimah tova. May we continue to be inscribed and sealed for a good year even as we are in the middle of that year – the Jewish year – as we transition from Tu B’Shevat – the new year of the trees and nature – to Purim – the festival of right over might while making room for the views of our enemies to stand side by side with our own views – and on to Passover – the feast of freedom from slavery and enslavements. May our practice of Judaism help us be better Jews and better human beings. Keyn yehi ratzon. So may it be.
Rabbi Pam Frydman
Cantor’s Notes A Note from the Cantor As our holiday go the one known to be the most fun is probably Purim. Ever since I was a little girl the joy of this holiday, with its food, costumes, carnivals, plays, songs, and general goofiness made the day so much fun. Who didn’t love to cheer Esther and Mordecai, and boo Haman? Much of my Purim’s were made up of Purim Shpiel performed when I was young by our Junior Choir. Beginning in the 5th grade I was able to be a part of these performances. I got to, “Follow the Poppy Seed Road” as a munchkin in the Purim Wizard of Oz. I was Vashti in “Purim on the Roof”. And played Haman (the first of many times playing the villain) another parody of various songs. These scripts, complete with parody songs from the musicals, where written by the first cantor I knew, Scott Colbert. Now the lyrics to “Follow the Poppy Seed Road” are pretty easy to figure out. In “Purim on the Roof” King Ahasheveosh and Vashti sang, “Do You Love Me” with Vashti pretty much telling the King, “I hate you, you’re a retched mule, go find yourself a new queen, Fool!” Esther sang, “Mordecai, Mordecai make me a queen…” and so on. After Cantor Colbert left, I took over for one play, I wrote “Shushan Side Story”. I don’t remember all the songs, but two I remember best went to “Tonight” and “Maria” I changed “Maria” to “Esther” and had the King sing: “Oh Esther, I just met a beauty named, Esther, and suddenly I found how wonderful a queen could be.” My version of “Tonight” was between Esther and Mordecai, Mordecai: The Jews, the Jews, he’s going to kill the Jews. If Haman has his way Jews will swing. Esther: But Mordecai, you know more than I, That to see the King is a crime. Together: But in this hour of despair, we’ll show the Jews we care Esther: For this I’ll risk my life. continued on page 5
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Mordecai: Oh, brave young queen, if the King you’ve seen The Jews can then be saved, we can fight, Together: Tonight. There are so many songs, and shows that can be parodied for Purim, my friend Cantor David Reinwald recently wrote “Hamiltaschen” (guess where that comes from.) The point is, to have fun. Purim is time to let our hair down, get a little crazy, and just have a good time. It truly fits the line about what every Jewish holiday is about: “They tried to kill us, we won, let’s eat!” So this Purim, kick off your shoes, wear a crazy costume, eat some hamantaschen, and sing some fun songs, Chag Purim Sameach,
Cantor Marla Goldberg
SAVE THE DATE Congregation P’nai Tikvah Community Seder Blasco Event Wing, UNLV Foundation Building, SW corner of Maryland Parkway and Cottage Grove Avenue free parking available Tuesday 4/11 at 6:30 PM
Dear Chevreh: “Can you hear me now?” The catch phrase of Verizon advertising for several years was a successful marketing tool at its time, even though the iconic spokesperson later jumped ship and is now speaking for Sprint. Nevertheless, the concept of hearing one another, truly listening to one another, is something I’d like to contemplate this month. Our tradition places value on the concept of listening. “Sh’ma, Yisrael” calls attention to the doxology, there is only one G-d. There is a truism that we take from Midrash: “One voice can enter ten ears, but ten voices cannot enter one ear.” Often, we hear, but do not listen. How can there be communication if we do not put in the effort to listen? How can there be civil discourse if we do not truly listen to one another? Whether it is within a biological family or a congregational family, listening (truly hearing) leads to mutual respect, even if the views are different. I always like to have a gadfly on any committee or Board which I serve. Opening up to other’s opinions, when presented in an atmosphere of civil discourse, allows both participants to analyze, glean wisdom, and look for the positives in what each other present. If we listen deeply to our fellow speakers, we can always learn. Over the past several months, I’ve had the experience of hearing some notable people. In January, I heard from a Lakota chief, who spoke on behalf of the Sioux nation--the ones who were protesting the placement of an oil pipeline beneath hallowed grounds. He spoke so eruditely, those in the room were fascinated. He spoke about Standing Rock and the thousands of people who came to that location and stood with the Native Americans. Standing Rock has come to symbolize passive resistance. The story behind Standing Rock has yet to be made public, as it is a “Shandeh,” a shame. Promises made by our government to the various tribes, abrogated. And now, the Standing Rock situation…But despite the bullying and destruction already caused by the Corps of Engineers, the demonstration was and will be like a prayer service. Like our own Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, z”l, those at Standing Rock are praying with their feet. What would you think about holding an evening or a series of evenings called “Listening Evenings”? A time to sit together and with respect to one another, we listen to how each of us views the world. Would you participate in such an evening of civil discourse? Would you be able to listen, really listen, to someone who might have an opinion different than yours? Think about it!
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In the meanwhile, we will have several opportunities to hear some incredibly important people this month: On Friday, March 3rd, Rabbi Stan Levy, co-Founder of the Academy for Jewish Religion, CA will be our guest speaker. He’ll join us as a co -leader at Torah Study the following morning. Both of these will be held at Indigo Valley. On March 5th, at 3:00 PM, we’ll have the opportunity to hear some of the most beautiful voices in the state. Call the Jewish Family Services Agency and get your tickets for the 3rd annual “Kol Isha,” a concert presented by the women Cantors and Cantorial Soloists. This event is a benefit for the JFSA, and Cantor Marla Goldberg will be one of the featured soloists. I will have the pleasure of being the emcee once again. Tickets through JFSA; location of concert King David Memorial Gardens Chapel. On Saturday evening, March 11th we’ll read the Megillah and have fun with a Purimspiel. (Note: The evening will start at 6:30, so we can bring the young’ns.) As usual, come in costumes; dress as you aren’t. But reading the Megillah is not the Mitzvah. The mitzvah is the hearing of the Megillah, a tale of debauchery, intrigue, and envy. A tale where much is hidden. Hamentaschen and more. Then on March 17, our guest speaker will be Anat Hoffman, Founder of the Women of the Wall and executive director of the Israel Religious Action Center. Do plan to come to services that Friday, Anat Hoffman is a force of nature, working tirelessly for pluralism and women’s rights in Israel. (If you want to hear more, register to attend the J Street Launch the night before, March 16th at 7 p.m. at the Tam Alumni Hall n the UNLV campus. Anat Hoffman and Jeremy Ben-Ami will be our guest speakers. For tickets to the J-Street Launch, please go on-line to http:// act.jstreet.org/signup/vegas-launch-2017/ What a line-up! So, nu? Can you hear me now? L’Shalom,
Rabbi Yocheved Mintz
Purim Saturday March 11, 2017 Megillah Reading 6:30 PM
New Moon for All Sunday, March 26th At the home of Rabbi Yocheved Mintz 7:00—9:00 PM
Jewlicious Learning & Yad Squad SIGN UP TODAY FOR OUR 2016-2017 SESSION Jewlicious Learning Hands on, experiential learning makes Jewish education fun and meaningful for our youngsters from Kindergarten through B’nai Mitzvah. Working with Rabbi Mintz, Cantor Goldberg, and our caring and engaging teaching staff makes a loving, caring, and motivating environment for our youngsters. Yad Squad (formerly “Teen Torah Tribe”) Post B'nai Mitzvah teens will be meeting from 10:00 to 11:30 on Sunday mornings once monthly this year for continuing education and leadership training. In addition to increasing their skill in "doing Jewish," they will experience: Social Action Opportunities Building self-esteem Building Jewish identity Building Jewish literacy Connecting with other Jewish teens and with the community and being provided with opportunities for positive personal expression.
March Birthdays
Douglas Hansen Jason Deal Harriet Bernstein Sam Marber Jane Kusel Lesley Wagmeister Torrey Barrett Mickey Hansen Laura Sussman
3-Mar 8-Mar 14-Mar 17-Mar 18-Mar 19-Mar 20-Mar 23-Mar 26-Mar
Zandra & Elliot Bender Wendy & Laura Kraft-Sussman Sari & Paul Aizley Susan & Rick Bindhamer
9-Mar 11-Mar 21-Mar 24-Mar
For $40.00 a prayer book can either be purchased for personal use or be dedicated to the congregation “In Memory” or “In Honor of” and a card from CPT will be sent to the family. The prayer book plate will be placed on the inside cover of our Kol HaNeshamah siddur. VOLUNTEERISM ABOUNDS AT CPT Homes are always needed for the various activities and meetings of our congregation. Offer a Personal prayer – If you’d like to write your own, please do so. If you would like to see it published in the newsletter. 16
For the Month of March Rudolph Berdy -Remembered by Barbara Finkelberg, Debbie Mindlin & Lynn Pisetzner Gweny Bialac -Remembered by Stlla Bialac Frank Brandt -Remembered by Ann Brandt Abraham Feldman -Remembered by Barbara & Andrew Holland Carolyn Gamerman -Remembered by Iris Katz Frances, Philip and Rose Hafter and Betty Steinberg -Remembered by Hedda Abbott Sarah Herman -Remembered by Zelda Goldwater Bertha Houser and Rafaela Brown -Remembered by Michael Nussbaum and Lorraine Brown Shelly Krendel -Remembered by Gloria Granat Michael Kosso -Remembered by Kristen Jaeger & Tim Lockett Esther Marber -Remembered by Sam Marber Basha Piekarsky -Remembered by Jay & Ronald Piekarsky Alfred Rafa -Remembered by Marti & JD Jenkins Irene Yatchmink -Remembered by Faith Silverman Louis Tessler -Remembered by Harriet Bernstein & Roz Tessler Henrietta Bloch Zuckerman -Remembered by Stan Zuckerman
Memorial plaques are available; to honor the departed, to inspire the living. to be remembered in the hearts of those we leave behind is, in a sense, to live forever. For further information, call the Synagogue office at 702-436-4900
Nid’vei Lev- Donations from the Heart
March 1 March 3 March 4 March 5 March 6 March 6 March 7 March 7 March 8 March 11 March 13 March 13 March 15 March 15 March 17 March 18 March 19 March 19 March 20 March 20 March 21 March 21 March 22 March 22 March 27 March 27 March 28 March 28 March 29 March 29 April 2
CALENDAR AT A GLANCE: 7:00 PM Ivdu et Hashem B’Simcha-Jewish Liturgy as a Spiritual System 6:30 PM Tot Shabbat, Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma’ariv Service with Rabbi Stan Levy 9:30 AM Torah Study with Rabbi Stan Levy 3:00 PM Kol Isha III 4:15 PM Jewlicious Learning 7:00 PM Mussar Va’ad 1:00 PM Beginning Hebrew 7:00 PM Jewish, Alive and American 3:00 PM Advanced Hebrew 7:00 PM Purim “Come As You Aren’t” 4:15 PM Jewlicious Learning 7:00 PM Mussar Va’ad 3:30 PM Advanced Hebrew 7:00 PM Ivdu et Hashem B’Simcha-Jewish Liturgy as a Spiritual System 7:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma’ariv Service with Anat Hoffman 9:30 AM Torah Study 10:00 AM Yad Squad 11:30 Brunch with Brilliants 4:15 PM Jewlicious Learning 7:00 PM Mussar Va’ad 1:00 PM Beginning Hebrew 7:00 PM Jewish, Alive and American 3:00 PM Advanced Hebrew 7:00 PM Ivdu et Hashem B’Simcha-Jewish Liturgy as a Spiritual System 4:15 PM Jewlicious Learning 7:00 PM Mussar Va’ad 1:00 PM Beginning Hebrew 7:00 PM Jewish, Alive and American 3:00 PM Advanced Hebrew 7:00 PM Ivdu et Hashem B’Simcha-Jewish Liturgy as a Spiritual System 10:00 AM Yad Squad
Blessing for the Month of Adar: May we be blessed with receiving increased joy this month and, likewise, with increasing joy for one another. Amein 19