Congregation P'nai Tikvah's Kol Kiruv - March 2018 – Adar | Nissan 5778

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March 2018

Adar - Nissan



From Rabbi Mintz, Rabbi Emerita


The President’s Message, Sam Lieberman 4 A Message From Reb Jamie


A Note From the Cantor


Free Money


Upcoming Events


Jewlicious Learners


Trial of the Century


Drum Circle


Yahrzeit, Nid’vei Lev and Celebrations


A Bissele Nostalgia for a Yiddish Kopf


Bikkur Cholim


Calendar at a Glance


Vol. 27—No. 7

Congregation P’nai Tikvah will worship on Shabbat, March 2nd and 16th. Tot Shabbat, Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma’ariv services will begin at 6:30 PM on March 2nd. On March 16th, Shabbat-Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma’ariv services will begin at 7:30PM. Torah Study will be on March 3rd and 17th at 9:30 AM at 2685 South Rainbow, Suite 108. If you are interested in sponsoring an oneg to celebrate an event or memorialize a loved one, please call 702.436.4900 for sponsorship and catering opportunities.

Message from Rabbi Emerita Yocheved Mintz

Dear Chevreh:

‫מי שנכנס באדר מרבין בשמחה‬ When Adar begins, our joy increases.

We are now in the month of Adar, and, boy, do we need some joy in our world, so, I hereby decree open-season for punsters! Go ahead, let ‘em rip! You’re hardly likely to get pun-ished.) I’m told that a fellow who specialized in puns thought he had a chance of winning a pun contest put on by a neighborhood newspaper, so he submitted no less than ten different entries in the hope that one of them might win. Unfortunately, no pun in ten did. What inspired Elon Musk to launch his red Tesla roadster into outer space? Someone asked him: “What do you do if you see a spaceman?” He replied, “Park your car in it, man.” And he did. If you have a bee in your hand, what do you have in your eye? Beauty; because beauty is always in the eye of the bee-holder. A clown moved into an apartment block reserved solely for circus performers. He liked everything about the furnished apartment. The kitchen was modern; the bedroom was comfortable; and the living room was spacious. And there were plenty of amenities---stove, fridge, washer-dryer, wifi, cable. The only thing that was missing was an ironing board, something on which he could press his clown costume after laundering it. “Why is there no ironing board?” he asked the rental agent. “The lion-tamers and the juggler both have one.” “You use the window ledge, like the other clowns,” explained the agent. “It’s in your contract. Every clown has a sill for ironing.”


O.K. Maybe I’m wrong, maybe there’s a price for punning, and it hits just about every profession: Baseball players get debased. Bed-makers get debunked. Butchers get disjointed. Cashiers get distilled. Clothes designers get disfrocked. Cowboys get deranged. Dry cleaners get depressed. Electricians get delighted. Fisherman get debated. Gamblers get discarded. Gardeners get deflowered. Judges get dishonored. Lab techs get detested. Lawyers get debriefed. Locomotive engineers get derailed. Models get deposed. Musicians get decomposed. Organ donors get delivered. Pig farmers get disgruntled. Politicians get devoted.


Resort owners get dislodged. Secretaries get defiled. Students get degraded. Happy Purim!!

Rabbi Yocheved Mintz Rabbi Emerita/Senior Educator Note: Many of the puns above can be found in The Mammoth Book of Jokes, Geoff Tibballs, ed., Running Press, Pub. , London, 2006

From the President… Todah Rabah to our honorees Justice Michael Cherry and Jolie Brislin for allowing us to toast, roast and celebrate you and your amazing commitment to our community and the Jewish people. Todah Rabah to the incredible Judi Stotland, Dale Gardner and Lynn Pisetzner for your diligence, vision, and heart, which made this event a success. Todah Rabah to De’anna Ernst, Deanna Campbell and Faith Silverman for working behind the scenes. Todah Rabah to our clergy team, Rabbi Yocheved Mintz, Cantor Marla Goldberg and Rabbinic Student Intern Reb Jamie Hyams for being true women of valor and guiding us on our journey to create and sustain a holy community. Todah Rabah to our guests and “jurors” for spending your holiday weekend with us and contributing to the future of our congregation. We invite you to become part of our synagogue family and join us for Friday night services and other dynamic programs and holiday events throughout the year. B’shalom!

Sam Lieberman 4

Message from Reb Jamie As you may have gathered from the repeating food references in this column, I love to cook, and I love to bring my friends and community together under the umbrella of Jewish life and values. I have been traveling a lot and so with an open Friday night at home, we decided to invite over a couple, of which the wife is a ceramicist. She commented to me that she is finishing up a piece based on the Sephardic Jewish philosopher, Maimonides that she created for a mutual friend who really is taken by him. As it happens, a third friend and I have both been reading the same biography of Maimonides. What are the odds that besides me, three of my friends would be aware of and interested in Maimonides at the same time? Very, very, very small. Maimonides (Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon, also known as the Rambam) was born in Spain around 1135. Maimonides was a renaissance man, extremely learned and well-read, he was “one of the most prolific and influential Torah scholars of the Middle Ages (Wikipedia).” He wrote a magnum opus, the Mishneh Torah, which distilled the oral tradition into the essence of the ideas presented and provided a comprehensive “how to” manual for Jewish life. The Mishneh Torah continues to be studied today, almost 1000 years later. With this weird convergence of interest in this great scholar, our small Shabbat dinner morphed into an ode to him with the meal inspired by the physical journey of his life. Forced to flee from Spain, Maimonides made his way to Fez, Morocco; Jerusalem; and to Egypt, first to Alexandria, and finally to Fustat which is now modern-day Cairo. In his honor, we are having appetizers from Spain, a starter course from Morocco, the main dish from Jerusalem, and dessert from Egypt. And while I am sure the food will be delicious, I am most excited about the conversation that will flow. In addition to talking about our children and how the Warriors are doing, Maimonides will come alive at our Shabbat table. I imagine that it would please him to know that he is the honored guest after 1000 years. So next time you are inspired to have friends over, throw in some whimsy and invite a Jewish scholar who has been dead for almost a 1000 years. The past will come alive and your present will be richer for it.

Reb Jamie


A Note From the Cantor Cantor Marla Goldberg Possibly, one of the most prolific composers of liturgical music was the great “Anonymous”. Unknown until the period where most music was written down, Anonymous’ compositions were prevalent throughout the musical world. Renowned as a composer of religious music, he also had many secular compositions written with his cousin ‘Folk’. In the Middle Ages, Anonymous also collaborated with his brother ‘Traditional’. Many songs have been attributed to these creative composers. It is not known when Anonymous was born. The first recognized compositions by this composer were not acknowledged until the time of Henry VIII. Up to that point in time, many scores of music were passed along with no name attached to them. King Henry, a great music aficionado, commissioned Shlomo Plomo to research in finding out where these songs came from and then attributed them to Anonymous. Anonymous is believed to have been born in the small village of Gobbledygook, located in the Northern region of what is now known as Poland. A born music lover, Anonymous began a career in writing and performing songs throughout Europe. The date of his death is still in question. I have sung many songs by Anonymous over the years, especially for the holiday of PURIM. Oh wait, this was all nonsense, and if you look in the first paragraph you’ll find what is known as an “Easter Egg” (which I should change to a “Purim Egg”) by the acrostic I put in. So, Happy Purim to everyone, may your celebration be full of fun, silliness and tasty hamentaschen! L’Shalom,

Cantor Marla





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Come As You Aren’t Potluck Dinner Purim Family Kabbalat Shabbat & Maariv Service at Indigo Valley Community Center

March 2, 2018 6:00 PM (Costumes Strongly Encouraged) Happy Purim!






YUM ‌ Hamantaschen!!

Daniel Pierkarsky rolls out dough for Hamantaschen.

Danica Lockett and MayLee DeLee study the Megillah.

MayLee DeLee flattening out her dough 12

Trial of the Century


DRUM CIRCLE Rosh Chodesh Adar

We drummed in community, relieve stress, build self-esteem, create sacred rhythms, express yourself, honor connections.

Laurie Lytel & Joanne Goodwin

Austin Royer, Kathe Brener, & Ellen Royer

Dr. Rachmel Cherner

Austin Royer

Regi Topol & Milon Carlone Anne Ullman, Carolyn Stewart, Ruth Markind, Sheryl Homig, & Judy Comeh

Be Happy, It’s Adar 14

FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH Rudolph Berdy -Remembered by Barbara Finkelberg, Debbie Mindlin & Lynn Pisetzner Gweny Bialac -Remembered by Stella Bialac Henrietta Bloch -Remembered by Stan Zuckerman Frank Brandt -Remembered by Ann Brandt Rafeala Brown -Remembered by Lorraine Brown Abraham Feldman -Remembered by Barbara & Andrew Holland Carolyn Gamerman -Remembered by Iris Katz Frances Hafter -Remembered by Hedda Abbott Philip Hafter & Rose Hafter -Remembered by Hedda Abbott Sarah Herman -Remembered by Zelda Goldwater Bertha Houser -Remembered by Michael Nussbaum Michael Kosso -Remembered by Kristen Jaeger & Tim Lockett Ben Marber & Esther Marber -Remembered by Samuel Marber Krystina Michelle Martin -Remembered by Ann Castro Basha Piekarsky -Remembered by Jay & Ronald Piekarsky Alfred Rafa -Remembered by Marti & JD Jenkins Betty Steinberg -Remembered by Hedda Abbott Louis Tessler -Remembered by Rozlyne Tessler & Harriet Bernstein

Memorial plaques are available; to honor the departed, to inspire the living, to be remembered in the hearts of those we leave behind is, in a sense, to live forever. For further information, call the Synagogue office at 702-436-4900 15


Jason Deal

March 8

Harriet Bernstein

March 14

Samuel Marber

March 17

Leslie Wagmeister

March 19

John Wennstrom

March 21

Laura Sussman

March 26

Seth Morrison

March 29

Phyllis Zuckerman

March 30

MARCH ANNIVERSARIES Elliot & Zandra Bender

March 9

Laura Sussman & Wendy Kraft

March 11

Rick & Susan Bindhamer

March 24

Nid’vei Lev Donations from the Heart Anita Lewy Ann Brandt in memory of Sid Brandt Lynda French for the honor of opening the Ark Lynda French in memory of K Murphy 16

A Bissele Nostalgia for a Yiddishe Kopf Brisket is not the same as Corned Beef! (If you are not Jewish, I cannot even begin to explain it to you.) This goes back 2 generations, 3 if you are over 50. It also explains why many Jewish men died in their early 60′s with a non-functional cardiovascular system and looked like today’s men at 89. There are some variations in ingredients because of the various types of Jewish taste (Polack, Litvack, Deutch and Gallicianer). Sephardic is for another time. Just as we Jews have six seasons of the year (winter, spring, summer, autumn, the slack season, and the busy season), we all focus on a main ingredient which, unfortunately and undeservedly, has disappeared from our diet. I’m talking, of course, about SCHMALTZ (chicken fat). SCHMALTZ has, for centuries, been the prime ingredient in almost every Jewish dish, and I feel it’s time to revive it to its rightful place in our homes. (I have plans to distribute it in a green glass Gucci bottle with a label clearly saying: “low fat, no cholesterol, Newman’s Choice, extra virgin SCHMALTZ.” (It can’t miss!) Then there are grebenes – pieces of chicken skin, deep fried in SCHMALTZ, onions and salt until crispy brown (Jewish bacon). This makes a great appetizer for the next cardiologist’s convention. There’s also a nice chicken fricassee (stew) using the heart, gorgle (neck) pipick (gizzard – a great delicacy, given to the favorite child), a fleegle (wing) or two, some ayelech (little premature eggs) and other various chicken innards, in a broth of SCHMALTZ, water, paprika, etc. We also have knishes (filled dough) and the eternal question, “Will that be liver, beef or potatoes, or all three?” Other time-tested favorites are kishkeh, and its poor cousin, helzel (chicken or goose neck). Kishkeh is the gut of the cow, bought by the foot at the Kosher butcher. It is turned inside out, scalded and scraped. One end is sewn up and a mixture of flour, SCHMALTZ, onions, eggs, salt, pepper, etc., is spooned into the open end and squished down until it is full. The other end is sewn and the whole thing is boiled. Often, after boiling, it is browned in the oven so the skin becomes crispy. Yummy! My personal all-time favorite is watching my Zaida (grandpa) munch on boiled chicken feet. For our next course we always had chicken soup with pieces of yellow-white, rubbery chicken skin floating in a greasy sea of lokshen (noodles), farfel (broken bits of matzah), tzibbeles (onions), mondlech (soup nuts), kneidlach (dumplings), kasha (groats), kliskelech and marech (marrow bones) . The main course, as I recall, was either boiled chicken, flanken, kackletten, hockfleish (chopped meat), and sometimes rib steaks, which were served either well done, burned or cremated. Occasionally we had barbecued liver done to a burned and hardened perfection in our own coal furnace. Since we couldn’t have milk with our meat meals, beverages consisted of cheap soda (Kik, Dominion Dry, seltzer in the spritz bottles). In Philadelphia it was usually Franks Black Cherry Wishniak (vishnik).

Growing up Jewish If you are Jewish, and grew up in city with a large Jewish population, the following will invoke heartfelt memories. The Yiddish word for today is PULKES (PUHL-kees). Translation: THIGHS. Please note: this word has been traced back to the language of one of the original Tribes of Israel , the Cellulites. The only good advice that your Jewish mother gave you was: “Go! You might meet somebody!” 17

You grew up thinking it was normal for someone to shout “Are you okay?” through the bathroom door when you were in there longer than 3 minutes. You experienced the phenomenon of 50 people fitting into a 10-foot-wide dining room hitting each other with plastic plates trying to get to a deli tray. You had at least one female relative who penciled on eyebrows which were always asymmetrical. You thought pasta was stuff used exclusively for Kugel and kasha with bowties. You were as tall as your grandmother by the age of seven. You were as tall as your grandfather by age seven and a half. You never knew anyone whose last name didn’t end in one of 5 standard suffixes (berg, baum, man, stein and witz). You were surprised to discover that wine doesn’t always taste like cranberry sauce. You can look at gefilte fish and not turn green. When your mother smacked you really hard, she continued to make you feel bad for hurting her hand. You can understand Yiddish but you can’t speak it. You know how to pronounce numerous Yiddish words and use them correctly in context, yet you don’t know exactly what they mean. Kaynahurra. You’re still angry at your parents for not speaking both Yiddish and English to you when you were a baby. You have at least one ancestor who is somehow related to your spouse’s ancestor. You thought speaking loud was normal. You considered your Bar or Bat Mitzvah a “Get Out of Hebrew School Free” card. You think eating half a jar of dill pickles is a wholesome snack. You’re compelled to mention your grandmother’s “steel cannonballs” upon seeing fluffy matzo balls served at restaurants. You buy 3 shopping bags worth of hot bagels on every trip to Stamford Hill or Edgware and carefully shlep them home like glassware. (Or, if you live near Chigwell, Manchester or another Jewish city hub, you drive 2 or 3 hours just to buy a dozen “real” bagels.) Western Bagel and Brent’s in the San Fernando Valley. Factor’s or Canter’s deli in West L.A. and now here in Las Vegas. Your mother or grandmother took personal pride when a Jew was noted for some accomplishment (showbiz, medicine, politics, etc.) and was ashamed and embarrassed when a Jew was accused of a crime as if they were relatives. You thought only non-Jews went to sleep-away colleges. Jews went to city schools… unless they had scholarships or made an Ivy League school. And finally, you knew that Sunday night and the night after any Jewish holiday was designated for Chinese food. Zei gezunt!! Original author unknown. 18

New: BIKKUR CHOLIM TRAINING PROGRAM Fellow Chevre, The commandment of visiting the sick (Bikkur Cholim) is a very great deed. Concerning this mitzvah, the Mishnah states that this is one of those actions of which one “eats of its fruits” in this world, and retains the “principle” in the next world. According to certain opinions, this is a biblical mitzvah, based upon the verse “And you shall walk in His ways.” According to others (including Maimonides), it is a rabbinical commandment. Yet others maintain that this is a mitzvah which is a law that was handed down to Moses at Sinai (halachah le-Moshe mi-Sinai). Maimonides states that the commandment of visiting the sick is also an aspect of the mitzvah of “You shall love your fellow as yourself.” Rabbi Yeshayahu Horowitz, the holy Shaloh, writes that the commandment of visiting the sick involves three components: with one’s body (b’guf), with one’s soul (b’nefesh) and with one’s money (b’mamon). 1. With one’s body: Not only should you pay a personal visit, but you should also do actual things which will uplift the spirit and the comfort of the patient. This can be accomplished in a number of ways; bringing him material to read, bringing her food (especially if the patient is in a hospital where she might avoid eating many of the foods due to kashrut concerns), helping raise or lower the bed, brightening up the room, etc. When a patient is in a hospital, there are more opportunities for doing this aspect, since nurses do not always have enough time to deal with patients. [As mentioned earlier, one must use common sense, and not overstay a visit, or visit at inopportune times.] 2. With one’s soul: by praying and saying Psalms for the sick. Don’t forget to wish and bless the sick with a speedy recovery (“refuah sheleimah”) before leaving. Rabbi Moshe Isserles, the Rema, writes that a person who visits the sick and does not pray for him has not fulfilled this commandment. The Talmud states that one who is able to pray for the sick and does not is called a sinner. [Thus, if Psalms are being said in synagogue for a sick person, it is important to participate.] 3. With one’s money: If the sick person is having financial difficulties covering his medical expenses, then one should help him. This also will help bring the sick person a bit of peace of mind. [It would seem to me that included in this component would be giving charity on behalf of the sick person.] We at P’nai Tikvah, would like to form a group of dedicated and committed members who would be interested in being part of a team to fulfill this important mitzvah. To that end we would initially like to have a corps of people who would visit the sick and shut-ins on a rotating basis once a week. Training will be conducted in 13 sessions and will be a requirement in order to participate. Our training system is based on the Refuat HaNefesh Fellows Training Program pioneered by Rabbi Cheryl Weiner, PhD, BCC and Rabbi Frederick L. Klein, MPhil, BCC of Mishkan Miami. There are specific things one needs to know other than just showing up with a smile. If you have interest and would like to partake of this wonderful mitzvah and opportunity to do good in our community, please sign up on the sheet in the foyer or call Rabbi Mintz at the office, 702-4364900. We will contact you once we have enough people interested to schedule the training sessions. Thank you in advance for your participation. Carolyn Wright Lay leader of the Bikkur Cholim Fellows 19

BIKKUR CHOLIM Come, be trained in the art of parachaplaincy so we can attend to one another in times of illness. If you are interested in doing this mitzvah work, please contact Rabbi Mintz at 702-869-2700.

For $40.00 a prayer book can either be purchased for personal use or be dedicated to the congregation “In Memory” or “In Honor of” and a card from CPT will be sent to the family. The prayer book plate will be placed on the inside cover of our Kol HaNeshamah siddur.

If you would like a copy of Kol Kiruv sent to your home, please send $ 72.00, along with your address to: Administrative Office, 1697 Black Fox Canyon Rd, Henderson, NV 89052 Clergy and Staff Rabbi Emerita: Rabbi Yocheved Mintz Rabbinic Intern: Jamie Hyams Cantor: Cantor Marla Goldberg Educators: Rabbi Mintz and Cantor Goldberg Teacher’s Aide: Austin Royer Bookkeeper: Lynn Pisetzner Treasurer: Lynn Pisetzner Editor: Faith Silverman


P’nai Tikvah is a warm and welcoming, progressive, egalitarian, and pluralistic congregation focusing on the spiritual, educational, and social well-being of those who wish to live a fulfilling and meaningful Jewish life. 20


6:00 PM

“Come As You Aren’t” Potluck Purim Family Kabbalat Shabbat & Maariv Service at Indigo Valley Community Center (Costumes Encouraged)

March 3

9:30 AM

Torah Study

March 3

8:00 PM

Queen Esther’s Ball at The Center. This all-gender costume party will thrill your senses with tasty desserts, sinful sips and tantalizing prizes. First prize wins $1,000.00.

March 5

4:15 PM

Jewlicious Learning

March 5

7:00 PM

Biblical Hebrew

March 12

4:15 PM

Jewlicious Learning

March 16

7:30 PM

Kabbalat Shabbat / Maariv Service

March 17

9:30 AM

Torah Study

March 18

1:00 PM

Rosh Chodesh - The Whipping Man at the Las Vegas Little Theater. A story of Passover just after the end of the Civil War.

March 19

4:15 PM

Jewlicious Learning

March 31

6:00 PM

A Special Passover Seder will be led by Rabbi Yocheved Mintz, Reb Jamie Hyams and Cantor Marla Goldberg with the Mintz Brothers and family at the UNLV Foundation Building.

April 6

6:30 PM 7:30 PM

Tot Shabbat Kabbalat Shabbat & Maariv Service

April 7

9:30 AM

Torah Study

Blessing for Nissan May we be able to detect the scent of spring in the air; may we take notice of the new life emerging all around us; and may we be cognizant of the new energies that are stirring within us as well. Amen. 21

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