Kol “Purim” Kiruv March 2014
Adar Bet
Vol. 20—No. 10
Reconstructionists Assemble Third Temple on Mars BREAKING NEWS: B’Nei Simchat Chochmah Cohort II skips Rabbinic School and heads straight to ordination. The students we last seen conducting a Shabbat Service at the Three Square facility located at 2220 North Pecos Street in Las Vegas, Nevada. They are accepting positions at places such as Congregation Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey, Temple Beth String of Stones, and Shul of the Square Dance. One of them has accepted a position as the Spiritual Leader of the Frozen Chosen for the upcoming mission to Mars.
Pictured above (as below) Sheina Ora, Yonina, Naftalah, David, Eliana, Golda, Shmuel; seated: Maxima
Reconstructionist Rabbinical College gives Two Thumbs up to this year's Oscar-Nominated film “Gravity”. Chooses to show it to the “Frozen Chosen” as training film. for Mars mission.
First Lady, Michelle Obama, shows her elations upon receiving the news! This month’s Kol Kiruv is sponsored by Purim, where Joy is what it’s all about!
Spoof Cover
Inside Cover Page
Rabbi's Message
Cantor’s Notes
CPT Bookworms 5774
Women’s Rosh Chodesh
Purim Invitation
Jewlicious Learners & Jewish, Alive and American
Hotel goes Kosher
Community Seder
Does Jewish Renewal Have a Future by Rabbi Sid Schwarz
Munch and Mingle Invite
Community Events
Birthdays Kidz Korner
On’gai Shabbat, Anniversaries and Nid’vei Leiv—From the Heart
Israel Religious Action Center-A Letter from Anat Hoffman
Contribution Form
Calendar at a Glance
Congregation P’nai Tikvah will worship on Shabbat, March 7th & 21st at Kraft-Sussman Chapel, in the Bank of Nevada Business Park at 3975 S. Durango, Suite 104, in Las Vegas. Tot Shabbat will be held on August 7th at 6:30 PM. Kabbalat Shabbat and Maariv services will begin at 7:30 PM. Torah Study will take place at 10:00 AM on March 8th & 22nd at Rabbi Mintz’s home. A bagels and lox brunch is served. Please RSVP by calling the administrative office at (702) 436-4900 or by emailing
Clergy and Staff Rabbi: Yocheved Mintz Cantor: Marla Goldberg Accompanist: Timothy Cooper Newsletter: Nancey Eason Educator: Rabbi Mintz Bookkeeper: Lynn Pisetzner Office Administrator: Nancey Eason
Administrative Office 2045 Grouse Street Las Vegas, Nevada 89134 702.436.4900 2
Message from the Rabbi Dear Chevreh, “Mi she-nichnass Adar marbin b’simcha!” Those who enter Adar, may their joy be increased! And how lucky are we, two months of Adar this leap year!! (Hope you got a kick out of our Front Page Spoof!) The major joy in Adar Aleph was the wonderfully meaningful and moving service on the weekend of Par’shat VaYakhel wherein David Aris, Maxine Mintz Blechman, Jennifer Cohen, Nancey Eason, Gloria Granat, Linda Kauffman, Scott Linker, and Annie Goodrich Wolff became B’nei Simchat Chochmah. More than adult B’nei Mitzvah, these special individuals took it upon themselves to undergo 18 months of study, using their accumulated life’s experiences, often overcoming great challenges to learn or deepen Hebrew knowledge, tropes for both Torah and Haftarah, and research to help create, lead, and participate in the very special services we shared at Three Square. Cantor Goldberg, Tim Cooper, and I were both proud of their accomplishments and honored to facilitate the service at which they officially became B’nei Simchat Chochmah. The descendants of the joy of wisdom. The major joy in Adar Bet will unquestionably be our celebration of Purim, the “Come As You Aren’t” party, Saturday evening, at 7:00 at my home. I love sharing Havdallah with friends and imagine what a fun one this will be with us all in costumes. The Jewlicious Learners have prepared a fun children’s PurimSpiel, Cantor Goldberg has some great songs for us to sing, we’ll do a Megillah reading and have a blast with an adult PurimSpiel: “Purim 4G” by Shira Danan. Be sure to RSVP to the office (4326-4900) so we can have enough wine and desserts for all. But there’s additional joy welling up in Purim. The joy of participation in congregational events and services. How wonderful it has been to see the increased personal investment members have had in helping make our little holy community hum. From hostesses for Women’s Rosh Chodesh to sponsors and caterers for our homemade Onegai Shabbat, people are coming forward. (Only a few spots still needed this year.) Baby Naming, Channukat Bayit, and other life cycle events are dotting our calendars. And seeing the table filled each Torah Study gives me great hope for the future. There are two areas, however, which continue to challenge. One is that of “I didn’t know such and such was happening.” When we write events up in our calendar, newsletter, and programs as “Save the Date,” it dismays me to hear people say, “Oh, I wish I had known about the event.” So I am asking you, what more can we do to get information out to the congregational community so people can plan. The second area of concern is that of fiscal viability for the congregation. We are a congregation that works on a shoe-string budget, and, even with the recent “Grandma Sadie’s Getting Married…Again?” fundraising (and fun-raising) event, we are running in a deficit position. This is a serious, ongoing threat to the viability of the congregation. Barbara Holland is convening a special committee to try to brainstorm solutions, but I would like to ask the entire congregation to offer suggestions as to how we can meet our financial requirements and go forward on a more solid footing. We remain Congregation P’nai Tikvah, and we offer something unique, warm, welcoming, and very special to our members. Please give some thought and offer some suggestions as to how we can become financially sound. (Send your ideas to ) May your month of Adar be totally adar-able, and may your joy only increase.
Rabbi Yocheved Mintz 3
Cantor’s Notes
A Note From the Cantor As I write this, the month of February comes to a close. There were several things that affected me personally and musically during this shortest month of the year. Two major events happened in the music world this month. They were in the secular world, but much of our Jewish music is affected by the contemporary music of its day. First was the 50th anniversary of the first television appearance of the “Beatles”. For nearly a decade the music of these four lads from Liverpool influenced our music and our lives. Actually, their music still influences us today, even in the world of Jewish music. The rhythms and beats of Beatles songs have influenced many modern song writers. You cannot have grown up in the era of the Beatles without having their songs in your soul. Composers like Craig Taubman, Danny Maseng, and Rick Recht lived with this music all their lives, and have given us some wonderful modern melodies to add to our prayers. Another significant thing that happened in music during the month of February was the passing of the great Pete Seeger. His music also had a major influence on modern Jewish composers. Jeff Klepper, Debbie Friedman and others who grew up in the ‘folk music’ era had the music of Pete Seeger to build on, as well as the Beatles. A lot of their music has a feel of the folk music that Pete brought to our world. I had the experience of hearing him once, about fifteen years ago, at a folk music festival in Seattle. His music got into my soul, just as the music I sing each Shabbat gets into my soul. A final meaningful occurrence that happened to me during the month of February took place on the last Monday morning service during the final week of my Davennin Leadership Training Institute week. As it was a Monday, we had a Torah service. As the service leaders were taking the Torah out of the Aron Kodesh, Chazzan Jack Kessler told us the story of that Torah. It turns out, it was very special. The Torah was commissioned in 1905, by a family in Berlin. In 1938, the family recognized the danger as the Nazi party was getting stronger in Germany. They carefully wrapped their family Torah in plastic and buried it in their backyard. They then left Germany. The Torah remained in that yard until 1952 when the children of the family went back to retrieve it. The care the family took to wrap it kept it in good condition. This was the Torah we about to read from. Instead of just walking around our synagogue and having each of us touch the Torah with our tallit or book, we actually passed it to each other. One by one we held that Torah in our arms, hugging it as if hugging a child. As I was waiting for my turn, all I could think and feel was that I had to hold that Torah. I had to have something that escaped such an evil in my arms for just a moment. All in the room were moved, the feeling still affects me even today. So now, after an eventful month of February (and Adar I) I am ready to move into March and the month of Adar II, to celebrate Purim, and to get ready for the next month and Pesach. May the next month bring much joy and shalom for all,
Cantor Marla Goldberg 4
P’nai Tikvah Book Group 5774 WHO:
THE PARTICULARS All members of our Congregation P’nai Tikvah community
April 17, 2014 @ 6:45 PM July 17, 2014 @ 6:45 PM
Home of Jane Kusel 2645 Evening Sky Drive Henderson, NV 89052 702-407-5077 (H)
4 evenings translated into 4 journeys of the senses through shared dissections of the readings below. *Limited to 12 voices-please RSVP in a timely fashion
Remaining Selections for This Year April Book: TOO JEWISH
Patty Friedmann
Autobiographical at its roots, this novel absorbs the reader into the heavily assimilated New Orleans Jewish community. Bernie Cooper escapes Nazi Germany and ends up in LA only to find himself the victim of a new prejudice against Jews-the kind that comes from other Jews. July Book: COMING OF AGE...AGAIN
Carol B. Mizrahi
Lighter fare for hot days, the humor, moxie and wisdom of four friends finds its voice around the table of a weekly mahjongg game. Barbara, Irene, Rochelle, and Sylvia understand that their carefully orchestrated lives are falling apart and prove that "coming of age" can happen more than once. It’s not too soon to suggest books for next year. To do so, please send your suggestions directly to Jane Kusel at It’s not too late to join in the fun; all you need to do is read the book and let Jane know that you’ll be there!
Women’s Rosh Chodesh Group Our get-together to greet Adar Aleph was focused on “The Masks We Wear” which developed into an enriching meaningful discussion, when we met early in February.
We will meet to welcome the month of Adar Bet, March 2nd at the home of Jennifer Cohen. Our theme will be “Queen Esther, Bella Abzug and Bess Myerson: Costumes, Leadership and Identity.” RSVP to Jennifer at 702-896-4973 or In April, the month of Sivan, we will not have a formal meeting. We will meet together before “A Night to Honor Israel” at the Bagel Café on Buffalo near Summerlin Parkway. In May, we will continue our Rosh Chodesh series at the home of Ann Mandell., where we will welcome in the month of Iyar.
Mitzvah Envelopes: Mitzvah envelopes are given out at services with the hope that they will be filled out and returned with a donation for the congregation. Honoring or remembering loved ones, giving tzedakah for a MiShebeirach, simply being thankful for meaningful services, and any other reason you can think of helps the congregation’s sustainability and funds future programming.
Box Tops For Education are an Easy Way to Support
P’nai Tikvah’s
Jewlicious Learning Program! Box Tops for Education is a very simple way for you to contribute to CPT’s Jewlicious Learning program every time you shop! Clip box tops from hundreds of products. Each box top is worth 10 cents for the program, and some products are offering double and triple box tops! Bring them to services with you and place them in the “Box Tops for Education” box. For a complete list of products bearing the Box Tops for Education symbol, go to: .
All Box Tops should be brought to Shabbat Services or sent to Dale Gardner @
WOULDJEW BELIEVE: THE PURIM EDITION Marnie Winston-Macauley Many of our holidays are a mixture of joys and oys! Purim of course, commemorates the deliverance of the Jewish people in ancient Persia from destruction in the wake of a plot by Haman. In the story, recorded in the Biblical Book of Esther (Megillat Esther), Haman, royal vizier to King Ahasuerus planned to kill the Jews, but his plans were foiled by Mordechai and Queen Esther. The day of deliverance for We Jews, is one of pure Joy for We Jews, who feast, rejoice (and have been known to drink a little – or a lot). Here are some things you may or may not know … but are ever fascinating about Purim. A BIT MEGILLAH OVER … “MAKING A MEGILLAH?” The Megillah, the Book of Esther, as we know, is a loong detailed account, that’s read in the synagogue during Purim. It’s the longest verse in the Bible. (The original text contains 43 words while the English translation has 90.) From this, came the expression "the whole megillah," as in “… then he talked about his hernia operation and we had to hear the whole megillah,” meaning “oyyyy – every detail he tells us, for hours.” Over the years, the word has been expanded and embraced by Jews and Gentiles alike to describe a major drama or a big deal. Listen: Judy Woodruff used it during the 2000 Presidential race, saying: "We're waiting for the vote from Florida. That's the big megillah." A White House spokesman said of Clinton’s second inauguration, "The President and First Lady wanted it to be less of a megillah." In 1965, a The New York Times reviewer said: "This is a big megillah of a novel." A 1995, a Wheaties ad announced: "Wheaties. ... It's the whole megillah." Not one of the above was dressed as Queen Esther at the time. Pity. ENTER RIGHT: THE YIDDISH THEATER We Jews can credit Purim plays for giving birth to the modern Yiddish Theater, which began in Romania in 1876, notably through the work of producer, playwright, and manager, Abraham Goldfaden. It soon spread through Europe and the U.S., thriving for years in New York City. Great names and family dynasties dominated. Some of the most prominent were Sigmund Mogulesko who was the first great comedian of the genre in the late 1800s. Others included Aaron Lebedoff, Ludwig Satz, Max Bozyk, Michel Rosenberg, the Burstein family, Jacob Jacobs, Leo Fuchs, Henrietta Jacobson — and of course, Molly Picon, Menasha Skolnik and Muni Weisenfreund a.k.a. Paul Muni. Currently there are attempts to revive this art form, so … the next time you Der Yeshiva Bokher (a Yiddish version of Hamlet), take with you a bag of Hamentashen and maybe a bottle of Schnapps – or two! NICANOR IS NOT TO BE IGNORED! “What” you may ask is Nicanor which I admit sounds like a salute to Santa in Rio de Janeiro. Actually, it’s Jewish. This long forgotten holiday, occurring the day Before Purim, was originally observed as a festival. By the seventh century, it all but disappeared, replaced by the Fast of Esther. Nicanor Day marked the anniversary of Judah the Maccabee's defeat of Syrian general Nicanor in 161 BCE – by beheading. OY! if we Jews eat hamantashen (Haman's ears) on Purim, I shudder to think what we’d be nibbling on Nicanor. THE FIRST PIONEER PURIM BALL Jennie Migel-Drachman, born in 1859 in Russia, daughter of a Jewish merchant, married Samuel Drachman at age 17. They went to Tucson, where they resided for 37 years, raised four children and pioneered Jewish life in the region. Sam acted as lay rabbi and was the first president of Temple Emanu-El, while Jennie was active in the Hebrew Ladies Benevolent Society. In 1886, The “Tucson Citizen” described the first Purim Ball Jennie helped plan, as: “The most brilliant social event in the history of Tucson.” continued on page 9 7
WOULDJEW BELIEVE: THE PURIM EDITION (continued from page7) QUICKIE PURIM FACTS *Purim is one of the few Jewish holidays not commanded in the Torah. * The day on which Purim is celebrated (14th of Adar) can never occur on the Sabbath. The Jews of Jerusalem, who celebrate the 15th of Adar, then must celebrate a "three day Purim" * God's name isn't mentioned in the entire Scroll of Esther. * Chickpeas are eaten at Purim reminding us of Queen Esther’s fare to avoid treif in the king’s palace. * Purim challah is long and braided signifying the ropes that tied Haman. * The earliest Purim celebration, during the Talmudic period, was in the second century CE. *The Hadassah organization was in 1912 –on Purim! Hadassah is another name for Esther (Persian derivative). And while we’re on the subject, Queen Esther Street is found in the heart of Tel Aviv. But it gets better, there are towns named Esther in Missouri and Louisiana! *Achashverosh searched four years for a queen, looking over more than 1400 contestants, before choosing Esther! (And we worry about that poor group of “Batchelorettes!”)
The latest in fashion for Pesach. Tired of getting on your hands and knees cleaning out the chometz? Try on this fashion statement and dance your way through this year’s cleaning. One size fits all, available in a variety of brush sizes.
These two couples get together at one of their houses, and afterward the husbands are talking in the living room; the women are in the kitchen. One of the men says, “I was at this restaurant yesterday. For twelve dollars, you can eat five meals-it’s unbelievable! Fantastic! The food was delicious.” The other guy says, "What's the name of the restaurant?” He says, “Uh...hmm...the name of the restaurant. I forgot the name of the restaurant. Oh, wait. What’s the name of the flower, that red flower? It smells good, it’s got thorns on it…” The other guy says. “You mean ‘rose’?” He says, “Yeah! That’s it! Hey, Rose, what’s the name of that restaurant? From Old Jews Telling Jokes by Sam Hoffman
Every pleasure comes directly from Heaven-even jokes and quips-but only if they are told out of honest joy. -Rabbi Pinchas of Koretz 9
New Class Offering: Jewish, Alive & American – 30 sessions, beginning in September. Beginning in September and continuing for 30 sessions, Rabbi Mintz will teach a series on Jewish, Alive & American. JAA is an intensive survey course covering all things Jewish that is designed to meet the needs of adult learners who have never been exposed to this material, were exposed but would like a refresher, or who are not Jewish and want to learn what Judaism is all about. This very interactive, experiential class will explore the hows and whys of the complete Jewish holiday cycle, take a look at the Reconstructionist view of God and prayer, compare the four main branches of Judaism today, take a quick tour of Jewish Great Books, and pay close attention to what we do and why in all life cycle rituals. We will also look at “What Judaism Says” about current topics of the day. If you are interested in conversion and you are interested in taking this course, call the office at 702.436.4900 and schedule an appointment to meet with Rabbi Mintz.
JEWLICIOUS LEARNERS: The last Monday in February was spent preparing to make some noise for Purim. We will be spending time in the month of Adar Bet (aka March) preparing our Jewlicious Pu-
rimSpiel . We will also be increasing our knowledge of Hebrew and tefillah (prayer). Even as we quickly approach the end of the year of Jewlicious Learning, there are still open seats for your child or grandchild to participate in the learning and friendship that Jewlicious learning has to offer. 10
For Lunch with Argentine rabbis, Vatican hotel kitchen goes kosher., 2/25/2014 T 1628 PST Article written by Nicole Winfield; Submitted by Phyllis Zuckerman
VATICAN CITY (AP) — For just one day, the kitchen of the Vatican hotel where Pope Francis lives went kosher. Rabbi Jaakov Spizzichino oversaw the scrupulous cleaning of countertops, the boiling of utensils and the heating of the oven to render it fit for cooking under Jewish dietary laws. The occasion? A four-course lunch Francis hosted for a dozen Argentine rabbis last week. It was another sign of his close friendship with Jews, despite some complaints in Israel that he's giving the Jewish state short-shrift on his upcoming trip to the Holy Land. The Vatican has hosted kosher meals for visiting Jewish delegations on several occasions, and Francis famously provided kosher takeout for one of his best friends, Rabbi Abraham Skorka, when Skorka stayed with him at the Vatican's Santa Marta hotel last year. But the Jan. 16 luncheon in Santa Marta's dining room was a special occasion that warranted more — including the extensive, rabbinically supervised sterilizing of the hotel kitchen that on-site kosher cooking entails. The Vatican pulled out all the stops as Francis hosted Skorka and about 15 other rabbis from Buenos Aires who came to Rome to visit their old friend. It turned to Ba'Ghetto, one of the best kosher restaurants on the other side of the Tiber River, to cater the affair. "I decided to do it simple, because the pope is simple," said Amit Dabush, Ba'Ghetto's Israeli-born co-owner. "But the menu was full: He had to make a 'bella figura'" — a good impression — on his guests. To do so, however, required on-site cooking, and that required Dabush and Spizzichino, a kosher inspector with Rome's chief rabbinate, to sterilize the small kitchen off the main dining room kitchen. A key issue was the oven: according to Jewish dietary laws, an oven in a non-kosher kitchen must sit idle for 24 hours and be cleaned and turned on full blast for an hour to sterilize it, Spizzichino said. So on the morning of the luncheon, Dabush, some restaurant workers and Spizzichino set to work early: scorching the oven and burners, scouring the kitchen countertops and covering them with aluminum foil to prevent the kosher food from being contaminated. They boiled and sterilized the big pots used for making pasta and set the tables with Ba'Ghetto's own plates and utensils. "It was a kitchen that they rarely used, so it was very clean," Spizzichino said. The menu was heavily fish-based: antipasti of deep-fried artichokes; baked sardines with endive and tangy, grilled zucchini. The pasta course featured two selections: gnocchi with rocket, tomato and pine nuts, and hand-made trofie, or little twists of pasta with sea bass and tomatoes. The main course had two choices of fish: baked turbot wrapped with vegetables or the house specialty, salt cod with tomatoes, pine nuts, grapes and potatoes. Given the palates of his Argentine guests, Francis also offered beef filet with a Barolo wine reduction, which most chose, though he himself stuck to fish. Salad and roasted potatoes came next followed by desert: two torts of chestnut and sour cherry, and the pope's favorite, pistachio mousse, made with a soy-based creamer imported from Israel to substitute the dairy that isn't allowed in a kosher meal featuring meat. In an interview with Vatican Radio, Skorka — with whom the former Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio wrote a book about faith — said the rabbinical delegation came to Rome to "show our affection, our support, and seal our friendship, not just personal but as a group." He said he couldn't wait to pray at Jerusalem's Western Wall with Francis during his May 24-26 trip to Jordan, Israel and the West Bank. The trip, however, has caused some consternation in Israel given that Francis' predecessors — Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI — spent significantly more time in Israel during their landmark visits and celebrated Mass in Israel proper. Francis' current plans for religious services only include a Mass in the Palestinian town of Bethlehem in the West Bank and an ecumenical service with the spiritual leader of the Orthodox Christians at Jerusalem's Holy Sepulchre church. "It's wonderful that he's coming but it's regrettable that he'll be here for such a short time — a third of the time that his predecessors were here, and neglecting the main body of Christianity in the Holy Land, which is in the Galilee," said Rabbi David Rosen, head of interfaith relations at the American Jewish Committee. Nevertheless, he said he expected Catholic-Jewish relations would continue to flourish under Francis, following the same path begun by his predecessors. 11
Does Jewish Renewal Have a Future? Posted on FEBRUARY 2, 2014 Written by EJP 3 COMMENTS
by Rabbi Sid Schwarz (author of Jewish Megatrends) I recently had the opportunity to spend some time at the annual gathering of Ohala, the rabbinical association of the Jewish Renewal movement, and at a shabbaton led by students studying at Aleph, the rabbinical training program of the movement. Although I knew quite a few people at the conference, I came as an outsider. I was invited to deliver the keynote to the Ohala national convention based on the work that I do with rabbis and congregations around re-imagining these institutions. A fairly comprehensive summary of my keynote appeared in a blogpost by the Velveteen Rabbi. Here I want to share a few impressions that I took away from my visit. Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi continues to be a powerful presence in the Jewish Renewal movement. The conference takes place near his home in Boulder, CO so as to make it easier for him to be present. People approach Reb Zalman with great respect and reverence. When he speaks, he fully commands the attention of the room. He has earned this status. Reb Zalman is one of the most important voices of Judaism in our time. Though he has had conventional jobs as a Hillel rabbi, University professor, author and lecturer, he is anything but conventional. In fact he is the ultimate boundary crosser. After escaping Nazi Europe in 1941, he was a Lubavitcher working on college campuses. But he soon made his reputation as a spiritual teacher who made company with the likes of Shlomo Carlebach, Ram Dass and the Dali Lama. I know of no other teacher who can move so seamlessly between Chasidic texts, Eastern religious traditions, Native American heritage and secular American culture. His groundbreaking work in what he terms, “davvenology” permeates all the work done in the movement. For anyone who finds worship in American synagogues boring, a small dose of Jewish Renewal prayer is worth a try. It isn’t for everyone but the use of chanting, meditation, movement, unconventional readings and personal sharing does provide much of what so many Jews are chasing in non-Jewish spiritual settings. Not surprisingly the rabbis who have been ordained by Reb Zalman and now the more formal rabbinical training program they have called Aleph, are classic spiritual seekers themselves. As the program for ordination and other spiritual leadership programs have become more rigorous it is clear that those training with Aleph are selecting this path with great intentionality. It is ironic that much of what Reb Zalman and Jewish Renewal were developing 30 years ago and more is now making its way into mainstream American synagogues. Congregations of all denominations can now be found experimenting with meditation, yoga, drumming, chanting and movement, if not in their main services than in alternate venues that are sanctioned by the rabbi. This “borrowing” has led to some degree of Continued on page 16 13
Are you thinking about becoming a member? Then please join some fellow members of our congregation and our Rabbi for lunch and getting to know one-another Date: Sunday, March 23, 2014 Time: 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm Where: 1742 Lansbrook Avenue Las Vegas, Nevada RSVP: Dale at 702.456.7002
Rich Neil
March 3
Jane Kusel
March 18
Jerald Cohen
March 6
Lesley Wagemesiter
March 19
Marge Lieberman
March 10
Torrey Barrett
March 20
Harriet Bernstein
March 14
John Wennstrom
March 21
Lesley Korach
March 15
Laura Kraft-Sussman
March 26
De’Anne Ernst
March 16
Phyllis Zuckerman
March 30
Does Jewish Renewal Have a Future? (continued from page 13) resentment among the longtime leaders of the movement although I did not hear any such complaint from Reb Zalman himself. The sentiment expressed is that mainstream Jewish denominations take advantage of the R and D work of Jewish Renewal without any attribution while, at the same time, Jewish Renewal struggles to gain acceptance and financial support. Frankly, Mordecai Kaplan and the Reconstructionist Movement can tell exactly the same story as fifty years ago non-Orthodox movements cherry picked Kaplan’s most attractive ideas and made them their own even as the movement that Kaplan helped to launch struggled for recognition and support. One hears within the confines of the Jewish Renewal movement some anxiety about their future. While there were some young faces at the national gathering, most of the audience was made up of people in their 50’s, 60, and 70’s. While second career rabbis are becoming more common across the denominational spectrum, the Renewal rabbinate clearly skews older than most. The number of congregations in the Renewal network is growing but very few seem to be able to support full time rabbis no less a full complement of other professionals. Renewal rabbis are also competing in a shrinking synagogue market place. Yet if there is growth in that sector it is likely going to come from independent, non-denominational groups of Jews who are drawn to the leadership and style of a given rabbi. This is a trend that Renewal rabbis may be able to capitalize on. In Renewal circles there is a lot of excitement about the explosive growth of Romemu, a new congregation founded by Rabbi David Ingber on the Upper West Side of Manhattan which has grown to 500 households in less than two years. The charismatic Ingber was ordained by Reb Zalman and he is candid about the debt he owes to Jewish Renewal in shaping his approach to Jewish life. Yet he himself is unsure whether the Jewish Renewal label will be an asset or a liability in growing his congregation. Perhaps the biggest challenge facing Jewish Renewal in the coming years is the extent to which they try to build the infrastructure of a denomination. For decades they reveled in their outsider status, suggesting that their post-denominational approach to Jewish life was more consistent with the ethos of a post-modern Jewish community. Yet today there are several post-denominational seminaries including Hebrew College in Boston and the Academy of Jewish Religion in New York and Los Angeles (independent of each other though bearing the same name). In addition, both United Synagogue (Conservative) and the URJ (Reform) broke all the old rules of denominational Judaism at their recent, respective national conventions as they invited in a broad array of rabbis and teachers who were not card carrying members of their movements. When even the biggest denominations of American Judaism go postdenominational, it makes it harder for Jewish Renewal to make a case to foundations and potential funders. All this is not to say that Jewish Renewal has no future. At a recent retreat that I led for rabbinical students from eleven seminaries across the denominational spectrum (I do this regularly under the auspices of the Rabbis Without Borders program of Clal), a student continued on page 20 16
On’gai Shabbat and nid’vei Leiv On’gai Shabbat— Time to Sign up! We still have a few openings left for those of you who want to celebrate a simcha or commemorate the memory of a loved one by sponsoring an Oneg Shabbat. And for you foodies who want to get your Bobby Flay or Gordon Ramsey on, there’s still time! Check the schedule below; an opening is your opportunity: March 7 Sponsor/Caterer -Nancey
March 21
April 4 April 18
May 2
May 16th
June 6th
June 20th
Eason Sponsor/Caterer-The Phyllis tan’s SIGN UP TODAY!!! SPONSOR: could be you Caterer-Scott Linker-in Honor of Sabrina’s Birthday Sponsor-Roz Tessler and Harriet Bernstein CATERER-could be you Sponsor/Caterer-The Phyllis tan’s Sponsor/Caterer Nancey Eason Sponsor-Hariet Miller in Honor of 84th Birthday CATERER-could be you
Call the office at (702) 436-4900 or email to book your date now!
Nid’vei Leiv—Contributions from the heart Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Rozlyne Tessler Jennifer Cohen Phyllis and Stan Zuckerman, in memory of Dee Cachirea, in honor of Phyllis Zuckerman’s 64th Birthday In memory of From Zandra Bender in memory of Bertha Platt From Harriet Bender in memory of Louis Tessler From Ann Brandt in memory of my father-in-law, Frank Brandt From Dotti Elgart in memory of Ken Elgart From Ellen Halperin-Royer in memory of my father, Fred Halperin From Rozlyne Tessler in memory of Louis Tessler In Honor of B’Nei Simchat Chochmah Cohort II Ann Brandt Cantor Marla Goldberg Nancy Goldberg From Lois Haraughty in honor of Maxine Blechman becoming a Bat Simchat Chochmah From Frances Bolkins in honor of Maxine Blechman becoming a Bat Simchat Chochmah General Fund Barbara Holland Arlene Waters MiSheBerach David Aris Harriet Bernstein for Richard Feder and Scott Dykstra Rosh Chodesh Debbie Eidelman Torah Study David Aris
A big Todah Rabah to all of you who volunteer at our events by cooking, cleaning and sharing a helping hand.
Happy Anniversary to Anjuli and Justin Adler-Swanberg Zandra and Elliot Bender Wendy and Laura Kraft-Sussman Susan and Rick Bindhamer
Updated address for the Epstein’s: March 1 1425 Montezuma March 9 #210 March 11 Columbus, TX March 24 78934
A happy marriage is a long conversation which always seems too short. -Andre Maurois 17
Mi Shebeirach/”Get Well” Wishes to… Marie Ackerman Marjorie Lieberman D’vorah Turrentine Edith Rome Elliot Bender Karen Boyett Wendy Linker Maya Granat Richard & Eric Wulff Phyllis Zuckerman Ron Gries Rosemarie Chapman Connie Rivchun Scott Dykstra Anne Altman Barry Goodwin Susan Weiman Carl Cowan Fran Silverman Rowen James David Epstein Libby Miller Matt Cohen Shayna Fried Randi Fried Max Van de Camp Henry Glowa Norman Fried Robert Miller
Arlene Cohen Paul Goldstein Seth Horowitz Arleen Gibson Richard Steinberg Brazyl Monique Ward Pinky Garcia Susan Margolin Joyce Schneider Helene Bernstein Jay Berger Bernie Gehring Scott Simon Esther Schwartz Seth Axelrod Sonny Mayron Barbara Grossman Deborah Williams Kathleen Broener Marylou Lowther Barbara Brookes Brenda Gomez Marjory Burnstein Lucy Muller Paul Bodner Howard Fox Sylvia Fox Ronnie Buchman
Memorial plaques are available; to honor the departed, to inspire the living. to be remembered in the hearts of those we leave behind is, in a sense, to live forever . For further information, call the Synagogue office at 702-436-4900 Mitzvah donations also appreciated
Rudolph Berdy -Remembered by Barbara Finkelberg, Debbie Mindlin & Lynn Pisetzner Frank Brandt -Remembered by Ann Brandt Abraham Feldman -Remembered by Barbara & Andrew Holland Michael Kosso -Remembered by Kristen Jaeger & Tim Lockett Esther & Ben Marber -Remembered by Sam Marber Basha Piekarsky -Remembered by Jay & Ronald Piekarsky Louis Tessler -Remembered by Harriet Bernstein & Roz Tessler
When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure Submitted by Phyllis Zuckerman
Remembering Friends and Family: If you know of someone who can use a little cheer in their life because of illness or a death in their family-or a simcha -mazel tov celebration; the "Sunshine Lady� Phyllis Zuckerman would like to send a card. Please contact her at: 702.617.0585 or
Henrietta Bloch Zuckerman -Remembered by Stan Zuckerman
Does Jewish Renewal Have a Future? (continued from page 16) from the Orthodox seminary, Chovevei Torah, commented that the tefillah he experienced at the retreat opened him up to levels of kavannah (deep, intentional spirituality) that he rarely experiences in Orthodox settings. Clearly this was the influence of the Aleph students who pushed the boundaries of what can happen in prayer space. I will also say that the four days I spent in the Jewish Renewal community were filled with a level of heartfulness, compassion and spiritual depth that is hard to come by in most Jewish settings today. I’ve spent the past two years traveling the country first writing and then discussing Jewish Megatrends and the future direction of the American Jewish community. From what I can see, the Jewish community can use a healthy dose of what Jewish Renewal has to offer. I never bet against heart. Rabbi Sid Schwarz is the director of the Clergy Leadership Incubator (CLI), a program sponsored by Clal: The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership, training visionary spiritual leaders for the American Jewish community. He is also the author of “Jewish Megatrends: Charting the Course of the American Jewish Community” (Jewish Lights). - See more at: #sthash.x2RT8yKg.dpuf
CALENDAR AT A GLANCE: March 2 March 3 March 3 March 7 March 7 March 8 March 9 March 10 March 10 March 13 March 13 March 15 March 16 March 17 March 17 March 21 March 22 March 24 March 24 March 31 March 31 April 2 April 6 April 6 April 14 April 15 April 17
Women’s Rosh Chodesh at 7:00 pm at the home of Jennifer Cohen Jewlicious Learning 4:15 pm Introduction to Talmud 7:00 pm Tot Shabbat 6:30pm at Kraft-Sussman Chapel Kabbalat Shabbat and Maariv Services 7:30pm at Kraft-Sussman Chapel Torah Study at the home of Rabbi Mintz 10:00am JFSA 7th Annual Tzedakah Event featuring Frankie Moreno 4:00pm Jewlicious Learning 4:15 pm Introduction to Talmud 7:00 pm Ta'anit Esther—Fast of Esther Board Meeting at Acacia Springs Resort 7:00 pm “Come As You Aren’t” Purim Celebration at the home of Rabbi Mintz 7:00 pm-RSVP’s REQUIRED Purim Jewlicious Learning 4:15 pm Introduction to Talmud 7:00 pm Kabbalat Shabbat and Maariv Services 7:30pm at Kraft-Sussman Chapel Torah Study at the home of Rabbi Mintz 10:00am Jewlicious Learning 4:15 pm Introduction to Talmud 7:00 pm Jewlicious Learning 4:15 pm Introduction to Talmud 7:00 pm “Love of Israel” Jewish National Fund Breakfast Call office to RSVP-702.436.4900 First educational Holocaust Passover Seder at Rio All Suites Hotel and Casino-see flyer in newsletter “A Night to Honor Israel” First Night of Passover Community Seder at Blasco Wing at UNLV Foundation BldgCall office for tickets-702.436.4900 CPT Book Club discusses “Too Jewish” at the home of Jane Kusel
Kol Kiruv, the newsletter of Congregation P’nai Tikvah, is available on-line at at no cost. If mailed, hard copy delivery is $36 annually. Please notify us and remit payment .
Blessing for the Month of Adar Bet: May we be blessed with receiving increased joy this month and, likewise, with increasing joy for one another. Amein