CPT Stakeholders Meeting May 21, 2017 1:00 PM Easter Seals Multi-Purpose Room 6200 West Oakey, LV, NV 89146
Congregation P’nai Tikvah meets on the 1st and 3rd Shabbat of the Month 2685 South Rainbow Blvd, STE 108 Las Vegas, Nevada 89146 702.436.4900 for more information Happenings
Kidz Corner
From Rabbi Pam
Jewlicious Learning & Yad Squad
12, 14
Note from the Cantor
Birthday’s and Anniversaries
From Rabbi Mintz
Todah Raba from Annie Wolff
Nid’vei Leiv—From the Heart
Michtavim MeiAretz/Letters from Israel
Calendar at a Glance
Congregation P’nai Tikvah will worship on Shabbat, May 5th and 19th at 2685 South Rainbow Street, STE 108. Tot Shabbat-, Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma’ariv services will begin at 6:30 PM on May 5th and Shabbat-Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma’ariv services will begin at 7:00PM on May 19th. Torah Study will take place at 9:30 AM on May 6th and 20th. Congregation P’nai Tikvah meets at 2685 South Rainbow Street, STE 108, Las Vegas, NV 89146 $
Jewish One Liners for Comfort and Balance By Rabbi Pamela Frydman
Our lives are in a constant state of flux. There are certain things we can control and many things we cannot control. In truth, the main thing we can control is our attitude. How do we bounce back when we feel sucker punched by life? How do we bounce back when we feel that life is just so unfair? And how do we respond when everything feels good and we are ready to move forward into the future like heroes who have run the race? Judaism gives us tools for comforting and consoling ourselves during difficult moments and keeping ourselves in balance during moments of elation. Below are some one liners that I find to be helpful on good days and bad days. These two are from Pirkei Avot, Selections of our Ancestors. Ben Zoma’s full name was Shimon ben Zoma. Ben Zoman and Hillel the Elder both lived in the 2nd century. Ben Zoma said: “Who is wise? The one who learns from every person. Who is strong? The one who subdues his negative appetites. Who is wealthy? The one who appreciates what s/he has. Who is honored? The one who gives honor to others.” (Avot 4:1) Hillel the Elder said, “If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, when?” (Avot 1:14) These are from Reb Nachman of Beslov who lived in the 18th and into the 19th century: “Seek the sacred within the ordinary; seek the remarkable within the commonplace.” “You are wherever your thoughts are. Make sure your thoughts are where you want to be.” “Grant me the ability to be alone. May it be my custom to go outdoors each day among the trees and grasses, among all the growing things, and there may I be alone and enter into prayer to talk with the One to whom I belong.” “Get into the habit of singing a tune. It will give you new life and fill you with joy. Get into the habit of dancing. It will displace depression and dispel hardship.” continued on page 3
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These are from the 20th century Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel: “Just to be is a blessing. Just to live is holy.” “Self-respect is the root of discipline: The sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself.” “When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people.” “Prayer begins where our power ends.” “Faith is not the clinging to a shrine but an endless pilgrimage of the heart.” “Remember that there is meaning beyond absurdity. Know that every deed counts, that every word is power... Above all, remember that you must build your life as if it were a work of art.” Rabbi Akiva lived in the 1st and into the 2nd century: “The paper burns, but the words fly away.” Hannah Senesh lived in the 20th century. “My God. My God. I pray that these things never end: The sand and the sea. The rush of the waters. Thunder in heaven. And human prayer.” May something in these one-liners speak to your heart and help you through your day.
Cantor’s Notes A few years ago I wrote an article about the song A Yiddishe Mame for Mother’s Day. This nostalgic tribute to, “…that dear little lady so old and gray” has been around for almost 100 years. It first became popular in 1928 when Sophie Tucker recorded it after the death of her mother. The record was Yiddish on one side, and used English lyrics on the other. Now, why am I bringing this up again, three years later? Well, recently I was discussing this song with a family friend. She wondered whether the lyrics, while very moving to many, are still relevant to people today in the 21st century. How many people have what may be considered a Yiddishe Mame? What is it that we imagine her to be? So I decided to look at the lyrics once again to decide if this song is still relevant today. First off, it should be mentioned that the English lyrics, while there are similar sentiments, is not a translation of the Yiddish, even though as far as I can find, they were both written by Jack Yeller. For example, in the opening verse the Yiddish lyrics speak of a “blessed, dear possession from G-d”. This possession is free, and when lost “…many tears are shed”. The English verse reminisces about life in the “humble eastside tenement” where the “sweetest angel” sat. The refrains also have a different feel from each other.
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Yiddish Lyrics A Yiddishe Mame It doesn’t get better on this earth A Yiddishe Mame How bitter when she is missing. How nice and bright it is at home when Mama is here. How sad and dark it becomes when G-d takes her the World to come. In water, through fire she would have run from her child. Not to hold her dear, is surely the greatest sin How lucky and rich is the one who has Such a beautiful gift presented from G-d Like an old Yiddishe Mama, my Yiddishe Mama.
English Lyrics My Yiddishe momme I need her more than ever now My YIddishe momme I’d like to kiss that wrinkled brow. I long to hold her hands once more as in days gone by, and ask he to forgive me for things I did that made her cry. How few were her treasures, she never cared for fashion styles. Her jewels and her treasures, she found them in her baby’s smiles. Oh I know that I owe what I am today, To that dear little lady, so old and gray. To that wonderful Yiddishe mama of mine.
So looking at these words, do they still work today? They both sing of a longing to have a little more time with their mother. But for me, the English is a little bit more old fashioned. In the English version the mother is much more one dimensional to me. This mother only lived for her children and had no life of her own, other than that. The mother in the Yiddish version seems to be stronger to me. In this version, she would run through fire and water for her child, but it doesn’t seem to be the only thing in her life. It also seems more realistic to me, and not a nostalgic look back at the world that only exists in glorified memory. In both versions, the lyrics speak of missing that mother who is no longer there, so that part still makes sense in today’s world. But the lyrics of the Yiddish version fit better today. This version of a Yiddishe Mame, someone who makes life brighter when she is around still makes sense. While the idea of an angel who only lives for her family, and has no other interests seems very old fashioned. So do I have a Yiddishe Mame? Well, I know I will shed many tear when she is taken to the world to come. I know my Yiddishe Mama would help any way she could if my brother or I needed it. I truly feel “lucky and rich” to have her in my life. May you all be blessed to have, or have had this Yiddishe Mama and to all our mothers, Happy Mother’s Day. L’Shalom,
Cantor Marla Goldberg 5
Message from Rabbi Mintz; “Making a Count; Taking Account” Dear Chevreh: As we turn the corner, we keep our eyes on the road and occasionally peer into the rear view mirror. Looking back, we can see some significant accomplishments: Beautiful Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur services; interactive and enjoyable celebrations of Chanukah, Purim, and Pesach; a successful and fun Roast of Shelley Berkley; a fascinating “Brunch with Brilliants” series; an expanded approach to Rosh Chodesh; a meaningful year of Jewlicious Learning for our youngsters; bringing in the new Mussar program (so meaningful that the group wants to continue); a stimulating cohort in Jewish, Alive, and American; wonderful Torah Studies, Lach’kor Series, and Getting to Know the Masters series, led by Rabbi Pam Frydman; increased social action, spearheaded by Annie Wolff and Meera Kamega, including much “praying with our feet”; our clergy’s participation in Kol Isha, Yom HaShoah, and other community events; and our interactions with our host congregation, Indigo Valley Church. Along with the accomplishments, we also see some areas of deep concern: Membership outreach and retention; lack of a permanent Rabbi to succeed me; need for custodial help to replace Marijane and then Nancey; the need for ongoing volunteers; engaging younger families; caring for our elderly; and achieving fiscal viability. Daunting but, hopefully surmountable challenges, . During the seven weeks between the second night of Pesach and the holiday of Shavuot, we observe the ritual of “counting the Omer.” Originally this was an agricultural ritual involving a measure of barley leading up to the agricultural component of Shavuot, also known as Chag HaBikkurim or the Holiday of Bringing in the First Fruits. Our contemporary observance of the Omer Count is to note the tie-in between the mystical s’firot and each day, contemplate the nuanced understanding, and then do an action that reflects that particular day’s meaning. Approximately 25% of the congregation signed up to receive a thought a day during this 49 day period. And as we make this count, we elevate our spirits, preparing us for the commemoration of receiving the Torah, which is the spiritual meaning of Shavuot. At the same time, in the world of Assiyah, the world of making and doing; your Board has been working diligently, taking account of the realities since my retirement, the practicalities of our move to Indigo, and the options for the future. We are deeply grateful to Rabbi Pam Frydman who has worked so diligently as our interim Rabbi; we are especially grateful for her teachings, as she has such expertise in the realm of the Chassidic tradition. And now it is time to take account of the infrastructure of the congregation, the challenges with which we are dealing, and the choices we have.
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We all know that Congregation P’nai Tikvah is unique in Las Vegas. While our individual relationship to the congregation is a varied as the number of individuals who are members, each of us is a stakeholder in this holy enterprise we call Congregation P’nai Tikvah. And as a stakeholder, it is incumbent upon us to listen, learn, and express our thoughts and opinions. On May 21st, we will be holding a “Stakeholder’s Meeting” at the Easter Seals headquarters, 6200 West Oakey (at Jones), from 1:00-3:00 pm. We need at least one member from each household unit to attend, because each person counts. We will be accountable to you, and, in return, we pray that we can truly count on each of you to help us maintain and grow P’nai Tikvah. L’Shalom,
Rabbi Yocheved Mintz
Darla House and Rabbi Mintz making challah.
From the Passover Seder Maven, Annie Wolff Todah Rabah! The Chefs:
Cantor Marla Goldberg Nancy Goldberg Gary Ullman Anne Ullman Stephanie Paykel Meera Kamegai Minao Kamegai Lynn Pisetzner David Pisetzner Rabbi Yocheved Mintz
The Helping Hands: Stephanie Paykel Laurie Lytel Joey Goodrich Anna Gomez Susan Bindhamer Rick Bindhamer Carolyn Stewart Ellen Royer Rabbi Yocheved Mintz Cantor Marla Goldberg Michael DeLee Cheyenne DeLee MayLee DeLee Mason DeLee Meyer DeLee Maple DeLee
Faith Silverman David Silverman Shayna Davis Dale Gardner Dave Clark Carly Dickinson
Sarit Bitton ~ Anise Tapas Bar and Grill
"Michtavim MeiAretz/Letters from Israel" by Jane Kusel
From: kuseld@yahoo.com Sent: 4/8/2017 11:35:23 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time Subj: הגשמח Hag Sameach! Enjoy your Seders...in Israel we celebrate with only one on the first night...I'll be with close friends in a country of mishpucha! I got a bit carried away with hag kitchen cleansing and ended up nearly kashering the whole room...drawers, cabinets, pantry...did I mention the macolet (grocery store) dichotomy...in the US, if you are lucky, the shops put white paper on some shelves and stock them with over-priced Passover staples...here there is a last minute skirmish to pick up heshered but not Pesidich food before the traif stock is hidden behind paper not to be seen or sniffed or purchased for seven days. I had no difficulty finding matzah made in Israel!!! And charoset, oh my...dates, figs, honey...and Morning Services today were followed by a Chametz Kiddush...and remind the grandkids the latest time to eat afikoman is at 12:41 AM on Tuesday, 4-11 (which coincidentally happens to be Don's birthday)...and the glorious list goes on...! It appears I'm relegated to reverse order again...Ani mitztaeret (I'm sorry!)...After Ulpan this past Sunday and Monday I helped a friend pack up, disperse unwanted items for tzedakah, locate and go to a storage facility in Petah Tikvah, and drop off many boxes at my place, eventually going to another friend's crawl space until her return. Tuesday I had book club immediately following Ulpan...excellent reading by Alice Hoffman...Marriage of Opposites...about the Jewish community of St. Thomas, focusing specifically on the mother of Camille Pissarro, a MOT! Wednesday my fingers and toes threatened a sveetah (strike) if I didn't take care of them before I went to Maccabi to work out health insurance issues which may be looming while I am back in the states...only to be told I needed to go to Misrad Betuach Leumi since shkaleem are involved. That eve I packed a micro bag for my Thursday overnight to Yerushalayim, less than an hour bus ride following class on Thursday. A friend who lives there and I flip-flop hostessing one another as the need arises...she in Jerusalem, me in Tel Aviv. After dropping my bag at her place, we headed to the Old City via Mamilla and the Jaffa Gate and wended our way to the Wall so I could say Kaddish for Don whose Yarzheit was Friday...four years...time is truly elusive. Later we dined in a restaurant in the artists' colony, just beneath the King David. Friday AM we took a leisurely walk to the Central Bus Station...tempted as I was, we did not frequent Mechane Yehuda...like Ha Carmel in TA, Friday's are insane. I caught a 1 PM bus back and with no traffic and a race car driver at the wheel of the bus I was in my house before 2 affording me respite prior to Services. And today, a beautiful, sunny, 75 degree Shabbat, concluded my week with an afternoon on the beach. I send my love!
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From: kuseld@yahoo.com To: Kuseld@yahoo.com Sent: 4/15/2017 5:29:07 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time Subj: Hag Kasher v'Sameach! Longer than usual service this morning at Shul, but filled with joy and blessings for a groom to be and for naming of a new baby! However, after the traditional mazal tov Candy toss, the rabbi frantically came over to me with an empty candy bag and asked me to please go through the women's section and retrieve all of the thrown candy‌ It was not kashrut for Pesach! Wonder if that substitutes for the counting of the Omer for this evening? Albeit a clear, sunny day, the temperatures and the breezes rule out Shabbas on the beach... so I'm relegated to sip my cafe h'fuk on a bench in the indirect rays as I write. Hag always lends a serenity and unspoken permission to simply be and my former, frenetic self cherishes it. And in usual 360 degree fashion I continue by extolling the beauty of my friend's Seder...whose significant other is a Sabra and under whose guiding light our celebration was led...while able to isolate some words for meaning, Israelis do make every sentence into one slurred word...even Who Knows One and Dayenu! Since my friend from Jerusalem came in for the Seder, Helen and I were able to spend the entire day together on Tuesday, much of which was along the tayelet and at the Nahmal itself. Our late lunch posed no problem since all the restaurants sport Kosher for Passover menus only! What a pleasure. After stopping by the house in order for Helen to retrieve her overnight bag, we decided that our very full stomachs warranted a nice long walk‌ And we proceeded on a leisurely trek to the train/bus station. Tuesday being the first full day of Passover, we knew the first bus back to Jerusalem was 7:15 PM so we arrived at around seven, only to find the terminals completely empty! Fortunately, There were others already queued up for her bus which pulled up at 7:10... she took off shortly there after only to find that there were no buses running out of the central bus station in Jerusalem and had another hike home. As for me the only bus that appeared was bus 18, not the five or the ten which I had hoped for. Each time I contemplated my own hike home, I figured the bus was due to come any second...and 45 minutes later, true to Israeli time, I found a seat on the 5 and unlocked my door shortly thereafter. Wednesday and Thursday brought weather very similar to today so studying for Ulpan which resumes on Tuesday and reading and preparing for Shabbos dinner my house. Friday looked like it was a beach day so after setting my table and preparing for the evening, I met a friend on the shore but after an hour of heavy winds and the sun only peeking through the clouds, we took our leave. Services were followed by a leisurely dinner and a concert at the port beginning at 10 PM‌ Needless to say, it was a very late early morning but well worth it. Later this afternoon I'll do a walk and dinner with a friend. With May 10 return to the states, i'll probably start with a preliminary list of what I'm taking and what I am leaving and what I need to bring back tomorrow, if time allows. And Monday the last day of Passover will be sad as I light too many Yarzheits and go to Yiskor. I send hugs from our Homeland, our small chunk of land like nowhere else on earth! continued on page 11
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From: Kuseld <kuseld@yahoo.com> Date: April 22, 2017 at 1:42:24 PM CDT Subject: ערבטוב
Good evening all! I have a busy, very early day tomorrow, so I will try to make this short but sweet! As my time in our homeland is all too rapidly coming to an end, the days seem to be shorter and as usual, I am wrapped in the bitter sweetness of joyously anticipating my US return while deeply regretting my Israel departure. Yiskor service were beautiful and far less heavy than in the US and so my first Passover as an Israeli citizen has come to an end. Ulpan began on Tuesday morning and in the afternoon a friend and I walked to Neve Tzedek, a far shorter excursion then our Sunday trek to Jaffa. After class on Thursday I went with two friends on a day/evening excursion first to Be'er Sheva (which has changed dramatically since my last visit there in 2010), and then to an IDF base in the south where we celebrated with the granddaughter of one as she completed basic training; we all went with extended family for dinner following the ceremony. Early Friday morning, a friend picked me up and we headed to the Dead Sea for a glorious day followed by a wonderful dinner on the pier in Ashkelon. After Torah reading at Shul this morning, friends and I headed to Jerusalem for an afternoon picnic lunch and visit to the biblical zoo. Tomorrow I'm going to base with a friend who runs the volunteer program here for the IDF. We have a great deal of inventory and preparation for an enormous number of volunteers for Israel who arrive just three days before I leave. This coming week promises to be jam-packed as well and so I send all my love. ❤ P.S. My international phone is currently on the blink... hope to get it fixed within the next few days!
T'kiya Troup getting ready for High Holidays: Moshe , MayLee Sydney, Danica, Austin and Julissa, and Cantor Marla
Jewlicious Learning at Congregation Pâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;nai Tikvah Snack Time! Making candlesticks
Moreh Austin has Sydney show Julissa the Alef-Bet 12
The plaque just outside of Independence Hall notes the date of the declaration in both Hebrew (5 Iyyar (5)708) and Gregorian (May 14, 1948) formats. As youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d expect, Israel celebrates the occasion according to the Hebrew calendar. Most national anthems talk of battles. Hatikvah, the national anthem of Israel, speaks of hope. As long as in the heart, within A Jewish soul still yearns, And onward, towards the the ends of the East, An eye still gazes toward Zion; Our hope is not yet lost, The hope of two thousand years, To be a free nation in our land, The land of Zion and Jerusalem. Happy seventieth birthday, Israel! 13
Jewlicious Learning & Yad Squad SIGN UP TODAY FOR OUR 2016-2017 SESSION Jewlicious Learning Hands on, experiential learning makes Jewish education fun and meaningful for our youngsters from Kindergarten through B’nai Mitzvah. Working with Rabbi Mintz, Cantor Goldberg, and our caring and engaging teaching staff makes a loving, caring, and motivating environment for our youngsters. Yad Squad (formerly “Teen Torah Tribe”) Post B'nai Mitzvah teens will be meeting from 10:00 to 11:30 on Sunday mornings once monthly this year for continuing education and leadership training. In addition to increasing their skill in "doing Jewish," they will experience: Social Action Opportunities Building self-esteem Building Jewish identity Building Jewish literacy Connecting with other Jewish teens and with the community and being provided with opportunities for positive personal expression.
Yad Squad participants, Austin Royer and Samantha Holland, “doing good” in Las Vegas.
May Birthdays Marti Jenkins Don Kauffman Ken Clark MayLee DeLee Samantha Holland Debbie Wilreker Stan Zuckerman
6-May 10-May 13-May 20-May 23-May 26-May 26-May
May Anniversaries Phyllis & Stan Zuckerman
For $40.00 a prayer book can either be purchased for personal use or be dedicated to the congregation “In Memory” or “In Honor of” and a card from CPT will be sent to the family. The prayer book plate will be placed on the inside cover of our Kol HaNeshamah siddur. VOLUNTEERISM ABOUNDS AT CPT Homes are always needed for the various activities and meetings of our congregation. Offer a Personal prayer – If you’d like to write your own, please do so. If you would like to see it published in the newsletter. Clergy and Staff Interim Rabbi: Rabbi Pamela Frydman Rabbi Emerita: Rabbi Yocheved Mintz Cantor: Cantor Marla Goldberg Educators: Rabbi Yocheved Mintz and Cantor Marla Goldberg Teacher’s Aide: Austin Royer Bookkeeper: Lynn Pisetzner Treasurer: Lynn Pisetzner
702.436.4900 www.pnaitikvahlv.org info@pnaitikvahlv.org 15
For the Month of May Jerry Bernstein -Remembered by Harriet Bernstein
Rochelle Bialac -Remembered by Stella Bialac
Norma Feldman -Remembered by Barbara Holland
Ruthe Jacobs -Remembered by Lesley Wagmeister
Ben Marber -Remembered by Sam Marber
Memorial plaques are available; to honor the departed, to inspire the living. to be remembered in the hearts of those we leave behind is, in a sense, to live forever. For further information, call the Synagogue office at 702-436-4900
Paula Schulman -Remembered by Hedda Abbott
Jeanette Sokolovsky -Remembered by Dale Gardner Eva Vayda and Andre Vayda -Remembered by Judith Levine
Nidâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;vei Lev- Donations from the Heart Anita Lewy -Nid'vei Lev - In honor of Sam's birthday Harriet Bernstein -In memory of David Bernstein Walter Carnwright -Nid'vei Lev Ann Brandt -In memory of Lee Burger Shlepsky Stephen Frye Nid'vei Lev Lynda French -Education Program Pastor Char Morgan -Nid'vei Lev
May 2 May 3 May 5 May 6 May 8 May 8 May 9 May 10 May 15 May 15 May 16 May 17 May 19 May 20 May 20 May 21 May 22 May 22 May 23 May 24 May 28 May 30 May 31
CALENDAR AT A GLANCE: 7:00 PM Jewish, Alive and American 7:00 PM Ivdu et Hashem B’Simcha-Jewish Liturgy as a Spiritual System 6:30 PM Tot Shabbat, Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma’ariv Service 9:30 AM Torah Study 4:15 PM Jewlicious Learning 7:00 PM Mussar Va’ad-meet at Rabbi Mintz’s home 7:00 PM Jewish, Alive and American 3:30 PM Advanced Biblical Hebrew 4:15 PM Jewlicious Learning 7:00 PM Mussar Va’ad 7:00 PM Jewish, Alive and American 3:30 PM Advanced Biblical Hebrew 7:00 PM Jewlicious Siyum-Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma’ariv Service 9:30 AM Torah Study 7:00 PM-Getting to Know the Masters with Rabbi Pam 10:00 AM CPT Stakeholders Meeting 4:15 PM Jewlicious 7:00 PM Mussar Va’ad-meet at Rabbi Mintz’s home 7:00 PM Jewish, Alive and American 3:30 PM Biblical Hebrew 9:30 AM A New Moon for All Erev Shavuot Shavuot
Blessing for the Month of Iyyar: May the month of Iyyar, a month of healing of body and mind, bless us with the ability to let go of that which is toxic and false and open up to that which will support our well-being, that which is true and real. Amen 18