Congregation P'nai Tikvah's Kol Kiruv - Nov 2013 - Chesvan / Kislev 5774

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CONGREGATION P’NAI TIKVAH (Formerly Valley Outreach Synagogue)

Kol Kiruv November 2013


Table of Contents Cover Page Rabbi’s Message Cantor’s Notes President’s Message Women’s Rosh Chodesh Jewlicious Learning MiShebeirach Doorways—14th Chesvan, 5773 Holocaust Rail Car Exhibition Wiesenthal—JRTN Ahavas Torah Celebration ... Reconstructionists In Israel Global Day of Jewish Learning Meals in Motion Israel’s Holocaust memorial … Updates & Fundraising Nid’vei Leiv—From the Heart Birthdays & New Members Kidz Korner Yahrzeits CPT Bookworms 5774 Grandma Sadie Getting Married Tikkun Olam report Calendar at a Glance

1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8-9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 16 17 17 18 19 20-21 22 23

Clergy and Staff Rabbi: Yocheved Mintz Cantor: Marla Goldberg Accompanist: Timothy Cooper Newsletter: D’vorah Turrentine, Educator: Rabbi Mintz Bookkeeper: Lynn Pisetzner Office Administrator: ‘D’vorah Turrentine pnaitikvahlv pnaitikvahlv CPT on the Web:

Vol. 20—No. 6

“THANKSGIVVUKAH “5744/2013 November at Congregation P’nai Tikvah is filled with more than turkey stuffing! Activities and opportunities for praying, learning, and working with one another are evident as we look forward to Chanukah coinciding with Thanksgiving this month….in a once-in-our lifetime cosmic occurrence. We’ll enjoy Shabbat Services on the 1st and 15th, and Torah Study on the 2nd and 16th; celebrate as Rabbi Mintz is honored as Woman of the Year at the Heart of Hadassah Gala on November 2nd (be sure to get your don’t want to miss either the Mintz Band of Brothers or Cindy Fox’s son, Hal Savar and his band), and help make our up-coming “Grandma Sadie’s Getting Married….Again!” (January 26) be a rollicking success. We’ll extend the Chanukah fun and celebrate , Friday evening, December 6th, wth a “LatkePalooza” evening and joyous welcome for that Shabbat. Interested in learning Hebrew? Learning how to chant from the Torah? Increasing your knowledge on the history, ethics, philosophy, and practice of Judaism? CPT has opportunities for helping us all live life to the fullest. Do contact Rabbi Mintz and expand your horizons. Congregation P’nai Tikvah will worship on Shabbat, November 1st & 15th at Kraft-Sussman Chapel, in the Bank of Nevada Business Park at 3975 S. Durango, Suite 104, in Las Vegas. Kabbalat Shabbat and Maariv services will begin at 7:30 PM. Torah Study will take place at 10:00 AM on November 2nd & 16th at Rabbi Mintz’s home. A bagels and lox brunch is served. Please RSVP by calling the administrative office at (702) 436-4900 or by emailing 1

Message from the Rabbi

Dear Chevreh: “Thanksgivvukah” is upon us…..a once in a lifetime uniquely American Jewish experience! Not since 1888 and not for another 79,043 years will American Jews celebrate Chanukah and Thanksgiving at the same time. The calendar curiosity has spawned mini-industries of turkey-shaped menorahs ( and clever tee-shirts, sure to be collectibles, celebrating Thanksgivvukah 2013, with a turkey astride a Channukiah announcing “8 Days of Light, Liberty, & Latkes” ( Autumn color candles, greeting cards of all kinds, and song parodies abound. The blatant consumerism, notwithstanding, this is a unique opportunity to infuse both holidays with fun, creativity, and, most important, lasting meaning. Both holidays reflect a victory of freedoms reclaimed; both holidays speak of conquering incredible challenges; and there are miraculous aspects to both….yet there are deeper theological implications to both that we all-too-often gloss over in the heat of our turkey/pumpkin pie or latke/soufganiyot fressing frenzies. And both implications can be found in the very titles of the holidays. Thanksgiving is, at its core, a day set aside, not for football games and gluttony, but for family, friends and sincere contemplation of gratitude, i.e., the giving of thanks. Chanukah is more than dreidle-spinning and gift exchanging; it is a remembrance of right over might (the Maccabees/ Hasmoneans defeating the Syrian Greeks) and rededicating the reclaimed Temple, i.e., chanukat ha-bayit. The miracle of the oil is a rabbinic focus, but nonetheless important, as that is why we light the Chanukah Menorah (the Channukiah) for eight days and refer to Chanukah as Chag HaUrim, the Festival of Lights. “Not by might and not by power,” the psalmists proclaimed, “but by Spirit alone….shall we all live in peace.” And the thanksgiving offered on Thanksgiving is to the One who brought our pilgrim patriarchs through that first treacherous winter; the prayers of praise offered on Chanukah is to the One who performed miracles for us at that time in those days. It is our mazel that the Jewish calendar has not yet been modified, such that Thanksgiving and Chanukah will coincide this year. So enjoy this once-in-a-lifetime happening, but remember that behind the revelry are reasons for prayer, praise, gratitude, and resolve. Happy Thanksgivukah!


Cantor’s Notes: There is a wonderful tradition we do at every Shabbat we share together, we dance. Most of the time it is during Ivdu Et HaShem B’simcha and Miriam’s Song. Recently, I was excited to see several people standing up to dance at L’cha Dodi. This is another place where in many congregations dancing is done. Each week our wonderful Rabbi tells of how the sages of Safed went out to the fields on Friday nights, dressed in white, to greet the Shabbat Bride. I can imagine those people out in the fields, arms stretched out, dancing in joy as the Shabbat came singing, “Come my beloved, come to meet the bride.” I have attended many synagogues and services where dancing during the L’cha Dodi was the minhag, the tradition. One of the first I went to was during my first year as a cantorial student in Jerusalem. Every few weeks we went, with our teacher, Cantor Eli Schliefer, to attend various Shabbat services in the city. He wanted us to experience many styles of Judaism. We attended services in Ashkenazic and Sephardic communities ranging from reform to orthodox. I remember the congregation we ‘danced’ to L’cha Dodi was a very orthodox one. Dancing during L’cha Dodi was a big part of the Kabbalat Shabbat. Because it was very orthodox, the men in our class got to dance. The women did not. There was a woman’s balcony at this small synagogue. It had a lattice work divider from the floor to the wall that had holes in it so small that it might have well have been closed up completely for all we could see. The balcony itself was about 3 feet wide, with two rows of chairs. It was dark, musty, and just plain claustrophobic being up there. When it came time for the L’cha Dodi the men got up to dance for about a half and hour (my male classmates said it was a lot of fun) while those of us of the other gender tried to look down through the small holes to observe. It was not so fun for us. More recently, while attending my Davvenin Leadership Training this summer, we also danced to L’cha Dodi. Those leading the service that night had the idea to have a chuppah held at the doors to our synagogue for the Shabbat Bride to walk through as we faced the doors. I was one of the people who were asked to hold the chuppah. As we welcomed the bride, people in the room began do dance around. Eventually we moved the chuppah to the middle of the room, as people continued to dance. Our service leaders were very amused as the congregation ‘took over’ and continued to dance much longer than was originally planned. It was a very joyous time. We danced, sang, and truly felt as if the Joy of Shabbat was completely with us. There is another tradition done with L’cha Dodi in congregations that sing all nine verses. About halfway through, the melody is changed. Oh, and there are over 2000 known melodies for the text in many musical styles from jazz to a waltz. So, next time, when we sing this great poem get up, dance, and truly welcome the joy of Shabbat, and the Bride. L’Shalom, Cantor Marla Goldberg 3

Message from the President:

Dear Fellow CPT Congregants: Building a viable spiritual community. As your Board President, this, I feel, is my primary mission. In an age where surveys are telling us that too many Jewish people are not active religious participants, our Congregation, P’nai Tikvah, is “bucking the trend!” In the past three months, our numbers have grown. While still intimate and welcoming, we are reaching the point that we need to come early to Shabbat Services in order to choose where we want to sit (or as we call it in Vegas, we have “a full house”). At Torah study, extra tables and chairs are needed as the interest in participating with the Rabbi in a very old tradition of studying the Torah is growing faster every month. Our membership numbers are increasing, thanks to the dedicated work from our Membership Committee and to our Congregation for introducing their friends to our little Shul. And our financial picture is improving. We want to thank all who have completed their pledges to the Congregation and to those who are on track to complete their pledges. Your financial support is vital to our goal to build a sustainable spiritual community. Our Kol Nidrei pledges, our donations from the heart, have shown that our members and the worshipers who attended our High Holiday services DO CARE about their Judaism. Now where do we go from here, as our journey is not nearly finished? We continue to offer learning opportunities, social events, and joyful services, and we inch towards fiscal viability, little by little. Our MAJOR fundraiser, “Grandma Sadie Getting Married… Again?” is fast approaching-- save the date, January 26, 2014. As I discussed with the Board, this fundraiser and its success depends upon the commitment of every Board member and every member of our Congregation. From an $ 18.00 donation for a greeting in the Wedding Program (a.k.a., the ad book) to helping us find individuals and companies to donate gifts for our silent auction to finding sponsors and advertisers, each one of us can participate in some way to help us raise the necessary funds so that we can achieve our goal to assure the viability of our sweet spiritual community. Right now, we are offering early purchase of tickets as we know we will have a sell-out crowd. If you have not purchased tickets, please contact Doris at 869-2700. We even have a payment plan for those members who want to pay for their tickets over the next few months. We need volunteers to help us with the auction and with the ad book- feel free to contact me either by email, or by cell at 702-493-5450. As we approach the final month, we will need members to act as official guests, from the registration table to helping with the many last minute details of a wedding. To paraphrase from Pirkei Avot, Rabbi Tarfon said, “the day is short and the work is great…and the reward is much…” With your continued support, we will continue to “buck the trend” that our Jewish Light is burning very bright (with 8 more lights coming soon!). Shalom, Barbara Holland Board President


Women’s Rosh Chodesh Group Thanks to Jane Kusel for hosting last month’s welcome to Cheshvan. Twelve wonderful women shared their stories as we focused on “Dreams and Destiny” as our theme for the gettogether. It was an extraordinary evening! We will welcome the month of Kislev on Sunday, November 10, at 7:00 pm, at the home of Linda Kauffman. Our theme will be “Chanukah Kitsch,” an opportunity to get super-creative as we approach Thanksgivukah! Because we will be doing a special project, we’ll absolutely need your RSVP to Linda at or call her at 702-449-2579. Our November meeting will be November 10th at Linda Kauffman’s. Hostesses and homes are still needed for the following Sunday evenings at 7 pm,: December 8, January 5, February 2, April 6, May 4 , and June 1st. Contact Nancey Kasse to schedule to host: naftala

JEWLICIOUS LEARNING The Jewlicious Learners are deep into their studies and are eagerly anticipating Chanukah. Our learners are using chevrutah techniques to study together, learning from each other to polish their skills. Working with Cantor Marla, the youngsters are also preparing some fun musical offerings for Chanukah. MayLee and Danica are in Unit 3 of their Hebrew text, applying their prereading skills to decoding words and phrases and learning how to print and Sabrina and Samantha are in learning the Birkat HaMazon (grace after meals) prayers, identifying root letters, and beginning to apply their recognition skills to translating for meaning.

Mitzvah Envelopes: Mitzvah envelopes are given out at services with the hope that they will be filled out and returned with a donation for the congregation. Honoring or remembering loved ones, giving tzedakah for a MiShebeirach, simply being thankful for meaningful services, and any other reason you can think of helps the congregation’s sustainability and funds future

Reaining classes will take place on Monday afternoons at the Rabbi’s home, from 4:15 to 6:00, on November 4, 18, and 25; (No class on Veterans’ Day, November 11). Continuing on December 2, 9, and 16; (Winter Break ), then January 6, 13, and 27; February 3, 10, and 24; March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31; April 7, and

For details regarding current CPT fundraisers or suggestions for future fundraising opportunities, please contact Dale Gardner

28; May 5, 12,19 and June 2. Registration continues to be open, but classes have begun. 5

DECIDE TO FORGIVE Decide to forgive For resentment is negative Resentment s poisonous Resentment diminishes and devolurs the self Be the first to forgive, to smile and to take the first step And you will see happiness bloom On the face of your human brother or sister. Be always the first Do not wait for others to forgive For by forgiving you become the master of fate The fashioner of life A doer of miracles To forgive is the highest, Most beautiful form of love. In return you will receive Untold peace and happiness And here is the program for Achieving a truly forgiving heart SUNDAY: Forgive yourself MONDAY: Forgive your family TUESDAY: Forgive your friends and associates WEDNESDAY: Forgive across economic lines within your own nation THURSDAY: Forgive across cultural lines with your own nation FRIDAY: Forgive across political lines with your own nation SATURDAY: Forgive other nations

Mi Shebeirach/”Get Well” Wishes to… Marie Ackerman Marjorie Lieberman D’vorah Turrentine Edith Rome Gary Paykel Elliot Bender Paul Bodner Olivia Bender Gittel bat Libba Heika Libba Heika bat Sima Wendy Linker Maya Granat Craig Goodrich Richard Wulff Corey Goldman Phyllis Zuckerman Tiffany Freud Andy Holland Marlene Silveman Rosemarie Chapman Olivia Bender Connie Rivchum Scott Dykstra Anne Altman Barry Goodwin Arlene Cohen Paul Goldstein Seth Horowitz Arleen Gibson Richard Steinberg Rebbetzin Yael Goldblatt Scott Simon HaRav Chaaim ben Ruth Bob Mirisch Marlene Marcus Helene Bernstein Adam Granat Bernie Gehring Jay Berger

Only the brave know how to forgive, a coward never forgives It is not in his nature Submitted by Phyllis Zuckerman 6

Doorways by Naftalah Chava Ariel 14th of Chesvan, 5774 I have discovered in my short time as being a member of the tribe that Jewish rituals are a doorway. Take Chanukah for example. On the surface it seems delicate, almost fragile. Light a small candle for eight nights, say some blessings and eat some latkes. A wonderful family celebration, with food, games and presents. There is even a story of a miracle, with sanctified oil that burns for eight days even though there was only enough to burn for one. But the doorway… *** Walking through this doorway I discover our past. I meet a woman named Chana. She tells me a story of how each one of her seven sons was martyred because they refused to deny Torah and God. She tells me how the king, Antiochus, continues to inflict his dominance over each of her sons, trying to get them to turn from their Jewish identity. As each son passes, the next is more resolved to hold Torah to their heart. Weeping, as I walk from Chana, I find Judith. She tells me she is from Bethulia and her name means “Jewish woman”. She tells me her tale. How she knew the Greek army was making their way to Jerusalem. How she prayed as she looked for a way to defend her people, her tents, her Jewish way of life from the onslaught of the Greek army. She describes how she became inspired to dress in her finest and approach the Greek general Holofernes, with her famous salty goat cheese and undiluted wine. In one fell swoop, she weakens the approaching Greek army with the defeat of their general. Next I meet Mattathias, a Hasmonen kohen/priest from Jerusalem. He tells me how he did not want to fight. How he fled Jerusalem to Modiin. He tells me about how he understands that his only way to survive will be to give up Judaism. He realized then that he would have to stand up and fight for his right to be Jewish and the right of the future Jews to come, so they could approach God as free people. Then his son joins the story by telling about how he continued the rebellion., leading his brothers and the ragtag group of believers. Judah Maccabee is one of the ways he is known today. I see men standing on the corner playing a game. They have a toy called a dreidel, but as I hear them speak, I hear words of Torah. The game is merely a ruse to keep them safe while they study Torah. As a soldier approaches they jeer and tease each other. I hear “Gimmel” and realize they are talking about the last man’s turn and how they lost it all. The Greek soldier moves past. The sages discuss ritual observance in the academy, how the Chanukiah should be across from the mezuzah and no higher than thirty feet from the ground. The candles should be filled from left to right but lit from right to left as an argument ensues between the House of Hillel and the House of Shammai., as to whether the Hannukiah should start with one candle or with all eight. The House of Hillel, once again, takes the majority opinion. More sounds within this doorway about the defiling of the Temple, dedicating it to Greek gods, impure rituals performed on the altar. Another discussion of the removal of privacy, the sanctity of our tents destroyed as the houses of Jews were not allowed to have doors. More talk of the Greek defiling of the Temple, with sacrifices made to Greek gods to prove there was no need for Jews to have a Jewish relationship with God. Someone speaks of the Hellenized Jews and Chassidic Jews. Another woman calls out her story. She calls out how she spoke of her brothers as cowards as they would do nothing to stop the required defilement of her person by a Greek soldier on her wedding night. Before I leave the doorway I hear that the 36 candles lit during Chanukah represent the hidden tzaddikim in the world. So much information packed into eight thin candles, sold for $1.00 a box. A ritual so easy, all members of the family can participate. All members of the family can claim the right to their freedom to be a Jew. This simple act of lighting candles over these eight nights is the doorway to acts of bravery and the light that emanates from each one of us as we reach out and declare our freedom to seek God. It is this spark that allows us to bring light to the dark and gives us an opportunity to share in the creation of our freedom. It sings to the angels our desire to live as Jews in the World, even when we are the only ones to proclaim it for ourselves. Flames to bring together God and humanity to bring freedom for all Jews from those who believe literally to those who believe metaphorically and all those in-between. 7

Continued on page 9








Submitted by Phyllistan


UPDATES On’gai Shabbat— Time to Sign up!


Fundraising Opportunities

We still have a few openings left for those of you who want to celebrate a simcha or commemorate the memory of a loved one by sponsoring an Oneg Shabbat. And for you foodies who want to get your Bobby Flay or Gordon Ramsey on, there’s still time! Check the schedule below; an opening is your opportunity: 

November 1

  

November 15

December 20

December 6

Sponsor—Ann Brandt Caterer—Sam Lieberman Sponsor-Barbara and Andy Holland Caterer - Jennifer Cohen Sponsor– Scott Linker Caterer—CPT Committee Sponsor & Caterer Needed


Nid’vei Leiv—Contributions from the heart

Rabbi Mintz will lead Torah Study for Parashat Toledot October 5th & Parshat Va-Yishlah at the Rabbi’s home at 10:00 AM.

Paul Goldstein -Thank you Rabbi Mintz for a beautiful service

Please RSVP for Torah Study at or call —the office at 436-4900.

Marlene Marcus Barbara Holland H. Jean Bell Gary Klein Steve Gamson Barbara and Andy Holland

Note URL for Congregation P’nai Tikvah, as well as Facebook and Twitter Addresses Make our web address, , a favorite! Social networking with our shul is easier than ever! “Like” us on Facebook at and follow us on Twitter at . Thanks to Cindy Fox, Jon Axelrod, and Danielle Holland— CPT’s social network mavens—for keeping us current!! Anyone else wish to volunteer? Just call 436-4900 to be our new maven!

Ann Brandt In memory of my father Nathan Etkind Stan & Phyllis Zuckerman for being honored by Hadassah Stan & Phyllis Zuckerman for Phyllis’s recovery David Altman Sheila & Samuel Harding Terri Hirschfield

TORAH FUND PLANTING TREES IN ISRAEL PRAYER BOOK DEDICATIONS OR PURCHASE For $40.00 a prayer book can either be purchased for personal use or be dedicated to the congregation “In Memory” or “In Honor of” and a card from CPT will be sent to the family. The prayer book plate will be placed on the inside cover of our new Kol HaNeshamah siddur.

Thank you to all of the people that contributed to the change jar. 16

November Birthday!!

HAPPY NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS Dale Gardner Jennifer Cohen Ellen Royer Zandra Bender Arthur Kunis Patsy Kart Barbara Holland Scott Citron

November 1 November 4 November 8 November 9 November 14 November 16 November 27 November 28

B’RUCHIM HaBAIM / WELCOME TO NEW MEMBERS Welcome to Scott Citron Dr. Frank Master

KIDZ KORNER for November



Harry Stromberg -Remembered by Rabbi Mintz Maurice Wagmeister -Remembered by Sam Wagmeister

Arthur Ackerman -Remembered by Jackie Ackerman & Family Clara Axelrod -Remembered by Jon Axelrod Kate Bender -Remembered by Elliot Bender Joseph DeLee -Remembered by Michael DeLee Nathan Etkind -Remembered by Ann Brandt Bessie Freedman -Remembered by Barbara Holland Bernice Ruby Rosin Mintz -Remembered by Maxine Blechman

Esther Weiman -Remembered by Barbara Holland Rebecca Kaplan Nissenson Henrietta Bloch Zuckerman Philip Dinsky -Remembered by Stan & Phyllis Zuckerman Memorial plaques are available for your consideration, To honor the departed, To inspire the living. To be remembered in the hearts of those we leave behind is, In a sense, to live forever. For further information, call the Synagogue office at 702-436-4900 Mitzvah donations also appreciated

James Nussbaum -Remembered by Michael Nussbaum Betty Paykel -Remembered by Gary Paykel David Rauch -Remembered by Gloria Granat Harry Rose -Remembered by Stanley Rose Bernice Roshkind -Remembered by Jane Kusel Sarah Sheinberg Porath Stromberg -Remembered by Rabbi Mintz

Remembering Friends and Family: If you know of someone who can use a little cheer in their life because of illness or a death in their family-or a simcha -mazel tov celebration; the "Sunshine Lady� Phyllis Zuckerman would like to send a card. Please contact her at:(702)617-0585 or BE A BIRD DOG?? If you refer someone to a car dealership, on behalf of CPT, we can receive a referral fee. This is a wonderful and easy way to do a mitzvah for CPT . More information contact D’vorah 869-2700.


P’nai Tikvah Book Group 5774 THE PARTICULARS WHO:

All members of our Congregation P’nai Tikvah community


January 16, 2014 @ 6:45 PM April 17, 2014 @ 6:45 PM July 17, 2014 @ 6:45 PM


Home of Jane Kusel 2645 Evening Sky Drive Henderson, NV 89052 702-407-5077 (H)


4 evenings translated into 4 journeys of the senses through shared dissections of the readings below.

*Limited to 12 voices-please RSVP in a timely fashion

This Year’s Remaining Selections January Book: HUSH Eishes Chayil

Gittel, a thirteen year-old girl who lives in the Chassidic community

of Borough Park, Brooklyn, learns of her best friend’s abuse by a family member. Forced to remain silent, nuances are wrapped in blindfolded faith and Gittel’s exploration of the complex “outside” world confounds her and the reader as the conflict between tradition and reality emerge. April Book: TOO JEWISH

Patty Friedmann

Autobiographical at its roots, this novel absorbs the reader into the heavily assimilated New Orleans Jewish community. Bernie Cooper escapes Nazi Germany and ends up in LA only to find himself the victim of a new prejudice against Jews-the kind that comes from other Jews. July Book: COMING OF AGE...AGAIN

Carol B. Mizrahi

Lighter fare for hot days, the humor, moxie and wisdom of four friends finds its voice around the table of a weekly mahjongg game. Barbara, Irene, Rochelle, and Sylvia understand that their carefully orchestrated lives are falling apart and prove that "coming of age" can happen more than

WOMEN OF THE WALL MARK 25TH ANNIVERSARY On November 4th, it is anticipated that a record number of supporters of the Women of the Wall’s struggle for equality and human rights will gather in Jerusalem to welcome the month of Tevet and commemorate the 25th year of their struggle.. Great strides and compromises have been made in recent months and it is hoped that the future will bring the hoped for results . 19

Continued on page 21



A Report on Community Organizing Training Meera Kamegai, Tikkun Olam Committee

On October 13, 14 and 15 the Las Vegas Valley Interfaith Sponsoring Committee (LVVISC) held training sessions at Zion Methodist Church to educate citizens for leadership and participation in public forums, civic organizations and training of citizens to participate in the shaping of public life. The LVVISC is the group that organized Nevadans for the Common Good and brought in Robert Hoo as director. After introductory plenary sessions we broke into groups of about 20 for our training. We had three different trainers, all with many years of experience. Session 1: The structure and meaning of power. The conventional wisdom is that power exists in the world as it is and love exists in the world as it should be. Love is the ability to relate to others. But power without love is brutality and love without power is sentimentality. Power is the ability to act and we aim for power with love. Who sets the agenda: the few or the many? The few assume weakness in their followers while the many negotiate and function through informed consent and remain engaged in the process. Session 2: The pressures on the individual and the family. We cannot set social goals that do not relate to the pressures in our society and primarily in our families. The modern family was willed into existence and it can be undone, for example, by separation. Existing families have many economic pressures on them. Session 3: Relationships. We have private relationships, such as our family and close friends, and public relationships, such as those we work with or deal with in our social action committees. Private relationships just happen passively and are unconditional. Public relationships retain a public mask but should always be accountable, selective, open and transparent. Session 4: Leadership. Leaders must have followers but they must have long term commitments themselves. Leaders must have “cold anger.” Our trainer looked at Moses as a leader. He had “hot anger” when he killed the Egyptian but “cold anger” when he lead the Jews out of Egypt. Cold anger is calculating. Leaders must have humor and have some perspective about themselves. They must be able to relate to others and have empathy. Lastly, they must have curiosity and imagination. They must know how things can be different. Plenary Session: What do we do now? We do not do community organizing. We work with our institutions and form small group house meeting of about 10 to 15 congregants to form relationships with them. We must find what their issues are. We must listen to their concerns and try to organize around those first. We grow our congregations first. Note: If you are interested in social action, please contact Nancey Kasse or Meera Kamegai. There are many opportunities to help in community efforts to make our lives better here and the lives of others in the area better as well. For more information or contact numbers, call the office at 436-4900. 22


Veterans Day


CALENDAR AT A GLANCE: November 1 November 2 November 2 November 4 November 4 November 9 November 10 November 11 November 14 November 15 November 16 November 17 November 17 November 18 November 18 November 25 November 25 November 27 November 28 December 1 December 2 December 2 December 2 December 6

Tot Shabbat, Kabbalalt Shabbat and Maariv Service 7:30 pm at Kraft-Sussman Torah Study-Rabbi Mintz Home 10:00am Hadassah Gala—Honoring Rabbi Mintz Jewlicious Learning 4:15pm Simchat Chochmah 7:00pm JRTN presents Weisenthal—Smith Center (see flyer) Women’s Rosh Chodesh—Home of Linda Kauffman 7:00pm Veterans Day—No class CPT Board Meeting—Sam’s House 7:00pm Kabbalat Shabbat and Maariv Services 7:30pm at Kraft Sussman Chapel Torah Study—Rabbi Mintz Home 10:00am Global Day of Jewish Learning—Desert Torah Academy 9:30am-1:30pm Carola de Vries Robles-Holocaust Center 3:00pm—5:00pm Jewlicious Learning 4:15pm Simchat Chochmah 7:00pm Jewlicious Learning 4:15pm Simchat Chochmah 7:00pm Chanukah Begins at Sundown Thanksgiving Day Fourth Day of Chanukah Fifth Day of Chanukah Jewlicious Learning 4:15pm Simchat Chochmah 7:00pm Latke-palooza Chanukah Celebration (TBA)

Blessing for the month of Kislev: As we celebrate Thanksgiving and the Festival of Chanukah, may we remember and be grateful for the freedoms we enjoy as Jews living in America. We are doubly blessed.. Amen. Kol Kiruv, the newsletter of Congregation P’nai Tikvah, is available on-line at at no cost. If mailed, hard copy delivery is $36 annually. Please notify us and remit payment .


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