Congregation P'nai Tikvah's Kol Kiruv - November 2014 - Cheshvan / Kislev 5775

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Kol Kiruv November 2014




Rabbi's Message


Cantor’s Notes


President’s Message


Mrs. Holland’s Opus


CPT Book Club


Brunch with Brilliants


NEW CLASS– Biblical Hebrew


Chai Mitzvah


Jewish, Alive and American


Intro to Talmud-Next Steps


Kidz Korner


Oneg Calendar


Anniversaries and Birthdays


Women’s Rosh Chodesh Hosting




A Note from the Phyllistans


Jewish Federation of Las Vegas


Community Rewards Programs


Nid’vei Leiv—From the Heart


Contribution Form


Calendar at a Glance


Clergy and Staff Rabbi: Yocheved Mintz Cantor: Marla Goldberg Accompanist: Timothy Cooper Newsletter: Nancey Eason Educator: Rabbi Mintz Bookkeeper: Lynn Pisetzner Office Administrator: Nancey Eason

Vol. 21—No. 5

According to the Rabbis, we are supposed to thank G-d at least 100 times a day, through different blessings. The meal of Thanksgiving is thus appropriate as a celebration of thanks for all that we have—a beautiful country to share and cherish, and to visit or live in as we choose. Congregation P’nai Tikvah will worship on Shabbat, November 7th and November 21st at KraftSussman Chapel, in the Bank of Nevada Business Park at 3975 S. Durango, Suite 104, in Las Vegas. Tot Shabbat will be held on November 7th at 6:30 PM. Kabbalat Shabbat and Maariv services will begin at 7:30 PM. Torah Study will take place at 10:00 AM on November 8th and 22nd at Rabbi Mintz’s home. A bagels and lox brunch is served. Please RSVP by emailing

Message from the Rabbi “A Community of Learners” Dear Chevreh: The rush of holy days of Tishrei has brought us into the month of Cheshvan and we’re solidly ensconced in the offerings of the community calendar….the galas and gatherings, meetings and appointments, and something else: A treasure chest filled with opportunities for personal growth. Something interesting and encouraging is in the autumn air, this year. I am noticing an up-tick in inquiries for adult education. A small group is taking “Talmud with Training Wheels” and a larger group is eager for the continuation of the course (“Intro to Talmud II,” scheduled to begin December 1st). Another small group is studying “Jewish, Alive, and American,” a text-based course in Basic Judaism. There are another handful of members who are enrolled in the Melton School for Adult Jewish Learning; and two of our members are doing on-line university level courses in Jewish studies. And, just this week, two of our members have approached me to teach a course in Biblical Hebrew (which I would be happy to do, if we can get four more people to make the required six minimum enrollment). Our “Brunch with Brilliants” series, Rosh Chodesh get-togethers, and Book Club are also good indicators that our little congregation is encouraging us to become “a community of learners.” So that brings me to wonder how each of us sees ourselves within that community of learners. Are you enjoying the give and take of Chevrutah learning, studying with a partner? Are you delving into material you’ve never attempted to study before? Are you challenging yourself, stretching, and reaching (and rejuvenating long dormant brain cells)?

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The psychological perks of studying are well-known and, clearly, the social element of discovery is a plus. Our tradition says “Talmud Torah k’neged kulam-the act of study is equal to all the commandments.” “The way ahead is the path within” is another saying (I don’t know to whom to attribute it), but it’s certainly a truism. Studying/learning leads to inner growth… and certainly, a motivated adult learner provides for stimulating conversation. So, here we are in the month of Cheshvan and we are surrounded by opportunities for study. Ask yourself where you fit in, in this community of learners. Are you enrolled in a course? Able to teach a course? Or did the year begin and you find yourself still looking for a project or something worthwhile in which to engage? Is there a course of study that you’d like to do that isn’t currently being offered? Please give this some thought and feel free to discuss this with me at your convenience. And finally, just for the fun of it, drop me a line to let me know in what Jewish studies you are currently involved, so we can start to share possibilities of which we may not already be aware. “Tzei u-l’mad” Go and study….and enjoy! Enjoy! L’Shalom,

Rabbi Yocheved Mintz


Cantor’s Notes

A Note From the Cantor For those of us who grew up in the North American Federation of Temple Youth (NFTY) movement, after 1970, a major part of the music we sang came from songwriter and song leader Jeff Klepper. Jeff began to play the guitar in the early 60’s and was heavily influenced by the folk style of Pete Seeger. As the decade moved on the Beatles also inspired this up and coming composer. He also had a love of Jewish music that was motivated by studying with the renowned synagogue composer Abraham Binder. As a teen Jeff became a regional song leader for NFTY and met another, now well known, song leader Debbie Friedman z”l, at the Union of Reform Judaism summer camps. It was through them and others of that era that began a new Jewish song style that used harmonies and rhythms borrowed from the folkrock music of the late 1960s. Jeff began composing as a teenager, and met future rabbi, Dan Freelander in the early 1970’s. Together they formed a duo known as Kol B’Seder (Everything’s Ok) and wrote some of the most popular modern synagogue music of today. They were influenced by many musical styles such as the Beatles, Simon and Garfunkel, Joni Mitchell and Shlomo Carlebach z”l. They took all the styles that influenced them and brought them together in their songs. Some of Dan and


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Jeff’s most popular melodies were Lo Aleicha, Modeh Ani and a version of Shalom Rav written in 1974 that many people now consider as “Har Sinai” (coming from Mt Sinai) a traditional melody. I sang this Shalom Rav during a service were Dan Freelander was the guest rabbi. Its always a little nerve racking singing a song in front of one of the composers. Jeff Klepper became a Cantor in 1980, after studying at Hebrew Union College. He now lives in Boston with his family and is the cantor of Temple Sinai in Sharon, Massachusetts. Still very much involved in the Reform movement, Jeff was the music editor the new Reform prayerbook Mishkan T’filah. In 1992, with Debbie Friedman, he created Hava Nashira, the annual song-leader training workshop in Oconomowoc, WI and was honored by the Zamir Chorale of Boston for his decades of musical contributions to the Jewish community in June of 2007. And his contributions are many, and ongoing. With over 300 songs written and many other contributions to American Jewish life and music, Jeff Klepper will be known as one of the great Jewish composers of the 20 th Century. I am happy to have met him many times and to have his music in my life. Jeff Klepper, as those past composers who have done for him, has become an influence on the new songwriters and song leaders of today. I gladly include myself in those he has. L’Shalom, Cantor Marla Goldberg


Message from the President: First, I want to take the time to recap some of the wonderful programs we’ve enjoyed this past year. Just take a look: Festive celebrations for all major Jewish holidays Joyful Friday Night Shabbat services Captivating Tot Shabbat services Individualized Hebrew education and B’nai Mitzvah preparation Transformative educational courses for adults Meaningful study, lecture and social activities and Life Cycle Events, of course If that wasn’t enough, we provided a major entertainment fundraiser – Grandma Sadie’s Getting Married Again - that was the talk of the town. As we turn to our new year, we have had two amazing months. The High Holiday services were fantastic; so many compliments. All are to be congratulated who helped behind the scenes, as well as those who helped with the services. Thank you to Rabbi Yocheved Mintz and Cantor Marla Goldberg, accompanied by William Chenoweth. Thank you to the Center for opening the space to us for Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur services. Big thanks to Marijane Fredericksen for decorating the room. Thank you to Roz Tessler, Marc Fox, Sam Lieberman, Marty Loeb, and Lynn Pisetzner for extra help. Thanks to Lynn & David Pisetzner and Sam Lieberman for sponsoring the flowers, so beautifully arranged by Flower Fair. Thank you to the creative Challah bakers Paula and Emma Deal, Maxine Blechman, Debbie Eidelman, Joey Goodrich, Kristen Jaeger and Danica Lockett, Linda Kauffman, Laurie Lytel, Rabbi Yocheved Mintz, continued on page 7 6

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Johnette Morales, and Annie Wolff. Thank you to Jennifer Cohen for heading up the committee that provided the High Holiday refreshments (including David Aris, Harriet Bernstein, Jennifer Cohen, Edie Edwards, Dotti Elgart, Nancy and Cantor Marla Goldberg, Barbara Holland, Jane Kusel, Sam Lieberman, Laurie Lytel, Ann Mandell, Lynn Pisetzner, Cindy Shakuri, Roz Tessler, and Annie Wolff); and thank you to our wonderful Choir: Maxine Blechman, David Clark, Linda Kauffman, Neil Rich, Ellen Royer, Carolyn Stewart, Esther Weinstein, Gayla and John Wennstrom (with particular thanks to Ellen for directing the choir throughout the summer rehearsals). Thank to Austin Royer for blowing the shofar and to everyone who came together to create this holy community. We jumped right into the holidays following Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. We had a wonderful barbeque at my home in my Sukkah. Thanks to Nancey for facilitating a lulav and etrog to shake, to bless for good crops…good year, a prosperous year for our membership! If you haven’t heard, a certain short president with curly hair will be roasted on January 28th, 2014, lunch time, at the Canyon Gate Country Club… Now is your chance to hear some of the classic Barbara Holland stories, from climbing up a ladder to the roof top of one of her office buildings with her client to look at a major leak problem; nothing too unusual about that except for the fact that she was 6 months pregnant with Michelle. The many practical jokes, such as changing the men’s room and women’s room signs in her office building to read, simply, “Us” and “Them”. You don’t want to miss out on the laughs! Contact Nancey at the CPT office. You will find more information about the roast in this newsletter.

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Going forward, we have even bigger plans, to be there for you, our extended family, and to expand our programs to meet your needs. But we can’t do it without you. We need your help and support. We are a shul that provides camaraderie, caring and support to each of us in our daily lives …how so very important for those who consider us their extended family, sharing Shabbat dinners with each other and holiday events - filling a void for those who don’t have family in Las Vegas…. especially our older members, but many of our younger ones, too – a connection across the generations. Each member can help us. If you have not completed your pledge form, and sent your pledges to the CPT office, please do so. Invite your friends to worship with us. Building relationships is what it is all about. Relationships can turn into new membership for our Congregation. We have committees and task forces to interest you, from marketing and public relations, along with education, special events, and holiday functions. Join us! The rewards are many! Wishing all a healthy and happy new year.

Barbara Holland President of the Board






P’nai Tikvah Book Group 5775 is any CPT member

November 13 @ 6:45 PM, The Heist by Daniel Silva

March 26 @ 6:45 PM, The Paris Architect: A Novel by Charles Belfoure May 14 @ 6:45 PM, The Storyteller by Jodi Picoult Home of Jane Kusel 702-407-5077 3 evenings translated into 3 journeys of the senses through shared dissections of the readings below. *Limited to 12 voices-please RSVP in a timely fashion

Gabriel Allon, art restorer and occasional spy, searches for a stolen masterpiece by Caravaggio in #1 New York Times bestselling author Daniel Silva’s latest action-packed tale of high stakes international intrigue. Sometimes the best way to find a stolen masterpiece is to steal another one . . .



NEW CLASS OFFERING BIBLICAL HEBREW taught by RABBI YOCHEVED MINTZ Knowledge of Hebrew Alphabet Required Six Student Minimum to Start Call your friends and let them know

“GET BUSY WITH THE WORDS OF TORAH” CALL 702.436.4900 for more information 12

Thanks to Ellen Royer for facilitating the first Chai Mitzvah group in October. Each student was able to choose an area of study, a community service and a ritual they wanted to explore deeper. For more information about this new enterprise, please contact Ellen at

November 9: Tzedakah and Philanthropy Facilitated by Dale Gardner

Program cost: $18.00 (TOTAL cost for program) Meet with leaders in our CPT community once a month to discuss your chosen Judaic pathway Contact 702.436.4900 to RSVP For more detailed information about the program visit: contact Ellen Royer at


Jewish, Alive & American Sessions have begun. JOIN NOW! Over the last month the students in Jewish , Alive and American have explored the concepts of starting a journey, Shabbat as it relates to time, Shabbat and the rituals involved and theology. If these topics strikes a curious spark within you consider joining the group of students participating in this learning process. Call the office at 702.436.4900 to secure your spot. Or if you are interested in conversion call the office at 702.436.4900 and schedule an appointment to meet with Rabbi Mintz.

NEXT STEPS-INTRO TO TALMUD—ONLY FIVE MORE OPENINGS Ten weeks* starting on December 1st Pre-Requisite: “Talmud with Training Wheels: Intro to Talmud” Cost: $165.00 for members $215.00 for non-members Fees due by November 17th, 2014 RSVP: 702.436.4900 14

KIDZ KORNER for November

For more online fun and games check out the JNF website: https://


Sign up for the 5775 On’gai Shabbat Season. Celebrate your simcha, honor your family, do it because it is fun. For you foodies who want to get your Bobby Flay or Gordon Ramsey on, there’s still time! Check the schedule below; an opening is your opportunity: Sponsored by Dr. Meera and Dr. Minoa Kamegai November 7

Catered by Jennifer and Jerry Cohen in honor of Jesse and Joni’s wedding

November 21 Sponsored and Catered by Sam Lieberman Sponsored and Catered by Annie Wolff, in celeDecember 5

bration of graduating and receive a Master of Social Work Sponsored by Paula Deal in honor of Bubbie Ruth

January 2

Katz (Paula's Mom) visiting! Catered by

January 16

February 6

February 20

Sponsored by Catered by Sponsored by Catered by Sponsored by Catered by

Pick a date to sponsor or cater an oneg in the upcoming year. Call the office at (702) 436-4900 or email to book your date now! 16

Stephanie & Gary Paykel

November 21

Dale Gardner Jennifer Cohen Stephanie Paykel Ellen Royer Zandra Bender Ann Brandt Arthur Kunis Patsy Kart Kali Adler-Swanberg Barbara Holland

1-Nov 4-Nov 8-Nov 8-Nov 9-Nov 11-Nov 14-Nov 16-Nov 27-Nov 27-Nov


Join us on November 2nd when Edie Edwards for opens up her home to the Women’s Rosh Chodesh Group for the month of Cheshvan. Ellen Royer has prepared a night of Reader’s Theater for us to enjoy. This will stimulate us to deepen ourselves in our tradition and share our thoughts with each other as to how we relate to the dialogue.

Rosh Chodesh Dates Meeting Dates for 5775 Cheshvan

November 2nd

Host: Edie Edwards and Ellen Royer at the home of Edie Edwards


December 14th

Host: Jane Kusel and Ann Mandell at the home of Jane Kusel


January 4th

Host: Linda Kauffman


January 25

Host: Cindy Fox


February 15th

Host: Annie Wolff


March 22nd

Host: Laurie Lytel


April 19th

Host: Dale Gardner


May 17th

Host: Jennifer Cohen


June 14th

Host: Rabbi Yocheved Mintz

Keep a lookout for our Women’s Rosh Chodesh Retreat in August. 18

Arthur Ackerman -Remembered by Jackie Ackerman and Family Kate Bender -Remembered by Elliot Bender Joseph DeLee -Remembered by Michael DeLee Nathan Etkind -Remembered by Ann Brandt Bessie Freedman -Remembered by Barbara Holland Norman Marcus -Remembered by Marlene Marcus Bernice Ruby Rosin Mintz -Remembered by Maxine Blechman James Nussbaum -Remembered by Michael Nussbaum Betty Paykel -Remembered by Gary Paykel David Rauch -Remembered by Gloria Granat Harry Rose -Remembered by Stanley Rose Bernice Roshkind -Remembered by Jane Kusel

Harry Stromberg -Remembered by Rabbi Yocheved Mintz Sarah Sheinberg Porath Stromberg -Remembered by Rabbi Yocheved Mintz Esther Weiman -Remembered by Barbara Holland Sorrow comes to all‌ Perfect relief is not possible, except with time. You can not now realize that you will ever feel better...and yet‌ You are sure to be happy again Abraham Lincoln Submitted by Phyllis Zuckerman

Memorial plaques are available; to honor the departed, to inspire the living. to be remembered in the hearts of those we leave behind is, in a sense, to live forever. For further information, call the Synagogue office at 702-436-4900 19

Dear Rabbi Mintz, Cantor Goldberg, Board of Directors and Congregation P’nai Tikvah,

No words can express our overwhelming appreciation during the time of my Beloved Father’s passing.

You have all been so supportive and comforting during our sorrow and it makes the pain a little easier to bear. You kindness will forever be remembered. With our heartfelt thank yous L’shalom

Phyllistan and “Family”


There are two important programs designed to help individuals and families in need that are supported by the Jewish Federation and Jewish Family Service Agency. Jewish Free Loan Program The Jewish Free Loan Program (JFL) was established by the Jewish Federation and administered by the Jewish Family Service Agency to assist members of our Jewish community with short-term, no-interest loans of up to $2,500. For more information about the Jewish Free Loan Program please contact Renea Parr at the Jewish Family Service Agency ( or 702-732-0304. United Way Fund for Families Our Jewish Federation has a close working partnership with United Way and the Marilyn & Tom Spiegel Fund for Families. The fund was established by the Spiegel's to specifically address financial needs for families with children who are struggling to make "ends meets" and who are committed to providing a wholesome family environment for their children in spite of short-term financial insecurity. To learn more about this program please contact Elliot Karp at or 702-732-0556. 21

You’ll start earning rewards for Congregation P’Nai Tikvah right away on qualifying purchases made using your Smith’s and Vons rewards Card! Smith's and Von's are committed to helping our communities grow and prosper. Year after year, local schools, churches and other nonprofit organizations will earn millions of dollars through these kinds of programs. There is no cost to enroll, and enrollment will not affect your fuel points or coupon discounts. Here are the instructions for getting started. We will also have a place for your to sign up at the Community Passover Seder at the Blasco Event Wing of UNLV Foundation Bldg. Bring your Smith's and Von's card numbers and we will do the signing up for you. OUR SMITH"S NPO NUMBER IS 61229.

TO USE THE SMITH’S COMMUNITY REWARDS PROGRAM: Register online at · Customers must have a registered Smith’s rewards card account to link to your organization. · If you does not yet have a Smith’s rewards card, they are available at the customer service desk at any Smith’s. · Click on 'Create and Account' box · Sign up for a Smith’s Rewards Account entering your email address and creating a password, by entering zip code, clicking on favorite store, agreeing to the terms and conditions. · A message will show up for you to check your email inbox and then click on the link within the body of the email. · Click on “My Account” and use your email address and password to proceed to the next step. · Click on Edit Smith’s Community Rewards information and input your Smith’s rewards card number. · Update or confirm your information. · Enter NPO number or name of organization, select organization from list and click on confirm. · To verify you are enrolled correctly, you will see your organization’s name on the right side of your information page. · Do you use your phone number at the register? Call 800-576-4377, select option 4 to get your Smith’s rewards card number. · Members must swipe their registered Smith’s rewards card or use the phone number that is related to their registered Smith’s rewards card when shopping for each purchase to count.

TO USE THE VON'S ESCRIP PROGRAM Click on this link: registration/index.jsp Fill out the questionnaire. If you do not know your Von's Reward Card Number call: 1.877.723.3929 and they can assist you in retrieving that information.


Nid’vei Leiv - Donations from the Heart Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund David Aris In blessed memory In blessed memory of Jon Axelrod by Cantor Marla Goldberg and Nancy Goldberg In blessed memory of Abraham and Ada Rosenstein, Sandra’s parents by Sandra and Stanley Rose In blessed memory of Sam Wunderbaum by Ann Wunderbaum Days of Awe Donation David Aris Elliot and Zandra Bender Larry Green Joan Israel Randy Ann Myers Lynn and David Pisetzner Rose and Jerry Shapiro Janet Truscott Stephen Wershba In honor of Torah Study David Aris Jennifer and Jerry Cohen Memorial Plaque Nid’vei Lev In the hope of a building by David Aris In honor of Stanley’s birthday by Sandra and Stanley Rose For the honor of opening the ark on Yom Kippur by Sandra and Stanley Rose In honor of Linda Kauffman kindness in giving her beautiful handmade tallis clip to Phyllis on Yom Kippur by Phyllis & Stan Zuckerman continued on page 24 23

Nid’vei Leiv - Donations from the Heart continued from page 23

Refuah Shleimah MiSheberiach for Aryeh ben Reyka v’Avraham, Sandra’s brother living in Netanya, Israel by Sandra and Stanley Rose MiSheberaich for Connie Rivchum by David Aris Prayer Book Dedication A prayer book at Congregation P’nai Tikvah will be dedicated in loving memory of their beloved father, Dr. Leonard “S.” Rome by Phyllis (Rome) & Stan Zuckerman Trees in Israel A tree is to be planted in in Israel in loving memory of their father, Dr. Leonard “S.” Rome, (Laba Shea Ben Yosef) by Bruce & Vikki Rome, Phyllis (Rome) & Stan Zuckerman, and Gary & Claire Rome A tree is to be planted in Israel in loving memory of their grandfather, Papa Rome, (Laba Shea Ben Yosef), by Michelle (Rome) & Gregg Moser, Andy & Ami Rome and Brendan Rome and in loving memory of their great grandfather, Papa Rome, (Laba Shea Ben Yosef), by Lilly & Sam Moser



CALENDAR AT A GLANCE: November 2 November 3 November 3 November 4 November 6 November 7 November 8 November 9 November 13 November 16 November 17 November 17 November 18 November 21 November 21 November 23 November 24 December 1 December 1 December 2

7:00 PM Women's Rosh Chodesh at the home of Edie Edwards 4:15 PM Jewlicious Learning 7:00 PM Talmud with Training Wheels 7:00 PM Jewish, Alive and American 7:00 PM CPT Board Meeting 6:30 PM Tot Shabbat, Kabbalat and Ma’ariv Service-Kraft Sussman Chapel 10:00 AM Torah Study-Par’shat Vayera at the Home of Rabbi Mintz 3:30-5:00 PM Chai Mitzvah—Facilitator: Dale Gardner 6:45 PM CPT Book Club at the home of Jane Kusel 11:30 AM Brunch with Brilliants featuring Dr. Michael Green on “Jews in Nevada History ” Marie Callendar’s restaurant on Sahara and Cimarron 4:15 PM Jewlicious Learning 7:00 PM Talmud with Training Wheels 7:00 PM Jewish, Alive and American 7:00 PM Kabbalat and Ma’ariv Service-Kraft Sussman Chapel 10:00 AM Torah Study-Par’shat Toledot at the Home of Rabbi Mintz Rosh Chodesh Kislev 4:15 PM Jewlicious Learning 4:15 PM Jewlicious Learning 7:00 PM Next Steps-Talmud with Training Wheels 7:00 PM Jewish, Alive and American

Blessing for the Month of Cheshvan: May we be blessed with the knowledge that true happiness is not determined artificially or externally and do the inner work to seek happiness from within. Amen


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