Author of 'Card Tricks You Will Do" "Card Tricks You Can Do" "Card Tricks Easy to Do"
Card Tricks That Require No Sleight-of-Hand
Contains over 50 of the finest card tricks with a borrowed deck and from the brains of our very best card magicians
Published by W. F. (RUFUS) STEELE Devonshire Hotel, Chicago, Illinois
UFUS STEELE has intrigued me for many years. Tall, slender, grey-haired, with penetrating eyes peering through his bi-focals and tapering hands. His almost school-teacherish appearance belies the strange tales which are whispered about his lifetime of between sixty and seventy years. Little did he think when he began keeping cases in a, Faro Bank game in the back bay district in Boston that he would use cards as a means of livelihood. Few men possess his fund of anecdotes concerning men who follow the game of chance. That he himself is a past master of the mechanics, subterfuges and procedures of gambling is, of course, common knowledge among conjurors. A book about Rufus Steele is as much in order as a book by Rufus Steele. We welcome, nevertheless, the appearance of another volume from his pen. A book by Steele is an event because ten years have been sandwiched between the publication of each of his three preceding volumes. Volume number one is being called for at one hundred dollars a copy and that book contains only ten tricks. In no hurry to rush into print this writer waits, selects, and discards his possibilities, goes out in search for more until finally he has the choice effects he really wants to publish. The result is a book of practical, effective, easy-to-do, sure-fire pieces of magical wizardry which will delight the heart of any man looking for desirable program material. As was expected he has had to go to some of the best known card men in the country in order to get what he wanted. You'll find it all in these pages. The donors of these tricks do not always claim originaliy for the basic ideas involved but do for the final dress in which the trick is presented. Over half a hundred tricks, presented by friends of Rufus Steele, prove that this book not only contains many card mysteries but also that Rufus Steele is a man of many friends. Anyone who studies and masters the different card tricks in this little book need never be at a loss to do his bit when called upon. You will astonish your friends and add greatly to the gaiety of the gathering. With best wishes, JOHN BOOTH
CONTENTS Community Do As I Do A "Chic" Trick Colors Will Tell .. Mix—Cut and Look Location From New Deck Your Number—Your Card This Is Your Card ... Money On The Line _ Do It For Me .. Mathematical Marvel Number Transposition DeLuxe Spelling Trick .. Improved Jack-Jack-Jack An Old Trick in a New Dress While I Turn My Back Triple Divination , Cards and Pellets •• "Reverso" Ducy-Ducy Number Trick The Great Mental Mystery From Pinochle ... Spectator's Name Mathematical Discovery That Number Down Phenomenal Memory You Could Have Selected That One Allerton's Indicator I Should Judge .. Passe Shuffle Three Card Location Simplicity Transposition .. Name Your Cards Figures Don't Lie .. You Remember This One .. Spelling Card Trick With Duplicate Queens Simplicity Poker Deal Twenty Card Sequel Riffle Shuffle Two Digits Tapping Trick .. Bridge and Poker Demonstration Missing Deuce Royal Flush .. Number Trick ... Prediction Making It Stick Mental Thought ... Revelation Ten Card Effect ... Poker Stack From New Deck In The Middle
5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25
26 27 29 30 32 34 35 36 37 38 40 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 49 49 50 51 53 55 56 57 58 59 61 62 62 63
Whose Tricks? Here's to the tricks we've stolen and stealing is certainly wrong. But after we've bought and paid for them, to whom do they really belong? For if S. A. M. doesn't claim them, and I. B. M. doesn't fuss We hold our heads up proudly and say they really belong to us. For if you had a barrel of apples and left them to rot And a neighbor came along and claimed them, Would this be stealing? Most certainly Not. For apples were made to be eaten, and tricks were made for delight, That's what we tell our conscience when it keeps us awake at night.
Dedicated to a patient and helping jriend of all magis JENEVA COX
Secretary to America's Professional Magic President GENE BERNSTEIN
Copyright 1946 By W. F. (RUFUS) STEELE Chicago, Illinois
Cover by Herbert J. Borin Chicago, Illinois
Peteison Printing Corporation South Bend, Indiana PRINTED IN U. S. A.
This trick was originated by Bert Allerton who has been in the Pump Room of Chicago for 5 years doing close-up work. Effect: Any number of people up to eight all take a card from the deck which is unknown to the performer. They are told to remember their card and replace same in deck. Then the deck is separated into piles of six cards each, one pile to each spectator who selected a card. The performer now asks them to do as he does—place the top card of their pile on the bottom of their pile and the next card on the table, the next card on top place on bottom next card on table, this is carried on until there is only one card left face down in spectator's hand and when spectator names his card the card he is holding is that card. Secret: The secret is very simple. The whole trick lays in the fact that each selected card in each pile is the second card from the bottom in the pile handed to the spectator who is told "to do as you do". When you gather the cards from the spectators see that they are all kept together in rotation of the way the spectators give them to you. In other words you must remember your "number one" spectator and the last spectator. Now with the cards replaced in the deck they are brought to the top of the deck with the first spectators card on top of the deck, second spectators card next and so on until you have covered your audience that have selected cards. Now if you can false shuffle the deck keeping the spectators cards on top of the deck well and good. If you can't false shuffle just place them on top of the deck and do a bit of talking and then they will over-look the false shuffle. Now turn the deck face up in your hand and say "you took a card, and you also took a card" until you get the number of cards down on the table as spectators taking part in the trick. For instance, there are five people who have selected cards there will be five cards face down on the table, because as you place a card on the table from the deck which is face up in your hand be sure and turn it face down. Now turn the deck over and place one card at a time on the cards on the table. Each one of these cards belong to your spectators. Now ask where you will take 5