VOL.2 N0.1
2W- verse Qolor QRange This is more of a utility move than just a color change. 3ut, Dai originally showed it to me as a bottom card charge, ar.d that's how I'll explain it. Ir. ny Afterthoughts, I will mention the utility aspect cf the basic sleight, and also a ccuple of quick effects I've ccme up with, using the sleight. For ~ he cottom card color change, held a shuffled deck in de aling position in ycur left hand. As your ether hand ap proaches the deck, your left forefinger buckles the deck's cottom card. Ycur left secon d, third, and fourth fingers open as the card is buckled . Those fingers open for tw e reasons; it allows the b cttcm card to separate r.:re "har. usual at the deck's inner right area and at the sar.e tir.e r.akes rre~ for yc. r right fingers to grasp the deck. Your right first and second fingertips grasp the deck at the inner right area - at the long side - beneath the deck and above the separated card. Your right thumb is on top of the deck. (See Fig. 1) for a rear, exposed, view. Your first and second fingertips simply gc into the separation. What you'r e about to do is turn the deck face up by turning it t o the left, like the page of a book. Your left'foref inger keeps the buckled card in buckled position - that card oes rot turn ever with the deck. 3UT - if you simply flipped the deck over to the left, the b uckled card would be seen. What actually happens is this: As soon as your right hand begins turning th e deck over to the left, your left hand turns toward th e right, mo ving the buckled card along with it. Your left thumb straightens and reaches for the right lor^: side of the deck. (See Fig. 2) for an expo Fed view/ ŠCOPYRIGHT 1979 bH.LORAYNE.INC
Taking the above a bit further, try this: Set, say, the four aces - two on top and two on bottom. The ace second from top is the same color as the one second from bottom. Assume then that a red ace is second from top and the other red ace is second from bottom. The black aces are one on top, the other on bottom. Do a double turnover showing a red ace; turn down the double. Flip the deck face up, doing the sleight. The other red ace is seen at the face. Flip the deck face down again doing the sleight. Snap your fingers, or what have you, and you can legitimately show that the top card is now a black ace, and so is the bottom card! It's actually a combined movement of the hands. In performance, there's no pause. Your left thumbtip grasps the right side of the deck and your left hand turns back to normal position. Done correctly, it simply appears as if you've flipped the deck face up. And, done correctly, the buckled card is hidden by the deck. Practice smoothness, and experiment with the angles. Mention the name of the exposed face card, then turn the deck face down again exactly as when you turned it face up - buckling the bottom card, etc. Pause for a beat, snap your right fingers, and turn the deck face up using the same actions as before but don't do the move this time. The bottom card has changed! Afterthoughts: That's the basic sleight. For the color change I've described, the first time you do the sleight the original bottom card ends up face down at the rear of the faceup deck. The second time you do it, that card straightens and ends up back at its original position - at bottom. The sleight keeps the card at position while the deck is turning.
You are, .of course, in position to cause the black aces to change back to red. Do your magical gesture - then double turnover to show a red ace and flip the deck face up - doing, the move - to show the other red ace. Do the move as you flip the deck face down again and you can show another change! You can go on that way ad infinitum. I prefer to do the change of the two aces once. At the most, make them change back again. An interesting way to do the same thing, but to make it a more startling change, is this: When you do the double turnover showing, say, a red ace - don't turn the double down; leave it face up. Now flip the deck face up, doing the sleight and showing the other red ace at the face. Turn the deck face down, doing the move. The red ace is still face up on top. NOW turn down the double. Snap your fingers and turn the top card face up with your right hand AS your left hand turns the deck face up. (See Fig. 3.) It's an instant double change. The difference is that the top(?) red ace is seen until the very last moment. Tryit. You can, of course, change two indifferent cards to two selected cards using either of these methods.
The utility aspect of the sleight should be obvious to you now. It can be used to straighten a reversed card after an effect that leaves a card secretly reversed. Get it to the bottom and do the sleight once, as you turn the deck face up. The card is now facing the same way as the rest of the deck. Use it to reverse a selected card. The simplest way is to control the selection to the bottom, then do the move as you flip the deck face up to show the bottom card. Cut the faceup deck and the selected card is reversed at center. I prefer to do it this way: Control the selection to the top. Do a double lift showing that the selection is not on top. Turn down the lift. Flip over the deck, without doing the move, to show that it's not on bottom. Flip the deck face down doing the move - and immediately flip over the top card again. Your spectators see the name card they saw before. The covering patter is, "Your card is not on bottom and it's not (flip over the top card ap.ain) on top." Flip the top card face down. The selected card i :• face up on bottom. Just cut the deck - and r.o from there.
Finally, you can use the move for a magical face-up appearance of a selected card. Control the card to SECOND from bottom. Get a left little finger break above the two bottom cards. You can do the move by grasping the deck above the two broken cards. No cuckle is necessary, since you already have the break. Do the move as you turn the deck face up. Then, turn the deck face ,down doing the regular (buckling the bottom card) move. The selected card appears face up on top. Spread the cards to show that it's the only face-up card. I've worked out a pretty crazy four-ace revelation usiiv this handling. See what you can come up wi th.