PREFACE. IN the long winter evenings, or in the summer when bad weather steps in to prevent our summer games, there comes the question, " What can •we do to amuse ourselves 1"
The publishers offer a solution of that
question in the shape of the present volume. It has been the constant aim of the different writers to convey their information in plain, accurate, direct fashion, so that readers may come to understand, on the first occasion of consulting it, that CASSELL'S BOOK OF IN-DOOR AMUSEMENTS, CARD GAMES, AND FIRESIDE FUN
a Work that deserves their confidence, and may accordingly acquire the habit of referring to it, as a matter of course, when in doubt on any point connected with their favourite games, or when desirous of learning new amusements.
Reference has now and again been unavoid-
ably made to out-door games, either by way of comparison or suggestion for further details.
In such cases the reference is always to "Cassell's
Book of Sports and Pastimes," so that readers possessing the two books will have no difficulty in following the instructions of the Author.
the section on "Parlour Magic," no trick has been described involving the use of apparatus in any degree elaborate. The one or two tricks of a formidable character which are there fully explained have been selected
—as the text, in fact, expressly states—to show young conjurers what can really be done with the help of long training and expensive appliances. Since the last edition was published, some new games have been put in and several obsolete games removed from the list.
Amongst the
additions will be found such games as " Solo Whist," " Poker," and " Bridge." In conclusion, the Editor hopes that this work may be the means of introducing many a new game to the young folk for whom it has been his happiness to cater.
He will not tell them that all play and
no work makes Jack a stupid boy, because he has no doubt that his readers are just as fond of their lessons as they are of merry romps or quieter games.
Acting Proverbs . . . . 9 Acting Rhymes . . . . 9 Adjectives . . . . . 1 0 Adventurers, T h e . . . 1 0 iEsop's Mission . . . . 1 1 Alphabet Games . . . 1 1 Artists' Menagerie, The . . 12 Baby Elephant, T h e . . . 1 2 Bird-catcher, T h e . . . 1 3 Blindman's Bufi . . . 1 3 Blind Postman . . . . 1 3 Blowing out the Candle . . 1 3 Bouts Rimes . . . . 1 4 " Brother, I'm Bobbed " . . 14 " Buff says ' Baflt' " . . . 14 Buff with the W a n d . . . 1 5 Capping Verses . . . . 1 5 Charades 15 Clairvoyant . . . . 1 7 Comic Concert, T h e . . .18 Consequences . . . . 1 8 Conveyances . . . . 1 9 Crambo . . . . .19 Cross Questions a n d Crooked An. 20 " Cupid is Coming " 20 Cushion Dance, T h e 20 21 Definitions . 21 D u m b Crambo 21 Dwarf 22 Elements, T h e . 22 Farmyard, T h e . 22 Feather, T h e 22 F i n d i n g the R i n g 23 Flying 23 Forfeits 28 Giant 28 Giraffe, T h e 28 Grand Mufti, The 28 Hands . " H e can do little who can't do this" 29 Hiss and Clap . . . .29 " Hot Boiled Beans " . . .29 A*
H o t Cockles . . . . 2 8 House Furnishers . . . 2 9 " H o w d o y o u like y o u r N e i g h bour?" . . . . 30 " How, When, and Where ? . 30 H u n t the Ring . . . . 3 0 H u n t the Slipper . . , 3 0 H u n t the Whistle . . . 3 1 " I Apprenticed m y Son " . . 3 1 " I Love m y Love ' . . . 3 1 " Jack's Alive" . . . . 3 1 Jolly Miller, T h e . . 32 Judge and Jury . . . . 3 2 Magic Answer, The . . . 3 2 Magical Music . . . . 3 3 Magic Hats, The . . 33 Magic Wand, The . . . 33 « T h e Minister's C a t " . . 34 Mixed-up Poetry . . . 3 4 Musical Chair . . . . 35 " M y Master has sent m e unto y o u " 3 5 Nouns and Questions . . . 3 5 Object Game, T h e . . . 35 O l d Soldier, T h e . . . . 36 Oranges and Lemons . . . 3 6 Original Sketches . . . 3 7 " O u r O l d Grannie doesn't like Tea" 37 Pairs 37 Person and Object . . . 3 7 Pork-Butcher, The . . 38 Postman's Knock . , . 3 8 Proverbs . . . „ , 3 8 Quaker's Meeting, The . . 3 8 Resting Wand, The . . . 3 9 Retsch's Outlines . . . 3 9 Reviewers, The . . . . 4 0 Rhymes . . . . . 40 R u l e of C o n t r a r y . . . 4 1 Russian Gossip . . . . 4 1 Schoolmaster, The . . . 4 1 S h a d o w Buff . . . . 41 Shouting Proverbs . . . 42 " Simon says" . . . . 4 2
42 42 43 43 44 44 45 46 46 46 47
Spanish Merchant, The Spanish Nobleman, The Spelling Bee Spoon Music Stage Coach, The Stool of Repentance Tableaux Vivants Telescopic Giant, The Think of a Number This and That . Throwing Light .
Toilet Trades, The Traveller's Alphabet, The . Twenty Questions Two Hats, The . " W h a t am I Doing?" " What is my Thought like P " Who was he ? . . Wild Beast Show, The " Yes or No ? " .
, . . . . . . . . .
47 48 48 49 49 49 49 50 50 50
TOY GAMES AND TOY-MAKING. .Silolian H a r p Animated Serpent Annulette . . . Apple Mill . . . Apple Woman Bandilor . . . Battledore and Shuttlecock Bell and Hammer Bird Whistles Birds, Beasts, and Fishes Bombardment Bottle Imps Brother Jonathan Camera (Miniature) Cannonade . . . Carpet Croquet . . Castle Bagatelle . Common Whistle . Crack Loo . . . Cup and Ball . . Cupoletto . . . Cut-water . . . Dancing Highlander . Dancing Pea . . D a r t and T a r g e t . Dartelle . . . Decimal Game Demon Bottle Drawing-room Archery Dutch Racquets . Enfiold Skittles . Flying Cones . . French and English Gas Balloons German Balls , . German Billiards. . H a t Measurement . Homeward Bound . Hydraulic Dancer . Immovable Card . . Indian Skittle Pool . Jack-in-the-Box . . Japanese F a n . .
. . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
52 52 53 53 53 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 55 55 55 56 56 56 56 56 56 57 57 57 58 58 58 58 59 59 59 59 60 60 60 61 61 61 61 61 61 62 62
J e r k Straws . . , L e Diable . . . . Magic F a n . . . . Magic Figure Magic Flute . . . Magician of Morocco . . Magnetic Swan . . . Magnetic W a n d . Magnifying Pinhole Mechanical Bucephalus Microscope (Toy) Mocking Call Moorish F o r t Navetto . . . . Ninepins . . . . Noughts and Crosses . Obedient Soldiers Palada . . . . Paper Bellows Paper Boat . . . . Paper Boxes . . . Paper Chinese J u n k Paper D a r t . . . . Paper H a t (Pyramidal) . Paper Parachute . Paper Purses . . . Parlour Bowls Parlour Croquet . Parlour Quoits Patchesi; or, Homeward Bound Pegasus in Flight P i t h Dancer Prancing Horse . . . Prophet . . . . Puff and D a r t • . . Push P i n . . . . Puzzle-wit . . . . Quintain . . . . Quiz . . . . . Race Game . . . . Racquets (Drawing-Room) . Revolving Ring . Ringolette . . . .
62 62 62 64 64 64 65 65 66 66 66 67 67 67 68 68 68 68 69 69 70 70 72 72 72 73 74 74 74 75 75 76 76 76 77 78 7<3 78 78 78 79 79 80
(continued). FAfiE
Ring the Bull Royal Star . Schimmel Shovel Board Slate Games. Spillikins or Spelicans . Squails Squeaker Steady Tar .
80 80 81 82 83 84 85 85 86
Summer Ice Sybil . Table Croquel Targetta Teetotum
Tournament Trails Trouble Wit
. . . . . . . . .
86 86 86 8G 87 87 87 87 87
MECHANICAL PUZZLES. Balanced Pail, Tho . SS Balanced Stick, T h e . . . SS Bridge of Knives, Tho . . 89 Square and Circle Puzzle, Tho . 89 Carpenter's Puzzle, The . . 89 Divided Farm, T h e , . . 9 0 Vertical Lino Puzzle, T h o . . 90 String and Balls Puzzle, T h e . 90 Puzzling Rings, T h e . . . 9 1 Balls a n d Rings Puzzle, T h e . 91 Staff Puzzle, T h e . . . 92 Victoria Puzzle, T h e . . . 9 2 Artillery Puzzle, T h e . . . 92
Six Rows Puzzle, T h e . . .92' Six-Square Puzzle, T h e . . 92 Magic Octagon, T h e . . . 9 2 Accommodating Square, T h e . 92 Magic Cross, The . . . 9 3 To Take a Man's Waistcoat off without Removing his Coat . 93 To Break a Stone with a Blow of the Fist 94 The Key, t h e Heart, and t h e Dart 94 Prisoners' Release Puzzle, T h e . 94 Hampton Court Maze . . . 9 4
Stamp-Collecting, or Philately
. 95
ARITHMETICAL PUZZLES. American Puzzles, " 15 " and " 34" Magic Nine, The; or, Puzzle of Fifteen, The . . . . Magic Thirty-six, The ; or, Puzzle of One Hundred and Eleven, The Magic Hundred, The ; or, Puzzle of Five Hundred and Five, The Twenty-four Monks, The To take One from Nineteen so that the Remainder shall be Twenty Famous Forty-five, The Costermonger's Puzzle, The .
00 97 97 98 98 S9 99 99
How a Number Thought of or otherwise indicated may be told 100 Magical Addition . . . 101' Clever Lawyer. The . . .102 A New Way of Multiplying by 9. 102 To Reward the Favourites and Show no Favouritism . . 103 Dishonest Servants, The . . 103 Lord Dundreary's Finger Puzzle . 103 Uniform Results of Multiplication 103 To Ascertain a Square Number at a Glance . . . . . 104 To Distinguish Coins by Arithmetical Calculation . . .104 Properties of Numbers . . . 104
CARD GAMES. Terms used in Caid Games All Fours . Cribbage Loo . . . . Napoleon, or " Nap." . Pope Joan Spinado .
. . . . . . .
105 105 107 112 113 115 118
Old Maid 119 Speculation . . . . .119 Ranter Go Round . . . 120 Vingt-un . . . . .121 French Vingt, or Albert Smith . 122 Snip-Snap-Snorum . . . 123 Snap 125
CARD G A M E S [continued). PAGE
Spade the Gardener Happy Families . Ecarte . Cassino Piquet .
. . . . .
125 126 127 129 132
Bezique Whist . Bridge . Poker .
. . . .
135 140 153 155
PAELOUE MAGIC. Conjuring Card Tricks .
15S 1G0
Miscellaneous Tricks
FIRESIDE FUN. Decapitations . . . . 188 C u r t a i l m e n t s a n d R (.-tailings . 189 Anagrams . . . . . 192' W o r d Squares . . . . 194 Birds, Fruits, a n d Flowers Enigmatically Expressed . . .195 Kebuses " 196 Arithmorems . . . .197 Diamond Puzzles and Word P u z z l e s of V a r i o u s S h a p e s . 199 Cryptography . . . .200 Chronograms . . . .201 Logograms . . . . . 203 Metagrams 201 Palindromes 20.5
Paragrams . . . Extractions Transpositions . . Definitions Inversions . . . Hidden Words Numbered Charades . Letter o r Figure Charades Verbal Charades . . Acrostics . . . Enigmas . . . A l p h a b e t i c a l P u zles . Guessing Stories . . Mental Scenes . .
. . . , . . . . . . .
. 205 206 . 206 207 . 208 203 . 2 1 0 . 2 1 2 . 2 1 3 . 2 1 3 . 215 . 2 1 7 . 218 . 21&